
"So... About The Weather."

by Not Enough Coffee

Chapter 1: The Pegasai Weather Team Really Got To Get It Together

The Pegasai Weather Team Really Got To Get It Together

So, here’s the plan. Go up to Silverstream and ask her out to lunch. It’s simple, straight forward, and she loves to socialize. This should be a sinch. Well, there is one issue. I suck at these sorts of things, and she is too cute for her own good.

This was not going to be easy, but I’m going to do it anyway. You’re a griffin Gallus, you’re made of sterner stuff. Asking an adorable, cute, and hot friend out for a da—I mean to lunch should be like a walk in the park.

So, dorm rooms dorm rooms. She should be in her dorm. Walking up to her door, I knocked on it a few times in a row, sweat starting to slide down my face. I gulped, a part of me hoping she wouldn’t answer so I can live another day without embarrassment, but another part of me desperately wanted to to rip the door off its hinges and just let me get to the point of the matter.

After a second of hearing nothing from the other side, I gulped, swallowing my growing anxiety. Okay, it seems she's not here. She’s probably out in town doing her usual round of socializing, and terrorizing, of the townsfolk.

I turned around and nearly leaped out of my own feathers and fur.

“Hi, Gallus!” the hippogriff of the hour exclaimed.

“Holy sweet mother of… Silverstream!” I yelled back, forgetting my anxiety as my heart nearly collapsed from the shock. “What have we talked about with you sneaking up on every creature?”

She rubbed the back of her neck. “Hehe. Sorry, I just can’t help it.” She then brightened up, and stared at me with those big ol’ eyes of her’s. “So~ What brings you here at my doorstep today?”

In one swift sentence, I found myself back on edge, unable to get my thoughts in order. “I, uh… Well I was, uh…”

It did not help that she was looking at me with a cute, inquisitive expression. “Are you okay, Gallus? Is something the matter! Do you have brain damage! I can help that!” She started to walk towards me, a claw ready to probe my head. I swiftly backed up against the door behind me.

“Whoa, hold it right there, I don’t have brain damage… I just wanted to, uh, talk is all.” Hopefully that will buy me some time. To my luck, she gave us some needed distance, and put on another questioning look.

“Oh, why didn’t you say so. I love talking, it’s like, one of my favorite activities.” She cheered. Yup, I know, but that is only gonna make this next part even worse. What if she tells all of our friends? What if she gets Pinkie to throw some sort of ‘I Went on a Date With a Griffin!’ party?

I found myself silent, raising a clawed finger, only to deflate and forget how to speak once more.

To make things worse, Silverstream started to look concerned. “Okay, Gallus. Is something actually wrong?”

Great, you’re really blowing this and you haven’t even got to the point yet. Well, I’m not going to just let myself be vulnerable here, I had a reputation to uphold! “Yeah, uh, actually… Yeah. So… About the weather?”

She looked taken aback. “Um… What about the weather?”

I am digging myself a hole here, but I’ve already got this far, so now was the time to own it. “Yeah, the weather. That’s what I wanted to talk about.”

She raised a brow. “Really?” She then laughed out loud. I felt my cheeks burning.

“Hey! This ain’t funny! The weather is serious business? Professor Dash says so, so it must be true, right?”

She conceded to my made up point. “I guess you’re right.” She wiped a tear from her eye.

Man, you’re a real jerk, Gallus. Can’t even ask a friend out to lunch without pulling a big lie out of your rear end. Well, I can't stop now.

“Yeah. It’s been too hot for Winter, you agree right?”

She nodded her head. “Mhmm.”

“And despite that, there’s a huge blanket of funky looking clouds outside, right?”

She nodded her head quicker this time. “Uh, what’s your point?

“It’s just weird, alright? The weather is super serious, and the pegasi are really out of whack right now. Funky looking clouds and hot weather in winter! What’s the deal with that! Don’t we have enough to worry about without winter break homework getting in the way of our precious free time?”

“I think Principle Twilight was saying something about northern and southern hemisphere differences, and that we’re in the low—” I cut her off.

“Ah ah ah. You know that that is not that important.” Please buy my bluff, please buy my bluff.

She looked puzzled at first, but then shrugged her shoulders. “Alright whatever you say, I guess. You do get better grades than me in geography.”

Cool, I can roll with this. “I was thinking maybe we could, like, maybe put on a strike or something against the pegasi weather team so we can get some good winter weather for once.”

I could feel her energy about to burst from her body. “Oh my Celestia, that sounds amazing~ Let me go get the others, we could all do this together! Maybe we can get extra credit with this being some sort of friendship project we put on! Down with the bad weather, in with the cool air! Or, something like that!”

She walked up to me faster than I could react and gave me a quick hug. “You’re so smart, Gallus. I’m glad we’re friends.”

I was steaming under my feathers, and before I could come up with a rebuttal on why this was actually a bad idea, she was gone and out of site.

Good going Gallus. This was supposed to be a simple question of whether to go to lunch. Now you gotta get your strike voice, and sign waving arms ready. I am really bad at this, and I am sure I’m gonna lose some friendship points from Applejack for being so dishonest with myself and my friends.

At least I got a hug from Silverstream out of this, so that was nice.

Author's Note

The student six need so much more love than they receive. They are honestly the best part of the show for me during it's last two seasons. This is my first time writing for them, and it's for a good friend of mine, Jack of a Few Trades. He is a birb loving fanatic, and he's written one of the best story featuring Gallus and Silverstream.

Here's a link to that for those interested: Set Sail.

He's also into the weather as a meteorology student, so I figured the subject here would be way up his alley. His favorite ship and his favorite subject! I just wanted to write this for him, cause each time we talk it honestly brightens my day. Go give him some love, he deserves it.

Yeah, I know. I am publishing two stories in one day. I just couldn't help it. Hopefully this one does well, cause it's special. Thank you all with reading!

With love

~ Not Enough Coffee

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