
Silverstream and the Surprise Adoption

by Lemon Lime Light

Chapter 1: Silverstream

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“I’m going to adopt Gallus!”

Ok, I think I should backup for a minute and probably start at what led me to say that out loud Ocellus, one of my very best friends, in the first place. And my name is Silverstream by the way! Hi!

It started a few weeks ago, when I found out about a Pony holiday. I always love finding out about new holidays. Hearts and Hooves day was amazing! Even if everycreature said I wasn’t celebrating it right and that the way I was celebrating it was making everypony feel very awkward. Nightmare Night was great too! Well, the parts where I got candy were. The rest, not as great, but still great! And even though I love the Three Days of Freedom Celebration more, Hearths Warming was so sweet!

None of those were the holiday I’m talking about though. The holiday I’m talking about was called Family Appreciation Day. It’s a whole day where, get this, you appreciate your family! You give them gifts and tell them how much they mean to you. And in school, we bring our parents into class and have them tell everycreature about themselves!

That was the first day I got to meet all of my friends’ families! Yona and her family talked about smashing! Her brothers were so adorable I just wanted to cuddle them forever! But not as cute as Sandbar’s sister! She laughed when I hugged her! Did I mention I like hugging and cuddling?

Smolder actually managed to bring her brother, Garble, to Ponyville. When he first got here, I heard him muttering and complaining about coming to a stupid pony town for stupid a stupid pony holiday. Those weren’t very nice words. Which made it all the more surprising when he recited some of the best poetry I had ever heard. Those words were so much nicer! And when everycreature started enjoying it, Smolder said she had never seen him smile like that. I asked about her parents, but she said that they wouldn’t even fit inside the school.

When Ocellus brought her family, they started their presentation by explaining that they weren’t family in the rest of the families were. Back when Changelings were these evil, black, hole filled monsters, only Queen Chrysalis laid eggs for The Hive. But when they reformed, they wanted to live more like ponies. So they all started to make families of their own. But they still loved each other all the same!

And all my friends even got to meet my dad and Terramar! Not my mom, sadly, because she is a Seapony full time. We all talked about what being the family to the Queen is like. Which in hindsight, probably wasn’t impressive to all the ponies who had the new Princess as their head mare just last year. But I still loved it!

The only creature whose family I didn’t get to meet was Gallus’s. And that was when I realized that Gallus didn’t have a family. And I felt so stupid for not realizing it sooner! He flat out told us all that before the Three Days of Freedom Celebration last year. I guess I just didn’t want to believe that something so terrible could happen to someone I cared so much about! But when I saw him so sad during all of the presentations, it finally clicked for me.

And I hated that! I’m sorry, I don’t like that word. Hate is a word reserved for how you feel about the Storm King. But that was exactly how I felt about it. I hated the fact that Gallus never had anycreature in his life to love him. The only creature that took care of him was Grandpa Gruff. But I know just how he felt about Gallus when Head Mare Starlight used our parent-teacher conferences for her vice head mare. And let me tell you, I came SO close to using the h-word for him after that.

I know it’s selfish to say this, but this hurt me too! I shouldn’t feel hurt, but I was. It just made me so sad to think about what it would be like to not have a family. Gallus, someone who I cared about more than nearly anycreature else in the whole world, didn’t have any of the love I have. It hurt my heart trying to imagine not having my mom and dad and Terramar in my life. But that’s what it’s like for Gallus! I just wanted to give him that!

Then I had the single greatest idea in history. It was so simple! I wanted to give him the love of a family. So, why didn’t I just do that?

That is the series of events that led me up to where I am now. Now being rushing into the library after school hours when only Ocellus was in it and saying those words to her.

“I’m going to adopt Gallus!”

Ocellus was speechless. She literally dropped the book she was reading flat onto the table. Her jaw was agape. A couple times she held up her hoof and looked like she was about to say something, but put it back down.

“Um, excuse me?” Ocellus finally said. I don’t think that’s what she wanted to say. Though to be fair, I don’t think she actually knew what she wanted to say to that.

Now that I think about it, I probably should have given her the context that I had just given you before I said that. But I couldn’t help myself. I was just so excited. It was the perfect solution to Gallus’s problems! I just had to share it right away! Not to Gallus of course. I wanted it to be a surprise to him.

Explaining everything to Ocellus didn’t actually change the look on her face. Did I leave anything out? She still didn’t seem like she understood where I was coming from. Or, did she not think it was a good idea?

“Do you not think it’s a good idea?” I asked Ocellus. She was the smartest creature I knew. It’s part of the reason I went straight to her to tell her my idea. I wanted to ask on how to adopt somecreature.

“I um, really don’t…” Ocellus started to sheepishly scrunch into herself in the same adorable way she did whenever she was being shy. “There’s, a number of problems with that actually.”

“Like what?”

“Well um, for starters, you’re only fifteen. Gallus is actually a year older than you. I’m fairly certain that you have to be an adult to adopt somecreature.”

“But that just means I can love him even more!” I protested. “I know him better than any adult ever could!”

“I’m not doubting you on that! But, there’s a lot more to adopting a creature than just loving them. You have to also show that you’re capable of providing for him. That means you have to have a stable job and a sound home. You’re still in school and live with your parents. Creatures like them would be better suited to adopting Gallus than you would.”

“OH. MY. GOSH. OCELLUS, YOU’RE A GENIUS!” I sprang across the table and gave Ocellus the biggest hug I could give her. That was the greatest idea I had ever heard!

“I-I…what?!” Ocellus was surprised by me again. I let go of her and sat back down, struggling to contain myself.

“I wanted to adopt Gallus because I couldn’t imagine what it must have felt like to not have somecreature like my mom and dad and Terramar growing up. But why not just give him all of that! I’ll just get my parents to adopt him!”

“That…that’s not what I meant!” I think I was overwhelming Ocellus again. Smolder had been telling me that I needed to calm down when it was just me and her. “That’s a big thing to spring on somecreature, Silverstream. They’ve never even met Gallus.”

“My dad and Terramar got to meet you all on Family Appreciation Day. And I’ve written about Gallus to them all the time.”

“But that’s still not enough. I don’t think you’re quite grasping how big a thing adoption is. You’d be asking them to accept Gallus as a part of their family and raise him like he was actually their child. You can’t expect your parents to agree to that sort of thing with a creature they only have a passing knowledge of.”


“Look, Silverstream, I’m not saying you don’t have a really sweet and well-intentioned idea. But you have to understand that it isn’t as simple a solution as you think. It requires mutual understanding from both parties involved.”

“I understand…” I felt my spirits being crushed as I left the library. Ocellus tried to cheer me up, but I shrugged her off. I wasn’t upset with her or anything, she had just told me the truth. She was right, I had let my excitement make me think that it would be easy. It wasn’t.

But I can’t let that stop me! I’m positive Gallus needs the love of my family in his life! He looked so depressed on Family Appreciation Day. He wanted a family of his own like we all had. I have that, I just have to find a way to give it to him. If Gallus and my family don’t know each other well enough for that yet, then I’ll just have to fix that.


“So, Gallus, fall break is coming up soon.” I asked Gallus after class the next day. I tried to make approaching him seem as natural as possible. That was a little hard to do since our last classes were on the opposite sides of the school. But I don’t think he thought hard about how fast I traveled that distance in order to meet up with him so soon. “Do you have any plans?”

“Well I’m probably going to do what I normally do when school’s out.” Gallus told me as we walked together towards the doors of Princess Twilight Sparkle’s School of Friendship. “Stay here in Ponyville and crash at Sandbar’s house. You?”

“Wait you do that every break?” I know Gallus just asked me a question, but what he just said triggered a red flag for my plan. What if he was already attached to Sandbar’s family? What if I needed to convince them to adopt him instead? I already thought convincing my own family was going to be hard enough, but another creature’s? “How long have you been doing that?”

“Since Blue Moon Festival last year,” Gallus spoke nonchalantly. He didn’t notice me ignoring his question. Or just chose to ignore it. Good for me, it means he wasn’t catching on. “Or, should I say Hearth’s Warming since we’re in Equestria? Eh, doesn’t matter. When you all did finally go home, Sandbar let me come to his place and stay there. And then he invited me over for spring break, and then for all summer too. He already let me know I’m welcome to do the same for fall break.”

“Do you like going over there?” Do I need to adjust my plan? Do I need to throw it out the window? No! I won’t do that. Even if it isn’t with my family, Gallus is going to get adopted if it’s the last thing I do!

“Eh, it’s better than going back to Griffonstone. I get to be with Sandbar, so that’s a plus. And his family is all nice. That means they’re infinitely better than most other Griffons. His parents are really lax, I don’t hear from them much until dinner. But I’m still in Ponyville, so it doesn’t feel like much of a break from school, if you get what I’m saying.”

So Gallus hadn’t formed that much of a relationship with Sandbar’s family. That means that he was still free to form a bond with my family! Now to proceed!

“Would you possibly be open to going somewhere else this fall break?”

“Hmm, I don’t know. I mean, Sandbar’s sister just learned to realize that I’m not a Cat Pegasus. Don’t wanna ruin that progress.” Gallus snorted. “I’m just kidding. What did you have in mind?”

“Well I was wondering if you would like to come to Mount Aris with me and stay with my family instead?”

“Sure, but why?”

Oh no, oh no, oh no! I hadn’t thought about a reason. I mean, I have a reason, but I can’t tell him that. If I tell him that I want him to know my family better and like them, then he won’t do it as much because he knows he has to! Also, it would ruin his surprise adoption! I needed to think of another reason that didn’t involve those other two.

“Because I want to have a friend back home at Mount Aris over the break?” Nailed it. Totally nailed it.

“And, you want, me?” Gallus was raising an eyebrow at me.

“Of course I do!” I couldn’t read Gallus’s look. He was clearly suspicious, but not at what I’m worried about. Something else was making him suspicious of something I didn’t know about. But he had agreed to come with me!

“I already got my parents to sign a permission slip saying it was ok for you to come home with me.” We had gotten back to the dorms and were going into my room. I pulled out the form that I was talking about and another blank one. “You just need to get Grandpa Gruff to sign this one. After that all we have to do is hand them into Head Mare Starlight.”

“Got a pen?” Gallus casually asked.

“Um yeah, right here on my desk. Why?”

“Just give me a second,” Gallus picked up the pen and started writing on the spot that Grandpa Gruff was supposed to sign. He stuck his tongue out and concentrated, taking his time when making the strokes. “And there we go, signed.”

“But, Grandpa Gruff is supposed to sign that.”

“And as far Head Mare Starlight knows, he did.” I looked at Gallus really confused. “Look, after the fifth form he had to sign, Grandpa Gruff wouldn’t even let me come back here until I could convincingly forge his signature. This is only the second time I’ve done this, but she bought it the first time.”

“Well I guess that settles things then. We’re on for Mount Aris!” Wow, he needed a family more than I thought! Grandpa Gruff didn’t even want to see him to sign a paper. Well that wouldn’t be a problem for much longer.

I rubbed my talons together. Oh yes, my little Griffin. Soon you will be so loved!

Next Chapter: Gallus Estimated time remaining: 13 Minutes
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