
Home is Where True Peace and Love is 2

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 1: Lively up Yourself

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Lively up Yourself

It was still winter, but it was in February in the beautiful place of Equestria. Today was a new day, and it was all well with Luke Smith, Equestria's first human to walk it's soil. It has been at least a month since Luke and his close friends came back from their fun trip in Zebrica with Zerocra as their own guide.

His hair grew a little longer than before, and he was on earth, having Burger King in Bend with his closest friends on Earth.

Thanks to Discord, he could go anywhere he please since the Master of chaos can go from one dimension to another. Celestia and Luna, the co-rulers of all of Equestria, eventually found a way to get Luke back to his homeworld, but Luke said that he liked it here in Equestria. Everyone was much more positive in this place and hardly any problems occured.

"Man, these whoppers are good." said Brad.

"Totally. Why can't we have a recipe for this baby?" Jesse agreed.

"Because of the trans fat?" Like speculated jokingly.

His cronies laughed and chucked with him. "Yeah, trans fat is our goddamn worst enemy in life." said Bobby. "Why does it have to taste so good?"

"Life is unfair as everyone says." Luke remarked. "Imagine a world where the fun food is the healthy food where the carrots, brocolli and squash were the unhealthy food."

"That would he a dream come true." said Timmy.

"Let's just enjoy this while it lasts." Brad said. "I mean, money's another thing. Don't wanna spend our hard-earned money on this good stuff. I mean, what the hell?"

"Yeah. Still, this is good, goddamn burgers, am I right?" Luke asked. His cronies agreed with him again.

It was just then, Discord appeared next to the booth the boys were sitting in out of thin air, spooking them all. "Hello!" He sung

"Gah!" Luke yelped, but he smirked, recognizing this friend of his. "Discord," he wagged his left finger in a playful smile. "What do you want?"

"I just wanted to ask if you were ready to return to Equestria with me. your friends are already missing you dearly."

"They miss me that much?" asked Luke. "I've only been gone for about two and a half hours. How can they miss me that much for that long? All i said to Fluttershy was: 'I wanted to hang out with my old friends here on Earth for a little while and play some video games with them. Come on, is that too much to ask?"

"Oh, Fluttershy was only checking on you, my boy." said Discord. "Along with the other girls, and Spike."

"I see." Luke then let out a loud burp, leaving his friends to commend him for creating such a loud, and long belch. They all even applauded him for creating such a loud, and long belch.

"Ooh, very well done." Discord even applauded for him as well. "But I was only checking on you on the bequest of Fluttershy. All she's doing is looking out for you."

"I know. I'm going to finish my food first, then I'll go back to the cottage. Just tell her I'm fine and that there's nothing to worry about."

"Very well. Just continue eating your food and just call my name whenever you feel ready to return back home."

Discord snapped his fingers and he was gone out of thin air.

"That Discord is one cool dude." said Bobby. "Making magic like that."

"Well, I'm sure as hell glad I made that wish. I would never have gone to Equestria if not for him." Luke pointed.

"Here here." said Timmy.

They boys continued eating their food and after they were done, they walked out the door, and Luke said bye to his friends before calling on Discord to take him home to Equestria.

"Ah, it's good to be back." said the human. He just enjoyed that fresh Equestrian air, and he saw that he was in Ponyville. He looked around for Fluttershy, or any other of his close friends to see if they were anywhere to be found at all.

He looked at the farmer's market and found some nice melon to purchase and cut up into cubes later on.

Walking all the way back home to the cottage, Luke loved the sight of Fluttershy's sweet, smiling face whenever he interacted with her. the birds living in their houses just outside the cottage chirped happily to see Luke back home.

Opening the door, Luke then saw Fluttershy, who was playing with Angel Bunny, the rather spoiled, white rabbit. "Fluttershy, I'm home." he said.

The adorable yellow pegasus mare looked behind her, and she gasped while smiling to see her very first human friend again after being gone for a free hours.

"Luke, so glad to see you again." the yellow pegasus said in her sweet, adorable voice.

"You didn't have to send Discord to find me, you know?"

"I know, but I worry about you sometimes. Especially with all the adventures in Zebrica, and you getting hurt by Sogozi the Mangani."

"Oh come on. I'm alright now. You don't have to worry about me. I am smart enough to take care of myself. Still, I thank you for looking after me." he went into the kitchen, and went to fetch himself some root beer for himself, even thigh. He had Burger King a little while back with his Earth cronies.

Fluttershy smiled and said: “I know you can take care of yourself. I just care about you so much, and I would hate to have anything bad happen to you, like with Sogozi almost killing you and all.”

“Ah, I am way smarter than to let anything bad happen to me like that. I’m quick, and I’m tough. Speaking of which, I got ourselves a big, juicy watermelon for us to share. I hope it’s as ripe as Carrot Top says it is.”

“Oooh, that sounds yummy.” Fluttershy remarked. “I would love some watermelon.”

“Perfect. I’ll cut it up for us.” the human did just that, and carefully cut open the melon, and it looked very ripe and very fresh, fresh from the vine as a matter of fact, and he diced them into cubes without cutting his hands or fingers. “Nice.” he got some cubed melon for himself and he really loved the taste of the fruit.

Fluttershy licked her lips and had a couple of cubes as well, and she loved the taste of it. “Hmmmmm, that’s so delicious,” she said. “So, how was that burger place with your old friends?”

“Burger King? It was yummy. God, I love their burgers there. Way better than what McDonalds has to offer for it’s customers.”

“Isn’t that the palace where the burgers where made of pink slime?” Fluttershy asked

“That’s what I heard about the rumors. I do not know for sure. Many people say that it is pink slime, but I have never seen how they worked. Besides, their burgers are nowhere near as yummy as Burger King’s patties.” Luke patted his belly. “Nope, those burgers are tasty and juicy, and flame-grilled to serve a smile on everyone’s faces.”

“Good. I’m glad you had fun.”

“I did. Although, McDonalds was part of my childhood, when I was a little kid, they had a nice jingle to go with a kids Happy Meal.”

“Like a song?”

“Yeah, like a jingle or a motto. You might laugh at me, but I think it went like this in the commercials- - ‘Put a smile on! Put a smile on! Everybody come on, put a smile on!’”

Fluttershy made a cute chuckle, and said: “that’s cute. I think Pinkie Pie would love it if you sung that to her.”

“Eh, Pinkie’s a pony who loves just about everything.”

“So true, Luke. You are very funny. But, I think you should play that for Pinkie. it would make her really happy.”

“Maybe. But not right now. Right now, I’m full with that double whopper and chicken nuggets in my belly. Probably gonna burn off some calories later on or I won’t fit in my shirt anymore.” Just then, the door was being knocked three times, and the yellow pegasus answered it. It was her closest friends: Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. Not only them, but Lyra, Bon Bon, Cloudchaser, Spike, Rumble, and Thunderlane were there as well. “Oh, hello everypony.”

“Hi Fluttershy.” said Twilight. “Is Luke here?”

“Yeah!” Luke called while on the couch. “I’m right here, Twilight,” everyone came inside and went to greet the human. the human let another loud belch from himself, longer than the one he created from Burger King, and he covered his mouth after saying: “excuse me.”

“Nice one, Luke.” said Rainbow Dash.

“Thanks. I had root beer back in Burger King.”

“I wish I can burp like that. Thunderlane’s the king of burps in Ponyville.9

“You’re not exaggerating on that, Rumble.” said Cloudchaser. “I’ve heard him burp like that, and he is quite talented fir a total stud.”

“Ah, I wouldn’t call myself that good?” The greyish-Black pegasus said.

“So how was your time back home, Luke?” said Lyra.

“It was fun. Burger king, as I have mentioned, and pulling a prank on some girls in the neighborhood.

“what kind of pranks?” asked Applejack.

“Air horn scares.”

“That’s absolutely unpleasant, but hilarious at the same time.” Rarity admitted.

“Can you show her the song, Luke? Please?” Fluttershy softly begged him.

“Ah, okay.” Luke got off the couch, and he went in front of the pink pony. “Pinkie, in my home, a place called McDonalds had a jingle that is no longer around when I was a kid, but... it goes like this.” he cleared his throat, took a breath, and began singing once again: “put a smile on! Put a smile on! Everybody come on, put a smile on!”

the others laughed a little, but applauded for Luke’s little performance.

Indeed. Eveyrpony in this company was glad to have Luke back in Equestria. He can be quite a riot to other people when it came to making them laugh. He wasn’t a class clown, but he did know how to make people and ponies laugh, like Jim Carrey

Next Chapter: Hanging with the Guys Estimated time remaining: 15 Minutes
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