
Magic Mishap

by Night Quill

Chapter 1: Intro - The Memory Stones

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Intro - The Memory Stones

<<<Headmaster’s personal library, 2158 Second Harmonic Era, ??? POV>>>

“You may look through my library, but please be careful young one, some of the items in there will try to harm you.” echoed through your head as you entered the simple oak door in the headmaster’s study, entering a grand library that seemed to go on forever.

It's been four hours since the Headmaster had given you permission to enter his library, and you still haven't seen every book that he holds, the reason you were in here to begin with was the simple fact that you were looking up on ways to combine two different types of magic, something few have tried, and only the princess had succeeded. You felt that you would be the first, the first normal pony to do the impossible, but in order to do that, you needed information, and that's where this place comes in. As you are searching the tomes of magic theory and scrolls upon scrolls of spells that came from nearly some odd two hundred to fifteen thousand years ago, you find a dark oak door, slightly ajar, and a plaque on it that reads ‘Room of Memories’, you don't remember this room ever being in the school, then again, it is in the headmaster’s personal library, it's bound to have an unknown room or two. Curiosity getting the better of your judgment you slowly enter the room, there, floating in the center of the fairly large circular room, was the purest diamond you've ever seen, surrounding that diamond was a ring of gold inlaid with gems and runes you've never seen before, with only a few you recognize, there was a light that filtered through a small window above you, making a spiral of blue, red, yellow, green, and purple, in different places upon this colorful spiral were what looked like stars and little crystal orbs, each of these orbs were showing a different place, you found Equis easily, but the other places were new to you. Perhaps it was something the headmaster was studying, or even knew about? Either way the next thing to catch your eye was a row of pure white crystals, about twenty of them in a line, with twenty more about a hoof above them, there was one that stood out though, one that was lavender mixed with a soft pink, it gave off a motherly feel, as if it was softly calling to you, touching it makes it light up, and a projection of two mares came to rest in front of you.

“Hello again my old friend, it's been sometime since you last activated the memory stones, so just a quick reminder, the memories start on the top row going from left to right, the first three and the last two are not from your perspective, as you were either too busy or not old enough to make them…" the mare informed you, before rubbing her arm as if she was nervous. "It hurts to relive memories, but you didn't wish to forget your family… this is how you wanted it… I hope that you won't need these crystals Issac, and that you can let go of the past, but until then, I hope you stay safe." The lavender mare said, she looked a lot like Princess Twilight, only a lot younger, that's when the other mare, a butter yellow pegasus spoke up.

"It's nice to see that you've come back to review your memories, even if most of us are gone, i still miss you my little ice weaver, and i know that you won't be able to view these memories forever… but i hope that this will inspire newer generations of 'card callers' as you liked to call them, i hope that you will find a student or two to pass on your knowledge on the magical art of card calling…" that got your attention, the headmaster knowing a different kind of magic that if it goes by it's name, requires a certain kind of card, you were pulled from your thoughts on the subject when she spoke up again. "I hope you never forget us… but I can't wait to see you again in the next life… now peer into the past my little ice weaver, look and let memories flow through time and space to find where you've been, and what you've done." She said before the light from the crystal dies and the projections slowly fade away.

This gave you a conflicting judgement, as the headmaster had never talked about his past or how he knew the princess when asked, this was the moment to learn about his past, about him, but that would be an invasion of privacy, you couldn't do that, but this also could hold the answers you were looking for, not just for your magic problem, but for all of the unanswered questions he left you with. So with curiosity outweighing judgment once more, you look upon the forty white crystals and touch the first one on the top left, as soon as both hands are on it, you begin to feel weightless, almost as if you're floating off of the floor, and then a rush of speed, you feel as if you were launched by a sonic rainboom, light fills your eyes quickly, as you shut them you hear the sound of something roaring, and was that laughter? The feeling of speed suddenly stops and you crack an eye open to see a bedroom, it looked pretty normal, a bed, a writer's station, a closet, and what seems to be a door to the bathroom. The laughter was coming from downstairs, so with some caution you walked out of the room and found your way down towards the laughter, the scene that played out in front of you was a confusing one to say the least, at least until you say something that made you gasp, turning the corner you say beings much like the headmaster all laughing with animals that looked strange, as you were pretty sure that cat was on fire! You heard a sigh to your right as you approached the three beings, glancing in that direction, you saw something that shocked you to your very core: it was the headmaster but he was much younger.

Author's Note

Hello my little night terrors, i'm back with a new story, now both stories will be updated slowly, as i don't have much time to write them, but not to worry, i'm still working on the stories and new chapters will be out soon.

Until then my little night terrors, stay terrifying!

Next Chapter: Memory One: The beginning of a new life Estimated time remaining: 38 Minutes
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