
Galaxy Rangers: The Movie - Shocker Crisis!

by Rixizu

Chapter 11

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Galaxy Rangers: The Movie - Shocker Crisis!
Chapter 11
by Rixizu

“It can’t be!” Raindrops fell back onto her haunches in shock, mouth agape. “A new Rider?!”

“No way!” Rainbow said, eyes wide. Ponies poked their heads out of their hiding spots to discover what the commotion was about and stared, amazed.

“I am the light that will bring justice to this dark world!” Twilight said, grinning under her helmet. “Kamen Rider Lux!”

How about that Trixie? Was that a good enough entrance?

“It doesn’t matter!” Kanibubbler pointed its one claw towards the new Rider. “Not if I send her to an early grave!” He jumped, sending his massive pincer right towards Twilight.

Twilight dodged with ease and dodged again as Kanibubbler sent another swipe towards her. It surprised how free her movements felt like she was walking on clouds and everything around her seemed to move slower than normal. The suit supplemented her natural combat ability perfectly. She returned the attack with an almost casual punch into Kanibubbler’s chest and the monster recoiled in pain. He cursed and shot bubbles towards her face at close range. Twilight gathered power around her hoof and it glowed with a brilliant light. With a swipe of her hoof, she dissipated the deadly bubbles.

“Damn you!” Kanibubbler roared. The Combatponies regained their sense and swarmed around her, and Twilight found herself surrounded.

Twilight gathered more energy around her hoof and formed the light into a more solid weapon, creating a sword created from pure energy. With a single swipe, she blew the Combatponies, who were trying to attack her from behind, away,. She didn’t let up, swinging her weapon towards Kanibubbler and sparks flew as it impacted his carapace. The monster howled in pain but refused to surrender. Twilight fought off the Combatponies as they tried to surround her. Raindrops joined the fray with her club, but Twilight grabbed it with her free hoof ripping from the Captain’s hoof. She screamed as Twilight’s follow up punch sent her flying, bowling over several Combatponies.

Twilight’s heart raced as Kanibubbler’s bubbles flew past her head, narrowly avoiding them in time. She’d let her newfound power get to her head. Only a foal took Shocker lightly. Kanibubbler recoiled as she sent a barrage of sword swipes into him, and he collapsed to the ground in pain. Twilight dispelled her sword.

Time to finish this. Twilight threw aside the Combatponies trying to swarm her and jumped into the air. Insect wings made of light appeared from two slits on her back, allowing her to gain high altitude in the air. Energy gathered around her hind leg glowing with brilliant light and she dove towards Kanibubbler’s chest.

“Photonic Burning Rider Kick!”

Kanibubbler exploded and the Combatponies ponies scattered, terrified. Raindrops backed away, unsure what to do. After a moment, the pegasus regained her senses, taking the remaining conscious Combatponies with her as she retreated. “You will regret this Lux!” she cried, as she and her cohorts disappeared behind a building. The remaining civilian Ponies erupted into cheering, crying out Lux’s name.

I did it! Twilight hardly believed it. She started a fight with one of Shocker’s monsters, and won! All that bravado with her friends had been an act. Part of her hadn’t believed she’d actually win, leaving her with a sense of wonder. Maybe I really can save Trixie, stop Shocker, and avenge mom!

“Twilight, you’re amazing!” Rainbow ran towards her savior.

In a flash of light, Twilight untransformed and forced a confident smile. These ponies were relying on her. She wasn’t like Trixie, who believed 200 percent in herself.

“You sure gave those Shocker guys a licking!” Hot Scoops slurred. “How about a private interview?”

“We should get somewhere out of sight,” Twilight replied, “Raindrops will summon reinforcements. They’ll be here any moment.”

Rainbow nodded, taking the wobbly Scoops into her hooves. Twilight led the two of them into an abandoned building she’d found. They placed Scoops in a pile of cardboard boxes so he could sleep it off.

“Okay, spill,” Rainbow said getting into Twilight’s face, “how the heck are you a super cool Rider now?”

“It’s a… long story. I heard about what happened to Ore Journal.” Twilight’s ears flattened and she looked down, ashamed. “It’s my fault you guys lost your jobs. I don’t know how I’ll ever face Da Chief again.”

Rainbow waved a dismissive hoof. “It’s cool. You’re an awesome rebel hero now! Are you hiring? I can totally help you deliver Lux articles. Those Shocker jerks will never catch me. I’m the fastest pegasus in the world!” she bosted.

“Well…” Twilight considered the offer. A pony like Rainbow would help to distribute her leaflets. Besides, she doubted Rainbow would take no for an answer. The mare loved being in the center of the action. “Sure. I could use your help.”

Rainbow flew into the air doing a backflip. “Sweet!”

“Um, is everything okay?” Fluttershy poked her head from a nearby door and her eyes widened when she caught sight of Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow?”

“Fluttershy?” Rainbow replied, equally surprised. “You’re with Lux? I never thought you had it in you!”

These two know each other? That simplified things.

Fluttershy blushed. “Well, um, Shocker is mean so... yeah!”

“What’s the plan? Are we taking the fight to Shocker? Attacking one of their compounds?” Rainbow grew excited.

“Not quite,” Twilight replied, “we’re trying to find Trixie first.”

Rainbow gave her a puzzled look. “Trixie’s gone missing?”

“Fraid so, darling. Captured.” Rarity said peeking her head out the door Fluttershy had hidden behind. She tapped at a keyboard on an old computer Twilight had borrowed from her father’s house. She’d stayed out of sight, not wanting to face either her brother or father yet, being both a criminal and the cause of her mother’s death.

No, put it out of your mind. Focus on Shocker first! Grief is only a distraction! “Nothing on the internet at all? Not even a Combatpony bragging about how they captured the infamous Trixie?” Twilight had expected Shocker to announce Trixie’s public execution to make an example of her. Rarity only shook her head.

“What about this major Shocker plan Raindrops mentioned?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Something about big plans?”

“Really? Good idea. Oh, and I’m Rarity. Nice to meet you.” Rarity returned to her keyboard, hacking into the email account of a high-level Shocker officer. She scanned the titles of emails for anything interesting.

“Rarity? The Rarity?!” Rainbow’s eyes grew wide.

Rarity waved a dismissive hoof and cooed when she found something of interest. “Invasion plan?” She clicked on the email, reading through its contents quickly. “Oh, dear.”

“What is it?” Fluttershy asked worry etched into her features and everypony huddled around the spy.

“We might have to put Trixie’s rescue plan on hold.” Rarity said. “Shocker is planning a massive invasion of another world tomorrow morning led by the Great Leader himself!”


“Another Rider?!” Ditzy rubbed her temple, feeling another headache coming on. She’d finally got home and then this nonsense happened.

“Is something wrong, mom?” Dinky asked, a concerned expression on her face. After the chaos Trixie caused, she’d been hoping to spend some quality time with her mother.

“It’s fine, muffin. Nothing your mother can’t handle.” Ditzy replied, blocking the phone receiver with a hoof. “Yes, I understand, I’ll be there soon to interrogate the witness and view the camera footage.” She hung up the phone and slumped against the wall. Another sleepless night away from her daughter.

“You got this!” Dinky put a comforting hoof on her mother, which brought a smile to Ditzy’s face.

She hugged her daughter. “Thanks, honey.”

“When I grow up, I’ll join Shocker and help you fight the bad guys!” Dinky did the Shocker salute.

Ditzy messed her daughter’s hair and couldn’t be prouder. “They wouldn’t stand a chance.” Dinky wasn’t much in height and magical prowess, but she had determination and smarts in spades. Qualities that would excel her farther than if she possessed the first two. She waved her daughter goodnight, making her promise to go to bed in an hour. Captain Cadance waited at her front door.

“Called you in too?” Ditzy said.

Cadance stretched and yawned. “A Shocker trooper’s work is never done.”

“So, what can you tell me about this new Rider?” Ditzy asked as they entered the back of the car Shocker had prepared for them. “Is it Twilight Velvet?”

Cadance had an uncharacteristic distance in her expression. “No, her daughter Twilight Sparkle.”

This news surprised Ditzy and she frowned. She’d expected Velvet to wear the newest Rider mantle. Cadance halted any more questions by inserting a tape into the computer built into the car. It showed blurry footage of Twilight Sparkle transforming into a Rider, then fighting and defeating one of Shocker’s monsters. Such power! How had Twilight Velvet created such a thing so quickly? The experiment with this timeline’s Trixie came to mind. Had she been a precursory experiment for creating Riders?

“She calls herself Kamen Rider Lux,” Cadance said after the tape stopped.

“The Great Leader’s greatest fears come true,” Ditzy replied, “the Riders have returned to oppose our glorious organization.”

Few ponies knew this, but in the original two timelines, Riders Ichigo and Nigo had fought and defeated Shocker in the distant past. They even killed the Great Leader which staggered the mind. Worse, with Twilight Velvet on the rebel’s side, they would have an infinite amount of Riders to oppose them.

“I understand your fears, Inquisitor Ditzy, but they won’t come to pass.” The Great Leader’s voice came from the video screen showing Shocker’s logo. “We have learned from our mistakes. History won’t repeat itself.”

“Great Leader!” Ditzy and Cadance did the Shocker salute.

“This will only be a temporary setback. Doctor Shinigami is already prepping our recruit to deal with this troublemaker.” The Great Leader said. “We will find the traitor Twilight Velvet and punish her accordingly.”

“Our scientists have determined they used some type of teleportation technology,” Cadance said, “they went a significant distance. Where, they aren’t certain yet, but we’ll locate them soon enough.”

Ditzy sighed in relief. That was one major problem dealt with, but they still had a greater matter to discuss. “That’s good news. But what about the invasion plan? Should we postpone it until we crush Twilight Velvet and her rebels?”

“No, the operation will continue as planned.” The Great Leader replied. “If Kamen Rider Lux is anything like her predecessors, she will recklessly rush in to stop it. Then we’ll crush her.”

A sly smile formed on Ditzy’s face. The Great Leader was right. The Riders were noble foals that couldn’t help but throw themselves into danger when something threatened innocence. Twilight Sparkle was in for a rude awakening. It didn’t matter how powerful she was; she faced Shocker’s overwhelming might.

“Study the video and learn what you can of Lux’s capabilities.” The Great Leader said. “I want a solid plan for fighting her tomorrow.” With that, the screen turned dark.

Despite the all-nighter, Ditzy didn’t mind. She would enjoy crushing Twilight Velvet’s new toy and teach her to regret her decision to betray Shocker.


Twilight groaned and rubbed her temples, taking another drink of her coffee. She’d spent all night searching Shocker’s database about Trixie’s whereabouts, rather recklessly hacking their computer systems. Shocker had discovered the intrusion more than once, but they cleared out before they could send somepony after them. Worse, despite the new Rider’s appearance, Shocker hadn’t postponed their invasion plan as she had expected. Thankfully, while they had learned nothing on Trixie, they learned much more about the logistics of their invasion plan. They were planning on sending twenty tanks, fifteen monsters, and countless Combatponies with the Great Leader, Cadance, and Ambassador Hell leading this army. The Equestria they were invading wasn’t very advanced, and this small force could adequately crush any resistance.

“I hate to say this, darling, but Trixie’s fate doesn’t look good.” Rarity pushed back her chair.

They were currently hiding behind an old abandoned fuel station. They’d considered returning to the moon, but Twilight caught wind that Shocker had learned that they’d teleported a great distance and didn’t want to tip their hooves. She wasn’t sure if Shocker could chase after them there, but didn’t want to risk it.

“I know.” Twilight sighed. Without Trixie, even with her new powers, she felt lost. Shocker was invading another world. She couldn’t just ignore it.

“We’ll think of something.” Rarity put a comforting hoof on her shoulder.

“Hey, I got it!” Rainbow perked up. “I know some ponies that really don’t like Shocker. They could cause trouble while they’re invading that other world. It would split their attention and maybe even draw some of their forces back. Then it would be easier to fight them!”

“Sounds risky, Rainbow,” Twilight said with some hesitation, “I don’t want you to get hurt.”

Rainbow snorted, sporting a cocky grin. “We’ll be fine. We’ll withdraw before things get bad.”

Angel tugged at Fluttershy’s leg, a determined expression on his tiny bunny face. “Oh my, are you sure? Um, Angel says he could round up some animal to help in the fight.”

“Sweet! That would totally bolster our ranks!” Rainbow said.

“Seems reckless.” Twilight hated putting anypony in danger. She was the Rider here. It was her job to risk her life.

“Darling, you aren’t alone here. A mare can’t fight a revolution alone. Trust us, we’ve got this.” Rarity swished her mane. “Rainbow’s not the only pony with friends, and I have some ideas where we can hit them the hardest.”

Twilight wanted to protest, but she saw their logic. “Just stay safe, okay.”

“Oh my, they’re starting a broadcast about the invasion!” Fluttershy increased the TV’s volume. They’d kept it on mute all morning to see if Shocker would make any official announcement about their plans.

“Here go our brave stallions and mares into the unknown fighting for Shocker’s glory!” A mint unicorn said on the TV. They showed footage of parading Combatponies walking in a line next to the tanks on the viewscreen behind her.

“Whoever they’re facing won’t stand a chance!” A cream-colored earth pony said.

“Bon-Bon, what’s known about this new world?” The unicorn asked.

“Well, Lyra, this world is shockingly similar to our own!” Bon-Bon replied. “But in this one, Princess Luna continued her reign until the present day.”

Lyra made a face. “Shocker never took over and brought peace? How utterly barbaric!”

“If history repeats itself, as they say, the Great Leader will cream Princess Luna once again!” They showed brief footage of the Great Leader’s legendary battle with the princess of the night. The poor mare didn’t stand a chance.

“Glory to Shocker! Hail our Great Leader!” Lyra did the Shocker salute. “Show those savages our might! Good luck and Shocker speed!”

The footage changed to a shot of a portal created by some enormous metal gate, and the troops entered it. Much to Twilight’s shock, she recognized where the portal was. It was in Shockeropolis Central Park.

Twilight made a self-deprecating laugh. “What an invitation, right?” This screamed trap.

“I’ll get everypony together!” Rainbow took to the air. “Good luck, Twilight!” She flew out of the window.

Twilight took a steadying breath. Everything counted on them, or else Shocker would conquer all of reality. “Everypony, battle stations!” The fight for freedom had begun.


Trixie yawned, enjoying the sun and the gentle breeze. She’d finished her paperwork hours ago and had no pressing appointments for the Night Court. Pokey complained about her leaving the house after Rainbow Dash crashed through her window at high speed again, creating a massive mess. She didn’t care. Cleaning was his job. That was one reason she hired him. Lyra sat in her usual weird unpony-like way next to her. They watched Ditzy play Frisbee with her daughter, enjoying seeing them have fun, and Trixie considered joining in. After considerable consideration, she decided against it. The day was too nice to get all sweaty and gross.

“Sorry it took so long, I had to stand in line” Bon-Bon ran up to them holding two cones of ice cream.

“Thanks, I’ll pay you back next week,” Trixie took the chocolate and pickled mango ice cream with her magic.

“Sure.” Bon-Bon rolled her eyes, sitting next to her marefriend.

Trixie raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t get one for yourself?”

“I thought I would share this one with Lyra.” Bon-Bon gestured to the rocky road ice cream in her hoof. “Besides, it might get Lyra all messy and I’ll need to lick it off.” She grinned salaciously.

Trixie shuttered in horror and revulsion, and the two marefriends took delight in her discomfort. Was this some petty payback for her not paying for her own ice cream?

Whatever. Trixie ignored the lovebirds enjoying their ice cream, not imagining what bizarre lovey-dovey stuff Lyra and Bon-Bon were getting into. She screamed as a loud boom hit her, throwing her off her seat and splattering her ice cream against the grass.

“What the hay?” Trixie looked up and her jaw dropped, discovering a fissure in reality in the middle of the park square next to Princess Luna’s statue. Ponies ran, fleeing to safety.

“Trixie, what the heck is that?!” Raindrops flew down, picking up Trixie from the ground.

“I have no clue.” Trixie helped Lyra and Bon-Bon to their hooves. Ponies emerged from the hiding spots, curious what this oddity might be. It seemed safe enough.

“Somepony, hire a chariot,” Trixie said, “the princess needs to know about this.”

The ground rumbled as a large machine monstrosity emerged from the portal, joined by ponies in low-rent Nightmare Night skeleton costumes. Ponies fled to safety. These ponies looked like bad news.

Trixie found herself pushed forwards towards the strangers. “Do something!” Lyra whispered.

What am I supposed to do?! I can’t fight off an invasion! Regardless, Trixie collected herself. She was the princess’s representative and this called for action.

“My name is Trixie. I am the princess’s student and confidant, and the local representative of the Night Court. What is your business with our world?” Trixie puffed out her chest, making herself look braver than she felt. She didn’t like the look of those metal monstrosities. Each one armed with a cannon barrel, which boggled the mind. The technology on display was beyond anything she’d ever seen before. A pony dressed in strange armor walked forward, joined by a pony dressed head to hoof in a red robe.

“We are Shocker,” Red robe said, “and this world belongs to us now. Comply or face destruction.”

Next Chapter: Chapter 12 Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 31 Minutes
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