
can lead to the fall

by flowgninthgil

Chapter 1: the last to fall

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She was flying as fast as she could. Spike did said it was important nut still, why only her? he said the pegasus was needed but only her could come, he added too that it was urgent bzt without saying what it was. It really has worried her how bad it sounded, maybe was it linked with Twilight, she and her friends started to see her less and less after the weeding.

The rainvow trail could be seen above canterlot as the mare neared the castle. when she arrived, she was greeted by a little green and purple dragon. "heya Spike, what'sup?" the young dragon turned around, his head was near rainbow's now but what Rainbow noticed was the woried look on his face and the sadness in his eyes. It all quickly changed to hope and joy but you could see there was something wrong. "Rainbow i need you to follow me, quick!"

without leting the blue pegasus the time to reply he was already running inside the castle, she could only follow him through the castle. their run only stopped when they arrived near what looked like Twilight's room, the door have jer cutie mark on it.

"so, can you tell me what's happening Spike?" started rainbow, looking a bit confused. panting he looked up at her before simply saying "It's Twilight"

"What about her? You sent me a leter saying there was something urgent and that you needed me the earliest possible, what's happening?"

"She... It's hard to tell like that." he sighed and closed his eyes before continuing. "how about start from the begining? that sound good and very helpful if I want to explain everything."

"Okay but maybe somewhere else than in front of her room, it sound personal. Do you know anywhere private enough for us?"

"how aout the top of the castle? there isn't a lot of pegasi here and they don't fly hight enough to come near it." and with that they headed to the nearest balcony and took flight. it didn't took two minutes for them to arrive. the sun was starting to fall from it's apex and the wind was cold but slow.

"Can you tell me now? You got me all worried now. what is wrong with Twilight?"

Spike took a deep breath before letting it out. "You see, years ago Twilight fell in love with a mare, having no experiance in it she was really scared of it and didn't know how to approach it, one time, while she was out with some friends, she got drunk, her crush was there and she told her, but so low that she either didn't noticed or though it was because of all the alcohol.

With time passing, her crush did not weakned, it grew stronger as she spend time with her newfound love. sadly for her her esitations and fears got her to wait too much. somepony else asked her crush out and the mare accepted. with-"

"wait, Twilight's into mares?" Raibow was really surprized, she always though she was straight and that was why sshe wasn't ever seen on a date, the lack of stallions that could pick her interedt. it seems they were wrong all that time, she had a crush and none of her frinds had seen it. "What did Twilight about it?"

"What every good friend would do when two frineds start going out, she supported them. Rven if it was hard for her, it was for her friends so she took on her. time passed, I could see she was getting better but then she received the news that they were getting married. she got really happy, she was even asked bestmare by one of her two friend, she accepted obviously-

The problem started the day of the weeding, in an hour she got from 'very happy' to 'I'm smiling so you don't see therE's something wrong, at this moment I didn't know it was about her old crush, I though it was over for a long time now, but even if nothing changed just after the weeding, things weren't exaclty the same. think she started to regret doing nothing for all that time and as time was going by, she started to lock herself in a bubble. For a time i could acces it easely but i took two years for me to understand what has happened and it was already too late. Even for I it started to get harder to enter her bubble.

Now she spend her time in her room, being an alicorn help her to eat less without problem and she only teleport food from the royal kitchen in her room, it's been about a year and a half I didn't see her and about three years for the princesses." he made a pause before looking at rainbow. "When was last time any of you has seen her?"

this made Rainbow stop. all that time she was listening and taking the informations one by one, she wanted to know who was that mare who got their friends like that, who was so important that, even after years, she still loved her. then it came like a slap in the face. 'when was last time they'd seen her?' the though echoed inside her head. four? five? since the weeding, how many time did they talk to her? it was easy, none. not once did they talked to her after the weeding.

then a second slap came as the link was made. It was her. Twilight loved her all that time. then some points came back, the drunked Twilight confessing her love, she really did it. and Spike was right. she though it was a drunked 'I really like you, my best friend' but it wasn't. the way she acted before saying it came a slear as crystal. everything was there but she though it was the alcohol's fault.

She broke her heart without knowing it, she made her watch her lover's relationship grow and blossom while she was stuck there, on her own with feeling she couldn't stop. and now here she was, in her room, locked from everythings. all because shecouldn't see it when she should had.

Spike entierly forgotten, Rainbow dived into her memories, how happy those time with Twilight were and how her laugh when they were reading together brightned up her ost darker days. but here they were, one being married and the other one in her room for the third consecutive year without leaving it. Twilight loved her, she loved her back unknowingly, and yet she lived with another.

had Twilight been a little more daring or herself less dense, she would have been with Twilight, reading or flying. But here she was looking at the setting sun, the dawn slowly letting place to the Twilight.

two wet things fell on her front hooves. a third one. she was crying... Spike was silent, he had seen how rainbow's face changed between different emotions and let her think. she should have seen it, she and Twilight whould have been together. but now? now they grew appart, her feeling never came back because Twilight was less present. none of them had seen twilight grow distant, slowly but surely. in just one year she made them forgot about her so she won't be bothering them with her feelings.

And I fly,
Futher away,
Than I've ever been before,
It's safe to say.

This sky is lonely and grey,
And every night I used to feel your gravity waves

And the world is cold, but it's beautiful
I wish you were here now, I miss your soul
But you lost your light when the darkness called
And you stand there waiting

she took a seep breath

I let you fall
I let you fall
I let you fall
I let you fall...

And you fly,
Abrove all that despair
My heart is broken, it's been years by now

And I won't try a final attemps
The world is moving but I'm stuck from then.

And will I be bold, will I try once more?
I could never hate you,
I could never let you go.
And if you fall in love,
will they hate me all?
I'm standing waiting,

for me to fall...
for me to fall...
for me to fall...
for me to fall...

The second voice came out from under them but neither of the dragon or the pegasus noticed who was singing, only the sadness coming with it.

It's your magnetic hold,
A gentle pull
I could feel you near me
When your melody cames,
I was far away.
you were too afraid

I let you fall
And then i fell
I let you fall
And then i fell
I let you fall
And then i fell
I let you fall...
And then i fell...

Author's Notes:

sorry for all dashshy lover but I'm a fervent twidash shipper and I couldn't let Twilight suffer without making Rainbow do something, good or bad.
spoiler alert: the next chapter will have twilight actually speaking
it's a two-shots story, more and I will never finish it, less and I won't be able to do everyting i want.
hope you liked it, see ya in the next chapter

Next Chapter: let it die Estimated time remaining: 9 Minutes
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