
Pick 'Em Up

by SunTwi06

Chapter 1: Sweet Pear

It had been a long workday, as well as the hottest day of an ongoing summer. The sun had been in full force since five in the morning, hardly a cloud in the sky. Most days like this, a productive day on the field felt like the end of a satisfying workout, that feeling when all the muscles are sore, that slight dehydration nourished by a satisfying drink, and the fatigue that followed. This was how Applejack felt, as she pulled her pick-up truck along the driveway after a long day on the farm.

Wiping her left hand along the skin of her jeans, her right hand shifting the gear into park, Applejack allowed the engine to rest and lean back on her chair to take a deep breath. She looked out along the long stretch of road, passing the many homes around the block. That familiar feeling of fatigue only slightly impaired her satisfaction. All the apples had been picked off and loaded into barrels ready to either be sold as they were or used as ingredients for desserts or drinks. The animals were fed, the eggs had been collected, and even the stacks of hay were all neatly arranged. It was a busy day for the life of this farmhand, but she was content with it because Sweet Apple Acres is the most important part of her life.

That feeling of content further fueled the anticipation for the arrival of a certain fair lady approaching her truck. It was not a fancy limousine like all the hoity-toity city folk drive around Manehattan nor add to the fact she still dressed like she just left the farm, none of which didn’t matter. Applejack had looked forward to this part of the day, at least today of all days. She leans over, unlocking the door, and shoving it open, as the figure on the sidewalk nimbly climbs into the passenger seat. And there she was… Rarity, one of Applejack’s closest friends she’s ever known.

“Good evening, Applejack,” Rarity greeted, in a posh tone.

Applejack couldn’t help but smile a bit. Though the two were clearly very different women, something about that haughty dialect gave a certain flair that always made a grand impression. Whether it was called for or not, it’s one of the few qualities Applejack knows that makes it easy for her to remember Rarity. There was just something about her, the way she makes herself appear untouchably beautiful, even on a casual day. Like a single rose surrounded by a florist shop’s worth of plants, all of which refusing to rise to her level. In Applejack’s case, this finely dressed lady sitting next to her at this hour is a cut above the rest.

“Howdy, Rarity,” Applejack tipped her hat. “How was the show?”

Now when Applejack mentioned a show, it did not refer to a Bridleway production or even an Opera, though Rarity has known to be a regular attendee for the arts. But rather, it was Rarity’s very first ‘official’ fashion show, being a rising fashionista in the business. Applejack was hardly a girl who know the ins and/or outs of the fashion scene, ask her to judge a fashion show and she wouldn’t know what to feel. Applejack would just pick whatever clothes were in her bedroom closet and that would be her outfit, even if it’s mostly for work.

But even so, when Applejack heard from her friends that Rarity had made it onto local television and all of her work was displayed before the millions watching from home, the country girl figured it must have been a real sight. Not that Applejack would’ve known, her family don’t own a television at home and barely have a working radio as they prefer to spend their days working on the farm. Still, a moment as important for Rarity, Applejack deep down regretted not having the time to watch at least from another friend’s house.

“Oh it was absolutely splendid darling, thank you so much for asking!” Rarity beamed, starry-eyed. “Of course, poor Muffin did stumble just a tad on the catwalk. But she managed to recover just swimmingly, and that outfit she had on… Simply divine!”

“Heh-heh, Muffin?” Applejack chuckled, lightly. “Ya mean ta tell me ya convinced lil’ ole Derpy ta model for ya?”

“Well, I couldn’t exactly hire a professional model, mind you,” Rarity tittered. “You could say I hosted a sort of casting call at our school and you’d be surprised how many attendees we had. Muffin, such a dear, wanted so badly to impress some boy I just simply couldn’t turn her down. I don’t know why she bothers with that Time Turner; he’s obviously faking that British accent.”

“Nope… Can’t imagine why,” Applejack nodded along.

Truth be told: Applejack didn’t quite follow everything Rarity said, it was just an excuse to hear her talk some more. Then again, Applejack ‘kind of’ knew Derpy, which was a common nickname for Muffin. She knew Derpy is a very sweet girl, if not slightly clumsy. If anything, Applejack never visualized Derpy for being fashion forward. Still, if Rarity were intent to please her, Applejack could only assume she did just fine apart from a slight mishap. Because after all, it is Rarity’s nature to be generous to those less fortunate than herself.


Applejack turned the key in the ignition, and the only reward she got was a sputter as the engine coughed.

“Hmm… Come on, now,” Applejack muttered, turning the key again.


Rarity frowned a bit, as the engine sputtered wildly tapping a finger on her shoulder. It wasn’t that Rarity was upset or anything, but she was rather annoyed with it. Rarity was no country girl, but this wasn’t her first rodeo when it came to hitching a ride with Applejack, even if she was the one person available to pick her up. Finally, after a few more seconds, the engine purred to life as the pick-up truck rumbled.

“Whoo… And we’re off!” Applejack cried, clapping her hands together.

“You know Applejack,” Rarity spoke. “Have you ever considered being rid of this dreadful wagon? Maybe securing yourself a more functional vehicle, something… New perhaps?”

“Yup,” Applejack nodded.

As they talked, Applejack pulled away from the curb, checking her mirrors to keep an eye out for any passerby that might hit them if they pulled up. With no other vehicle in sight, given the hour of the evening, Applejack made the turn as Rarity turned to her, her arms crossed and waiting for further input.

“And? Are you going to?”


“Tsk, tsk, tsk… Now, now why is that?” Rarity asked. “Don’t tell me you have some unbreakable bond with this old machine. Heaven knows, half the country songs I hear about are all around your precious pick-up trucks.”

“And what’s wrong with that?” Applejack replied. “Sure ole Betsy ain’t runnin’ as smoothly as she used to, but she’s a part of the Apple family as ma siblings and Granny. Pa practically handed the keys to Big Mac and I before… Well, ya’ know.”

On that note, Rarity nodded on that part. She heard the stories of what happened with Applejack’s parents, that unfortunate tragic incident… But she also knew Applejack never went any further on that topic.

“Besides, I’m savin’ for college,” Applejack continued, changing the subject. “Can’t go blowin’ money away on some fancy-schmancy new truck. If Ole Betsy still does her job just fine, I ain’t throwin’ her away.”

“I see…” Rarity nodded, raising her eyebrow. “So… Are you actually attending?”


That blunt statement alone made Rarity scrunch her face, more confused than ever. This was perhaps the straightest, to-the-point answer she received, even coming from Applejack.

“I’m afraid I don’t quite follow, darling,” Rarity confessed.

“Ya see, me ‘n Big Mac want Apple Bloom to get herself an education,” Applejack explained, clarifying. “We both reckon she don’t want to spend the rest of her life on our farm, especially if her friends are goin’ to college. Our place will always be on Sweet Apple Acres, but at the same time we want her to do whatever she wants. She ain’t exactly a lil schoolgirl anymore.”

As Applejack talked, her eyes never left the road, intently focused on the drive ahead. Rarity couldn’t help but gape upon the farm girl, slightly intrigued on the matter at hand.

“And what about you?” Rarity asked.

“Wut d’ya mean?” Applejack shrugged. “Wut about me?”

“Well… You talk so much about what your sister wants, and that’s all well and good indeed. But what about ‘you’? Aren’t you going to do what you always wanted to do?”

“I sure am,” Applejack answered, truthfully. “Don’t need anythin’ flashy, fancy, or one of them diamond rings. I got everythin’ I want at home… No offense.”

“Oh, no… No, of course not.”

The conversation ended there, as Rarity fell silent, folding her hands upon her lap. For a couple minutes, while Applejack kept her eyes on the road, she couldn’t help but let her mind ponder. Perhaps she had raised her voice without realizing it or maybe she said something offensive without meaning to. Applejack hoped she didn’t say anything to hurt Rarity’s feelings. They may not always agree on their choice of lifestyle or hobbies, but the last thing Applejack would ever do is intentionally hurt one of her closest friends.

Just before she opens her mouth, as if to offer an apology, Rarity finally spoke up.

“Did I ever tell you the little news I heard between Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash?”

For a moment, Applejack hesitated to answer apart from a shake of the head. Applejack had never been a very big fan of gossip, apart from this one instance with this one recluse outside town… But she’d rather let that pass. That being said, if something major had happened, especially around any of Applejack’s friends, she would like to know about it.

“Well, the details are all very hush-hush so I can’t reveal too much,” Rarity continued. whispering. “But, just to get this out of the way: Rainbow Dash just asked Fluttershy out on a date!”

The way Rarity spoke that rumor so silently, as if some conspiracy were at work, it was as if Rarity were afraid they could be watched by unseen eyes peering in the night. Applejack, on the other hand, couldn’t help but laugh at the so-called ‘news’.

“Is that so?” Applejack asked, smiling.

“Why yes, of course it is,” Rarity nodded. “Do you not believe me?”

“No, I believe ya alright,” Applejack snickered. “Matter of fact, I just came from the gym the other day. Sure enough, I saw Rainbow Dash practically waitin’ for her.”

“At the gym? Oh dear, she was being literal when she said she wanted to work out… Had I but known…”

The way Rarity was taken aback by this revelation, Applejack peered toward her friend from the corner of her eyes.

“Why? Wut did ya think she meant?”

Rarity coughed slightly, her cheeks turning a slight shade of pink. Rarity seemed almost hesitant to answer, as if whatever she said might risk a negative impression.

“Mm… Nothing, nothing at all… Although, I probably owe Fluttershy an apology later.”

“I see…”

“So… Since we’re still on the subject, what are your opinions on the matter?”

“My opinion on what?”

“You know? The very idea of two gentlemen, or in this case two ladies, um…”

Applejack raised her eyebrows toward Rarity, trying to imagine where she was getting at. Her eyes practically saying ‘Well?’ without the need for words.

“I’m only asking you Applejack simply because the subject in question is rather lost on me. You see I, well I’m telling you because I trust you, is that I come from a rather… Ahem, how do I put this? A ‘conservative’ background. But enough about me, what about you? How do you feel?”

Applejack pursued her lips, thinking of an appropriate response. Those in town who know Applejack well knows that while she’s the most honest girl in town, the subject of romance alludes this farm girl. She hardly seemed like the type to pursue a romantic interest, unlike the young fashionista sitting next to her, waiting for an answer from her. After a while, Applejack finally answered.

“Well, in my opinion, if folks, bein’ two guys or two girls, care for each other so much they make each other happy, that’s all there is to it. Granny always tells me, ‘Youngin’, love is the most powerful friendship in the world.’ For me, it don’t matter who falls in love with whom, if they’re happy and they want to start a family together, I say let ‘em.”

Applejack just finished her answer when Rarity exhaled quietly, shuffling in her seat adjusting the seatbelt. Confused, Applejack turns toward Rarity.


“Oh, um… Nothing. Nothing at all. Actually, do you mind if I open the window? It’s dreadfully warm in here and I could use the night air.”

“No problem. Go right ahead.”

Rarity cranked the lever on the side of the door, rolling the dirty, rusty window down. A lick of cool breeze tickled the back of Applejack’s neck, as she nodded. Rarity definitely had the right idea. She kept the right hand along the twelve o’clock position on the wheel, so Applejack could work her own window down. Instant relief of a continuous wind blowing across her face made her sigh in content.

To the west, the receding sun created a blue of colors over the horizon. The blue sky melted with an array of orange and red, like a pair of crowns drawn across a piece of paper. Of all the most beautiful displays Applejack passed by, the sky at this hour is timeless. Applejack tapped the wheel with her index finger, pondering the next thing to say.

“Is it alright if we take the back way?” Applejack asked.

“I suppose so,” Rarity answered, slowly. “But if I may ask, whatever for?”

“Just goin’ for a drive; it helps me relax.”

Applejack is not one to lie, she enjoyed any chance she can get to make the drive longer. Especially in this area: A big city that never sleeps, life constantly on the move, and all the folks going about their daily lives. Of course, Canterlot is practically a small town carved right into a forest, whilst all the outer streets blend seamlessly into the woods. Just northwest of the school, Canterlot High, there was the farmlands, Applejack’s included. For her, that was home: The fields full of gravel roads, the crisp feeling underneath the tires as they drive by. Breathing in the fresh air away from the big towns, with clear blue skies casted overhead. What more could a girl like her ask for?

The squawk from the radio drew Applejack from her blissful trance. She turned to the side, as Rarity’s hand fiddled with the dial, turning the frequency up. Applejack couldn’t help but smile incredulously, as she left the station be. The last kind of music Applejack would think Rarity would want to hear, though one of her friends mentioned she had a liking for heavy metal… She just never thought to ask.

“Girl, wut on Earth are ya doin’?” Applejack asked, smiling.

“I hope you’ll forgive me,” Rarity replied, primly. “I’m feeling a bit rustic, tonight.”

“Feeling rustic, huh? Well, by all means… Go ahead.”

Suffice to say, Applejack had no intent to stop Rarity. If anything, Applejack was having the time of her life in the simplest of ways. The rumbling drive, the cool breeze, the soulful strumming on Jake Owen’s guitar. But more importantly… Rarity, her best friend, sitting in the passenger seat. The breeze flowing against her silky-smooth purple hair, like the models on the catwalk, she was beautiful.

Applejack had known this much for a while, though this was the one subject she was never upfront about. But the truth is: Applejack thought of Rarity more fondly lately. Every day after work, when Applejack is done in the fields and Rarity just finished her latest fashion designs, Applejack always looked forward to driving her home. She didn’t mind that Rarity didn’t really have her own car and it would pain her to have to pay for an Uber or taxi to drive her home. For Applejack, it was a chance to see each other every day and she was offering her driving services for free, not just because they’re friends.

If Applejack could ever be honest about anything: As much as she appreciated their time, just the two of them… Applejack wished it meant something. Neither the girls in the truck nor their friends at home ever acknowledged it, but ever since Sunset Shimmer, one of their oldest friends, decided to go back home, in a sense… Everything changed. True, life in Canterlot seemed normal, not as active in magic as it used to be. Yet time seemed to slow down, allowing everyone to just sink back, and enjoy life as it is now.

At least, Applejack tried to enjoy life… She truly did. As content as she was for a life on the farm, seemingly having nothing she’d want to do with her life nor ambitions of her own, if any at all… Sometimes, Applejack wished for more than that. And if she could be more upfront about the topic with Rarity, to actually tell her how she felt… What would she say? How would Rarity feel?

It wasn’t long before they eventually pulled up in front of Rarity’s house, a fancy little abode just a block or two away from the school. As the engine of the rusty red pick-up ran, the truck itself rumbling, Applejack watched her unclasp her seatbelt. It was funny, the ride felt longer… Yet shorter at the same time.

“Well… Here we are,” Applejack said.

“Oh yes… So we are,” Rarity nodded, looking out the window.

“Well, uh… It is gettin’ mighty late. I’ll, uh… See you on Monday.”

“Actually…” Rarity replied, patting her knees. “I was wondering if you would be open to accompanying me to lunch… Tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? You and me?” Applejack asked, surprised. “Well, sure! I’d be happy to take ya. I reckon’ I ca spare a couple bucks and—”

“Oh, no, no, no. Please darling. It’s my treat; after all, I am asking you out. Am I not?”

Rarity’s eyes were still locked onto Applejack, who scratched her head trying to figure her out. All she could do was clear her throat to avoid the awkward silence.

“Well… If you insist, I’ll see you sometime around noon, then! Uh, ahem… Do I have somethin’ stuck in my teeth?”

“Applejack,” Rarity rolled her eyes, with an amused smile. “Do you know precisely what I just did?”

“You… Offered to buy me lunch?”

A giggle escaped Rarity’s lips, as she placed her hand over her mouth to cover her smile.

“Oh goodness, Applejack I swear… I was trying not to make it sound so obvious. But it seems you leave me no choice but to be… A little more direct.”

“I… Don’t follow,” Applejack replied, awkwardly.

“How about I try this in a way you can understand?” Rarity replied, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Applejack, would you like to go on a date with me?”

Applejack was certainly not prepared for this, if the awkward silence she failed to avoid was any indication. Applejack didn’t answer right away, having to think about for nearly a solid minute. Rarity fidgeted in her seat, as if she herself was worried she said something wrong. Eventually all Applejack can give were two meager word:

“Say wut?”

“Oh dear, I do understand if I’m putting you on the spot,” Rarity replied, regretfully. “We don’t have to do anything to change what we have if you don’t want to. I just wanted to… Test my luck. But if you really don’t want to go…”

“No, no, it’s okay,” Applejack interrupts, waving her hand. I just… I mean, wow. Rarity, that’s… Amazin’, actually. I’m surprised because… I didn’t know that you were… Um…”

“A lesbian?”

Applejack thought about it, then nodded slowly with an awkward smile. Rarity saw the look on her friend’s face and giggled slightly.

“Oh darling, I’m not that,” She replied, patting her cheek.

“I don’t get it,” Applejack spoke, cocking an eyebrow.

“Well, you are my closest friend in the whole wide world, I feel I can trust you with the truth. The kids at school don’t know this about me, but… I’m bi-sexual.”

“Oh… Kay?”

“When everyone looks at me, they think I’m the girl next door who designs clothes and always goes for the next handsome young man walking along our lockers. The truth is: I’ve always had an eye on women too. I find myself attracted to girls, the same as I do with boys, and what you said before, how it shouldn’t matter who you’re with, I always thought of having a life to share with somebody. If I should find a person to commit to, I’d prefer it to be multiple choice so this way I’m not limited to just men… Or just women…”

“But…” Applejack asked, knowing there was more.

“I wasn’t kidding when I told you that my family is… Conservative,” Rarity sighed. “Especially my parents. I love my mother and father so much, but they have always been very traditional about their outlook. That women should only be allowed to date men, that only two genders exist, and that they encourage me to marry a man because they believe they know what’s best for me. If they ever find out I’ve had this idea of dating someone of my gender, especially my very best friend… I can’t bear to imagine what they’d think. I know it’s hard to understand…”

“No… Believe me,” Applejack assured. “That makes perfect sense. I’m no expert on the whole romancin’ and such, I’ve more focused on farm work than datin’. Not that I never think about it, now and again, but despite what our classmates say… I don’t avoid asking out guys because I don’t like them. It’s just… They’re not my type.”

“Are you a lesbian?” Rarity asked, curiously. “I hate to pry if it’s personal, I just…”

“No, no… I’m an open-book and I reckon’ ya deserve the right to know. If I can be honest: I’m still tryin’ to figure myself out. Just as you worry of how your family would think, I don’t know how I could ever tell ma siblins’… Or even Granny. Family means everythin’ to us, but not one single relative in our family dates the same sex least none that I know. It’s already been tough acceptin’ that part of our family are Pears and we’re bitter rivals!”

“And yet… And yet I can’t deny, the reason I insist on havin’ longer drives… Is only an excuse to spend time with ya. Sure, we see each other at school or when we hang out with friends or those trips to Everfree. But then we’re so busy doin’ our own things, I miss out on days when it can be just the two of us… Just us.”

The truth was out: Both girls made it perfectly clear just what they were going through. As different as they are, in terms of background and beliefs, they had this one thing in common. A dirty little secret that they keep from their families and most of their friends, even they are both aware their friends in turn have gone through the same thing. Still, that’s what makes this ride in this ole pick-up so special… The one place where they can talk and be themselves.

“I’m not ready to tell my parents about it,” Rarity admitted, sighing. “They just wouldn’t understand, even if they wanted to. I know I shouldn’t lay this on you, but if you could possibly not tell anyone else…”

“Rarity, you know I value honesty over everything,” Applejack explained, then smiled. “But… This is your secret, not mine. You oughtta be the one ta tell ‘em yourself. If it means that much to you, I won’t tell anyone yer secret… If you won’t tell anyone mine. Like I said: I’m still tryin’ to find where I’m at…”

“Hmm, well… When you do figure it out, perhaps this will help.”

Before Applejack could ask or respond, Rarity planted her delicate lips upon Applejack’s, her eyes went wide, and her cheeks turned red like Red Delicious apples. But Applejack did not fight back nor even argued against it. She just closed her eyes, wrapped an arm over her friend’s shoulder… And kissed her right back, with burning passion. To say Applejack never had visions of such a moment happening to her, that would be a lie. Applejack was living a reality, a dream coming true, and she didn’t want this to stop no matter what anybody said.

But eventually, they did part lips, as the two looked at each other with starry eyes, as bright as the moon just coming into view before the sun disappeared completely over the horizon. Applejack blushed harder, rubbing the back of her neck searching for her words. But she didn’t have to, she wasn’t the first to speak up.

“So… Is it a date?” Rarity asked.

“Uh… Yeah,” Applejack nodded. “I do believe it is.”

“Lovely,” Rarity smiled, flashing her eyes. “Can you pick me up here at 7?”

“I thought you said we were goin’ to lunch—"

“Ah-tut-tut-tut!” Rarity shushed, putting a finger over A.J.’s lips. “7 pm… On the dot. And please, don’t wear your work duds. I don’t expect anything fancy, but perhaps something… A little more alluring.”

“Alluring…” Applejack chuckled, nervously. “Um… Okay then.”

With visions ringing in her head, Applejack stepped out of the truck as Rarity sat back, sighing in bliss. From the other side, Applejack opened the door and helped her friend step out. As Applejack closed the door, Rarity looked toward her, the smile never leaving her face.

“I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, Applejack.”

“Yeah… Me too, Rarity.”

Rarity waved as she climbed up the porch steps, Applejack waving back as she watched her disappear into her house. As Applejack made her way to the driver’s side, opening and shutting the door, she let out a giddy laugh. This came completely out of the blue, she did not expect this to happen on a seemingly normal day. But it did happen… And she loved every minute of it.

The grin never left Applejack’s face, as she turned the clutch to drive and pulled away taking the open road back to her home in Sweet Apple Acres. The sky seemed to brighten due to the brilliant red color or perhaps the only thing red going on was how warm her cheeks felt, as she could still taste her lips along hers. Applejack always believed she had everything she could ever want in life, but now she realized there is something she wants more.

As long as I have more time with Rarity,” Applejack thought. “I truly have everything I want.

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