

by ezra09

Chapter 13: Consulting an Expert

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So we’re just going to tell everypony how crazy we are?

“I’m not crazy,” Scootaloo said again, never slowing.

Of course not. That’s what all the crazies say.

“Thistleroot didn’t think I was crazy.”

Thistleroot’s an idiot.

Scootaloo ignored the comment, reaching the large house and rapping quickly on the door. A few seconds passed before a small purple dragon answered. “Hey Scootaloo. I thought you were at work.”

“I need to talk to Twilight. Is she around?”

“Uh yeah, in her study.”

Scootaloo nodded and pushed past Spike into the house. He watched her with a worried frown as she climbed the stairs and disappeared from view.

She knocked again when she reached the right door. “Not now Spike!”

“Uh, it’s me actually.”

“Scootaloo?” There was a flurry of scribbling and stacking sound for a few seconds before she said, “Come in.”

Twilight's study was, like most of her house, filled with books. An ornate desk sat across from the door, piled high with papers and form. Twilight herself looked more harassed than usual, but offered the mare a friendly smile. “What do you need?”

“I was wondering if I can ask you about a book?”

“Sure, which one?” Twilight studied her for a moment, friendly smile faltering. “Is everything alright?”

Scootaloo shook her head and started talking.


Thistleroot trotted down Lincolt Avenue, groceries trailing through the air behind him. With a yawn, he produced the key to his apartment building and moved to put it into the lock.


His smile brightened as he turned and said, “Hey. I thought you’d headed home.”

Scootaloo smiled sweetly up at him. “Of course not. Come on, I need to show you something.” Without another word, she turned down the street, smiling back at him a few steps later.


“And to make things worse, I accidentally snapped at my friend,” Scootaloo said. “I mean, I’m sure he’ll understand when I explain it to him, but on top of everything else...” She trailed off with a sigh.

Twilight looked up from the stack of books she’d been gathering to give her a sympathetic smile. “Of course he will.”

“So, any ideas what might be causing it?”

Twilight nodded, rifling through the first book on the stack. “Well, it’s pretty obviously the mental blocks. I mean, there could be another cause, in theory, but the timing is just too perfect.”

Scootaloo breathed a sigh of relief. “So, any way to fix it?”

Twilight touched the corner of her mouth with her tongue, face deep with thought. “I don’t have any cures off the top of my head, but your friend was right. It should disappear on its own eventually. Your brain shouldn’t have been physically altered in any way, so as the magic fades, it’ll weaken, just like any spell without a source of upkeep.”

“Well, is there any way to keep it quieter until that happens?” Scootaloo’s ears went flat as her voice fell a bit, “It’s... not exactly friendly.”

“Well, some ponies theorize side effects such as schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder are a result of cognitive dissonance. The conscious mind and subconscious mind each have a slightly different set of memories, and don’t know how to deal with the incongruity.”

“Uh, could you repeat that in Equestrian?”

Twilight smiled sheepishly. “Sorry. Basically, the you that does all the thinking is missing memories, and it’s throwing you off balance. Even less serious cases would mean feeling surprise, anger, dread, and guilt more easily than other ponies. These feelings can also aggravate the condition, meaning you’d hear this voice more often during times of stress.”

“That sounds about right. So if I avoid stuff like that, I won’t hear it that often?”

Twilight nodded. She hesitated for a moment before asking, “If you don’t think it’ll be hard to talk about, do you mind if I ask you a few questions? It’s really rare to find a real subject, with this kind of magic being illegal. It might also help me come up with more ways to help.”

Scootaloo shrugged, “I’ve already told you most everything, I guess a few questions aren’t gonna bother me any.”

Twilight smiled, levitating a notebook and quill in front of her. “So, I guess some basics first. What does the voice sound like? Yourself?”

“It did once, but usually it sounds like Discord.” Scootaloo was staring at the floor again, and jumped when something slapped the ground in front of her. She looked up to see the notebook had fallen from Twilights grip. Twilight was looking at her in a mixture of surprise and pity.


“Everything’s fine with Discord,” Twilight told the princess. “Not a drop of power is leaking through.”

“Good,” Celestia said. “I’ll have some guards keep a closer watch on him for the next few weeks, just to be sure.”

Twilight nodded before sitting down. Celestia levitated a cup of tea to her, which she accepted gratefully. “Scootaloo’s asleep at my house right now. Spike sent a letter to Rainbow letting her and Apple Bloom know. I figured she could use a good night’s sleep, so I gave her a potion to help her relax.”

Celestia nodded approvingly. “I was afraid she might experience some side effects, but I never imagined this.”

“I didn’t know she still felt this guilty,” Twilight said.

“It’s probably better if she takes some time off work. Could you talk to Mr. Shine for me?”

“Yes princess. I needed to bring him some papers tomorrow anyway.”

With the matter decided, the student and teacher fell into a comfortable silence.


“I didn’t realize it would be this far,” Thistleroot complained as they neared the outer gates, his groceries still hanging in the air beside him.

“It’s just past the bridge,” Scootaloo promised, urging him forward.

Thistleroot sighed, resigned to go along with whatever she wanted to show him. At least she was smiling again. More than usual even. He felt a small shiver as they crossed the Canterlot city limits and left the city’s protective spells behind.

Somewhere in the part of his mind that never shut up, he remembered the spells had been laid down ten years earlier, after the changeling attack at Princess Cadence’s wedding. Among them was a dampening effect for changeling magic, making most of their skills useless, and constantly wearing down their shape shifting.

At the same time, Scootaloo turned to flash him another bright smile.

“Scootaloo, have your eyes always been green?”

Scootaloo tilted her head in confusion. “Of course.”


Next Chapter: Dwelling on Nightmares Estimated time remaining: 10 Hours, 50 Minutes
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