I've written myself in different ways before. Everyone can change the way they look one way or another, right? Like, changing clothes? Something like that, but... but I wonder if there's a possibility that you can change more than that.
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I've written myself in different ways before. Everyone can change the way they look one way or another, right? Like, changing clothes? Something like that, but... but I wonder if there's a possibility that you can change more than that. Like... like, your body.

If you're unhappy with yourself, what if you could just imagine yourself as someone else? Someone better. Someone... someone strong, or- or small, or someone fast, like a cheetah.

What if you could be someone who could do all that?

Spoiler Warning: Okay, this story obviously contains a bit of “body shame”, which is one of my biggest insecurities. If you don’t like the sound of that, feel free to click away now. It’s not super in your face, but yeah. Just letting you know.

Also- I’m super terrible at writing self insert stories. If I do something terribly, let me know how I can do better.

Slice of Life

2,565 words: Estimated 11 Minutes to read: [Fimfiction.net] [Cache]

2 Chapters:

  1. Oh, The Ways I Can Wonder... [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] May 23rd, 2020
  2. The Joy Of Creation [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] May 23rd, 2020
Published May 23rd, 2020


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