

by Doveryuri

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

A mistake: that was all she was. It was her fault, all of it. Her mother... she had killed her mother with her own existence. She was worthless, and miserable, she deserved to die. To go to a place beyond- but not with her mommy, she didn't deserve that privilege.

She looked at the wall through iron bars that would never be opened, could never be opened. It was adorned with photos- photos of her mother. Her mother was so beautiful. Her beautiful flowing mane, such a gentle, delicate pink, with sparkling blue eyes, and a warm, cozy yellow coat. She looked down at her own mane, it was once that color, now it was a dirty, brownish-black. It had grown out of control with frayed ends. It was nothing but dreadlocks.

She loved the mother that she never had the privilege to meet. Fluttershy, that was her mothers name. She did not have a name, but she liked to call herself Bunny, her mommy's favorite animal, and her beloved pet.

Bunny remembered Angel from when she was younger. Angel hated her for taking mommy away from him. Just like mummy. She had 2 mothers, she knew. Mommy was gone. But Mummy was not, Mummy was angry about that. Mummy hurt her. She knew deep in he heart that Mommy, never would have hurt her.

Sometimes, Mommy talked to her. She whispered things in her head like, I still love you my honey bunny, and, It's not your fault, you didn't do anything wrong. She always wanted to believe that last one, but that's not what Mummy said.

Mummy would say things like, "You worthless piece of murdering trash, I hate you!" and, "You can take her away so easily, but can't bring back, can you? You don't want to save her! You want her to be dead!"

Mommy told her stories too. Like how she got he cutie mark, the time she defeated a manticore with kindness, and her struggle to open Sweet Feather Sanctuary.

She focused hard, willing Mommy to tell her another story. Of course my honey bunny, I'll do anything I can for you.

"Mommy, will you ever leave me?"

I will be here as long as you need me to be.

"Can you talk to Mummy? Can you make her stop?"

I'm sorry Honey Bunny, but that's one thing I can't. Your mummy is.. sick. She doesn't understand. She just misses me. Don't blame her.

"Was she always like this?"

No, she was a lovely mare. She was kind, and loving. Have I ever told you Mummy's full name?

"No, what is it?"

Princess Twilight Sparkle. She was my Twili. Together, we where TwiShy.

"Mummy was a princess?!"

Yep, the best kind of Princess too, the Princess of Friendship!

"Wow! I can't believe she's so different now."

You and I both Honey Bunny. It's getting late, you should try and get some rest.

"Okay Mommy, I'll try extra hard, just for you!"

That's my good little filly! Good Night, Honey. Mommy began to sing her a lullaby, it was her lullaby. Mommy said she wrote it for her before she was born.

Honey, little Honey,
sweetie, my love!
Bunny, tiny Bunny,
when I sing,
from up above.
Know I'll always be with you,
even through the clouds!
Remember, remember,
we'll make it through somehow!

She had been asleep since the 3rd line, but she heard the rest in her dreams.

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