
Short Hand

by Andrew Joshua Talon

First published

The myriad misadventures of a plucky human in Equestria.

A continuation of the universe established in "The Stars Revolt", and a reboot of "Hands", Andrew Shepherd is trying to live a normal life as the local Ponyville alien.

Unfortunately, he's in Equestria.

Cover art by Sipioc.

Featured?! Thank you so much!


Short Hand

A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfic By Andrew J. Talon

Disclaimer: This is a non-profit fan based parody. MLP:FiM is the property of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. Please support the official release.

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It was fortunate that the Ponies had some familiarity with larger beings for building beds. It was equally fortunate that Celestia had given me a nice stipend-Apparently I was officially classed as a “political refugee” from another dimension, which gave me some coin to work with. Which meant I got myself a nice, big, king-sized bed in a bedroom that was almost too small for it.

But who cared? I had a nice, big, comfortable bed I could come home to every night after a hard day’s work. It almost felt like sleeping on a cloud!

Maybe it was. A magic cloud. I hadn’t examined the insides too thoroughly, though maybe I should. Who knew what a society with free use magic would do with the most innocuous items?

Anyway, the short version was: My bed was fantastic. All it needed was a beautiful someone to wake up with.


I slowly opened my eyes, and saw a mess of pink hair up against my chest. I felt a small, warm body curled up next to mine. I looked the intruder over, momentarily worried… But the butter yellow fur and butterfly-shaped cutie mark calmed me down. I smiled down at the cute little mare who was sleeping peacefully against me.

"Fluttershy... Fluttershy...? It's time to get up,” I murmured, gently bumping her with my arm.

The little mare’s eyelids fluttered open, and she looked up with a confused blush.

"Mmmph... Oh! Oh my... I... It happened again, didn't it?"

I nodded slowly, and patted the top of her head.

“Yeah, it did,” I said. She looked apologetic, before she began to fret.

“Oh, I-I’m so sorry,” she said, “I mean, not that you’re not comfortable-I mean! I’m sorry to be a bother-!”

I sighed and booped her lightly on her nose. That stopped her in her tracks and she looked up at me shyly.

"It's okay Fluttershy. I actually like you cuddling with me. It helps me sleep,” I said with a smile. "If you're lonely, you just have to say so."

Granted, it would have been nicer if she was a human woman. Who was actually attracted to me. But just having a warm, caring presence with you in bed was enough to alleviate a lot of my loneliness. The bright smile she wore was nice compensation as well.

"R-Really?" She asked softly, hopefully. I nodded, and shrugged.

“Sure thing.”

That said, there was one weird thing I discovered as I pulled the blankets off to get out of bed. I paused, then studied her attire curiously.

“... What's with the negligee?” I asked.

Fluttershy blushed harder, and twirled the tip of her hoof around on the mattress. She looked up, her eyes barely able to meet mine. She then spoke, in a lower, almost smoky tone of voice as her bangs concealed one of her eyes.

"Do... Do you like it? If not, I-I can... Just take it... Off..."

I blinked. I blinked again. She couldn’t possibly… I mean, what if she…?


"I... Guess?” I replied, shrugged. “I mean you do run around naked most of the time anyway."

Fluttershy blinked, and then pulled a blanket up over herself again.

"Oh, um... I... Uh..."

I yawned.

"Anyway... Time to get up and going," I said as I tried to get out of the bed. Tried being the operative word, since she immediately wrapped her hooves around my arm.

"Y-You know, we could... Spend a little more time… In-in bed? I-I might need help getting the negligee off!" She asked. I blinked, and sighed. She was always so skittish, wasn’t she? I gave her a warm hug, and nuzzled the top of her head. She sighed happily.

"Come on Fluttershy,” I said, “we can’t spend all day in bed. Besides, you have your animals to feed."

Fluttershy trembled. She then spoke up again.

"They... They can handle themselves for one m-morning! We could stay in bed t-t-together! S-See... See what happens?"

I sighed, and patted Fluttershy on her head.

"Thank you Fluttershy, but I don't need that much cuddling. You're a really good friend though." I smiled at her warmly.

Fluttershy’s expression drooped slightly, but she smiled back.

"Oh... Okay."

She almost looked disappointed. I hugged her again.

“I don’t want to be any bother,” I assured her. “Come on. If you’d like, I’ll help you feed your animals? I do need to fix your chicken coop.”

“That would be lovely, thank you Shepherd,” Fluttershy said gratefully. I smiled back and got out of bed. My feet hit the wooden floor and I whistled as I began to pull off my pajamas.

I still retained human modesty outside, but around Fluttershy? She worked with animals all the time, I wasn’t anything she hadn’t seen already.


Oh… Curse her shyness! She tried, and tried, but she couldn’t just… Just say it!

Is that what he needed? For her to spell it out? Was he that dense?

No, no, don’t be mean. He wasn’t dense. He was quite intelligent, after all, as well as brave. But what was she doing wrong? She was doing everything Rarity had suggested!

She sighed, as Angel Bunny popped up in the window. He made a few motions with his paws, pointing at him in the shower. She steeled her courage again, and spoke up.

"Um... Shepherd? I... I could use a shower too!" She called.

Shepherd called back over the sound of the falling water.

"Don't worry! You can use it when I'm done!"

Angel glared, and pointed again at the shower, then at Fluttershy. She nodded, and sucked in a deep breath.

"C-Couldn't... Couldn't... Couldn't we use it... T-T-Together?" She asked.

There was a pause.

“Sorry Fluttershy! There isn't enough room for us to be comfortable. I'll be done soon!"

Angel Bunny holds up a cotton ball and a small bottle of chloroform. Fluttershy scowled and shook her head. Her pet was going too far!

"No! Bad Angel! We're not doing that! .... No matter what I may have said while drinking that cider!"

Angel Bunny rolled his eyes and sighed.

- - -

Author's Notes:

The first of several snap shots of Andrew Shepherd's new misadventures. A whole new generation of awkward human in Equestria stories. Stay tuned!


Short Hand

A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfic By Andrew J. Talon

Disclaimer: This is a non-profit fan based parody. MLP:FiM is the property of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. Please support the official release.

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Now, one major issue that’s been facing me ever since I got to Equestria has been my diet: Protein. The Ponies are, by and large, herbivores. Though they do enjoy eggs, that’s just not enough for an obligate omnivore like me. Chickens, shellfish and regular fish, while better, are also not quite enough to provide the nutrients I needed.

And it’s not like I need a steak every day to survive, but a certain amount of red meat every week is much better than having to take supplement pills. Which the ponies haven’t quite perfected yet.

Once again though, my pony friends came to my aid. Fluttershy and Applejack asked around, and apparently the local cows were willing to help. It took them a few days, but they called me over to the Apple farm. I arrived, was warmly greeted by Applejack and her family, and they ushered me inside.

In the dining room, my eyes latched onto two things immediately: One, a nice, fat, freshly grilled juicy piece of steak on a plate on the table. My mouth began to water.

Two… A cow standing on the other side of the table, all smiles.

I immediately froze, as the cow’s smile grew.

“Hello dear. My name is Daisy. It’s a pleasure to meet you!”

“Ummm,” I began, “you too. I’m Shepherd.”

I stood there, confused. The cow kept smiling.

“Go on ahead,” she said happily, “dig in! You need the meat!”

“Ummm,” I replied, looking at the steak. Daisy followed my eyes, and then shook her head.

“Oh, no! No! Don’t be shy!”

“Er,” I tried, “but the thing is… I mean… What are you doing here?”

The cow chuckled. “Oh, I’m here to see my friend’s end. That’s all.”

“I’m sorry, what?” I asked, my voice a bit higher pitched than normal. Daisy nodded.

“I knew the cow you’re about to eat,” she explained. “Go on, sit! Sit!”

I very, very slowly walked over to the table. I sat down, the steak’s wonderful scent still wafting into my nostrils. I stared at it for a while, then looked back at Daisy.

"Er... You sure you're okay with this?" I asked. Daisy nodded enthusiastically, still all smiles.

"Oh yes. Circle of life and all that!" She said brightly.

"I mean,” I tried again, “you knew this cow."

Daisy nodded.


"And she was close to you,” I continued. Daisy’s smile became… Sinister.

"As close as enemies can get,” she practically crooned, “Hurry up, she's getting cold!"

I stared at the steak. I picked up the fork and knife the Apples had very kindly provided me-From where, I didn’t know. I slowly cut off a piece, the meat giving way easily. I lifted it to my mouth, as I worked my jaw.

I opened my mouth, and bit down on it. Juicy deliciousness, all around. I nearly groaned in ecstasy at the taste of perfectly grilled meat.

"Yessss,” Daisy hissed, her eyes gleaming, “How does that bitch taste? Fatty from all the grass she stole from me? Rich like all the bulls she stole from me?!”

She leaned over the table, glaring at the steak in vicious glee.


"And I think we're done here,” I decided, standing up and taking my plate with me. I turned and headed for the door, Daisy now ranting.



God, maybe I should just become vegan.

I had another bite of Mabel-I mean the steak. I shook my head.


Author's Notes:

Enjoy your Fourth of July barbecues! And just be happy the meat can't talk back...


Short Hand

A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfic By Andrew J. Talon

Disclaimer: This is a non-profit fan based parody. MLP:FiM is the property of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. Please support the official release.

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Twilight Sparkle was still getting used to Ponyville and having friends, but she was finding the discoveries and mysteries of it fascinating and rewarding. Sitting down to breakfast at a cafe with her friends was a wonderful experience, as they bantered back and forth and debated aspects of their lives and others' lives, was... Fun! It was all so amazing and new. She nibbled on her eggs, not wanting to miss a thing as Rarity had launched into an entertaining (and rather scandalous) story about a job she’d had to repair.

"And so I said to him,” Rarity stated, her smile giving away it was the crescendo of the tale,”'cross-stitch? What is this, the Middle Ages?'"

Applejack chuckled, Dash rolled her eyes with a groan, while Pinkie Pie fell out of her chair and rolled on the ground laughing.

"AHAHAHAHAHA! ... Ages. Classic!"

Twilight herself enjoyed a small chuckle, mostly at Pinkie’s antics. Which was not unnoticed by Rainbow Dash.

"Ugh. Tell me you didn't get that nerd joke, Twilight?" Dash asked dryly.

“‘Nerd joke’, indeed!” Rarity huffed. Twilight looked apologetically at Rarity.

"Well, actually... I don't know that much about stitching. But I'd be happy to learn more!" She said honestly. Rarity lit up, leaning over the table with an eager smile.

"Oh, you must Twilight! You must!" Rarity gushed.

"Oh yes! Textiles are actually a vital part of history, as they are a reflection of the technology and culture of the day,” Twilight said, as Dash groaned.

“Freaking nerds,” Dash muttered. Applejack snorted.

“This from the gal who’s memorized the Wonderbolts routine for the last hundred years,” the farmer deadpanned. Dash scowled.

“That is not nerdy! That is awesome!”

Twilight chuckled.

“I’d love to learn about that, too! Getting the inside scoop on things would be… Interesting…”

She trailed off as she saw Fluttershy trot up to the table, looking morose. Her rabbit Angel was hopping alongside her, looking irritated. Immediately, she was filled with concern.

"Fluttershy? What's wrong?" Twilight asked. Rarity moved a chair behind their shy friend, and Fluttershy sat down in it with a plop and a sigh. Rarity immediately scooted over, a sympathetic expression on her face. Dash moved to Fluttershy’s other side, a habit of protection for her oldest friend.

"Oh, darling... It didn't go well, did it?"

"No... I'm sorry. I probably did something wrong,” Fluttershy sighed. Her rabbit Angel held up a bottle of chloroform, and she glared at him. "No! I told you, we will never do that!"

Now Twilight was confused, and more than a little disturbed.

"Do what?" Twilight asked. Dash sighed.

"Well, she-Ohhh that nag."

She glared, as did the rest of Twilight's friends, at something behind her. Twilight looked over her shoulder. She could see Andrew Shepherd, the only human in Equestria... Talking happily with Carrot. The Earth mare was being flirtatious, batting her eyes, and wagging her tail as she discussed something eagerly with the tall alien.

"Huh...?" Twilight murmured, as her friends all grew irritated.

"I can't believe her!" Rarity seethed.

"She knows the rules!" Applejack growled.

Even Pinkie Pie sat up, looking angry. She stuck out her tongue at Carrot, eyes narrowed.

"Cheater!" She swore.

"Oh-Oh no,” Fluttershy murmured. Angel again offered the chloroform, but she shifted her glare to him. "No!"

"What's... Going on?" Twilight asked. Rarity shook her head, as Dash slipped off.

"Well, to make it simple darling,” she said, “Shepherd is an alien. New to the ways of this world, and clearly quite ignorant of the relationships between ponies. The poor thing is helpless. So, since we five are his closest friends, we made a gentlemare’s agreement of sorts to keep him… Protected.

“Protected?” Twilight wondered. “From what?”

“From hussy mares who just wanna ride an alien and leave him high ‘n dry, o’ course,” Applejack growled. Rainbow Dash immediately went up to Shepherd and began talking animatedly about something, cutting deftly between him and Carrot. The mare looked annoyed.

“And um, we’ve tried to ease him into the idea of… Of seeing us as potential, um, p-p-partners,” Fluttershy murmured. She tapped her hooves together, blushing hard.

“Yeah! Did you know that his planet doesn’t have any other forms of sapient life?” Pinkie Pie asked, bouncing up and down. “It’s just his species! Their ponies can’t talk or think or throw parties or anything! So they’re not used to anypony else as partners!”

“Partners? You mean…” Twilight blushed. Rarity nodded eagerly.

“Absolutely! I mean, who knows when he might get to go home? It might never happen! So, to ensure he is not without companions, we’re keeping him protected just so he’s not taken advantage of! I mean, Daisy went after that griffin cook and broke his heart!”

Applejack and Pinkie nodded sagely.

“Poor Gustav,” Applejack said.

Twilight gaped in disbelief.

“It… Sounds more like you’re treating Shepherd as yours,” Twilight pointed out.

And much blushing ensued. Rarity cleared her throat.

“Yes, w-well… It wouldn’t be a bad thing,” she said, “for him to choose one of us. Fluttershy is most keen on him-”

“Eep,” Fluttershy squeaked, hiding her face behind her wings and hooves. Rarity continued.

“But we just want what’s best for him,” Rarity said. “He’s so innocent of the ways of this world!”

“And he deserves a mare who’ll treat him right,” Applejack said with a nod.

“And who won’t break his heart and make him adopt a crazy accent!” Pinkie said eagerly.

“Darling, Gustav always had that accent,” Rarity said wearily. Pinkie snorted.

“That’s what you think!”

Twilight interrupted, still unable to grasp this.

“You're all set on this? With Shepherd?!"

Much staring. Fluttershy spoke up first, sounding slightly angry and hurt.

"Wh-What's wrong with him?" She nearly demanded. Twilight shook her head rapidly.

"Nothing's wrong with him! But it seems a bit... I mean... He is an alien,” she said, “griffins and hippogriffs are one thing, but he’s from another planet entirely!”

"So?” Applejack asked, “Magic can fix that up where it needs to be."

"And you saw his courage!" Rarity gushed. “Ever since he arrived, he has been a helpful, kind, generous, and friendly member of our community!”

“And even when he’s tired he’ll party with me to cheer me up!” Pinkie Pie cheered.

“And he-he’s wonderful with children,” Fluttershy added, to which Applejack and Rarity nodded eagerly.

“And he’s got a great butt!” Pinkie added. Again, everypony nodded happily.

Twilight shook her head.

"I-None of those are problems!" She blushed, "But it just seems odd there would be so much attention on one alien stallion and-"

"Hey girls! How's it going?"

Twilight jumped in her seat, and looked over her shoulder… And up, and up. There was Shepherd, smiling down at her. Dash was hovering behind him, her forehooves resting on his shoulders as she grinned down.

“Hey guys! Look who I invited over!” Dash said cheerfully.

“How are you doing, Shepherd?” Rarity asked with a smile. The human beamed and shrugged.

"I'm all right. Carrot and I were just exchanging recipes…” His eyes locked onto the blushing Fluttershy, who was hiding behind her wings. “Hey Fluttershy! Are you alright?” He immediately lowered his voice to avoid other tables eavesdropping. “Do you need more hugs?"

Fluttershy ducked under the table, her blush so intense Twilight could swear Angel could roast marshmallows over her face.

"I um... W-Well, I just... That is..."

Rainbow Dash again interrupted, tapping Shepherd on the shoulders.

"Hey! Twilight's had an all nighter! She needs a good, hard hug!" She said. Twilight gaped, as Shepherd gave her a gently admonishing look.

"Really Twilight? Again? You're not a college student, you can't do cram sessions every night." He paused. “Or are you? I’m not sure how it works here.”

"No, that's not what I-I mean-!" Twilight stuttered. The human knelt down, and wrapped his arms around her. He pulled her in tight, and rested his chin on her head. He was so large, and strong-He could have just lifted her up into the air and done anything with her had he so chose… And if she didn’t have magic.

She found herself relaxing into the hug, and hesitantly returning it. It was different from hugs she’d received from her parents, her big brother, or even Princess Celestia-Those were all wonderful, but Shepherd just surrounded her in warmth and strength. Like nothing bad could ever happen to her, wrapped in this protective blanket.

Humans were very good huggers, she reflected, as she returned it as best she could.

Dash just grinned overhead.

“She needs a good, hard ear scritch too! She's far too tense! Thinking too much all the time!”

“As opposed to someone who don’t think at all,” Applejack snarked. Dash growled.


“Fair enough,” Shepherd said. Before Twilight could protest, his fingers were already scratching behind her ears… And she was melting.

"I... Ohhhhh... Oooooh..." Her eyes crossed as Shepherd dug his nails in. With both hands, he was soon scritching both her ears. The endorphins flooded her brain with incredible intensity, and soon she was aware of only those magnificent appendages scratching and rubbing her cares away.

“Don’t forget the base of her horn, darling,” Rarity said, from somewhere far away. “That part can get quite sore for unicorns with prolonged magic use.”

“Gotcha,” Shepherd said, and one of his hands slid through her mane to begin massaging the base of her horn. Her legs went weak as she struggled to stay in the chair. She was panting like a dog.

"I-Iieaaahhhhnnn~..." She shut her lips tightly to contain a happy groan. "Mmmmmngh...!"

"Ooh... And her lower back,” Applejack added. “She's tight as rope back there!"

Shepherd ran his incredible hands down across her scalp, over her neck, and all the way to the small of her back. His fingers went to work, squeezing and pushing down and grinding her muscles. She arched her back, and she could feel as much as hear a pop from her vertebrae. She barely contained a cry from her throat as she saw stars.

She lost her balance, but again Shepherd was there to catch her. She was a trembling wreck, as Shepherd helped her back onto her chair.

"Geez, you ponies all are so tense! I thought Aloe and Lotus were great at their jobs!" He said, gently stroking Twilight’s mane. She managed to make her eyes looked up at his concerned face. She wanted to kiss him.

"Oh they are, they are darling!” Rarity said, “But hmm... Your fingers are quite a bit more effective."

"Just don't take a job with them!" Dash warned, her hooves back on Shepherd’s shoulders possessively. As Twilight’s senses returned, she could see that quite a few mares were looking enviously over at them. At her.

It made her feel… Good.

Shepherd shrugged.

"I'm more of a handy man anyway,” he said.

“You sure are,” Applejack murmured. The human smiled and shook his head.

"And speaking of, I have stuff to do. Later all!" He gave Twilight one last, wonderful hug, stood up, and headed off. Twilight watched him go, and slowly looked back at the rest of her friends. They all looked back with knowing expressions.

“So,” Twilight began, “you’ve all been-?”

They all nodded. Fluttershy managed it while hiding behind her mane. Dash and Applejack looked incredibly smug. Rarity chuckled and sipped her tea, while Pinkie grinned broadly while wiggling her eyebrows.

Twilight let out a giggle.

"I um... I know this is kind of sudden,” she began, “but-”

"Oh relax darling,” Rarity said, reaching over to pat her on the hoof, “of course we'd let you in on this!" She looked at the others. "Right?"

"Of course! We can't let her end up some lonely old virgin princess!" She said.

Twilight was bright red. "H-Hey!"

"Ah ain't opposed,” Applejack said with a smile. “So long as we keep him out of the wrong hooves.”

Dash hummed thoughtfully, and looked Twilight over.

"Well, I suppose she can be in it. If she won't be selfish or frigid!"

"Don't worry,” Pinkie Pie cheered, “nerds are always kinky!"

All eyes went to Fluttershy. She looked down at the table, then back up. Determination filled her eyes.

“As-As long as Shepherd is happy, I’m happy,” she said. “Th-That’s what it means to… To lo… Lo… R-Really like somepony,” she managed.

Rarity sighed and patted Fluttershy on the shoulder. “Don’t worry darling, you’ll get there,” she said. “Some day.”

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Author's Notes:

You merely adopted the silly harem fic. I was born to it.

Thorns, Part 1

Short Hand

A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfic By Andrew J. Talon

Disclaimer: This is a non-profit fan based parody. MLP:FiM is the property of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. Please support the official release.

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The simple truth is that in Equestria, you’ve taken a few technological steps backwards. They do have video games of a sort, but no internet to use them on. They have record players to play music on, but that’s about as far as it’s gone. They might have radios, but they’re not widely distributed. It’s frankly a bit of an anachronism salad.

Perhaps it’s because they’d had bits of human technology pop in every now and again to influence their development. After all, they had plenty of stuff locked up in their ancient human archives. A lot of stuff I’d helpfully identified for them.

And some I hadn’t, but that’s another story entirely.

But hey! I’d gotten a lot of nice things out of the deal. Not just pay, but plenty of stuff. Like a nice, full sized violin.

Equestria was at a technological level where you had a lot more musicians around plying their trade. It inspired me to try and get back into playing my own musical instrument: The violin.

There wasn’t a great deal of call for classical violin around these parts though. So I decided I’d expand my repertoire a bit.

It had almost broken me at first, but I’d adapted. Yes, dear readers… I learned how to play fiddle style.

“Let’s see,” I muttered, peering at the sheet music as I sat under one of the Apple family’s numerous apple trees. I held my instrument and my bow, enjoying the feeling of the instrument in my arms. I ran the rosined bow down the strings, and went through a few scales. The sound made me smile. It was like an old friend who had come back after many years.

“Okay,” I sighed, satisfied my fingers were nice and limber. I began tapping my toe to keep the rhythm straight.
“Let’s try this…”

The sheet music wasn’t that different from Earth’s-I guess the song had made it here too. But it just lacked that special something without the lyrics. So I sang.

“Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Indianapolis, Indiana
And Columbus is the capital of Ohio
There's Montgomery, Alabama, south of Helena, Montana
Then there's Denver, Colorado, under Boise, Idaho~...”

The actual name for the song is “Turkey in the Straw”, but why let that spoil a good song? Though I wouldn’t say I was anywhere near as good a singer as Wakko Warner.

Texas has Austin, then we go north
To Massachusetts, Boston and Albany, New York
Tallahassee, Florida and Washington D.C.
Santa Fe, New Mexico and
Nashville, Tenne-SEE?!”

I yelped as I felt something slither past my boot. I jumped up, pulling my violin away, searching for a snake. Instead I saw…

Vines. Thousands of them, thick and spiny, like something out of Sleeping Beauty. All crawling across the ground thick as locusts hungry for crops. I stood up, pulling my music and violin case up. I followed the source of the vines-They were streaming out of the Everfree Forest. Again, the place I fell into that is full of scary, deadly, horrific monsters.

I suppose it really shouldn’t be a surprise, terrible shit coming out of there. This was probably something to tell Twilight about. Given her thing about saving Equestria and all.

I hiked my way over to my house first. Unfortunately many vines were already in the way, and the inhabitants were panicking. I sighed heavily.

Well I wasn’t doing any good just standing around. So, as I had learned whenever something weird happened in Ponyville, it was best to be prepared.

I got into my house, and barred the door against the vines. I then shoved bookcases and anything else I could against the windows. Finally, I walked to my closet, and started getting my gear. Along with a backpack full of medical supplies and other useful kit, I had something else.

The amount of human artifacts that Celestia and Luna had collected over the years was huge. And thankfully for me, it had many, many weapons with ammunition.

Like a very nice .45 Colt Single Action Army revolver. It was engraved with 1967, so fairly old but still in working order. I’d found a Glock 21 in the same calibre too, which made things much easier there. At least for the ponies who were making more ammo. Another gun I’d found was a Winchester M97 pump action shotgun, with several bags of shells emblazoned with US ARMY on them. I figured they may have come out of World War II, but I didn’t know for sure.

And of course, there were several, several AK-47s. Of various build qualities and designs. I’d taken the ones with the least wood in it, and all of its 7.62×39mm ammo. There was plenty. It seemed to be a WASR-10, judging from the Romanian on the barrel and that it was only semi-automatic, but I wasn’t entirely sure.

And yes, I had practiced shooting with them all, as often as I could manage, on the outskirts of the town.

Look, if you lived in a town with as many monster attacks as Ponyville, of course you’d want to be armed! And it wasn’t like I was going to make my own firearms. Who was gonna help me? The Cutie Mark Crusaders?

Anyway, all of this was quite heavy, along with all the ammo I could pack into a duffle bag. I grabbed a machete I’d also taken from the ancient human archives, and turned around. I opened the door… And the vines began to immediately surge in after me!

“Oh for…!” I grabbed the duffle bag and hefted it over my shoulder. I grunted as I swung the machete as hard as I could, slashing through the vines as furiously as I could. I forced my way out, swinging hard, and shut the door after me. I stood there, panting, leaning against my house.

“Haa… Haa… Haa…” I shook my head. “Holy shit…”

The entire town was now covered in horrible vines. Everywhere, making walking difficult at best. One orange pony was trapped in her cart, and screaming for help.

“HELP! HELP ME!” She cried. I stomped my way through, my tough boots able to resist the thorns but my pants weren’t doing as hot. I slashed my way through, my strikes with my machete now driven by sheer anger. This was just insane! I got to the cart, and slashed through the vines threatening to crush the mare. I slashed them apart, the vines falling apart gushing plant juices. I reached in and the mare wrapped her hooves around me. I pulled her out, and she clung to my torso desperately. I ran over to the nearest shop, whose owners opened their windows. I let the mare get through, and she fell in just before more vines sprang up to capture her.

She watched me with the shop owners in dismay, as I stumbled back. I looked around: The vines were starting to curl in my direction.

Okay, so it was clear some kind of intelligence was directing this. An invasion by some evil horde of orcs? The plot of an evil sorceress? Gozer the Gozarian?

Probably not that last one, but you never know.

Well, I knew one place to find allies to help. I ran for it, the vines trying to bar my way. I swung my machete hard, cutting my way through the barrier. I reached a relatively free area-A straight shot right to the Golden Oak Library!
I ran for it, the heavy duffle bag of guns and ammo weighing me down as I sprinted as fast as I could! Which is a lot harder than it sounds, let me tell you. My heart was pounding in my chest as the door came closer, closer… The vines were already growing faster, trying to reach out for me and wrap their tendrils around me!

“YAH!” I swung my machete in a wide circle, cutting through several vines. It burnt a lot of energy, and was frankly tiring, but it bought me the time to yank open the door and dive in. I slammed the door shut behind me, falling down hard onto my knees.

“Haa… Haa… Haa…”

“YAHHHH!” I looked up just in time to see Spike charging at me. I held up my hands.

“SPIKE! Spike, calm down! It’s me!” I shouted. The dragon skidded to a halt, his tiny claws digging into the wood. He stared in shock.

“Shepherd?! How did you get here?!”

I held up my machete, panting hard. I wiped the sweat from my brow. I looked around the dark library.

“Where is everypony?” I asked. “I mean everybody-Nevermind, where are they?”

“They’re trying to find the source of all this!” Spike cried. “It’s happening all over Equestria!”

“Seriously?” I asked in disbelief, as the little dragon nodded eagerly. “It’s a freaking invasion!”

“I know!” Spike cried. “But they think the source is the Everfree Forest!”

I sighed and wiped my temples. “Okay,” I panted, “okay. So it’s right here and they’re going to Rainbow Nuke the problem, right?”

Spike blinked. “Huh? Rainbow Nu-Oh! The Elements? They didn’t take them.”

The sound of the living vines scraping against the outside of the tree was the only thing that registered for several seconds. I very slowly looked up and stared intently at Spike.

“Let me get this straight,” I said, slowly and deliberately, “there are evil thorny vines trying to penetrate all of Equestria like it’s a particularly kinky Japanese schoolgirl, and they didn’t take the magical superweapons that lets them fight evil?!”

Spike coughed.

“I-I mean, um,” the dragon said. I grabbed Spike by his scaly shoulders and looked him right in the eyes.

“First off,” I growled, “you’re going to forge Twilight’s hornwriting or whatever and send a letter requesting the Elements of Harmony.”

“F-F-Forge?!” Spike squeaked, trembling in my grip, “I can’t forge her hornwriting! I-I wouldn’t even know-”

“Power Ponies. First. Edition, “ I stated. Spike cringed. I glared at him. I glared harder. Spike wilted, and sighed.

“Okay, fine,” he muttered. “I’ll do that… And then what?”

“Second,” I said, “you know how to fly Twilight’s balloon?”

- - -

As it turned out, he did. And it was anchored above the thorns, so we just had to climb into the basket. Which, combined with the weight of my duffle bag and the briefcase for the Elements of Harmony was just loads of fun, let me tell you.

Twilight was going to need a new balcony. But hey, understandable in the situation, right? Right.

Anyway, Spike’s magical flame breath had us floating high above the grasping vines, and over the Everfree Forest. The vines could be seen for miles, snaking through the trees of the forest like the threads of a gigantic spiderweb. Some were huge enough they were sticking out of the forest canopy, waving like snake tails. There were many beasts and monsters growling and snarling beneath us, audible even at this altitude.

Since when was Equestria like the Darkroot Garden?! God how I wish Solaire was with us. I sighed and looked over at Spike, who wasn’t in a much better mood.

“Do you even have a plan?!” The dragon asked.

“Yes,” I said. “One, find Twilight and the others. Two, give them the Friendship Deathray. Three? If that doesn’t work, shoot Evil in the face. Four? Repeat as needed. Five…” I thought about it and shrugged, ”go home.”

Spike’s jaw dropped.

“That’s it?” Spike demanded. I shrugged.

“Pretty much. I make things up as I go along, really,” I admitted. ”Besides, what do you have to worry about? You’re a dragon! You can breath fire, eat gems and wade through lava. I’m the squishy one.”

Spike sighed and rolled his eyes, leaning against the side of the basket.

“I don’t have a problem with that! Well I do, but that’s not my main problem: I mean, Twilight went with the others! Don’t you trust them?” He asked. I waved my hand out, trying to encompass the entirety of the situation.

“Of course I trust them!” I shouted. “But I trust them a hell of a lot more when they’re at their best!”

Spike grumbled, and crossed his arms.

“Yeah, still,” he said. “This is really dangerous.”

“Yeah, I know,” I stated, “but we need to do something.”

Spike nodded slowly, crossing his arms. “Yeah, I suppose so-” Spike started, and his eyes went wide. I looked over my shoulder, and-Oh yeah. Something big, scary, and with lots of teeth was flying at us. I looked back at Spike, as I rummaged around in the duffle bag.

“Can you lose him?” I asked urgently. Spike shook his head rapidly.

“It’s a balloon, not an airship! I can try though!” He took a deep breath, and shot a massive blast of green fire up into the balloon. We gained altitude, but it wasn’t much. It did, however, make the flying monster miss us. It circled around, flapping its huge wings to match our height.

All of which gave me enough time to get my AK out, and load it. Just as importantly, I shoved some cotton balls into my ears. I took aim.

“You might wanna cover your ears!” I shouted at Spike. I waited until the beast was lined up with the iron sights. I released the safety. And with just a bit of difficulty, I squeezed the trigger.

The WASR-10 is a civilian model of the AK-47, so no fully automatic gunfire mode. That suited me fine, as shooting a gun in a swinging hot air balloon basket is hard enough without it spraying bullets everywhere. The retort was loud and the kickback was fierce into my shoulder, and Spike yelped as he held the sides of his head.

The beast was surprised, either by the sound or by the bullet hitting it, but it immediately careened away. I fired a second shot at its retreating backside, not aiming too hard but more just to keep it fleeing.

Not that I could be sure I’d even hit him the first time.

“Okay,” I said, over the ringing in my ears. I slid the safety back, and pointed the gun up and away from anything. “Okay, that’s sent him off. You okay?”

“ARGH! Wow, that is loud!” Spike groaned. He shook his head. “That’s one of those human things, right?”

“Yeah,” I said. I shrugged. “Probably not much use against magic but hey. Better than nothing.”

“Okay, how about against that?” Spike squeaked. I looked… Just in time to see a gigantic thorny tendril swinging our way. My eyes widened. I pulled the gun and pointed it at the massive vine… But I didn’t even get a chance to shoot as it slapped us right out of the sky!

Not that it would have done us any good as Spike and I held each other, screaming in terror, as we plunged into the forest below!


Author's Notes:

Got to indulge my inner gun nerd and I compressed a fair amount of stuff that should have been introduced earlier in Hands. Like guns.

Anyway, I'm having Shepherd get involved in one of the most infamous IDW MLP Comic Story Arcs. And it's gonna get crazy. Stay tuned!

Thorns, Part 2

Short Hand

A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfic By Andrew J. Talon

Disclaimer: This is a non-profit fan based parody. MLP:FiM is the property of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. Please support the official release.

- - -

Falling from this height doesn’t give you the time for your life to flash before your eyes. Just a decisive examination of the decisions that led you to this point. In my case, it was fairly simple what decisions had led here:

You’re not the hero, idiot! You’re the big, goofy, token alien character! Twilight and the others are the heroes! What made you think you do anything?! The best use for you is as a decoy!

Yeah I have self esteem issues. I had them before coming to the magical pony world, why do you ask?

Looks like I wouldn’t be getting that Darwin Award though, because as Twilight’s balloon crashed through the forest canopy… It was caught on the thick branches of the gigantic trees. Spike and I kept screaming as we held onto the basket, as our rapid descent slowed in violent, quick jerks. Not hard enough to kill us, but it sure hurt like a son of a bitch.

Especially the last one, where we fell out of the tree onto the forest floor.

“GAH! Ahhh… Owww…!” I groaned. Something spiky and warm was under my back. “My back…!”

The thing squirmed under me, and dug his way out with claws which made me yelp. Spike glared up at me, brushing himself off.

“Your back?! What about my… Everything?!” He glared, as we sat in the crumpled but still mostly intact balloon basket.

“You can tank lava, dude! I’m fragile!” I complained. I groaned and sat up, rubbing my back. “Also, geez, when’s the last time you had a manicure?”

“When’s the last time you hit the gym, Lardass?” Spike shot back. I snorted, and rummaged in my backpack-Which had thankfully stayed in the balloon basket. I pulled out the medical kit, the soft feel of the feathers on it very reassuring. Spike stared at it.

“Huh? What’s that?” He asked, reaching out and poking it. I opened the kit and looked through it. I pulled out a potion, popped the stopper, and drank of it long and deep. My aches and pains faded away, and I sighed happily. I rubbed my back, and stretched my arms up over my head.

“Mm! Tastes like healing,” I said cheerfully. I looked over at Spike. “Oh! This is my medical kit! Fluttershy put it together for me, with help from Zecora.”

Zecora was a zebra shamanist and potions maker who lived in the Everfree Forest. She had a habit of talking in rhyme, but she knew her potions and alchemy. Maybe shamans were required to do sick rap battles back where she was from, who knew?

Spike blinked and fingered some of the feathers. “These are pegasus feathers,” Spike said. His eyes widened. “These are her feathers! She gave you lots of her own feathers to decorate the kit!”

“Yeah?” I said, shrugging. “So?”

Spike gaped in disbelief at me.

“Don’t you know how deeply personal that is to a pegasus?!” Spike demanded. I shrugged.

“She’s a good, close friend. And we’re going to rescue her and the others…? You got a point to all this?”

Spike gaped at me in disbelief. He then rolled his eyes.

“Humans,” he muttered.

“Dude!” I scolded him angrily. Spike glared, and held out his hand.

“Healing potion?” He asked.

I handed him another bottle of the concoction. Spike sniffed it, and sipped it slowly. He swallowed and licked his lips. He grinned.
“Ah… Zecora always puts the right amount of crushed rubies into it,” he said. I made a face.

“You’re joking right?” I asked. Spike snorted.

“You’ll live,” he said. He looked around the dark, dangerous forest that we had crashed in. “So, do we know where to go?”

I pulled my guns up over my shoulder, and grunted. I checked my compass.

“Well, that gigantic spine that smacked us out of the air came from the Northeast,” I said, “so I’m guessing that’s where we go.”

“Great plan,” Spike deadpanned. I handed him the briefcase containing the Elements of Harmony. He held onto it tightly, his tiny claws already digging into the incredibly light metal of the container. He made a face, and I shook my head.

“It’s what we need to do, right?” I said.

“But what if we can’t?” Spike asked. I bit down my own fearfilled retort. The same question was already echoing in my head. If I was alone, I’d probably be babbling in fear. What was I thinking? Going into the Everfree Forest alone with a bunch of guns and a baby dragon like I was Fantasy Rambo?

What was I thinking?

I looked at Spike’s anxious, terrified face. It was amazing how expressive the little reptile’s face was. This little being, Twilight’s long suffering assistant and baby brother.

I took a deep breath. None of y fears mattered now. We were here. I couldn’t undo it. I had to press on. I was the only human here. I had the Elements of Harmony. I had to get them to my friends or everyone in Equestria was doomed.

And Spike here… He needed to know everything was going to be okay.

I knelt down, and hugged Spike tightly. He went stiff.

“We don’t need to think about that,” I said, “because we will. Everyone’s counting on us, all right? But that’s okay, because we’re going to do this. We’ll get the Elements to the girls, and they’ll rainbow nuke whatever’s doing this, and we’ll all go home and have cake. I promise.”

Spike hesitantly hugged me back, and patted my sides. “Thanks,” he said. He pulled away, and coughed. “You can let go of me now,” he stated with a wince. I immediately yanked my arms back.

“Right, too close, too close,” I apologized. Spike scratched his shoulder and coughed.

“Yeah,” he said. “Really kind of awkward? Though uh, thanks for doing the big brother thing.”

“I have a lot of practice,” I said. Any further awkwardness was thankfully dispelled by a monster’s roar. We both stiffened. Spike from the sound, and me? Well… Because the sound was familiar.

“What was that?” Spike muttered.

“A manticore,” I murmured.

“How can you tell?” Spike asked. I shook my head.

“Because that’s what hunted me when I first dropped into here,” I said slowly.

The monster’s growl continued to echo. It was close. Incredibly close. How had it gotten here? It was groaning… Like it was in… Pain?

I hefted up my rifle. I motioned for us to move northeast, through the trees. We walked, slowly and quietly. Navigation was hard with all the thorny vines, but we managed to crawl over the top of one of the biggest ones. We slid down into a small clearing, me going first. I waited and caught Spike as he slid off the gigantic vine. I set him down, and we crept slowly through the bushes.

We peeked out and saw… A manticore, lying on his side. A gigantic, tawny feline, bigger than the biggest liger or tigon back on Earth. He had a huge, bushy red mane. Two red, bat-like wings, the size of a small aircraft’s jutted out of his shoulders. His tail was a gigantic, blood red scorpion’s with a stinger as big as an American football.

He was baying low, his right wing twitching. And a small striped form was under its paw, wriggling and moving. My eyes went wide.

“Zecora!” Spike gasped.

The manticore lifted his head and looked over at us. I immediately held my rifle up and rushed out of the bushes.

“Get away from her!” I shouted.

“Run away Zecora! Get away!” Spike yelled.

The manticore roared, a warning. I adjusted my aim, locking my eyes right through the sites and on the center of the monster’s forehead. It snarled back, angry and defiant and yet…

Zecora managed to pull out from under the paw, and shook her head.

“Quiet, quiet, if you will! My patient here is very ill!” Zecora cried. Our jaws dropped.

“Patient?!” Spike and I both cried. The manticore moaned, his shifting making his wing shudder. It was now that I noticed there was blood on the wing. A lot of it.

Zecora nodded.

"I saw him fly and crash back down, as I was on my way to town," Zecora explained. "He bayed for help, so greatly pained. I tried to keep him well restrained." She eyed me intently. "So could your gun please elsewhere train? I need a potion for his pain."

I growled. “This is the same asshole who hunted me when I first ended up in this place! He and the rest of the monsters here might be working for whatever’s sending thorny vines all over Equestria!”

“Yeah!” Spike shouted. “And he attacked us! I mean, see that wing! You did hit him!”

Okay, so I had better aim than I thought. Good.

Zecora nodded, “It was not of his own free will. The villains true are hidden still.”

I scowled.

“Wait, he was being mind controlled?” I asked. The manticore growled angrily at me, flexing his claws. “He didn’t need to be mind controlled to attack me when I showed up!”

The manticore gestured with a claw to his face. There was a scar on his eye. I scowled.

“You had that before! I distinctly remember it!”

“Can this wait for later?” Spike demanded. He looked to Zecora. “Who’s really behind this?!”

Zecora shook her head. "Reveal that, sadly, I cannot. Have you a potion kit or not?"

“That’s barely a rhyme,” I complained. I glared at the manticore, and he glared back. He growled low and threateningly, puffing his fur up. He then trembled, and grit his sharp teeth as his wing folded back down. He still kept snarling up at us, his claws digging into the soil.

I sighed. I pulled out the medical kit, and opened it up. I pulled out a healing potion, and tossed it over to Zecora as I kept my rifle trained on the manticore.

Zecora took it, and immediately took the potion. She pulled out a few odds and ends from her bag, and added them to the potion. She looked back at us.

"Now someone, hold him still you must. He's not exactly quick to trust,” she stated. I sighed.

“You’re really not going to let us go if we don’t heal him, are you?” I asked in exasperation. The zebra shook her head. “You know, we could just leave you here.”

Spike shot me an angry, betrayed look. Zecora met my eyes evenly, her expression unmoved.

"Oh yes, indeed, I know you could... abandon me here in the wood?”

I grimaced. Damnit. I should have stayed in bed this morning.

I set down the rifle.

I rummaged around and pulled out my Webley. I handed it over to Spike, grasping his clawed hands so he could grip the weapon properly.

“Look down the sites,” I said, “hold it firmly. If he moves? Shoot until it runs out,” I ordered. Spike trembled, looked at me, and then at the gun. He took a deep breath.

“I’ve got it,” the little dragon said with a nod. I nodded back. I looked back into the eyes of the manticore. He glared. I glared back, and I slowly approached him. A step at a time.

“Okay, big guy,” I said, “I don’t like you. You don’t like me. But if we heal you, we can all get out of this alive,” I stated. I held the manticore’s gaze, even as he snarled back. I stepped closer, closer…

I pushed the monster’s head down, holding him as best I could. The monster snarled, but didn’t move. Zecora took the modified potion, and applied it to his injured wing. The wound began to glow, and a single, mashed up piece of metal popped out of the hole. The manticore roared in pain, trembling, and I had to use all of my weight to keep him still. I struggled as the monster bellowed and snarled…

But he kept his claws in the dirt, and his scorpion-like tail curled up.

Zecora caught the bullet, and examined it critically. She looked over at me. I scowled back, utterly unrepentant. I looked back at the manticore, who growled back angrily. I let him go, and brushed my hands off. Zecora pulled out some bandages from her saddlebags, and wrapped the wound up tight. The manticore flexed his wings, wincing a bit.

“Okay,” I said slowly, calmly, to the monster. “Okay… You’re healed. We didn’t shoot you.” I paused. “Again. Do you know who’s behind all this?”

We heard hooves clopping against the dirt. I looked over at Zecora, who shook her head. I grimaced and grabbed her. I hefted her up over my shoulder and carried her off.

"Ah! Unhand me now, you human ape! Your manhood I will amputate!"

I rushed back over to Spike, who had been holding the gun all this time. He dropped it, and grabbed the Elements Case. I scooped up the gun as I ran, and Spike scurried behind me rapidly. We vanished into the bushes, just in time as a large horde of something stampeded into the clearing. We laid down in the bushes, and we peered out.

I blinked. I blinked again.

They were… Deer. All with similar proportions to the Equestrian ponies: Big craniums, large forward facing eyes, and all with armor. The lead was a tall, black stag, who examined the injured manticore critically.

“This one was injured by the balloon,” he declared. “The control of the Heart of the Forest has been broken.”

A smaller deer was alongside, and nodded.

“Yes Lord Blackthorn,” he said. He hesitated. “What of the Elements of Harmony? They came into our midst willingly. They spoke of peace.”

Blackthorn snorted. “King Aspen made it clear. There will be no peace until the encroachment on our kingdom is stopped.” He looked over at the manticore, who snarled at them. “Place the spell back on this one. Have him join the others in the dump.”

I immediately reached for my rifle, but Spike and Zecora stopped me. I glared at them both, which was very inconvenient as I had to keep looking back and forth between them.

“Guys!” I hissed.

“The girls are okay,” Spike said, “they’re trying diplomacy. If we do anything aggressive, it’ll just make things worse!”

Zecora nodded. "A kind word here may do more good that guns, like in your neighbourhood."

“What the hell kind of a place do you think my homeworld is?” I muttered. Zecora kept up her glare, as did Spike. I sighed, and my shoulders drooped.

“Fine,” I muttered. I stood up, and slowly walked out into the clearing just as Blackthorn’s assistant was pulling out a magical… Thing? Some kind of wand with a gem? Whatever it was, the manticore didn’t like that. He snarled, and spread his wings to try and intimidate the deer. The deer stood their ground. I cleared my throat.

Every single deer looked at me, and their eyes grew wide. Like I was an oncoming car with the headlights on. I offered a smile with my mouth closed-No need to show off my teeth.

“Hello, Lord Blackthorn was it?” I called. “Good afternoon! I’m Andrew Shepherd.” I paused. “I come in peace, and would like to discuss your situation-”

“A human?!” Another deer gasped. “A HUMAN WORKING FOR EQUESTRIA?!”

“It can’t be!” Blackthorn cried, at a much higher pitch than he’d been speaking before. “Humans are extinct! It’s not possible! IT’S NOT POSSIBLE!”

I lifted my hands and spread my fingers.

“No no no! I am a human! I’m not going to hurt you, I’m just here to talk! About the giant thorny vines and the monsters and to get the Elements of Harmony back-!”

“CELESTIA’S WRATH IS UPON US!” Blackthorn shrieked. Half of his troops immediately fled, speeding off into the undergrowth like ghosts. The other half pulled out bows and arrows and pulled them. I immediately reached for the Glock 21, but I was seized from behind by gigantic, furry claws.

Oh great, my mind said as the rest of me screamed in fear and anger, I had to turn my back on the dangerous manticore who is now…

Lifting me out of the path of the arrows? I looked up at the manticore, who was wincing as he flew but determinedly keeping me out of harm’s way. He then none-too-gently tossed me up onto his back, and I grabbed onto his thick, billowing mane. He roared in defiance at the remaining deer, who all turned and fled.

We landed roughly, and I scrambled off of the manticore like he was on fire. He growled at me, and I glared back. Even so…

“Thanks,” I managed. The manticore growled back, but nodded. Zecora and Spike barreled out of the bushes, Spike still holding onto the Elemental Football.

“Deer! From the kingdom of Thicket!” Spike gasped. I shook my head and looked at the dragon.

“You know who those guys are?” I asked in disbelief. Spike nodded quickly.

“Yeah! I mean, I live in a library,” he said, “though this is obscure even for Twilight’s reading habits.”

“Then tell the tale, oh Dragonborn,” Zecora said, “what do you know via unicorn?”

Spike took a deep breath. “The deer of the kingdom of Thicket are very solitary,” he recited, “and haven’t been seen in large numbers outside of the Everfree Forest in centuries. They’re very reclusive, and use nature magics to protect their domain. Also kind of have a superiority complex, since they were here in Equestria before the Three Tribes migrated due to the Long Winter.”

“So we’re dealing with a bunch of elves,” I sighed. “Wonderful. And they fear humans?”

Spike shrugged. “Well, you are creatures of legend,” he said, “maybe you’re their Nightmare Moon? A story told to all deer faun to keep them well behaved?”

I hummed. “So, could we use that to our advantage?” I asked. Zecora shook her head.

“All hopes of peace may dissipate,” she warned, “if tensions further escalate.”

“They’re trying to destroy all of Equestria, Zecora,” I pointed out blandly. “That’s basically a declaration of war, no matter what their justification. Until they stop that, there’s no point in negotiating for peace. Sometimes another word for peace is ‘surrender’.”

Zecora nodded slowly.

“On this, I think, we are agreed,” she said, “but resolution we still need.”

“First off,” I said, “let’s find Thicket. Then we work out what to do from there.”

- - -

It wasn’t too hard to find the kingdom’s walls. From a distance they looked like any other part of the forest, but get closer and glowing torches, regular patterns and of course many deer trotting around gave it away as an artificial structure. I looked up at the battlements, all well manned.

Er, deered. Whatever.

“Great,” I muttered, as the manticore, myself, Spike and Zecora all camped out in the bushes some distance away from the city walls. “How do we get in there?”

“That’s a good question,” Spike observed. He hummed, and then snapped his fingers. “Oh! What if Zecora and I pretended to be bounty hunters? And we said we’d captured you and wanted a good price for you?”

“They might just kill me on the spot, Spike,” I said dryly. “And a bounty hunter doesn’t usually accompany their prisoner past handing them over to the guys paying for it.”

“Really?” Spike asked, confused. “That’s how it happened in ‘Power Ponies Volume 54’!”

“Believe it or not, this isn’t a comic book,” I sighed. Eventually, the broad doors of the castle opened, and a royal entourage trotted out. The lead deer held up a magical sceptre to his throat, and spoke. His voice was loud, ringing out through the trees.


We were left in silence. I took a deep breath, and began to stand up. Zecora grabbed my shoulder, and shook her head. I scowled.


“So hard, you keep yourself alive, yet with this danger, in you dive?” She demanded. I gaped, and shrugged.

“Look, if they can get out, you can hand them the Elements and save me!” I pointed out.

“Unless they lie,” Spike said. “I mean, these guys mind control animals to do their bidding! How can we trust them?”

I sighed, and rubbed my forehead. The manticore, having been patiently waiting, growled at me. I glared back.

“Well if anyone else has another suggestion, I’m all ears,” I stated. “I mean, to even have a chance of getting through those walls, we’d need an army.” I looked at Spike. “Could we send Celestia a letter to have her get her forces here-?”

“There’s no time!” Spike insisted. “And last she wrote, she was working hard enough just keeping the vines from destroying all of Equestria!”

I sighed, and looked intently at the walls. “All right,” I said. “So we need some way of breaching the walls. And the only way to do that is with an army. A fearsome, deadly, powerful…” I trailed off as I saw the manticore chew on the back of his forearm. I blinked. I blinked again.

“Shepherd? Hello? Why have you trailed off? Right now, we must be hard, not soft!” Zecora hissed.
“I’ve got an idea,” I said quietly. Spike blinked back, raising a scaly brow.

“What kind of an idea?” He asked. I sighed, and then smiled at the manticore. He glared back, confused. My smile grew.

“A really stupid one…”

- - -

Author's Notes:

Just one semi-epic trilogy and then back to shorts, I promise.

Rhyming corrections done by The Iguana Man. He's a great guy.

Musical Interlude

Short Hand

A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfic By Andrew J. Talon

Disclaimer: This is a non-profit fan based parody. MLP:FiM is the property of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. Please support the official release.

- - -

A brief interlude…

All of my efforts to get back to snuff playing violin would have failed, if it wasn’t for two of Ponyville’s local musicians: A Miss Octavia Melody and her roommate, Miss Vinyl Scratch. Miss Melody played the cello, which was quite impressive for a species without opposable thumbs-Apparently their hooves had more grip and articulation than those of Earth equines. Miss Scratch was a DJ, with magically enhanced turntables and speakers.

Again, weird anachronistic technological level. Then again, it’s hardly like humans can comment on it: It took us centuries to rediscover concrete after the Roman Empire fell.

The two mares had invited me into their house-A lovely little bungalow split down the middle in paint and in decor to represent the two ponies who lived there. I was practicing my scales on my violin while Octavia, a light gray mare with long black hair and inquisitive purple eyes, listened and nodded in time with each note. In their kitchen nearby, Vinyl, a white mare with an electric blue mane with black rimmed sunglasses over her eyes, munched on some muffins as she too listened.

I finished the scales with a slight flourish. Octavia clopped her hooves against the wooden floor, beaming at me.

"Very good! You're finally getting it back!" Octavia praised me. I smiled and modestly bowed my head.

"Yeah. I kind of stopped for a while for various reasons,” I said. Striving so hard to grow up, to get going in my life, I’d left a lot of things of my childhood behind. Things that had given me joy.

Octavia nodded, her face sympathetic.

"It can be difficult to keep up practice without reinforcement: From others who listen,” she gave me a piercing look. “You strike me as someone who has been alone a great deal."

I flushed. The cellist had a very keen insight.

"... More than I'd like to admit,” I said. Octavia nodded, and leaned over the arm of the couch she was reclining on.

"The way you play says it all. A deep loneliness,” she commented softly. She then brightened. ”But don't worry. We'll practice until you can express so much more! We shall make such beautiful music together!"

I chuckled and smiled at her. Vinyl trotted in, wiping her mouth free of crumbs. She looked up at me with a grin.

"You know, his fingers would be better put to use on other things I can think of,” she said, her teeth shining in the light. Octavia blushed, as I raised an eyebrow.

Her tone was… No way, she couldn’t be.

"V-Vinyl!” Octavia cried, “That's so-so uncouth!"

Vinyl chuckled, and slid by me, her tail brushing over my thigh. She closed the distance with the helpless Octavia, and wrapped a foreleg around her, pulling her close. She looked up at me, her smile shining.

"What? Come on. I'm sure he could handle us both. Easy~."

"I-I-Really!" Octavia sputtered.

“What exactly are you implying?” I asked wryly, cocking an eyebrow.

Vinyl gave me a sly grin.

"What do you say, dude? Want to see what kind of notes you can make with both our instruments?"

My eyebrow went higher. She couldn’t possibly mean...


"Oooh... Yes! YES! YESSSS! DO IT! DOOO IT!" Vinyl screamed. Octavia was working her legs hard, sweat beading on her brow.

“Almost, almost there!” Octavia cried! “Faster! Faster…!”

“Almost got it! Almost… Almost…!” Vinyl cried out and threw her forehooves up. “YES! YES! YES!”

I twisted my fingers around, and stroked hard… The subwoofers responded perfectly and I kept the gain tuned perfectly. Octavia ended with a hard downstroke to her cello, as Vinyl cheered next to me at the soundboard. She grinned up at me, as all three of us panted for breath.

"Yeah! You're good at this for a first timer!" Vinyl said happily. I grinned back, my chest heaving.

"Thanks!” I said, “But uh… One question: Do you intentionally make everything you say sound like an innuendo?"

Vinyl stared at me, confusion all over her face.

"Innu-what?" She asked. I looked at Octavia, who rolled her eyes in a very dignified way. I shrugged.

"Nevermind,” I sighed, “I like this, but I think I prefer the violin."

Vinyl pouted, rubbing up against my leg like a needy cat. She looked up into my eyes, pulling down her shades so our gazes would be locked.

"Aw come on! I bet if you gave me a few minutes in the bedroom I could change your mind~!" She teased. I laughed.

"Is that where you keep your other soundboard?" I asked, nimbly deflecting her latest joke. Vinyl stared back, confused, and then slowly looked aside.

"... Yes. Yes it is,” she sighed.

I rubbed the top of her hair, and scritched her behind her ears. She sighed happily, leaning against me. I smiled back, and gave Octavia the same treatment. The gray mare groaned happily, also leaning in… Just as the clock chimed. I looked up at it, and grimaced.

“Damn. Sorry ladies, I need to get going,” I apologized. “But I’ll be back next week for more lessons.”

“I’ll-I’ll expect you promptly at the same time,” Octavia said. Vinyl nodded.


I beamed, packed my violin back into its case, gave them a wave and headed out the door. Both ponies watched me go, waving back. Then they closed the door.

I sighed happily. I really was lucky to have two more good friends like that in Ponyville.

- - -

Octavia and Vinyl

Vinyl stomped around like a foal throwing a tantrum, right into the kitchen. She groaned and slammed her head against the refrigerator door.

“How in Tartarus is he not bucking us both now?!” Vinyl cried. “He has got to be the thickest stallion the world has ever known!”

“You're hopeless,” Octavia scoffed from the couch. “And besides, he was probably just deflecting your lewd language.”

“HEY! I was making an effort!” Vinyl cried, pointing a hoof back at Vinyl. “All you did was play cello for him! And that didn’t work!”

Octavia flushed, and looked away. “I thought a romantic etude, with its sensual interplay, would get the point across,” she said defensively. “It’s not my fault he distracted me with discussion of musical theory from his world!”

“Urgh,” Vinyl groaned, “oh well. There’s always next week.”

- - -

Author's Notes:

No, not every mare in Ponyville is hot for Shepherd. And I will be having him interact with other background ponies in non-romantic hijinks ways. I just thought this would be fun.


The Stars Revolt!

A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfic By Andrew J. Talon

Disclaimer: This is a non-profit fan based parody. MLP:FiM is the property of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. Please support the official release.

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And a magical interlude...

There was nothing quite like a turkey sandwich, kettle cooked chips, and an ice cold apple cider after a hard day’s work in the hot sun. I leaned back in my chair on my porch, and just looked out at Ponyville’s rustic splendor. Ponies going about their business, working or enjoying themselves. I smiled and leaned back, the shade of my large umbrella keeping me protected from the midday sun.

It was a picturesque, perfect scene, with just the right number of clouds overhead to set off the bright blue sky. I sighed, kicking my foot up and down like a kid. These peaceful moments just really made me feel wonderful.

A bush rustled nearby. I looked over at it, momentarily startled. I frowned, then shrugged. I looked back out at the scenery, and sipped on my cider. Probably just a rabbit or-

“Subject is enjoying his cider, cannot determine temperature,” a familiar voice muttered from the bush. I looked over at it, and no more noise emanated from the bush. I looked over at Ponyville again, and sighed.

“Knew it was too good to last,” I muttered under my breath. I took a deep breath, and a little louder, said, “Well, guess I’ll go back inside and get more cider. I’ll be right back!”

I got up, opened the door, and went inside. I then quickly ran to the back door, opened it, and crept around to the other side of my house. The bush was muttering again, and the sounds of a quill scratching against paper was audible.

Yeah, I know. Who could possibly fall for a corny line like that?

I pounced on the bush, and grabbed the occupant. She squealed, and struggled as I held her tightly against me. I looked down at her, and raised an eyebrow.

“Twilight Sparkle?” I asked in disbelief. I looked in the bush: It was filled with notebooks, guidebooks, pencils, quills, binoculars, and plenty of other scientific tools. I looked back at the blushing mare, who was intensely studying her hooves.

“Dare I ask what you’re doing spying on me outside my house?” I asked. Twilight frowned.

“Isn’t that a rhetorical question? Since you already asked what I’m doing here-”

“You go Grammar Nazi on me and I’ll throw you into the lake,” I warned her.

“What’s a Nazi?” Twilight asked.

I sighed, and closed my eyes. Calm down, calm down…

“Why are you spying on me?” I asked, slow and clear. Twilight blushed harder, and tapped her forehooves together.

“I-I’m not spying!” She insisted. “I’m observing. I mean, after all Shepherd, you are an alien!” She poked me in the chest. “And while Princess Celestia’s doctors did a basic physical of you, there’s still so much we don’t know about humans! And their behavior!”

I let out a long sigh. I shook my head. “You could just ask,” I pointed out. Twilight frowned.

“But that would defeat the purpose of scientific observation: To see you when you are behaving naturally and unaware for proper test… Um…” Twilight winced at my glare. “I’m making this worse, aren’t I?”

“Infinitely,” I deadpanned. Twilight put her hooves together and looked up at me with her soulful eyes.

“I’m sorry Shepherd,” she insisted, “but I just want to know about you! You’re an alien! I can’t believe nopony else in this town sees that as strange!”

“They did, at first,” I pointed out, “but they got used to me.”

Twilight grimaced. She closed her eyes, and huffed through her nostrils. She then opened her eyes and smiled.

“Listen,” she said, “how about instead of spying on you, I just ask you questions about your world? More indepth questions? Would that be all right?”

I stared at her. The little unicorn was very able at looking cute. And really, she didn’t mean any harm. She was studying friendship in a world where friendship could be turned into a death ray, and I was an alien being. I thought it over a bit longer, before I nodded.

“All right,” I said. “Come on in. Bring your notebooks.”

Twilight squealed happily, leaping out of my arms and collecting all of her equipment. She practically teleported right up to my door. She beamed at me expectantly.

I was already having second thoughts, but come on. I was also a nerd at heart, and if our positions were reversed of course I’d want to know everything I could about a real, live alien!

I opened the door for her and waved her inside. She pranced over to the table, and sat in one of the chairs. I closed the door behind me and sat in the opposing chair. I rested my elbows on the table, as Twilight arranged all of her notebooks and equipment neatly around her. She settled into the chair and smiled happily.

“Comfortable?” She asked. I nodded, even as she levitated a glowing crystal ball near me. I raised my eyebrow.

“And that is?” I asked.

“A memory orb,” Twilight said, “it’ll record everything you say. I don’t want to miss a second!”

I held back a sigh. Again, put yourself in her hooves. You’d be just as excited to meet a being from another world. Or universe. You hadn’t figured that out yet, though Princess Celestia promised her researchers were working on it.

“All right,” I said. “What would you like to know?”

“Well,” Twilight said cheerfully, “how far back does the history of your world go?”

I paused, and thought about it.

“Depends on what kind of history you’re asking about, I guess,” I said. “I mean, there’s recorded history which goes back about 6,000 years. When we developed civilization. Then there’s the history of my species, called Homo sapiens, which goes back about 500,000 years. Then there’s the natural history of my planet, Earth, which is around 4 and a half billion years old…”

I scratched the back of my head. “And if I’m from another universe, then I suppose it goes back 13.6 billion years…”

I volunteered in the space section of a local natural history museum for years. A lot of stuff tends to stick with you. I looked back at Twilight, away from my memories.

The purple unicorn’s jaw had dropped, and her eyes were glazed. She looked like she was drooling. I smiled, a bit uneasily.

“So, where should I start?” I asked.

“The beginning of the universe!” Twilight cried, leaning forward. I coughed, and felt like tugging at my collar. I took another deep breath.

Again, put yourself in her hooves. Her species hadn’t even gotten into space yet, of course this is exciting to them.

“All right,” I began, “based on our observations with telescopes starting about a hundred years ago, two astronomers named Georges Lemaître and Edwin Hubble noticed that almost all galaxies we could observe seemed to be getting further away from ours. Lemaître theorized that the only way this could happen is that the universe started out much smaller than it is now. It started in an event called the “Big Bang”, all of spacetime expanding from a single point. Eventually, more modern telescopes found weird radiation all across the universe, dated far, far back in the past. This was called the Cosmic Background Radiation, and it was discovered that it was radiation from the early universe-Basically, when light particles were first able to escape from the concentrated mass of the early, small universe. That proved that the Big Bang was probably how the universe began-”

“What happened before the Big Bang though?” Twilight asked. I shook my head and shrugged.

“No one knows. We can’t see back past that point, because no light could escape the universe past that point. Many humans believe a deity created the universe, but again, we’ll probably never know for sure.”

“Continue,” Twilight said, enraptured. It was a struggle to remember all this, but hey: I had a captive audience. It was nice to talk about home with someone genuinely interested in it, for a little while.

Several hours later…

I sipped my glass of water, but it didn’t seem to help my lips much. They were dry like desert sands, just soaking up the soil but not giving anything back. My back was sore, my knees ached.

“And so,” I managed, “there is still a great deal of debate in the scientific community over how much of an influence our use of fossil fuels has had over the climate since the Little Ice Age. We remain in an interglacial period but how long it’ll last is again, a big question. Many countries are working to transition to renewable energies while others are embracing fossil fuels to elevate their populations’ quality of life, so there’s that aspect to the debate as well.”

I was trying to present as neutral a view of our planet as possible without getting into our stupid politics. Sue me.

I rubbed my temples as Twilight eagerly took lots of notes, notes for her notes, and notes for her note notes. Notes.

I looked up at the clock. Yup, it was an all nighter. Again.

“And how does this relate to solar activity periods?” She asked eagerly. I groaned and rubbed my closed eyes.

“Nngh… We may be entering a Maunder Minimum solar spot cycle which may influence the climate on Earth. Though how much it does compared to fossil fuel use or volcanic activity is also a big question... “ I stood up and slowly made my way to bed. Twilight appeared right in front of me, her notebooks and pens still at the ready.

“Wha-Where are you going?” Twilight cried. “We’re not done! We’ve barely scratched the surface of your planet’s history!”

“Twilight,” I said, getting annoyed.

“That’s all just the natural history-There’s so much about the dinosaurs you didn’t relate-”

“Twilight,” I growled warningly. Twilight continued, advancing on me.

“And those details about glaciation-You have to tell me more-!”

“TWILIGHT!” I barked, and I made her jump.

I sighed, and again steeled myself. “Twilight, we’ve been talking all day. It’s late, and we both need to be up early in the morning. So let’s go sleep, please?”

“I… Oh,” Twilight murmured, looking at her hooves. She levitated her equipment over to the table, looking remorseful.

“I’m sorry Shepherd,” she said. “I just… I got lost in learning so much.”

I gave her a small, tired smile. I pulled her into a hug, which made her squeak.

“It’s okay,” I said, “it’s okay. But let’s have some moderation, all right? I’m not going anywhere.”

Twilight nuzzled my shoulder.

“Okay,” she mumbled. She blushed and looked up at me. “Um… If it isn’t too much trouble? I mean, my library is on the other side of town, and I am right here, and um, well-”

I sighed. I carried her into the bedroom, and tossed her onto the bed. She squeaked, and began mumbling.

“N-No, I mean, I meant the couch! I could sleep on the couch, we-we don’t have to-to-I-I mean-!”

I pulled off my clothes, stripping down to my boxers that Rarity had custom made for me. They were very comfortable. I pulled the covers down, and slid in. I tucked Twilight in under the sheets, even as she squirmed and babbled and blushed.

“N-No! No, I mean, not that I want to-I mean I do want to-I mean, I’ve thought of it-This is all so sudden-Maybe-Maybe a date first-?”

“Twilight, shut up,” I muttered as I hugged her, “and go to sleep.”

“Oh… O-Okay,” Twilight murmured. She snuggled up to me, and I sighed in relief.

Finally. I could sleep. And I did. And with a nice, warm, cuddly and silent pony to cuddle with, I had good dreams.

The next morning…

I groaned. Celestia’s sun always seemed to know just how to hit the blinds across my window to wake me up. I stretched, and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I leaned up, and got to my feet. I padded across the floor to the bathroom, where I started the water and began to get ready for the day.

I had just finished brushing my teeth and spitting when Twilight teleported in.

“Shepherd!” She cried. I jumped and spun around, glaring.

“TWILIGHT! Don’t DO that!” I shouted. The unicorn blushed, and pulled back.

“I’m sorry! Sorry!” She cried. She turned around and looked out the window. I shoved her out of my bedroom, pushing her despite her protests. “But-But I need to tell you-!”

“It can wait,” I decided, as I shut the door hard behind her. I sighed, pulled on my clothes, and then I came out of my bedroom. Twilight was waiting for me on the couch, looking bashful. I went to the kitchen and got some cereal and milk. I ate it, unhurriedly, as Twilight looked over at me. She opened her mouth, but I held up a finger for her to wait. Mercifully, she obeyed, staying quiet.

I finished my breakfast and juice, and then I walked over to the couch. I sat across from her, and took a deep breath.

“Thank you for waiting,” I said. Twilight winced.

“I’m sorry, again,” she said. “Can you forgive me?” I sighed, and reached out to scratch her behind her ears. She immediately groaned happily. “Oh… Is-Is that a yes?”

“It is,” I said with a smile. “Okay, now: What is it?”

“Thank you for telling me so much about your world,” Twilight said with a nod, “and again, I’m really sorry for going overboard. You’re right: I shouldn’t treat you like a test subject.”

I nodded back to her. “Thank you,” I said, “I appreciate that.”

Twilight beamed as I scratched her scalp a bit harder.

“And-And I sent a friendship letter to Princess Celestia about it,” she said, “explaining how I shouldn’t let my curiosity overcome our friendship.”

I nodded. “Sounds like it was a good letter,” I stated. Twilight nodded happily.

“Yes! And I told her about how you let me sleep with you and how wonderful it was!”

I blinked. I blinked again. “I see,” I began.

Well, come on. Surely Princess Celestia can tell the difference between sleeping with and sleeping with. She’s thousands of years old, after all. She’s been around the block. She wouldn’t take it the wrong way-

“And she even gave me a helpful book!” Twilight said cheerfully, blushing hard as she held the book up. “I haven’t opened it yet, because she said we should read it together!”

“The Pony Sutra,” I read blandly. I sighed.

Either the princess was taking it seriously or pranking us.

Either away? I was probably screwed...

- - -

Author's Notes:

Please, resist your urge to argue with a fictional character's views on science. He's just keeping it as neutral as possible, okay? Argue about the cuddling and Twilight being Twilight. It's much more fun.

Thorns, Part 3

- - -

It took some time to get out to the dump. Too much time, if I was being honest. It did give me some time to think on a few issues and talk them out with Zecora and Spike, which helped. To a point. It wasn’t until we got to the dump that I got an idea of how difficult my plan might actually be.

“Oh shit,” I mumbled as we got our first look at the dump. Which really should have been called The Dump. Zecora nodded.

"Extent-wise, this is quite impressive. Its users must be most aggressive," she rhymed.

It was. It was a huge clearing filled with junk of every kind-Mostly human junk. I could see a gigantic rocket with Chinese characters on it in the center, leaning over a 777 airliner. There was a Japanese Zero fighter perched on a stack of old cars. There were piles of microwaves, pots, rifles, cake pans, and everything else you could imagine, forming a gigantic maze.

Surrounding this maze were hundreds of monsters: A gigantic hydra with four heads, huge monstrous crocodiles, pants-wettingly huge spiders and scorpions, living blobs with eyes, wolves made of wood with glowing green eyes, apes as big as pick up trucks alongside freaking dinosaurs, and-holy shit was that a Beholder?

They were all wandering around… Silently. That was the worst part. Their eyes were blank-Controlled by the magic of the deer. It was very bizarre.

“So,” Spike began, as we observed all this from behind a few wrecked refrigerators, “how do we enact your plan again?”

I frowned deeply.

“I was thinking if we got them all mad enough,” I suggested, “they could chase me. Right to the city walls.”

"And how do we do that? Have you talk at them?" Spike deadpanned. I shrugged.

"If I have to? Yes," I said.

“The problem, then, becomes twofold,” Zecora said, “Attract them; keep the chase up. Bold!”

“But how are we supposed to get them all mad enough to stay after me?” I grumbled. The manticore growled as well, looking equally frustrated. Damnit, and I’d thought it would work!

“Couldn’t you shoot them all with your guns?” Spike suggested. I looked at my rifle, and then up at the massive creatures.

“I’m not sure they would hurt them enough,” I said honestly. “And besides, the minute I hurt one of them, they’ll just revert to type and attack anything close. We need them to chase us to Thicket.”

“Maybe there’s a means to accomplish your goal, if we look through this trash-filled hole?” Zecora suggested. I nodded.

“That might work,” I said. “All right, fan out. We gotta work quickly, we don’t have much time left-”

Several of the monsters began moving to an unheard signal. Like synchronized robots, they began prowling around a nearby pile of junk. Atop it was an old, metal skinned place-Maybe a 1930s Lockheed? One of the entranced creatures, an owlbear if I wasn’t mistaken, reached for the hatch and opened it.

He was greeted with a very loud blast of music right to the face, and it made me jump with its familiarity.

“Is anybody out there, anybody there?
Does anybody wonder, anybody care?”

"Def Lepard?" I whispered. Spike frowned.

"What's music supposed to do to one that's deaf?" He asked.

The monsters staggered away, as one, all growling and groaning. My eyes lit up.

“Go go go!” I muttered. I hefted my guns and the Elements of Harmony, and took off from our cover. Zecora, Spike and the manticore raced after me. We did our best to stay behind several piles of junk, and climbed up to the other side of the aged airplane. I reached out and opened the hatch.

Within it were four surprises: A chestnut Earth stallion with a tie, wild hair and an hourglass cutiemark, a gray Pegasus mare with blonde hair, derp eyes and a bubble cutie mark, a small deer fawn with a tiny crown and a weird little barrel tied around his neck, and a cobbled together stereo system with several vinyl records lying around. The Earth stallion’s eyes widened.

“Shepherd!” He cried in a British accent, “how’d you get out here?”

“Doc?” I asked in disbelief. I looked over at the gray pegasus, who beamed and waved. “And Ditzy? And… A deer?”

“This sounds like the beginning of a strange joke, doesn’t it?” Doctor Whooves asked, chuckling softly.

Yes, his name was Doctor Whooves. He was a local eccentric inventor, who loved science. He was one of the first ponies to really get used to me, and probably my first male friend in Ponyville. The fact he so strongly resembled David Tennant’s Doctor wasn’t lost on me, and I have to admit there were times I suspected he was more aware of my homeworld than he let on.

In any case though, I treated it like I did Pinkie Pie: Don’t pry too much.

His companion was Ditzy Doo: She was the local mailmare and a bit of a clutz. But she was very kind, very sweet, and was working hard as a single mother for her foal. She had never been anything but kind to me, too. She did tend to hang around the Doctor a lot. Again, I didn’t pry too hard. Though in this case it was because it was obvious to everyone except the Doctor how fond she was of him.

“I went out to deliver the Elements of Harmony to the girls, but they’ve been captured,” I said. “What the heck are you guys doing out here?”

Ditzy shook her head with a sigh.

“We were out here collecting spare parts for the Doc,” she said, “when we ran into Bramble, who was trapped by these monsters.” She gestured to the deer fawn, who was cowering behind her. She extended a wing and gently patted him on the back. “It’s okay, it’s Shepherd! He’s our friend,” she said. “He won’t hurt you.”

“B-B-But he’s a human!” Bramble whispered, his eyes wide with fright. I immediately backed away, my hands up in the air as Spike and Zecora crowded around me to look in. The manticore growled low in his throat, also sneaking a peek. Bramble squeaked louder.

“Don’t worry, some of my best friends have been humans,” the Doctor said, smiling gently. “Shepherd here isn’t going to hurt you. In fact, he may help you.”

I looked over at Bramble. I smiled gently. The fawn peeked at me.

“I promise you,” I said, “I don’t want to hurt anyone. And I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to save Equestria.”

Bramble nodded. “I… I want to do that too,” he admitted, “but first I need to save my father!”

“Your father?” Spike asked. Zecora hummed.

“Judging by the evidence, young Bramble here is a prince?” She suggested. Bramble nodded, puffing up his chest slightly even as he qualed and shook.

“Y-Yes. I’m Prince Bramble, King Aspen’s son,” he said.

“And what’s wrong with the King? Aside from him unleashing thorny tentacle doom on us all?” I asked. Bramble shivered, but another touch on the back by Ditzy’s wing calmed him.

“He… For the last few months, he’s been weird,” he admitted. “Paranoid. Angry. Scared. He barely talked to me or anyone else. Then, some minotaur bulldozed some land that belonged to us. The minotaur said he had… Permits? Permission to build here and we should take it up with Princess Celestia,” Bramble said.

“And did you?” I asked. Bramble shook his head.

“N-No! Before this, my father was always respectful of Princess Celestia! Even though he rarely sent her letters. He just decided to unleash the Thorns and enslave the monsters of Everfree!” Bramble shook his head. “Everyone else just obeyed but… But I knew something was wrong! I was hoping Princess Celestia could fix this! And when the Elements of Harmony arrived I hoped it would be fixed! That my father would be fixed but… But he took them prisoner! And then when I said it was wrong, he tried to throw me in jail too! I had to get out!”

I looked around at my comrades, and then back to Bramble. Bramble looked at us, pleadingly.

“If this isn’t stopped, lots of ponies and deer will die, and my father… I’m afraid of what he’ll do next,” Bramble whispered.
“Can… Can you stop him? Please?”

I took a deep breath. Again. I looked Bramble in the eyes. He met my gaze, though not without flinching. The kid was so young, so scared…

“We will,” I said. “But it might end up with a lot of your people getting hurt.”

Bramble grimaced, but slowly nodded.

“Please,” he said, “try to… Try not to hurt them too much?”

I let out a sigh. I looked over at the Doctor, who was fiddling with a copy of the Beatles' White album.

“Our current plan could use some improvements,” I admitted. The Doctor raised a brow.

“Do tell,” he said dryly. I shook my head, and pointed at the stereo.

“Did you happen on this by chance?” I asked. The Doctor chuckled.

“By chance he says, that’s funny,” he chortled. Ditzy nodded.

“We did. Turns out loud music disrupts their mind control and they flee from it,” she says. The Doctor looked at Ditzy, askance. The pegasus mare shrugged sheepishly. “Sorry?”

“No, no, that’s fine,” I said. “That helps us with our plan. Unless you had a better one?” I asked hopefully. The Doctor hummed.

“Do any of you have ginger beer?” He asked. I looked over at Spike, who blinked.

“Beer comes in ginger?” He asked. I looked at Zecora, who shook her head as well. I glanced at the manticore, who just growled in frustration and impatience. I looked back at the Doctor.

“That would be a no,” I said. The Doctor threw up his hooves, smiling brightly.

“Oh well! We’ll use your plan then,” he said. “Let’s have it!”

“We must hurry, quickly, without fear,” Zecora threw in, “for the end of our time draws near!”

- - -

Captain Blackthorn had been the head of King Aspen’s Royal Guard for over a century, and he was still in his prime. While relatively young by Deer standards, he had proven himself an able and capable warrior in keeping Thicket safe from the ever present threats of monsters and raiders. He prided himself on his skill as a warrior, and his subordinates respected him too. He felt he understood his King, at least a little, after so long serving him.

Yet to attack all of Equestria with their mightiest weapon… It seemed foolhardy. All over a mere argument with some merchant minotaur.

Yet, King Aspen was his king. He could serve no other. If the king wanted to make war on all, so be it. They would fight as they could. So far, they seemed to be succeeding. Princess Celestia was occupied in trying to save her subjects rather than trying to obliterate them. Her younger sister, Luna, would in years past have been the far more cunning threat. She was the strategist of the two, whereas Celestia struck with fire and passion. But she was apparently still recuperating from being possessed by Nightmare Moon, according to the King.

The third alicorn princess of Equestria, Mi Amore Cadenza, was seen as far too weak in terms of magic to be a threat. This left the Elements of Harmony, but they had been captured when they had come to investigate what was going on.

This left Celestia’s options few… Though Blackthorn was not sure what his king’s ultimate aim was. They were too few in number to rule over Equestria. Tribute perhaps? He didn’t know and he didn’t question.

Not until now, anyway. He stared out into the dense forest, feeling the eyes of the human upon him. A human! After all this time! And from what King Aspen knew through his mastery of the Heart of the Forest, a dangerous one. One that had helped defeat Nightmare Moon! One that ventured into the Everfree Forest, alone, to confront them.

It could only mean one thing: Celestia had somehow learned of King Aspen capturing the Elements, and had sent her assassin. A human! A monster of his people, thought to only be a legend! Yet he had seen the being with his own eyes!

Normally, just one being that had no magic would be no threat to the forces of Thicket. But humans were no ordinary beings. Fear of them still lived in the bloodlines of every dragon across Equus. Their deeds before the fall of Grogar were still whispered in Thicket. Even now, the prospect of a single human being out there filled his bucks with fear and uncertainty.

But for Blackthorn… The chance to capture a human, to defeat one, was too much to pass up. His King’s advice made him confident: Lure the human in. He would have a Plan: Humans always had plans. It would be daring, even mad. It would be underhoofed. It would be subtle.

Blackthorn would not give the human the chance. He would fall to his archers. Then he would use magic fire to burn the human. Cut off his hands! Then he would be no threat.

There was a rumble, in the distance. Blackthorn looked out, his keen eyes searching the forest ahead. His bucks all began shifting and pining nervously, but a glare from their Captain made them still and silent. He looked back out, and the rumble grew louder. Faintly, he could make out music. He shook his head.

“Archers! Stand ready!” He shouted. His archers all took up positions on the many levels of Thicket’s walls, priming their crossbows. “Ballistadeer! To your posts!”

The heavy artillery was probably overkill, but he had ensured these giant bolt throwers were ready. His deer loaded them up, and turned them to target the forest. The music grew louder. Blackthorn nodded to himself, and spoke up again.

“Hold your bolts until you can see the human clearly!” He shouted. “Loose the moment he’s in range!”

“But sir,” Cloven, a young lieutenant murmured to him, “the human might-”

“The human is flesh and blood like us, but weaker,” Blackthorn said smoothly. “They may be clever and cunning, but arrows will still kill them. They can’t outsmart a bolt, Cloven!”

His lieutenant nodded, and reassumed his position. The music was now loud enough Blackthorn could hear the lyrics.

“All you women who want a man of the street
An' don't know which way you wanna turn
Just keep a-coming
And put your hand out to me
'Cause I'm the one who's going to make you burn~...”

Blackthorn snorted.

“He’s trying to intimidate us with his primitive monkey music,” Blackthorn called, “don’t fall for it! It’s nothing more than a bluff!”

That said, the tension was getting to Blackthorn. Where was the human? He had only a minute left, at best, before the deadline! Had he a plan? Or was he already inside the city somehow?

“SIR!” One of his crossbowdeer cried. Blackthorn looked in the direction he was pointing in, and saw a flash of red and tan. His keen eyes locked on, and he hid his relief.

There was the human all right. He was riding the manticore from before. The human himself held a sword of some kind in one hand, and had his other arm around a small purple dragon in front. The dragon held a metallic case of some kind. The manticore roared at the walls, and the human motioned him forward. They came right at them. Blackthorn’s relief turned to elation, as the music grew louder and continued.

“I'm going to take you down
Oh, down, down, down
So, don't you fool around
I'm gonna pull it, pull it
Pull the trigger~!”

The human was just a heroic fool!

“Stupid bastard’s coming right at us,” Blackthorn laughed, and the rest of his deer laughed with him. He raised his hoof. “Prepare to loose on my command!”

The human’s face did trouble him though. He didn’t look resigned, or mad. He wasn’t grimly determined. He was smiling. A wide, unpleasant smile. One that the dragon also wore.

“Ready…!” Blackthorn called. The rumble turned into a veritable earthquake, as the ground shook. The music grew almost deafeningly loud. The trees behind the human, his manticore, and the dragon trembled, gave way…

And a horde of nightmares, enraged and roaring, stormed after the human. The sight of hundreds of furious, ferocious beasts, all charging for the castle walls, froze every single deer on the parapets. Blackthorn himself found his jaw on the deck as every monster they had enthralled stampeded at them!

“Shoot to thrill, play to kill
Too many women with too many pills, said
Shoot to thrill, play to kill
I got my gun at the ready, gonna fire at will
'Cause I shoot to thrill, and I'm ready to kill
I can't get enough and I can't get my fill
I shoot to thrill, play to kill


The human kept smirking, saluted… And flew right over them at high speed, the few archers that had managed to collect their wits missing him! In that moment, Blackthorn could just barely make out the small form of a familiar fawn, Prince Bramble, clinging to the human for deer life!

Blackthorn had bigger problems to attend to though, as the largest of the beasts, the hydra, rammed all four of its heads against the parapets and snapped at them, biting huge chunks out of the walls as his terrified guards scattered!

Blackthorn pulled his own magic crossbow and shot, sending a fiery bolt into the eye of one of the hydra’s many faces. The beasts roared, rearing back, and his fellow deer began sending their own magic bolts at this wave of monsters. Blackthorn snarled his rage as the manticore carrying the human flew off, right into the King’s palace.

“When I get my hooves on him, I swear on the Heart of the Forest,” Blackthorn roared, as he began dueling yet another head of the hydra, “I’LL RIP OUT HIS HEART!”

- - -

Author's Notes:

Okay, so it'll be four parts at least. Hope you enjoy it though!

And yes, how could I not have an AC/DC song in this chapter?

Rhyme Edits by The Iguana Man.

Apple Acres

The Stars Revolt!

A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfic By Andrew J. Talon

Disclaimer: This is a non-profit fan based parody. MLP:FiM is the property of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. Please support the official release.

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Another interlude for your amusement. This is canon to the story, just happening later.

- - -

A nice, relaxing day off. God, it felt like I'd had way too few of these lately. Maybe I needed a proper vacation, a real change of pace. Somewhere away from the town that billed itself as very quiet and peaceful but was turning into Sunnydale. Complete with several local magical badass females and a snarky, unempowered nerd human.

Not that I was anywhere near as clever or snarky as Xander Harris. Nor did I love Twinkies nearly as much.

In any event, I'd decided to take a break out in the northern orchard of Sweet Apple Acres. With Applejack's permission, I'd hung a hammock between two large apple trees, and was lazily swinging back and forth gently in the shade. I sighed happily, my arms behind my head. A cooler full of ice cold drinks, and a little record player playing some wonderfully relaxing classic music completed the scene. I adjusted my straw hat to better shade my eyes.

This was the life. Not a care in the world.

A blue face with large, red eyes poked its way into my field of vision. I froze, and stared back. I sighed, and closed my eyes again. I adjusted my straw hat.

"Hey Shepherd," Rainbow Dash said.

"Hey Dash," I replied quietly. Dash lifted my hat up with her nose, and scowled at me.

"You mad at me or something?" She asked. I blinked up at her.

"Huh? No. What gave you that idea?" I asked.

"Well, you're trying to ignore me," she said. She poked me in the chest with her hoof as she hovered over me. I rolled my eyes.

"Trying, and failing. Take it as a compliment," I said wryly. Dash huffed, and scowled down at me.

"Hmph!" She poked at the hammock. "A hammock, huh? Is it really comfortable?"

I nodded slowly.

"It is," I said. "I mean, you nap in a tree or on a cloud."

"Yeah, but I've never napped on a hammock before," she mused. She hummed, and then dropped down on top of me. I grunted, and looked at her with a raised eyebrow.


"Hey, you're napping, I'm napping," Dash said, as she snuggled up. "I wanna see if napping on you is more comfortable than a cloud or tree."

I sighed. Well, she did feel very nice on top of me. Nice and warm. I reached up and scratched her behind her ears. She groaned happily, and snuggled deeper into my chest.

"Just to see what's more comfortable, mind you," Dash said quickly. I chuckled and patted her back.

"Certainly," I said.

"It doesn't mean I like you or anything," Dash continued. I blinked a few times, and shrugged.

"Well yeah," I replied.

"And definitely, definitely doesn't mean I want to date you, or-or anything gay like that!" Dash went on, more aggressively. I blinked a few more times, as Dash blushed hard.

"Oh... Kay?" I said. "I get it Dash: You're my friend too. I understand."

Dash looked up at me, pouting hard.

"Yeah. Friends," she huffed. "Definitely not anything else! You weird alien!"

"Is there something wrong, Dash?" I asked, now concerned. "Did somebody say you weren't feminine again?"

Dash blinked, and then rapidly shook her head.

"No! No, that's not-!"

"Because I think you're feminine, in a badass way," I said with a smile. "So you don't have to worry about it. You're like Athena, or Susan Ivanova. You know, the badass Russian starship commander?"

"Yeah, I remember that," Dash insisted, "that's not my problem-!"

"So what is it?" I asked. Dash worried her lower lip, and looked aside.

"Uh... I... I like you," she mumbled. "Like... Ya know... A lot?"

I nodded slowly.

"Oh, is that all?" I asked. "I like you too."

Dash beamed up at me, her wings spreading widely. She looked about ready to take off.

"Really?!" She cried.

"Of course!" I said, scratching the top of her head. "You're one of my very best friends."

Dash deflated, her wings sinking.

"Oh," she grumbled, looking quite cross. I frowned. I reached down and scratched between her wings. She melted, and moaned loudly as she cuddled with me.

"I mean it," I said earnestly. "Out of all the ponies I first met, you welcomed me with open hooves and wings. And you stood up for me at the town meeting when that rich bitch tried to have me classified as a beast." I scratched between her wings harder, and Dash groaned, cuddling with me closer.

"Uh... Uh huh..." She went on. I shook my head.

"I do not know what Filthy sees in her."

"She's a horrible nag, but she's a really hot MILF," Dash groaned. I blinked.

"Really? I don't see it," I said. Dash's eyes widened.

"W-Wait... You don't... See it... Uhhh...?" She asked. I shook my head.

"Nah. I'm a human, remember? I don't see ponies in a sexual sense," I said. I saw that Dash was about to slip off, and I reached down and grabbed her rump. She yelped, and wiggled a bit. She looked at me intently.

"So... If some pony were to be attracted to you...?" Dash asked, her eyes darting to the side. I shrugged.

"I guess it's possible? But I don't see how it could be," I admitted. "I'm just a bit, goofy primate after all. You ponies have evolved to find your own kind attractive. I mean, most of you."

"W-Well, actually, we do like species other than ours," Dash said carefully, stuttering hard. I frowned and readjusted my grip on her bottom. She groaned.

"You all right? And you do?" I asked. Dash nodded quickly.

"Y-Yeah...! Like, griffins! And dragons! And sometimes minotaurs! Ooooh...!"

"Oh! Well, that's good for you guys," I said with a smile, "but I just can't see you guys in a sexual sense. I mean," at her shocked, angry look, "I mean! You're just fine! In fact I think you're cute, but sexy?" I shook my head. "I just can't see it."

Dash scowled.

"Oh really?" She asked. I nodded.

"Absolutely," I replied.

Dash smirked, and arched her back like a cat.

"Well then," she purred, "maybe I should take you for a ride that will change your life~."

I blinked a few times. No way, come on...

"Er... You mean...?" I asked. Dash looked aside.

"I mean... You know, I'd just be doing it to help you out," she said quickly. "And it wouldn't be anything serious but... Uh, it wouldn't mean I want to have your foals or anything!"

"Okay, so what would it be?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow.

She blushed hard. I frowned in concern.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Well," Dash began... Which is when something hit the tree and knocked us both out of the hammock. Apples fell in a rain from above, and I held my hands up as a shield.

"OW OW OW!" I cried. Dash yelped.


"Oops!" Applejack cried. The orange mare trotted up, adjusting her hat. "Sorry you two. Didn't see you there."

"What?!" Dash demanded, "how did you NOT see us?!"

"Well, we Earth ponies don't have quite as good o' vision as you pegasi," Applejack said, already trotting up and examining my head. "Ya alright, sugahcube?"

"Ow, yeah," I winced. I scowled. "Seriously though, watch out next time!"

"Oh, ah will," Applejack said, smiling but her eyes were narrowed. "Ah jest have a tendency t' get a little... Violent over mares who can't leave well enough alone."

Dash glared back at Applejack. It was like an arc of electricity was crackling between them, as they took the measure of one another.

"Oh really? You haven't seen me when I'm fighting for what's mine," Dash growled back.

I looked back and forth, and sighed. I was definitely not going to be in the middle of this.

"Yeah, look, you guys have fun with your epic rivalry. I'm going to go relax somewhere else."

Applejack and Dash started, and both grabbed onto my arms as I gathered up my supplies.

"Hey, hang on!" Dash cried. "We've still got napping to do!"

"And ah jest put together a cool bath fer ya!" Applejack insisted. "We can share it!"

"Like Tartarus you'll share it with him!" Dash hissed.

"Like I said, you guys enjoy the rivalry and I'll be somewhere else," I said. I yanked myself free, and tipped my hat to them. "Good day, ladies."

I headed off as the two began to argue furiously. I shook my head.

Dash had definitely given me something to think about.


Somewhere else.

- - -

Sweet Apple Acres was the source of most of my work, if I was being honest. The industrious Apple family had a lot of land and a lot of assets they needed to maintain and improve, and so there was almost always something they could hire me for. And while the work was difficult, it was very rewarding. Both in monetary terms, and in the friendship I had with the Apples. The day after my awkward day off, I was back at it.

I was working hard on the porch-Another plank had gotten loose, and I had to nail it down. It was troublesome, as no matter how much I used my mallet or my hammer and nails, the damn thing wouldn't stay down! It was just irritating. I sighed as I glared down at the porch. I grit my teeth and tried very hard not to grind them. I lifted my hammer up again, and slammed it down furiously.

"Come on, come on... Stay! Down! Why? Won't?! You?! Stay?! Down?!"

I glared with as much hatred as I could at the disobedient piece of wood. I sighed, and leaned back on my knees. Thankfully the Equestrians had kneepads. Nearby, Granny Smith, the aged matriarch of the Apple family, was sitting in her rocking chair. She chuckled softly, rocking back and forth. Her rocking chair creaked gently on the far straighter porch planks.

"Losin' yer temper ain't gonna help it," Granny advised. "Give it a rest, and sit a spell with me."

I took a few deep breaths, and then nodded. I stood up, and walked over. I sat down next to the aged mare, and looked out at the apple orchards with her. It was quiet, save for the wind blowing gently and the creaking of the old mare's chair. I fidgeted, feeling a bit awkward. Granny Smith was always kind but also very strange. Granny let out a breath through her nostrils, and shook her head.

"Ah thought I'd seen everything, ya know," she said at last. I blinked slowly, and shrugged.

"I think everyone thinks that when they get old enough," I said gently. Granny Smith hummed thoughtfully, looking me over. I fidgeted again. Granny Smith's eyes were old-Not as old as Celestia's, but still quite ancient.

I remember when I'd looked into the eyes of the alicorn princess. It was like looking into the eyes of eternity. Her gaze was steady as a mountain, and just as unchanging. Yet her eyes crinkled in merriment like a child, and could see through you like you were utterly transparent. Granny Smith's gaze wasn't quite that intense, but still bore the experience and wisdom of ages. She chuckled again, her eyes closing and adding to the laughter lines on her aged face.

"Seein' a human is somethin' ah'd never thought ah'd see," she said. "Seems all them legends is comin' true. A time of heroes an' monsters."

I frowned. Princess Celestia had said humans were known to Equestria in their ancient legends, but they hadn't seen any in thousands of years.

"You know about humans?" I asked. Granny Smith chuckled.

"Well course ah do! Why do you think ah always treat ya so nice?" She asked. I shrugged.

"I assumed you did that for everyone."

"Well, ah do," Granny admitted, "but ah also do it t' get yer blessin'. And frankly, mah farm needs all th' help it can get."

"Blessing?" I asked in confusion. Granny nodded, and cleared her throat.

"'And so Megan the Wise taught the Earth ponies the till and the hoe. How to sow carrots, corn, apples, potatoes, and cherries. To grow wheat and to bake bread so that they would not go hungry.' From th' chapter o' Sundance in the Book o' Harmony." Granny Smith nodded and winked. "Ah'm a descendant of one o' the ponies who helped Megan the Wise, ya know! Applejack's named fer her!"

"Um," I began, thinking about how best to handle this, "Granny Smith, while I appreciate that... I'm not some supernatural being. I mean, I don't even have magic!"

Granny Smith chuckled, and patted my shoulder with her shaking hoof. She gave me a wink.

"Not all magic is obvious, sonny," she said. "Ya came jest before Nightmare Moon returned! It's prophecy! So jest in case, ah'm gonna make sure yer well taken care of. As it says in the Book 'o Harmony!"

I sighed, and rubbed my face. Great, I was a religious icon on an alien world. That couldn't possibly end badly.

"All right. I appreciate it, but I'm still going to work for everything you give me," I stated firmly. Granny Smith laughed, and nodded.

"Ah'd expect nothin' less!" She said. She gave me a sidelong look. "So, yer of age raht?"

I raised my eyebrows.

"Yeeeeaaaahhh?" I asked.

"And ah've seen Applejack givin' ya some looks," Granny added. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Granny, I told you-I don't see ponies in that way."

Granny shrugged. "So ah'll git the Princesses t' turn Applejack into a human mare! Her flanks'll be firm and her hips'll be wide 'n foal bearing no matter if she's an Earth Pony or a human! Ah'd love t' be great-grandma t' a demigod or five!"

I sighed and looked out at the apple acres. There was Applejack all right, hard at work as usual. She was pouring water into a bucket, and poured it all over herself. The water flowed down her body, and left her long, blonde hair soaked and sticking to her fur. She looked our way, her hat off, her green eyes warm as she gave me a little smile.

My mind imagined her as a human female... And I blushed hard. Granny Smith cackled.

"Heeheehee! So, when ya'll goin' on a date, huh?!"

"I think I'll take a rain check," I said quickly, getting up and gathering my tools. "Fix it tomorrow, see ya!"

I headed off quickly. I had the feeling I was going to have some issues from now on...

- - -

Author's Notes:

Well he couldn't stay THAT dense forever, could he?

Night Sky

Short Hand

A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfic By Andrew J. Talon

Disclaimer: This is a non-profit fan based parody. MLP:FiM is the property of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. Please support the official release.

- - - -

There were some nights I just couldn't sleep. I just couldn't relax, and I just couldn't get all those dark, dour thoughts out of my head. The 'hour of the Wolf', as the Russians called it.

The time of night when all you could see were the problems and the worries and your fears, that just wouldn't go away. And there wasn't enough hard alcohol in Equestria to silence them. And after a while, you were tired of trying to numb the pain and there was nothing else to do but suffer through it.

So in short, I was sitting on the roof of my house and looking up at the night sky. Lying on my blanket as I stared up into the gorgeous infinity of the universe. The stars were utterly foreign to me in almost every way, not a single recognizable constellation. Even the flow of the galaxy across the sky looked foreign, and the moon was so different too. All suddenly so alien and unfamiliar, without the comfort of the skies I knew. Yet I couldn't look away.

I felt a presence land next to me, and I looked over, startled. There was a tall alicorn, dark blue, with a wavy main and turquoise eyes. She gazed upon me with familiarity. It took some time for me to recognize her, but I figured it out.

"Princess Luna?" I asked. I made to get up to bow or something, but the alicorn held up a hoof.

"Nay, there is no need for you to rise," she said gently. She gave me a shy smile. "It has been some time, hasn't it, Shepherd the Human?"

"Uh, yeah, yeah," I said with a nod, sitting back down. I sighed and leaned back, my eyes again drawn to the sky. I felt the princess kneel down next to me, and clear her throat. She didn't say anything though. It was very awkward, if I'm being honest. Even with the majesty of the heavens overhead.

"... You're... Feeling better?" I asked, feeling stupid. Luna nodded.

"We are," she said formally. "It has taken time to recover our strength, but we are... Better." She bowed her head.

"Again, we feel we must apologize for our treatment of you," she said. "And we felt it best to do it in person."

I looked over at her, and shook my head.

"It's all right," I said. "I mean, it wasn't you, right?"

Luna was silent for a time. I sensed I'd tread on a sensitive topic, and I grimaced.

"I'm sorry. Is that too personal?" I asked.

Luna took a deep breath, her eyes wandering again.

"In a sense, it was, and it wasn't," she admitted quietly. "Our anger, our jealousy, our despair, our fear... All those things made the Nightmare Moon. The entity that overtook us used those... Made those worse. Made us... Into a monster." She looked aside. "We were not helpless in its rampage, and yet... Now all we have when we look upon the past is regret."

I looked over at her. Luna let out another long sigh.

"We would retake our throne, and yet..." She trailed off, and looked at me. "Would our ponies... Even accept us again?"

I didn't know how to answer that. Not without some thought. Still, helping her took my mind off my own problems. It made me feel like I wasn't just alone and stupid.

"It's been a thousand years," I said. "I think they're just as confused about how to relate to you, as you are to them." I managed a small smile. "I think though, if your ponies can accept some weird alien like me, they can accept you."

She stared at me for a time. I shook my head.

"Not that it will be easy," I said quickly. "There are always going to be people-er, ponies, who don't accept you. Who even fear you," I admitted, looking back at the sky. "And you'll wonder... You'll wonder if it's even worth it, sometimes, to go out."

"This has been the case with you?" Luna asked. I nodded.

"Yeah," I said. I shook my head. "I mean, before coming to a weird alien world and being seen as a monster." I looked up at the sky, and shifted uncomfortably. "Not that it compares to being locked in the moon for a thousand years-"

"No, no," Luna said quietly, reaching out a hoof. She awkwardly placed it on my elbow. It wasn't a hand over mine, but it felt... Comforting in that moment. I stared at it for a while, before looking back up at the sky. I coughed.

"It's... Well... When I was eight, my mother died of cancer," I explained. "We were so close, and to lose her then..." I let out a soft sigh, tracing the stars overhead with my eyes. "It felt like my whole world was destroyed. Like, I wasn't really a child anymore, but I was. That made it hard to fit in with everyone else." I paused, working my jaw. "I loved reading books, too. I got that from her, and my dad. And my dad... He worked so hard to try and keep me and my little brother happy. He was so forgiving, so caring, so strong. I felt so guilty when I had trouble in school, or had health problems he had to pay so much for. Because I knew losing Mom hurt him just as much. Causing him pain, or disappointing him, felt like I was hurting him." I let out another sigh.

It just kept coming. Kept bubbling up.

"And you know, years of struggling in school, in college, at jobs of mine... Still stuck at home while everyone else moved on to have homes and families of their own? While I couldn't find a girl who loved me, or I loved... Until I found one I thought I loved." I snorted. "Then she cheated on me with some asshole, and just... Pretended like it was my fault."

The anger was pretty dull there. All that was left was the pain. I took another breath.

"And then, just when everything was looking up and I was finally getting my life on track... I ended up in some alien world from some freak accident. Where I'm the only one of my kind," I said softly. "In the Everfree Forest. I got chased by monsters and hurt and I was starving and half mad... And even now, among ponies, sometimes there's a glare, or a look or fear, or a snide remark. A reminder that I'm... Alone."

I fell silent. As much as I tried to push it away, the memory of when Celestia had gently told me they had no way to send me home was just as clear.

If it was in this cosmos, they had no way of locating it among the trillions of galaxies across the vast plane of space. Much less sending me there.

If it wasn't, then there were an infinite number of parallel universes to search, and that would take a lifetime with no guarantee of finding my home.

I had accepted it as stoically as possible, excused myself, locked myself in the nearest empty room in the palace and I'd... I'd just cried. I sobbed, trying to keep the sound as muffled as possible. I don't know for how long, but the tears just wouldn't stop.

The worst part? Sometimes I still couldn't help crying. Sometimes I just couldn't get in private fast enough.

I didn't want pity. Pity was horrible. It just came with the implicit insult.

If I was alone, the only human being... Let me have my dignity. Please. Just let me be strong enough to carry on, and not a crybaby. Even now, I was fighting those tears back. I hated how weak I felt.

Luna watched me, the only sound that of our breathing. It was almost synchronized.

"And how do you endure it, Shepherd?" She asked softly. I looked from the stars, and caught sight of Sugarcube Corner. My gaze drifted, over Rarity's Boutique, the Golden Oaks Library, and Town Hall. My gaze drifted more, until I could spy in the distant moonlight the faint silhouette of Sweet Apple Acres. And beyond that, though too far to see, I knew would be Fluttershy's little cottage.

I couldn't help the small smile that came to my face at the thought of them all.

"... Same way as on Earth," I said, "with a little help from my friends."

My smile grew, just a bit.

"Fluttershy was the first being I met when I got here. I met her after... God, days of being on the run in the Everfree Forest. The first being that hadn't tried to kill me, or eat me, or scare me," I said. "I thought she was an angel, to spirit me away into Heaven. She hugged me, she promised that she wouldn't hurt me... She got me to her house and healed me. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity... They all helped out. So did the Mayor, and the Doctor, and... And Princess Celestia," I recounted.

Even now, I could remember when I emerged from that terrible, lonely door. The princess stood there, and I tried to come up with some excuse and... She'd just hugged me. With those big, warm wings and her graceful neck. And I'd hugged her back, like I gained strength and peace just from her touch.

"If it wasn't for People... Or Ponies who care about me," I continued, "I'd have... I'd have given up. Even when I can't imagine how they could, they do. All I can see are my flaws and all the bad things and failures in my life and..."

I held a hand over my eyes. I know, I know, but I just don't like anyone seeing my tears. I took a deep breath, and calmed myself.

"... They just see reasons to love me," I finished softly. "And I have to trust those are real."

I didn't dare look at Luna until I'd wiped my face. I looked over at her, and the mare was smiling in a similar fashion. A bit of wetness was underneath her eyes, but she hid it away with her telekinesis. I didn't point it out.

"... I see," Luna said softly. She bowed her head. "You have given us-I mean... You have given me much to think on, Shepherd the Human." She smiled, and gently extended her head out.

She nuzzled me.

"Thank you," she said gratefully.

I wanted to say something smart alecky, to hide my feelings. Nothing came, as I returned the smile.

"You're welcome," I said. Luna cleared her throat, again.

"We must attend to our royal duties," she said formally, that wall back up between us. "Please... Enjoy the Night, Shepherd the Human."

I nodded back to her. "You too, your Majesty," I said. "And thank you."

Luna smiled, and vanished into ethereal mist. I was alone again.

I looked back up at the night sky, a little smile on my face.

Well... I was feeling a bit less stupid, at least. That has to count for something.

- - -

Author's Notes:

Woah that got intense didn't it?

More of "Thorns" next time though. It'll be a five parter.

Thorns Part 4

- - -

Okay, I'm just going to say it: Riding a manticore in full flight over the battlements of a city while hundreds of giant monsters are chasing you is fucking metal. I would have had an erection, but it would have been awkward on top of a semi-sapient lifeform and all. That and Spike was in my lap. Gross.

The wind howled in our ears, as we flew for the central palace. The manticore roared happily, the bloodlust burning in his eyes. I found myself laughing with him, a feral grin on my face as my primal instincts roared to life. My blood was on fire, as I waved my machete.

"PUNCH IT, CHEWIE!" I shouted, pointing right for the top of the tower. The manticore roared in agreement, and flew for it. I held up Spike, and the little dragon took a deep breath. He unleashed a massive blast of green fire, and the large glass window barring our way exploded. We burst into the top of the tower, roaring for battle.

Which... We didn't get. We just got an empty room, save for a weird lantern in the center. We looked around, bewildered.

"So... This isn't the throne room?" I asked. Bramble was shaking, as he clung to me.

"N-N-N-N... No..." He managed to squeak. I slid off the back of the Manticore (who I decided to call Chewie, because fuck Disney that's why), and looked around carefully with my machete pointed out in front of me. Spike followed, also looking around.

"So, I guess the throne room is below," Spike said. "Uh, let's go to the staircase!"

"To the staircase!" I shouted. Bramble was still clinging tightly to me, scared out of his wits. "Uh... After Bramble calms down," I amended. I kneeled down, and gently pulled the shaking deer prince off my back. Which was very difficult, as he just kept wrapping his appendages around me. I pushed him off, and set him down.

"Now calm down, calm down Bramble!" I said urgently. I looked him in his huge eyes.

"Hey, hey! The worst part is over!" I said again, hugging the little deer. "Okay?"

"Oh-Okay," he mumbled. I let him go with a smile. I pulled up the briefcase with the Elements of Harmony, and shook it in front of him. I gave him a happy grin.

"See? We're going to be fine," I said. "Down there in the throne room-"

"How do we know they're in the throne room?" Spike asked. I shrugged.

"Where else would a megalomaniac take his prisoners to be executed?" I asked. Spike hummed, and nodded.

"Good point," he said.

"Anyway, down in the throne room are six mares who will fix this right up," I said cheerfully. I turned it around in my hands. "Now, let's just do the Captain Dummy check and make sure everything is fine."

"'Captain Dummy check'?" Spike asked. "We've only got ten minutes before the deadline!"

"And imagine how silly we'll look if we show up without the Elements of Harmony, just the case," I observed. Spike rolled his eyes, but waved a clawed hand. I nodded.

I opened the briefcase. There they were, all six pieces of magic jewelry. I felt very relieved. I reached out and touched the crown.

"There. Now we can have our reunion-"

"It's been a while hasn't it, my consort?" Asked Nightmare Moon, looking down on me with her green, cat-slitted eyes. She grinned, her razor sharp teeth gleaming in the light of flames.

I started and looked around. It was Ponyville... On fire. Everything was on fire. The Town Hall, Sugercube Corner... And bodies were everywhere. Everywhere. Spike, Doc, Ditzy, Bramble, even Chewie... Every friend I'd made in Ponyville since I got here.

All dead. The wind was knocked out of my chest as I trembled.

"Wha... This...?" I looked back at Nightmare Moon, but I got another surprise. I saw Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Dash, Pinkie Pie... All standing, frozen, smiling.

Nightmare Moon loomed up behind them, a deadly blade of pure shadow forming next to her. She grinned horribly, her green eyes blazing with madness. She lifted the blade up, pointing it for the back of Fluttershy's neck. My eyes widened.

"No... NO, DON'T!" I shouted. "DON'T!"

The blade went right into her body, right through her heart. Fluttershy's eyes widened in shock and pain, as she crumpled like a marionette with her strings cut.

"OH GOD NO! FLUTTERSHY!" I wanted to charge Nightmare Moon. I wanted to strangle her with my bare hands. I tried to run, but no matter how fast I went I never got any closer. I was stuck, as Nightmare Moon casually slaughtered the rest of the mares. Each time I begged, I screamed, I pleaded and cursed... None of it did any good. Every death felt like I was being stabbed with them. I only got to them as Dash fell, the last. My hands went all over their still forms, trying to find a heartbeat, warm breath, anything...

I looked up at Nightmare Moon, tears streaming down my eyes.

"You... This... This isn't real... This can't be real...!" I shouted.

"Oh, but it will be, my dear little human," Nightmare Moon crooned. In front of me floated the metallic briefcase, the Elements already in black, magical tendrils."How thoughtful of you to bring the elements right to me. Just as I'd hoped..."

She crushed each Element into shards with her dark magic, and laughed as the pieces rained down onto the bodies of my friends. I felt hollow, as every bit of goodness and hope fled my core.

"You're dead! We defeated you! We-We killed you!" I blubbered. Nightmare Moon laughed horribly, the flames rising higher. Her shadow loomed up higher, taking on antlers.

"Can you extinguish the darkness in every heart? The hate? The greed? The fear? Even the Elements can't do that..." She grinned horribly, blood dripping from her fangs. "I'm looking so forward to seeing you again, darling~..."

"Shepherd! SHEPHERD!"

I dropped the crown, shaking and covered in cold sweat. Spike was shaking my shoulder. Bramble stared in horror and concern, as Chewie loomed over me. The big manticore almost looked worried, but it surely was a trick of the light.

"Shepherd? What happened?" Spike asked, staring at me in worry. I took several deep breaths, trying to calm down.

"Ah... Um... Spike?" I asked.

"Yes? Yes, what is it?" Spike said urgently.

"Do... Have you heard of horrible, demonic visions being associated with the Elements of Harmony?" I asked. Spike blinked a few times, but shook his head.

"Uh, no," he said. "Is that was you saw?"

I nodded. I looked down at the Elements, still intact and still in their briefcase. The detail in the vision...

"I... I saw Nightmare Moon," I managed. "She said... I'd brought the Elements... Just as she'd hoped." I stared down at the magic jewelry. "Like, like she was expecting this," I muttered.

"But that's not possible," Spike said, "Nightmare Moon was defeated! Princess Luna is fine!" Spike shook his head. "Why would you have a vision of that?"

"I don't know," I muttered. I looked up at Spike. "I mean, it can't be... It couldn't be too easy, could it?"

"I've never stormed a castle before," Spike admitted, only half sarcastically. I nodded, raising my eyebrows.

"First time for me, too," I said. I rubbed my cheek. I kept staring at the Elements.

"We-We can't just sit here!" Bramble cried. I nodded hard.

"You're right," I said. I took another deep breath. "We've got a Plan B," I said, "and it's good. But I'd feel a lot better if we had a Plan C."

Spike raised his scaly brows.

"Plan C?" He asked. Chewie growled in confusion.

I smiled at the little dragon. "Yeah. Hand me your back pack, will you?"

- - -

Getting down the stairs was easy, and travelling through the palace was even easier. The entire thing was like one, gigantic shaped forest, with all the branches of the trees warped into grand staircases, balconies and hallways. Bramble's directions got us to the huge throne room, with huge vaulted ceilings. Lanterns filled with fireflies lined the walls, as turquoise-tinted windows kept what little sunlight let in by the Everfree Canopy out. We walked out into the throneroom, our steps echoing loudly in the empty hall.

"I'd feel better if we were fighting our way through all this," Spike admitted. I nodded slowly.

"Yeah," I muttered back.

I really didn't need the hellish vision to make me think something was up. So why had I gotten it? It felt too real to have been a hallucination.

The throne of course was made of wood too, built into the living wood of the palace. And in front of them were six balls of spiky branches-Improvised cages, no doubt. Within each was one of our friends, tied up and gagged with vines and flowers. I rolled my eyes, and felt Spike do the same nearby. I could tell easily.

"Gotta stick with a theme, huh?" I muttered.

They all awakened as they saw us, and Fluttershy's eyes became wide. She shook and struggled, whimpering. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Dash all began grunting and screaming through the gags. My bad feeling increased severely, and yet, I pressed on.

I spotted Twilight, and walked up to her cage. Some weird stone ring was around her horn, probably suppressing her magic. I bet the creep did it to all the cute unicorns. I knelt down, and her eyes widened in shock. She immediately began shaking her head. I reached out and yanked out the gag. She spat out some berries and then said:

"Get out! GET OUT! It's a trap!" She cried.

The door we'd walked in became barred by thorny black vines. The throne erupted in dark fire, and a tall, gracile deer stag appeared. He wore a crown, and a heart-shaped necklace over his chest that glowed a dull, bloody red. He smirked down upon us, as the shadows lengthened around us. He could only be King Aspen, judging from Bramble's gasp.

"Father!" Bramble cried. Aspen chuckled, his eyes narrowed.

"You walked right in!" The monarch laughed. "Without a bit of caution or hesitation! So courageous!" He grinned, his teeth gleaming sharply in the dim light. I could see fire reflected in his fangs.

"Father! Please! We've come to help you!" Bramble shouted. "You can stop this! You can end the war! Please!"

Aspen laughed darkly, his eyes flashing green.

"Such terrible pain and anguish, my son," he said, "it's so... Invigorating." He laughed again, looking mock apologetic. "I'm so sorry. I'm practically giddy! I've been looking forward to this for so very long. Seeing Twilight Sparkle, her little friends..." His eyes locked onto me.

"And their little pet monkey," he hissed. "You, I wanted to get too. To complete the reunion."

Oh good. That word. That didn't make me shiver and shake internally in terror. Thankfully, when I'm really, really scared, I try to channel it into being snarky. Like Spider-Man.

"Um," I began, blinking, "have we met before? Because you're starting to sound like any of my ex-girlfriends. I don't think I'd have been drunk enough to bang a deer. Well, a male deer."

Aspen began laughing harder. His eyes... Became green, with cat slitted eyes. The shadows grew longer, and thicker, as tendrils of darkness waved around him. Twilight's jaw dropped, and despite the hellish vision... Or because of it... I was barely able to keep my composure.

"That's impossible," Twilight whispered. "That's impossible!"

"Hello, my consort~," the Nightmare crooned.

- -

"Nightmare Moon?" I found myself asking in disbelief. I held up the briefcase. "But-They rainbow nuked you! You're supposed to be gone!" I looked over at Twilight Sparkle, who was equally filled with disbelief. "These things were supposed to make her dead!"

"They didn't kill her! I mean, they freed Princess Luna from her darkness!" Twilight cried. The thing on the throne cackled in an all too familiar way, its tendrils waving about as Bramble cowered next to me.

"I split off one part of myself before the hit. I'm weakened, yes, but I survived. You can't eliminate all evil, you silly little pony. No matter how hard you try," the Nightmare thing hissed, whipping its long tongue out at us. I made a face, and reached down to pat the back of Bramble's head.

Poor kid. First his dad goes evil, and now he's become a demon-possessed transsexual. It's a lot to take in a few days.

"Oh, I had years to merge with Luna-To become one with her," the Nightmare hissed, "how I miss her. This king is a poor substitute-So stiff, so out of touch and arrogant. Thinking a land developer was an attacking force! But he was so easy to subvert... And enough power for my plans. After all, I feed on fear. On rage. On jealousy and hatred, so-"

"Wait, wait, let me guess," I impulsively called out, lifting up my hand. "So you can make sooo much misery and rage you can feed off it, become all powerful and then..." I paused faux dramatically, "take over the world?"

The Nightmare glared, its green eyes glowing. Faux wings made of shadow rose behind him-her-whatever. It hadn't given me any pronouns to work with.

"You really do take all the fun out of things, consort," the Nightmare stated.

"Well you're not exactly a fun villain," I shot back. "So predictable!"

The Nightmare snarled.

"You stood up to me despite having no powers. I remembered that," it replied. "That's why I had to wait for you: I needed you all here again, just as before."

"So you know how this ends," I replied loudly. I held up the briefcase again. "The best mares in the world get these on, rainbow nuke you, and off to oblivion! Again!"

The Nightmare laughed mockingly, thorny vines beginning to emerge from the walls around us. I could feel the disbelieving looks the mares were shooting at me. I'd gotten it more than enough from them in the past, though never quite this intense. Even Spike was rolling his eyes. Chewie just growled, ready for a fight as he spread his wings. Manticores apparently get the idea of pre-fight banter and posturing.

"Oh really? Is that what you think is going to happen, monkey?" The Nightmare growled.

"I don't know," I shot back, "you're the magic body hopping parasite, you tell me."

The Nightmare's eyes flashed in rage, and I could feel the floor shake. I shoved Bramble and Spike towards the Mares and ran to the right, as Chewie followed me. It was enough to get us out of the way of the first tendril, which shot up and slammed down like the hammer of Thor between us. The vibration nearly knocked me off my feet, but I stayed up. My heart was pounding in my ears, even as I looked up at the seething monster.

I almost wet my pants at this, but it was crucial I stayed calm. I had to. Everyone was counting on me.

Well, the little metal briefcase I was holding, anyway. Me? Maybe not so much.

"Shepherd! Just throw us the case!" Twilight shouted, as Spike clutched at her cage in terror. I ignored her, and glared at the Nightmare.

"I'm sorry, did I touch a nerve?" I shouted. "Parasite! Leech! Bloodsucker!" I shot a defiant smirk, as Chewie roared at the monster behind me. "COMMUNIST!"

The Nightmare snarled, and leaped right off the throne. I yanked out my revolver, and fired every shot at the charging Nightmare. The bangs were deafening without any ear protection, echoing loudly in the huge throne room. I honestly didn't know what these shots would do to Nightmare or Aspen... And as the Nightmare charged through the bullets without slowing down, I guess the answer was "nothing".

"YOU DARE MOCK ME, YOU PITIFUL APE?!" The nightmare roared, swinging a tendril at me. I barely ducked under the blow, the wind whistling loudly over me. Chewie leaped up over the blow, his claws and stinger raking down on the monster. I threw my revolver at the Nightmare, as a further distraction as my Manticore pounced! He drove the Nightmare down, pinning it to the wooden floor. I pulled my machete and sprinted across, hoping to add my blade to the weapons driving into the monster. The Nightmare looked up in defiance, the manticore venom pumping into it.

"YOU THINK THIS IS ANYTHING TO ME?!" It shrieked, and darkness erupted in an explosion of power. Chewie was blasted off the monster, and I was knocked off my feet. I slammed down into the floor hard, and I rolled as more tendrils erupted below me. I saw one massive vine wrap around Chewie, and slam him up against the wall. I gaped in horror, taking my eyes off the monster for just a moment.

"CHEWIE!" I shouted. I got up, my hand scrambling for my semi-auto pistol in my belt. I wasn't fast enough though-The Nightmare was on me in an instant, black tendrils lashing out to grab my arms and neck. I was choked as they lifted me up, my eyes bulging. The Nightmare was now in my face, sharp fangs practically glowing in its venomous grin.

"How pitiful," the Nightmare sneered, "this is your idea of defiance? You think you're the hero here, boy? You're just the pet monkey! The sidekick!"

I would have snarked something back, but my windpipe was in the middle of being crushed. I struggled frantically, trying to get loose from the grip of the shadows. Nothing doing-They held like steel, not giving an inch as I flailed. The Nightmare laughed, and then threw me. I slammed into the wall, tumbling like a rag doll before I fell down. I tried to bite back a scream, but it echoed above me anyway.

"If only you'd minded your own business," the Nightmare taunted, "just fled. You might have been able to live a quiet life, for a little while longer. Before I found you. If only you didn't care about these mares so much..."

I managed to look up, breathing hard. My wrist felt broken, as did my leg. It was painful, but I could deal with pain.

"I would rather die," I gasped out, "than forsake any one of them...!"

Hey, I managed to make an anime reference despite everything. I guess I'd been getting hurt enough the pain didn't register as badly anymore. Or maybe I'm just a masochist-It would explain a lot.

The Nightmare laughed, and held up the briefcase with one tendril. My eyes widened, as the demonic thing turned it in its appendages.

"Well I'm glad you planned on dying! Because that's what you'll do in front of them! Die, slowly, along with your last hope," the Nightmare jeered. It pulled at the fastenings, and opened the briefcase. Its green slitted eyes widened in shock, a look I would treasure forever.

"Wh-WHAT?!" The Nightmare roared. It threw the empty briefcase down, and snarled at me. "WHERE-?!"

"You know," Twilight Sparkle called from across the throneroom, "Shepherd's right: You are predictable."

The Nightmare looked over, and I managed to turn my head to see it too. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie-All looking royally pissed off-stood with the Elements of Harmony on and glowing with power. Spike and Bramble were at their side, Spike holding up his empty backpack. Zecora, the Doctor, and Ditzy flanked their other side, the Doctor holding up a chainsaw he'd taken from the human junkyard. The Nightmare gaped in shock, and looked at me in growing fury as the light grew stronger-Like the sun rising. I managed a grin.

"Gotcha," I managed.

The Nightmare roared and leaped at me, as the massive energy blast washed over us. The Nightmare pounced on me, tendrils lashing at me in rage and desperation. I struggled back, the pain exploding even worse across my body. Its green eyes bored into mine, and I felt something in my mind...!

"Think you're so clever, Shepherd?!" The demon roared. "I'll turn your victory to ASH!"

And despite the intensity of the light... Everything went black.

- - -

There are moments in life that just seem to paint how much it can fucking suck to be a human being. Moments that just seem to reinforce the dark parts of your mind that say you are nothing, that life has no meaning, and you don't deserve to be happy.

Moments that you rerun in your mind, over and over and over again, and wonder to yourself: How was I that fucking stupid? You can't stop picking at them, like a scab on the sole of your foot. No matter what you do, it's gonna hurt but you can't stop trying to figure out a way to fix it. But you need to try something. Anything.

"I'm sorry sweetie," my girlfriend said, a wan smile on her face. I'd opened the door to her house, and seen her sitting on her couch... Another man sitting there with his arm around her shoulder. My entire body felt as numb and useless as the flowers in my hand. "I'm sorry. You're just not the one for me. But I'm sure... I'm sure you'll find love again someday?"

Her smile was full of pity. Like I was a broken doll lying on the ground. Just a brief look, before she stepped over it and went about her day.

That was it. That was all I was to her. The year we'd spent together and this was the way she ended it. Treated it.

I didn't even see the look on the face of the guy. He wasn't even looking my way. And who would?

I could have screamed. I could have yelled. I could have picked up something and thrown it.

Instead I turned and walked out, letting the door swing shut behind me.

I got behind the wheel of my car and I drove. I just drove, listening to music as loudly as I could. I found some isolated place outside the city. I got out of my car, and then?

Then I screamed. Then I kicked and punched whatever scraggly trees were in my path. Then I walked around, ranting and raving and throwing my hands every which way.

I hated her.

I hated that guy.

I hated God.

I hated the entire universe.

But most of all? I hated myself.

I sat there, sitting on the bumper of my car, staring out at the magnificence of the mountains as the sun set. I felt hollow, all of my insides ripped out with just the ragged remains hanging left inside me.

I was... Somewhere else, wasn't I? Just a second ago?

I looked around. Every was stopped, still, like a frame on a paused movie. All of it was so artificial, faded, as though a faded photograph. I felt something sit down next to be on the hood of the car, and I sprang away. I turned around.

It looked like Nightmare Moon... As a spectacularly beautiful woman. Her skin was pale and smooth, as a black bodysuit hugged the rest of her muscled, curvaceous form. Over this was armor, midnight blue in color, that also left little to the imagination. Her narrow lips were painted jet black, as her green, cat-slitted eyes glowed in malicious glee at me. Her long hair flowed behind her head, as her wings folded tightly against her back.

"What's wrong, Shepherd?" The Nightmare simpered, "this not a good look for you?"

"What the hell is this?!" I demanded. Nightmare laughed, and the world seemed to turn gray and lifeless in response.

"We're in your mind, silly human," Nightmare explained, spreading out one hand. She spread her clawed fingers, and they burned with a hellish flame. One soon reflected in her eyes. "I had to jump somewhere to escape, didn't I? And I found such a painful memory I had to see!" She smirked. "So many like this. You love the girl and she doesn't. Over and over again. Doesn't it get old?"

"Oh yeah, smart move," I mocked her, "hide in the human who's also being hit by the Friendship Deathlaser! Fucking brilliant! So what, you're tormenting me in the few seconds you have left? One last act of pettiness?" I pointed my finger at her. "Because if this is your idea of my worst memory, bitch, you're way off-!"


The scent of heavy cleaners. The sound of beeping medical devices. The plain, earth toned walls, linked by cold, colorless tiles floors and ceilings.

All of these are the impressions of a hospital. And I've always hated hospitals because of this memory.

"No," I murmured, "no... Not here... Not now..."

"Andrew... Your mother is waiting," the nurse said with a smile. She towered over me, when I was eight. And ahead, the room seemed just as vast. The distance, impossible.

My father was already over the hospital bed, holding my mother's hand. He was already crying, his warm hand so huge around her deathly pale one. My little brother was crying too-He was six, but even he could understand the coming loss.

I locked eyes with my mother, in that moment. Her brown eyes in that tired, pale face, her thinning black hair all almost gone. Plastic tubes were all over her body, the only things keeping her alive.

"Andrew...?" She asked, raspy and dry. "Andrew...?"

I turned and I ran. The nurse was calling after me, my father too. I didn't care. I ran through the hospital, trying to escape... Everything.

I ended up in a small garden for the patients. There was a statue of Saint Mary on a pedestal in the center, with a gentle and caring smile on her granite face. I fell on my knees and curled up behind a bench, tears running down my cheeks.

I couldn't... I couldn't do it.

"No," said my tormentor. I looked up, and in the place of the Virgin stood the Nightmare. She loomed over me, her huge dark wings blocking out the sunlight as she smirked down at me.

"You couldn't say goodbye to her, could you?" The Nightmare asked mockingly. "And when the nurse found you to bring you back... She was gone. Your chance lost." She shook her head, and pointed her clawed finger right at me.

"You killed her," she accused. I shook my head wildly, even as my guilt and anger and sorrow crashed down on my reason.

"I... I didn't!" I tried. "It was the cancer-I was eight! I-I couldn't do anything-!"

"LIAR!" The Nighmare roared. She leered at me, her face filling my vision, "you killed her. Your pathetic human mind tried to justify it, rationalize it, so you decided that you'd killed her." She grinned horribly. "So you did. Kill. Her."

"I-I didn't! I-I couldn't-!" I cried. The Nightmare laughed terribly, rearing back up. All around us, more memories from my life seemed to shine forth like television screens. Every moment just another painful reminder... No... I can't give in...!

"Fight on? But why, my consort?" The Nightmare crooned in my ear. "Your entire life, you've let yourself be twisted by this pitiful, childish reasoning. You let it turn you into a barely functional manchild-Unable to be the man those women wanted, or needed."

"Shut up! SHUT UP!" I shouted, swinging at her. My eight year old body wasn't exactly suited for combat though-She laughed at my ineffectual hits against her gigantic, armored form.

"You think your little heroic actions will make up for being YOU?!" The Nightmare mocked, kicking me in the stomach and sending me tumbling. I curled up again, shaking, as she laughed harder. "'Oh look at me! My own life in my world was so boring and mediocre! Surely I'll be better in a world of magic and imagination!' Isn't that what you pitiful humans do?! Isn't that what you tell yourselves, as you withdraw from your own lives?"

I couldn't look at her. Memories of chances I could have taken, opportunities I should have had, things I could have done to improve myself... All things I'd turned down, or messed up. I wanted to think, I wanted to resist, but it felt like every emotion I'd ever had from these painful moments was being forced upon me all at once!

All the pain. All the sorrow. All the rage. All the self-hatred and loathing and guilt...

"That's why you were willing to be the bait, Shepherd," Nightmare sneered, again kicking me. She seemed to savor my cries of pain and anguish. "That's why you fight on. So that somehow you can make up for the disgusting, wretched failure you are." She grinned, her sharp fangs glistening as she stomped on my hand. I screamed in pain, weakly trying to pull it away.

"The most delicious part of this? Ponies here do care about you," Nightmare laughed, "but you'll never accept it! You'll never allow yourself to trust it! You'll play the fool and withdraw and hide, and let them choose someone else. Someone better. Because let's face it, Shepherd," she hissed, "everyone else IS."

"W-Why...?" I managed. "Why... Are you doing... This...?"

The demonic entity laughed again, even harder.

"Why?! WHY?! Because your pain gives me power! Power enough that I'll be able to hide inside you and survive." Her eyes gleamed. "I'll stay inside your mind, guide you, make you into something a bit better... And when the time is right? I'll kill every Holder of the Elements. I'll slit their throats in the night. And whoever survives, and is strong enough? Will be my new host." She leaned in closer, and whispered harshly.

"You didn't save anyone, Shepherd. You just doomed them all," she taunted.

I whimpered. I struggled to breath. The sorrow, the pain, it was suffocating... My fists clenched.

Move... Move... DO SOMETHING! I screamed in my mind. ANYTHING!

I closed my eyes, the horrible mocking laughter just battering away anything resembling hope, or happiness, or-

"Hello...? Are you all right?"

I opened my eyes. The sun was shining down on me. I was dressed in ragged clothing, and wore a messy beard. I was dirty and sticky and sweat covered.

I probably smelled really bad, too.

Yet some angelic being was descending from on high, hand extended, her wings spread. Her long hair waved in the wind, and she smiled down on me.

"Huh?" I managed. Fluttershy landed a few feet away, still smiling gently.

"It's all right. I won't hurt you," she said, "my name is Fluttershy. What's yours?"

"... Andrew Shepherd," I said. I blinked. This... This was the memory of the day I'd first met Fluttershy.

"Yes, it is," Fluttershy said with a nod. I stared.

"You didn't say that," I said. Fluttershy smiled.

"No... It's complicated, um. I think Twilight might explain it better?"


And now I was in a pile of rubble, body broken and covered in blood. I looked up at Twilight Sparkle, still in the grips of the laughing Nightmare Moon.

"Shepherd!" Twilight shouted. "I'm using the Elements to tap into your mind! I saw what the Nightmare was doing and, since the Elements exponentially increase my ability to process information, I quickly devised a spell to access your unconscious mind and-!"

"Geez, can't that mare say anything quickly?" Rainbow Dash shouted. She was performing incredible acrobatics above me, and I was watching while taking notes. Trying to help her improve. "Anyway, we're all in here, Shepherd! We're in here with you!"

Another memory, this one of Rarity and I reading a bedtime story to Sweetie Belle. The little filly beamed up at me in her sleep, as I talked to her elder sister with the story book in my hands.

"We're fighting back," Rarity explained, "though I don't completely understand it myself, Twilight is using our own memories of you-Of our friendship-To fight back against the Nightmare!"

In another instant, I was sitting in a giant donut and rafting down a river of hot chocolate, a whooping Pinkie Pie in my lap.

"And we'll make it so you can knock her out of your mind and we can REALLY let her have it! WOO HOO! Marshmallows?" She asked, holding a cup of them out to me.

"I don't remember this ever happening," I said. Pinkie giggled.

"Silly, I just took it from the list of things I want us to do together!"

"But," Applejack said, sitting next to me on the porch of her house as we watched the sunset, "ya ain't got much time! Ya got one shot! Hit her with every bit of positive energy you can!" She looked intently into my eyes. I hesitated. She shook her head, and put her hoof over my hand.

"Whatever she been sayin'... Remember: She's an evil monster tryin' to take over the world," she said. "Ah know ya've got issues, Shepherd. Ah know you've been runnin' from things-Probably for yer whole life. Ah know you've got pain and regrets, and made a lotta mistakes."

"But," Twilight said, standing next to me as we got an ancient human radio to work in her lab, her pride evident in her warm smile, "so have we all. And I know-I know-You can do this."

"You can do it," Fluttershy whispered, watching over me as I slept in her bed, covered in bandages.

"You can do it!" Pinkie Pie cheered, this time when we were hunting for snipes with butterfly nets.

"So go on, darling," Rarity encouraged, smiling as I tried on the first shirt she ever made for me.

"Go on!" Applejack cried, as we carried apples from her orchard in buckets.

"And KICK HER FLANK!" Rainbow Dash bellowed as she tugged me on a bicycle, both of us laughing over the bumpy road.

I was eight. I was in a dark void, surrounded by my mistakes and tragedies. Above me, Nightmare Moon laughed, her eyes glowing.

"So," she said, "would you like to break now? Or is there still some fight left in you? Please tell me the latter."

I muttered something, so quiet even I could barely hear it. She leaned in, holding a hand up to her ear mockingly.

"What's that, Shepherd? I couldn't hear you-"

I thought of my father, my little brother, my friends and family who I all missed back home on Earth.

I thought of the rolling fields, the mountains, the oceans I had seen.

I thought of the stars and the moon in the sky overhead.

I thought of Ponyville and the wonderful beings who had accepted me as one of their own.

And I thought of the six amazing mares, and the whole world of beings who were counting on me.

I punched Nightmare right in the face with all of it, as I glared up at her with every fiber of my being.

"I said you're an ugly bitch!"

The rainbow power exploded from my fist, and right into her. She screamed in agony as it consumed her, and she clawed at her face and body in desperation, trying to put it out like she was aflame. She let out a soul wrenching shriek of rage and anguish, and then-without warning-exploded into a bright flash. Everything went white...

And then, seven familiar pairs of eyes were staring down at me. Six of them wearing shiny jewelry. Another head loomed over them, and growled in concern.

"Shepherd? Are you all right? Are you awake?" Twilight asked. I blinked. I blinked again.

"I dunno," I managed. "Are we... Purple?"

Twilight nodded. "We are... Well, I am."

I nodded back. "Then we're awake."

Many sighs of relief, and much cuddling ensued. I returned it happily-Though I couldn't resist giving Spike a noogie. The little dragon yelped, and hit me back with a titty twister. Totally uncool, dude.

But I hugged him anyway. Little brat.

- - -

Princess Celestia and Luna soon arrived, with an army of Pegasi guards and a fleet of heavily armed airships. King Aspen was there to greet them, and humbly apologize for what had happened. They were very understanding, and worked out a deal with the King to not only pay for the damage and rebuild, but to improve relations between the two kingdoms to avoid this ever happening again.

Which involved the arrest and prosecution of Well-To-Do, the minotaur land developer whose stubbornness had set off Nightmare Aspen. He would get a fair trial though, as he hadn't known King Aspen would take a court summons as an act of war in his state. But given how much damage had been done to Equestria, neither he or Aspen were going to be popular or sympathetic for a long time.

I was glad I wasn't going to have to make those decisions. Though more than likely we'd be dealing with the issues of Thicket opening up to a world it had wronged for an equally long time, that wasn't my chief concern right now.

It was sitting in the back of an airship stateroom, on a large couch, with six very tired mares and an exhausted baby dragon all cuddled up to me.

They'd been at my side non stop. Even while King Aspen thanked us, and Celestia and Luna had done the "you saved the world again" speeches. Luna had then suggested we retire to her airship-And frankly I was in no condition to walk myself there.

So my protectors stayed with me, brought us to the couch, and fell asleep.

Here I was, thinking, over soft snores and sighs.

The hatch opened, and a tall, white form entered in silence. I would have stood up but six mares and a dragon are heavy.

"Princess?" I asked softly. Celestia smiled gently, her hair waving in the ethereal breeze.

"Just wanted to check on you," she said softly, trotting in silence right up to us. She looked over all of us, her smile growing.

"They are remarkable, aren't they?" She asked, beaming in pride. I smiled back with the biggest grin I could muster as Pinkie Pie giggled in her sleep about cupcakes.

"The most remarkable," I said firmly.

Celestia nodded slowly.

"Luna is hunting down any remnants of the Nightmare now," Celestia said. "She's very determined to keep you safe."

My smile grew, thinking of the awkward Moon Princess.

"I'll have to thank her," I said. I looked up intently at the princess. "Um... So..."

The Princess stared at me, silent. I began to feel uneasy.

"So... Uh... Anything else?" I asked.

Celestia giggled. "It's been a long time since I got to make a potential suitor uncomfortable. I'm just savoring the moment."

I blushed a bit.

"Listen Princess. It's not that I don't care for them. I do. I really earnestly do."

"That was never in doubt," Celestia said, "but your responses to their advances seemed to suggest something else going on."

She looked at me compassionately.

"The species gap is still quite large, isn't it?"

I almost looked away. But after the day I'd had, I decided to be honest.

"That's still a part of it," I admitted, "but it's... I'm adjusting. Slowly. The biggest issue was just..."

I shut my eyes.

"I've lost people I loved. In the worst ways. And I've had my heart broken. Shattered really, by people I got close to. It... it takes time to heal from that." I opened my eyes up slowly.

"It doesn't help I ran from it."

Celestia nuzzled me softly.

"I know," Celestia said. "I've lost so much myself. Sometimes there's the temptation to just hide behind a smile and never ever open up again." She looked at the sleeping Elements and then back to me.

"So I must ask you, Andrew Shepherd: After today, can you run any longer?"

I held her gaze, as Fluttershy yawned and shifted against me. I reflexively reached out to run her head, and she slipped back into slumber.

"No. I can't," I said. I shook my head. "I... It will take time but-"

"This is new for all of them," Celestia said gently. "So take it slow. One day at a time. And please, safeguard their hearts as best you can. They protect all of us. But they need a knight to protect them where they are weakest. Can you do that, Shepherd?"

I looked into her ancient eyes, and nodded slowly. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"I'll do it, Your Majesty," I promised.

Celestia smiled at me, and gave me another nuzzle.

"Thank you," she said. "Goodnight, Shepherd."

She vanished in a subdued flash of magic. I leaned back as Twilight drooled a bit on my jacket. I saw Spike curled up between Twilight and Rarity, sleeping like a happy log. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were on my other side, with Pinkie snoozing on my legs and Fluttershy on my chest. I sighed and smiled.

I had a lot of things to work on.

But I knew where to start for tomorrow.

I leaned back against the pillow, closed my eyes, and slept.

Author's Notes:

And it's all over but the crying for this arc. See you for more Short Hands next time!

Thorns Epilogue

- - -


The negotiations with the Princesses had been long and difficult. His king was already exhausted after his battle with the human and the Elements, near the breaking point. Yet he had carried on, long into the night, working out the details... Of their surrender.

Blackthorn had stood at his side, scowling deeply the entire time. He made no secret of his displeasure with this entire situation in his body language, and frankly did not care if he offended the delicate sensibilities of the Equestrians. Having to endure their King's pleading and grovelling... The humiliation!

Yet he had held his tongue, all the way into the near morning, when they finally broke for rest. He escorted the king himself to his chambers. King Aspen carried Prince Bramble atop his back, the young fawn having fallen asleep many hours before and no one had had the heart to wake him. Even he, Blackthorn, Captain of the Royal Guard, was hesitating in expressing his outrage.

But it had to be said.

"Your Highness," he said, softly but firmly, "how could you allow the Equestrians to dictate terms to us like this? It was not your fault!" He glowered deeply. "And that human caused more harm to Thicket than we did to them!"

The King was tired and weak, but his glare still carried great weight.

"What would you have me do, Blackthorn?" Aspen asked, "demand reparations after we devastated all of Equestria?"

"It was the fault of the Nightmare, not you, Your Highness!" Blackthorn argued, stepping around in front of the king. "If anything, it is Equestria's fault!"

"It was my vanity, my arrogance, my fears and insecurities that attracted the Nightmare," Aspen stated, his eyes narrowed and gaze firm. "It fed on them. We have devastated hundreds of villages and towns across Equestria, ruined hundreds of thousands of lives. That needs to be paid for, Blackthorn! Or we shall have a real war on our hooves! A war we will not win."

Blackthorn gritted his teeth. "And how shall we repay them then, Your Majesty?" He asked. "With the meat of our people?"

"We know the Everfree Forest better than almost anyone," Aspen said. "We will find the means to pay them back. In return, they will help us rebuild. What more could you demand, Blackthorn?"

"That the Elements and their pets pay for their crimes!" Blackthorn growled. Aspen shook his head.

"The crime of saving all of Equus from the evil that had taken me over?" He asked, "or the crime of doing what you should have done in the first place?"

Blackthorn's eyes slipped to the door, his shame practically radiating off him. There it was: He had failed in his duty as the Captain of the Royal Guard. He had gone so far as to nearly imprison his own Crown Prince!

Aspen was silent for a long moment, before he reached out a hoof to rest on his captain's shoulder.

"We have all failed this day, Blackthorn," he said, as gently as he could manage, "but let us not compound this failure by allowing our arrogance to make it worse. We will pay our debts. We will work with the Equestrians. And we will build a friendship with them." He opened the door to his chambers, and headed in, making sure not to dislodge his son from his back.

He looked back over his shoulder at Blackthorn, utter finality in his gaze.

"Those are my orders," he stated, "we cannot ignore the reality of our situation. Now go. Sleep. We have much to do next we awake."

He trotted into his chambers, and closed them behind himself and his softly snoring son. Blackthorn stood there alone, his teeth threatening to grind themselves to dust.

He had failed, yes. But he would not accept this. His king was exhausted and weakened from the Nightmare, but if he did not stay strong, they would just be absorbed by the Equestrians. Like so many other cultures before them, becoming nothing more than vassals to the Princesses. They had seen it happen, again and again. The ponies were a weak, easily herded race: All too eager to bend their knees to whoever had power or would keep them as pets. No wonder the Princesses had one of the abominable humans as their thugs!

Well. Blackthorn would do his duty. But he would never surrender to weakness.

Not even the weakness of his king.

- - -


We awoke to the sun shining out over Ponyville, and a Royal Guard entering the chamber and telling us we had arrived. He had departed as quickly as he had appeared, leaving all of us to look awkwardly at one another. Pinkie sucked in a breath.

"Sooo... Orgy?" She asked. Much blushing and sputtering ensued. Twilight made to cover Spike's ears with her hooves.

"Pinkie Pie!" Twilight hissed. Spike rolled his eyes.

"I already know what that word means," Spike sighed.

"Wha-?! How? When?!" Twilight demanded. Rarity flushed, just before Spike did the same. Twilight glared at Rarity. "Rarity! How-?!"

"It's a very long, complicated story that I'm sure nopony wants to get into," Rarity said quickly. She smiled around, her eyes very intense. "Right now, anyway."

"So, orgy's on then?" Pinkie Pie asked. I sighed and patted her on the head. She beamed cheerfully.

"Little snot," I said affectionately. I shook my head, "listen, all of you. You helped save me. Again. And well... I've realized that I've been kind of a dick."

Twilight's eyes widened, but Spike again shook his head.

"Heard it," he stated. Twilight scowled, but looked over at me attentively. She gave me a warm smile.

"We understand better why," she said, "after being in your head."

I blinked.

"About that," I began, "how much did you see?"

"Enough," Applejack said, as gently as she could. "Ain't like any of us are gonna blab about that."

"Yeah, I know," I said.

Fluttershy had been quiet for a time, but finally spoke up.

"This... Um... This is complicated for all of us," she said. "If... If you don't mind me saying so. So maybe we just... Um, you know... A trot at a time?"

"Yeah, we should probably just take things slow," I said, feeling relieved. There was a fair amount of agreement at this. Spike looked crushed, but Rarity smiled and nuzzled him.

"I understand this may be a bit confusing and upsetting, darling," she said, "so don't worry! I'm in this for the drama more than anything else."

"R-Really?" Spike asked, gasping hopefully. Rarity nodded.

"Yes! After all, there's already someone I have my eyes on," she said, giving him a glittering beam and wink. Spike then passed out, his tiny legs going up. Rarity blinked and looked back at the rest of us.

"Why would he react like that over my affections for the Prince?" She asked, confused.

Rainbow Dash groaned, and covered Applejack's muzzle with her hoof.

"Don't," she said, "she needs to find out for herself." She looked up at me and grinned. "Slow huh? I might be able to handle that... If you're fast in the right ways."

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight gasped, blushing hard.

"What? Spike's passed out, he can't hear any of this," she said. She grinned. "And since he can't-That orgy idea might be fun!"

I sighed, and scratched her behind her ears. She crooned happily.

"One day at a time," I said.

"That's not a no~," Pinkie sang. I looked her right in the eyes, cool and calm.

"It isn't," I said.

I finally got a blush out of her. Twilight and Fluttershy both blushed too, and even AJ and Dash were a bit red faced. Rarity fanned herself with her hoof.

"We should have sleep overs more often!" Rarity declared happily.

- - -

We disembarked, and had breakfast at Sugarcube Corner. It was already back in operation and providing food for not only the citizens, but also the numerous workers all going about and repairing the damage. Pinkie Pie immediately got to work, cooking food and delivering meals with happy smiles. I helped Applejack set up a brick grill and stove in the town square, and soon she and her family were busily grilling apple pancakes, frying apple fritters and donuts, and baking apple scones and muffins for the population. On our table were papers and letters and designs from all over Ponyville, and Twilight was furiously sorting through them and directing work crews where they were needed. Fluttershy had her birds running messages back and forth, while Rarity was leading a whole army of ponies in sewing replacement clothing, bedding, and other items that were lost in the disaster.

I collected my tools from my house and immediately began helping the crew working on the Town Hall. It wasn't long before a familiar brown stallion and an equally familiar zebra trotted up to me, Ditzy Doo hovering next to them. I beamed at them, and gave into the urge to hug them all.

Hugs they returned.

""The airship that we took broke down, delaying when we'd get to town," Zecora explained with a smile.

"And my ride wasn't exactly cooperating," the Doctor said. I nodded in understanding.

"I didn't get to say it before, but thanks guys," I said. "You really saved the day."

"It's what I do," the Doctor said with a proud smile. Ditzy, digging into a muffin, rolled her eyes.

"And get lost a lot," she mumbled. The Doctor coughed, and looked aside.

"Yes, well, that too," he admitted. He shook his head rapidly. "Anyway," he continued, "all four of us are here and we're all pitching in!"

"Wait, all four of us?" I asked. A giant shadow covered me, and a moment later I was in the huge arms of the manticore. He hugged me... And licked the top of my head affectionately. His hot breath washed over me, making me wince in disgust.

"UGH! Chewie! Come on! Knock it off!" I struggled hard, "we're supposed to be fighting to the death! Stop hugging on me!"

Fluttershy flew over, no doubt at the urging of several concerned ponies over the huge monster licking me. She smiled happily.

"Oh! Chewie likes you," she said cheerfully. "He's happy to repay and aid you in any way you like, as you are now both battle brothers!"

"Wait, that's his actual name?!"

"Yes!" Fluttershy said happily, "you already knew his name! In his eyes, it was fate! He will work and fight alongside you forever, as is the custom of Manticores the world over!"

I sagged as Chewie snuggled me in his musky fur.

"Lucky me," I sighed.

- - -

Author's Notes:

There. That should wrap things up nicely. Now, onto one shots and fun until the next arc!

Sunday Clothes

- - -

I had visited Twilight's Library for yet another session of scientific testing and examination, and I wasn't in the best kind of mood. Frankly, I felt like I was in a rut. Get up, work, be experimented on, go home, spar with Chewie, and sleep.

Equestria had been swiftly rebuilt by its inhabitants and a sense of normalcy had returned to the land. Already, it had become dull and tedious.

I sighed hard, the weariness feeling like a shroud around my bones and joints-Keeping my movements stiff and slow. I trudged into the library and saw... Spike.

The poor dragon looked about as bad as I felt, sitting on a stool with his elbows on his knees. His head was supported by his hands, as he looked down at the floor. His tail was limp, and I could see a few tears dripping down his snout. I forgot my weariness and knelt down in front of him. I reached out and rested a hand on his tiny shoulder.

"Spike? Buddy? What is it?" I asked. Spike sighed, and closed his eyes.

"I... I tried to ask Rarity on a date," Spike said. He sagged a bit more. "She... She turned me down."

"Oh, Spike," I said gently. "I'm so sorry."

Spike sighed harder, deflating like a balloon.

"I-I mean... She let me down easy, but..." The dragon almost curled up into a ball. "I mean... I've liked her for so long and..."

I nodded, and patted him on the back. I felt for the little guy, really I did. I mean, how could I not?

"I have been there before, Spike, believe you me," I said. The dragon looked up at me, sniffling a bit.


I nodded.

"Oh yes," I said. I held a hand over my chest. "I have had my heart shattered by girls a lot. Been rejected by girls who I loved. Been dumped by girls I was going out with."

"Does... Does it ever stop hurting?" Spike asked. I slowly nodded.

"It will," I said gently. "I mean, Rarity does care for you. She loves you... Just not the way you love her back. And that sucks, but... She still cares for you."

Spike slowly nodded, and closed his eyes.

"That doesn't help right now," he admitted. I let out a humorless laugh, and patted him again.

"Yeah, no. It doesn't help," I said. "Not a bit."

Spike let out another long breath, staring down at his clawed fingers. I hummed.

"You want to get out of here for a while? Have some fun?"

"No," Spike groaned. "I... I don't feel like I'll ever have fun again."

"Bull," I retorted, and Spike looked up at me in surprise. "Look, I know you're hurting right now. It's normal to feel that way. But moping isn't going to help."

"I don't know, I feel like doing a lot of moping right now," Spike mumbled. I wrapped my arm around him, and pointed at the door. I took a deep breath, and music swelled in the background.

"Out there, there's a world outside of Ponyville!
Way out there beyond this hick town, Spiky-boy!
There's a slick town, Spiky-Boy!
Out there, full of shine and full of sparkle
Close your eyes and see it glisten, Spiky-Boy!
Listen, Spiky-Boyyyy~!"

Spike closed his eyes, and listened indeed. He then opened his eyes, and hopped off the stool. I grinned back at him as I stood up, and we began to walk over to the closet. I opened up a door, to Twilight's lab. She was setting up her examination table, and looked up in curiosity. I grabbed some extra human clothes hanging from a hook, stuff from the Canterlot archives-A nice straw boater hat, and a blue suit with a red tie for me. I got a nice messenger cap and bowtie for Spike, which he put on happily.

"Put on your Sunday clothes there's lots of world out there! Get out the brilliantine and dime cigars," I sang, changing my clothes with far more grace than I usually did. Twilight watched, her face burning red.

"We're gonna find adventure in the evening air, Girls in white, in a perfumed night, Where the lights are bright as the stars~!" I continued, and I pulled Spike out and had us both drop down onto a couch. I held up imaginary reins, and we both bounced like we were driving a buggy.

"Put on your Sunday clothes we're gonna ride through town," I resumed, "In one of those new horse drawn open cars~! We'll see the shows at Delmonico, And we'll close the town in a whirl!"

"And we won't come home until we've kissed a girl~!" Spike and I both sang cheerfully, as we got up and strode out of the library.

The entire town seemed to have turned out for this musical number. And emerging from seemingly nowhere, looking quite beautiful, was Princess Celestia. The beautiful mare was dressed to the nines, and was beaming at us. Frankly, how she was here was beyond me, but I was caught up in the spirit of the music.

"Put on your Sunday clothes when you feel down and out," Celestia sang, striding down the street with her entourage, "Strut down the street and have your picture took~!" She spun around, and we danced with her.

"Dressed like a dream, your spirits seem to turn about~! That Sunday shine is a certain sign that you feel as fine as you look!" Celestia sang. We turned about in a trio, and strode down the street as other ponies began to dance and sing with us. Somepony tossed us some parasols, and we began to spin around underneath them.

"Beneath your parasol, the world is all the smile~! That makes you feel brand new down to your toes~!" We sang, "Get out your feathers, your patent leathers, Your beads and buckles and bows~!"

We picked up the pace, right up to the train station with our throng.

"For there's no blue Monday in your Sunday! No Monday in your Sunday! No Monday in your Sunday clothes~!" We chorused loudly. We went through an entire, amazingly choreographed dance and musical number. I danced with the Princess, I danced with the Mayor, I danced with a happy Pinkie Pie. Spike danced with every filly in town it seemed, from a blushing Sweetie Belle to an upset Diamond Tiara.

A repeat of the chorus, and the train at last arrived. We boarded it happily, Celestia now taking the lead of the song.

"Put on your Sunday clothes there's lots of world out there
Put on your silk cravat and patent shoes
We're gonna find adventure in the evening air
To town we'll trot, to a smoky spot where the girls are hot as a fuse~!"

"TOOT TOOT!" The train engineer contributed with the whistle.

"Put on your silk high hat and at the turned up cuff," we all sang,"We'll wear a hand made gray suede buttoned glove~!"

"We're gonna take Canterlot by storm~!" Celestia trumpeted.

"We'll join the Astors at Tony Pastor's And this I'm positive! Of that we won't come home~! No, we won't come home~!" We cried, looking back and forth at eachother as the train began to roll.

"No, we won't come home until we fall in love~!"

Spike's eyes widened in horror. The train abruptly stopped, squeaking loudly. The music ground to a halt. The little dragon jumped off the train.

"Oh no!" He shouted. "I forgot to file the library cards correctly! Twilight's gonna kill me!"

He scurried off. I watched him go, Princess Celestia's comforting presence next to me. Everypony else seemed very confused. I blinked.

"Princess," I began slowly.

"Yes my little human?" She asked.

"... What just happened?" I asked. Celestia hummed.

"A musical number. First time for you?"

I slowly nodded. "Yes."

"Well, it was a lovely song," Celestia said cheerfully, "one from your world?"

"Yeah," I said. Celestia smiled and gently bumped my shoulder with her nose.

"Want to go to Canterlot and have some fun?" She asked.

"... Sure, why not," I said.

I was dressed for it. And having a nervous breakdown would spoil an otherwise pleasant day.

I could always do that later.

And probably would.

- - -

After a truly fun filled day in Canterlot, I returned to Ponyville. And the moment I stepped off the train onto the platform, Twilight whisked me away to her lab. I bore with her intense experiments as stoically as I could, and answered her many questions.

"So this has never happened to you before?" She scribbled furiously on her notepad. I shook my head.

"No! Never! Hell, Princess Celestia told me about these spontaneous musicals. I didn't believe her-"

"Didn't believe her?!" Gasped Twilight.

I scowled at her. God, it was only a matter of time before she called her "Sempai" wasn't it?

"I was still processing the whole "randomly ending up on an alien planet with no way home" part!"

Twilight blushed.

"Oh. Sorry. Continue?"

I nodded.

"Anyway," I said, "once I saw one and asked her what the hell, she said it was possible I'd never get caught up in one. There is no real magic back on Earth after all."

"So it's only today you were in one..." Twilight mused aloud. I nodded.

"I have tried to start one before. Just out of curiosity. But again, never worked until now."

"After you were hit point blank by the Elements of Harmony," Twilight realized. I blinked and frowned, thinking on it.

"... So basically thanks to getting Rainbow Blasted, I... Have magic?"

Twilight hummed thoughtfully.

"Not a lot, but enough to interact with the musical geas on apparently every sapient creature on Equus. Ooh! I wonder if more exposure to magic would increase the effect?"

She smiled brightly at me. I stared back.

Five Minutes Later...

Twilight was standing outside my door, pounding away on it with her hooves. But thankfully, the lock held.

"Shepherd! Shepherd, come out of there!"
She cried.


"But think of the possibilities!" She tried again.

"I am. No. Go away," I called back.


- - -

Author's Notes:

Just something to cheer us all up.

The song in question:


I Dream of Luna

- - -

Seventh Heaven was really too small to be the center of Sector Seven in Midgar, but the game developers were limited by the Playstation 4's hardware. It was quite charming all the same, the rustic feel of a rural bar mixed with an old west saloon. There were people all over the place, talking, drinking, laughing, as a jaunty tune played from the jukebox. Honestly, you could pick any track from the Remake and it would be great to listen to. It was so clear in my mind, despite how long I'd been on Equus.

A dark blue alicorn trotted into the bar, her mane waving like a flag of the starry night. She looked over at me in the corner, and gave me a gentle, shy smile.

"Hello Shepherd," she said. "I hope you do not mind the intrusion?"

I shrugged with a smile.

"Not at all, Princess Luna," I replied, holding up my mug. I gestured over to my table. "Come! Take a seat!"

Luna trotted over, and sat in the chair. It easily shifted in size and shape to properly accommodate her. None of the other patrons reacted to an alicorn showing up. Why was that-?

"Oh, it's a dream," I realized, feeling a bit stupid. I then shrugged.

Ah well, hardly a bad thing to dream about. I could see Tifa Lockhart at the bar, chatting happily with customers as she mixed drinks. She looked even better in the flesh. Dream. Whatever.

Luna hummed thoughtfully, as the noise and conversations continued around us.

"You do not lucid dream often, do you?" She asked. I shook my head.

"I've been doing it more often since I ended up in Equestria," I admitted. "Might be something with magic or the fact I'm in the best shape of my life or..." I shrugged. "Got me. So! What can I do for you, princess?"

I took a sip of the meade in my mug, as Luna's face became quite grave.

"I have news. Of the good and bad variety, I'm afraid," she said.

"Okay. What's the bad news?" I asked. Luna shook her head slowly, as she summoned a mug of meade to our table via magic.

"Normally the good news is what ponies ask me for first," Luna observed. I shrugged.

"I prefer to be relieved by the good news. Go on?"

Luna sighed.

"While the Nightmare has been weakened... I do know it has not been completely destroyed," she said. "It has however vanished into the Dreamscape. At such depths it will take time for me to locate it again."

"You're sure?" I asked, after a sip of meade. I winced. "I'm sorry," I said, "I mean, you're the dream magic expert after all and I'm-"

"I was," Luna said softly, "but the Nightmare knows everything I do. It even enhanced and deepened my own powers when it possessed me. It may be weaker, but it is very cunning. And tracking it down is like tracking..." She stopped, and visibly pushed herself to say the next part, "like tracking myself down."

I frowned deeply in sympathy, and reached out to rest a hand on her hoof. She started, looked down at my hand, and back up at me.

"Okay," I said, "and what's the good news? Come on."

Luna managed a small smile.

"There is no sign the Nightmare is hiding within you or King Aspen, nor in any of the Elements of Harmony or the rest of King Aspen's court," she said, "I was very thorough."

The entire world of the dream seemed to become brighter. The music was happier, and people nearby were starting to get up to dance to it. I let out a relieved laugh, as the princess beamed happily.

"See? That helped a lot," I said with a warm smile, "everything's better now. I... I mean that."

I squeezed her hoof a bit more tightly. I looked down at the table, unable to meet her eyes.

"I was scared that that evil bitch had... Had managed to do it," I confessed, "had managed to leave a bit of itself inside me. Just waiting to... To turn me or take me over or..." I took a deep breath, and held back my tears. I looked up at Luna, and smiled in genuine appreciation.

"Thank you," I said, holding myself back from gushing in thanks. Luna beamed back, her smile absolutely radiant. She then withdrew her hoof, and cleared her throat. She resumed her former regal, dignified and mysterious demeanor.

"You are most welcome, Sir Shepherd," she replied, "it is the least we can do for you, after your service to us." She nodded to me. "Our sister tell us you are now the bodyguard for the Elements?"

"Ah, well," I said, reaching back to scratch the back of my head, "I suppose that's one of my duties, yes. I feel more like a babysitter, if I'm being honest. They're a handful." I was still smiling though as I thought of them.

"Will you also be... Courting any of them?" Luna asked, suddenly sounding very stiff. Almost cold, really. I shook my head and shrugged.

"Not... Not in the sense of to marry. We're... Well, none of us are really ready for that," I said. At her slight scowl, I hurried on. "What I mean is, we're going to start dating. I'm going to work on seeing them as... Potential partners. We'll date, we'll get to know eachother better, and we'll become better friends. And figure out if we're really... You know, cut out for anything more."

Luna slowly nodded.

"I see," the lunar diarch said, looking a bit relieved. Oh God, please tell me she wasn't also interested in me? Oh shit, oh shit-!

No. No. You are an adult, not just some manchild. Be a man about it.

But don't be too aggressive! You had no idea what your feelings were for her! I needed something, something fast to try and bond better but not so fast-!

The jukebox switched over to Swing de Chocbo: a song I had probably played thousands of times on the drives to and from work, and even danced to in a few ballroom dancing classes. Hey, it's a lot of fun and supposed to build confidence...

I smiled, and stood up. I reached out my hand to the princess.

"Would you care to dance, Princess?" I asked. "It is something you do to better bond with other beings, and it's a lot of fun."

Luna started, looking out at the dancing floor filled with happy couples spinning about. She looked back at my proffered hand, and blushed.

"Ah... We thank thee, Sir Shepherd, but we have never danced-"

"I can teach you," I said, "and as long as you're just enjoying yourself, you're not doing anything wrong."

Luna shook her head.

"But-We are not even human-!"

"It's a dream," I said with a grin. "And you're a magical alicorn. I promise, I won't tell anyone."

Luna stared for a moment longer, before she shifted. In a burst of magic, she took on a female form very similar to Aerith's-A heartbreakingly beautiful girl next door, with a slim body and modest bust. Her hair and eyes remained the same, and she now wore modest but well fitted clothing the color of her fur and armor. She slowly stood up, and hesitated briefly before reaching out to take my hand. I squeezed my hand around hers, and she squeezed mine back... Very hard. Hard enough I winced.

"Too tight," I groaned. Luna gasped, and loosened her grip.

"Oh! Our sincere apologies!" She cried. I shook my head, and smiled. She held my hand back, firm but not painfully so. I gave her a little tug, and she walked up closer to me. She stared at the dancing floor, and back at me. My smile grew gentler.

"It's all right," I said. "Now come on. We don't want to miss the song."

I led her out onto the floor. I placed her hand up on my shoulders, as I put my unoccupied hand at the small of her back. She tensed a bit, her cheeks a charming red. She looked up at me, shyly peeking up through some bangs.

"So... How does one dance the swing, Sir Shepherd?" She asked. I grinned.

"It's not hard. Just follow my lead. Step back, step to the side, step forward..."

In truth, I wasn't much good at dancing at swing. And Luna, for all her grace and years, was still in an unfamiliar body. But I could tell by her laughter as we went around the dance floor, she was having a lot of fun.

And in the end? So was I.

We danced away to as many swing songs I could recall, spinning and stepping away to the tunes. The dream world changed around us, to an old fashioned 1940s ballroom, to a dance studio I remembered, and to a smooth platform on the moon, overlooking the Earth. It was all wonderful and fun and breathtaking... Until Luna gasped and stopped. I slammed into her, nearly bowling us both over. Luna pushed back against me, and I fell back while my arms spun like windmills.

"Oh no! I-I completely lost track of time!" Luna gasped. "I have so much work to do-I'm so behind-I-!" She looked over at me, and gave me an apologetic look. "I am so sorry. I must attend to my duties."

"Oh, no! No, it's okay," I said with a smile, once I'd gotten my balance back. "I understand completely."

She did have to tend to the dreams of every pony in Equestria. Though she probably employed some Inception-style tricks to manage it, we had been busy for a while.

Luna then bowed formally, and gave me another one of those shy smiles.

"But thank you, Sir Shepherd," she said. "Thank you for everything."

"Thank you," I replied, "I hope we can do this again sometime."

Her smile became rather mysterious.

"As do I, my dear human," she said, just before she vanished.

I sighed, and rubbed my face.

"Goddamnit," I muttered, "I hope she didn't see too many of my dreams about Aerith..."

Otherwise? I was probably in a lot more trouble.

... Eh, it was my default state now. I may as well get used to it.

- - -

Author's Notes:

Yes, I did enjoy the FF7 remake. Why do you ask?

First Date: Fluttershy Part 1

- - -

The forest was dark. It was always dark. Even during the daytime, the trees seemed to stretch up and claw away the blue sky, leaving an eternal gloom and twilight that I was lost in. My steps had turned into a shamble, as my clothing had been torn to shreds.

I'd lost track of time. Hours, minutes? No. All I could think in was seconds.

How many seconds could I stay hidden from the monsters that prowled in this hell hole?

How many seconds could I risk letting my eyes stay shut, before something terrible rumbled below me in the undergrowth?

How many seconds could my improvised spear, and maybe a torch from my campfires, buy me against whatever new horror would show up and try to eat me?

I didn't know. It changed every time. I couldn't get a signal on my phone. I couldn't get anything, before it died. I wasn't helpless, but I felt damn near it. Here in this horrific place.

I'd tried pinching myself, dunking my head in the water of a stream-Anything to wake me up, short of jumping off a cliff to my death. Nothing. My aches and pains were all too real. The layers of sweat that kept my dirty, ragged clothes stuck to my skin were real. The fatigue that threatened to take me into sleep, into death? That was real enough.

Maybe I was in Hell. Maybe I'd died, and ended up here. Fighting for my life, my heart pounding in my ears? Never a moment's peace, a chance to think or even rest? I could think of few eternities that would be worse.

I rubbed my face, the beard prickling my fingers. I was peeking out of the brush at a game trail. I was already too close for comfort, being able to see it: Any number of predators would be around. I had to risk it though. I needed food, and waiting here seemed the only chance I had. The berries I'd tried had all tasted terrible-So terrible I'd retched up the one batch I'd managed to keep down. I felt sick and weak as it was.

So meat it was. It was the only option. The river was too dangerous.

A small white rabbit hopped along the path. I stayed completely still, keeping my breathing down. It bounced along, peering at everything with huge eyes-Eyes bigger than any other rabbit I'd seen. It almost seemed... Intelligent.

I let my eyes slip closed, nodded... Got myself back awake, eyes on the prize. Eyes on the prize.

The rabbit hopped up to the snare I'd laid. It sniffed it. My grip tightened on the sharpened stick I'd made. The rabbit got a bit closer, just a bit...

A deafening roar rang out, and the rabbit vanished like a puff of smoke. The roar was right behind me, and I turned with my stick held up. The beast loomed over me, eyes glowing. It was crashing through the undergrowth, furious. I threw the stick, trying to scare it off. I screamed at it, my voice hoarse. The beast just roared back, and I saw in its eyes... It wasn't going to back down. It wasn't afraid.

I turned and ran, panic driving my actions down. My ragged shoes slapped against the dirt path as I sprinted, heart pounding, my breath coming in shorter and shorter pants. The beast just kept coming, slowed by the trees but in the open path? That would no longer be an issue.

I thought I saw the white rabbit ahead of me, intermittently. I also saw light-Brighter than any light I'd seen since I'd ended up in this godforsaken place. My legs were screaming in pain, my chest burned. My body was reaching the point where falling down and giving in seemed the only option. I couldn't ignore it. My mind was filled with pain, pain, pain... Begging for a release...

Somehow, despite this, despite my legs turning my run into a stumble... I broke out into the light. I shut my eyes, and tripped. I fell down a hill, tumbling end over end, the impacts barely registering. I slammed into the ground, hard. My breath left me, but I could see the blue sky overhead. I couldn't hear the monster's roars.

I breathed long and hard, the rest of my body unwilling to respond. The wind blew, making a flower bend over and tickle my nose. I could see the sun, as the clouds parted.

It was almost peaceful.

After a while, so many seconds I lost count, I was able to lift my head. My eyes slowly adjusted.

I was in a gorgeous meadow, filled with beautiful wildflowers that danced in the light breeze. I could see mountains, far off in the distance. I could smell the sweet fragrance of the flowers, it almost relaxed me.

The sun was blocked, and I looked up. I saw a figure with wings slowly flying down from heaven, a gentle face and wide, concerned eyes gazing down at me.

"Hello...? Are you all right?" Asked a soft, beautiful voice. I weakly reached a hand up.

If I was going to heaven, at least I was going via a...


I stared in disbelief as a butter yellow pegasus with a pink mane landed in front of me. The white rabbit from before rushed up to her, and seemed to communicate with her via several gestures. She looked back at me, smiling warmly. My lips parted in a gape, as I began to scoot back as best I could. The being shook her head, looking concerned.

"Don't... Don't be afraid," she said softly, "I'm sorry if I scared you. I just want to help you. Please. My-My name is Fluttershy. What's yours?"

She scooted up closer. I would have scooted away more, but by that point my body was flat out refusing to respond anymore. I guess it decided that when talking pegasi showed up, it was time to give up. I couldn't disagree with that.

"Shepherd," I managed. "You're... Beautiful. For a hallucination..."

I guess I wasn't too tired to say stupid shit.

Fluttershy turned bright red. She trotted up to me, and reached out with her hoof.

"Um... I'm not a hallucination," she said, "but... Th-Thank you..."

I reached out and took her hoof. It felt solid. I didn't understand. I didn't know what to do.

"How can I help?" She asked softly. I closed my eyes.

"I'm lost... I'm alone... I..." Tears left my eyes. I didn't understand what was going on. I was too tired to question anything else. I felt arms and wings wrap around me. I felt her cheek against mine.

"It's all right, it's all right," Fluttershy said. "Don't be afraid... You're not alone. I promise, you're not..."

She began to sing something. I didn't know what the song was, but it was beautiful. I finally surrendered to my exhaustion, to the melody. I fell into slumber as she held me, warm and safe.

She was literally the first thing in this crazy world that hadn't tried to eat or kill me. That tends to stick with a guy.

So when it comes to dating ponies? She is the first on my list. I don't think anyone would mind it too much.

Well, Rainbow Dash might. But hey, she's still Fluttershy's best friend. She would understand, right?

Right. I mean, I just have to navigate dating multiple mares who could all kill me in a violent rage.

What could possibly go wrong?

... I thought that. It doesn't count. It absolutely does not count.

- - -

When you're the only human in Equestria, you do have to get all your clothes custom-made. While a lot of pony clothing looked like human clothing, the devil was in the details and the subtle differences in the body shape meant that I couldn't wear a Pony T-Shirt and be comfortable.

So that meant going to Rarity. Not that I minded, after all. She was a drama queen, but an entertaining one, and wonderfully kind and generous. She practically pranced around me as she measured and pinned fabric and lots of other things. Our conversation had been casual at the start.

"Hm," Rarity mused aloud, "your shoulders seem to have grown just a bit."

I sighed. "Sometimes it feels like the weight of the world is on them," I admitted. Rarity chuckled, using her magic to wrap her measuring tape around my belly.

"Is it also on your belly? As your waist seems slightly larger, darling," Rarity teased. I grumbled a bit, but good naturedly.

"I may have been hitting the pastries at Sugarcube Corner a bit harder than usual," I admitted. Rarity chuckled back, and poked me in the gut gently.

"You need to watch it! I can't just keep letting your clothes out!"

"I've just been busy," I admitted. "All the rebuilding means a lot more work! And more work means less time to make my own breakfast."

"No excuses!" Rarity cried, poking me again. I winced a bit at the pressure as she shook her head. "You really need to take better care of yourself, with your new responsibilities!"

"Oh yeah, those," I groaned. In the wake of the Nightmare Deer incident, I was now an official Royal Advisor. Part-time, at least, but it meant I'd been extremely busy during the day and night. I had Twilight to help out with a lot of the research I needed to do, but despite that it was still a rather daunting task. Rarity chuckled and gave me a warm smile.

"Now now, you shouldn't be unhappy about it! Think of the wonderful opportunities you've earned!" The white unicorn consoled me. "Rather than being treated as some kind of illegal alien!"

"That's probably just because there's only one of me," I said dryly. "If there were a lot more things would be different."

She shook her head, concentrating on the hem of the jacket she was fitting on me.

"You really do need to appreciate things more," Rarity stated, "or is it a human trait to always see the glass half empty?"

"It's probably just me," I admitted. Rarity hummed, and resumed her sewing. There was a moment of silence. Then, she asked:

"Have you decided on when you'll be asking Fluttershy out then?"

I looked at her sharply.

"How do you know I'm planning on asking her out first?" I demanded. Rarity just smiled.

"Well I know now, darling," she said with a smug smirk. I grumbled, glaring away from her at the mirror. Rarity shook her head.

"It's really rather obvious, darling," Rarity observed. "She is the one you've known the longest. And if you're going to make a move on any of us, she's the best one to start with."

"What about you?" I asked dryly. Rarity shook her head.

"Dear, you do have wonderful hands, but I'm afraid my sights are set on a prince," she said consolingly.

I raised an eyebrow.

"So you're giving Spike another chance?"

Rarity flushed, and shook her head.

"What? No! I mean, I like my Spikey-Wikey just fine, but he-he's far too young-"

"He was also raised by Princess Celestia herself," I said. "She is his legal guardian. That would make him a prince."

I mean, sure, he hadn't been given a title to that effect or anything but that was the most basic definition of a prince. Something Rarity was already turning over in her mind while worrying her lower lip.

"Well... That aside," she said quickly, storing this tidbit away for later reflection, "you are going to ask her out soon, yes? There is a critical timing to these things, and you're drawing it out."

I winced.

"Well we've all been very busy," I pointed out, "what with rebuilding the town and my new job-OW!"

Rarity gave me a poke with a needle that was particularly fierce. She glared up at me through her red rimmed reading glasses. I scowled back at her.

"What? I have been!"

"And now things are back to normal," Rarity stated, "so now? Get on with it!"

"But-!" She raised the needle again threateningly. I sighed. "All right. No more excuses. That said... Do you have any advice?"

Rarity's eyes lit up like the ignition of two new stars. She grinned broadly, as hungry as a shark.

"As a matter of fact, darling," Rarity began, holding up several notepads full of scribbled notes, "I do."

I held in a sigh. Once again, me and my big mouth...

- - -

Several long, long hours later, and I was finally walking up the dirt path to Fluttershy's door. Her lovely cottage stood in the early twilight like something out of a fairy tale. I adjusted my tie. Already, several hours worth of Rarity's "romantic training" (or should it be called "boot camp"? It felt a lot more like that) were firmly stuck in my mind.

I stepped up to the door, and lifted by hand. I formed a loose fist, and knocked on the door three times. I adjusted my jacket and smiled warmly.

The door slowly opened, letting Fluttershy peek out shyly. Seeing it was me, she blushed but opened the door fully. She looked up at me with her own warm smile.

"Oh... Hello Shepherd," she said kindly, "what brings you here? Um, if you don't mind me asking."

I knelt down, and reached out. I took Fluttershy's hoof in my hands, and her blush became far more pronounced. I looked her right in her gorgeous eyes as her hoof trembled slightly in my grasp.

"Fluttershy," I began, "would you do me the honor of going out to dinner at Gustav's this Faustday?"

Ah, a quick note. The Equestrians had a seven day week like ours, but naturally had different names for their days. Sunsday was their Sunday, which was followed by Moonsday, Terrasday, Lunsday, Celsday, Faustsday, and Disday. Right, back to the story.

Fluttershy stared back at me, her eyes suddenly very wide. She opened and closed her mouth a few times, before she regained her power of speech.

"Y-You mean... On... A D-D-Date?" She squeaked. I nodded.

"Yes. I am asking you on a date," I said. Fluttershy grinned widely... And stayed silent. I blinked a few times as this went on for about a minute.

"Fluttershy? Are you okay?" I managed. Fluttershy started, and then nodded furiously.

"Y-Yes! Yes!"

"Yes to the date, or yes to you're okay?" I asked, unable to help teasing her just a bit. She nodded much faster.

"YES! Both! Yes! I-I'll go on a date with you!" She cried. "On Faustday!"

"Faustday at 6 sound good to you?" I asked. "I can pick you up-"

"Six is f-f-fine," Fluttershy said, still very quickly.

Despite the awkwardness, I was smiling back genuinely. And her own smile was just as sincere.

"Six it is," I said. I stroked her hoof once, before letting her go. "I'll see you then."

"I-I'll be waiting!" She replied happily. I turned and walked away slowly, feeling Fluttershy's eyes on my back. I could hear her happy sigh... And then a surprised gasp. I spun around to look at what had surprised her-

"Darling! Hello! I was just passing by-quite by coincidence-and heard you had a date!"

Of course it was Rarity. She'd leaped out of a nearby flower bush, wearing Army-style camouflage. Fluttershy was quite off balance as it was, but this definitely threw her for a loop.

"W-W-Well yes, I d-do, but why were you-?"

"Never you mind that! We have so much to do! Let's get to work! Oh, this will be the most wonderful date you've ever been on! I'll make sure of it!" Rarity squealed. She backed Fluttershy into her cottage, and slammed the door shut behind her. I crossed my arms over my chest and shook my head.

"I think that mare needs to get laid," I muttered. I then shrugged and headed for home with a smile on my face.

I had a date this Faustday. I had to get ready.

- - -

Author's Notes:

First date is set up. Oh dear. How will things go? We'll see... We'll see.


- - -

It was a bit windy this morning, so I had pulled on a jacket before heading to Fluttershy's cottage. She'd been concerned about the chicken coop, and so I decided to help reinforce it a bit with some timbers, nails, and baling wire. The chickens themselves were mostly huddled inside the coop, clucking and bawking at each other in distress over the strong wind buffeting their house. I rolled my eyes and grumbled a bit, hammering hard on the outside.

"Giant monsters don't get them worked up, but a little wind? Hmph!" I grumbled. I hammered a nail a bit harder, and they squawked in annoyance.

"Deal with it, snowflakes!" I shouted back. I shook my head and moved to the next spot, pulling up another plank of wood. I held it up against the side of the coop, thankful I'd measured and cut everything beforehand. Having to do measurements in this wind would have been a real pain.

I had just placed the nail, and raised my hammer, when something flew right into my face. It was big and had many legs and was screaming.


Which I soon did as well.

"AAAAHHHHHH!" I felt back and waved my hands frantically, trying to get the bug off my face! Holy crap it had huge eyes and wings and so many legs-Were there flying spiders in Equestria?! I couldn't remember!

"WAIT! DON'T HURT ME!" A tinny voice screamed. The thing managed to get off my face, and hovered above it. I could now resolve the image of the thing.

It was... Some kind of tiny, anorexic pony-thing with fairy wings.

My pupils expanded as the tiny thing smiled at me. It rested on my chest as my heart thumped furiously.

"That's better," the tiny thing said. "Hello! I'm sorry for running into you-My name is-"

Unbidden, a memory from when I'd first arrived in Equestria shot up into my brain.

Some time ago...

Turns out that Equestria had a secret organization dedicated to keeping dangerous things secured, contained, and protected. In order to ensure that ponies were safe. They were called S.M.I.L.E., and I only knew about them because many of their agents had been involved with studying and keeping tabs on me while I was at Canterlot Palace. Apparently, if they had thought I was truly a threat to Equestria or Equus, they would have locked me away in a place called "Tartarus", a supermax prison for horrible entities and also Hell.

Yeah, I'm still not sure about the theology of that. But hey, magic, right?

Because I was very cooperative though, I was allowed (with the escort of a few mares in skintight catsuits, masks and green goggles-lucky me, I guess) to wander around their archives deep under Canterlot itself. Mainly if I explained a few things they thought were potentially dangerous.

Spoiler warning? Most of these things... Weren't.

I opened up a locker in a very, very long line of lockers, while the three mares surrounded me. One was hanging from the ceiling for some reason, and was taking notes with her hooves. I examined the object inside, and pressed the activation button. It lit up, and wobbled a bit before turning off. I rolled my eyes.

"Hoverboard, circa... 2018 I think?" I said. The mare on the ceiling tilted her head.

"Hoverboard? But it doesn't hover!" She said. "I mean, it says that right on the side!"

"Yeah, it was very disappointing on my world, too," I replied dryly. "But it should be harmless, unless you try to ride it." I shut the locker, and scooted over to the next one. One of the other agents opened it, and I looked at it intently.

"... Call of Cthulhu RPG game," I deduced. I picked it up and turned it over in my hands. I shook the box-Yep, sounded like everything was there. I opened it up and looked through the contents-Nothing out of the ordinary, though it looked like it was an earlier edition.

All of the mare agents winced and drew back, eyeing the box suspiciously. Seriously, if they were this afraid of it, surely they would have put it somewhere more secure?

"It isn't a forbidden tome of arcane knowledge, meant to summon Eldritch abominations into our world to consume us all?" One of the mares asked. I shook my head.

"No. It may not even work with your world's magic system, or whatever. Just don't let it get near a chaos god or something," I advised, before replacing the items back in the box, closing it up, setting it back into the locker, and shutting the door. All three breathed a sigh of relief. I scooted over to the next locker, and the same agent as before opened it. I raised an eyebrow as I picked up a small book.

"How to Guard against the Fae?'" I read aloud, more of a question to my escorts. The one on the ceiling nodded furiously.

"Oh yeah! I remember that one! S.M.I.L.E.-224! It's the basis for our anti-fae protections!"

I blinked. "Wait, the fae are real here?" I asked.

One of the other agents scoffed.

"Well of course they are! You have them in your world too, right? Can shapeshift, can control you if they know your name, usually look like little, pretty versions of ponies but with insect wings, can't come in without an invite, vulnerable to cold iron..."

"Well they weren't real in my world! At least I don't think so," I muttered, studying the book.


All four of us jumped and yelped. The mare on the ceiling fell into my arms and held onto me, shaking. I held back, shaking almost as much. An old, dark gray batpony stallion with graying mane and beard popped up from behind the lockers. He looked like he was chiseled out of marble, he was well muscled and strong. He had an eyepatch over one eye, and scars across his neck from a lifetime of service. His cutiemark was covered up by sleek, flexible and black battle armor, but there was a symbol on his buttocks: A white "X".

"Agent X!" The three mare agents cried, all suddenly scrambling to stand at attention. The one in my arms fell on her head before she got up, shakily, and saluted.

I let out a long suffering sigh as the agent trotted up to us.

"Thanks for the heart attack, Agent X," I grumbled. Agent X was suddenly in my face, glaring with the eyes that have seen thousands of nightmares brought to life. I gulped.

"Well better one now than out there, against a Fairy!" He hissed. "They play by a different set of rules, son! Different magic! They can twist time inside out and make you your own grandmama! Or make you sing and dance when you don't want to! Or even take your identity and eat your babies! I've seen it."

"You... You have?" I managed. Sure, Agent X was... Intense was the most polite way to put it. Batshit crazy seemed better.

Agent X nodded furiously.

"Of course! I was there when Oberon, King of the Fay, tried to establish his own court in Equestria! And that book right there, written by your people, is the only thing that saved us," he ground out. "Maybe your people have forgotten the fae, which can make you vulnerable. They'll use your ignorance. They'll use the fact victory has robbed you of the knowledge to defeat them! And then... Your babies will become crows!"

The three mare agents gasped in horror. I very slowly nodded.

"Okay... I'll take it seriously," I promised.

Hell, this was a world run by magic talking ponies. Their goddess queen could raise the sun and moon. Fae were not impossible here.

I wondered how much was.

Agent X snorted, and nodded.

"Good! Now put that back! It's time for shots!" He cried. "They're immune boosters! Or are now."

"Now?" I asked.

"They weren't before, but I made sure they were," Agent X growled, He turned and flew off. "They won't get me with flu virus again! Oh no they won't!"

I blinked. I blinked again. I looked at the mares, who all nodded as well.

"You can't be too careful," one of them said.

"Fair enough," I accepted. "By the way... What does S.M.I.L.E. actually stand for, anyway?"

"Secure, Monitor, Investigate, Locate, and Extract!"

"Securely Monitoring Invasive Lifeforms in their Entirety!"

" Secret Monster Intelligence League of Equestria!"

All three agents looked at one another. They quickly conversed rapidly in hushed voices, before looking back at me.

"It's classified!" They cried.

"... Okay," I said.

- - -

All of that flashed through my mind in an instant. The little thing just smiled at me kindly.

"Hey! Did you hear me?" It asked. "What's your name, friend?"


- - -

Fluttershy came downstairs from doing some laundry to see Shepherd nailing every window and door to outside of her cottage shut. She blinked a few times as his loud hammering filled the cottage interior.

"Um... Shepherd? Is everything all right?" She asked.

Her human friend turned, breathing hard.

"All right? Yes! Perfectly fine!" He said quickly, and lying badly. Fluttershy blinked again.

"Um, are you sure? If you don't mind me saying so, you seem..." Panicked was too rude, "upset?"

He shook his head rapidly.

"No! No, I'm not upset! Not upset at all! By the way, you have any cold iron on you?" He asked, immediately going to my cabinets and rifling through them frantically. Fluttershy knew animal behavior and clearly, Shepherd was very agitated. She floated down to him, and approached cautiously.

"The upstairs bathtub is made of iron," she said carefully, "but I don't really understand-"

A tiny, winged form flew through one of Angel's many holes in the wall. It fluttered up to Fluttershy and waved with a big smile. Fluttershy smiled back-It was a Breezie!

"Oh my, hello there!" Fluttershy cooed. The Breezie beamed back.

"Hello there!" The Breezie cried in a tinny voice. "I'm Starbug! What's your name?"

Fluttershy's smile grew. It was so cute!

"Why, I'm Flutter-"


Shepherd raced up, grabbed Fluttershy around her barrel, and picked her up. He threw several hoof files at the Breezie.

"Take that you baby stealing abomination! PLEASE AND THANK YOU!" He bellowed, and turned to race up the stairs.

"Oh my! Shepherd-That was-That was... Rude!" Fluttershy managed, utterly bewildered as Shepherd carried her into the bathroom of her small upstairs. He kicked open the door, set her down in the tub, slammed the door shut, locked the door, and put as many iron or metal objects as he could up against it. He then hopped into the tub, held her tightly, and hunkered down.

"I don't know how it got in, but keep quiet!" Shepherd hissed.

Fluttershy blinked, and blushed.

"Um... Why?" She managed.

"Because that's a fairy!" Shepherd hissed. "They're notoriously unpredictable magic beings that can turn reality upside down! If it knows your name it'll do horrible things to you!" He shook his head and cuddled Fluttershy tightly.

"We have to stay in here until it's gone!"

Fluttershy was going to open her mouth and explain that it wasn't a fairy, just a Breezie... Then she realized she was trapped in a tiny room with her crush who would cuddle her as long as she wanted.

"Um... If you say so," Fluttershy managed.

She did feel a bit badly about it... But then, she wasn't the Element of Honesty, was she?

- - -

Meanwhile, in S.M.I.L.E. Headquarters...

"Agent X? We were wondering... Is there a different between a Breezie and a Fairy?"

"Of course there is! Didn't you learn that in the Fae Hoofbook?!"

"Yes sir! It says Breezie Wings are like that of a butterfly's, while Fairy wings are like a dragonfly's."

"Yes-That's-Wait, that's entirely backwards! HOW MANY COPIES OF THAT BOOK WERE PRINTED OFF, JUNIOR AGENT?!"

"Eep! I-I don't know... All of them?!"

"How could I miss such an important detail?! All of Equestria is in danger! QUICK! TO THE ARMORY!"

"The armory sir?"

"We need to kill all these books! Clearly they were possessed by the Dyslexic Demon and must be cleansed with holy fire!"

"We could just recall them-"



- - -

Back in Fluttershy's cottage...

The Breezie Starbug blinked. Were all big creatures so strange?

Oh well. At least the things it had thrown at him were very shiny.

He was going to have a good time!

- - -

Author's Notes:

Just a fun interlude. Hope you enjoyed!

Princess' Gambit

- - -

Fishing at the lake was peaceful. Just letting my line out, the bobber floating in the relatively still waters, the sun overhead... And enough hard apple cider to keep me occupied and relaxed.

Yes, it was a good day for fishing. It would have been nice to have company, but Big Macintosh and the Doctor didn't eat meat, and Spike ate jewels. So none of them were very interested in coming along. I guess I couldn't fault them for that.

Not like I was catching much anyway. I sighed and leaned back in my chair, just letting all my strain fade away.

"Hello Andrew Shepherd," said a melodious voice quite near to my ear.

"HOLY FUCKING BALL SHIT PUS-!" I bellowed, trying to get up and grab a weapon and run away-All at the same time. Well, as anyone will tell you, multitasking in a panic is a fool's errand. I just ended up in a tangled mess, my folding chair atop my head as I laid over my cooler. I groaned, as I heard rather nervous but beautiful laughter behind me. A moment or two later, I saw a white face with beautiful eyes enter my vision, aurora-like hair billowing out from the back of her head.

"Oh dear, are you all right?" Princess Celestia asked.

Well, so much for my dignity. I sighed and stood up, carefully setting my chair back up. I then sat down in it, checking my fishing line, before I responded.

"I'm fine," I replied. I gave her an unamused expression, which just made her laugh again. "You planned that, didn't you Princess?"

"No, which is what makes it wonderful!" Celestia laughed. She beamed at me, and trotted over to my side. "Caught anything yet?"

"No," I sighed. "Not that that's the point."

"It isn't?" Celestia asked, tilting her head curiously. I nodded back.

"It isn't," I replied. It seems as though my brain finally caught up with my irritation and pointed out the obvious: I was speaking very informally to the ruler of this planet. Well, for all intents and purposes. I tensed up. "I mean, Your Highness-"

She held up a hoof, and rested the tip against my lips. She shook her head.

"None of that," she said gently. "I intruded upon you. You should act as you wish around me."

Her voice was as gentle as usual, but there was... A slight plea in her eyes? Or maybe I was seeing things. After all, she was over a thousand years old. She could have control over her facial expressions and voice I couldn't even dream of. And that's not even getting into magic-

Damnit stop it brain. You're relaxing. The princess is fine with you relaxing. Calm. Down.

I very slowly nodded. "As you wish," I said wryly. Celestia raised an elegant eyebrow.

"Is that a reference to something?" She asked. I scratched the back of my head.

Okay, perhaps my paranoia wasn't unwarranted. Perhaps she could read my mind, much like her sister. Perhaps-

No! No, stop that.

"Yes, actually," I replied. "It's a book and a movie from my world called The Princess Bride..."

I explained the basics of the plot, and the characters. As well as many of the jokes. Some she got (like the iocane powder gambit), some she struggled with ("Have fun storming da castle!") and one I needed to actually act out with her.

I had picked up my stick, and thrust with it at her.

"You are wonderful," I said, focusing to remember the scene. I pulled on my bandana, and stepped onto the other side, pointing back at where I had been as I focused on remembering Dread Pirate Robert's part.

"Thank you; I've worked hard to become so," I stated. I thrust and slashed with my invisible Inigo Montoya, before I pulled off the banana and switched back.

"I admit it, you are better than I am!"

Again, I switched.

"Then why are you smiling?"

I made sure I was smiling back at the princess, who watched raptly.

"Because I know something you don't know," Inigo said.

"And what is that?" Myself as Roberts asked.

"I am not left-handed!" I tossed the stick to my right hand, and furiously swung at the invisible Roberts. Who I made visible a moment later as I switched back to him.

"You are amazing!" Myself as Roberts complimented myself as Montoya.

"I ought to be, after 20 years!" Myself as Montoya replied.

"Oh, there's something I ought to tell you," myself as Roberts said.

"Tell me!" I cried as Montoya.

"I'm not left-handed either!" Myself as Roberts said, as I switched to the right hand and thrust violently. I pulled off the bandana, as the princess clopped her hooves happily.

"Splendid!" She cried. She was smiling in a way that seemed more natural-Her eyes were crinkled, there were dimples on her furry cheeks, and she was showing off her teeth. "Splendid!"

I gave a cheesy little bow.

"Thank you, Princess," I said with a gallant flourish, "but I'm really nothing compared to the actual actors." I sighed as I walked back over to my chair, and sat down. I grabbed a hard cider and drank it down, feeling parched. Celestia lifted one, and sipped it as well. I looked up at her with a curious smile.

"So Princess, if you don't mind me asking," I said, "what brings you here?"

"Hm," Celestia considered. "I suppose I wanted to see you."

I blinked. "Er... What for?"

Celestia laughed. "Do I need a reason?" She asked softly. I shrugged.

"I suppose not," I said. "It's your country, you can do what you want."

Celestia's eyes flickered back to the lake, and she let out a soft sigh.

"I suppose so," she said. We fell into silence, and my mind raced. Which I have to admit, it does when I'm not fearing for my life or engaging in battle. Or trying desperately hard to avoid being molested by a horny mare.

No, it was not Fluttershy. It was Berry Punch after one too many.

"If you're concerned about Luna, or Twilight, or anyone else," I said, "they're doing good. I mean, I think Luna was doing well. We had fun when she visited my dreams last night."

"Yes. She told me," Celestia said softly. I held up my hands.

"We didn't do anything inappropriate!" I immediately said. "I mean, if you're here to give me the shotgun speech! I know she's your sister and you love her and I care very deeply but we just danced! In a dream!" I blinked. "Which sounds perfectly ordinary to me, which is the weird part. And I haven't done anything inappropriate with Twilight!"

"Such as?" Celestia asked, looking quietly amused. I coughed.

"... I imagine she has a very long list, now," I managed to joke. Celestia laughed, like the tinkling of happy bells from a church. She shook her head, and gave me a warm smile.

"Andrew Shepherd," she said gently, "I have no doubt you are being a perfect gentlestallion. Now that you're actually taking their romantic overtures seriously."

I scratched the back of my head.

"It's just," I tried. I stopped, and sighed. "Well... I'm not sure you can understand-"

"Hm? Understand what?" Celestia asked, "how difficult it is to find romance when you are one of only a hooful of your kind? Or you are in a position where romance is very difficult due to the potential consequences? Or even that you may feel afraid of doing so, due to the heartbreak and loss you have suffered before?"

She said all this in her neutral princess tone: One I'd become very familiar with during the weeks I'd spent at the castle. It was the kind of tone she used on nobles or doctors who had suggested dissecting me or putting me in a zoo.

I grimaced, and gave her an apologetic smile and bow.

"Sorry. I suppose you would understand perfectly well," I said.

Celestia sighed softly, and looked down at the lake. She looked intently into her reflection in the gently stirred water. At last, she spoke.

"What are immortals like in your fiction, Andrew Shepherd?" She asked. I blinked, and thought hard.

"It's varied," I admitted. "There are the type who feed off of other humans to survive. They see us as prey, or temporary things at best. Then there are immortals just trying to survive, hiding in plain sight. A very lonely existence, as they have to watch their loved ones perish. They tend to be miserable, even nihilistic." I hummed as I thought of my favorite. "Then there's the type who goes on, and on, and uses their immortality to go and see everything. Travel the universe. And take humans along because they can offer a whole new perspective on things he's seen so many times before."

"... Which of those do you suppose I am?" Celestia asked. I blinked. I was immediately wondering why she would ask me this... But when I saw her look at me, her eyes almost pleading, I found the words. Despite the stupid parts of my brain getting in the way.

"I think... You're a gardener," I said. "With a bit of the third type. Or maybe a mother. Basically, you want your ponies to grow up big and strong, and to solve their own problems. You do love them, despite everything, and want them to do better." I leaned back and shrugged. "Presumably so one day you can retire and hunt hot stallions on the beach for the rest of time."

Celestia was silent for a moment, looking down intently at the water as her shoulders shook. I wondered if I'd made a mistake. Oh God, would she start crying? Would she send me to the moon? Both?

She did neither: She threw her head back and let out a laugh. A great big, deep belly laugh, that she had never ever made before. Not around me, anyway.

And it was beautiful too. She got over her laughter, and treated me with a warm smile-The same one as before, so genuine.

"You're quite perceptive, when you stop overthinking everything," she said. I blushed and smiled at the compliment.

"Thanks, I-"

And then it hit me. Like a Tomahawk missile from out of the blue. My jaw dropped and I stared at Celestia in shock.

She stared back at me, her smile now a bit wan.

"... That's... Your plan for Twilight and the others, isn't it?" I asked. "Eventually-"

"Eventually? Yes," Celestia sighed softly. "If they want it." She looked at her hooves. "I'm old, Shepherd," she admitted. "I don't look it and I'm not it physically but... I'm old." She looked up at me, her smile still genuine but... Sad.

"Twilight especially is just... So precious to me," she admitted. "It's been so long since I saw that kind of potential. I've never... I've never met anypony quite like her. And I can't... I can't lose her." She looked intently into my eyes.

"It may be selfish," she admitted, "but I want them to try. To strive for it."

I was silent for a long time. I couldn't help it. Accepting that, processing it... My brain forced words out.

"And what if they can't take it?" I asked. "What if the loneliness gets to them?"

Celestia was just as silent for a time. Only the sound of the waves lapping against the rocks filled the air. She then let out a very long, quiet sigh.

"I can only pray we can deal with that, together," she whispered. She looked at me. "That is part of why I need you, Shepherd."

"To, what?" I asked, "convince them to become immortal?"

Celestia shook her head.

"No," she said, "not that at all. I want you to guard them, and help them. There is still so much for them to learn, Shepherd. And you have such a unique point of view. A unique strength. So fragile, and yet so strong. I need you to help them grow so that one day, they can decide to take that step. And keep the garden growing."

I was lucky I was already sitting down. I looked down at my hands, breathing in slowly. In. Out. In. Out.

"... One day I'll die too though," I said. It didn't come out sad or angry, just... Matter of factly.

"Perhaps," Celestia said. "Perhaps not. But you are the one who can help with this."

"I can't just tell them to strive for that," I stated. Celestia shook her head.

"Nor should you," she replied. "But you need to help them realize it. By being their guardian for the threats they can't face."

"... What if I fail?" I asked.

Celestia smiled back at me, and gave me a nuzzle.

"There is a saying... I believe it is from your world," she said, "but one that has helped me: 'Faith manages.' Without faith, what do we have?"

I sighed, and leaned back in my chair.

"Hell of a time to put all this on me," I muttered. Celestia pushed up next to me, and resumed her nuzzle. I held out a hand and stroked her neck.

"I know," she whispered. "I am sorry... I may have been holding this in for quite some time."

"I gathered," I said dryly. "And who better to tell than the space monkey?"

She said nothing at that. I let out a long sigh, and continued to stroke her mane.

"... I can't promise anything but to try," I stated.

Celestia hummed. "That is all anyone can ask of anyone."

We fell back into silence. The bobber had been underwater for five minutes.

Freaking Pony Princesses...

- - -

Author's Notes:

Not sure if this should count as a canon chapter or not.

First Date: Fluttershy Part 2

Short Hand

A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfic By Andrew J. Talon

Disclaimer: This is a non-profit fan based parody. MLP:FiM is the property of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. Please support the official release.

- - -

I stood in the mirror and looked myself over. I adjusted my tie, making sure it was perfectly arranged. I pulled too hard, sighed, and undid it. I rested my foot on the nearby toilet, and wrapped the tie around my thigh to retie it.

No matter what I tried, a simple knot was just not enough. Guess I'd have to go for the Full Windsor.

I heard a rumble outside my window, and I looked up. There was Chewie, a questioning expression on his hairy face. I sighed and shook my head.

"I can't play right now Chewie," I said.

Chewie growled, sounding annoyed. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay fine, I can't spar to become a greater warrior tonight," I sighed, exasperated. Manticores and their codes of honor. "It's really just semantics, you know!"

Yes, I could understand my manticore friend. No, I don't know how I could. Twilight had done everything short of drilling into my head for a brain sample to learn how. Me? I just left it to the fact we were both kindred spirits and the crazy magic in this world decided that meant we understood eachother.

Because friendship is magic.

Hey, Pinkie Pie approved. She is the authority on weirdness, after all. And if Pinkthulhu thinks it's logical, are you going to argue with her?

I didn't think so.

Chewie growled a question. I sighed.

"I have a date tonight," I explained. Chewie raised his brows. "It's with Fluttershy."

Chewie nodded approvingly. He rumbled something positive about Fluttershy, and I nodded in turn.

"Yeah, I like her a lot too," I said. "I'm just..." I looked down at the floor. "It's been a while, you know? And the last woman I felt like this for... She broke my heart."

Chewie hissed, then cocked his head quizzically. I shook my head.

"No, I don't think Fluttershy is like that."

Chewie grumbled. I finished tying my tie, and slipped it off my leg. I pulled it over my head, and arranged it under my collar. I tightened it up, and nodded in approval at how it looked before I answered his question.

"When you think too much, you think too much about everything," I explained. "And you overanalyze things. To the point you can make yourself miserable."

Chewie hummed, then snarled. I laughed, and nodded.

"Yeah, I agree: It is stupid," I said with a smile at him. "So... Any more advice?"

Chewie barked something very... Descriptive. I rubbed the back of my head.

"Just pounce on her and mate her until she loses her mind and carries my offspring?"

Chewie nodded, smiling like that was something that was perfectly normal to suggest for a first date.

Probably was for a manticore.

"Er... I'll save that for the third date, buddy," I said, barely managing to keep a blush off my face.

Chewie shook his head and grumbled in exasperation about hominids and equines. I sighed.

"Fine. You can help. But just help a little, okay?"

Chewie growled something.

"Of course I wouldn't make you watch!"

Geez. Some monsters, huh?

- - -

I walked up to Fluttershy's cottage, trying very hard to ignore all the knowing grins and curious looks I got from the locals. It was pretty much impossible to keep a secret for long in a town as small as Ponyville. And even more impossible to stop the rumor mill.

Berry Punch, leaning against a post, lifted up a bottle of something and winked.

"Rut her good and hard, Shepherd!" She bellowed, and many an onlooker either laughed or very painfully tried to look like they weren't paying attention. I sucked in a deep breath and nodded.

"Sure thing," I replied evenly. One of the Flower Sisters squealed and galloped off, no doubt to spread the news. I sighed and kept walking.

A small cloud was soon following me, with hints of a rainbow colored mane peeking up above it every so often. I managed to avoid rolling my eyes.

Just ignore it. It's only natural for her to keep an eye on her best friend's date, I reasoned silently.

I made it to the cottage path, and made sure the chocolate covered flowers were still in the bouquet. I'd gotten an arrangement of cornflowers, flax, hedgeapple, hyacinth, phlox, and roses, all coated with chocolate. I stepped over a cardboard box that was labeled in crayon "No Pinkie Pie Under Here". I got up to the door, and knocked on it. I stepped back and rested the bouquet behind my back, just waiting.

I could hear activity on the inside. Then, the door slowly opened. Angel Bunny walked up, wearing a tiny bow tie. He was smiling almost viciously, as he held out his tiny paws in presentation.

There was a soft clip clop, and Fluttershy trotted up to the door.

"H-Hello Shepherd," she said softly, her smile warm and gentle. "Um... How do I look?"

Now, look. I'm still not entirely comfortable with quadrapeds as potential romantic partners and it's going to take some time for that to happen. And even then, I think I may ask for some transformation spells if we decide to go further. It was good to know magic users.

But I couldn't think of anything remotely like that. The green dress Fluttershy wore was like a blend of leaves and butterfly wings that artfully showed off her best assets, and her pink hair was done up in an elaborate hairstyle that perfectly framed her gorgeous eyes.

I was speechless. Angel gave me a glare, and I cleared my throat.

"You look beautiful," I said earnestly. She blushed, and shyly looked at the ground.

"Um... Y-You too," she said.

We both heard Rarity squeal somewhere in the bushes nearby. And we both decided to ignore it. I held out the bouquet, and she gasped in surprise.

"Oh my! Oh, th-thank you," she squeaked. She was blushing very, very hard as she studied the bouquet. "I um... I really... Oh... Um..."

"Do you like the bouquet?" I asked, immediately concerned. She looked up at me, barely able to meet my eyes.

"Oh no, they're... They're some of my favorites," she admitted. "But um... Um..."

"Roseluck told me it was supposed to convey my feelings," I said. "Though I don't know much about floriography."

I hadn't even known that word until the flower mare had told me. And she'd been grinning deviously the entire time she had been putting the flowers together-Maybe they had a message that I wasn't getting but Fluttershy was getting loud and clear?

"Does it mean anything... Bad?" I asked.

Fluttershy blushed harder... And then immediately wolfed down the flowers, swallowing them fast.

"N-No! No, not bad! Not bad at all!" Fluttershy insisted in between messy, frantic bites. "Not bad! It's good! I mean um, it's bad... Naughty...!"

We could both hear another squeal from nearby, and a gasp from the not at all inconspicuous cloud overhead. She finished the bouquet, and took deep breaths. She was trying to regain her composure. I knelt down.

"You've got some on your face," I said. I pulled out a handkerchief and wiped it off her mouth, which just made her blush brighter. Even so, she stood her ground.

"S-So... Um... Let's go!" She squeaked. "If-If that's okay with you?"

"Works for me," I smiled. We headed out into town, bumping up against eachother as we walked close. I stopped her before we got to the gate, and held it open for her. She smiled and nodded, and trotted out ahead of me.

My eyes went to her rump, thanks to the insidious design of Rarity's dress. I sucked in a deep breath as my own cheeks turned red.

Okay... So maybe Chewie's advice had some merit after all.

- - -

Fluttershy was already looking very nervous as we trotted down the main boulevard of Ponyville. She got closer to me, shying away from the eyes, smiles and whispers already carrying faintly through the air. And Rainbow Dash was already following us from behind a cloud, Rarity and Twilight were sneaking badly from hiding place to hiding place, and Pinkie Pie was scooting along under her box. I kept walking along, my hand gently drifting down to rest on her back. We made our way to Gustav's restaurant, but she paused right outside the doors.

"Um... Sh-Shepherd? I um... I'm not sure about this..."

She was pawing at the ground, her breathing a little faster. I gave her a warm smile, and winked.

"Trust me," I said. I reached down and scratched the back of her neck. She crooned softly, and nodded. We stepped into the restaurant, where Gustav was already waiting for us. He gave a smile, and a bow.

"Lady Fluttershy, Ser Shepherd! Welcome, welcome!" He cried. Maybe it was the translator magic doing its level best, but he sounded like an over the top French chef. Which was rather funny, given he was a griffin in a chef's outfit and outrageously long, curly mustache. "Come right zis way, please! Come, come!"

We followed the exuberant griffin through the restaurant, the eyes of many patrons on us as many conversations ceased. Fluttershy was already wincing, but she kept on going. I kept my hand against her though, guiding her through as we stepped lightly through the dining area. Gustav led us to the door to the kitchen, and we followed.

Clouds of steam, loud squawks of griffin language, and ponies trotting about greeted us. Gustav navigated through it like a pro, us barely able to keep up. He yelled a few orders to the chefs as we passed:

"Cloudy, more pepper! Groovy, use yellow carrots, not the orange ones! Flat, pay attention to the cream's consistency!"

He shook his head despairingly as he led us to the back door. He opened it up, and we followed him back into the growing night. Crickets were already chirping and the stars twinkled overhead. He turned to us both, and rummaged in his chef's jacket. He produced a scroll, and handed it to me.

"Since you are seeing my cousin anyway, give him zis," Gustav said. "And if at all possible, will you bring back his reply?"

"Not a problem," I said with a smile. Fluttershy looked up, her eyes wide, as Chewie flew in and landed before us. He gave a happy little growl and knelt down. I smiled and gestured to his back.

"Ladies first!" I said. Fluttershy blushed.

"Um, Shepherd? Where are we going?" She asked, hesitating just a bit.

"Gustav's cousin has a restaurant in Canterlot," I explained, "with private booths. A friend of mine made us a reservation, and Chewie's giving us a lift!"

The big manticore nodded and growled. Fluttershy blushed deeply.

"Oh... You didn't have to-"

"I wanted to though," I said urgently, squeezing her hooves in my hands. She beamed, and gracefully mounted the manticore's back. I got on after, wrapping my arms tightly around her from behind. Sure, she could fly, but it felt nice.

"Remember you two! I want to see his reply! And you eat at my restaurant next time!" Gustav ordered. I chuckled and nodded.

"Not a problem, Gustav. Chewie! Punch it!"

Chewie growled his assent, and he took off like a shot. We both held on tightly, as I let out a quiet whoop of excitement.

"I do feel kind of bad for tricking them," Fluttershy murmured.

"You mean the other girls who would just spy on our date?" I asked. Fluttershy nodded. "I know. Me too. But this should be our night, not theirs." I sighed. "I just hope Gustav's little ploy works."

"What is his ploy?" Fluttershy asked.

- - -

Back at the Restaurant...

Gustav checked in on the private room Shepherd and Fluttershy were supposed to have been in... Where two of his waiters were holding up puppets to the sheet-covered window. A strong light cast the shadows of the puppets against the sheet, allowing anyone outside to believe that a few fruits and vegetables on kabob sticks were actually the human and the pegasus.

"How's it going?" Gustav asked. One of the waiters hummed.

"Let's find out," he murmured back. He tilted the head of lettuce with cherries, grapes, mango slices and other accouterments sculpted to resemble Shepherd's head forward. to plant a kiss on the cantaloupe, spinach leaves, celery sticks and olives made up to resemble Fluttershy's head. Several gasps could be heard from outside. Gustav nodded.

"Magnifique!" He cried.

- - -

"I hope it works," Fluttershy murmured. I gave her a wide smile. The darkness of the woods was stretched out before us, as the glittering lights of Canterlot shone in the distance. It was a beacon, guiding our way, as Chewie kept his wing beats smooth and steady.

"I think it will. There's no need to be concerned, Fluttershy. Let's just have a nice night out."

"I know. I'm trying," Fluttershy admitted. "I guess... I mean... I've never been on a date before."

She looked up at me.

"How do I know if it's any good at the end?" She blushed deeply. "I-I mean... Aside from... Ah..."

I shrugged. "Well," I admitted, "this is my first date in a long, long time. So, why don't we just take it easy?"

"Ah," Fluttershy murmured against the rushing wind, "then can you... I mean... Will you... Lead?"

I gave her a beam.

"Don't worry... I can show you the world..."

Oh hell. The musical thing still affected us up here?! Yup, the orchestra was swelling in the background. I winced and tried very hard to stop it...!

"Shining, shimmering, splendid~! Ow!"

I tried punching myself in the side of the head. Nope, the music was still going.

"Tell me, princess, now when did you last let your heart decide~?"

Damnit damnit damnit! Not a Disney song! Couldn't I have been singing something more butch?!

Fluttershy though was smiling. I had to admit, that was a gorgeous smile. I mentally sighed.

Fine Equestria. You win this round.

"I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over sideways and under
On a magic carpet ride

A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us "No"
Or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming~!"

At least I can sing lower than Brad Kane...

- - -


Short Hand

A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfic By Andrew J. Talon

Disclaimer: This is a non-profit fan based parody. MLP:FiM is the property of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. Please support the official release.

- - -

Yeah, I know the Mike Rowe speech. "Take your passion to work with you" and all that. Also "don't get a useless degree". In either case though, it probably wouldn't have mattered much once you've been tossed into an alternate universe ruled by talking, magic ponies.

Now I know what you're thinking. "Shepherd, you handsome fool! What good would you be in a world where the farm animals are sapient and have magic? And all you have is a liberal arts degree! You'd be a useless monkey!"

And that is what I thought at first. But it turns out we humans do still have brains in our heads that can give us an edge when needed.

I lifted a slightly modified rake up to the apple tree, and slid the vanes into the bushels of apples with care. I then twisted the rake in my hands, and lowered the rake. I then presented the rake full of apples to Big Macintosh, who studied the results.

"And there you have it," I said with a smile, "several unbruised apples, properly picked."

Big Macintosh nodded.

"Eeyup," he confirmed. "Slower going though."

I nodded. "True," I admitted, "but it would let you harvest apples without bruising them. And with enough hired help from unicorns and pegasi, you could get a lot more harvested without just relying on bucking!"

The big stallion chewed on his ever present stalk of hay, and nodded.

"Eeyup," he said, though it was very positive. I grinned and rubbed the back of my head.

"Thanks. Though uh, I think Smithy in the village can make a better version of it than some twisted up rake," I admitted, tilting my makeshift apple picker and letting them tumble down into the barrel. The sun was high in the sky, but frankly I didn't mind. The temperate was mild, and a light breeze kept me nice and cool. Little Applebloom was bucking trees nearby, since it was the weekend. She was getting pretty good at it, filling up barrels with only a few hard kicks to the tree trunks. I frowned thoughtfully.

"Hey, uh, where's Applejack?" I asked. "I didn't see her this morning when I first got here. Is she okay?"

Big Macintosh was silent for a time. He just stared at me, like a stoic piece of red sandstone carved into the likeness of a stallion. He then looked thoughtful for a moment, studying me with keen eyes. I fidgeted slightly under the intensity of the gaze, but didn't say anything else.

"You ever lose anyone, Shepherd?" He asked at last. I blinked a few times, and then slowly nodded.

"Yeah. My mom when I was eight," I admitted softly.

Over the years, it'd become kind of natural to just say it. In as few words as possible, so that I could move on from the subject. It was a lot less uncomfortable for everyone involved.

Especially me.

Big Macintosh nodded knowingly. He threw his head back and gestured with his nose.

"North field. By the outer fence," he said. He then turned and got back to work apple bucking, without another word. I blinked a few times, then mentally shrugged and headed north.

The orchard had paths that were easy to follow, with one main trail that led north to south almost straight as an arrow. My boots carried me up to the north field, crunching on the well worn dirt as birds chirped and tittered above me.

It didn't take too long to spot a hint of orange through the apple trees, in front of a tall, white picket fence. As I got closer, my eyes resolved it into Applejack before I dipped back down behind a hill. I walked back up it, and there she was, silently sitting in front of two gray stones. Grave stones, surrounded by purple lilacs that grew through the fence and surrounded them almost protectively.

The orange mare didn't react to my presence. She just lifted a bottle of whiskey up to her lips, drank of it, and set it back down. I hesitated for a long moment. What right did I have to interrupt this private moment? Hell, why had Big Macintosh even sent me up here?

I should just go.

Her ears perked up under her hat, and she looked at me. Her expression was surprised, but then became calm. Almost neutral. I kept my own face neutral, as best I could.

"Applejack," I greeted softly. She nodded back to me.

"Shepherd," she replied. She turned back to the stones, saying nothing else.

I made up my mind, and walked down to stand next to her. I stood there, silently, and read the names on the grave stones.



With some dates and words of endearment carved into the stone. My hands were in my pockets, as I stood there quietly. I reached up and took off my own straw hat, putting it over my chest.

Hey, it's a sign of respect, you savage.

Applejack looked up at me, and then back at the graves. I sat down next to her, and scooted up just a bit when she didn't react. I watched her stony expression for a time, before looking back at the headstones.

"I'm sorry," I said quietly. Applejack shook her head slowly.

"Ain't nothing t' be sorry fer," she said. "Ain't yer fault."

I took a deep breath.

"... It's funny," I said, "after... Being in this situation, you'd think I'd know what to say. But I don't."

Applejack looked at me, her keen green eyes probing me. She nodded.

"Yeah... ah uh," she hesitated, "ah saw. When we were all in yer head. About yer ma."

I winced a bit, but waved away any attempts at an apology with my hand. She nodded at that.

"It's okay," I said. I looked back at the graves. Applejack took a breath, opened her mouth, closed it again... Then sighed and took another sip of her whiskey.

"One night, there was a commotion up in the north fields, where we used to keep the sheep," Applejack began, "Applebloom had jest been born a few weeks ago, so nopony was gettin' much sleep. Mah Pa headed out first to see what was goin' on, and Ma went on after. Told us to stay put, but we didn't listen. We got up Granny and got whatever we could find to fight with." She stopped for a moment, still as stone, before she continued.

"We met the sheep on the way. They were all hooting and hollering, terrified. It slowed down Granny and Mac, but ah got through. Ah got up here before Granny and Mac..." She trailed off for a moment, before she continued slowly. Her voice thick.

"It was some monster. Outta Everfree. Huge. Bigger n' meaner than anything ah'd ever seen." She stopped again. "Underneath its claws... There they were. Ma and Pa, both not movin'. The thing was scared by all the noise the rest o' us was making, yowling and roarin'. It ran off jest as Granny and Mac got there. We checked on them but..."

She took another long pull of her whiskey, and set it back down on the dirt. Her eyes were staring into nothing.

"The local Jaegers... Monster hunters n' trackers," she explained at my confused look, "went out, and found it dead a few days later. Turns out it was hurt, from fightin' something else. Wasn't able to hunt its usual food. It was after our sheep, cause it was starvin'. Desperate. That's why it..."

Applejack took another deep, calming breath. She fell silent. My lips were a thin line.

"And jest lahk that... They were gone," she said. "Big Mac, he comes here on the day o' the funeral. Me?"

Her silence filled in the gaps. I nodded slowly.

Well... I didn't know what to say.

So instead, I did what I needed when this mood came upon me. When I was brooding.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, and held her. She tensed just a bit, then relaxed. She leaned against me, her head resting against my chest. She looked down at the bottle of whiskey, and took it up in her hooves. She offered it to me. I gave her a warm, small smile, and sipped from it. She took it back and sipped as well, resuming her vigil.

I tightened my hug just a little, and she sighed as she nestled into my warmth. She relaxed, looking far less tense than she had from the moment I got here. And I in turn relaxed a lot more.

Sometimes? There wasn't anything to say. And that was all right.

- - -

Author's Notes:

So. How was that?

Cultural Adaptation

An omake by dogbertcarroll.

Cultural adpatation and mathematical proofs!

* * * * *

Shepherd looked at the closed door and sighed. He really hated to do this... but it looked like he had little choice. He reached out to knock on the door. Before he'd finished the first knock the door opened and he was yanked inside and found himself sitting on a couch across from Cadence who was serving tea.

"I was wondering when you would break down and come see me," Cadence said cheerfully.

"Yes, well... I sort of have a problem and need some advice," he admitted.

"You certainly do," a voice called from out on the balcony.

"Quiet Shiny," Cadence called back. "Now, in your own words... what are you having problems with?"

"I'm sort of seeing... a number of ponies and it's very confusing," Shepherd admitted. "One minute Twilight is monopolizing all my attention and the next she is pushing me towards Fluttershy. Sometimes Pinkie is really flirtatious and others she's simply friendly. Applejack will lean on me like I'm her rock one day and the next she'll be treating me like a buddy. Sometimes they're jealous of others paying attention to me and other times they are amused. I... I have no idea what's going on from day to day."

"And does this conflict with their charts?" Cadence asked.

"Charts? What charts?" Shepherd asked dumbly.

"You don't..." Cadence looked shocked and then shook her head. "Of course you don't, you are from another world. I really should have seen this coming."

"Seen what?" Shepherd asked, ignoring the snickering from the balcony.

"Shepherd, the amount and type of affection females desire varies day to day," Cadence explained, telekineticly pulling a white board out of somewhere and scribbling on it with a marker.

"I can understand that," Shepherd reluctantly agreed, watching a complex diagram take shape on the board with a number of mares' names surrounding his own and lines and mathematical equations running between all of them in a confusing tangle that was slowly shaping up into what he thought a demon summoning circle should look like.

"Of course this is just a simplified version, not taking into account several mares which are probably on the outskirts of your romantic grouping or herd," Cadence explained, "but those are easily dealt with as the need arises. See if you simply plug these factors into this simple diagram you'll be able to tell off hand how you should be treating all the females in your life on a day to day basis."

"I have absolutely no idea what I am looking at," Shepherd admitted. "I'm pretty sure if I tried to write anything like that Tartarus would open up and release it's prisoners."

Hysterical laughing came from the balcony and Cadence's horn glowed for a moment, the laughter slowly decreasing as if a laughing male unicorn had just been pushed over a rail and was falling off the side of the castle, all while the Alicorn of Love smiled cheerfully.

Shepherd sipped his tea nervously. "I'm serious, whatever you've just written up there is so foreign to my mind that I can't comprehend it."

Cadence sighed. "That seems to be common among most males. Normally I'd simply make you a calendar so you could track everything, but there are simply too many variables to have it be more than sixty percent accurate-"

"I'll take it!" Shepherd exclaimed, interrupting her. "Sixty percent is a lot better than I am averaging right now."

"I thought you might say that," Cadence said, pulling a calendar out from under the table.

Shepherd accepted it eagerly and opened it up, noting most of 'his' girls were listed by cutie symbol with a daily chart of how to act towards them. He let out a relieved sigh. "You may just have saved my life," he told Cadence, "thank you."

"Anytime," Cadence said with a smile. "It'd be more accurate, but really there is only so much you can do with an abacus even these days."

Shepherd examined the present day. "Twilight is at friendly and a little flirty, but distracted by learning... If this is right, maybe I can get her to help me invent a computer so we can improve the accuracy," he said absently while he departed.

Shining Armor entered the suite, brushing leaves out of his mane. "Did you have to throw me off the balcony?"

"Yes, I did," Cadence replied with a bright smile.

"Eh, I probably deserved it," he admitted with a shrug. "I can't believe he bought all that."

"It's all true," Cadence told her husband.

"Yes, but the only person who understands any of that is you and certain mathematicians," he pointed out, "and nopony, absolutely nopony, keeps a chart to track these things, we mostly just wing it."

"And yet it's till true," Cadence replied smugly.

Shining looked at the chart she'd drawn. "I don't think he's even met several of those mares."

"Oh, he will," she said sipping her tea.

Shining looked at the evil grin on his wife's face, sat down and poured himself a cup of tea, it wasn't pointed towards him so he was pretty sure it wasn't his problem.

* * * * *

Author's Notes:

A fun omake by a good friend of mine.

First Date: Fluttershy Part 3

Short Hand

A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfic By Andrew J. Talon

Disclaimer: This is a non-profit fan based parody. MLP:FiM is the property of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. Please support the official release.

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Chewie flew down into Canterlot, Fluttershy up alongside me. Thank God the song had ended. I mean, I love Aladdin. The actual Aladdin, not the shitty live action remake. Not that I have anything against Will Smith, but everything else sucked.

Why do I have such strong memories of that terrible movie rather than something more useful, like Ulysses or Moby Dick or my calculus classes?

Anyway, the point is, creepy magic making me sing Disney songs is disturbing. It was only thanks to the fact Fluttershy was cuddled up to me, a nice, cuddly pony, that kept me from being too pissed off.

"The roof please Chewie," I said, "you'd scare everyone."

Chewie grumbled in irritation. I sighed and patted his shaggy head.

"I know, I know. Look, just don't eat any ponies or their pets and Fluttershy will get you a seal." I looked over at her. She beamed at me.

"An elephant seal! He recently died so he's aged up properly," Fluttershy said. Chewie growled in thought, then nodded as he angled in for the rooftop of Gordon's restaurant. He came to a smooth landing, and I slid down. Fluttershy came down after me, as I caught her. She blushed deeply and clung to me tightly. Chewie growled a question, and I shook my head.

"If we need you, we'll call," I said. "I promise."

Chewie huffed, and settled down like a cat on the rooftop. He rested his chin on his paws, still grumbling. I scratched behind his ears, and he seemed much less aggravated. Fluttershy nodded happily at my actions, and I smiled back.

We headed to the fire escape, and walked down it. We reached street level and walked around to the entrance. A door pony nodded and smiled as he ushered us in.

The inside was sleek and modern, all flat and based on platonic solids. The kitchen was visible through glass, and ponies and griffins worked hard to prepare meals. The floor of the restaurant was flat, cube shaped tables holding hundreds of ponies animatedly talking and eating. A griffin with blonde feathers was waiting for us in the lobby, dressed in a white chef's coat. He gave us a warm smile, and clasped his claws together.

"Ah, Sir Shepherd and Lady Fluttershy! It's a pleasure!" He said in a rough, Received Pronunciation English accent. "Welcome to La Noisette!" He turned to his waiter, breathing hard. "Get them the private table!"

"Yes sir," the pony waiter said, holding up a hoof in a salute. Gordon's brows twitched. The waiter turned to us, and gestured to his right. "This way, please."

We followed the pony waiter to several plain cubicles underneath the magical lighting. The door slid open, and we went in. There was a circular table in the center, with two ergonomic chairs. Cube shaped lanterns floated overhead, casting the cubicle in warm candle-like light. I pulled a chair out for Fluttershy, and she sat down. I then settled into the opposing chair, as the waiter bowed. Gordon brought some water in glasses with a pitcher, which he set in the center of the table. A pair of menus were hoofed to us, and we both took a look at them. Thankfully it was in English... Or Equish. I don't know, the translator spell is weird.

"I'll handle these two, Green Field," Gordon said.

"Yes sir," Green Field replied, nodding. He backed out of the private cube, as Gordon looked at us with a happy smile on his beak.

Yeah, I didn't know how that worked either.

"So, what can I start you off with?" He asked.

"Um," Fluttershy began, "I would like, uh... The fried brussel sprouts?"

"That sounds good," I said. "I'll take that too. With the aioli."

"Excellent, excellent," Gordon said cheerfully. His brows twitched severely, and I could see a vein in his right eye. Fluttershy coughed gently, and our own eyes met. I nodded back to her, and cleared my throat.

"Uh... Gordon? Are you all right?" I asked.

"Just fine, why do you ask?"

The griffin's wings were now twitching. Fluttershy tapped her hooves together.

"Um, uh... You seem... A bit tense," she said diplomatically.

"Yeah," I said. "Honestly, you seem very similar to a chef back on my world. He's named Gordon too."

"Really?" Gordon asked, tilting his head quizzically. "What's he like?"

I opened my mouth to say some kind of platitude, but at his latest eye twitch I decided against it.

"He's incredibly talented and passionate, and very angry, acerbic, and swears like a sailor," I explained. Gordon sighed, his wings drooping.

"Oh, that was me too," he admitted. He puffed up proudly. "Once, I could curse up a storm! My apprentices feared me! I used to say stuff like 'This fooking salad is so dry it may as well have been made of straw!'"

The griffin then sagged again.

"But I got a bad review from some noble, and so I had to tone down the 'verbal violence'," he explained. He grinned, unnaturally wide. "It's okay though! I got me customers back! Everything's fine!"

His claws were digging into the table. Fluttershy coughed. I reached out to try and shield her.

"I see," Fluttershy said gently. "I'm very sorry about that."

"I'll be okay," Gordon twitched. "Now... Would you like to see the wine list?"

"Please," I said urgently. The griffin turned and headed out, the door sliding shut behind him. I pulled back from Fluttershy, who was blushing deeply. I smiled at her, and she awkwardly smiled back.

"So," I began, "um... We haven't had a lot of times to ourselves to just talk, have we?"

"No," Fluttershy admitted. "We've been so busy saving the world and fighting evil and doing, um, charity work."

"Which is pretty cool," I replied. Fluttershy nodded.

"So, um," she began. "How did you get to know... Such a famous chef?"

"I made friends with a Prince," I said. "He's pretty chill, actually."

Fluttershy smiled. "He sounds nice," she said.

"He is," I admitted, "if a bit stuck up. He's kind of like Rarity as a stallion. But prissier."

Fluttershy giggled. "That's hard to imagine," she admitted.

"I don't have to," I deadpanned. We both laughed. The laughter faded away, and our gazes slowly drifted away from one another. I tried to think up something else to talk about, but I'd run through most of the subjects I'd thought of.

The silence dragged on. I blinked a few times and cleared my throat. Fluttershy looked over to the side, tapping her hooves together.

I smiled at her, and she smiled back.

"So," I began, "um... Your dress is very nice."

"Ah, thank you," Fluttershy replied softly, "Rarity fixed up a dress I wore for modeling."

"That's good," I replied with a nod.

The silence returned. Fluttershy was tapping her hooves together more, as she shrank in on herself a bit more. She began muttering to herself softly. I blinked a few times. She rubbed her hooves together anxiously.

"So," I tried again, "how well did you like modeling?"

"I... Um..." Fluttershy slowly shook her head. "I didn't like it. At all. To be honest, um, I really hated it." She trembled a bit. "I mean, it meant so much to Rarity so I stuck with it, but I just couldn't handle all of the attention."

"Oh," I said with a nod. "That's why I got us a private booth. So you wouldn't feel so awkward."

Fluttershy nodded back. "Oh thank you," she replied. "That was very thoughtful."

I licked my lips. "But is it working?" I asked.

Fluttershy hummed.

"Um... Well, it is. Mostly," she said. "I-I mean, I'm not thinking about all of the eyes outside. Right now. Looking at us," she said. She winced.

"Now I am," she mumbled. She looked down at the table.

Well great, now I felt like a heel. I had assumed Fluttershy would be fine in a nice, private booth. I knew how averse she was to crowds. I just thought this would work.

"I'm sorry," I said. She winced.

"No no, I'm sorry. I used up my conversation points early, and now I can't remember the rest of them."

Three guesses who had provided those conversation points, and the first two don't count. Well, maybe I could still fix things.

"It's okay," I said quickly,"it's okay, we can just talk about other things. Like, what interesting animals have you seen in the Everfree Forest lately?"

Fluttershy managed to relax a bit.

"Oh. Well, I did see a flan," she said. "They're gelatinous omnivores that are related to slime molds. Only much bigger, and they have eyes and mouths."

"A flan huh?" I asked, grinning. "That sounds... Kind of horrifying, actually."

"Oh, they can be," Fluttershy said, her shoulders sinking just a bit lower as her tension faded. "But they're actually very sweet when they're not hungry. You just need salt to keep them away."

"That's useful to know," I said with a nod.

"Also, they can't move very fast," Fluttershy went on, positively animated now. "They're ambush and trap predators. You have to watch your step where they lurk."

"Well, this is why I ride Chewie in the Everfree Forest," I said with a grin. "Say, he doesn't hate that, does he? I've asked him but he never answers directly."

Fluttershy shook her head.

"Oh no. You're battle brothers. If you're not fast enough, you will be carried. You're a team, after all," she said.

I was leaning forward, and I rested my hands on her hooves. She started, blushing cutely. Then she looked up at me, and smiled warmly. I returned it. The tension was dissipating even more.

"I'm glad to know that," I said. I raised an eyebrow. "So, how are you feeling now?"

Fluttershy started. She looked around us, and beamed.

"I... I'm feeling a lot better, actually," she admitted. "Is that all... Is that all a date is? Just talking?"

I nodded.

"Yeah," I said. "What did you think we were going to do?"

Fluttershy blushed bright red, from her hooves to the top of her head. She had gone as still as a statue. I coughed, and shook my head.

"I mean, I didn't mean we'd jump right to that," I said earnestly. "We don't have to! Not that I don't want to..."

I think. I mean, I didn't think I was quite ready for rishathra. I just didn't want Fluttershy to think it was still difficult for me. I mean, I still wanted my women to have boobs on their chest. Mostly. Okay, this isn't a helpful direction to think in, is it? Stupid brain.

Fluttershy mumbled something under her breath. I blinked.

"Huh?" I asked.

A camera flash went off above us. I winced and looked up-Into another barrage of camera flashes.

"GAH!" I shouted, covering my eyes. "WHAT IN THE-?!"

"What a scoop!" A stallion cried. My vision cleared enough to make out several pegasi with cameras over us. "Supermodel and Element of Kindess Fluttershy on a date with Shepherd the Human Knight!"

"Oh, um, if you could, I mean, please don't, I mean," Fluttershy began to stutter, as she drew back in on herself. Another pegasus dropped down, holding out a microphone.

"Are you two engaged? How will the other Elements feel about this? Or is it a herd?" He cried. I sucked in a deep breath. Stay calm, stay calm... Don't let Fluttershy cuddling up tightly to me out of fear affect my judgement.

"Are you lovers?!" He further pressed, ramming his microphone into my nose. I covered my nose and groaned.

"OW! All right you son of a-!"

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM!" Fluttershy bellowed, flipping the table up and sending the pegasus paparazzo slamming through the double doors of the booth. He tumbled out into the main dining area. My anger was temporarily forgotten as I watched the chain reaction. The pegasus slammed into a waiter with a full platter, sending all of his dishes flying through the air and landing in the faces of dozens of diners. One diner, a unicorn in a fancy frock coat, immediately waved his hooves and sent his own food flying into the faces and laps of other customers. One noble pony stood up in fury, slamming his hooves on the table.

"Now see here-!" He shouted, just before a lemon meringue splatted him. A noble unicorn lady wiped her face free of custard and growled.

"You dare to throw a custard in my face?! TAKE THAT!"

"FOOD FIGHT!" Shouted someone else. The entire dining area descended into a furious culinary conflagration.

I saw Gordon emerge from the kitchen, looking aghast.

"Wait, wait, see here!" He shouted. "You all need to stop this! Stop it right bloody now!"

A plate of spaghetti landed on his head. He blinked a few times, and licked the sauce. His eyes burned with unholy rage.


He seized upon a smaller griffin with a cart full of pies and desserts. He had been trying to find shelter in the kitchen, but Gordon had captured him. He turned to the chaos, and held up pies in his wings and claws.


He began pelting his diners and waiters with pies. I blinked and looked over at the trembling Fluttershy. I gathered her up in my arms and charged out into the fray!

"WAIT!" Another paparazzo cried, "what kind of pies do you prefer for a food fight?!"

I ducked under a flung fettuccine, and grabbed a chocolate cream pie. I tossed it into the face of the paparazzo, sending him reeling back.

"Whatever's handy!" I bellowed. I charged out the front doors of the restaurant, followed by flying pies and cakes. Fluttershy trembled, and looked up at me with teary eyes.

"I'm... I'm so sorry," she mumbled.

I sighed.

"Me too," I mumbled back.

- - -

Author's Notes:

Sorry that it's so short... And cliched. More will be on the way soon.

Enterprising Mares

As military advisor to the Diarchs, I did have to go to Canterlot on a monthly basis to meet with generals and bigwigs and the Princesses themselves about national security matters. And if I was being honest, most of what I contributed wasn't anything really revolutionary. Hell, I got all of it out of numerous books on military theory, politics, and history I had been able to find from the Human archives. Everything from Sun Tzu's Art of War to Rear Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan's Naval Strategy. The meetings were fairly informal, mostly discussions over threats to Equestria and talking about possibilities on defending against them. These ranged from the possibility of a revived Abbysian Kingdom suddenly becoming expansionist, to the Waimanu Empire unfreezing Emperor Charlatan and trying to freeze the world again.

The Waimanu were, by the way, sapient penguins with ice magics. Who were basically Nazis who wanted to kill off all life on the planet that wasn't penguin.

No, I'm not kidding.

I'd make my recommendations and we'd hash it out. The commander of the Equestrian Royal Navy, Admiral Corsair, was probably the most open minded of the ponies I talked to. She was fair and very interested in the naval traditions of Earth, and being a former navy brat I was able to tell her a lot. Turns out Luna had founded the Navy, so she may have made it clear she was fond of me.

General Hardtack, commander of the Equestrian Royal Army, was a bit more guarded and suspicious, but he did appreciate the fact that I saved Equestria and was from a "warrior race", in his terms. I got to learn a lot of Earth pony history I hadn't heard, including how innovative they were when it came to technology. He wasn't exactly friendly, but he wasn't hostile either.

The Air Marshall of Equestria, General Typhoon, and the Captain of the Royal Guard, Shining Armor, were a bit difficult but in different ways. General Typhoon was of the opinion that weather control was all Equestria needed, and looked down on the other branches-Especially the Navy for having a lot of non-pegasi flying. He didn't take a lot of my suggestions seriously, though he did take plenty of human material on air war for himself.

Shining Armor was polite and listened to what I had to say, but he was also very stubborn. His opinion was that the Royal Guard functioned just fine and innovation was largely unneeded for its role. Though he was, again, polite about it and pointed out reasons why the Guard operated the way it did, he could come off as just plain hardheaded. I was the one who got close to losing my temper a lot, and the fact he was able to be perfectly calm just got my goat.

I had to keep reminding myself, I'm just an advisor. But the fact that I was making decisions that might save or doom this world had a habit of weighing heavily on me.

It was after such a tiring discussion I found myself out on a balcony, looking over Canterlot and breathing in the clean air. The sun shone down brightly, and ponies went to and fro far below me.

I closed my eyes and just let go, relaxing as much as I could. It was then I felt Princess Luna bump up against me. I managed not to yelp, but I did give her a glare over my shoulder. She smiled apologetically.

"My apologies, Shepherd," she said. "But I have a surprise for you."

I immediately began looking around for Pinkie Pie. You never knew when she might spring her trap.

"A different sort of surprise, Shepherd," Luna said gently. She wrapped a wing around me, and teleported us.

Now, about teleporting: It's REALLY not very fun to go through. It feels like everything that's big gets small and everything small gets big, so when you come out of it you're feeling quite a lot of vertigo and motion sickness. Thankfully not enough to make me throw up, but God it was annoying. I shook it off though, and Luna gave me a proud smile as we stood in a large, dark room.

And by large, I mean large. I couldn't even see the ceiling far above us!

"Um... So, where's the surprise?" I asked. I tapped my foot-We were standing on a thick wooden platform of some sort. One that extended out after into the darkness.

"You're standing on it," Luna said with a pleased grin. The platform began to shake and rumble. The darkened roof opened above us, letting in blinding sunlight. I covered my eyes with my arm as the wind howled, and the massive platform shook like a localized earthquake!

I finally lowered my arm as I felt the breeze of outside... And my jaw dropped.

It wasn't just a large, flat platform. There was a tall superstructure far from me. A hauntingly familiar superstructure that I'd seen in a hundred books about World War II. I took unsteady steps as the great vessel continued to rise into the sky, and I looked around the long flight deck.

"Many things have ended up in Equestria from other worlds, Shepherd! And this vessel was easily one of the largest such things!" Luna explained loudly, the breeze having no effect on her voice. "My sister stored it in an underground cave near the Badlands until she could decide what to do with it, under magical preservation! And now that I have returned, I learned what this ship was!"

She grinned, almost savagely. I could finally see crewmembers, ponies going about the deck of the great carrier and manning (horsing?) the upper decks.

"A fighting ship! So I have decided that she will fight again-Under the Equestrian Flag! Our navy has needed modernization quite badly, so I provided it! With most of the help from your species!" She walked up alongside me, and beamed.

"But in honor of your people, her name is the same! I believe it holds some meaning to humans?"

There on the side of the aircraft carrier island was a number: 6. And painted on her great flightdeck, further back, I could make out CV-6 in large, white letters etched into the wood. I slowly turned to Luna, my jaw halfway to the planet's core.

"You're telling me," I began loudly over the rushing wind, "that you found the USS Enterprise and turned her into a flying aircraft carrier?!"

Luna nodded.

"That is precisely what we did, Shepherd!"

Holy fucking shit. I didn't know whether to have a fangasm or pass out.

So I did both.

These damn ponies will be the end of me one day...

Author's Notes:

In our world of course, CV-6 USS Enterprise, the Grey Ghost, was scrapped in the 1950s. But there's always an alternate universe where she just disappeared... And ended up in Equestria.


- - -

It was days after the dramatic battle against Thicket... And Ponyville was back to normal. Well, mostly. There was still a great deal of construction on the north side of town, though a lot of it was new.

Since Ponyville was the hometown of most of the Elements of Harmony, there was plenty of new investment streaming in. One wondered how the insurance companies were handling it. Did no one warn them about this town?

Oh well. Not my problem.

I was walking around, taking a well deserved day off. I’d been helping with a lot of the construction work, and frankly I just wanted a relaxing outing to go shopping.

Hey, overtime pay is great but what good does it do you if you don’t spend it on anything?

Unfortunately most of the stores in Ponyville are a bit specialized. It's what happens in a small town. Hell, there’s a store that sells nothing but couches and quills! I mean they’re good quills and couches, sure, but I had a couch and pens.

So, that meant going to Filthy Rich’s Barnyard Bargains: One of the largest big box chain outlets in Equestria. Well, technically the only big box chain outlet in Equestria so far. It takes a certain level of logistics development to get to that point. That said, having that much economic power means you can get a lot more stuff from across the country. So I was moseying up there to see if there was anything new (and possibly tacky) to purchase.

Maybe a fancy clock to put on the wall. Something in neon lights. Hey, I'm a bachelor, I can do that kind of thing.

In addition, Filthy Rich has given me a lot of jobs. Despite the fact his wife is a racist bitch. I should pay him back a little, right?

I walked up to the storefront, and a smile came over my face. It was nice to see so many ponies out shopping after the tumultuous events of the past month. A large crowd was gathered outside, all eager to buy new products and items. I guess the stimulus checks had gone through.

I could see three of my favorite little fillies coming out the doors, all carrying packages in bags. They skipped along cutely, and their eyes widened in pleased surprise when they spotted me. I beamed back as they galloped towards me.

“Hey girls! How are-OOF!”

They all bowled me over as they enveloped me in a big, happy group hug.

“Howdy Shepherd!” Applebloom said happily.

“How are you?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Look what we got!” Scootaloo cheered, holding her purchase up to my face. I winced a bit.

“Those are nice, Scootaloo,” I said. “What are they?”

Applebloom pulled out her purchase from her bag. It was an action figure encased in clear plastic, with a cardboard backcard. That wasn’t the most surprising part though.

The most surprising part was that I was staring at myself, realized in polyvinyl chloride and painted very thoroughly. Though I didn’t recall my shoulders being that broad. The cardboard backcard was bright and colorful, and bore a dramatically written title:


“Look what we got!" Sweetie Belle said happily.

"They're on sale today!" Scootaloo crowed, her little wings spreading. "And look totally awesome!"

"Isn't it great? It has real kung fu stabbing action!" Sweetie Belle cried. “Whatever that is!”

"And it has ten unique phrases!" Applebloom said. She pulled a string on the back of the action figure, and a small speaker came to life.

"Hello, I am Ser Shepherd! And this is my favorite store in Equestria!"

I stared at the action figure. I stared at the three little fillies. I took a deep breath, and slowly sat up. I pushed them off me, and stood up.

"Excuse me for a second,” I stated, keeping my rage under control. I stalked into the store, my eyes narrowed. I grabbed another action figure of myself from a nearby pyramid of the things-Just before dozens of ponies grabbed them all up. It was clearly a hot seller.

“Can I help you, Ser Shepherd?” A mare store clerk cried, with a big, eager smile on her face. I ignored her and strode by furiously. All the way up to Filthy Rich’s office in the back. I threw the door open, slamming it against the wall hard enough that I made the diplomas and pictures on Filthy’s walls shake and shudder.

Filthy Rich himself had ducked behind his desk. I stalked up to the desk, and reached over it. I grabbed the wealthy business pony by the scruff of his neck, and yanked him up. I looked right into his eyes, glaring in my rage.

“Oh! H-Hello, Shepherd!” He cried. “How nice to see you! Anything I can get you?! A-A discount card?!”

I held up the action figure.

“An explanation would be nice,” I growled.

"Now Shepherd, I understand you might be unhappy,” Filthy said, squirming in my grip. “But in this case, I'm just selling the action figures! I didn't make them! Though I did invest in the company that is making them. Good thing too! They're already in the Fortune 500 for Equus and their stock just keeps going up-!"

I was fed up.


Filthy Rich gulped.

- - -

Meanwhile, in Canterlot...

Princess Luna trotted into her sister’s sitting room, a large body pillow with Shepherd’s image printed on it tucked securely under her right wing.

"Sister, you did inform Shepherd that by becoming a knight of Equestria, his image can be marketed and he gets 10 percent of the profits?"

Celestia looked up from her paperwork and beamed at her beloved little sister.

"Of course I did!" She said.

"Oh good!" Luna cuddled with her body pillow, sighing happily. She turned to head out. "I will see you this evening!"

"Pleasant dreams, my sister~!" Celestia called back.

“Oh, they will be~,” Luna said huskily.

- - -

Author's Notes:

Just a short bit for your enjoyment. I hope you like it.

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