
Cozy Glow: FIENDship is Magic

by RainbowDoubleDash

Chapter 14: Epilogue

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Dear Mister Tirek,

I’ve been practicing that spell you taught me really hard, every day since we first met. Hopefully this time it’ll actually reach you instead of just burning up in the fire. I’m getting really tired of re-writing this letter!

I’m sorry that you lost. Well, I’m not really sorry, because if you had won then Discord would have gotten to do whatever he wanted to Equestria, and that wouldn’t have been fun for anypony. He might have made me croak and jump and act like a frog, or something.

I can’t believe that the Princesses just let him go after what happened. But I guess it helps to have friends in high places.

Anyway, I know that you probably really hate that you lost, so I’m sorry about that.

I don’t know if you have anything to write with in Tartaros, but I’m sending a whole bunch of paper so that you can write back if you want to. I bet I could even send you some books with enough practice so you’d have stuff to read.

I’d love to keep talking to you, you were really fun to play in chess, and you know magic and could teach me some, and I even got my cutie mark because of you! It’s a rook. My special talent is strategy. Seeing the big picture, playing all the angles.

Oh, sorry if that makes you mad, me getting a cutie mark. I don’t think one more pony’s power would have helped against Princess Twilight, though.

My revenge against Uncle Fork is going well. He was super mad when I told him I was planning on selling off Daddy’s companies, if not now, then when I become an official adult. He said he was going to fight it with lawyers, but then I said I would fight with my own lawyers. We got into a big argument and now he isn’t living in my house anymore.

Just in case he actually can hire good lawyers, though, I was planning on making it look like he was stealing my money and embezzling money from my Daddy’s companies. Only while I was starting to do that it turns out that he was actually already doing that! I’m waiting for the perfect time to reveal that and ruin him.

Oh, and do you want to play another game of chess? I’ll play white this time: Knight to f3. Your move!

I hope you write me back if you can!

— Cozy Glow

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