
Star Wars: The Equestrian Saga: The Phantom Menace

by Player 5

Chapter 1: Prologue

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In Twilight's castle in the town of Ponyville, Twilight was just about to finish her teleportation device. The device was capable of teleporting anything to any place in the universe

She had been working on it for several months beforehand, but now it was finally done. She was ready to finally show her friends about the device.
"Spike." Said Twilight

"What's up, Twi? Did you finish the device yet?"

"Yes, I finished. Could you send messages to Applejack and Apple bloom, Rarity and Sweetie Belle, Rainbow and Scootaloo, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Starlight and Trixie?"

"On it, Twilight." Replied Spike, getting the messages ready to be sent out. He sent them out before walking over to check out the device.

"So, how does it work?" Asked Spike, pressing a few buttons. He noticed a large red button and moved his claw to press it.
"Spike, no! Don't touch that button" Exclaimed Twilight, worried.

But it was too late, the device had been activated. It began to send out bolts of electricity towards Twilight and Spike. When they were struck, they vanished.

The door to the experiment room opened a few seconds later, revealing the ponies standing there.

"Hey, Twilight. We got your messages." Said Starlight. Then they all noticed the device, still spitting out bolts of electricity.

The device struck the rest of them as they tried to escape, and they disappeared as well.

The device soon fell apart afterwards, leaving the ponies and dragon having no way back.

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