

by ezra09

Chapter 2: First day

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Scootaloo looked up at the imposing building with a resigned sigh. It was a nice place, really. All the lawns were well cared for. A stone path, flanked with statues of mythical creatures, led up to a large pair of double doors. Large letters above the doors read "Celestia's School for Gifted Ponies" in bright, freshly painted lettering. It was the kind of place Scootaloo's parents couldn't have afforded, if they had...

Scootaloo shook her head and trudged up to the doors. They were standing open to welcome students for the day. The inside of the school was as nice as the outside. Bright walls were decorated with statues and plaques of achievements, or dotted with glass cases displaying some achievement of the school's alumni.

In the very front of the entrance hall, facing the open doors, was a statue of Starswirl the Bearded, the school's first instructor. He stood regally in his star-spotted cape and goofy hat.

The students passed by her, barely giving her a second look. Most of them wore some kind of fashionable clothing or saddle, and Scootaloo felt underdressed. She decided to ignore it and act as though she owned the place. Maybe if she looked like she belonged, nopony would question her.

Scootaloo turned left and walked down the hallway with a purposeful stride. Several turns later, her purposeful stride had slowed. "Where the hay am I supposed to go?"

"Depends on what you're looking for," somepony said near her right flank. She jumped slightly, and turned. A unicorn stallion about her age gave a friendly smile. He was a dark blue with a paler, mussed mane.

"Uh, I'm looking for Coach Thunderhead."

"Ugh, ol' Hothead."

"Hothead?" Scootaloo asked.

"His nickname from the last school he taught at, because of his temper. A couple of his students transferred with him when the new wings opened up. I met him my first day, he nearly tore my head off."

Scootaloo gave a miserable groan.

"Uh, not that he's really that bad. I'm sure you'll be fine. He should be out in the field, getting ready for his classes. Need me to show you the way?"

"Please," Scootaloo said, nodding in thanks.

"I'm Thistleroot, by the way."


Thistleroot gestured with a hoof and started down the hall. "So, what do you need to see him for?"

"I'm his new teaching assistant," Scootaloo said.

Thistleroot winced. "Oh. Well, like I said, he's probably not that bad. I'm sure he just didn't like me."

"Uh-huh, sure," Scootaloo agreed with no enthusiasm.

"This way," he said, starting down a flight of stairs. "So, you're a teaching assistant?"

"I am now, I guess," Scootaloo said, following him down.

"You new at it?"

"Yeah, it's kind of a temporary thing. I'm doing it as a favor for the princess."

Thistleroot stopped so suddenly Scootaloo had to skip awkwardly to the side to avoid running into him. "The princess? Like, Princess Celestia?"

"Uh, yeah?"

"You actually know the princess? I mean, well enough to do favors for her?"

"I guess?" Scootaloo said with an arched eyebrow.

"Wow," Thistleroot said with a sharp whistle. "I've only even seen her once, at the Summer Sun festival a few years ago, when it was held in Fillydelphia. Oh, uh, this way." The unicorn blushed as he started up again. at the end of the hall was a smaller door that led outside. A short set of stairs led to a flat expanse of grass. "That's him, the angry red one."

A pegasus stallion stood out on the field, red coat blindingly obvious against the green field. He had a short cropped black mane, and looked like his face was on the verge of exploding. Several younger ponies bustled about, ducking their heads as he barked instructions.

"Good luck," Thistleroot said with an encouraging smile before disappearing through the door.

Scootaloo took a deep breath and started out toward the group.

"Stargazer, pick up the pace! Clear Skies, get those boxes over here!" The pegasus yelled, sending two of the ponies into a panicked gallop.

"Um, excuse me, sir?" Scootaloo said in a weak voice.

"Blue Moon, get your flank moving!"

"Excuse me, sir?" She said again, louder.

"Heard you the first time," Coach Thunderhead snapped. "What do you want?"

"Uh, I was told to report to you today. I'm your new assistant, Scootaloo."

"You're late, Scooterloo," he said, turning and trotting away. Scootaloo bit her bottom lip and followed.

"I, uh, got lost."

"Make sure it doesn't happen again. Go help Clear Skies move the gear."

Scootaloo wisely kept her frustrated moan silent and turned to start her first day of work.


Scootaloo plopped her head down on the cafeteria table, closing her eyes for a few precious moments. She wasn't a stranger to hard work, and she flew often enough to stay in shape, but Coach Thunderhead was a slave driver. She spent the entire morning moving gear, setting up equipment, and cleaning the field house.

"Tough day?" Scootaloo lazily opened an eye at the familiar voice to see Thistleroot standing next to her, lunch tray levitating beside him in an aura of blue silver magic. "This seat taken?"

"Knock yourself out," Scootaloo replied.

"Well," Thistleroot said, drawing back, "how rude."

"Huh? No, I don't mean literally," Scootaloo said, head coming up from the table. "It's..." She trailed off and her eyes narrowed as she caught the goofy grin stretching across his face. "I've had a long day," she muttered in her own defense.

Thistleroot slid his tray onto the table and sat across from her. "I guess Hothead worked you pretty hard?"

"Uhn" Scootaloo groaned in agreement. "Do you have any idea how much gum ends up on the underside of a bleacher?"

Thistleroot shuddered. "No, but thank you for that image."

Scootaloo gave a short chuckle. "So, what do you do around here? You look too old to be a student."

"I got held back," he answered soberly.

"Oh," Scootaloo said, glancing down awkwardly.

"But no," he said, bouncing up with a smile, "I'm actually a graduate student teaching a basic magic class."

Scootaloo's forehead hit the table. "Your jokes are gonna get old real fast."

"Probably," Thistleroot agreed with a nod before happily taking a bite of salad.


The rest of the afternoon passed much like the morning, and Scootaloo trotted sluggishly through Canterlot, happy to be heading home. She could have stayed in the campus housing if she'd wanted, but Rainbow Dash had gotten a place in Canterlot after joining the wonderbolts, and had offered Scootaloo a room.

"Hey," Dash called as Scootaloo came in through the kitchen. "How was it."

"Uhhhnnn," Scootaloo answered.

"That good, huh?"

"I'll tell you later," Scootaloo said, passing through the living room. Dash sat on the couch, an old Daring Do book propped up in front of her. "I need a shower first."

Scootaloo jumped as the first wave of cold water hit her coat. She almost bolted from the shower, but gritted her teeth until she was used to it. After a minute, she bowed her head, eyes closed, enjoying the running water. It was nice to be clean after a day of hard work.

Honestly, it wasn't that bad. Coach Thunderhead was obnoxious, and she was sore from head to hoof, but at least it was a job. One without all the drama she'd had to deal with in Ponyville.

Scootaloo was always worried that she would drive everypony away. It was supposed to be her special talent, after all. And sometimes she would, simply because her constant worries would weigh on her until she snapped. But now that she was working under Celestia's orders, it didn't seem like a problem. Thunderhead didn't like her anyway, or anypony for that matter. As long as she didn't screw up too badly, she'd be fine. With luck, all the hard work would be done, and the actual teaching would be easier.

With her spirits lifted, she dried off and went to grab a bite to eat and tell Rainbow Dash about her day.

Next Chapter: Cutie Mark Crusaders Estimated time remaining: 12 Hours, 4 Minutes
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