
Supermarine "Spitfire"

by Kitsune_Kenshi

Chapter 1: Arrival

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August 17, 1940. Above the Great Britain.

The world's at war. Just a year ago, Hitler invaded Poland, France, and parts of Europe. Now, the Nazi was focusing on Britain. Currently, Great Britain is the only country fighting Hitler and his Luftwaffe.

Jacob hated this war, sometime he just wished to spray Hitler with his Spitfire and get it over with. But now he doesn't have time to worry about that, because he's busying fighting a Bf-109, which is on his tail. The German fighter continued to spray bullets at him. A few bullets got onto his wings, and left a few holes in there. "Fucking bitch." he cursed in frustration, but it won't help much. Jacob looked at the back mirror, just as he looked a bullet came in and smashed it. He pulled the lever backward, making the plane go straight up. He maxed the throttle, hoping the enemy would lose speed and fall.

That did happened. Jacob slightly moved his lever a bit right, causing the "Spitfire" to turn and fall back, now he's at the Bf-109's tail. He used the aiming sight to line up the enemy plane. Then he pressed the trigger. the 7.7mm wing guns bursted. Tearing the German plane apart. "Suck it, Jerry!" Jacob exclaimed.

But right after he exclaimed, a loud explosion shook the plane, then he turned to see his left wing smoking. He was hit.

The smoke turned into flame, and Jacob was left helpless. He close his eyes and touched a small cross he wore around his neck. Below him was the sea, if he falls into it with such speed, it'll crack every single bones in his body.

The plane screamed as it continued to fall... Unnoticed by Jacob, who's closing his eyes the entire time, a strange cloud suddenly appeared out of no where and floated in front of his plane. He dove into it.


Wonderbolt Academy, Equestria

Rainbow Dash was training her flight as usual, she took off from the floating air field and followed captain Spitfire's (the pegasus not the plane.) instruction. Back flip, barrel roll, and a high yo-yo. She's preparing for Summer sun celebration. Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolt would both show up there, Rainbow will be performing a sonic rainboom in the end. Though it sounds easy, Spitfire does not take it as a joke.

Rainbow Dash was doing some back flips when she rammed into a cloud.

"COME ON!!!" Spitfire yelled, "THAT WAS WEAK!!!"

Suddenly, she caught something in the corner of her eyes. It looked like another pegasus, it's falling from the sky above. But something's not right, why is it burning?

Rainbow Dash flew out of the cloud. "Hey ma'am, why are you looking at me?" she asked when she saw Spitfire staring at her. Suddenly, she heard a strange noise, behind her. As if some creature was screaming. It came louder and louder. She turned and gasped in horror. A bird; to be specific, a metal bird was flying towards her. And as it got closer, Rainbow Dash spotted something in its glass. It also saw her, but she couldn't read its expression because it's wearing some sort of mask.

Rainbow Dash yelped as he dodged out if the metal monster's way, it continued to fall, it's burning.

"Oh no! It's hurt! I'm gonna go get it!" Rainbow Dash said as she dive down towards the burning metal monster. "Crash! Come back here!" Spitfire yelled, but she did not turn back. Spitfire sighed and flew towards the burning thing.

That thing was falling....towards Twilight's friendship school! Rainbow Dash immediately flew in front of it, she tried to push it out of the way, but it's super heavy, she couldn't even move a inch. Suddenly, the figure inside the glass moved its arm. And the metal monster moved out f the way, it crash-landed on the field next to the school.

Just as Rainbow Dash and Spitfire landed next to it, the saw Twilight, Starlight and the student 6 ran towards them.
"What happened?" Twilight asked, she saw the plane, "What....what is that thing?"

"That thing just flew out of no where and almost ran into me!" Rainbow Dash said, "There's someone inside! We gotta go help it." They ran next to the fallen metal bird. They gasped in awe as they studied it. It was made completely out of metal, and the painting and the color on it was a unusual green with a circle that was red, blue and yellow. What shocked them is that there's letters on it's tail. Spitfire's eyes widened when she read the words out loud, "Supermarine Spitfire MK.V" she tiled her head in confusion, "Why the hay is my name on this thing? And what does the MK.V suppose to mean?"

Suddenly the hatch flew open and a figure fell out from it. It looked like a hairless monkey with strange cloth on it. It took off the mask and unraveled face. He spat and crouched to the ground. "Holy shit," it muttered, "Where the hell am I?" He turned and saw them. "Fuck..." he's eyes widened, "I'm dead, ain't I?"

"Uh....actually, you're still alive." the purple horse with strange purple mane, a horn, and a wing said.

"Talking horse." Jacob rubbed his temple, "I AM DEAD. D.e.a.d. Dead."

"We're ponies." the purple weird looking pony said, "I'm Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends."

"What the fucking hell?" Jacob was both surprised and shocked, "There's no fucking way, no way..."

Twilight winced at the cuss. "Gee, you don't have to say such language. I got students here."

"Fine just, where am I? What is this place?! And what are you?" Jacob asked. ". Spitfire scoffed, "I should be asking this, what are you? And why is my name on the thing?"

Twilight came in between them, "How about we introduce ourselves first? I'm Twilight, that blue pegasus I sRainbow Dash, the yellow one is Spitfire. The one next to me is Starlight Glimmer, and these creatures behind me are my students." she said. "Gallus, Silverstream, Yona, Sandbar, Ocellus, and Smolder."

"My name is Jacob Willson, I'm a British, I'm also a pilot of this plane." Jacob said, "And did you just said Pegasus?"

They nodded.

"This is Equestria, and what is British?" Rainbow Dash asked. "That's my country , and I never heard of Equestria before." Jacob said, "I'm a human."

As soon as the word human came out, Twilight and the other's face turned horrified and stepped back. "Humans?" Rainbow Dash asked Twilight, "You means these creatures in myths that walks in two legs?" "I think so," Twilight said, "it said they're evil, but this one seemed friendly enough."

Twilight then stepped forward, "We could talk more inside." She pointed to the school. "o...okay?" Jacob said as he followed the Alicorn into her school. Behind him was suspicious eyes and confusing eyes.


Twilight's office

"So, this world is filled with magic and mythological animals." Jacob said, "yes." Twilight nodded. "Wow." he said.
"it just that...in my world, you guys were just legends and myths." he explained, "And also we don't use magic in my world; it just doesn't exist. We use technologies to make our lives easier."

Twilight nodded as she wrote on her note. "Oh and by the way , what is that thing you climbed out from?" she asked.

"That's a warplane; Supermarine Spitfire MK.V" Jacob explained, "Armed with six 7.7m machine guns. It's built for Aerial Warfares."

"Hold on, did you just said war?" Twilight's expression was full of concern and worrying.

"Yes, my world is at war." I sighed.

"That...that's terrible," she asked, "why would you guys want war?"

"No, none of us wanted a war." Jacob said, "The Germans started it. They want to invade my country."

"So you're an soldier."

"Yes, to be more specific, a pilot. I fly that plane." Jacob corrected. "I was fighting my enemies in my plane when I was hit. Then I lost control of my plane and... well, ended up here."

"Not to be offensive but why would you live there? We haven't have wars for a thousands years." Twilight asked.

"None taken; its not just my country and Germany is at war... my whole world is at war..." he said. "You guys are very lucky."

He paused before looking at Twilight, "If... magic brought me here... then, can you take me back?"

Twilight thought about it, "no, I'm sorry but, I don't even know what brought you here." she said, saddened.

Great, now I'm stuck in this....strange world with ponies and creatures... and with no way back home... Jacob thought.

Twilight looked outside and saw the sun is slowly starting to disappear into the horizon. "Oh, sorry. I talked too much. It's late already."

"So... I guess I'll be living in...Equestria for a while correct?" Jacob asked. "I don't think you got any other choice." Twilight shrugged. "I can let you borrow my student's room for a while until you finds a way to go back." She said as she guided the human towards the room.

She knocked on the door and it opened. A bird; a blue Griffin with three feathers on its head came out. Twilight waved at me, "Jacob, meet Gallus, Silverstream, Ocellus, yona, Sandbar, and Smolder. They'll be your room mates." she said as she introduced me to the creatures.

I stepped into the room, and Twilight closed the door.

"Hey! my name is Silverstream, nice to meet you! Wait you're a human right? Oh my gosh I heard so much about them in stories!" the bird-griffion like pinkish creature exclaimed. "Silverstream, calm down, you're scaring him." the orange dragon said. "Sleep first, talk tomorrow."

"Well, nice meeting you guys," Jacob said as he climbed onto a bed in the corner, which Twilight had prepared for him. "I'll call it a night."

Everyone's asleep, but Jacob isn't, he was still wondering about this strange new world. He had so many questions, but as time passed, he slowly closed his eyes and drifted into his dreamless sleep.

Author's Notes:

And there's the first chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed it! Feel free to ask questions or add comments below.

Next Chapter: Grave Danger Estimated time remaining: 42 Minutes
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