

by ezra09

Chapter 29: Mimic

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“Well, well, if it isn’t my dear Rose,” Star Shine said, leaning casually against the bars of his prison cell. He looked younger without his suit, and well groomed even after his time in prison. The red and pink unicorn approached, flanked by two prison guards.

“Star Shine,” Rose said with a nod. “You don’t look very pleased to see me.”

“Should I be? You aren’t here to break me out.”

“And what makes you say that?” Rose Thorn asked.

“Simple. Your changeling friends could have freed me on day one,” Star Shine nodded toward Rose’s guards. “They’ve been keeping an eye on me, making sure I don’t sell you out.”

“More perceptive than I gave you credit for.”

“As usual,” Star Shine said. “I’m no idiot, Rose. I knew from the start I would end up playing your scapegoat.”

“And yet you went along with it. How does that not make you an idiot?”

Star Shine shrugged. “Why are you here? You wouldn’t risk tipping your hoof for a social call.”

“You’re the one who examined Scootaloo’s mind. I want to know everything you can tell me about the time Discord was free, and the weeks leading up to it.”

Star Shine wordlessly crossed his cell and pulled a stack of papers from under his cot. “I figured you would ask. Now that I’m not around, you need to know all the smaller details for yourself.”

“Of course. There’s no telling what might eventually come up. I suppose you’re going to ask a price?”

Star Shine wordlessly pushed the papers between the cell bars. Free of the dampening field inside the cell, Rose’s magic lifted them into the air in front of her. “Just like that?”

He nodded. “Now get out of here. I’m tired of looking at that smug face.” Rose Thorn flashed him an angry glare, but after a moment she shook her head and turned. “One more thing, Rose.” Star Shine called as she walked away.

“What now?”

“You wondered why I would cooperate knowing that I would be a scapegoat? Truth is, I wanted to do everything in my power to help you.”

Rose arched an eyebrow. “And all of this was worth your imprisonment?”

“A short imprisonment, yes. After you’ve usurped the throne, you’re going to free me.”

“I suppose it’s the least I could do,” Rose agreed.

“You’re also going to give me a high ranking position, and the freedom to continue my magical research. I’m thinking a nice, big mansion. Maybe Manehatten all to myself.”

Rose Thorn let out a single harsh laugh. “A bit full of ourselves today, aren’t we? Why in Equestria would I give any of that to somepony who couldn’t keep themselves out of prison? You’re useless to me, Star Shine.”

“Well, I’m not exactly asking out of a desire to serve you, Rose. I’m not even asking. Consider it more of a demand.”

“And what makes you think you could demand anything of me?” Rose asked, humor fading as her voice took on a dangerous edge.

“Because, I’m more perceptive than you give me credit for. I know you disrupted my memory spells. You’re the only one who had access.”

“Or perhaps you simply made a mistake.”

“No. No, it’s not that. So, I asked myself, why would Rose want to sabotage our plans? It didn’t take a genius to figure you wanted Scootaloo to live for at least a little while. Long enough for the memory spells to slip. And then I realized, you’ve been playing both sides of the field this entire time.”

“I wouldn’t expect you to understand my motives,” Rose said, rolling her eyes.

“Yes, yes. We’re all playing checkers while you’re playing chess. Save me the horrible cliches. It just so happens I do understand.”


Star Shine put his front hooves against the cell bars and stared out at her, meeting her eyes. He didn’t blink, didn’t glance away as he said, “Trust me, Rose Thorn. I understand perfectly. And all it would take is a little message to send it all crashing down.”

“Lirean’s changelings are ordered to stop any message you try to send, and to be sure you can’t try again.”

“Of course they are. So, I can’t get a message to Celestia.”

Rose blinked.

“Now you understand, don’t you?”

She turned around, face expressionless and a bit pale.

“Manehatten,” Star Shine called after her. “A nice penthouse.”

Rose left without another word.


Scootaloo was being watched. She couldn’t see the changeling. She’d been trying to sleep and had her eyes closed, but she could feel it sitting on the other side of the bars. Her skin crawled. She wanted to hide, but she already knew there was nothing in the cell to duck behind.

Finally she gave up and pushed herself into a sitting position. The changeling looked like... well, like a changeling. Big blue eyes, fangs, a black body. Scootaloo couldn’t help but wonder how they told each other apart. She was even more confused when the changeling spoke with a girl’s voice.

“Good morning,” she said.

“Hi,” Scootaloo answered.

“Did you sleep well?” the changeling asked.

“Uh, no. Kind of hard to relax when you’re a prisoner,” Scootaloo said flatly.

“It could always be worse,” the changeling said. “You’re alive, aren’t you?”

“Oh, yeah. Thank Celestia for that. Everything is just sunshine and rainbows, isn’t it?”

“I don’t think your princess had anything to do with it.”

Scootaloo sighed and rolled her eyes. “It’s an expression.”

“I see,” the changeling said slowly. “Are you crazy?”

“No, why?” Scootaloo asked.

“Some other changelings heard you talking to yourself last night. That usually means you’re crazy, you know.” Scootaloo answered with a silent glare. “So,” the changeling said, “you’re Scootaloo, right?”


“My name is Mimic.” Scootaloo grunted in response. They sat in silence for a few moments.

“So, was there anything you wanted?”

“I just wanted to see you,” Mimic answered. She lifted a hoof and pointed beside her. Scootalo looked and saw a bowl on the floor. “I volunteered to bring you breakfast.”

Scootaloo’s stomach growled at the thought of food. “Why would you want to meet me?”

“Curiosity,” Mimic answered. “You’re the reason Queen Chrysalis is gone, after all. Almost every changeling knows your name.”

Scootaloo groaned. “And I thought it was bad enough when just Lirean wanted revenge.”

“I wouldn’t worry too much,” Mimic said. “Queen Lirean and Queen Chrysalis were sisters. Most of the other changelings don’t feel as strongly about you one way or the other. A lot of us lost family members during the attack on Canterlot. Queen Chrysalis wasn’t as popular as Queen Lirean would have you believe.”

“Lost family members?” Scootaloo asked. “How? The spell Shining Armor used was supposed to throw you away from Canterlot, not actually hurt you.”

“Oh, it wasn’t the spell that did it. It was the landing. I’ve heard you personally saw to injuries Queen Chrysalis suffered because of that spell.”

“Oh, right.”

“Don’t get me wrong, none of us like you, but Chrysalis wasn’t a beloved monarch herself.”

“Well, that’s almost reassuring. So, you said you came to bring me breakfast?”

The changeling nodded and her horn began to glow with a faint green light. The bowl lifted into the air and floated closer. After a moment, the light flared and the bowl launched across the room, bouncing off a wall and to the floor, spilling its contents across the dirt and rocks.

“Oops,” Mimic said with a smirk. She turned and began to walk away. “See you at lunch.”

Next Chapter: Common Ground Estimated time remaining: 9 Hours, 9 Minutes
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