
The Dictators of Ponyville 3 The Rise Of The Shadows

by Dragon-In-Black

Chapter 1: Introductions

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The shadow pony was hiding in the Everfree Forest, spying on the ponies. He had enjoyd the crusaders little tyranny rule. Shadow pony continued to stare into the eye's of the ponies. It was a normal day in Ponyville, sunny day the fillies and colts playing with each other, it was a perfect day. The shadow pony walked backwards until he was out of sight, not that anypony saw him to begin with. Shadow pony started descending until he was black smoke, and was kind of gliding his way to his hideout. He continued gliding until he was inside a cave, the same one that Spike went to when he ran away from home. The shadow pony turned into his smoke-pony form. A dragon with green scales and orange fangs was sleeping but woke up when a chilling wind hit him, it wasn't a normal chill wind either, no, this was darker. The dragon woke up and stared back at a pair of white eye's. The dragon became wide eye'd and shot upwards.

"What do you think you're doing in my cave?" The dragon asked, trying to hide his fear.

"I'm taking over you're pathetic little cave." Shadow pony said, with malice.

The dragon launched at him, but Shadow pony hit him with one of his tentacle arms, wich caught the dragon for a few moments. The dragon struggled until he freed one of his arms and used his claws to cut Shadow pony, wich only resulted in Shadow pony laughing at him. The dragon got a hold of the shadow pony's hoof and somehow threw him into one of his many piles of gems. Shadow pony merely laughed, because he can't feel the pain the same way ponies do, some dragons were weaker while some were stronger, so it was hard to say, but Shadow pony would say that king Bahamut would be a challenge. Shadow pony gave himself wings and flew up. Shadow pony then launched himself at the stunned dragon, the dragon tried to burn him with fire but that didn't work...... At all. Shadow pony pinned the dragon down and let a weapon inside of him stab the dragon right in the chest. The dragon had a look of surprise and shock and breathed his last moments, until he finally died. Shadow pony stood up and grabbed the sword with his hoof and put it inside his ooze like body.

"An absolute disappointment. He couldn't fight like a real dragon, oh well not every dragon can be king Bahamut." Shadow pony said, with disappointment in his voice.

Shadow pony looked around and found an opening were the gems weren't laying. He walked over there and used his dark magic to create a throne were the neck supporter had four pony skulls. The throne looked like something Lucifer would sit on. Shadow pony sat down on his throne and looked over the ridiculous amount of gems, who needed this much anyway?

"I'm gonna need to create an army. Even tho, that I could take on the princesses, well except Twilight Sparkle, even tho, this Twilight isn't an alicorn I can still sense it. Her magic is as strong as an alicorn's maybe even stronger. I need to vanquish the elements of harmony, even tho, they are 'destroyed' I don't believe it. The tree of harmony can just create them again. I hope the ponies are ready for a blood bath." Shadow pony said, with sadistic glee.

Shadow pony was thinking of the time he was "vanquished" by Starswirl the bearded. What Starswirl didn't know was that, he had split his soul. Even tho, Shadow pony doesn't have a soul soul, he could still split parts of himself. If a normal pony would do so with their own soul, then they would scream in agony and pain like nothing before, but since he was made out of shadow he couldn't feel pain like that.

Shadow pony wondered what it was like, to feel pain. He would like to feel it like his enemies felt it, just to feel the intense pain cursing through his body and enjoying it.

Shadow pony looked at the sun through a tiny cave opening from the ceiling and growled. He wished that there was darkness and despair again. Hearing fillies and colts scream for their parents and Shadow pony "helping" them find their parents. Blood would spill down the streets, no one would question his authority. Shadow pony chuckled evily, remembering all the times when he fought Starswirl the bearded, who always lost, because Shadow pony was several thousands of years more experienced in battle.

"There was alway's something about Starswirl that I liked. Probably was his courage he had to face him, and admit defeat. Then again there are many tails were Starswirl is said to have had never admitted defeat, but that was most likely because of the fillies and colts. Mwuhahahahaha!! Like he would be able to stop me." Shadow pony said, with confidence.

Shadow pony decided to strike within a week, on The Cutie Mark Crusaders military base. He could use their deadly skills against Equestria and revenge against those who wronged them even tho, those ponies are in limbo.

"When I free them from limbo, I'll make them see the destruction and tell them it was their fault, wich will make them feel terrible. Hopefully he believes it, Starswirl never did love anypony as friend's as fellow creature pony, or whatnot." Shadow pony said, showing a hint of anger.

Shadow pony decided to sleep for a few hours so he left his throne and went deep into the cave were more pile of gems showed. Eventually he found a room within the cave that was pitch black. Perfect room for the shadow pony. Shadow pony could actually see everything, no matter how dark it is even in limbo, wich is why he never wants to return to limbo because of the things he saw, Faust their creator and her anger was so intense he thought that he would die of her anger.

He walked into the room and used his magic to summon a king sized bed. He liked the covers wich was two swords crossing each other with two white eye's staring at Shadow pony. Shadow pony went over the covers and went to sleep.

Next Chapter: The CMC Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour
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