
A Family for Cozy Glow

by Twilight Star

Chapter 1: Cozy doesn't deserve a punishment like Discord

Twilight was sitting on her throne, reading a book about creatures. Beside her was Spike, who was wearing a gold medallion and was sitting on a cushion. Although Twilight liked to read, she couldn’t concentrate. Not after what happened today. Her thoughts went to Cozy Glow. She knew that Cozy Glow wasn’t like any other filly. But despite that, she felt sorry for Cozy, because after all, even though she was evil, Cozy was just a filly. The punishment Cozy received was very unfair, especially for a filly. She didn’t understand why Celestia, Luna and Discord couldn’t make an exception for Cozy. Cozy didn’t deserve that punishment, even though she had done bad things. She closed the book as she looked sad and sighed sadly.

Spike looked at Twilight and noticed the sadness in Twilight. He raised an eyebrow.

“Twilight? It’s all right?” asked Spike.

Twilight looked at Spike, still sad. “No. I’m not well.”

Spike was concerned. “What happened, Twilight? You can tell me how you feel.”

Twilight, still sad, replied, “you remember what happened today, don’t you?”

“Yes, Twilight. Chrysalis, Cozy and Tirek tried to dominate Equestria through fear,” replied Spike. “Why?”

“You know that Cozy Glow is just a filly, right?” asked Twilight Sparkle.

“Yes, Twilight,” replied Spike, now starting to get confused as to why Twilight is asking this to him.

“You know what happened after she lost their powers, don’t you?”

“Yes. Cozy was petrified along with Chrysalis and Tirek,” replied Spike. “Twilight, I don’t understand. Why are you reviewing what happened today?”

Twilight Sparkle looked to the side, still sad. “It’s just that I think the punishment that Cozy Glow received was very unfair. Especially for a filly like her.”

“But Twilight, she stole the magic from Equestria and tried to rule the school of friendship. On top of that, she tried to dominate Equestria along with Tirek and Chrysalis through fear.” Spike tried to convince Twilight that what she was going to do was wrong.

“I know, Spike. But still, she’s just a filly,” said Twilight as she looked at Spike. “She doesn’t deserve a punishment like Discord.”

Spike started to understand what Twilight wanted to do. “Twilight, you’re not thinking of freeing Cozy Glow from her statue prison, are you?”

“Yes, Spike. I’m thinking of doing this,” replied Twilight Sparkle.

“But Twilight, if you do that, she can try to dominate Equestria again!” Spike tried desperately to convince and protect Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle rose from her throne. “She won’t do that, Spike. I saw her reaction to being petrified. I’m sure she’s good now and she regretted what she did.” she started walking. The royal guards just watched Twilight leave the castle. Spike decided to stay seated, waiting for the return of Twilight.

Twilight was now in the castle garden, looking for the new statue. Until she saw it. The statue was nothing more than the petrified Legion Of Doom. Each had different expressions. Cozy had an expression of fear while her front hooves were on her face, Tirek gritted his teeth while his eyes were closed, and Chrysalis had an angry expression while in an attack position. She approached the statue.

When she stopped, she looked sadly at the petrified shape of Cozy Glow.

Poor, Cozy Glow. She must be so terrified.

But she soon smiled. Don’t worry. I will free you from your statue prison.

Twilight closed her eyes and used her magic. Her magic involved the statue of Cozy Glow. The filly’s statue began to crack as a white glow came out. Until there was an explosion, Twilight closed her eyes while covering her face with a hoof. When she opened her eyes and removed the hoof from her face, she smiled. Cozy was no longer a statue, she was flying while looking around in fear. Was she released from statue prison? But who freed her? Was it the princesses and that draconequus? She looked ahead and saw Twilight looking at her with a smile.

“Twilight?” asked Cozy Glow in surprise. “Did you free me from my statue prison?”

“Yes, Cozy...” but there was no time for Twilight to finish her sentence, because Cozy went to her and hugged her hard with her hooves while crying.

“I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry! Please forgive me for everything I caused you and the others!” cried Cozy Glow through tears.

Twilight was surprised by this. She didn’t think Cozy was crying and was going to apologize for everything she did. It was as if Cozy was no longer that megalomaniac filly from before. It was as if the statue prison had made Cozy emotionally broken.

“Cozy, why are you crying?” asked Twilight Sparkle, now worried.

Cozy, still crying, replied, “becoming a statue was a horrible feeling! I had never been so scared before!”

Twilight felt sorry for Cozy Glow. She never imagined seeing Cozy like this. She knew that Cozy showed fear during the petrification process, but one of the things she didn’t imagine was seeing Cozy like that after she stopped being a statue.

“Cozy, could you tell me how it felt?” Twilight wanted to help Cozy Glow in some way.

Cozy Glow looked at Twilight, still with tears in her eyes. “I felt like my body stopped moving. And I could only hear, see the others, but I wasn’t able to speak a single word.”

Twilight hugged Cozy back. “It’s okay, Cozy. It’s gone. You’re free now. You can now go back to your family. I’m sure they must be very concerned about you.”

Cozy Glow felt more like crying with those words. “Twilight, I cannot return to my family.”

Twilight Sparkle was confused by the response she received. “What? But why not?”

“Because I have no family,” replied Cozy Glow, now crying even more. “I have never met my parents since I was born. I’ve been living on the streets of Ponyville.”

Twilight Sparkle was surprised by the response she received. Cozy was an orphan? She never imagined that. She always thought that Cozy had a family.

Twilight Sparkle started to have an idea while smiling. She looked at Cozy Glow. “Cozy, I have a solution for this.”

More tears came out of Cozy Glow’s eyes. “Really? Which is?”

“I can be your mom,” said Twilight Sparkle. Those words were enough for Gozy Glow to embrace Twilight with the hooves again.

“Thank you. Thank you, Twilight.” Cozy Glow thanked her as more tears came out of her eyes, only this time they were tears of happiness.

Twilight was surprised by the hug. But then the hug returned with a smile. Now, she had to do two things: Sign documents to adopt Cozy Glow and make a bed for Cozy to sleep in a furniture store. But first, she would ask Spike to show Cozy Glow the castle.

“Cozy, follow me.” Twilight came out of the embrace as she turned and started walking.

“Twilight? Where we go?” asked Cozy Glow as she followed Twilight Sparkle. She was on the right side of Twilight.

“I will take you to Spike to show you the castle.”

Cozy Glow was confused. “But can’t you show me the castle?”

“Cozy, I need to do two things: I need to sign some documents for you to be my daughter and then find a bed for you to sleep at night.” explained Twilight Sparkle as she looked at Cozy Glow.

“I understand ...” said Cozy Glow, sadly.

“Hey. Don’t be sad, Cozy Glow. When I finish doing this, we can be together,” said Twilight Sparkle as she hugged Cozy with a wing.

Cozy Glow managed to smile a little. “OK…”

Twilight’s wing stopped hugging Cozy and went back to where it was. When Cozy came in with Twilight, the royal guards looked uncertain.

Twilight opened a door with her magic, revealing the throne room. Spike saw Twilight with Cozy Glow.

“Spike, I need you to do me a favor.” began Twilight Sparkle.

Spike went to Twilight with a smile. “Yes, Twilight. What do you want me to do?”

“Show Cozy Glow the castle, please?” asked Twilight Sparkle. “I have to go to Ponyville City Hall to be able to sign some documents to adopt Cozy Glow and go to a furniture store to make her a bed.”

“Of course I can do that, Twilight.” Spike put one for his on the head, just like a commander’s.

“Great.” Twilight looked at Cozy Glow with a smile. “I’ll be right back. OK?”

“Ok… mom,” said Cozy Glow with a smile. She decided that from now on she would start calling Twilight of “Mom.”

Twilight Sparkle turned and started walking. Cozy and Spike watched Twilight leave for a few seconds.

Spike looked at Cozy Glow with a smile. “Come on, Cozy! I’ll show you to the dining room first.”

Upon landing in Ponyville, Twilight realized that in addition to ponies, there were also creatures in Ponyville. Some creatures were talking with the other ponies walking and leaving the stores together. She was nothing more than surprised. It seems that after the Legion of Doom attack, the creatures and ponies became more united than before.

She looked ahead and saw the city hall. Upon entering, she saw Mayor Mare. “Mayor Mare...”

“Oh! Hi, Princess Twilight. Do you need something?” asked Mare with a friendly smile.

“Yes. I would like to adopt Cozy Glow,” replied Twilight Sparkle. “Could you bring me the documents for me to sign?”

“Of course, Twilight. Wait here and I’ll be right back.” Mayor Mare went to a closet and started looking for adoption documents.

While Mayor Mare was doing this, Twilight started thinking about the pegasus filly. She was happy to have released Cozy from the statue prison. Since she found out Cozy was evil, she always wanted to understand why Cozy was like that. But now she knew, Cozy was like that because she had no family. But it seems that when she released Cozy from the statue prison, Cozy was reformed. It was as if the statue prison had made her realize that what she did was wrong.

“Here are the adoption papers, Twilight.” Mayor Mare placed the stack of documents on the table.

Twilight brought out a red quill, picked up the documents and started reading each one before signing them. After that she intended to go to a furniture store to buy a bed for Cozy Glow to sleep on.

“And this is Twilight’s room.” introduced Spike. The bedroom was purple in color with a lavender closet and large bed, capable of two ponies. It had a large balcony, a medium-sized pink desk with a lamp and a side table with a purple lamp with pink stars.

“It’s beautiful,” said Cozy Glow as she was admired the room.

Cozy realized that it’s been an hour since Twilight didn’t return. “Why is mom taking so long to come back?”

“She’s still signed the adoption papers and needs to see a bed for you,” replied Spike. “Soon, soon, she returns.”

Suddenly, she heard the sound of flapping wings. She looked at the balcony and saw Twilight landing on the balcony. Twilight held a small bed with her magic. Cozy Glow went to Twilight with a smile. “Mom! Have you finished signing the adoption documents yet?” Cozy noticed a bed. “Mommy, is that bed for me?”

“Yes. It took some time, but finally I finished,” replied Twilight Sparkle with a smile and put a small bed on the floor. The bed was white with a light blue blanket. “And the bed is for you, yes.”

Cozy Glow hugged Twilight Sparkle with her hooves. Twilight returned the hug. Both were happy. One was happy to finally have a family and the other was happy to be a mother to an orphaned filly. Spike just watched with a smile.

“Thank you, Twilight. Thank you for doing this for me.” Cozy Glow thanked, now crying with joy.

“You’re welcome, daughter.” thanked Twilight Sparkle with a smile.

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