

by ezra09

Chapter 84: Epilogue Part 1: Two Weeks Later

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“And then I shout, ‘Dinner tray to the face!’ and slam the tray over his head,” Thistleroot said as he and Mimic walked down Lincolt Avenue. “I throw the soup at the guard and run out of the cell. Made them both look like buffoons.”

“Uhuh,” Mimic said, a hint of amusement in her voice. “Sure you did.”

“Okay, how about the time I saved an innocent mare from two changelings during the attack on the grand galloping gala?”

“Sure you did,” Mimic said again. She was currently disguised as Wind Rider, just to avoid confrontation with passing strangers, but managed her usual level of smug disdain just fine. “Maybe another time. I was actually going to ask you something before we met up with the others.”

“Shoot,” Thistleroot said.

“Why haven’t you told Scootaloo how you feel yet?”

They walked for about half a block. Mimic began to grow uneasy as the silence stretched on, wondering if she’d crossed some line she should have known about. Ponies could be touchy about the most random things, and Mimic herself wasn’t comfortable talking about feelings and mushy stuff.

“Right,” Thistleroot finally said. “So, Scootaloo had just flown off to distract Lirian.” Mimic rolled her eyes and Thistleroot chuckled. “There’s a few reasons,”

Mimic perked up. “Oh? Let me guess, you’re afraid of rejection?” She tried to keep her voice light. Teasing.

“Sort of, yeah.” Thistleroot said. “Who isn’t?”

Fair, Mimic thought.

“But it’s not just that. I don’t really have the whole story, but Apple Bloom actually has feelings for Scootaloo too. Or had. Not sure which.”


Thistleroot nodded. “Er, but I didn’t tell you that.”

“Of course not.”

“But apparently after she confessed, they didn’t talk for something like two years, and I’m not entirely sure why.”

“So you’re keeping your mouth shut because she might,” Mimic repeated the word, emphasizing it, “might distance herself from you?”

Thistleroot shrugged. “Maybe someday, but there’s no rush. There’s no ancient evil breathing down our necks any more. I’m happy right now, why rock the boat?”

“We’re not on a boat.”

“No, that’s just an...” Thistleroot paused as she grinned. “Well played.”

She nodded in acknowledgement. “You’re dumb.”

He arched an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“What if you do tell her later, and find out she felt the same way? You’ll have wasted all that time.”

Thistleroot shrugged. “It’s not wasted if I’m happy, is it?”

“That’s dumb.”

“I prefer the term ‘zen’.”

Mimic paused. “Okay, that one I really don’t know.”

“That’s fine, I’m not sure I do either.” Thistleroot shrugged again. “I’ll tell her if I ever feel the time is right. I’ll play it by ear.”

Mimic shook her head. “I still think you should take a chance and tell her.” It’s not a chance all of us have, she thought.

She considered taking her own advice, but their conversation came back to her, as they did every time she almost said the words.

It’s not you, it’s me. There’s somepony else.

Sure, he’d misunderstood the situation. He’d thought he was talking to Wind Rider, the pegasus, not Mimic, the changeling, but that didn’t matter. He'd had a reason to refuse. A reason that had nothing to do with Wind Rider, and everything to do with Thistleroot himself.

Two ponies were waiting at the intersection ahead of them.

“Mimic! You’re back!” Sweetie Belle called out as she and Apple Bloom noticed them.

“Yes,” Mimic said as they got closer. “I returned with my brother early this morning.”

“Oh, good,” Sweetie Belle said, her smile showing just a hint of discomfort at the thought.

“We met with your Princess Celestia when we arrived,” Mimic continued. “And she has agreed to allow him to remain, on several conditions.”

“What conditions?” Apple Bloom asked.

“He’s basically under house arrest,” Thistleroot said, “For pretending to be me and trying to kill Scootaloo.”

“Yes, that,” Mimic said, a little uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation. “I admit, he’s not...” She trailed off.

“The princess understands the circumstances,” Thistleroot said. “She understands what his life was, and that not everything he’s done was of his own volition, but he’s still dangerous, and has done some terrible things. He’ll live here, but he won’t be allowed to wander. If he’s ever unhappy with that, he can return to the changelings wherever they end up settling.”

“Yes, that,” Mimic said again. In the end, Scootaloo had held up her end of their bargain perfectly. Mimic knew she shouldn’t have been surprised, but a lifetime of cynicism was proving to be a hard habit to break.

Still, she had all the time she needed, didn’t she?

“Well, howdy!” Another voice called out. Mimic turned to see seven figures walking toward them. Most were only vaguely familiar. She’d seen them once or twice each in the past two weeks, though the wings and horn of the alicorn princess in the middle were unmistakable. With them was Spike.

“Howdy, sis,” Apple Bloom responded.

Thistleroot squeed, hopping from right hooves to left and back again. “It’s the Elements of Harmony!”

“Now, Ah thought I told ya ta stop calling us that, seein’ as how we ain’t connected to them no more,” the orange one, Apple Bloom’s sister, said. Applejack? Yeah, that sounded right.

“Right, right,” Thistleroot said, taking a calm voice. “Sorry. I’ll get used to the whole starstruck thing eventually. Let’s try that again.” He bounced back and forth from left to right, squeeing again. “It’s the heroes of Equestria!”

“Thistleroot, please,” the blue pegasus said, rolling her eyes. “Continue.” Rainbow Dash, Mimic remembered, looking at her mane. Scootaloo’s sister.

“Anyway,” Applejack said, ignoring the pegasus, “what do ya’ll say we get this show on the road. We’ve got a lot to be doing.”

“Sure thing, sis,” Apple Bloom said. “We’ve already talked it over. Thistleroot and Ah will help ya out in the gardens.”

“Good on ya. We’re gonna need a lot a food come winter.”

Thistleroot snapped a salute. “You can count on us.”

“I’m going to help with cooking!” Sweetie Belle said, enthusiastically. “All of the builders are going to need hot lunches, after all.

“Oh,” the older white unicorn that could only be her sister said with a forced smile. “Are you sure you don’t want to help me and Twilight with the planning?”


“Well, that’s great!” the pink one said, voice much too loud for Mimic’s taste. “We can use all the help we can get.”

“Well, I suppose you have... learned some... since you were younger,” Sweetie Belle’s sister said, glancing aside, nervously. Mimic made a mental note to never let Sweetie Belle cook for her.

“Mimic, wasn’t it?” the princess, Twilight Sparkle asked, looking at her. She nodded. “I know it wasn’t your city to begin with—”

“I’m here to help,” she answered before Twilight could finish the question.

“I’m glad to hear it,” Twilight said, giving her a genuine smile. “You’ve decided to stay, then?”

Mimic shrugged. “I guess. Somepony promised me a ficus if I did.”

“What’s a ficus?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“No idea. I’ll join the cleaning teams. I can use magic to break up rubble pretty well.”

“Sounds like a plan. You’ll be with Rainbow then,” Applejack said. “Well, no time like the present.”

“Agreed,” Thistleroot said. “Meet back up for dinner?” Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Spike nodded in agreement, and the group broke up.

Thistleroot had a point, in his own weird way. She had friends now. A place to live where her survival wasn’t dependent on how hard she worked. It surprised her to realize that she was actually happy at the moment. She could be zen, for a little while at least. Whatever that actually meant.

Mimic looked back at Thistleroot one last time, but he was already following Apple Bloom and Applejack down the road. She turned to follow Rainbow Dash, and let herself smile.

Maybe someday.

Next Chapter: Epilogue Part 2: Scootaloo's Choice Estimated time remaining: 8 Minutes
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