
Tails of Sacrifice

by CommanderX5

Chapter 12: Ch.11 - Last Resort

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Ch.11 - Last Resort

Tails of Sacrifice


Chapter 11


Last Resort

"We are the greatest team in the Everfree Forest, and soon all of Equestria, but first, we need a captain."

A shine was visible in the wide-open eyes of Rainbow Dash, right above her excited toothy smile.

"The most magnificent."


"Bravest flier in all the land."

"Yes, it's all true," Dash said, her head raised in pride.

"We need..." The Shadowbolt whispered, "You."

"Woohoo! Sign me up!" Dash beamed into the air, then descended towards the rope. "Just let me tie this bridge really quick, and we have a deal."

"No! It's them or us!"

"Rainbow, what's taking so long?" asked a muffled voice from behind thick fog.


Twilight appeared in a flash of teleportation, leaping to the side upon noticing that she was but millimeters from the ravine. "Curse this forest and this fog, messing up my teleportation," she mumbled to herself before looking away from the mist, her attention on Rainbow Dash. She blinked in confusion as the rainbow-maned mare stood next to two unconscious pegasi, their black-violet uniforms looking oddly familiar. "What happened?"

"Beats me." Dash shrugged before pointing at the unconscious ponies. "After I said no and thanked them for their offer, they just took a nap. And no, no epic fight included."

"Wait, I think I recognize them." Twilight's horn lit as she levitated away the goggles and upper part of their uniform, revealing their secret identity. "Fleetfoot, Snapshot? What are the two of you doing here?"

"Wait, Fleetfoot? What's a Wonderbolt doing here?" Dash asked as she spread her wings. She jumped over and gasped at the green pegasus with a white mane.

"Fleetfoot left the Wonderbolts and joined the Templars a year ago. She's under Lily's command now, but what is she doing here?" Twilight bent her legs and poked the pegasus. After a moment of thinking, she lowered her horn, sending waves of magic towards both sleepyheads.

"She left! But why? And why didn't I know about it?" Dash sat and crossed her hooves in annoyance. "Some fan I turned out to be, not even knowing that a Wonderbolt left the roster."

"Ugh, where am I?" Fleetfoot asked as Twilight helped her stand. "Where's Nightmare Moon?" She massaged her forehead.

Twilight opened her mouth but was interrupted by her new friend.

"Fleetfoot? Is it true that you left the Wonderbolts? Why would you do that?"

Fleetfoot blinked in confusion, deciding to humor the weird pegasus. "I joined the Templars because they were more my style. Being a Wonderbolt was fine an' all, but the Templars are so much cooler."

"Cooler!?" Dash gasped. "What the heck?"

Fleetfoot turned to her partner, helping him stand as well. "You okay, Snapshot?"

"Yeah... Wait. Twilight? What are you doing here?"

"That’s what I wanted to ask you." Twilight frowned. "But I assume it has something to do with the approximately seventy-seven point six-eight percent chance for the Mare in the Moon not being a legend after all." She narrowed her eyes as both pegasi smiled at her sheepishly. "I am starting to believe that Kyuubi decided to face this threat alongside the Templars while convincing me to stay in Ponyville. Frankly, I feel offended by that."

Both ex-Shadowbolts looked at each other, sighing. Mister Snapshot was the first one to speak, "Don't blame her. She had her reasons. Unfortunately, we failed to purify Nightmare Moon, but we did a number on her, forcing her to retreat."

"Retreat? Wait. Did you beat her?! Did Kyuubi bring all the Templars to fight an alicorn?"

Fleetfoot shook her hoof dismissively. "Nah, only the best of us."

"I see. I suppose it would be pointless to mobilize an entire force to investigate a legend," Twilight said, failing to notice distress on the pegasi who nodded at her statement.

"And what was with that Shadowbolt fiasco?" Dash asked, calming down her inner fan. "I mean, why come up with Shadowbolts? You could as well invite me to join the Knight Templars. Not that it would affect my answer, but still."

"What, Shadowbolts?" Snapshot blushed, looking to the side. "To be honest, I am confused as well. We followed Nightmare Moon and tried to capture her. Weakened as she was, she still managed to make us fall asleep. We had this weird dream. Then, we woke up here with both of you staring at us."

"Wait. Does this mean that Nightmare Moon can mind-control those who are asleep? She's more dangerous than I thought." Twilight looked left and right before rubbing the top of her head. "Where's Kyuubi?"

Both pegasi shrugged.

“As far as I know, the others were at the castle when we left. No guarantee they are still there,” Fleetfoot said.

Twilight turned towards the bridge before glancing over the shoulder, her expression filled with disappointment. "Once this is over, Kyuubi and I, we will have a long talk. For now, we must find the Elements. We will finish what she started."

"Kyuubi, Kyuubi!"

Five more minutes, the kitsune said to whoever was shaking her head. Was it Lily? No, her shaking would have more force behind it. Maybe it was Rosey?

"It is me, Celestia. I am sorry..."

Kyuubi's eyes snapped open as a blurry vision of a certain white alicorn came into view. She tried to raise her head, still feeling somewhat heavy and tired.

"Do not rush, my dear Kyuubi. Take it slowly," Celestia said

The kitsune pressed her elbow against the ground, taking thirty seconds to push her tired body to sit. She certainly felt healthier and less exhausted than before, but still in bad shape. Her ears dropped as she looked down at her mentor in sadness. Princess. I am so sorry. I’ve failed you.

"Shhh. It’s alright. Rosey and Lily explained everything." Celestia spread her majestic wings, flying up to Kyuubi’s face like a beautiful butterfly. She stared into her great blue eyes with a sad but still motherly smile as she hovered in the air, reaching out to gently stroke the kitsune’s muzzle. "You all did your best, and you all survived. You can't imagine how much I feared otherwise. I am beyond glad."

B-but we failed. You had faith in me that I could save your sister, but Luna rejected it. She sleeps deep in Nightmare Moon and refuses to come out.

The princess flew closer and nuzzled Kyuubi's cheek, while the kitsune could swear she saw a few loose tears just a moment before. "We cannot lose hope. Twilight and her friends are unlocking the Elements as we speak."


"Sssshhh... Take it easy. You all worked so hard and have been hurt so much. I do not expect any more of you. You no longer need to struggle for my sake."

Kyuubi sighed, feeling guilt in her heart despite the Princess’ words. If she had done her best, she would have had fewer regrets, but in truth, she didn't do her best. She withheld her trump card for fear of the potential consequences. Before she could admit this to Princess Celestia, the noise of battle reached her ears.

As the princess flew towards the window with Rosey and Lily not far behind, Kyuubi pushed herself to stand, following them. Out the window from the throne room, she noticed bright lights coming from another chamber.

Wait. Is this the room with that statue holding multiple orbs? Are they activating the Elements?

Kyuubi felt trembling under her paws, hearing an explosion. Then she heard a scream.

"Twilight!" Celestia flew through the window, hurrying into the distant chamber.

Kyuubi, being too big to follow her out the window, ran for the door. She slammed through it, scattering the wood as she ran through the long hallway. Her heartbeat increased in speed.

"Wait for us!" Rosey shouted as she ran not far behind with Lily and a few templars. The spirits didn't seem to follow them.

Kyuubi burst through another double door, jumping into the chamber with the inactive Elements. Her eyes opened wide as she took in her surroundings.

What had held the orbs was now in rocky pieces scattered over the room. Both Rainbow Dash and Applejack were in combat stances, their bodies covered in burns and bruises. Twilight held a hoof against a bleeding injury. Rarity and Pinkie Pie stood there, stunned, not moving a muscle. Even Princess Celestia didn't dare to move as tears fell from her eyes.

In front of them next to a wall was Nightmare Moon, her battle-wounds still present on her body. The dark mare held the foreleg around the neck of crying Flutterbold.

Upon a closer look, Kyuubi noticed a little crown on Twilight's head and a necklace on each of her friends.

"Luna, please calm down. Think about what you are doing," Celestia said as she tried to step forward, but stopped when Nightmare strengthened her hold on Fluttershy's neck. "Sister, please."

"Stay back! Everypony, stay back! Or I will! I will..."

Kyuubi couldn't believe her eyes. This mare wasn't the Nightmare Moon that had fought honorably and mercifully. Then she noticed it. Nightmare's face was covered in sweat, staring back at the mares before her in utter terror.

"I will not return to that prison. Never again, never again!"

Kyuubi's ears dropped as she stopped Lily and Rosey from passing her, blocking their paths with her paw. As she looked at the dark alicorn, the kitsune was neither seeing nor sensing aggression or malicious intent. No, what she saw was pure fear. Nightmare Moon was terrified. This mare had no fear of death in battle. The concept of facing another millennium of loneliness after regaining her freedom was another story.

Oh no. Kyuubi whimpered. An exhausted, yet powerful alicorn, was pinned against the wall, guided by fear with poor Flutterbold as a hostage.

"Princess!" Twilight shouted as she tried to run to her mentor, only to stumble and hold her hoof against her injury once more.

"Twilight!" Celestia ran to her student. Her head gained a shade of purple as she examined the wound. "Is this bad? Can you stand it?"

"Princess Celestia! The Elements." She gestured at her crown, her expression filled with struggle. "The moment they activated, Nightmare Moon attacked us. I tried to keep everypony safe, but she pierced my shield." Twilight gritted her teeth, dropping to one knee. "She took... She took Fluttershy hostage. There was nothing we could do."

Celestia looked to the side, now staring at the shocked kitsune. "Kyuubi! Please heal her! Quickly."

Of course. As Kyuubi took her first step, the words of Nightmare Moon stopped her.

"Nopony does anything, or I will kill her!"

Kyuubi turned her head towards Nightmare Moon and said, But Twilight is bleeding. I have to.

"I said, nopony does anything! I will not allow the Elements to banish us for the second time!"

Kyuubi bit her bottom lip as dead silence followed this tense moment. Her heart ached even more at the sight of brave Flutterbold reduced to tears. Kyuubi's dearest rival, a kind pony with a big heart, was being held hostage with her life on the line.

Nightmare Moon was terrified and blinded by vengeance, while Luna refused to awaken.

Celestia could only stare with tears in her eyes, her plans crumbling before her.

Kyuubi gritted her teeth as she no longer cared about the consequences. She desired her mentor to be happy and to awaken Luna. She wanted to change Nightmare Moon. She wanted adorable little Flutterbold to be safe from harm. If she had to suffer for it, so be it.

Please work. God, please help me save everypony from this cruel fate. I don't care what will happen to me anymore.

"What are you doing?! Stop it, or I kill her!" Nightmare demanded as her body trembled at the sight of a pillar of light coming from the kitsune.

Princess Celestia, live happily with your sister. Flutterbold, stay safe. Lily, Rosey, thank you. Everypony. Whatever happens, I am glad I met you all. Every single one of you.

Kyuubi didn't stop as her magic turned everything white. She closed her eyes, praying in her mind as the seconds passed slower than ever before.

She slowly opened one eye, then another, and then felt as if her fur straightened upward on her body and tails. Instead of being inside a ruined castle with a hostage situation at paw, she was standing on a long rocky field.

There were holes, small hills, and a flat surface, all made of nothing but rock.

Kyuubi gasped as she couldn't believe her eyes. Instead of seeing a little moon in the night sky, what she saw left her breathless. She was staring at a massive planet covered by green and blue.

Ten seconds, a minute, five minutes, Kyuubi just kept staring at it, unmoving, not taking a single breath. Breath? She blinked, awakened from her shock, as she realized that she didn't need to bother to breathe. As she raised her paw, she found it to be surprisingly light. Step by step, she walked upon the barren rocky wasteland, trying to comprehend what had just happened.

Did her spell that was supposed to save Luna teleport her away? Could it be that in return for Luna's freedom and Nightmare's sanity, she had to lose hers?

As she wandered for minutes, an odd sight caught her attention. She saw the ruins of a city made of stone. She approached, making her way on her light and aching paws, careful not to step on anything sharp. With cautious steps, she walked between imitations of ruined buildings. Some were missing roofs, some had holes, all were empty inside.

As she examined the town from her high point of view, she started feeling that something was odd. What she saw didn't seem to be a ruined civilization. It felt as if someone had tried to carve a town in stone, not for functionality, but for the looks alone. It seemed to be an abandoned artistic creation, assuming she wasn't wrong.

An hour, two, a few, who knew? Kyuubi kept exploring the fake town, some of it reminding her of Canterlot. Her exploration led her to a ruined castle. As she walked between the doorless entrance, met with nothing but broken pillars and holes in the ceiling, Kyuubi came to a realization. This ruined castle was a replica. She felt as if she was walking in a much older and more ruined version of the Castle of the Royal Sisters.

The kitsune levitated aside a few tons of the rubble blocking her path, then waved her massive paw in an attempt to push away the cloud of dust. If not for the fact that she did not need oxygen, she would be coughing hard at this very moment.

Once she stepped into the throne room, she felt her limbs turn into jelly. Step by step, with no carpet softening her path, she walked towards a colossal blue crystal. She touched the surface, feeling a chill go through her spine. It felt as if it was the coldest ice. As she narrowed her eyes, she noticed the silhouette of a frozen black alicorn.

Curious, she summoned fire magic, a little flame as her reserves were still weak from the recent battle. The block of ice melted, one fragment at a time.

Is this even possible? Was I sealed in the moon? But why? And if Nightmare Moon is free, why is she on the moon with me? I don't understand. She massaged her forehead, trying to make sense of this situation. Wait. Time magic was an essential part of this spell! Was I banished and sent into the past?

"Kyuubi! I found you!"

The kitsune looked around as if hearing a ghost. The voice was faint but familiar at the same time. Looking down, Kyuubi noticed Lily jumping towards her muzzle. She felt powerful hooves squeeze her muzzle with considerable force.

Lily? It is you! Why are you here? Are others here as well? Kyuubi asked, fearing her friends were sharing her fate.

"No, just me. When I saw you summon that massive pillar of light, I felt as if it was going to be the last time I saw you. I feared this was what you were so nervous about all this time." Lily nuzzled her crying face against the soft fur. "So I jumped and wrapped my four hooves around your rear leg and held on to it. When I opened my eyes, I was alone, with only your paw steps in stone to lead me."

Steps in stone? Oh, Lily, what have you done!? Kyuubi pressed her forepaw against the filly as her own eyes started producing tears. Whatever I am facing now, I was supposed to face it alone.

"You are too important to me! Stop being selfless, just this once in your life! Whatever is happening, I will always be at your side!"

After a long-lasting hug, Lily released the muzzle, apologizing for the red dents she had left in it due to her strong embrace. She climbed onto Kyuubi's head and pointed at the ice. "What's that? Why is Nightmare Moon frozen here?"

I wish I knew. I believe Nightmare Moon can give us some answers, Kyuubi explained, though already forming a few theories. It seemed like a term that veterinarian ponies described as ‘hibernation’, something bears did in winter. It, however, was something much more advanced. Could it be that Nightmare froze herself to escape her loneliness? If her theory was correct, she was banished to the moon and sent back in time.

"Your fire magic will take forever to melt it. Allow me," Lily said as she slammed her hooves and jumped, caught in mid-air with Kyuubi's levitation and paws before her punch could break the ice, literally.

May I suggest a safer approach, one not involving something that could harm her?

"Fine, Lady Careful." Lily wrestled and pushed the paws away before climbing onto one. "You worry way too much. Don't you remember how tough she was in the last battle?"

That's because alicorn magic shields them at all times. Kyuubi lowered herself, placing Lily on the ground. I am not sure it would activate during hibernation.

Lily summoned a red aura around her hooves before pressing them into ice, melting it much faster than Kyuubi's little flame. “Okay, I will do it your way. Waste of time if you ask me."

Kyuubi smiled at her loyal student and chuckled. For some reason, lack of oxygen didn't seem to get in the way of giggling and talking. Whatever seal kept them trapped and alive, it seemed to have its perks as well. A note to self, look into the life-support of banishing seals.

As more time passed, her flame grew in size as she recovered some of her magic. Soon, she held the wet alicorn in her paws as if she was a fragile trophy. Her third tail flashed with magic as she healed the alicorn, hoping to wake her up. Lily sat on Kyuubi’s raised paw next to the dark princess.

Kyuubi smiled upon seeing movements, watching intently as Nightmare Moon supported herself with one hoof and opened her eyes, sitting on her side. She looked back at her, staring in confusion, then shrugged and lay down, closing her eyes.

Don't go back to sleep. Please, wake up! Kyuubi pleaded, yet the alicorn just groaned and ignored her. Her repeated pleas didn't help.

"Allow me," Lily said before grabbing the alicorn by the back of her head and slapping her face.

Kyuubi bit her bottom lip as she felt the intensity of this slap, wondering if Lily just doomed them all. They would not get another chance at this.

"Who dares!" The alicorn opened her eyes and narrowed them with a little hoof-mark present on her cheek. "You're not illusions made by my tormented mind. What are you?"

Lily released the alicorn's head as Kyuubi's paw softened the fall. "My name is Lily, Hierarch Lily Longsock." She pointed at the kitsune. "And it is my pleasure to introduce Priestess Kyuubi, a mighty, multi-tailed kitsune."

Nightmare stood to her hooves and stomped, leaving a mark on Kyuubi's paw, who grimaced in response. "I have explored every corner of the moon and haven’t encountered a single creature."

Lily rubbed the back of her neck. "Well... We kinda banished ourselves recently."


Kyuubi gulped as her entire body became restrained by Nightmare's levitation, trapped in a blue aura. She was held prisoner above the ground with Lily levitating next to her head. The black alicorn hovered before them, slowly flapping her draconic wings, her forelegs crossed, and no armor decorated her body. Her dagger-like teeth bared in a snarl, showing she was in no mood for jokes or excuses.

"I will give you ten minutes to explain yourself. Do not beat around the bush and do not waste my time. Your explanations will determine your fates."

Lily blushed and gave the kitsune an apologetic glance.

Kyuubi sighed, thinking about the most proper response. She had no intention of being slammed into the ground for the second time.

Kyuubi tapped her forepaws together, sitting on the rocky ground with Lily perched on her shoulder. The dark alicorn was perched on a damaged pillar, listening to her explanation from the higher ground.

And this sums it all up.

Nightmare Moon raised an eyebrow and spoke with a cold tone, "So let me get this straight. You meet me in the future at night when I have regained my freedom." She tapped her hoof against the pillar she sat on, causing small stones to fall off. "You welcomed me with a feast and asked for my motives. After learning about my vengeful desires and slumbering Luna, you cast a mighty spell taught by some God. And this spell banished you to the moon in the past."

Y-yes, apparently so, Kyuubi said with a whimpering noise.

Nightmare Moon facehooved, then massaged her forehead. "Of all the stupid, unbelievable... Ugh..."

We're not lying, as crazy as it sounds.

The alicorn sighed, continuing in a softer tone, "Your very presence on the moon with me is already unbelievable. Yet here you are, not vanishing after a few minutes due to flawed time-travel. At this point, I would consider anything to be a possibility." She stood up and pointed at Kyuubi accusingly. "However, I find it hard to comprehend why a spell," she held forehoof against her chest, "that was supposed to save Luna, banished you to this cruel prison instead? What does this accomplish?"

Kyuubi tapped her chin for a moment, mildly wincing as her paw was somewhat dusty. "About that. I was thinking about it while trying to unfreeze you. I think I know the reason behind my, I mean our, banishment." She looked at Lily from the corner of her eye.

"And that is?" Nightmare asked, a hint of curiosity visible in her voice.

Maybe I'm here to help you awaken Luna. If I succeed, hopefully, we will be able to find a peaceful solution. Kyuubi lowered her paw and smiled. Plus, we can keep you company so you will no longer feel sad and lonely.

"Interesting theory," Nightmare said as she glanced at the massive planet on her side, its green fields and bodies of water more inviting than before. "And you truly believe that you can help me bring her back after everything I have tried before has failed?" She saw an enthusiastic nod of the massive creature.

I have full confidence. It may not be easy, but I will do my best. I will do all I can to make Luna feel welcomed. We will convince her to grace us with her presence.

Nightmare Moon turned her head and raised it arrogantly. "Then tell me, why should I bother giving you a chance and endure years alongside a large animal and a young earth pony when I could simply freeze myself again?"

W-what? Do you want to hibernate until you are free?

"Of course. Now that I know my freedom is coming, I merely have to wait it out. I can freeze you both with me as a sign of mercy. After all, there is no telling how much time is between then and now."

N-no, please no. I can be a great company. I will make the years enjoyable as we work together to bring Luna back. Revenge is not a solution.

Lily looked worried, glancing between the alicorn and the kitsune.

"Enjoyable, you say? And what can you offer me that I would find worth my time?" Nightmare watched Kyuubi's every move. She had to admit that it felt unbelievably pleasant to have a company to talk with, but was it worth her time?

Kyuubi looked left and right, smiling sheepishly. There is something I can offer. Allow me to show you.

Nightmare watched the large creature sweep the dust away from the rocky floor of the throne room with her tails. She would compare her to a fox maid, but looked more like a butler in that charming bowtie. This kitsune was unique, a species she has never witnessed before. Maybe learning more about it would be worth her time.

A moment later, she saw Kyuubi curling herself into a ball, pressing her chin and paws around her long tails, like a gigantic kitten. The filly was now on the floor, literally dancing in excitement for some reason with little gravity to hold her down, making her leaps very long. She knew what was coming.

May I have your permission to levitate you, Your Highness?

"Granted," the alicorn responded, feeling a soft silver aura lift her from the pillar and towards the overgrown kitten. Under other circumstances, she would smite whoever dared to touch her with telekinetic muscle. However, since she was asked politely for permission, she made an exception. Furthermore, there were no other witnesses here, and she had her curiosity to satisfy.

Nightmare's eyes shot wide open, and her heart skipped a beat. The sensation she experienced was out of this world. After sleeping on rocky ground or trapped in ice for what felt like an eternity, this fur filled her with unimaginable pleasure.


Nightmare Moon pursed her lips, refusing to answer. She looked away from the kitsune and hid her head away from Lily's gaze, ensuring no one saw the pure joy on her smiling face. No amount of willpower was enough to maintain her cold glare in current circumstances, and she had no intention of showing any weakness.

She lightly moved her cheek against the fur on her side, then playfully rubbed the puffy white sea with her bare hoof, limiting her actions as much as possible. She didn't want the kitsune to get the wrong impression. Or worse, to get the right one.

Despite the tranquil situation, Kyuubi felt extremely tense. It had been what she assumed was half an hour since she had gifted Nightmare Moon with her welcoming initiation. The dark alicorn was twice as big as the average mare, the same size as Princess Celestia herself, but she was still small when compared to Kyuubi. The kitsune practically cocooned Nightmare Moon with the softness of her giant, furry body. Yet, aside from a few weak movements, she didn't receive any response.

Your Highness. Nightmare Moon. W-will you give us a chance? Seconds passed as no response followed. My attention and my fluff will be at your disposal, I promise. All I ask is your cooperation.

More minutes passed as Kyuubi kept asking questions, each unanswered.

Sighing in defeat, she tried to stand, but the moment she lifted her head a meter, she felt force keeping her immobile. She returned to her previous position a moment later.

"I didn't give you permission to stand."

Does this mean you'll give us a chance? Kyuubi asked, her ears perked up.

“I demand you attend to me. Lay right here, silently. We will speak later.”

Kyuubi whimpered in defeat, feeling the alicorn guest perched between her legs and belly. Well... At least it wasn't a no.

She sighed again. Something told her she was going to remain immobile on this cold, rocky floor for a long time. I walked right into this one, didn’t I? No, I laid right into this one? Somepony said that the quill is mightier than the sword. I am starting to believe that my fur is mightier than any magic.

Author's Note

And here it is, the plot twist that I was preparing for a long time. I hope that the direction I took this story in wasn't disapointing.

Please share your thoguhts/feedback on Kyuubi's new predicament. I am looking forward to them.

Next Chapter: Ch.12 - Realm of Dreams Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 19 Minutes
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