
Equestria Girls: Disney Odyssey: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

by Mister V

Chapter 1: The Girl in the Glass Coffin

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The Girl in the Glass Coffin

Well, here it is, the first chapter of Equestria Girls: Disney Odyssey: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the first story of my series. I decided to make the plot for the series a mix of Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Class of the Titans.

Note: I apologize in advance for the quality of the drawings I made. I'm having an artist make better versions of them.

I'm also working on the cover, so be patient with me on that.

Credit goes to Dramamaster829, for giving me the part where the Rainbooms meet Trinity.

The Girl in the Glass Coffin

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom that had a most precious treasure. An ancient book that has been in the royal family for generations. This book was known as The Book of Disney.

But this was no ordinary book, oh no. It has a magical secret. Anyone who looked into it's pages, will be whisked away into the worlds inside. But there is also an evil inside it, and evil that plans to break out of the book with is minions, and rule another world. But there is also a prophecy, a prophecy of 7 heroes, led by a lost princess and their fateful dog, who will hold back this evil, and save all worlds. These heroes will come to be known, as the Guardians of the Book. The story of these heroes begins on a dark and stormy night. A small group of noble people consisting of 9 girls, 10 dwarves, and 1 dog

"After her!" One of the dwarves said as the heroes went to fight a dangerous being that looked like an old woman with long grey hair, a gold crown, a black cloak, and red and green eyes with a large red scar over her left eye.

She sent a horde of evil apples with red eyes and mouths that seemed to exploded upon impact. They landed many hits on the monster but she knew where it's next target should be, so she sent an apple to hit one of the girls, with yellow hair pointing up to the heavens.

"LOOK OUT!" Another of the girls, with hair like a roaring flame, said to her friend who turned just as the apple monster was about hit her.

Pause video at 2:04.

Suddenly everything stopped as if something pushed pause on the movie, and a yellow ghost like creature popped his head out.

"Hello there." He said. "My name is Mr.V and I will be your narrator for the evening. Ah, but seriously though, my director told me that if I started the story here, you may ask a lot of questions like 'What's going on?', Why is there a large evil being throwing monster apples at a group of teenagers and dwarves?', and 'Who is this girl with hair like glittering gold?'. So why don't we start at the beginning." He then grabbed a remote and pushed rewind. "This looked much better in rehearsal." Before long he pushed the play button again at a highschool at dusk, with a stone horse statue in the center of the yard.

Our story begins here, in Canterlot High School. It's New Years Eve, and everyone is celebrating and getting ready for the countdown. Among the group are 7 good friends and their loyal dog friend. The first of them has brilliant amaranth hair with light apple green stripes, moderate cyan eyes, and light amber skin, and wears an orange shirt with a sun on it, a leather vest with spikes, a necklace with a geode with the sun on it, a purple skirt and boots. This is Sunset Shimmer, the leader of the group.

The second one of the group has moderate violet eyes, Moderate sapphire blue, moderate violet, and brilliant rose streaks, Light mulberryish gray skin, and wears thick black glasses, a light blue shirt with purple stripes and a bow with a geode with a star on it, a purple skirt with light purple, pink, and white stars on it, and high top shoes. This is Twilight Sparkle, the techo genius of the group.

The third one in the group has moderate cerise eyes, rainbow hair, light ceruleanish gray skin, and wears a blue jacket with yellow stripes, a necklace with a geode with a cloud and lightning bolt on it, a shirt with the same cloud and lightning bolt on it, multi-colored braclets, sweat pants with lightning bolts on it, and sneakers. This is Rainbow Dash, the athletic coolness of the group.

The fourth one in the group has moderate sap green eyes, pale light grayish olive hair, pale light grayish amber skin, and wore a cowgirl hat, a shirt with an apple on it, a necklace with a geode with three apples on it, a jean skirt with a belt, and boots. This is Applejack, the country charm of the group.

The fifth one in the group has moderate azure eyes, moderate indigo hair with a dark purple to moderate purple gradient on the shadowed side, light sapphire bluish gray skin, and wears a fancy tank top with a skirt, a necklace with a geode with diamond on it, and high heel shoes. This is Rarity, the fashonista of the group.

The sixth one in the group has moderate opal eyes, pale light grayish rose hair, pale light grayish olive skin, and wears a dress with butterflies all over, a necklace with a geode with three butterflies on it, ribbons on the legs and low heel shoes. This is Fluttershy, the animal lover in the group.

The seventh one of the group has pale light grayish cerulean eyes, brilliant cerise hair, light ceriseish gray skin, and wears a mostly white and pink outfit with a rah-rah skirt, a necklace with three balloons on it, a blue-ribboned headband, and pink and blue sandals. This is Pinkie Pie, the party animal in the group.

And the eighth and last one in the group, their dog, is a small one with moderate pistachio eyes, moderate violet and light lime green fur, Moderate harlequin and light lime green ears, and a purple collar with spikes and a tag with a heart on it. This is Spike, the groups good hearted canine friend.

Like everyone else, this small group of friends are celebrating and getting ready for the new year.

"How awesome is it that National Film Regestry is hosting our New Year's Eve party?" Sunset asked with excitement.

"So awsome!" Fluttershy answered. "I hear they've got an interactive surprise planned for the crowd at Midnight!"

"Plus, enough accomidations to make this a national holiday!" Rainbow Dash added.

"Ooh, just think of the fashion!" Rarity said in glee.

"The food!" Applejack said rubbing her tummy.

"The frolicking!" Pinkie Pie said in anticipation "That's short for "frosting licking"! I've personally liked getting my hot little hands on the new dessert trend – the cup o' cheese! Half cupcake, half cheesecake!" She then shudders that the memory of it.

"I have a feeling that this is going to be the most magical New Year yet!" Twilight noted.

"Me too!" Spike replied.

Pause at 2:29 and play this

Ofcourse, they didn't know it, but they were to be right in more ways then one. For not far from the school, there was a small clearing, and inside that clearing, deep deep down underground, there was a gold and glass coffin, and inside that coffin, there was a beautiful teenage girl, untouched by the hands of time, and in the hands of the girl, there was a very large book, and inside that book, somewhere in the table of contents, probably the leg of an N, there was a very large prison.

And inside that prison, some very bad people were being locked up. A guard was going around telling the prisoners it's time for lights out.

"Time for lights out!" He said to one of the prisoners, a ghostly figure, pitch black with evil eyes, and a scar on his left eye.

"Time?" the ghost asked as he made his way to the door of his cell. "I know exactly what time it is." Unknown to the guard, a serpant slinked out of the shadows.

The Serpent snuck up to the guard, lept onto his neck, and bit it, causing him to pass out from the serpent's venom. "And your timing is impecable, Serpentinas, my old friend."

"I mearly live to s-s-s-s-serve you, my mas-s-s-s-ster." the serpant said.

"You know, you might have over done it." The ghost said.

"What can I s-s-s-s-say?" The serpant asked. "I like to play with my food."

"Well, I hope you like a change of scenery." The ghost said. "I've waited 5,000 years for this moment."

(Resume video at party)

Back at CHS, everyone was till partying, dancing to the music enjoying the food and having a good time. Some of the students were doing the congo, while others were at the photobooth taking photos. The Rainbooms were dancing in sync to the music and drawing attention, while emiting a strange aura around them.

As midnight was drawing closer, everyone drew their attention to the clock, seeing that is was one minute to midnight and getting ready to begin counting down to midnight in anticipation.

"Get ready!" Sunset said. "Midnight is almost upon us!" Everyone began to count down.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

When the clock struck midnight, there was small tremor, but big enough for everyone in the school to feel.

"Uh, was that their surprise?" Sunset asked. At that point, another was felt.

Play this again.

Back in the prison, the ghost absorbed the soul of the guard and became a old man with a black suit with a red snake on it, while still having the scar on his left eye.

"What now my mas-s-s-s-ster?" Serpentinas asked.

"Now we get some help." The villain said with a grin. He then released a surge of power that opened 4 other cells, each with it's own prisoner. The first one is a big grey guy with a face that looks fierce, yet simple minded. The second one is tall, skinny, orange guy with a timid look in his eyes. This is Bulk, a bulgy blob of bulk, and Lank, a lillie livered lout.

The third one is big and mean looking, with three heads, a brown one on the left, an orange one in the middle, and a purple one on the right, each with three eyes and on a green scaley body. This is Triad, Trion, and Triout, a 3 headed monster of a being.

The last one is the most dangerous of them all, a black little demon with death in his eyes. This is Psyche, a psychotic little creep.

"Well done!" Triad, the orange head, said. "Oh, very well done! You do this?"

"Indeed." The villain said. "I am Lord Nomis, but you can call me master."

"My man." Triad said with a grin. "So what's the agenda."

"Yes, what's the plan friend." Psyche said with a devilish grin. "You must've brought me out for something fun. Terrorize the locals? Destroy the town? Let's get silly!"

"It's on a much larger scale then that." Nomis said. "I intend to break out of this book, and take over a world beyond this book. And I will need your help to do it."

"Aw, shucks." Psyche said with a blush. "You're giving me...Oh, what's the word? Goosebumps. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Just then some guards showed up and blocked the only exit.

"Halt!" One of the guards commanded. "In the name of the King!"

"Looks like your little escapade's attracted some unwanted attention." Psyche said. "Well, I'm not going back in that cell, ever again!" He then cast a spell that pulled them into the cells, locking them in.

"Well, now that that's out of the way, let's be off." Nomis said as he and his small band of evil went off to do evil!!! Back at CHS, everyone was still reeling from the tremors that transpired. Two woman in formal clothes then stepped onto the stage, one had moderate heliotrope eyes, rainbow hair and light magentaish gray skin, the other had moderate opal eyes, moderate sapphire blue and pale, light grayish persian blue hair, pale, light grayish magenta eyeshadow, and light phthalo bluish gray skin. These are the Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna.

"Don't worry, everyone." Principal Celestia said. "It's probably just a rare tectonic event."

"Still, some of us should check it out." Luna said. "It seemed to come from somewhere in the woods.

"Well, my friends and I will check it out!" Sunset said.

"Thank you Sunset." Principal Celestia said in gratitude. "I can always count on you and your friends to solve a problem." Shortly after that, Sunset and her friends went off to find the cause of the problem. Soon, they came to a small clearing, and in the middle of the clearing, surrounded by flowers, was a glass coffin, with a young girl in a royal dress holding a book inside. They all approached the coffin and opened it to examine the girl.

"Who is she?" Twilight asked.

"And what's with the strange book?" Sunset added.

Twilight loomed close toward the sleeping girl, cautiously peering down for a better look...

GASP!!! The girl suddenly reel forward gasping for air, eyes widen, causing Twilight and the others to reel back in shock. The girl took a few deep breathes, the book clutched tightly in her grip, as she looked around her surroundings. Based on the concern on her face, it was clear she was very confused.

"Where am I?" She asked, softly.

She suddenly acknowledged the group of girls and an unusual purple-and-green puppy and was taken by surprise. She caught herself from falling off the open coffin with one hand, the book still clutched in the other.

"Who are you?!"

"Sorry, sorry!" Twilight said. "We didn't mean to frighten you."

"We promise we're not going to hurt you," Sunset assured.

"Yeah, we come in peace!" Pinkie added, with glee.

"Really?" Applejack asked, an eyebrow raised. The girl soon felt at ease, and got up to her feet with the book still on hand.

"May I ask who you are?" The girl asked.

"I'm Sunset Shimmer." Sunset said. "And these are my friends, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Spike, and Twilight Sparkle." Sunset then decided to ask the same question. "Who are you?" The girl was hesitant for a moment

"I'm sorry, but I don't remember." The girl said.

"You forgot your name?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes." The girl answered all I remember was being put in that coffin, and being told to protect this book. Other than that, nothing."

"HEY!" Pinkie said. "I found some writing on the coffin. It's says 'Here rests Trinity, a loving daughter.' That must be your name!"

"Trinity, yes I think you are right!" Trinity said.

"Well, Trinity, we better head back." Sunset said. "Everyone will wonder what's going on. Wanna come with us?"

"It will be my honor." Trinity said. Soon the group returns to CHS and introduce Trinity to the other students. Principal Celestia, ever the caring person, let Trinity stay with Sunset until they find Trinity a home of her own. Meanwhile the book Tinity held gleamed with some strange magic.

Next Chapter: The Spirit and the Shapeshifter Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 34 Minutes
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