
An unexpected surprise

by P0NYGhost

Chapter 1: The Beginning

The Beginning

I hope you enjoy reading it and I hope you read it all. Next chapter coming soon

The Beginning

“Hey wake up” said a voice from the distance “come on lets go” you sat up from your bed and rubbed your eyes. You nodded. Getting up to check you watch, it was only 6am. You followed the man into a room. The rest were sat there with anger in their eyes.

“Right now everyone is here it’s time” he said. “My name is Price but that would be captain or sir for you guys understand”.

“Ok” everyone said including you.

“Right” Price said. “Our mission is to find and rescue the VIP. We believe he is in terrorist hands and if we don’t save him something terrible could happen, understood. Any questions”

“Sir, Who is the VIP” said the guy next to you.

“Non of your business. Also you will not shoot unless fired upon, understood” said price in a yelling tone.

“So how are we going to do this then” you said.

“Right” Price said. “There will be two teams. One team will hit the enemy head on and the other will parachute in from above. We hit at 0000 hours to take them by surprise. I will lead the strike on the ground while ghost will lead the air force. Ground force will attack at section Alfa when the other will land at section bravo.” He lays out a map and point out the key locations. “We also believe that they will put up a fight so be careful. The VIP would be here in the building in the middle so both teams need to be quick and quiet. Not all people will be trying to kill you so watch it out there ok. Once we got the VIP we move to evacuate him at point Charley-Delta. Everyone knows what theirs call sighs are so everyone get ready. As everyone was getting up Price suddenly said “teams, that’s it, right”. he pointed at half the people in the room then said “ you will be team one the others will be team two. Team one meet with me here at 2100 hours and team two in the yard with ghost at the same time.

You are now at your room packing your bags with ammo and guns as well as other things. Joe your best friend walks in the room. “Your lucky you know but be careful out there.”

“I’ll try” you said

“Right I’m off got a mission of my own to attend to.” Joe said while leaving the room in a hurry.

You sit down to check your watch. 20:30. How has time gone this fast you thought. You grab your M4 and leave your room.

You arrive at the yard to then check your watch again 20:45. You look and saw a beautiful sun set. As more people arrive they started to chat and ask questions.

Finally it struck 2100 hours. Ghost arrived. He wore a mask, glasses and dark clothings. He spoke “So lets go follow me to the plane.” Everyone followed him in a straight line. Upon arriving on the air strip you say a massive play with a ramp on the back open and its engine on. Everyone got on board the plane and strapped them self to the seat you included. The ramp closed and the plane took of and ghost started to talk about the plan.

3 hours have past since you took off. “Echo do you read this is Bravo 6-0 we’ve arrived how about you you over” came from all radios.

“This is Echo 2-1 we have arrived and just about to jump when given the green light over and out” said a guy.

The ramp opens and a lights starts flashing red. “10 seconds” said ghost. 10 seconds later the light change to green and people started to jump out. You was one of the last to jump. Facing downwards with your arm down you side you started to fall. Changing you pose to be as straight as possible to slow you down then finally pulling the parachute out slowly guiding your self. The wind screamed at you but you stayed on course. You landed safely and with everyone else.

Hidden in the long grass you and the others moved towards the main house.

“This is ghost we have made it to the back of the house how about you Price” said ghost on his radio

“Price here, we’ve been spotted and talking heavy fire it’s up to you to finish the mission Kyle watch out!” Came from the radio.

“You heard him lets finish the mission” said ghost “you two take that door you four go around and you your with me”. You was with ghost. You slowly followed him to the side of the house and took point at the door. He put three fingers up and slowly went down one by one. You opened the door and went in, he followed, you hear two voices coming from the room to your left. “Your call” he said. You smash the door open and pointed your gun at two females. They got down on the floor then you tied them up and put tape in their mouths.

After clearing a few rooms without shooting. Gun shots came from the top floor. Rushing up the stairs you find a body on the floor. It was no one you knew but you couldn’t help but feel sorry for the guy. Checking for a pulse. Nothing. He was dead. Ghost just walked passed like nothing happened and said “we’ve got a mission to finish”. As you continued on you came face to face with a mettle door.

You find multiple locks on the door. “Hey over here” you said with confidence. Finally everyone arrived and you started to unlock the door and opened it. The room was filled with blood and smelt like something had just died. A body lied in the middle and it was sure dead.

“This is ghost the VIP is dead over” said ghost on the radio. He then points to you as you could only think of the worst task he could you to do. “Take the house to the left” his voice bought you back to reality. You went down the stairs as you heard ghosts voice get quieter “you...” was all you could hear from ghost as you leave the house.

You find your self in front of the house then you slowly enter. Upon hearing voices you take point on the wall as you peak in a huge room. A dude sat in the room with another standing up facing the wall. “So is the trap in place” said the man standing up.

“And when the time comes I’ll kill ghost my self” the person said who was sat down. The person standing up nodded in agreement.

As you slowly back up you trip on a brick. CRASH. The two guys that was in the room is now standing near you. One of them pulls out a revolver and said “we can’t let you ruin things now can we”.


All you saw was darkness. Is this it you thought. The something flew passed the darkness. Your eyes slowly start to open. Clear skies. Looking around you find your self surrounded by 6 ponies. “Are you ok sir” said the purple one.

“Ok?... Oh yah I’m fine but I need to tell the others” you said. As you scanned the area. “Wait did you j...ju...just talked. You said as you just realised that she was a pony.

“Yes why did you ask such a dumb question” she said.

“What happened, what is going on, where am I.” You said in fear for your life. Tears ran down your face. As you moved to wipe your face you realised you no longer have hands but hoofs. You started to panic as you breathed heavily. Then you collapsed on the floor.

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