
Death Battle: Rainbow Dash (EG) vs Dash Parr

by Saiyan of the North Star

Chapter 1: Death Battle: Rainbow Dash vs Dash Parr

Rainbow Dash vs Dash Parr

Wiz: Most Superheroes you’ve seen outside your window or in comic books are the more experience adults who protect their city from dangerous criminals.

Boomstick: But there are times when not everything is about a grown man wearing their underwear on the outside. Nope, today we’re talking about the littler heroes taking the spotlight.

Wiz: Such as the Human Rainbow Dash from the Equestria Girls Universe.

Boomstick: And Dash Parr, the Speedy Incredible Boy. He’s Wiz and I’m Boomstick.

Wiz: And it’s our job to analyze their weapons, armors, and skills to find out who would win… a Death Battle!

Rainbow Dash

Boomstick: Normally, I would be pretty annoyed that we’re doing another My Little Pony character on this show, but I’m a little okay since this one is different.

Wiz: Right you are, Boomstick. For every Universe there is another one parallel to that, same yet different at the same time, and the pony land Equestria is no exception.

Boomstick: Yeah, the big different is from that universe is that ponies we all know are all young teenage humans in high school. Well, most of them but the ones we’re looking at in this episode is Rainbow Dash.

Wiz: Like her pony counterpart, Rainbow Dash likes to think of herself being the best and she’s not wrong as she is captain of every sport teams including basketball, soccer, you name it.

Boomstick: Yeah, she likes to show everyone how awesome she is and they know it, including her friends though they weren’t always friends in the first Equestria Girls movie cause a certain bacon-haired girl decided to spilt them up.

Wiz: But they got back together thanks to Princess Twilight Sparkle and at the night of the Fall Formal, their normal life would become magical.

Boomstick: Yeah, by getting pony features like the ears and wings then rainbow blast the demon bitch Sunset, she also became good and part of the group now music known as the Rainbooms.

Wiz: With the power of magic, Rainbow Dash has gained the flight of a Pegasus though she is only able to transform through playing her guitar until the later movies that she can do so without it.

Boomstick: Not to mention she also gained some new anime magical girl style transformation from a shiny new bling from the camping movie that also gave a new superpower. You guess it, superspeed.

Wiz: Rainbow Dash’s speed also leaves behind a rainbow-colored trail as she runs meaning her top speed is about over 3,800 miles per hour including when she flies.

Boomstick: She can even do her own Sonic Rainboom increasing her speed by double. Heck, she can even do a Double Sonic Rainboom like in that music video. Oh, and her superspeed makes everything around move slow. Heck, she can even kick a soccer ball on fire!

Wiz: Speaking of that, I have made a device that should give off the same power output as the Sonic Rainboom. DUMMY! Pulls out a rainbow color grenade.

DUMMY: Hello Wizard, how would I be destroy today?

Wiz: You see when Pony-Rainbow Dash did her first Sonic Rainboom as a child, the rainbow-colored shockwave can be felt miles away and break large rocks. Since Human-Rainbow Dash can do the Sonic Rainboom, and that would the power output should be the same.

Wiz pulls the pin and toss the grenade at DUMMY which exploded in a big rainbow color explosion that also knocked Wiz and Boomstick down.

Boomstick: I never thought colors would be so painful. I love it!

Boomstick: Rainbow Dash has done some pretty awesome things like saving her school and the world multiple times with her friends from evil singing chicks, two She-Devils who later became friends, destroyed a memory erasing stone, and a selfie obese girl with a magical phone. Man, my high school days were never this exciting.

Wiz: However, Rainbow Dash is not always awesome as she thinks she is when she can get too cocky for her own good and can be a loose cannon when she couldn’t wait for something to happen.

Boomstick: Yeah, like that time when the Rainbooms went on a cruise ship for a vacation from the magical adventures, but Rainbow Dash believed another magic of doom will happen. She was right, oh and unknowingly discovered another portal to Equestria in quicksand.

Wiz: However, one thing Rainbow Dash is mostly proud of is her undying Loyalty to her friends as she will always be there to help save in the most awesome way possible.

Rarity: What are we going to do.
Rainbow Dash: What we always done, save the day.

Dash Parr

Boomstick: Have you ever thought about what your life would be like if your family were all Superheroes? Then you come to the right place with the Incredibles.

Wiz: Years ago, the heroes known as Supers were a common thing in the world saving the day from dangerous threats including two known heroes such as Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl along with their friend, Frozone. Everything was as peaceful as it can get until one fateful night changed everything.

Boomstick: Yeah, Mr. Incredible was fighting one of his villains and a little dork kid who later became the main villain of the first film got the hero in trouble for causing property damage then the next thing he knows, the heroes were banned from the world. What the fuck?

Wiz: Forced to go into hiding from the new “Superhero Relocation Program” law, Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl hung up their masks and never became heroes again.

Boomstick: But it wasn’t all bad, Bob and Helen, their normal identities, decided to settle a family the muscle man got in her big booty then years later became parents of three kids.

Wiz: Including the middle child named Dashiell Robert Parr or Dash for short. Dash has always looked up to his parents from the stories of their Golden Years and wishes to become one himself someday despite the “No Superheroes” Law.

Boomstick: And he definitely got the power to do it, the kid was born with superspeed that can rival a crazy kid on a very sugar rush. Wait, wait, he got superspeed instead of inheriting a power from one of his parents? How does that work?

Wiz: Onto to more important matter, Dash’s speed grants him other abilities like superhuman agility, reflexes, and stamina as he has shown signs of fatigue, not even after sustaining his super-speed run for long periods of time.

Boomstick: Huh, for some reason he reminds me of the Roadrunner from Looney Tunes. And I want to catch him so badly.

Wiz: That’s going to be hard to do that because Dash is fast enough to run on water which you need to at least be running at 200 miles per hour and Dash’s top speed is 190 mph, but it might be a bit more.

Boomstick: Speeds great and all, but Dash will need to look the part of being a hero. Which is why he has his own Super-suit that matches with his family. Hey DUMMY, try this one.

DUMMY: I don’t even have a body, but sure.

Wiz: Huh, I’m not sure if that will even fit him.

Boomstick: Relax, they’re stretchable like Elastigirl’s. Or maybe it just hers, but there. Don’t you look fancy.

Now showing DUMMY wearing the Super-suit over the lower half of his floating head.

DUMMY: I feel like I’m covered in blood which is the color red.

Boomstick: Yeah, yeah. These suits not only make you look cool, but they also come with special features. They’re bullet proof. Shooting bullets at the suit. Fireproof. Engulf the suit and DUMMY with a flamethrower. Rip off. Boomstick trying to rip the suit with his hands and teeth for a few seconds.

Boomstick: Hmm, this one tastes like strawberry for some reason.

Wiz: The suits also have a built-in tracking device so the family can always know where they are.

Boomstick: And with that done. Dash had enter the heroic world of fighting villains and saving the world alongside with his family.

Wiz: Together they have stopped Syndrome from tricking the world that he’s a hero and stopped his Omidroid from destroying the town, battled against other Supers who were mind-controlled by the Screen Slaver: Evelyn Deavor.

Boomstick: Those really hated heroes because they didn’t have any superpowers and almost won if the kids didn’t step into the grown-up business. Dash has shown that he can take on big guys on his own being able to take down a few of Syndrome’s goons and is durable enough to take hard hits than any normal kids.

Wiz: He can even more his other limbs such as his arms to move at superfast pace like an anime character with the rapid punches. But the most impressive feat of all was when the Incredibles and other Supers were able to restore the Hero Statue, thus the right of becoming Superheroes again.

Boomstick: Yeah, the kid is good and all, but he can be a little screw up sometimes like being an impatient wincing brat who just wanted to compete in sports.

Wiz: He is also know by his family as “very competitive boy, and a bit of a showoff” as he can be immature at times. He also used his powers for childish pranks when the world was rejecting heroes making that of a problem child. But he always lives up to the worlds of his father “Our powers are nothing to be ashamed of, our are what makes us special.”

Boomstick: All teachers and villains beware; you might get your butt tagged by a little red blur.

Dash: Oh Baby, my sweet ride!

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set, and we've run the data through all possibilities.

Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

Rainbow Dash is seen skateboarding through the streets as she was making her way to Applejack’s family farm for the Rainboom’s band practice, and saw a red blur ran pass her.

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash confused.

Dash is running fast feeling his stomach growling a little and saw a banana stand, he blitzes pass it grabbing a banana and leaving a few coins there.

“A little snack wouldn’t hurt before dinner.” Dash shrugged, peeling the banana as he eats it fast and throwing the peel away on the sidewalk.

“Whoa!” Rainbow Dash gasped seeing the banana peel too late slipping on it and crashes into a trashcan.

“Hey!” Rainbow Dash shouted, getting Dash’s attention. “Don’t you know not to litter?”

“Maybe if you were better skateboarder.” Dash mocked.

Rainbow Dash got angry from that and gasp she heard snap sound, quickly looking at her guitar seeing one string broke from the crash.

“You done it now kid. No one messes with the most Awesomeness person in the universe and gets away with it!” Rainbow Dash glared.

“Really, who would that be.” Immediately after Dash said that, he suddenly got superspeed punched by Rainbow Dash sending him several feet away.

“Whoa, you got superspeed like me?” Dash gasped.

“And I’m about show you why my speed is more awesome!” Rainbow Dash declared.

“Bring it!” Dash smirked preparing for the battle.


“Bye!” Dash runs away leaving a shock Rainbow Dash.

“HEY!” Rainbow Dash ran away him with her rainbow superspeed.

Dash chuckles thinking he lost her but soon proven wrong when Rainbow Dash runs to his side backhand strike him on the head to knock him down, but not for long as he blitz back up before Rainbow Dash stomps him and went on the chase again. Dash saw the girl catching up to him again and made a sharp turn to a corner, but that what he wants her to think as she about to make the same turn got trip by Dash’s leg rolling in the middle of the street. Then Dash starts throwing one fast punch to her from each side across until Rainbow Dash had enough and jump into the air to dodge another strike as she pony up with her ears, tail, and wings.

“Whoa! You can fly?” Dash surprised.

“That’s right, I’m the fastest on land and in the air!” Rainbow Dash bragged.

Rainbow speedy flew down grabbing Dash before he could react snoring in the air and starts spinning him around for a few seconds then threw him away. Dash crash and bounces on the ground two times and manages to get back on his foot sending an angry glare at the rainbow-haired girl, he runs again with Rainbow Dash chasing him again.

During the chase, Dash grabs a straw and some napkins making them into his spitballs as he start shooting them at Rainbow Dash as she quickly dodges them, Dash runs up a building and jump over the teenage girl giving him a clear shot of spitballing her on the head. She got distracted by the spit balls that she didn’t see the Sugarcube Corner sign and crash into it.

This made Dash laughs thinking she’s like a stupid cartoon crashing into stuff, but he laughed too long as Rainbow Dash recovers and flew fast toward the boy in red for a kick in the face, then she pins him to the ground throwing some punches across his face.

“Time for you to take a nap!” Rainbow Dash punned before to throw another strong punch.

“Huh… hey, is that another girl with wings?” Dash asked pointing at his right.

“Fluttershy?” Rainbow Dash confused but found no one there.

“What the…?” Rainbow Dash realized it was a trick and saw Dash is no longer under her.

Then she suddenly got tackled by Dash making them roll on the street until he was the one on top and start throwing his superfast rapid punches.

“Now the table has turned on you!” Dash laughed heroically.

“That’s it.” Rainbow Dash kicked Dash off of her and stands up.

“It is on.” Rainbow Dash glared, transforming into her Friendship Power form

“Oh, I’m scared.” Dash pretended. “Try and catch me.” He taunted running for another chase, but to his shock Rainbow Dash is already in front of him.

Dash try running again in another direction, but Rainbow Dash got ahead of him easy again and it repeated for a moment or two as Dash soon realize the most horrible truth: this girl is much, much faster than him. Becoming scared, he desperately tries to run away only to be caught in Rainbow Dash’s arms with a smirk look on her face.

“You’re just in time for your flight, please enjoy the RIDE!” Rainbow Dash launched straight into the air while Dash screams.

Dash struggles to break free of her grip and tries rapid kick her on the leg making her groan a little and bite her arm forcing her to let go, Dash quickly grabs her by the ponytail and speedy grab to her back for some speedy punches, but Rainbow Dash caught his fist and headbutt off. Then she performs a strong axe-kick that send Dash falling toward the street, but Rainbow Dash wouldn’t even let him touch the ground.

Rainbow Dash flew after Dash as her speed increases through each second as her body glows brighter and burst into a Double Sonic Rainboom with ram Dash with her fist to the stomach then causes a big rainbow-shockwave explosion on the street.

When the dust cloud clears, Rainbow Dash is the only one standing while Dash is lying dead in the middle of a big crater with a big hole through his chest.

“Aw yeah, that is why I’m the Awesome One!” Rainbow Dash cheered in the air, then got a text from Pinkie Pie wondering where she is.

“Oh crap, band practice! Got to go!” Rainbow Dash blitzed away leaving the corps behind.


On the left side of the screen, Rainbow Dash is seen with her band playing their music together while on the right side, Dash’s family pull over to the crater searching for him.

Boomstick: Now Dash knows what the taste of a rainbow is like. Pain.

Wiz: Dash may have come from a family of Superheroes and have fought off other super beings like Rainbow Dash, but unfortunately Dash fell several paces slower from Rainbow Dash’s feats.

Boomstick: Like how OP obvious who was the faster one here. Sure, Dash can run on water close to 200 mph, but Rainbow Dash’s speed is over 3,800 and can go even fasters than Dash with her Sonic Rainbooms, and she can also fly giving her the flight advantage. There was no way Dash could dodge her for long.

Wiz: There is also the experience difference in age as Rainbow is in high school meaning, she’s more mature than the 10-year-old speedster. Not to mention Rainbow Dash can handle things on her own sometimes while Dash needed the help from his family to get through tougher situations.

Boomstick: There’s also the fact that Rainbow Dash’s position of every sports team in her school giving her more versatile options to fight Dash including Karate.

Wiz: The impact from the Sonic Rainboom is certainly more powerful anything Dash have survived through. Dash Parr may have been the Incredible Boy, but Rainbow Dash outpace him with her Awesomeness.

Boomstick: Rainbow sure loves to “Dash” away her competition.

Wiz: The winner is Rainbow Dash!

Author's Notes:

KO a new chapter is born and hope you all enjoy it!

I have decided to make another of my own Death Battle with Rainbow Dash from Equestria Girls and Dash Parr from the Incredible to see which of them can show off more than the other. Hope you like how I made the battle as I tried my best with the analyzes and show the Rainbow Dash is the true incredible person with a plus one of pure awesomeness, she has always been my favorite characters in both pony and human form.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumb up button, and hope you all enjoyed this awesome story!

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