
Out of luck and out of time

by bcbc2425

Chapter 1: 1 Jumping into it

1 Jumping into it

"Delta?" A cyan ghost states, watching over the frozen situation in front of him, though in shape a perfect replica of the human in front of him, the see through nature and cyan tint makes it clear they are not the same. The human in question in thick cloth and leather makeshift clothing

Suddenly a white ghost of the same nature materializes near the first "Sir?" Delta replies

The situation in question was simple. Hidden in a Canterlot alleyway a human figure stood around a dark corner, a guard about to turn the corner, not a good situation to be sure.

The cyan ghost stands on the sidewalk looking between the two, before looking to Delta
"Whats our chances they don't see us?"

"Very unlikely Sir, they have about... 12% Chance to discover us given present variables" Delta replies, looking over the situation themselves.

"Good odds and without inducements as well?" The cyan one replies, looking over the area they are still not in the best place, but it could be far worse, not to tempt fate.

"See you soon Delta." Cyan remarks walking up to the human figure and taking its pose, soon time starts to return to normal speed. Delta all but vanishing for now the guard turns the corner, staring down the darkness for a moment before turning and moving along the sidewalk at a brisk pace

"Fhew..." The human mumbles to himself using his clothes to wipe his face of the small amount of sweat collected on it

"Now. What moon will I need to move in order just to get to work today?" They remark, before turning the corner and fast walking down the busy Canterlot streets, managing to attract as little attention as something twice as tall as everyone nearby possibly could.

Seeing as how Canterlot is the largest garrison in Equestria there was not surprise in seeing guards. However that did not make them any less dangerous to be around, best to avoid them entirely...

The place was quite a sight...
Though not at this angle, a startup airship company, specializing in shipping, that's the dream anyway.

Simply a airship loading service at the moment, wages are generous in Equestria and knowing how poor his value in the job market is, not making minimum wage at anything was enough for him.

Taking in the skyport for a moment, he catches a look of his boss, and moves to catch up with her,

"Hey Airway!" He yells out to said boss, jogging down to the general area he saw her, looking around for a second and catching his breath, the Orange Pegasus jumping over one of the crates to in front of him.

"I'm starting to think your fashionably late on purpose J" She jokes "Anyway, standard stuff at the moment, Crate A to ship B, just read the tags and stick to our warehouse as usual."

"Assumed as much. How is the new equipment?" Questioned J looking over the rather large amount of hauling needed to be done today

"Sadly its still pinned for Friday so you'll have to go 3 more days without it" Airway states with a shrug "Good news is were still expanding, got a new hire today. Isn't that great?"

"As long as there respectful." J replies "Best not to waste time on the clock though huh?"

As he finishes speaking, Airway quickly looks down to her watch "Sure sure... Just try not to look to scary" She quips before opening her wings and making off for some faraway package.

Suddenly time starts to slow again, the cyan ghost taking a few steps back as they phase from the human body. "Delta?"

"Sir?" Replies Delta, the white figure materializing next to J

"Keep us busy. i'm going to have a chat with your kin." J replies taking a look around as time is frozen around them,
peaking over the nearby box that Airway jumped over, suspended in mid air eyes locked with a small cardboard box.

He turns back to Delta as they walk over and take the pose of the human directly next to it. Time resumes to J though standing relative to the human in front of him, doing his job for him. Not that anybody would be the wiser, he shifts around for a moment before returning to what he had planned.

The still cyan ghost watches for a moment before calling out "Alpha? Beta?" They appear as called, Beta a darker orange, Alpha a darker purple.

"You ask for us?" Beta quickly replies, Alpha simply standing there

"I'm sure you two realize how fucked we are." J speaks back making sure that as delta works he doesn't phase through any boxes.

"Impressive. You finally realized?" Remarks Beta "Maybe next you'll notice that your plan relies to much on luck. Or that grass is green and the sky is blue."

"Beta. If you keep doing this i swear to-"*sigh*
"Beta... You know the alternatives. Stop acting like i'm the only one at fault here."
"Its the best option and i took it, now unless you want Ponies involved your going to help me wiggle out of this situation."

Beta gives the most powerful glare they can manage, Alpha simply stands there watching, soon speaking up "The best way would likely be to land several charm and reason's on the one in charge of your citizenship. Perhaps you can close the deal before you need to do anything drastic"

"Perhaps Alpha, Perhaps. Though how you expect to land more than 2 rolls in a row is beyond me even with Deltas help." J Responds

"Theta may ensure we are seen safely through this upcoming endeavor given we bribe them enough sir" Alpha once again replies

"With due respect Alpha, Are you damn Crazy?" J throws his hands in the air "Theta?! Theta, your serious? You think that THETA can be bribed enough to do this. Alpha i will not gamble with theta unless given NO choice. Alpha, we will go through with your plan, BUT theta does not show until we have no choice. Understood?

Alpha simply nods turning away and fading into the background, J turns to Beta "You'll keep to yourself while i fix this mess"

"Theta..." Beta mumbles fading away in the same fashion as Alpha

J takes in his surroundings. The same skydock he left delta to, speaking of Delta. "Delta?"

As timely as always, Delta responds "Sir?"

"I think ill take over for now."

Author's Note

Feedback likely required

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