In the middle of a terrible conflict between two warring factions, three rescued ponies must work with the creatures of Equestria in order to save the galaxy.
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In the far future, the galaxy has been torn asunder by a tyrannical, power-hungry force known as the Komplex. Bent on assimilating and conquering all who oppose them, they have attacked and wiped out many empires and species to extinction. And with their discovery of technology created by the ancient UJU KON, they seem almost unstoppable.

But the galaxy won't bend it's knee without a fight. The Forge, a resistance force made up of various species-including humans-have taken many stands against the Komplex, some becoming great victories, others serving as harsh reminders of the enemy's growing strength.

Now, the battle comes to a certain earth-like world, inhabited by many sentient creatures, some capable of magical abilities that help better the planet. With the Komplex itching closer to taking control of the system, some of the Forge's newest pilots, including a certain trio of rescued equines who were saved from a disastrous attack years ago, must help the natives of Equus band together and prevent total annihilation from their new enemy.

||Author's note: After recently getting into this new line of interchangeable starships, I've finally decided to make this little thing. The main part of the story (beyond the prologue) will be set right around the coronation ceremony seen in "The Last Problem", and the Snap Ships side of it will be set after the first season of Dawn of Battle.||

Snap Ships is the property of Playmonster Inc. MLP: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro.


29,809 words: Estimated 2 Hours to read: [Fimfiction.net] [Cache]

7 Chapters:

  1. Prologue: Death of one life, and into another... [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Oct 28th, 2020
  2. Act I: Mending Scars/The New Threat [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Dec 29th, 2020
  3. Act II: The Explanation [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Jan 1st, 2021
  4. Act III: Seeing Ghosts [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Oct 24th, 2020
  5. Act IV: Secrets of the Ancients [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Oct 25th, 2020
  6. Act V: Build to Battle [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Nov 3rd, 2020
  7. Epilogue: The War Has Just Begun... [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Oct 27th, 2020
Published Oct 21st, 2020
Last Update Oct 27th, 2020


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