
The Coon Issue #1: The Coon Rises

by XombieSlayr
Story has been removed from Fimfiction.net
Two young fans of the Coon TV show embark on an epic adventure to help their favorite hero reclaim her lost fame.
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Jarred and Freddie used to watch The Coon on TV all the time as kids. She was once the coolest hero in the world, and the actress that played her, Cheryl Davis, was a hero to all her fans as well.

But ten years later, the show only exists in DVD format and Cheryl Davis, the Coon herself, is a washed up, stressed out, old has-been trying desperately to find her next big break. Then news of a reboot of The Coon series explodes all over social media; a Coon movie is in production, and Cheryl sees this as her shot back into the limelight. After meeting Jarred and Freddie at an autograph signing, she enlists their help in getting her back into the spotlight, and resurrecting her career as The Coon.

But like all superhero stories, there's always a twist...


189 words: Estimated 1 Minute to read:

1 Chapter:

  1. How To Create A Jiangshi (Translated) Nov 13th, 2020
Published Nov 13th, 2020


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