
Galaxy Rangers: The Movie - Shocker Crisis!

by Rixizu

Chapter 8

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Galaxy Rangers: The Movie - Shocker Crisis!
Chapter 8
by Rixizu

“Huh, it seems you really have me in a pickle,” Trixie said in a tone that vastly understated the severity of the situation. She spoke as if she’d just been inconvenienced by the traffic.

“Surrender or your friend will lose a little off the top of her head!” Sasoritokages increased the tension on Twilight’s throat.

“Twilight! Twilight!” Starlight panicked over the comm, terrified and unable to help.

“I can’t surrender.” Trixie shrugged. “What about my mission? I’m here to rescue somepony.”

“You don’t have a choice!” Sasoritokages spat. “Give up, or this filly dies!” The Combatponies moved in closer to the Ranger, but Trixie only stood there.

Come on Trixie, do something! Twilight sent a glare towards her friend, but Trixie didn’t even so much as a twitch.

A confused expression passed over Inquisitor Doo’s on her face. Sudden realization hit her and she gave Sasoritokages a frantic look. “You foal. She’s stalling for time. It’s an illusion! She’s right behind you!”

Out of literally nowhere, Trixie appeared behind Sasoritokages and slashed them with her sword. They cried out in pain and released Twilight. The Trixie the Shocker goons had been circling gave a wave before disappearing in a cloud of pink smoke.

“Are you okay?” Trixie asked.

Twilight grabbed at her throat. It was sore and had a nasty claw mark over it, but she was otherwise undamaged. “I’ll live.”

“Quick, do you computer stuff while they’re distracted,” Trixie whispered before standing in front of her blocking Shocker’s view. She created an illusion of Twilight standing still, staring at the Shocker goons with a fearful look. Twilight nodded and levitated the computer’s mouse, clicking several options to give Trixie the proper clearance. Sure, Trixie could explode every obstacle, but unlocking them would be simpler.

Ditzy growled and gritted her teeth. Sasoritokages cried out in pain as she slapped them across the face. “Idiot! How did you not notice her sneaking behind you?”

“I’m a mare of many talents,” Trixie replied, her voice holding no modesty. “I could list them all, but I don’t think the universe will live long enough.”

“It matters not.” Ditzy’s voice held an icy calm. “Reinforcements will be here soon enough, and this prison will become your new home. You and the rest of your little band of rebel scum.” The Combatponies moved in to attack. Sasoritokages stood up straight, trying to regain their dignity and joined their comrades for a joint attack.

“Scum?” Trixie replied indignantly.

“Get her!” Sasoritokages charged, and the Ursa Ranger dodged an incoming claw. Trixie used her sword to keep the Combatponies away from Twilight, giving her the time she needs to complete her task.

“Are you done?” Trixie whispered, and Twilight nodded.

The illusion of Twilight disappeared, much to the surprise of the Combatponies, and the real version unleashed a crippling blow in the nearest goon. She flipped others into the warden’s computer, smashing it to pieces and hiding what she’d just done. Trixie slashed Sasoritokages with her sword against, but it did no damage and she received a painful blow to the chest for her troubles.

“It would be fun to play longer, but we must dash.” Trixie gave the Shocker agents a salute and out of nowhere hundreds of Twilights and Trixies appeared running in random directions. The Combatponies waved their heads around frantically, trying to find the real articles. Some copies ran out the front door and Combatponies chased after them. Inquisitor Ditzy yelled for calm and order, but the chaos drowned her out.

“Shhh, quiet. Follow my lead,” Trixie whispered and rendered them invisible, and they sneaked out a side door which turned out to lead to a bathroom, a dead end. “Not what I was expecting, oh well.” She used her sword to cut through the wall and they entered a passage leading deep into the mansion.

“Angel, we don’t have long. Could you guide us to the most secure part of the prison?” Twilight asked and the bunny nodded, leading the way. Trixie’s illusion dropped as soon as they reentered the prison proper, but it didn’t matter and they ran at full speed. An alarm blared through the complex, which gave Twilight a headache.

“After them!”

“It’s the hated Ranger!”

Combatponies swarmed after them. The entire complex was alive and gunning for their lives. They clogged the corridors, slowing their path to a crawl. Twilight cursed. They didn’t have time for this. Twilight ducked as a Combatpony swung a knife towards her throat and slammed them against the wall with a powerful punch. Another came at her with a billy club, and she ripped it from his hooves and knocked him across the head. She used her new weapon to great effect, fighting back to back with Trixie who was swinging her sword wildly. Angel joined the fighting too, using bunny kung fu to send Combatponies flying. He was deceptively strong from someanimal so small.

“There’s too many of them!” A Combatpony jumped Trixie from behind and then several more dog-piled on top of her. Twilight blew them off with a magical burst and they crashed into their fellows.

“Thanks.” Trixie got back to her hooves. She kicked one of the Combatponies unconscious as she tried standing. Twilight’s attack had cleared out most of the bad guys, giving them the freedom to escape.

Angel led them down some winding corridors. They finally stopped at an elevator with a sign indicating this led to the special prisoner section of the prison. Trixie wasted no time and scanned hoof with the scanner. Moments later, the elevator door opened with a ping, allowing entry. They cried out in surprise when Sasoritokages crashed through a wall, followed by Inquisitor Ditzy.

“You’re not making this easy on us, are you?” Trixie sighed before charging at Sasoritokages with her sword. She ran up the wall and attacked the monster from the air. They grunted in pain, but her blow still didn’t do that much damage.

Twilight tensed as Combatponies surrounded her with Inquisitor Doo slowly stalking her like she was a prey animal.

“You’re here for the special prisoner, right?” Inquisitor Doo studied Twilight, trying to gain her measure. “You are, aren’t you? I wonder why?“ The other mare’s gaze made Twilight uncomfortable. Had the Inquisitor figured out Twilight’s identity?

Twilight yelped in surprise as Trixie grabbed her with a hoof and threw her into the elevator. Twilight groaned in pain as she righted herself after impacting the elevator wall.

“Hold on a minute!” Twilight didn’t have time to protest, for Trixie used her magic to press the down button and elevator doors closed with a slam. Angel gave her an encouraging smile before joining the Ranger in the fight.

“Do what you need to do.” The elevator doors muffled Trixie’s words. “We got this up here.”

“Trixie, you idiot!” It was too late, and Twilight was already going down into the terrible depths of the Shockeropolis Maximum Security Prison.


“Great, I’m going down into the depths of a prison with no way of escape,” Twilight said as the elevator descended deeper into the center of this infernal facility. Trixie had forgotten that Twilight needed her bioprint to return to the surface. Pushing her head had only trapped Twilight down in this pit with some of the vilest and dangerous criminals in Equestria.

“Starlight, can you still hear me?” Twilight asked her comm hopefully. Starlight could rescue her. The confusion caused by Trixie’s rampage might provide the distraction she needed. She paused. No response.

“Terrific…” Twilight was all alone.

Ding. The elevator stopped and opened. It revealed a dark corridor and Twilight popped her head out, expecting Combatponies everywhere. Instead, she saw nopony. Twilight stepped a tentative hoof out of the elevator. She’d find her mother first, then come up with an escape plan.

Twilight kept low, trying to not draw attention to herself. Few Combatponies barred her path, and she avoided them without issue. Their small number didn’t surprise her. This section of the prison housed only twenty prisoners. She saw them sleeping in their glass homes. Dear Shocker, she recognized many of these ponies from the news. Murders, traitors, and worse. The pony in the cell in front of her, Cobalt, killed twelve mares before they caught him. Even Shocker found what he did to his victims monstrous. The next, Livewire, kidnapped foals for little other reason than his own amusement. Most returned alive, but never the same. This one, Sea Swirl, was the infamous dine-and-dasher who skipped out of over 1,000 meals before getting caught.

“Psst.” Somepony tapped at the glass next to her.

Twilight shrieked, startling everypony awake. Ponies were rousing awake by the unexpected noise leaving Twilight seconds to make herself scarce. She pulled out her climbing gloves and clung to the ceiling, hoping, praying they would hold.

“What’s the racket?” A Combatpony stomped into the prison block, a furious expression on her face.

“Sorry dear, I had a bad dream.” A mare with an elegant voice said.

The other cellmates groaned and complained angrily about their sleeping being interrupted. The Combatpony yelled at and threatened the mare several more times before resuming her patrol. After Twilight made sure the guard had departed, she dropped to the ground.

“Sorry about startling you, darling.” The elegant mare said. “If I’d know I’d give you such a fright, I would have tried a more gentle approach.”

A white unicorn walked up to the glass, a friendly smile on her face. Something about this pony’s appearance stuck Twilight as familiar, but she couldn’t quite place it.

“Hi, thanks for not reporting me to the guard.” Twilight gave the other mare a wary look.

“Not a problem, dear.” The mare replied. “From your most fashionable getup, I can tell you aren’t part of the guard. Here to stage a rescue, are we? I’m Rarity.”

The name echoed through Twilight’s head as she tried to recall where she’d heard that name before. A gasp escaped her lips when she finally placed it.

“You’re the Rarity that stole 10 billion bits from Shocker’s research department!” Even Shocker with its obsession with bringing ponies to the next stage of evolution balked at such a loss. It stalled almost all their major projects for years. The money’s whereabouts still remained a mystery.

Rarity beamed with professional pride. “All in the name of stopping Shocker’s evil, darling. They were performing some truly inequine experiments. Why are you in this dreadful place? I take it, it isn’t to visit?”

“I’m here to rescue Twilight Velvet, my mom!” Twilight replied and froze when she realized she’d revealed too much. Something about Rarity made you want to talk with her.

An expression Twilight couldn’t quite place passed over Rarity’s face. “That one? Yes, I see the resemblance. That mare is dangerous, there’s a reason they locked her up.”

“What did she do?” Twilight felt the sudden urge to defend her mother. She was only little when her mom disappeared, but her mother’s loving smile never left her after all these years.

Rarity thought about it. “Well, it wasn’t one thing exactly, but she’s unpredictable and too brilliant for her own good.”

Twilight bristled. “When she gets out of here, she can use that brilliance to put an end to Shocker’s evil for good!”

“I suppose so, darling.” Rarity replied. “A mother and daughter deserve their happy reunion. Come, we’ll spring her before Shocker realizes you’re here.”


“You’ll need my help, darling.” Rarity beamed. “There’s no prison I can’t escape from.” To demonstrate, she pulled out a needle from under her mattress and placed it in between the door mechanism. After several seconds of fiddling, the door opened with a hiss. Twilight starred, mouth agape.

“The real issue is getting up the elevator.” Rarity said. “I’m still not sure how to crack its security. Not that it matters with you here since you already have the passcodes.”

Twilight froze, unsure how to reply. “Not exactly.”

Rarity wrinkled her brow. “Is that so? No matter. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. Twilight Velvet is being held in solitary confinement. In the meantime, you can explain to me how you marvelously infiltrated this prison.”


“Trixie? How marvelous. No wonder Shocker’s been running around in circles.” Excitement overcame Rarity when heard Twilight’s brief explanation.

“You’ve heard of her? Down here?”

“Combatpony 8611 is a terrible gossip, and the Ranger has been the talk of the town for days. The more I hear of your merry band, the more I find it fabulous!”

Twilight supposed so. So much had happened since Trixie entered their world. It gave a pony hope that Shocker wasn’t unbeatable.'

“And here we are.” Rarity gestured to a line of metal doors. They had no windows indicating who might be inside. Twilight’s heart raced as they approached.

“How do we get in?”

“Oh, ye of little faith!” Rarity pulled out her needle and fiddled with the controls of the cell. It took two minutes, but the door opened with a hiss, revealing nothing but darkness within.

“Hello?” Twilight called out in the darkness, her heart thumping harder in her chest.

“Oh, time for another interrogation? At 3:40 in the morning? How tedious.” A pony said inside.

“No, darling.” Rarity replied. “We’re here to rescue you!”

A pale grey unicorn mare walked out of the cell. She had purple hair like Twilight, but it had white stripes instead of raspberry. What stuck Twilight most about her mother was her eyes. They contained ferrous intelligence that scanned the room with a casual, bored interest.

“Mom.” Those were the only works Twilight could spill from her lips, so overcome with emotion. Twilight Velvet’s boredom turned to confusion before her eyes widened.

“Twilight?!” Twilight Velvet said in complete astonishment.

“Mom!” Twilight ran to her mother, embracing into a gigantic hug. Her mother hugged her back the same way she did all those years ago.

“I’ve missed you so much!” Tears flowed in Twilight’s eyes, unbidden and unrestrained.

Twilight Velvet stroked her head. “So have I, Little Spark.”


Several minutes passed as Twilight Velvet comforted her long-lost daughter. Grim reality returned as a Combatpony came upon the scene, ruining the moment.

“Hey! An escape attempt?!” The Combatpony blew a whistle attached to her suit.

“It was a sweet moment too.” Rarity said with a huff.

Twilight mentally hit herself for getting distracted. Happy reunions would have to wait, and she stood in front of her mom protectively as Combatponies appeared ready to surround them.

“Whoever you are, give up!” A Combatpony said. “We’ve got you surrounded!”

“Such rudeness!” Rarity sent that Combatpony a nasty uppercut and they crashed into a wall.

Twilight smiled at her, impressed. They worked together to fight off the horde showing no quarter. Her mom watched the scene with intense interest, taking pleasure in her daughter’s fighting skills. The other prisoners yelled for freedom as they ran past towards the elevator, but they ignored them. They didn’t have time, and Twilight gritted her teeth as a pony wearing a black beret blocked their path.

“Impressive you’ve gotten so far, but your journey ends here.” A thick red shell formed over his body and a terrible looking claw formed from his right hoof. His face became this hideous cross between a pony and a crab with two sharp fangs. “You’ve entered the depths of hell and none leave alive! Call me, Kanibubbler!”

Twilight dodged as it sent its powerful claw towards her head, which shattered the nearby wall when it missed. Combatponies filled the other end of the corridor, leaving them surrounded. Rarity watched Twilight’s back as she tried fighting this monster by herself. Twilight Velvet continued to observe the fight with interest but did nothing to aid them. Twilight ducked under another blow from the creature’s formidable claw and sent a stun beam his way. It bounced off his shell and he laughed in amusement.

What can I do? I can’t defeat this thing without Trixie’s help! Twilight sent a punch into Kanibubbler’s chest but only hurt her hoof.

“Oh dear, this is looking dire.” Twilight Velvet’s voice remained calm, almost bored. “Give me a second, Little Spark.”

Whatever her mom was planning, Twilight would have her the time she needed. Another punch did no damage, but it kept his attention on her so he didn’t go after her mom and Rarity. The creature grew tired of Twilight’s dodging and speed and changed tactics. Bubbles shot from its mouth right towards Twilight. She flipped away, avoiding the attack by a hair. A nearby Combatpony wasn’t so lucky and screamed as they impacted his face. Moments later, his body dissolved into nothing. Twilight’s heart raced. A few seconds had been between her and certain death.

She circled around her opponent, wondering if there was any way for him to get past him. Any prolonged conflict wouldn’t end well, and Trixie still needed their aid. She dodged another shot of bubbles that burned through the concrete wall in moments. Fear filled her heart when she realized the monster had her cornered and Rarity was too busy fighting off Combatponies to help her. Kanibubbler looked pleased with himself, enjoying her helplessness and terror.

“That’s enough, I think.” Twilight Velvet struck the monster’s back with a beam, and much to Twilight’s amazement, it made the creature stagger in pain. Her mom threw something to her hooves. It was a metal gauntlet, pure white with purple highlights.

“It isn’t much, but it will turn the tide of the fight.” A smirk formed on her mother’s face. “Show me your power, Little Spark.”

Twilight nodded and took the gauntlet, slipping it onto her right hoof. Its power surprised her as it shattered the stone floor as soon as she started walking on it. Her mom had given her an item of immense power. It took her a moment to adjust her walking pace so she wouldn’t break the floor or throw herself into the air.

Rarity cried out in pain as she fell to the floor after Kanibubbler knocked her over with a slap of his pincer, leaving her prone and helpless. Kanibubbler opened his mouth, preparing to shoot deadly bubbles at his helpless victim.

“Hold on, Rarity!” Twilight sent leaping punch towards the monster, and he cried out in surprise as the blow threw him aside like he was a leaf in the wind.

“You won’t get another shot!” Kanibubbler snarled, sending a barrage of bubbles in Twilight’s direction. She cartwheeled to safety.

“Thanks, darling!” Rarity fought off several Combatponies as they tried attacking her.

Twilight delivered several devastating punches towards her opponent, keeping out of the way of its mouth lest it finish her with a bubble attack. The creature staggered, surprised by the power of her attacks.

“Is this the power of Twilight’s Velvet’s brilliance?” Kanibubbler said.

Twilight’s mom scoffed. “Hardly. It’s something I made from junk. Finish this fool so we can escape.”

“You’ll pay for this!”

Twilight cried out in fear and surprise as Kanibubbler sent a cascade of bubbles in Twilight Velvet’s direction. Her mom calmly sidestepped the attack, and Twilight took advantage of the distraction by delivering a devastating gut punch to the creature. The gauntlet shattered on impact, but the creature toppled over in pain, unable to move.

Twilight winced. “There goes our only means of attack.” Her attack had only stunned Kanibubbler. It would recover soon.

Twilight Velvet shrugged. “No matter. Come, let’s leave this place.”

“I agree.” Rarity let out a breath. Somehow, she’d taken care of the Combatponies. Her mane was ruffled, but she was otherwise unharmed. They made their way towards the elevator.

“What now?” Twilight asked. “We don’t have Trixie to open it.”

Twilight’s mom used her magic to open a panel next to the elevator. “May I borrow your needle?”

“Sure thing.” Rarity levitated over her needle and Twilight’s mom examined it.

“Sonic needle?” Twilight Velvet said with appreciation. “Nice little tool.”

Sonic technology? Impressive. No wonder the door to Rarity’s cell didn’t stand a chance.

“You won’t believe what it took to smuggle it in here, but a lady doesn’t go anywhere unprepared.” Rarity replied. “But that locking mechanism is beyond anything my…” She froze when the elevator opened with a ping. “Or maybe not.”

“Come.” Without prompting, Twilight Velvet entered the elevator and her two companions rushed in after her.

It amazed Twilight how quickly her mom could solve any problem without even a sweat. No wonder Shocker feared her brilliance. The elevator opened to a scene of total chaos. Half of the building was missing its roof and parts of the prison were on fire.

“I see your friend has been busy.” Rarity said in stunned silence. Twilight Velvet showed a rare smile.

They soon found Trixie. Combatponies, both fallen and ready, Sasoritokages, and another monster part pony part piranha surrounded her. Inquisitor Doo stood in the background, a snarl plastered on her face. The Red Ursa Ranger stood amongst the chaos, sword in hoof in a battle stance. Angel stood with her, his fur blackened a little, but otherwise unharmed.

“Don’t worry Trixie, we’re here to help!” Twilight ran towards the battle and shot a Combatpony with a stun beam as it tried attacking Trixie from behind.

“Nice,” Trixie gave Twilight a wave. The piranha monster charged, claws extended, and screamed in pain as Trixie delivered a blow to its midsection with her sword. It went flying across the room when Trixie followed up with a powerful kick.

“You, how did you escape?” Ditzy snarled. Her eyes narrowed when she spotted Twilight’s mom. “Of course, I should have known.” Twilight flew back as a beam of energy shot from her eye, severing a large section of the floor.

Combatponies broke off to confront Twilight and Rarity, banishing scimitars and knives. Her mom, as usual, stood off in the background, not bothering to engage with the enemy. Twilight and Rarity sent a spin kick into a Combatpony which toppled over their friends. Angel joined to help and sent a Combatpony’s head into a wall.

“What do we do?” Sasoritokages asked, sweat forming on the brothers’ brow. “They’re proving more bothersome than expected.

“Oh?” Twilight Velvet raised her head when a figure walked in their direction from a hallway.

“Even with the three of you, you’re unable to handle this pitiful bunch?” The figure said. “You disappoint me, Inquisitor.”

“Ambassador Hell!” Inquisitor Doo did a Shocker salute along with the monsters and Combatponies.

“Well, we just…” Sasoritokages said before being silenced by the Shocker General.

“Silence.” Ambassador Hell said. “You are the latest in Shocker technology. I expected better.”

“Yes.” Sasoritokages flinched back.

Ambassador Hell? Twilight’s heart raced with terror.

“Twilight Velvet, have you finally turned your back on Shocker?” Ambassador Hell sent an eye towards Twilight’s mom.

“Like I was ever with you.” Twilight Velvet replied. “You were a useful stepping stone for me, that’s all.”

Ambassador Hell turned away and drew a whip from his waist and faced Trixie. “Redeem yourselves and capture Twilight Velvet and Trixie’s associates, I, Ambassador Hell, will handle Trixie myself.”

“Right! Anything you say!” Sasoritokages rubbed his pincer and claws together.

“So, are you the big boss pony?” Trixie asked.

“My name is Ambassador Hell! One of the three Shocker generals of Equestria!” Ambassador Hell said. “Your rebellion ends here, Ranger.”

Twilight jumped as her mom tugged at the sleeve of her sneaking suit. “You have an escape path, correct? We have no time to waste.” There was urgency in her expression.

Twilight gave a reluctant nod. “Fluttershy, get ready. We need a quick escape!”

“Um, sure,” Fluttershy said over the comm.

“What’s going on?!” Starlight said. “You disappeared!”

“We might need to go to the moon faster than expected,” Twilight replied, “get ready!”


“The moon?” Twilight Velvet raised an eyebrow.

“I’ll explain later!”

Sasoritokages jumped several hooves into the air and landed next to Twilight. “You aren’t getting away!”

“Excuse me, can you hoof over your comm for a second?” Twilight Velvet said with an unnatural calm given the circumstances. Twilight did so, and her mom tinkered with it with Rarity’s sonic needle.

Sasoritokages laughed. “There’s no escape! This hell will become your graveyard! Huh?” He froze as Twilight’s mom levitated the earpiece towards their ear and screamed as the earpiece shot out, a piercing sound that gave Twilight an instant headache. The monster collapsed on the ground in pain, stunned.

“Those Shocker idiots always liked talking too much, come.” Without another word, Twilight Velvet made her way towards the edge of the prison.

“But what about Trixie?!” Twilight and Rarity had to run to catch up with Velvet. Combatponies ran after them, but they had an excellent head start.

Trixie screamed and Twilight turned to find her under a barrage of whip attacks from Ambassador Hell. They moved so quickly that they were nothing but a blur to Twilight’s eyes.

“Is that the best you’ve got?” Trixie swung her whip at the general, but he tore her sword away with his whip. Trixie counterattacked with a barrage of punches, sending the Ambassador back.

“Not bad.” Ambassador Hell said, a grim smile on his face. “It’s about time I got serious.” He transformed into his monster form, Garagaranda. He was a terrifying cross between a rattlesnake and a pony with cyan scales and red and white stripes. His right hoof was one long whip.

The speed the monster moved was unbelievable. Every step Trixie made, the general was two steps ahead of her. The Ranger sent a series of punches towards him, only to hit air and received a barrage of whip attacks for her trouble. Trixie staged trying and failing to keep with Garagaranda’s speed.

“Pathetic.” Garagaranda wrapped his whip around Trixie’s throat and threw her through several walls. The Ranger grunted in pain and tried to get back to her hooves, only for Garagaranda to kick her through another wall. The general put one boot on Trixie’s chest, trapping her. She tried struggling for freedom but to no avail.

“Trixie!” Twilight yelled out in terror. Angel’s eyes filled with concern and worry. He wasn’t friends with her, but he didn’t want to abandon her either.

Trixie let out a choked laugh. “This is no big deal. Get out of here.”

“Come.” Twilight Velvet grabbed at Twilight’s hoof. “There’s nothing we can do.” The piranha monster had recovered and chased after them, followed by several Combatponies.

“Trixie!” Tears welled in Twilight’s eyes.

Garagaranda sent several powerful stomps towards the prone Trixie. She tried dodging out of the way, but he was too quick, too powerful. She unmorphed moments later.

Next Chapter: Chapter 9 Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 12 Minutes
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