
Magical Christmas season 01

by Lawton

Chapter 1: Thomas and Percy’s Christmas adventure

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One morning,Thomas arrived at Tidmouth sheds.He had some special news for the ponies and engines.

“It’s almost Christmas time!”He said happily.

“Christmas?”Twilight asked.

“It’s this man named Santa who gives everyone presents.”Said Percy.

“Reminds me of Hearts warming.”Said Spike.”What can go wrong?”His answer came when a snowstorm came that night.Everyone returned quickly to the sheds as the snow started blowing.

“Bbbbbbb!It is freezing out there!”Shivered Rainbow Dash.

“S-So...C-C-Cold!”Shivered Fluttershy.The next morning,The island was covered in a big white blanket of snow.It was hard to work with all the snow in the way.Sir Tophom Hatt came to see the ponies and engines.

“I need someone to deliver the Christmas train of decorations to the village.”He said.

“We can do it,Sir.”Said Spike.

“Ok.Im counting on you.”Said Sir Tophom Hatt before he left.Twilight and Thomas were sad.They wanted to pull the presents train.Thomas spoke to Percy and Spike.

“If you’re taking all those presents,Be careful on the icy tracks.”But,Percy and Spike didn’t listen.They were so excited to pull the presents train.They collected the presents waiting at the toy factory and they set off to the village.On they way,They stopped at a junction.Percy had an idea.

“If we take the track on the hill,We’d be sure to get to the village.”He said.But,As Percy puffed onto the right track,The signalman called out.

“Be careful!The tracks are very icy!”He yelled.But,Spike and Percy didn’t hear him.It was hard pulling the heavy Christmas train up the hill alone.Percy puffed with all his might.At last,They reached the top.

“Now,I can puff down the other side.”Panted Percy as he started to puff faster down the hill.Then,There was trouble.At the bottom of the hill was a very sharp turn.Spike tried to apply the brakes.But,Percy’s wheels slid on the icy tracks.Percy slid off the tracks and landed on his side in a huge pill of snow.Presents flew everywhere.

“We’ll never deliver the decorations to the town,Now.”Moaned Spike.Spike and Percy felt terrible.They should have listened to Twilight and Thomas.Soon,Twilight and Thomas arrived with the breakdown train and Sir Tophom Hatt.

“Thomas told you two to be careful.”He said sternly.”You should have listened to them.”

“Sorry,Sir.”Said Spike.

“Sorry,Twilight.We should have listened to you and Thomas.”Said Percy.

“It’s ok.”Said Twilight.”We’ll help you get back on the rails.Then,We can take the presents train together.”Spike and Percy were happy.As Percy was back on the rails,Both he and Thomas set off with the presents train.They started to deliver presents to the people in the village.Twilight and Spike tossed the presents three by three to the house doors.That evening,All the presents were delivered and the villagers cheered.Twilight,Thomas,Spike,And Percy made their way back to the shed.But,When they arrived back at the sheds,It was dark and silent.Then,All the lights came on and the sheds were decorated with Christmas decorations both inside and out.All the ponies and engines were there.Including Sir Tophom Hatt.

“Wow!What happened here?”Thomas asked.

“Everyones getting easy for the holidays.”Said Sir Tophom Hatt.”And this is the best way to prepare for Christmas.”

“It sure is.”Said Twilight.

Next Chapter: A scarf for Percy Estimated time remaining: 20 Minutes
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