
You, Us, We, Now

by PonyJoel

Chapter 3: Us

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"Okay!" Pinkie sees Rarity's text message. "Rarity will be showing up a little late tonight. Probably has an outfit for you in the works, Sunset."

"Maybe," Sunset knows how fast Rarity can work but, she doesn't wear clothing in Equestria.

"Maybe are for babies, Sunset. Rarity is making you an outfit," Fluttershy said. She doesn't sound aggressive when she says a quote from Iron Will. Pinkie Pie is amazed that Fluttershy was calm when she said a quote from Iron Will.

"Wow, Flutters. Those assertive classes you took during the summertime are paying off," Rainbow said.

"Oh yes. It did wonders for me," Fluttershy said.

Pinkie Pie continues to push her friends to her house. Twilight asks Pinkie to stop so she can bring her dog, Spike. After hearing what her counterpart has done to her dragon, she wants Spike included in much of her activities. Pinkie Pie stops in front of Twilight's house, allowing her to bring Spike over. After a few minutes, Twilight holds Spike in her arms.

"Hey, Sunset is back. I thought you said she was gone for good," Spike asks. He scratches behind his ear.

"She will be by the end of the week. I refuse to leave you out on anything I do."

"Wow. So this is a farewell week of parties?" Spike asks Twilight.

"Affirmative, Spike," Twilight smiles at Spike.

"Great! Now move!" Pinkie Pie pushes her friends to her house once more. Spike wants to question Pinkie's motive but decides not to.

It's 4:30 in the afternoon. Pinkie Pie opens the front door and sees Maud Pie feeding her pet rock, Boulder. Maud tells Pinkie that she's in charge for the week while the family is on a rock convention trip. Pinkie brings her friends to her room and shoots her party cannon, setting up the party.

"So, later tonight, I'm ordering pizza. It's on me!" Pinkie glees.

"Thanks, Pinkie," Everyone says in unison.

"Can I have a pie with meat on it?" Spike asks, hoping not to get the vegetarian special.

"Sure, Spike," Pinkie pets him.

"So, uh," Spike turns to Sunset and is lost for words. "Do you know how the other me is doing?"

"He's living the best life as a Fairy Tail Wizard," Sunset answers.

Rainbow laughs a bit. "Fairy Tale? Fairy Tale?" Rainbow burst into laughter. "What is Spike? Some Fairy Dragon? Spike the Fairy?" Rainbow continues to laugh.

"Yes," Sunset answers in a serious tone, showing that she isn't fooling or punking her friends. "Spike in Earth Land is known as Fairy Dragon. He is called Spike the Fairy."

"No way..," Rainbow is stunned. "So uh.., if Spike the Fairy were here now?"

"You would be obliterated and humiliated in less than ten seconds flat. Spike is that powerful. I've seen his memories, and Spike is a monster. His magic far exceeds ours a million times combined."

Rainbow, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Twilight, and Spike's jaws drop. They wish to see what Spike the Fairy endured.

"Wow. The other me is awesome. I wonder if I can be that strong if I had magic," Spike said.

"Who knows, Spike," Sunset rubs Spike's belly. Spike's hind leg kicks a bit.

"Enough chatter! Let's dance!" Pinkie Pie plays her music loudly. She and her friends start dancing to the music.

After an hour of dancing and singing along to the music, Rainbow Dash decides to hit Pinkie with a pillow and shout pillow fight! Everyone in the room grabs a pillow except for Fluttershy and Spike. The two take cover under a mattress while the girls unleash their fury of pillows.

"I wonder where Rarity is?" Spike said to Fluttershy.

"She said that she's bringing Sweetie Belle to the party and will be a little late tonight," Fluttershy answers.

"How nice of her," Spike said.

"After finding out what happens when you don't involve your sibling in life, things can go astray," Fluttershy states.

"Oh, like your brother?" Spike reminds Fluttershy of Zephyr Breeze.

"Zephyr Breeze is complicated. I'm still trying to find a way to help him," Fluttershy said. She shudders from the embarrassing moment at Canterlot City Mall when Zephyr Breeze threw a fit in the pet store and got fired.

Spike and Fluttershy are startled when Applejack knocks Rainbow Dash with her pillow to the floor. The pillow fight gets intense when Maud comes into the room.

"Pinkie, I received a complaint from our next-door neighbor. Please, lower the music," Maud said.

"Oh, sorry, Maud," Pinkie lowers the volume of the music still playing loudly.

"Man, all this pillow fighting is making me hungry," Rainbow said.

"Time to order pizza!" Pinkie speed dials Canterlot City Pizza and orders a couple of pies. She made sure one of the pies has meat for Spike.

Sunset sees Pinkie's game station games and decides to play Galaga. She and the others will take turns in getting the highest score in the game. Spike rolls on his back while Twilight rubs his belly. He enjoys the belly rubs.

It's 7:30 at night. Time flew by when the girls were playing Galaga. Sunset beats Twilight's high score by ten points in Galaga. Something is amiss when the pizza delivery guy is late.

"Okay, how long until the pizza guy gets here, Pinkie?" Rainbow asks. Her stomach growls louder.

"I don't know! The pizza guy should have been here already!" Pinkie panics a bit. "Also, Rarity hasn't messaged me about her arrival!"

"I guess she won't be making it tonight? Perhaps helping Sweetie Belle with homework?" Sunset theorizes.

The power goes off in the house. Fluttershy squeals louder than the rest of her friends. Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Twilight use their phones for flashlights to see what's going on. Maud enters the room stealthily, scaring the lights out of the girls and Spike.

"Maud! Don't scare us like that!" Rainbow barks at Maud Pie.

"Stay here. I'm going to check the power box outside," Maud leaves Pinkie's room.

"Okay, I'm sure Maud got this. No need to panic," Fluttershy quivers a bit. She, at times, hates being in the dark.

"How often does this happen to you, Pinkie?" Twilight asks Pinkie Pie.

"This is a first. There's a first for everything," Pinkie giggles a bit.

"Boy," Spike looks out the window. "It's getting dark already," Spike sees the moon and stars in the skies. He sees several homes having some blackout difficulties. "Hey guys, I think there's a rolling blackout within the neighborhood," Spike gets the attention of his friends to look out the window.

"Wow, how unfortunate," Sunset said.

"I guess the pizza guy must have a similar situation and is taking a bit longer to heat up those pizzas," Applejack says.

"Maybe," Fluttershy said.

"I don't like the way things look outside," Twilight said.

"You and me both, Twilight," Spike and Sunset said in unison. They don't like how things outside have become darker.

Maud Pie is outside the house and goes to the side where the power box is. She opens it to see if she can fix it. She uses her phone for a flashlight to see clearer. That's when someone from behind hand gags her and stabs her in the back with black scissors. Maud muffles into the hand gag and slowly dies. The person pulls the scissors off her back and reaches for Rarity's phone. The person messages Pinkie Pie, letting her know that they arrive in front of the house. The person goes through the back door with a few others.

"I got a text message! Rarity and Sweetie Belle are in front of the house!" Pinkie Pie excitedly shouts.

"There they are!" Rainbow points at Rarity and Sweetie Belle.

"Aw, they're holding hands," Fluttershy said. She smiles at the cute sisterly moment.

Rarity and Sweetie Belle are wearing greenish-light blue jumpsuits. The two start walking towards the front door together. Pinkie Pie, Sunset, Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow, Spike, and Fluttershy go downstairs to greet their friends. Pinkie Pie is the first to open the front door, allowing Rarity and Sweetie Belle to enter.

"Welcome to the party, girls!" Pinkie cheers loudly.

Rarity and Sweetie Belle hold their black scissors. They don't say anything but smile. Sunset, Twilight, and Spike feel uncomfortable with the smiles and matching attires. Fluttershy is terrified at the moment. Applejack and Rainbow Dash are confused as to why Rarity and Sweetie Belle didn't say a word to Pinkie Pie.

"Hey, are you two okay?" Pinkie Pie tries to make them talk. She snaps her fingers in front of the two.

"Do you have a soar throat?" Fluttershy asks Rarity.

Rarity and Sweetie Belle continue to smile. They aren't saying anything, which bothers the rest of the girls and Spike.

"Okay, I get it," Rainbow said. "This is a gag for Halloween that Sweetie Belle came up with, right Rarity?"

"Enough with the silent treatment bullshit!" Applejack is losing her patience. She had enough with the game Rarity and Sweetie Belle is playing.

"Applejack, we don't use that kind of language in this house!" Pinkie said. "Maud never allows me. Speaking of Maud, where is she?"

"Still fixing on the power box, remember Pinkie?" Rainbow reminds Pinkie Pie of her sister's doing.

"Oh yea, I forget at times," Pinkie shrugs the forgetfulness with a little laughter.

Two people from behind hit Applejack and Rainbow Dash with baseball bats on their legs. Applejack and Rainbow Dash screams in agony while clutching their legs. Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Twilight, Sunset, and Spike turn around to see two people wearing greenish-light blue jumpsuits while having their hoodies up. They hold scissors towards their throats.

The person texts Pinkie's phone. Messaging them to sit down on the big couch in the living room. The girls comply and go to the living room to sit on the couch. The two people wearing greenish-light blue jumpsuits drag Applejack and Rainbow Dash to the living room. They made them sit on the couch. Three more people walk into the living room wearing the same greenish-light blue jumpsuits with their hoodies up. Rarity, Sweetie Belle, and the five people wearing greenish-light blue jumpsuits align themselves next to a wall across from the couch. The last person walks in wearing a greenish-light blue jumpsuit with the hoodie up. The last person drags a lifeless body of Maud Pie and places her on top of the table. Pinkie pie burst into tears, knowing that her sister is dead. The last person sees a couch chair and sits on it.

"Why are you here?!" Rainbow demands to know the reasoning behind the attacks.

"What do you want from us!?" Fluttershy shouts with tears in her eyes. She fears dying like Maud.

"Rarity, Sweetie Belle! What is wrong with you!? Why are you standing on that side and not sit with us on the couch!?" Applejack barks at the sisterly duo.

Rarity and Sweetie Belle continue to smile, slightly leaning their head at the questions being asked by the girls. The two continue to clutch onto their black scissors.

"What did Maud ever do to yoooouhohohoooo?" Pinkie is crying her eyes out. She can't believe that Maud is dead and in front of her.

"Who are you, people?" Twilight asks the rest wearing greenish-light blue jumpsuits.

The person sitting on the couch chair does a hand signal. The person wants to savior the reactions of those sitting on the couch. The five people lower their hoodies, revealing their faces to the Main Seven and Spike. All of them are silent and stunned beyond belief. The five people that lowered their hoodies are Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight Sparkle. Each of them wielding their black scissors, staring at their opposites, smiling.

"How is this possible..?" Twilight couldn't think of any logical reason as to why seeing doubles.

"Her," The last person points to Sunset Shimmer.

"What did I do..?" Sunset doesn't remember what she did that caused any of this. She pants a little.

The last person unveils herself. Sunset eyes, like everyone else's sitting on the couch, go wide. They see Sunset Shimmer smirking devilishly. She relished their reactions.

"You stole my life."

Next Chapter: Because Estimated time remaining: 32 Minutes
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