
Galaxy Rangers: The Movie - Shocker Crisis!

by Rixizu

Chapter 6

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Galaxy Rangers: The Movie - Shocker Crisis!
Chapter 6
by Rixizu

“Oh my, oh my, oh my!” Fluttershy ran around Twilight’s apartment with nervous energy, putting everypony on edge immediately.

“What is it?” Twilight asked. Was there some way for Shocker to track her teleport? Did she hear something? Did they drop something leading Shocker right to them?

“It’s my animals!” Fluttershy said, unable to control her panic. “They’re all alone in my apartment. W-what if Shocker goes after them to get at me!”The poor mare almost broke down into tears.

Starlight Glimmer blinked, and Twilight was just as confused. She doubted Shocker would attack Fluttershy’s dog for revenge. Still, Twilight couldn’t let Fluttershy’s pets starve or run out of water.

“I might be a little difficult with my apartment so crowded, but I suppose we can bring them here.” For a reason Twilight didn’t comprehend, this statement brought amusement to Trixie.

“I love animals!” Starlight said. “So, what do you have? Cats, fish, or maybe a lizard?”

“You’ll see,” Trixie smirked, “come on, Twi. With your teleporting powers, getting them here should be easy.” And it was too soon for Shocker to search there. With a glow of her horn, she teleported with Fluttershy to the destination the mare described.


“Please help.” Starlight’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as a large snake tried to wrap around her foreleg.

Fluttershy giggled. “I think Mr. Scales likes you Starlight.” Twilight couldn’t hold back her smile.

“Great.” Starlight deadpanned and back away as the snake slithered towards her. She ducked, dodging a flock of birds as they flew past.

Twilight’s apartment was chaotic as animals played around in it. A duck knocked over a pile of books she’d neatly arranged and a bear lounged on her sofa. At least a dozen birds made a nest on her ceiling fan. Squirrels played on her bookshelves knocking over books almost giving Twilight a panic attack. She used her magic to grab them before they hit the ground. Fluttershy conversed with a white rabbit who looked annoyed.

“I realize it’s a big change Angel, but Shocker is after me now and my apartment isn’t safe,” Fluttershy replied, “just bear with it for the time being.” They both scattered out of the way when a pig ran between them.

The only one not overwhelmed by the chaos was Trixie, who watched the scene with an amused smile on her face. Trixie mentioned knowing a Fluttershy in her timeline too. No wonder the pegasus’s animal collection didn’t surprise her. Still, Trixie should have warned her first. What an infuriating mare.

“No!” Twilight used her telekinesis when raccoons tried breaking into a cabinet in her kitchen.

“You housed all these animals in your apartment? Why exactly?” Starlight asked.

“They’re her patients,” Trixie said, “did you forget she said she wanted to become a vet?”

Fluttershy nodded enthusiastically. “Oh yes, I love helping the local animals with their health problems. I don’t have any formal training, but I have some skills in nursing animals back to health.”

“Sorry, Fluttershy, but they can’t stay here.” Twilight used her magic to stop another pile of books collapsing after several rabbits started playing on it.

Fluttershy’s ears drooped. “I know, but I can’t abandon them. I just wish we had a larger more animal-friendly place to shelter in.”

Trixie clapped her hooves in excitement. “Of course! Duh Trixie. Why not use it as our base of operation?”

Everypony and animal looked at the Ranger expectantly. “What do you mean Trixie? There’s a place we can hide out in?” Besides, all these animals in her apartment would draw attention.

“Yes, but the problem is getting there.” Trixie stroked her chin. “I don’t have my Zord anymore.”

“You remember it from your world, right?” Starlight asked. “Who’s saying it’s even safe anymore? And what’s this about a Zord?” If Twilight remembered correctly, it was Trixie’s giant robot, which was pretty amazing. She’d kill to see such a technical marvel in person.

Trixie padded Starlight’s cheeks. “It will be. The problem is that it’s on the moon.” Everyone gapped at Trixie, their brains going into a temporary disbelieving stupor. Nopony said a word for several long moments.

“What?” Twilight opened and closed her mouth several times. What Trixie said was beyond crazy, not to mention impossible.

Trixie waved a dismissive hoof. “It’s one of Celestia’s old castles. To annoy her sister, she created it on the moon. No place would be safer. Unless Shocker has already claimed it?”

Corona? Wasn’t she a myth? She set aside the concept of ancient evil mythological beings, focusing instead on the problem on hoof.

“I don’t believe so, but how?” Twilight asked. “It’s on average 238,900 miles away from the planet!”

Trixie rolled her eyes and shrugged “You’re the genius here. I’m sure you’ll come up with something.”

It sounded absurd, but she couldn’t help but consider the problem. The puzzle was too intriguing. She considered how a unicorn might boost their teleportation capabilities. 238,900 miles was almost an impossible distance to cross.

She wondered how Corona not only teleported herself but hundreds of workers to build the project. Was it possible for a unicorn to achieve the same feat? This subject required research! Her stomach fluttered just thinking about it. Right after she wrote her newest Lux article.

Ponies needed to know about Trixie’s exploits at the Data Center Facility. It would give them the hope needed to rise against Shocker and bring freedom to the world. There was also the matter of finding her mother’s location. They needed a plan.

“Starlight, I want you to go to the local library and begin finding research materials for how we might teleport to the moon.”

“You still think that’s possible?” Starlight asked.

Twilight nodded. “I believe so. I suspect Corona didn’t teleport the workers she needed by her lonesome.” And that didn't even cover the supplies needed for construction. She must have used outside help.

“Sounds like a plan,” Trixie said, “make sure you’re wearing a disguise. You’re not high on their list, but don’t take any chances.”

Starlight rolled her eyes. “You don’t have to tell me the obvious.”

“As for you Trixie, I want you to help Fluttershy find somewhere safe to keep her animal friends until we discover a way to the moon.” Twilight turned towards the former Combatpony. “Sorry, but they can’t stay here.”

“It’s fine.” Fluttershy blushed. “You don’t have the food needed to feed them, anyway.”

“I have a better idea,” Trixie said, “let me handle finding your mother.”

Twilight recoiled in surprise. “What? How do you plan to pull that one off? You know nothing about hacking into computers.” And the information was beyond Inquisitor Ditzy’s pay grade. It wouldn’t be easy.

Trixie snorted in amusement. “Don’t worry about it, leave it to me. I have a hunch about how I might find her location.”

“How?” Starlight asked, mystified. “It’s beyond any of our reaches.”

“It’s my problem. Don’t worry about it.” Trixie waved a dismissive hoof.

“You’re not telling us, are you?” Starlight said annoyed.

“Nope.” Trixie replied without shame.” It would ruin the mystery. A magician never reveals her secrets.”

Twilight wanted to argue, but let the matter drop. She trusted the strange mare. She’d somehow gotten them this far. Besides, it would be obvious to anypony Twilight tried to access the information. Shocker would hide it, making it more difficult to get. Whatever Trixie’s method was, it would be so crazy they’d never think of it. Hopefully.

Trixie yawned. “I don’t know about you, but I’m beat. I’m going to bed.” She jumped on Twilight’s couch and fell asleep the moment she hit the couch pillow and snored loudly.

“I wish I could be that carefree,” Fluttershy said in utter amazement.

“Nope, she’s clearly insane.” Starlight replied.

What was Trixie, anyway? Insane? Brilliant? It was impossible to tell. Whatever she was, she was a force of justice, which was enough for Twilight. Fluttershy spent the next hour helping her animal friends get situated. Starlight slipped away, too concerned about discovery wanting to find the information as soon as possible. She planned on sneaking into the library at night and stealing the information instead of borrowing it like a normal pony. Twilight didn’t approve and told Starlight so. Stealing from libraries was a heinous crime! It was preventing ponies from learning and gaining new information! Besides, they needed to be better than Shocker. They shouldn’t sink to their level to win.

“We’re rebels, remember? We can’t afford to follow the law.” She teleported away before Twilight had a chance to refute that ridiculous argument. She sighed and open her computer, beginning her Lux article while the raid’s details were fresh in her mind. The common ponies needed to be told the details before Shocker printed their skewered censored version of the events.


“Trixie is so awesome!” Rainbow Dash squealed in delight as she read the Lux article for the twentieth time.

“Yes Rainbow, you’ve told us a thousand times already” Twilight rolled her eyes. She tried getting some work done on her computer, but Rainbow Dash fangirling was a constant interruption.

Pinkie giggled. “I’ve never seen Dashie so interesting in something so nonflyee before.”

“Usually reading the news is dullsville, but Lux is making it super exciting! Oh, Trixie is so cool!” Rainbow Dash hugged the piece of flimsy close. Twilight found it irritating that Rainbow Dash worked at a newspaper, but didn’t bother reading what she helped deliver. She, like Twilight, worked as interns at Ore Journal. Rainbow made sure the newspaper kiosks and vending machines had papers every morning.

“This Lux fellow has become an interesting character.” Hot Scoops said from his desk. “Shocker has been very hush-hush about the attack on the Data Center Facility, but my sources tell me this little article is very close to the truth.”

“Really?” Twilight perked up.

Hot Scoops sniffed. “I suspect Lux, whatever they are, helped in the attack. Their description of the incident was too specific.”

“Lux must be quite the pony,” Twilight said, pretending to be mystified. She cursed herself for making Lux’s involvement so obvious. She couldn’t help her constant need to remain truthful and accurate. She needed to be more careful. This made Lux an even bigger target for Shocker.

“That was my assessment too.” Da Chief said. “We need to assess how accurate Lux’s statements were. It is obvious something big happened last night.”

“Ahem.” A pony cleared their throat and they turned and collectively groaned.

“You will do no such thing.” Shocker Truth Assessor Cheerilee said. “As far as Shocker is concerned, this little incident didn’t happen. It was a gas explosion, nothing more.”

Cheerilee picked the piece of flimsy from Rainbow’s hooves and crushed it into a ball. “This is nothing but terrorist propaganda created to spread discontent among the populous. Trixie is nothing but an escaped criminal. She’s not the hero this Lux proclaims her to be.”

Everypony in the room scowled. This meant they couldn’t investigate the attack on the Data Center Facility. Twilight wanted to use Ore Journal to collaborate with her Lux article, showing ponies it to be the absolute truth. This ruined her plan. Suppressing the truth made Twilight’s stomach turn in disgust.

“I don’t want to hear a word of this nonsense in today’s paper, or ever.” Cheerilee continued. “I don’t want to hear a whiff of you investigating this fake attack. Understood?” She gave everypony each a pointed look. It seemed Shocker wanted to suppress everything about the attack. It made sense. Trixie made them look like complete foals, and the incident would damage their credibility.

“It would be my pleasure, Truth Assessor.” Da Chief replied, though his voice contained an edge to it. He too hated suppressing the truth.

“Good.” Cheerilee wore a wide smile. “I’ll enjoy reading today’s paper. I do so love your articles, Pinkie.” Pinkie gave the mare a grave nod. Cheerilee returned the nod before leaving them. Dear Luna, how could a stooge like Cheerilee be Trixie’s friend in her world?

“Oh, well.” Da Chief sighed. “There are other big stories to pursue.”

“Oh, like the robbery at the Ponyville Library?” Pinkie suggested.

“Robbery?” Twilight didn’t suppress her rage after hearing that news despite already knowing about it. Book theft, regardless of the reason, was unforgivable.

“Yep!” Pinkie replied. “They stole over a dozen books. I was about to leave to investigate it right now.”

Rainbow groaned. “Ugh. This can’t be worth your time, Pinkie. Why can’t you write another article about Trixie visiting Starbucks again? That one was fun to read.”

“Again?” Twilight dreaded the answer. Surely Trixie wouldn’t be foolish enough to appear out in public and buy coffee again? Right? She fought back a groan when Rainbow pulled up the forum post on Pinkie’s computer. Sure enough, it had a picture of Trixie buying coffee at the same Starbucks. She posed with their ponies in the shop wearing a cocky grin on her face. What was with that girl? Why must she goad Shocker at every opportunity?

“Eh, I can’t write every story about Trixie.” Pinkie shrugged. “Sides, this book theft case is beyond heinous!”

Something we can agree on.

“Whatever.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

“Pinkie, I want you to continue investigating the library theft case.” Da Chief said. “I’ve got a good feeling about it.”

“What about us?” Hot Scoops pouted.

“Twilight, Scoops, I want you to go to Sweet Apple Acres and interview the owner Applejack.” Da Chief said. “I’ve heard it’s been a hard year for the local farmers, one of the worst in years, and I want to know what Shocker is doing about it.”

Yes, taking Shocker to task for something! It’s not big, but it’s something. “On it, chief!”

“And you.” Rainbow froze as she attempted to sneak out unnoticed. No doubt to sneak a nap somewhere and slack off, as usual.

“Yes, boss?” Rainbow tensed, worried what her boss might say next.

“I have some old boxes of papers that need moving into storage, and you’re the perfect pony for the job.”

“Fine.” Rainbow didn’t look happy but followed the chief as they headed into the basement. Twilight took some delight in her friend’s torment. Hard work was good for her. She’d never get into the aerial trick team Shockbolts with that attitude.

She hopped on her motorcycle and followed Hot Scoops as he drove his car towards Sweet Apple Acres. The wind blew through her hair always which always excited her. She forgot her troubles, only enjoying the thrill of the ride and speed of her bike. It was like flying to her, and she wondered if Rainbow ever shared the same feeling. She recalled the times she convinced Cadance to race her when they were younger. Nothing but her, the bike, and her opponent. She considered them some of the best moments in her life. How things had changed. Now her old foalsitter was an enemy. Her mood plummeted and she slowed her driving. Despite everything, she didn’t want to fight Cadance. The older mare was like a sister to her. She wondered if it was the same in Trixie’s timeline? She hoped so.

They would defeat Shocker. Twilight clung to that determination. With Trixie’s help, they might free this world and Cadance would give up working for Shocker. Unlikely, but a hope worth grasping on to. If Trixie could find her mother, the odds would shift in their favor for sure.

Please find my mother, Trixie.


Trixie sipped her coffee, enjoying the spicy taste combined with a large amount of sugar she added. It boggled the mind most ponies found chili peppers in coffee disgusting. She tilted her hat down like a pony passed by, but they ignored her.

Finally! She watched as Ditzy kissed her daughter on the cheek and waved her goodbye before leaving for work.

Trixie had arrived outside the inquisitor’s house hours before daybreak and had found a shadowed alley to hide in. She couldn’t afford to miss the mare and her patience paid off. It surprised Trixie that Ditzy also had a loving daughter in this timeline considering she was an evil torture loving fascist. She wondered how different this Ditzy really was from her Ditzy. Their love seemed genuine and sweet. It seemed even Shocker couldn’t remove Ditzy never-ending kindness. Could she use that to save Ditzy? She pondered this quandary, following the mare from the shadows.

After Ditzy got a quick breakfast at a local diner that Trixie’s Ditzy also loved eating at, she went to work at the same facility that had held Trixie. The Red Ranger didn’t dare enter, instead, she watched it from a distance. She couldn’t afford to get caught. Ponies thought her reckless, but Trixie always knew what she was doing. Most of the time.

Come on. Do what I suspect you’ll do. Trixie thought her plan was a long shot, but she knew Ditzy. The two mares had similar minds and Trixie understood how her friend thought. Trixie guessed this timeline’s Trixie’s disappearance nagged at Ditzy. Somehow Twilight’s mother was responsible. The inquisitor would investigate why, and Trixie would use that. If her plan failed? She’d sneak in without stealing anything Ditzy had found. It wouldn’t be a total loss.

Hours passed and Trixie waited. She ate a banana and spinach sandwich she’d packed earlier for lunch. Trixie had almost given up hope when Ditzy exited the building. From the mare's expression, she looked excited.

Bingo. Ditzy had found something. Trixie cursed when the inquisitor got into one of those strange ponyless mechanical carts. She’d never follow it on hoof. Those stupid things were fast. This world’s technological breakthroughs never ceased to boggle the mind. Even after a day of playing around, Trixie still couldn’t make any sense of Twilight’s computer thingy. Why would anypony waste their time playing on it all day? Besides, the constant light bothered her eyes.

Oh well, plan B. Trixie jumped into an empty alley.

“It’s morphing time! Usra!” Trixie jumped up the wall and clamored onto the roof. She peered around, trying to find the mechanical cart Ditzy had gotten into. It didn’t take long for Trixie to memorize the license plate. She followed jumping from roof to roof and used her invisibility spell to hide her presence. She scared some pigeons but otherwise remained unseen.

Ditzy’s mechanical cart stopped before a large huge grey building. Several layers of barbed wire fencing surrounded the imposing grey building. It had guards and security equipment stationed everywhere. The sign outside read Shockeropolis Maximum Security Prison.

Ditzy went through several layers of security before they allowed her entry. Even her status as an Inquisitor didn’t allow her easy access. After much hubbub, they allowed her inside. Trixie didn’t dare attempt breaking inside by herself. It would be premature. She needed more info first before attempting anything. Still, she smiled ear to ear. She was almost certain she’d found Twilight mother, Twilight Velvet.


Ditzy nodded to the guards as they saluted to her. She followed the wardens as the mare led Ditzy through the prison. It was the most maximum-security prison Shocker had at its disposal. Some of the worst criminals in Equestria lived here and also rebels that dared act against Shocker. Twilight Velvet was a special case, however.

“I’m surprised you found out about the special prisoner, Inquisitor.” Warden Flim said.

“Few even know about her existence.” Warden Flam said.

“It’s my business to know everything.” Ditzy sniffed. It had taken some doing, but she’d found where Twilight Velvet was being kept. She burned through twelve favors just to get this information, but no secret was beyond her grasp.

“I’m grateful you’re allowing me to meet with her.” Not that they really had any choice. When Inquisitor Ditzy Doo approached, you listened or else.

“It’s our pleasure to assist,” Flim said cooly.

“Right this way.” Flam gestured towards a door leading deeper down into the facility. After going down several staircases, leading them into the part of the prison that held Equestria’s most dangerous.

Ditzy recognized many of the ponies on display. She’d helped put most of them here. Usually, prisoners jeered and yelled at ponies passing by as a ridiculous and futile attempt of rebellion. One look from Ditzy, however, made them back away in fear, terrified she might be here for them. She took pleasure in their terror. A wise decision.

“Yoohoo!” A voice cried out, drawing their attention. A white unicorn waved at them with a handkerchief. “About time you ponies answered my requests. I’d do anything to get a decent cup of tea.”

Flim groaned. “We aren’t here for you, Rarity. This isn’t a pleasure cruise.”

“Make trouble, and you’ll be in solitary confinement again.” Flam snorted in annoyance.

“Well, now rude. You’re not gentlecolts at all. You have no clue how to treat a lady.” Rarity stuck up her nose. She was infamous as a thief, con-artist, femme fatal, and rebel. It had taken years to capture her and more finding a prison to hold her. She pouted when the stallions ignored her when she fluttered her eyelids at them shamelessly.

“You aren’t escaping again,” Flim said.

“So don’t bother trying to seduce us,” Flam added, “we aren’t so gullible.”

“You’re no fun.” Rarity puffed out her checks. She sat in her bed and hum a jaunty tune to herself. Her ability to ignore her dire surroundings was impressive.

“You better not let her escape.” Ditzy’s words make the wardens tense. Shocker had lost millions of bits to this one mare. They didn’t need another disaster running around causing problems.

“We’ll keep a close guard on her!” Flim said, sweating.

“Never going to happen!” Flam pulled at the collar of his warden uniform.

They ignored Rarity as she stuck her tongue out at them and got back to the matter at hoof. They passed several more cells before reaching their destination. For some reason, the cell was pitch black, revealing nothing within.

“Sorry,” Flim said.

“We have trouble getting power in this cell,” Flam added, “not that the prisoner minds much.”

They jumped as an eerie laugh came from the darkness. “Have you come for my services again? I’d almost thought you’d forgotten about me.”

“I’m afraid not this time. There are some questions I wanted answered.” Ditzy said, regaining her composure. There was a reason they hadn’t used Twilight Velvet despite her immense scientific skills. From the secret reports, Ditzy more than agreed with them. This mare was dangerous.

“Pity.” Twilight Velvet yawned. “Go bother somepony else. If you don’t need my scientific skill, I don’t care.”

Ditzy’s face scrunched up in annoyance. The blatant disrespect to Shocker executives was one reason with mare was down here. Ditzy put a deadly edge into her next words.

“Tell me about Trixie Lulamoon.” She said.

No sound came from the cell for several long moments. Ditzy lost patience, ready to demand the question again, but Velvet surprised her with her next words.

“Which one?”

An unexpected chill traveled down her spine, unable to speak for several long moments. She turned towards the wardens and gave them an icy glare.


“She doesn’t even have a TV!” Flim turned pale, backing away in fear.

“We don’t allow the guards to even speak down here,” Flam said, “she’d received no contact with the outside world.”

Ditzy whipped back towards the cells. “How do you know of the other Trixie’s existence?”

“Other Trixie?” Twilight Velvet’s voice was innocent. “I only ask because I’ve had many test subjects over the years. How can I remember just one?”

Right. I’m being paranoid. Twilight Velvet can’t have any knowledge about the Trixie from Timeline C. Her strange answer only threw me off guard. Was that deliberate?

“Why did you delete her personal files in the Shocker database then?” Ditzy asked.

It sounded like Twilight Velvet was giving them a shrug. “Beats me. It was years ago since they have allowed me in any lab. An embarrassing failure maybe?”

Ditzy narrowed her eyes. “You don’t make embarrassing failures.”

“I’m bored. Is that all you wish to ask me?” Twilight Velvet replied.

Ditzy fought the urge to grind her teeth. No wonder they threw this mare into a cell, brilliant or not. If only her knowledge wasn’t so valuable. “If you corroborate, I promise you Shocker will allow you back into a lab again. There’s one in the prison, correct?”

“I honestly don’t remember.” Twilight Velvet gave out a yawn. “Please leave, I’m getting tired.”

Ditzy asked several more questions, but Twilight Velvet gave no reply. She whirled on the wardens. “I want you to give me everything you have about her.

“It’s not much, but we’ll give you what we can,” Flim said.

“The computer room isn’t far,” Flam said, “I believe we have records of the experiments Doctor Shinigami asked of her several years ago.”

If Twilight Velvet refused to cooperate, Ditzy would find the answers another way.

Next Chapter: Chapter 7 Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 45 Minutes
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