
CMC Going Away

by PonyJoel

First published

Gabby Gums, once popular now shunned by everypony. No one in town wants to talk or compromise. With a last minute effort and a farewell, no one buys into it until it's too late.

Gabby Gums, a popular gossiper in Ponyville that everyone loves to read, now hates. Going in-depth with gossiping ponies in town and invading privacy. From wanting more of Gabby Gums to rejection. With the CMC exposed and Diamond Tiara blackmailing the trio, there are only a few options Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo can come up with.

It's Over

Author's Notes:

Quick Disclaimer: This is my intake on the ending episode Ponyville Confidential. Later today or tomorrow, I will be releasing my next chapter on Spike's Turnabout.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Comment if you please.

Have a nice day/night reading.

It's been a tough day for the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They've been rained on by Rainbow Dash, neglected by everypony in town and more importantly, hearing the daunting words of Big Mac; "You should be ashamed of yourselves, humiliating your sister and me like that. We don't want to talk to any of yall right now. So, take your little gossip column and your embarrassing photographs and just GO AWAY!" The trio heads back to the clubhouse to devise a plan or something close. With guilt and shame, they don't know what to think.

"We ruined all of our friendships and still have no cutie marks," Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

"This is the worst day ever," Apple Bloom cried out.

"Oh, yea? Wait till tomorrow. Our most embarrassing moments are about to be published for everypony to laugh at," Scootaloo said, sadly.

"So, what do we do?" Apple Bloom questions.

"I don't know," Sweetie Belle said. She looks down on the floor. "But we are not leaving this clubhouse until we think of something."

The girls spent hours thinking of a way to get out of their dilemma. Judging from the sun lowering down, it's around 7:30. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo have come up with their idea to escape the dilemma.

"Suicide!" Sweetie Belle blurts out.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are shocked and slaps Sweetie Belle for thinking atrociously.

"No, Sweetie Belle. That is not the answer. Plus, how would we be able to pull that off? Scootaloo said.

"Yea. That isn't helpful thinking, Sweetie Belle. We'll put that aside. It'll be the last thing if all else fails," Apple Bloom said.

"Alright then," Sweetie Belle said. "So, what have you two come up with?"

"An apology column. Revealing who we are as Gabby Gums and explaining the whole situation," Apple Bloom said.

"Wow, that's better than my idea," Scootaloo said.

"What was your idea, Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom asks.

"We run away from Ponyville. Since everypony now hates us and won't talk to us, might as well pack our things and move elsewhere where no pony will be embarrassed by us or even miss us."

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle blink twice. They are surprised by Scootaloo's well-thought-out plan.

"If the apologetic column doesn't work, then we'll go with your option, Scootaloo," Apple Bloom said.

"I concur," Sweetie Belle agreeing with Apple Bloom.

"Alright, let's start writing."

The girls spent the night at the clubhouse writing the apologetic column. After finish writing it, they hope it'll be enough to apologize to the whole town as it'll be their final entry as Gabby Gums. The next morning, Diamond Tiara is waiting impatiently at the school's journalism room. She demands the print to go forth with the CMC embarrassing picture column until Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo arrive with their latest entry of Gabby Gums. Diamond Tiara allows their column through as the next newsfeed for all of Ponyville.

In a few hours, everypony in Ponyville is reading the latest Gabby Gums. Reading into the apologetic column and they are not buying it one bit. All of Ponyville know that the column is a sorry excuse of an apology or a stunt to get everyone to forgive them. Diamond Tiara stole a paper from her fellow student and took immediate action.

"So, Gabby Gums want to go out like this? Then I'll print their tombstone," Diamond Tiara demands the print angrily to release a new column of the CMC embarrassing moments.

In town, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo walk around to see if anypony will forgive them after they release their apologetic column. Rainbow Dash flies by with a cloud.

"Hey, Rainbow. Have you read our latest column?" Scootaloo asks.

"Yes," Rainbow turns to the CMC with her cloud.

"What did you think of it?" Sweetie Belle asks.

"Pathetic," Rainbow Dash made the cloud rain harder on the CMC. Then she flies off angrily.

"P-Pathetic?" The girls said in unison.

The town folk is talking as the CMC walk. The girls can hear the conversation about their apologetic column. Ponies are shunning at them, throwing tomatoes at them, and telling them to leave them alone. They failed with their attempt to make things right. One thing is clear, Diamond Tiara will retaliate. She will post their embarrassing moments as the next gossip column. The trio goes back to the clubhouse.

"Well, so much for my plan..." Apple Bloom said sadly.

"I can't believe they didn't forgive or understand us at the very least!" Sweetie Belle shouts frustratedly.

"She rained on us, again..." Scootaloo said sadly.

"Any moment now, Diamond Tiara is getting ready to expose our embarrassing photos in the next column," Sweetie Belle said.

"Well, we won't be here when they start laughing at us," Apple Bloom seriously states.

"We're not?" Sweetie Belle asks.

"No! We're going with Scootaloo's idea and running away or in my brother's words," She coughs. "GO AWAY!"

"We should take the train and see where it'll lead us," Scootaloo said.

"Agreed," Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom said as they nod in agreement.

"Then it's settled. We'll leave a note here in case some ponies have the decency to check on us," Apple Bloom said.

"I'm writing to get it done and over with," Scootaloo said.

"Same with me," Sweetie Belle said as she starts writing.

"Alright then, I'm gonna head home and pack up my things."

Apple Bloom leaves the clubhouse and heads home while her friends are writing their letters. On the way back home, Big Mac refuses to look at his sister. As for Applejack, she decides not to approach her younger sister. Apple Bloom sees Granny asleep while holding the latest Gabby Gums on her rocking chair. Apple Bloom now knows that Granny Smith may not like her with journalism. Apple Bloom goes to her room and locks the door. She starts packing her things and starts writing her letter.

After an hour, she finished writing her letter. She reads her letter and sheds a few tears. Apple Bloom starts questioning her decisions about running away. Does she want to go through with it? Then, it struck her. Ponies in Ponyville threw tomatoes at her and her friends, shunned them, neglected them, and having Rainbow Dash pour heavy rain sealed the deal. It's not worth living in Ponyville where everypony is angry and unforgiving, anymore. Apple Bloom sighs and leaves the house with her belongings. Applejack would question on Apple Bloom's doing, however, she is still frustrated and doesn't want to know what Apple Bloom is doing. Applejack gets back to work, putting the basket of apples on the wagon.

Apple Bloom arrives at the clubhouse. She sees the notes left behind by Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, assuming they went home to pack up their belongings. Apple Bloom read the letters that Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle wrote. She places her next to each other and now awaits for her friends' arrival. Two hours later, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo arrive at the Clubhouse with their belongings.

"Alright, we should move to a remote area where no pony we know can come looking for us," Apple Bloom suggests.

"Yea. I don't want anypony following us or trying to get us with Diamond Tiara using Gabby Gums against us," Scootaloo said.

"After she publishes our embarrassing moments," Sweetie Belle said.

The girls leave the clubhouse. They look back at the clubhouse one last time. The trio walks to the train station waiting for the next train. A few moments later, the train arrives. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo look back at Ponyville. Big Mac's words still plaguing their minds. "GO AWAY!" The girls get on the train and leave Ponyville.

The Next Day

It is now 7:00 in the morning. Applejack and Big Mac wake up early to get a head start bucking apples. Granny Smith wakes up and puts yesterday's paper aside.

"Funny stories from the paper," Granny said.

"There not that funny Granny," Applejack states sternly. "Ain't that right, Big Mac?"

"Eeyup!" Big Mac angrily said.

"Well, one of you go wake up Apple Bloom, I'll start making breakfast."

"You want to Big Mac?" Applejack asks.

"Nope," Big Mac trots outside.

Applejack trots outside to the clubhouse. Instead of going inside the clubhouse to wake Apple Bloom, she shouts.

"Apple Bloom, wake up! Breakfast will be ready soon!" Applejack trots back to the Apple Orchard to buck apples.

Half an hour later, Big Mac and Applejack trot in the kitchen and sit down. Granny Smith made pancakes.

"Where's Apple Bloom?" Granny asks.

"I woke her up. I guess she decided to hang with her troublesome friends."

"Troublesome?" Granny asks. She raises her eyebrow in curiosity.

"Yea, she and her friends were gossiping us and everyone for laughs, Granny,"

"Is that so?"

"Yes, Granny."

"How did she start gossiping pony folk?"

"She and her troublesome friends are Gabby Gums. Gabby Gums spread a lot of misfortune, lies, and privacy for everypony to have a good laugh."

"Did you and Big Mac told her what she was doing was wrong?"

"Well," Applejack sweats a little. Granny catches on immediately.

"You haven't, didn't you?" Granny snorts angrily.

"Granny, it's embarrassing. Big Mac and I were angry during the time."

"Did she tried talking to you or Big Mac? Have you two tried to compromise?" Granny breathes heavily.

"I didn't talk to her, much."

"I told her and her friends to take their gossip, embarrassing photos, and..."

"And?" Granny, now staring at Big Mac. Big Mac is now getting scared.

"Told them to..." Big Mac gulps. "Go away."

Granny Smith screams in anger. Big Mac and Applejack hug each other. It's not often Granny Smith gets angry. When she does, her discipline is worse than any nightmare given to them.

"You mean to tell me that you told, my granddaughter, your baby sister, to go away?!" Granny shouts furiously.

"...Eeyup..." Big Mac said. His teeth are chattering in fear.

"Granny, they published a lot of awful stuff about everypony. We didn't want any more embarrassment," Applejack claims.

"She and her friends are only children. You telling them to go away is unacceptable. You and Big Mac should have been the grownups and teach them the differences of what's right and what's wrong. Not shunning them away!"

"We're sorry, Granny Smith," Applejack said apologetically.

"Eeyup," Big Mac said.

"You will be sorry," Granny Smith said. She now trots to the closet.

"Whatcha doing, Granny?" Applejack asks.

"Something I thought I'll never do again in my lifetime," Granny grabs and cracks the bamboo belt for discipline. Big Mac and Applejack are now horrified. "Now, get here!"

"Aaaaah!" Big Mac and Applejack shout fearfully. The gallop out of the Apple house in search of Apple Bloom.

"The school! Let's check there first!" Applejack shouts.

Big Mac and Applejack run to the school, hoping to find Apple Bloom and her friends. On the way there, everypony is laughing at the new column of Gabby Gums. Applejack and Big Mac gets the paper from the school to see Apple Bloom and her friends being next to show their embarrassment. Big Mac and Applejack feel guilty for allowing them to push themselves further for forgiveness. It is unnerving and uneasy to feel any emotion for the CMC for exposing themselves to the town to laugh at them.

"Big Mac?"


"We screwed up, didn't we?"


"Granny gonna kill us for this."


"Let's find Apple Bloom and her friends."

Apple Bloom and Big Mac trot inside the school, looking for Apple Bloom and her friends. Their frantic behavior causes them to bump into Ms. Cheerliee.

"Ms. Cheerliee, our apologies, but have you seen Apple Bloom and her friends?" Applejack asks.

"I have not. I already took the attendance for the day. They are absent as far as I know."

"Darn," Applejack and Big Mac said.

"Did something happened?"

"Yes. Are you aware of the paper, recently?"

"Yes, unfortunately. I had a complaint from a fellow student of mine about Diamond Tiara and her reign as Editor in Chief of the full free press. After reading the gossip column, it has gone too far."

"Diamond Tiara?" Applejack asks.

"Yes. Gabby Gums is Diamond Tiara's bread and butter for the press with everypony wanting more of it. If only I knew that she was demanding more of the gossips sooner, I would have stopped her. I can only imagine the faces of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo for how they are feeling."

"Yea, of how they are feeling," Applejack sweats a bit more.

"Eeyup..." Big Mac gulps.

"If the girls are not here, then they could be together elsewhere in Ponyville. I'll search around and the area after school. You two look for them at her usual spots."

"We will!" Applejack said, nervously a little.

Big Mac and Applejack leave the school. They are feeling worse than before. The guilt is rising more. The two decide to go to the Golden Oak Library for help. On the way there, the two hit a magical bubble that alerted Twilight inside. She opens the window and removes the magical bubble allowing Applejack and Big Mac to come inside.

"Hi, Applejack. Hi, Big Mac. What's up?"

"Twilight, we have a situation."

"What's wrong, Applejack?"

"Apple Bloom and her friends are missing!"

"Missing?" Twilight confusingly asks.

"I would be missing too," Spike giggles as he's reading the latest issue of Gabby Gums.

"Let me see that," Twilight uses her magic to pry the newspaper away from Spike's grip. She starts reading the latest issue. "So, they got embarrassed. Serves them right for writing all that dirt they have written about us and everypony."

"Twilight, listen to yourself. The girls didn't know better. We treated them as adults instead of younglings," Applejack said.

"Imagine the guilt of what we put them, the entire town included. What kind of an impact would that hinder on a fillies' mind?" Big Mac said.

Twilight ponders on what they are saying.

"They wrote an apologetic issue revealing themselves to the entire town the next day and what did we do, ignored them. Thinking it's an excuse for their thinking and behavior after being caught."


"Did you read the apologetic issue, Twilight?"

"...No," Twilight said. "I didn't bother reading it yesterday. I tossed it to Spike to burn it."

Applejack and Big Mac sighs.

"I don't blame you, Twi. I would have done the same when my feeling was hurt," Applejack stated.

"Let's round up our friends and search for Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo," Twilight said.

"Alright then," Applejack said, sadly.

"Spike, you stay here in case the girls were to come to the library."

"Can do, Twilight," Spike salutes to Twilight.

"Let's go."

Twilight, Applejack, and Big Mac meet up with the rest of the girls who are laughing at Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo's humiliation at Sugarcube Corner.

"Now this is how you apologize, humiliate yourself as you have with all of us," Rainbow Dash said, happily.

"Rainbow," Applejack said sternly.

"What, your sister got what she deserved!"

"Yea, calling me an out of control party animal is harsh, Applejack," Pinkie said.

"The tail extension is hurtful," Fluttershy said.

"I know. Also, it was our fault for wanting more of Gabby Gums, to begin with."

"What?!" Rainbow shouted. "Our fault?!"

Applejack sighs. "Remember how Rarity showed us, Gabby Gums, for the first time? How we wanted more of her stories?"

"...Yes," Rainbow's smile slowly faded away.

"We were caught up on what we wanted until it happened to us. We influenced more on Gabby Gums that it got carried away. Therefore, when the truth finally came out, we shunned Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. We allowed our emotions to get the better of us and look. They came out writing an apologetic issue and, we ignored it."

Rainbow Dash couldn't respond as the guilt is coming on her. She looks down in shame.

"All we can do now is to forgive them. Then we apologize for our mistakes," Applejack said.


"Well, I already told Sweetie Belle that it isn't nice going into other ponies' privacy to create a news column."

"Is it before or after you were exposed, Rarity? Last I remembered, you were telling us that there is no need to fret until it happened to you," Applejack said.

"I, uh... Well," Rarity struggles with her wording and response.

"That's what I thought, hypocrite," Applejack states, emotionlessly.

Rarity lowers her head admittingly.

"Have you check the clubhouse?" Twilight asks.

"Yea, Applejack went there earlier in the morning to wake her."

"Well, not exactly Big Mac. I went to the clubhouse. I called her from the outside. There may be a strong chance she and her friends are still inside the clubhouse," Applejack said.

"Then let's check out the clubhouse," Twilight said.

Applejack and Big Mac leads the way to the clubhouse. On the way there, the guilt builds up more with Applejack, Big Mac, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and everypony else. Upon arrival, Applejack knocks on the door.

"Apple Bloom? Sugarcube? It's me, your big sis, Applejack." Silence reign. Applejack knocks again. "Big Mac and I aren't mad at you anymore. Please open the door, sis," Silence reign once more. "Alright, we're coming in anyway," Applejack opens the door and sees no pony inside. Now things are critical.

"This isn't good," Applejack starts freaking out. "This isn't good at all!"

Big Mac is searching around the clubhouse, trying to keep his cool. He then picks up letters left by Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. His heart sinks after reading Apple Bloom's letter. He starts looking at the ceiling breathing heavily from shock. Everypony looks at Big Mac's reaction.

"Big Mac, you alright?" Applejack asks.

"No, Applejack," Big Mac said as he's in tears. "I'm far from being alright."

Applejack trots up to Big Mac. Then she sees Apple Bloom's letter.

"Rarity, Rainbow Dash," Big Mac sniffs. "These are for you to read," Big Mac hands them the letters Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle wrote.

Applejack starts reading Apple Bloom's letter.

Dear Applejack and Big Mac,

I am sorry for what my friends and I put you through recently. My friends and I were inspired to write more Gabby Gums stories when everyone in town started liking her. The humiliation, the laughter, and mockery that everypony has laughed at, no words can describe how sorry I am. I understand that you and Big Mac may not love me anymore. Even our apology to the entire town wasn't good enough. I now know you and Big Mac want nothing to do with me anymore. That is why you won't be seeing me in your life, screwing it and making it worse. Big Mac's words; GO AWAY! has been plaguing my mind so, I shall go away. Forever. I don't deserve yours and Big Mac's love anymore. Goodbye, Applejack. Goodbye, Big Mac. I love you and sorry for my foolish mistake to get my Cutie Mark.


Apple Bloom

Applejack felt her heart snap in two. She looks up at the ceiling in disbelief. What kind of sister is she? A cruel one in her eyes. Rarity starts reading Sweetie Belle's letter.

Dear Rarity,

I am sorry for what my friends and I committed when we created the Gabby Gums issue. It's a regret I wish I never made. You inspired me to create more of Gabby Gums after you enjoyed reading her story. When you told me that your friends would also enjoy Gabby Gums, my friends and I kept writing. When things got out of hoof, everypony started hating Gabby Gums. Diamond Tiara was blackmailing us to write more Gabby Gums. She told us to write more gossips, saying that feelings don't matter. The ponies want more juicy stories. Originally, we were going to continue to write more Gabby Gums. Rainbow Dash told us she and everyone else in town know who Gabby Gums is and struck rainwater on us.

"Rainbow!" Rarity shouts disgustedly.

"What?!" Rainbow replies.

"You struck rainwater on my Sweetie Belle?!"

"Yes...out of anger and frustration," Rainbow nervously replies.

"That is absurd of you, Rainbow Dash. I hope you never become a Wonderbolt!" Rarity goes back to reading her letter.

Everypony in town turn their backs on us. Applejack refusing to talk to Apple Bloom and Big Mac words haunt us. Go away, he said. So that becomes our second option with our apology failing. We decided to go away and never come back.

Rarity glares at Big Mac. Now she wants to beat him up for telling Sweetie Belle to go away. Rarity grits her teeth as she imagines the heartache that Sweetie Belle got.

I love you Rarity, I'm sorry that things turned out like this. It was my friends and my fault for continuing with Gabby Gums. It is for the best that I leave. No pony will laugh at you and hate me ever again.


Sweetie Belle

Rarity screams in anger and tackles at Big Mac. Applejack and Twilight pry Rarity off of Big Mac. Rarity was able to give Big Mac a black eye with her punches. He deserved it for what he said to Apple Bloom and her friends the other day. Rainbow Dash moves to a corner to read her letter from Scootaloo.

Dear Rainbow Dash,

I know you hate me and don't consider me a friend any longer after the Gabby Gums column on you. With everypony wanting more Gabby Gums, I had to look elsewhere. My friends and I didn't know what we were doing was wrong until it hit us. When we confronted Diamond Tiara, she told us that Gabby Gums is her bread and butter. Instead of allowing us to give up on Gabby Gums, she was blackmailing us to write more. My friends and I were going to write a different Gabby Gums column featuring you. When you told us we were Gabby Gums, my heart sank. When you struck rainwater on us, it made us feel like monsters. I never felt more low in my life. Then my friends and I decided to talk to some ponies willing to listen and help us. Instead, we were ignored and shunned away. Hearing Big Mac's words for us to go away gave me an idea. With everypony hating us, why bother living in Ponyville where all we would be getting is hatred. During the night, my friends and I came up with suggestions. Apple Bloom's option was to apologize to the whole town of Ponyville. That didn't work out. No pony believed us. You called our apology pathetic. Then struck more rainwater on us. It was then that no pony wanted to forgive us. Ponies threw tomatoes at us and telling us to leave them alone. Diamond Tiara has dirt on us so she can expose it. We don't care anymore since none of you would care that we leave. I am sorry for what my friends and I created. Blame us cause we created Gabby Gums. Blame Diamond Tiara for wanting more Gabby Gums. It is for the best we leave so we don't cause any more trouble with you or anyone else. I hope you have a good laugh tomorrow when you read the latest issue cause tomorrow, you and everypony will be free from us creating gossip on the paper.



Rainbow Dash puts the letter aside and curls up. She struck the trio with rainwater twice. Rainbow Dash sheds some tears.

After a while of reading and rereading the letters, the girls and Big Mac took their time devising a plan to bring the trio back home to Ponyville.

"We need to find them," Twilight stated.

"And apologize for our stupid behavior," Applejack said.

"...I'll write a letter to Princess Celestia. Perhaps she can send a search party."

"You sure you want to involve the Princess, Twilight?" Applejack asks.


"Alright, Big Mac and I will give the letter Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo wrote for Granny Smith to read. Then we will be disciplined. Ready Big Mac?"

"N-N-N-Nope," Big Mac shakes his head.

Applejack sighs. "The sooner, the better, Big Mac."

"Why are you taking Scootaloo's and Sweetie Belle's letters, Applejack?" Twilight asks.

"Apple Bloom didn't open up as her friends did. It's for Granny to understand more in-depth with the situation."

"Uh, what kind of discipline you'll be getting from Granny Smith, Applejack?" Pinkie asks.

"The bamboo belt, Pinkie. One of the strongest materials Granny has for a belt."

The girls cringe and flinch, imagining the punishment Applejack and Big Mac will have. Applejack and Big Mac take the walk of shame back to the Apple house. The girls decided to go to the Golden Oak Library to devise more plans on their search party. When Big Mac and Applejack get back to the house, Granny Smith is on her rocking chair holding onto the bamboo belt.

"G-G-Granny," Applejack said.

"Yes?" Granny said sternly.

Applejack gulps. "Read this," Applejack hands Granny the letter Apple Bloom and her friends wrote.

Granny read the letters that Apple Bloom and her friends wrote. Her heart sank, she's in tears and glares at Big Mac.

"I can't believe you two would ignore Apple Bloom like this," Granny said disgustedly. "Apple Bloom and her friends should not be apologizing. You two and everyone else in town should be apologizing to them!"

"Big Mac and I are aware of it. When we find them, we'll apologize. Ain't that right, Big Mac?"


"Since both of you treated the fillies as adults, I'll treat you as foals. Now get your hineys here, time for your punishment," Granny said as she holds the bamboo belt tightly.

"Granny. Anything but the bamboo belt! Please!" Applejack cries.

"Eeyup!" Big Mac nods frantically.

"Now!" Granny yells.

"You're first, Applejack," Big Mac shoves Applejack to Granny.

"Please be gentle," Applejack closes her eyes.

Granny Smith uses the bamboo belt to whoop Applejack's behind ten times straight. Applejack screams in agony as she is sore to the extreme. Applejack runs out of the house and rolls around on the ground. Applejack shed some tears from the agonizing pain.

"Your next, Big Mac."

Big Mac gulps and gets closer. His heart pounds rapidly, he sweats uncontrollably, and his teeth are chattering in fear. Granny Smith measured herself with the bamboo belt and whoops Big Mac's behind ten times. He screams in agony and holds his behind with his hooves. He deserves it after what he said to the trio.

"Now that you two got your whooping as foals. Bring Apple Bloom back home!" Granny shouts.

It is now 3:30 in the afternoon. The train Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo are on reach its destination. The trio leaves the train.

"Are we sure this is the place to run away to, Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom asks nervously.

"Well," Scootaloo gulps a bit. "We want to be as far away as possible, right?"

"Yes," Sweetie Belle chime in. "Also, maybe our Cutie Marks can be discovered here. With everypony hating us back home, it may be harder to find our true talent."

Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo trot from the desert to the forest. They see a creek bridge and walk on it. As the trio climbs up a mountain, they see a small village in the distance.

"Girls, we found a village," Apple Bloom said.

"Good choice for getting off at the station, Scootaloo," Sweetie Belle said.

"Thanks," Scootaloo replies happily.

"Let's check it out, girls," Apple Bloom said.

The girls go down the mountain path leading to the entrance of the town. Everypony smiling and welcoming the new visitors. They went inside to a hotel to check out a room together. A light lavender unicorn approaches the trio.

"Welcome young fillies. Are you lost?"

"No, we aren't lost, ma'am. We're looking for a new home," Apple Bloom said.

"Why are you three looking for a new home?"

"It's because our friends and family hate us," Sweetie Belle said.

"Hate you?" She said confusingly. "Why would they hate you?"

"Well, we created something that everypony loves to read but now hates it. We were shunned, rained on, and neglected. We even apologize for it. We apologize to the entire town," Scootaloo said sadly.

"Did the town accept your apology?" She asks with a level of concern.

"No," The trio said with their heads down.

"They ignored the apology and threw tomatoes at us," Apple Bloom said.

"We were also rained on, out of anger and spite," Sweetie Belle said.

"That's horrible, I can see why you three look so sad," She said sincerely. "Do you have other families that'll take you in?"

"Mine is on vacation. They'll be traveling around Equestria," Sweetie Belle said.

"I have family all around Equestria. I don't want to be with them cause they would take me back to Ponyville at some point."

"My parents are travelers. They go to dangerous locations to discover new life and plants. With their discoveries, they help ponies, science, and medicine. I normally write letters to them. My other family is my two aunts living together in Ponyville. With the hatred my friends and I were having, it's not worth living in Ponyville anymore."

"I see, well," She gets closer to the trio and hugs them. "I'll be your family. I'll be your mother from now on," She smiles at the trio.

They look up with smiles and tears of happiness flowing.

"R-Really?" The girls said in unison.

"Yes," She nods elegantly.

The trio hugs her as well.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!" The trio said happily.

"You're welcome," She smiles.

"So, what is your name?" Sweetie Belle asks.

She smiles. "My name is Starlight Glimmer."

Starlight's Thoughts Part 1

Author's Notes:

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Comment if you please.

Have a nice day/night reading.

Starlight Glimmer takes Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo to her home. They look so exhausted from the travel they embarked, so Starlight allows the three to sleep in her bed. Starlight Glimmer hugs the trio and decides to kiss them on their foreheads. To give them an insight into what type of mother she'll be. Well, more like Guardian. Scootaloo has her parents but travels around the globe. Sweetie Belle's parents are on vacation. Apple Bloom's family is all around but chose to be with her friends. Either way, Starlight will raise them, love them, and make sure her mission is a success. A town of equality in friendship.

"Alright, girls. Time for you to get some shut-eye. You all had a long day traveling."

"We will, Starlight," Apple Bloom said. She yawns while putting her bag aside.

"Hey, Starlight? Mind if we call you, Starly?" Scootaloo asks.

"Sure," Starlight replied. "I won't mind one bit."

"Thanks, Starly," Sweetie Belle said.

"You're welcome, Sweetie Belle."

The trio climbs into bed. Starlight leaves the room as the girls fall asleep. She trots down the stairs into her office to start plotting for the future. She walks in a circle, openly expressing her thoughts.

"I have three young fillies with me, something in which I never expected. With Scootaloo's parents traveling around the globe, I'll expect them to pick up their child in the next few years or so. With Sweetie Belle's parents on vacation, they would probably be mad with what has happened then go on a search party to recover their daughter. As for Apple Bloom, with her family all around, I'll expect a massive search party. Since my town isn't on the map, they won't be coming here."

Starlight stops walking in a circular motion then sits down on her lounge chair.

"I would say in a few years I'll be having two apprentices. To continue my work of bringing equality in friendship. Right now, it's too soon. I need to know more about the trio. Then I can conduct my plan of action. Until then, I'll be their mother. With the trio not having cutie marks though, it'll be tougher. I can already imagine the trio attempting everything to acquire their cutie marks. I must prevent them from finding their true talents until the time is right."

Starlight gazes at the ceiling in the office, dozing off in many possibilities that can happen and how to approach the matter.

"Only weary travelers and loners come to her village in search of a new life and friendship. You have to be extremely lucky to find this part of Equestria if I were searching. One in a million chance of finding this location. I need to ask the names of their friends and family in Ponyville; that way, when they show, I'll hide them and take care of business."

Starlight takes a deep breath in satisfaction.

"I can use a nap myself. That way, when the girls and I do wake up, we can discuss more on the matter."

Starlight leaves her office and goes to her couch in the living room. She gets comfy and drifts to sleep.

Plan of Action

Author's Notes:

Hope you enjoy the chapter.

Comment if you please.

Have a nice day/night reading.

It's now 4:30 in the afternoon. Applejack and Big Mac trot to the Golden Oak Library. On the way there, their bottoms are hurting and bruising badly. They are both wearing a big block of ice strap onto them to ease the swelling. Everypony around are laughing at the duo and wondering if Gabby Gums will get to them again. Big Mac and Applejack hang their heads down in shame, guilt, and humiliation. They enter the Golden Oak Library. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie are shocked by the looks of Applejack and Big Mac. Rarity felt sorry for Applejack but not Big Mac. She feels Big Mac got a taste of what he deserves.

"So... How did it go?" Rainbow nervously asks.

"It would have gone smoother if our fear of the belt didn't get the better of us, ain't that right, Big Mac?" Applejack sternly said as she glares at Big Mac.

"Eeyup. Sorry that I shoved you, Applejack. It had to be done, even though I should have gone first. It was I who convinced our sister and her friends to go away..."

"It's alright, Big Mac. I wish we handled Granny's punishment and not allow fear to consume our minds," Applejack sighs then look at Twilight. "Twilight, have you sent the letter to Princess Celestia?"

"I have. Princess Celestia wrote the letter she sent to me."

"What did she say, Twilight?" Applejack asks.

"Spike, can you read what Celestia wrote. I can't bring myself to reread it a second time," Twilight said. She slowly sits on the floor with her head down low in disgrace.

"Sure, Twilight. Ahem," Spike coughs as he starts reading the letter he's holding.

"Twilight Sparkle,

I disapprove of you, your friends, and Ponyville's methods of handling a situation caused by three young fillies. I am infuriated with the whole town first, supporting the Gabby Gums idea then neglect? Twilight Sparkle, I recall you learning a lesson by talking things through to resolve the issue. Why haven't you and your friends tried that? What you, your friends, and the entire town have committed is disgusting and shameful. You've brought Disharmony into three young fillies and should be ashamed of yourselves. My sister and I will be in Ponyviile. I want you, your friends, and Big Mac at the Golden Oak Library.

Princess Celestia"

Spike finish reading the letter. Silence reign. Everyone in the room is full of guilt and sadness. Twilight starts shaking and holds herself. Seeing the Princesses disappointed and angry puts fear in Twilight's heart. A half-hour passes. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna walk inside the library. No pony dare to make a move or look at them. They are waiting for them to speak. Princess Celestia and Luna glare at the ponies in the room.

"Why?" Princess Celestia asks.

Everypony turns to Princess Celestia. They couldn't utter a word. Princess Celestia and Luna are standing emotionlessly, waiting for an answer. No one spoke. It infuriated Princess Celestia more.

"Speak!" Princess Luna demands.

Everypony struggles to answer with guilt, sadness, and displeasure. Applejack breaks the ice.

"We were humiliated by the Gabby Gums column. We were alright if it were somepony else but not us. Everypony had a good laugh at us. It was our fault, Princess. We inspired Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo to write more Gabby Gums columns."

"Why didn't you talk to them about what's right and wrong to publish? Why didn't you or your friends confront them of what Gabby Gums were doing?"

"We didn't know who Gabby Gums until Rarity found out and...told the entire town of who they are," Applejack sighs heavily.

"If you and everyone knew who Gabby Gums at that point, then why didn't any of you take the time to chat with them?"

"We were angry, Princess. We didn't want to listen to anything they had to say anymore," Applejack said.

"Have they tried apologizing?" Princess Luna asks. "My sister, didn't tell me everything so, I want to hear from all of you."

Everypony hang their heads lower than before. This answer Luna's question immediately. Princess Luna is now livid.

"They have, Princess. We ignored them and neglected them," Applejack said.

"They wrote a Gabby Gums apologetic column. Revealing who they are and apologize for their mistake. We didn't buy it. We thought it was a poor excuse for apologizing to the entire town," Rainbow said. "I found it pathetic and pour rainwater on them for the second time."

"Second?" Princess Luna and Celestia said sternly.

Rainbow bites her lip. Seeing the Princesses angry and dissatisfied is unnerving.

"T-T-The first time I rained on them was the other day when I was angry and found out who Gabby Gums was."

"Shame on you, Rainbow Dash. How dare you defile the young fillies with rainwater," Princess Luna said disgustingly.

"I know. It was the anger that drove me to do it the first time."

"I told Sweetie Belle it wasn't okay. It was after she wrote a Gabby Gums article on I after everyone was a victim. I am a hypocrite, Princesses. I told the girls here not to fret about it until it happened to me. That's when I lost it," Rarity sadly said.

"Indeed, you are a hypocrite," Princess Luna stated.

"I didn't bother listening to Apple Bloom," Applejack said.

"I gave them the idea to run away when I was angry," Big Mac said.

"To go away, right?" Princess Luna asks.

"Eeyup," Big Mac closes his eyes.

"I had a bubble shield around the library so they couldn't talk to Spike and me. I didn't even bother reading their apologetic article. I gave it to Spike to burn it."

"We're sorry for our actions, Princesses," Everyone said in unison.

Princess Celestia and Luna lean down on them.

"You should not be apologizing to us. You should be apologizing to the real victims. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo," Princess Luna said.

"You and everypony in town. You all defile true friendship and made three young fillies to run away. All of you brought Disharmony. If Disharmony continues here, in Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle," Princess Luna stares at her. "I will remove you as my student and will leave a town full of Disharmony ponies. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes.., Princess...Celestia..." Twilight said. She struggled with her emotions as tears stream down a bit, knowingly she disappointed Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

"Now, where is this, Diamond Tiara?" Princess Luna said.

"She can be walking around in Ponyville or heading home. What are you going to do with her, Princesses?" Twilight asks.

"We are going to have a long talk with her and her parents. I want all of you to be present during our talk. Do I make myself clear?" Princess Celestia asks.

Everyone nods in agreement.

"After the discussion with Diamond Tiara, the whole town is next. Then we conduct a search party. If we decide to call off the search, I want no pony complaining. My sister and I have our duties to attend to in Canterlot and for all of Equestria. You may continue to search or continue with your lives in Ponyville. Do we make ourselves clear?" Princess Luna asks.

Everypony once again nods in agreement.

"Good," Princess Celestia sighs. "Let's start looking for this Diamond Tiara."

Diamond Tiara

Today is a victory for Diamond Tiara. Everypony is reading the latest issue of Gabby Gums. Seeing the laughter of everypony makes Diamond Tiara happy. She smiles sinisterly and tries to think of another Gabby Gums to ruin the CMC even more. As she walks down to the editor's room, Ms.Cheerliee and Filthy Rich are in there waiting. Rich and Ms.Cheerliee have disappointed looks on their faces.

"Hi, daddy. Hi, Ms.Cheerliee. How are you two doing?"

"Not well, Diamond Tiara," Rich said.

"You're in a lot of trouble, young lady," Cheerliee said.

"Why? What did I do wrong?" Diamond asks.

Ms.Cheerlie and Rich toss the Gabby Gums articles on the table. Diamond Tiara doesn't see the big deal out of it.

"Ah, the Gabby Gums articles. My bread and butter since everypony in town enjoy reading them so much," Diamond gladly said.

"You're bread and butter are ruining the lives of everypony in town, Diamond Tiara," Ms.Cheerliee exclaims.

"Not only that, Diamond Tiara. I'm losing several businesses due to ponies not wanting to come to work. The Gabby Gums articles are making me lose profit. I read the Gabby Gums yesterday. I now know you were using those three ponies to do your bidding, young lady."

Diamond Tiara gulps a bit.

"Not only that, you exposed them as well for everypony to laugh at when they tried to apologize to the entire town," Cheerliee said.

"Also, Ms.Cheerlie has told me that the three fillies are missing," Rich sternly said.

Diamond Tiara becomes ecstatic knowingly that the blank-flanks are missing. She imagines herself hopping in the fields happily. For now, she needed to fake her emotions to celebrate a triumphant victory.

"I-I didn't know..." She starts faking her sobbing. "All I did was give everypony what they want! They wanted more Gabby Gums."

Rich is reading Diamond Tiara's body language. He knows Diamond Tiara is lying. Now, he's infuriated.

"Diamond Tiara", Rich said in a stricter tone.

Diamond Tiara steps back a bit. Hearing her father using that tone means he's on to her. Rich is now giving his daughter a hard-boiled look. Now it's getting serious.

"I can see the deceit you speak. You enjoyed seeing other ponies laughing at other ponies' misery, do you?" Rich said in a darker stricter tone, making Diamond Tiara sweat.

"Well, uh, I..." Diamond struggles with her wording.

"Despicable," Rich said displeasingly. "I raised my daughter to become better someday, not to become a monster."


"Look at yourself and reflect on your actions, young lady," Rich said.

"Diamond Tiara," Ms.Cheerliee said cheerlessly. "Your father and I will be taking you to the Apple Family household so you can explain everything to the Apples. After that, we will work on a serious punishment for your devious actions."

Diamond Tiara heart pounds fast. She wishes to have a heart attack so, the anger from her teacher and father can turn to worrisome. Rich and Ms.Cheerliee escort Diamond Tiara to Sweet Apple Acres. On the way there, Ms.Cheerliee and Rich see Applejack and Big Mac walking out of the Golden Oak Library with the Princesses. The fear Diamond Tiara now have is now taken to another level. She fears of being banished from Equestria. Diamond Tiara starts to hyperventilate.

"Applejack! Big Mac!" Ms.Cheerlie shouts to get their attention.

Everypony that exits the library turns to look at Ms.Cheerliee, Filthy Rich, and Diamond Tiara. The timing is perfect for the Princesses. Applejack trots up to Ms.Cheerliee.

"Howdy, Ms.Cheerliee. I see you brought Diamond Tiara."

"Yes, she has a lot of explaining to do."

Diamond Tiara is still hyperventilating with fear. Princess Celestia trots up and gazes at Diamond Tiara.

"Despicable," Princess Celestia said. "A filly like you could be classified as a juvenile. You know what a juvenile is, right?"

Diamond Tiara feels disheartening just by looking at the Princess displeasing look. Diamond Tiara looks down and sobs. She tried to fake her sobbing once more but, Princess Luna stomps her hooves down, shaking Diamond Tiara.

"Do not fake your tears, you brat," Princess Luna sternly said.

Rich and Ms.Cheerliee look at Diamond Tiara. They are now feeling shameful at the pony Diamond Tiara is turning out to be.

"I'll take your fake sobbing as a yes. Since your actions have caused quite a disturbance in all of Ponyville, your punishment will be severe. My sister, your teacher, your parents, and I will discuss punishment for you. Until then, please explain to everypony here what you've caused," Princess Celestia said rigorously.

Diamond Tiara gulps and sweats. Her happiness stripped away after hearing the blank-flanks running away. Everypony is now gazing at her waiting.

"The first Gabby Gums issue proved to be a success when everypony in school enjoyed it. The Cutie Mark Crusader created Gabby Gums," Diamond Tiara thought about lying a bit. To have the blank-flanks in serious trouble, as well. "I told them to write more Gabby Gums. They did just that. When I saw the stories they wrote, I tried to stop them. Honestly, however, earning a cutie mark was more important to them than anything else. They exposed everyone and found out that what they were doing is wrong," Diamond speaks in an innocent tone. "I tried everything in my power to make them stop but they refused. I put their embarrassing moments in the paper to show that I wasn't fooling around. They tried to feel sorry with their apology to the town and approved the paper without a vote. What I've done was necessary. It was to teach them a lesson. I never thought the outcome would have resulted in them running away!" Diamond Tiara runs to Celestia's front hoof and clutches her leg in an embrace. She fakely sobs to have a lighter punishment.

"Hmmph," Princess Celestia lowers her head meeting the eye-level of Diamond Tiara. "I don't believe you, bully."

"B-B-Bully?" Diamond Tiara said. Now showing real emotions and tears.

"You may find your parents and others of being gullible, but not me nor my sister. We lived a long time and know bullies react when they are caught. You've shown signs of a lying tongue and enjoy the suffering of others as long as it pleases you. It's mind-blowing of someone your age, is committing crimes, invasion of privacy, and blackmailing."

"Blackmailing?!" Diamond shouts.

"Yes, blackmailing," Luna chimes in. "Blackmailing is a serious offense in Equestria. According to the letter my sister received, it was noted that you were blackmailing Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo for more Gabby Gums stories. You had something embarrassing of them and were willing to exploit it."

"Wh-Who told you, that..?" Diamond asks nervously.

"Twilight Sparkle. She summarized the letters Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo wrote. Now that the trio are missing and chaos spread throughout Ponyville like a wildfire, it is up to us to fix the damages caused by everyone in town and you, Diamond Tiara," Luna states emotionlessly.

Diamond Tiara bites her lips. She fears of being severely punished.

"Wh-What you going to do with me?" Diamond fearfully asks.

Princess Celestia and Luna look at each other. They decide to huddle with Filthy Rich and Ms.Cheerliee to discuss her punishment. After a few moments, they finished their discussion. Diamond tries giving them sorrowful looks, hoping it'll ease their decisions.

"Diamond Tiara," Ms.Cheerliee speaks first.

"Yes..?" Diamond looking at her teacher with a sorrowful face.

"You are no longer my student. I hereby expel you from school. Your actions has huge consequences on all of Ponyville. You released privacy for laughs and caused a continuation that led to three of my students to run away."

"Diamond Tiara," Rich commands.

Diamond Tiara looks at her dad. Her heart is pumping and in tears.

"I'm taking all privileges away from you. No butler, no pool, no attending to special parties, and no bits."

"No bits!" Diamond complains. "How would I buy the things I want?"

"Good question. You won't. You won't be living with me here in Ponyville. I will be sending you to live with my brother for the next three years."

"No!" Diamond Tiara shouts frustratedly. "Not Mining Haul! Anypony than him, dad!"

"My decision is final, Diamond Tiara. Thanks to you, I lost thousands of bits in profit due to ponies not wanting to shop and work."

"Why three years, dad?!" Diamond said in tears of sadness and regret.

"One year for the missing filly. So far, there are three. Therefore, you get three years, Diamond Tiara."

Diamond Tiara curls herself in sadness. Three years to live with Mining Haul? Has she suffered enough, Diamond yells out loud. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna give Diamond Tiara a death glare.

"No, you haven't," Princess Luna said. "Until Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo return to Ponyville, you will suffer nightmares. I will not ease your dreams. That's my punishment to you."

"If I hear that you are manipulating and causing mischief at this magnitude again, I will classify you as a juvenile. Then I will personally send you to a detention center to help straighten you for the better. Do I make myself clear?"

Diamond Tiara nods vigorously. Seeing the Princesses giving her these types of punishments is now a heavy burden. From being expelled to now living with Mining Haul, and now to suffer nightmares from Princess Luna until Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo returns.

"Now that this is cleared," Princess Celestia turns to Twilight. "Assemble the entire town. Now it's their turn."

"Of course, Princess Celestia," Twilight complies.

Town Meeting

"Dad! I don't want to go on stage!" Diamond Tiara whines.

"After the Princesses speak their minds to the town folk, you'll reveal yourself as the true Gabby Gums," Rich said.

"It wasn't me who created that name!"

"Silence!" He looks at Diamond Tiara. "You influenced the girls to create more gossip and look where it led to, young lady. You must learn that your actions have consequences."

Diamond Tiara is in tears. She doesn't want to go through with the whole town hating her. She trembles in fear as Twilight and her friends gather everypony in Ponyville. The Mayor wasn't allowed to address the situation on stage. With the Princesses present, she figures something crucial has happened. With everypony in the town hall, they start questioning all sorts of possibilities. Twilight, her friends, and Big Mac get on stage and sits down. Princess Celestia and Luna walk on stage. They gather their thoughts before speaking. Diamond Tiara is not looking forward to revealing herself to the town. With her heart pumping rapidly, she hopes to have a heart attack to get out of the situation. Princess Celestia taps the microphone to make sure it's in working order.

"Greetings, citizens of Ponyville. My sister and I have the utmost importance to speak with you all. We are aware of the Gabby Gums issue," Princess Celestia gets interrupted by a random pony.

"Are you going to lock up the brats who caused us harm!?"

Another pony yells.

"You taking the brats who wrote the stories to Tartarus?!"

More ponies begin to yell and shout questions.

"You going to discipline Gabby Gums as the liars they are?!"

"Will you send them far away from Ponyville?!"

"Have they wrote more stories of you and your sister?!"

"Are you getting rid of them?!"

"They ruin my life! Will you ruin theirs?!"

Princess Celestia and Luna are becoming agitated with relentless questioning of everypony questioning, wanting to hear the punishments of the three young fillies who created the Gabby Gums column. Princess Luna scoots Princess Celestia for a few moments.

"ENOUGH!" Luna said in her Royal Voice. Her Royal Voice echos in the town hall, causing everypony to quiet down. Princess Celestia gets back in position to speak on the microphone.

"I received word from Twilight Sparkle in a letter she sent me regarding the Gabby Gums column. All of you should be ashamed of yourselves!" Everypony is confused by Celestia's statement.

"Ashamed?!" A random pony blurs and shouts.

"Those three have the nerves to write more of our privacy for laughs!"

"They embarrassed us!"

"They tormented us!"

"They should go away!"

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are losing their patience. More ponies want Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle out of their lives. Princess Luna had enough with these foolish ponies.

"THEY ARE GONE!" Princess Luna shouts with her Royal Voice. Everypony in the town hall cheer in celebration. The cheers from everypony echoes as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are now disgusted with everypony. "SILENCE!" Princess Luna angrily shouts with her Royal Voice. Now everypony is worried. Princess Luna can't even look at the ponies the same way.

"In all my life, I never felt disgusted by a town of ponies filled with, Disharmony," Princess Celestia said. Now everypony feels like a wreck just hearing what Princess Celestia just said. "All of you are happy when my sister said they are gone. I am fully aware that all of you thrown tomatoes at the young fillies after they tried to apologize for taking influence from all of you."

"Us?!" Another random pony shouts.

"Yes. You brought Disharmony to three young fillies. They took influence from all of you when you wanted more of her stories. right?" Princess Celestia asks.

The town folk starts chatting with each other.

"There is a ringleader in the Gabby Gums column. Step up to the mic," Princess Luna said emotionlessly.

Diamond Tiara starts trembling in fear. She couldn't move her feet.

"That's your cue, Diamond Tiara," Rich said.

Diamond Tiara refused to move. Filthy Rich pushes Diamond Tiara to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Princess Luna uses her magic to levitate Diamond Tiara for her to speak on the mic. Everypony looks at Diamond Tiara and feels an uneasy beating in their hearts. Diamond Tiara starts chatting with her speech.

"It's either I use my memory spell to display your memories for everypony to see, or you tell the truth, Diamond Tiara. Which one will it be?" Princess Celestia commands. Diamond Tiara relents and gives in.

"Initially, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo wanted to earn their cutie marks in journalism. They written stories that didn't have my interests. I told them to find something better, and they have. Snips and Snails were covered in bubblegum and had a hard time getting it off. The girls use that to write their first-ever Gabby Gums column. I wanted more Gabby Gums, so I was the first to inspire them. With Gabby Gums spreading in the school, everypony in town wanted to read Gabby Gums. I told everyone to expand our news coverage for all of Ponyville to read. As days go by, everypony wanted more of Gabby Gums. It came to a point of expanding our stories to Cloudsdale. I told Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo to lie in the Gabby Gums to make it more believable to ponies everywhere. Ponies in Ponyville wanted more and Gabby Gums became my bread and butter. When they wanted to stop, I blackmailed them. They apologized and, you all ignored them, thus allowing me to take over for the next Gabby Gums issue which all of you enjoyed."

Everypony remains silent. They are questioning themselves more of how they handled the situation with the three young fillies. They feel like horrid monsters. They now see why the Princesses will be disgusted with their behavior. They all look at the Princesses hoping for mercy. Diamond Tiara couldn't bring herself to speak any further, so she gets off the stage and slowly walks to her father.

"You feel guilty, don't you? Moments ago, you were all celebrating and, now you learned the truth. Now here's the critical part. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo ran away from Ponyville since you gave them justice. The justice you gave that discriminates young fillies instead of taking responsibility," Princess Celestia calmly said.

"You shunning them away, throwing tomatoes at them, booing at them, telling them to go away, and making them feel like monsters. All of you brought Disharmony," Princess Luna states.

"Even friends and family made them feel like monsters," Princess Celestia stated as she and Princess Luna turn to Big Mac, Applejack, and her friends. "Until further notice, Ponyville's parties and events shall be postponed for three months."

"Everypony shall suffer a week's worth of nightmares for driving the young fillies away," Princess Luna states clinically.

"Pinkie Pie," Celestia turns to Pinkie. "You are forbidden to throw any parties in Ponyville for the next three months."

Pinkie Pie gasps. "Three months! Why three?!" Pinkie's eyes shrank as she starts tearing up.

"One filly, one month. Three fillies are missing, therefore, that's a total of three months."

Pinkie Pie burst into tears. Her heart already aches as her mane deflates. There is nothing she and anyone can do to oppose the Princess's decree. She, along with everypony else, has to oblige with the Princesses no matter how dishearting it is.

"Now, it's time to discuss a search protocol. With the missing fillies of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, we'll conduct a search party," Princess Celestia states.

"Those who want to participate with the night search shall follow me. Those go by day, stay with Celestia," Princess Luna said. Then she leaves the stage as half of the ponies in the town hall follows.

"The search parties for the day should have six delegates. Spreading far and wide in our Equestrian borders," Princess Celestia displays a map of Equestria using her magic. "Each team will have a squadron of my Royal Guards. Please note, if the search continues to a certain point in time, we will call off the search. You may choose to continue or go back to your everyday lives."

Everypony nods in understanding. The guilt and displeasure are getting the better of everyone. Now, it's up to them to make things right and own up for their foolish behaviors and decisions.

"Good," Princess Celestia turns to Twilight. "Twilight Sparkle."

"Yes, Princess?" Twilight gazes at Princess Celestia.

"Have the teams set up for the day search. It's time to start looking for the missing fillies."

"Understood, Princess."

"Dad..?" Diamond Tiara looks at her father with tears streaming down on her face. "Do I have to go with Mining Haul?"

Filthy Rich looks down at his daughter. He lowers his head and sighs heavily.

"Its either living with Mining Haul for three years or a detention center for three years. Which will it be?"

Diamond Tiara does not like her choices one bit. Living with Mining Haul means she would work in the mines with other grown colts digging for diamonds they aren't allowed to keep while they have bad hygiene. Going to a detention center knowing she'll get bullied by others who are taller, stronger than her, and the possibilities of getting into fights frighten her. Her choices are putrid.

"I...I don't know..." Diamond looks at her dad.

"Hmm, maybe living with Mining Haul is not the answer."

Diamond Tiara sighs in relief. She smiles in her mind knowing that her father is allowing her to get a lighter punishment.

"The detention center will make you worse now that I think about it."

Diamond Tiara imagines herself hopping in happiness again. The worst her father can come up with is being homeschooled and stay in house confinement. When Rich isn't home, she is already thinking of turning to her mother for the freedoms and privileges in the household.

"Sucker," Diamond said in her mind.

"Well, Diamond Tiara. There is only one solution I can think of as your punishment."

"What is it...daddy?" Diamond Tiara asks while adding realism to her fake sadness.

"I'll be sending you to the Royal Guard Boot Camp for troubling ponies," Rich calmly said.

Eyes widen in shock for Diamond Tiara. This was not the answer she was hoping to hear. She starts breathing heavily. Going to a Royal Guard Boot Camp means hardship, physical labor, and more discipline.

"I'm not that evil to go to a place like that, daddy!"

"No, but you are walking on that path. With my fortune going to you as you develop the mindset you have, not only you'll be in debt, you will be in poverty. I can see you losing everything. Tarnishing the family name and legacy. The Royal Guard Boot Camp will save you, Diamond Tiara." Rich walks up to Princess Celestia. "Princess Celestia, can I have a moment with you?"

"Yes, Rich."

"I want to enroll my daughter to the Royal Guard Boot Camp for troubling ponies."

"Noooooooo!" Diamond shout from a distance.

"I can make it happen. Why you decide to send Diamond Tiara from Mining Haul to the Royal Guard Boot Camp?"

"Mining Haul would not give her the discipline she needs to grow up. Diamond Tiara has her ways of manipulating ponies. I figured when Mining Haul gets tired, she will try to manipulate him."

"Fair enough," Princess Celestia said. "I'll have a Royal Guard escort the two of you to the boot camp for you to fill out some documents and paperwork."

"Alright. Also, I'm planning to use my wealth to help locate the missing fillies."

"Thank you, Rich."

"You're welcome, Princess."

Rich trots back to Diamond Tiara only to find her missing. She decides to run away from her dad. She doesn't go far. Diamond runs outside only for Princess Luna uses her magic to stop Diamond Tiara from running away. Princess Luna walks inside to give Rich his daughter back.

"I found your daughter trying to run away, Rich."

"Thank you, Princess Luna," Rich now gives Diamond Tiara another hard-boiled look.

"Can you send some Royal Guards to the boot camp of theirs? I think now is a good time to enlist her for the next semester."

"Of course. The sirs over there with the wagon shall take you and your daughter," Princess Luna points towards the stationary Royal Guards. "I shall come with you," Luna uses her magic to bind Diamond Tiara so she won't get any ideas of escaping. The Royal Guards fly Luna, Rich, and Diamond Tiara to Canterlot as Twilight starts creating teams of six to search for Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.

Family Discussion Part 1

Starlight Glimmer wakes up from her nap and stretches. Judging by the lighting in the sky, she estimates the time. To her, it looks like 8:30 at night. She walks upstairs to check on Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. They are waking up from their slumber. Starlight Glimmer knocks on the door.

"Come in, Starly. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and I are waking up."

Starlight walks into the room.

"How are you three doing? You had a nice nap?" Starlight smiles lovingly at the trio.

"Yes, we did," The girls said in unison.

"Good, are any of you hungry?"

The girls look at each other and nod. Starlight escorts the trio down into the kitchen and takes out a pineapple pie she has. She also took out variates fruits and vegetables. Finally, she takes out orange juice for everyone to have.

"Hey, Starly. Thanks for taking us in," Sweetie Belle thankfully said.

"Yea, we didn't expect anything like this," Scootaloo said.

"You're welcome, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo," Starlight said in a cheerful tone.

"Hey, Starly," Apple Bloom asks again. "Is it possible for some pony to live their life without a cutie mark?"

"Yes?" Starlight responds sensitively.

"Will you protect us if they were to come and get us?" Apple Bloom asks gloomy.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo have their heads down. The possibility of ponies from Ponyville hunting them down never came to mind until now. Then, they look at Starlight sadly, imagining ponies from Ponyville with pitchforks and fire, wanting to get rid of them for good. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo quiver in fear due to their imaginations. Starlight can see fear taking over their minds and the sadness written on their faces.

"I will make sure no harm comes your way. I will protect you from them," Starlight said reassuringly.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle smile but not Apple Bloom. She is having a hard time forgetting the ponies who scold her especially, from her family. Hearing Big Mac's daunting words to go away is replayed in her mind over and over. As Starlight gives food to her friends, Apple Bloom starts questioning her ability to earn a cutie mark. Since journalism didn't work out and the results of her friends and she running away, Apple Bloom is deciding not to have a cutie mark for the rest of her life.

"Hey, Starly," Apple Bloom asks again. "I feel that I should live my life without a cutie mark."

Starlight's eyes widen in shock. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle's jaws drop from Apple Bloom's decision.

"Apple Bloom, why would you say that?" Scootaloo questions nervously.

"Yea," Sweetie Belle walks up to Apple Bloom. "We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders. It's our job to find our talents in life."

Apple Bloom looks at her friends then at Starlight. Her sadness said it all to Starlight. She understands the situation Apple Bloom is facing, much similar to hers years ago.

"I feel that with our attempts failing each time, why bother getting a cutie mark? We try and, nothing works. We tried journaling and gossiping. Look where it led us, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo," They frown with Apple Bloom's statements. "We no longer live in Ponyville and everypony hates us. They will never forgive us. So, why bother getting a cutie mark?"

"Well, I probably have a better chance of getting my cutie with my parents," Scootaloo said.

"I'm with you, Apple Bloom. Witnessing and going through the trauma of our friends, family, and other ponies; shunning us and telling us to go away, I don't think I want a cutie mark."

Starlight is jotting ideas in her mind for the future of her pupils. She sees Apple Bloom sadden because of the attempt, Sweetie Belle agreeing with Apple Bloom. She understands Scootaloo and doesn't want any conflicts with her parents. She can live with two apprentices stripping cutie marks away from other ponies, who want to change their lives for the better.

"Are you sure you want to live your lives without cutie marks?" Starlight calmly asks.

"Yes," Apple Bloom seriously said.

"Yes," Sweetie Belle said softly.

"No," Scootaloo said proudly. "I want my cutie mark. I want to find my purpose in life, thank you very much," Scootaloo said a bit rudely.

"Fair enough. Everyone is entitled to live the way you should."

"Hey, Starly? Is there a post office around here? I want to write my letters to my parents. Letting them know where I am and how I'm doing and such."

"Uh, sure, Scootaloo. Write your letters and I'll mail them for you," Starlight said.

"Thanks, Starly,"

"You're welcome. Now, after you eat, we need to discuss more on the matter."

After a half-hour of the girls and Starlight eating, Starlight takes the trio to the living room. They sat on the couch. Starlight uses her magic to spawn her lounge chair from the office to the living room. She sits and starts the discussion.

"So, I want you three to tell me the whole story. I need to know more in-depth, so I can protect you from those who may search for you."

"Well, it all started..."

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo told their side of the story to Starlight Glimmer. Starlight Glimmer couldn't believe the idiocy and hypocritical side of Ponyville as a whole. The entire town loves the Gabby Gums to hating it. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo tear up as they continued with their story. The abuse they got from Rainbow Dash with the rainwater, the neglect of family and friends, Big Mac telling them to go away, not forgiving their apologetic column, Starlight understands the sadness of wanting a cutie mark and the regret they felt. Starlight can relate to a time of how a cutie mark messed up a part of her life. She gets up from her chair and hugs the trio that is still tearing from their story.

"Alright, I now understand. I promise you I won't allow those ponies to come back in your lives again. I will protect you from them. I will make sure you have happier lives away from those hypocrites."

"Thanks... Starly," Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo said as she sniffs. They burst into tears and cry their eyes out as Starlight holds them lovingly.

In Starlight's mind, not only she wants to help them, she wants to encourage them they can live better on equal terms in friendship. Someday soon, the time will come. For now, she needs to be the mother she can be for the time being. After another half-hour, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo calm down. Silence reign. Starlight lets go of them and trot to her office. She writes down the more important names of ponies if they come forth to finding or hunting them:

"I would assume Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity's friends would help them find the girls..." Starlight gives some thought to the list. "Yea, I'll add their names to the list as well. In case they happen to show up separately."

"I'll have a separate list of family, friends, and enemies, so I know who may show up if they happen to find my village," Starlight puts her list away and writes another list of other ponies the girls mentioned. Starlight leaves her office to check on the girls. "Are you three feeling better?"

"I am," Apple Bloom said, sadly.

"So am I," Sweetie Belle chime in.

"Me, too," Scootaloo said.

"I know it must be hard for having a cutie mark problem ruining your day. I can relate to that," Starlight said.

The girls look at Starlight with wide eyes.

"Really?" They said in unison.

"Yes," Starlight said with her head down. "Long story short, my friend Sunburst and I were once close friends. We didn't have our cutie marks yet, so we hang a lot together. When he discovered his true talent while using his magic, he was sent away to a school in Canterlot, leaving me behind. Cutie marks made everypony distance themselves from others. I struggled in my life to make friends. When I discovered my true talents, I envisioned a lovely town where friendships are on equal terms. No need to separate and discriminate against others for having a cutie mark or not. I'm still in the process of figuring out a proper way of having everypony in my village to have the exact cutie mark, an equal cutie mark so that way, friendships will never be broken."

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle fall in love with the idea of an equalize friendship. Scootaloo likes the idea but wants her cutie mark. She will still treat her friends as is.

"I like the idea you envisioned, Starly," Apple Bloom said. She smiles at the thought of an equal friendship.

"Having the same cutie mark sounds good," Sweetie Belle said.

"Equal terms of friendship is heavenly good. Having the same cutie mark, I'm not sure. If you and they go forth then, I'll wish you and my friends luck when the day arrives. I'll still treat my friends the way I am right now. I'll more likely be with my family after their next exploration. I will put in good word for you, Starly. My parents can become your friends in times of need since you are my guardian for the time being."

"Thank you, Scootaloo," Starlight yawns a bit. "It's getting late. I think we should all get some rest."

The girls nod in agreement. Starlight takes them back to her room for them to sleep together again. Starlight kisses the trio on their heads. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle fall asleep as Starlight leaves the room. She goes back downstairs into her office to talk to herself again.

"Alright Starlight, I have two apprentices now that Scootaloo won't be here for long, as I predicted earlier. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle don't want a cutie mark. Scootaloo wants one. I won't stop her. Considering I'll be having allies from her parents. I will make Scootaloo parents keep their word on not telling anypony of my village's location. That way, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are protected from those that wrong them. I can't believe an entire town would scold them from wanting more of their stories. That'll be a huge inspiration for them to use for newcomers in the future and why equalize friendship works," Starlight is walking in a circular motion as she talks. "Before Scootaloo writes her letter, I'll ask her when her parents can come so we can have a discussion. After Scootaloo leaves, then I'll discuss more in-depth of my plans with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. Train them to use the relic that strips cutie marks away and replacing it with an equal cutie mark. After, I master the spell myself. I would have to explain that my cutie mark needs to be painted for the spell to work. I can't afford a riot in my village to spur. For now, the town folk will continue to follow my laws. I'll explain the laws to the girls tomorrow in the afternoon. After I give them the tour," Starlight stops walking in her circular motion and trot to the living room. "Tomorrow is going to be a lovely day," Starlight gets on her comfy couch and falls asleep.

Starlight's Village

Starlight Glimmer is woken up by Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. They give Starlight a breakfast in bed or couch is what they call it. Starlight smiles at the gesture and thanks them. They gave Starlight a fruit salad, a bagel with butter, and a glass of water. Starlight eats her breakfast as the CMC go upstairs to freshen up for today's tour. After Starlight eats her breakfast, she heads upstairs to freshen up as well. After a while, Starlight decides to give Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo the tour she promised yesterday.

"Alright, girls. On with the tour," Starlight said happily.

Starlight opens the front door as the CMC leaves the house. It wasn't much to show as the town buildings are aligned. Not much else is around the town now that they realized.

"So, uh," Scootaloo mutters. "Where do you get your supplies from?"

"I have a few acquaintances that work in Manehattan. They send supplies for the town for me every week."

"Makes sense to us," The girls said in unison.

Starlight shows the girls various stores and restaurants in her village. Everypony in Starlight's village welcomes and greets their new neighbors. Everypony still having their cutie marks and obliging Starlight's laws. The CMC sees ponies who haven't achieved in getting their cutie marks receiving fellowship, respect, and honor by those who do have their cutie marks. No pony in Starlight's village is bullying one another. The CMC smile at Starlight's equality in friendship desire. They now understand the fruition of Starlight's purposes though they need to be more involved to have a better understanding of it.

"Hey, Starly?" Apple Bloom asks.

"Yes, Apple Boom?"

"Is there a school here?"

"Not yet. We're still in the process of building a school here. My village has only been around for two years. Until we have more fillies, it'll be best to homeschool them," Starlight said.

"So, are you going to homeschool us?" Scootaloo asks curiously.

"I'll have to think about it. Also, when will you be writing your letter, Scootaloo?"

"Later today. Why you ask, Starly?"

"I need to know when so when the next shipment arrives, I can ask a favor to mail your letter."

"The delivery pony does that?"

"Yes. The delivery pony not only ships out supplies but letters as well."

"Sounds good."

"Also, Scootaloo. Ask your parents in the letter when they can come get you."

"I will. I respect your and my friends' purpose here. I want to find my purpose with my cutie mark when I discover my true talent. I promise when my parents come for me, I'll visit time to time."

"Thank you, Scootaloo."

"You're welcome, Starly."

Starlight Glimmer introduces the CMC to Sugar Belle. One of the better bakers in her village.

"Hi, young fillies," Sugar Belle smiles. "Want a cupcake?"

"Sure!" Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo shout excitedly.

Sugar Belle gives the girls a cupcake. They devour it and love it.

"This is delicious!" Apple Bloom cheers happily.

"Best tasting cupcake I had in my whole life!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Better than the Pinkie Pie's for sure," Scootaloo chimes in happiness.

"Glad you enjoy my cupcakes. Now, what are your names?"

"I'm Apple Bloom," She smiles.

"I'm Sweetie Belle," She also smiles.

"I'm Scootaloo."

"And we are the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" They shout in unison.

"Nice to meet you, three. I'm Sugar Belle. Welcome to our village."

"Thank you," The Crusaders said as they follow Starlight Glimmer.

Starlight takes the CMC to introduce them to Party Favor. He's a party specialist in town. The CMC wonder if Party Favor and Sugar Belle are long distant cousins of Pinkie Pie. Party favor is in the middle of celebrating Night Glider's birthday. She lands in front of Starlight and the CMC. Scootaloo gaze in awe.

"Wow, that was fast," Scootaloo said.

"Hey, Night Glider. I want to introduce you to your three newest neighbors. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo."

"Welcome to your new home," Night Glider said. She notices Scootaloo staring at her. "Hey, what's up?"

"Uh.., Nothing. Sorry, its that you reminded me of someone who used to be my friend."

"Used to?" Night Glider curiously asks.

"I'll tell you about that later. Now it's not a good time since it's your birthday."

"Alright, when you are ready to speak, I'll be here. My house is next to Sugar Belle's bakery on the right. You can come by any time you like."

"Sounds good. Thank you," Scootaloo said with a smile.

"You're welcome, kid."

"Also, happy birthday," Scootaloo said.

"Thanks, kid. You and your friends are welcome to join us."

"Thanks but, no thanks. My friends and I are new here and, there is much more Starlight has to show us."

"You three can stay here, enjoy yourselves with the new friends you'll be making. I have other things to take care of. I'll pick you up in two hours."

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo cheer joyfully and meet up with other ponies celebrating Night Glider's birthday. Starlight trots in a different direction. She's going to a cave to practice her magic to use the staff of sameness. In the cave, there is a juvenile known as Fire Flier that Starlight captured a while back. Fire Flier is a light yellow pegasus with an orange and red striped mane. Fire Flier is chained to a bolder, tightly. He struggles in his shackles and glares at Starlight.

"Mmmph! Mmmmph!" Fire Flier muffles angrily.

"Nice to see you too, Fire. You should be glad I didn't report you to the police for setting yet, another wildfire with your wings."

"Mmph!" Fire Flier glares.

"Now, you should know, Fire. My schedule is going to be stricter than before. I'll still keep you around until the time has come," Starlight uses her magic to wield the staff of sameness. "Now, let's see if I can strip you of that cutie mark of yours," Starlight smiles sinisterly.

Fire Flier struggles frantically and wildly. Starlight uses her magic to activate the magic of the staff of sameness. Then she tries using her magic to strip the pegasus of his cutie mark. Using her rage as fuel, she is unsuccessful. Starlight takes a breather then tries a second time.

At Night Glider's birthday party, everypony asks what's the tale of the CMC for coming to Starlight's Village. The girls look at each other and finally relents. They told everyone at Night Glider's birthday party about their unfortunate tale when they were journalists in Ponyville in hopes of discovering their cutie marks. After Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo finish telling their story, everyone looks at the sky in disbelief.

"You mean to tell us that an entire town hates you for publishing what they want?" Night Glider said in her shocking tone voice.

"Yes..." The girls sadly said in unison.

"That's messed up," Party Favor said.

"It's beyond wrong," Double Diamond said.

"We'll be your friends and family, kids. Here in Starlight's Village, friendship is all about equality. Never hating cause someone made a mistake or receiving bad influence," Sugar Belle said.

Everypony else nods in agreement.

"Thank you," The CMC smiles.

Everypony hugs them then continue onward with the party, having a fun time.

An hour passes and, Starlight is taking a break from using her magic in the cave. Fire Flier is tired of his struggle to make Starlight lose concentration. Starlight ungags Fire Flier to give him a smoothie. Fire Flier spits the smoothie at Starlight's face and demands her to let him go.

"As for that, you little punk, I won't be feeding you for the next three days!" Starlight angrily said. Starlight gags him again. "Alright, rage didn't work. Happiness did not work, sadness, greed, lust," Then an idea pop in her mind. "Let's try passion," Starlight uses her magic to levitate the staff and use passion to strip the cutie mark of Fire Flier.

Moments after using her passion, she successfully removes Fire Flier's cutie mark. Fire Flier is shocked to see his precious cutie mark and talent taken away. Fire Flier burst into tears. He wants his cutie mark back. Starlight navigates the cutie mark to the vault and seals it for all eternity. Starlight smiles sinisterly and looks at Fire Flier.

"Good news. You won't be setting fires and destroying anything ever again." Starlight ungags him to hear his plea.

"Please.., I'll turn myself to the police... Please.., I want my cutie mark back..." Starlight sees Fire Flier's flank and sees an equal cutie mark emerging.

"Sorry, you won't be getting your cutie mark back. Considering you burnt all of the crops in my village."

Fire Flier looks down in defeat and asks. "What are you going to do with me?"

"Hmm, I'll dispose of you. You are a wretched in Equestria, after all."

Fire Flier closes his eyes and accepts defeat. There is nothing he can do anymore. Starlight uses her magic to lift Fire Flier chains and maneuver it into a straightjacket.

"Follow me, please," Starlight mockingly said as she levitates Fire Flier.

In a half-hour of walking distance, Starlight puts Fire Flier on a boat still chained up. Fire Flier is unable to do anything but watch. When he sees Starlight putting him on the boat, he figures Starlight is sending him away.

"Now, you are on the boat. It's time for you to go away into the unknown."

"When I get out, I'll come for you and burn your village to the ground!" Fire Flier swears it.

"By the time you get out, you'll be apprehended or eaten. Bye-bye," Starlight happily waves Fire goodbye and pushes the boat into the unknown. "Now, I need to head back to my village. It's time to teach the girls about my laws in my village," Starlight trots back to her home.

An hour passes by as Starlight returns to her village. She sees the townfolk enjoying themselves with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo at Night Glider's birthday. The girls said their byes and go up to Starlight.

"Did you three had fun?"

"I had fun!" Apple Bloom said.

"Same here," Sweetie Belle concurs.

"I had fun as well, Starly. Also, the town knows of our situation back in Ponyville."

"Alright, then. Let me take you three back home so I can show you my laws in the village." Starlight takes the girls back home and has them seated on the couch. "Alright, I'll be back in a few moments," Starlight goes into her office and brings out her laws written in a format on the chalkboard she wheeled in.

"I'll be back, I'm gonna get a drink from the fridge," Sweetie Belle said. She goes to the kitchen for a glass of water.

"Anyone else wants a drink?" Starlight asks.

"I'm good, thanks," Scootaloo replies.

"Same," Apple Bloom agrees.

Sweetie Belle returns to the living room and sits on the couch with her friends. Starlight smiles and reads.

    No Pony shall be bullied for not having a cutie mark or having a horrid past. There is no hatred, discrimination, and misjudgment. All Ponies shall treat each other with love, compassion, and understanding. All Ponies are equal. Justice is the same for all Ponies. Smile. Help one another when times are troubled. Be kind, courteous, and friendly to newcomers. Report to Starlight Glimmer for any problems or if needed help and guidance.

"Nice list, Starly," Scootaloo said.

"Yea, those laws are perfect for us," Apple Bloom said.

"What problems have you faced recently, Starly?"

"A few months ago, there was a nuisance named Fire Flier. He is an arsonist. My village was plentiful with crops until he came and burn it all up. That's why the surroundings of my village look bland."

"So, that's why you have those shipments, right?" Apple Bloom asks.

"Yes. The land is too dry to fertilize. We tried and, nothing grew."

"Mind if I take a crack at it?" Apple Bloom asks.

"Sure but, what a filly like you can do?"

"I grew up at a farm and, there is a lot I learned over the years. When does the next shipment arrive?"

"In the next three days. However, I think you may want to wait for the following shipment. I haven't requested anything for fertilization in a while."

"Alright, then. Starly, in a few months or a year, I'll do what I can to supply our village with crops once more."

"The whole village will help you when the time comes," Starlight said, smiling at Apple Bloom for her kind gesture. "You know, I believe it was fate that brought you three here. You three will have a huge impact in my village. Making it better for everypony. Equality in friendship."

"With your rulings in your village and no pony here to cause anypony stress, I don't see anything wrong taking place now or in the future," Sweetie Belle said.

"Yea, though I will be getting my cutie mark and will be leaving soon, I would like to do what I can for our home for the time being."

"Good, Scootaloo."

"Hey, Starly."

"Yes, Scootaloo?"

"I'll be back later tonight. I'm gonna visit Night Glider."

"Alright, then. Do be out too long, though."

"I won't. I'll be back in an hour or so."

"Sounds good. Have fun."

"I will," Scootaloo said as she leaves the house.

"I'll be staying here to plot ideas of replenishing the land," Apple Bloom said.

"I'm going to head upstairs and call it a day," Sweetie Belle said.

"Okay, I'll be in my office. Knock before you enter. I like to keep my thoughts in private."

"Don't worry, Starly. Sweetie Belle and I won't be snooping around. We learned that lesson the hard way."

Starlight goes to her office, leaving the two be. She starts walking in a circular motion.

"Fire Flier is gone and won't cause any trouble anymore. His cutie mark will remain in the vault for all eternity. Everypony in my village is cooperating nicely. I have two apprentices. One will be leaving soon. They are the only ones who knows about my plans. Perhaps they have other ideas to help influence my dreams of Equality in Friendship. Only time will tell," Starlight stops walking in a circular motion. "Lead an example in my Equality Friendship or become a dictator?" Starlight sits on her lounge chair and pounder on that question. "If I choose to be a leader, everypony follows my laws. Those who break it, I strip their cutie marks. If I choose to be a dictator, I will strip everypony in my village, give them an equal cutie mark and go forth of painting mine over to continue my spree of creating equality in friendship. Hmm, I'll need the advice of my apprentices and see which they'll agree on, though, I like my initial plan of stripping everypony of their cutie marks and putting them in the vault," Starlight gets up and leaves her office. She goes to the kitchen and starts making dinner.

The Search

Days went by since the Princesses came to Ponyville. After the Gabby Gums incident, residents of Ponyville were put in teams of six to search for Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. Not a minute goes by as regret, shame, and guilt fills the hearts of everypony that wronged the CMC. Applejack and Big Mac lead the team to search endlessly throughout Equestria. Twilight Sparkle is with Princess Celestia and Luna searching far and wide in other regions of Equestria. During that time, Twilight Sparkle received her lecture from Princess Celestia about negotiating when the situation is at its peak. A lesson that Twilight Sparkle will never forget especially, with handling ages younger than hers. Big Mac and Applejack are troubled with endless possibilities that their younger sister may be in peril or worse, which is why they haven't slept well in days. Rarity blames herself for revealing the truth to the entire town of Gabby Gums' true identity. If it weren't for her encouragement when she snooped through Sweetie Belle's belongings, then none of this would be happening. Rarity is a wreck as she continues to search for her beloved sister. As for Rainbow Dash, she's angry at herself for inflicting the CMC with rainwater in anger and spite. She took her frustrations at the CMC instead of confronting them, telling them what they were doing was wrong.

Big Mac, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie are now resting at Neighagra Falls. Applejack and Big Mac volunteer to take first watch as the others fall asleep. Princess Luna raises the moon as nightfall has arrived. Big Mac tears up as Applejack cries on the inside. They messed up. They screwed up. Made three young fillies go away, how ironic from Big Mac's words?

"Big Mac?" Applejack said in a sad tone.

"Yes, Applejack," Big Mac responds sadly.

"You think Apple Bloom and her friends are.., alright?"

"I hope so, Applejack. I hope we'll find them in time when they need help," Big Mac said.

"I regret ignoring Apple Bloom and influencing more of Gabby Gums."

"Me too, Applejack," Big Mac concurs.

The siblings embrace each other and pray that Apple Bloom and her friends are safe. As Luna finishes raising the moon, she hovers down and watches the night. Princess Celestia sits next to Luna as Twilight looks the other way. No words can justify how sorry she is towards Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. She hopes to find the CMC, hug them, and tell them how stupid she is for neglecting them. Letting the CMC know it wasn't their fault but hers and the towns. Princess Celestia and Luna distance themselves, to have a private discussion.

"How long for the search to continue, sister?" Princess Luna asks.

"Before the week of Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza's wedding, Luna."

"Celestia, that's twelve days from now."

"That's how long we can prolong the search. Our duties will have to come eventually."

"Will it be long enough?"

"Only time will tell, Luna."

"It'll be hard for everyone to conclude the search after twelve days."

"Then, it'll be a lesson of what happens when you treat others poorly. Only time will tell if we find Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo or not," Princess Celestia firmly states.

"I'll try searching for them in the dreamlands again. Then I'll pinpoint their location."

Princess Luna enters the dreamlands in search of the CMC. Princess Celestia walks back to Twilight Sparkle. She still looks away from the Princess and remains silent.


Twilight remains silent. She thinks of ways to redeem herself and be a better friend. She thinks of herself as a deceiving friend who turns instead of compromising. Princess Celestia lets Twilight be.

Princess Luna now wanders the dreamlands, searching far and wide in search of the CMC's dreams. Due to the mass majority of ponies sleeping during the night, the dreamlands shift differently and unpredictably. Every night Princess Luna is given a limited time window as the nighttime flows by faster. It's the fifth night that Luna tries searching for the CMC's dream. Like many nights its harder looking for them. So many nightmares kept popping up for Luna to handle, with the CMC missing, she opts out instead of helping everypony else. Princess Luna soars in the dreamlands looking for the fillies dreamscape.

After a few hours go by, Princess Luna leaves the dreamlands empty-handed. As she returns to Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle, it was time for her to go to sleep. Princess Luna enters her tent and falls asleep. Princess Celestia raises the sun to begin another day. She and Twilight Sparkle will wait till the later hours for Luna to wake up to proceed with their search together. With the Royal Guards and Ponyville working together, there are not many regions to inspect. Princess Celestia and Twilight hold a meeting with the Royal Guards about the day's search. Like the first day, there are no signs of the CMC whereabouts. Twilight lowers her head as Celestia brings optimism to Twilight.

"No need to fret, Twilight. In time, we'll find them," Princess Celestia said as she smiles elegantly.

"What if we can't?!" Twilight said in her panicked state. "What if they meet their demise before we save them?! What if?!" Twilight is cut off by Princess Celestia.

"Twilight," Princess Celestia sighs. "Calm down."

Twilight takes deep breathes to calm herself down.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave, Twilight."

Twilight leaves as she slaps herself for overreacting again. She feels that Princess Celestia is getting stress because of her. After the meeting, the Royal Guards return to the teams to continue the search. Princess Celestia confronts Twilight.


Twilight looks at her teacher with tears streaming down on her face. Princess Celestia can see the hurt Twilight engulfs. Princess Celestia spreads her wings and hugs Twilight. She comforts her the best way she can. Twilight clutches onto Celestia and cries her eyes out. She can't stop thinking for the worse of the CMC.

Now that it's morning, Applejack and Big Mac wake everypony up. The two didn't get much sleep. How can they sleep when their sister is out there, lost, cold, hungry, sick? They push themselves to endure another day of searching. Rainbow Dash and Rarity barely got some sleep due to how they were feeling. They couldn't wait till they find the CMC. They know they'll find them. It's only a matter of time, right.

Once again, Big Mac and Applejack lead the team from Neighara Falls to Foal Mountain. On the way there, they meet up with Filthy Rich and Ms.Cheerliee. Their team checked all of Foal Mountain and haven't found a spec of the CMC.

"Hello, Apple Family. How are you doing?" Rich asks.

"Not well. Still searching for my sister and her friends," Applejack answers tiredly.

"We've checked all areas of Foal Mountain. Hate to say but, there are no signs of the CMC. We figured they must have traveled by train or something else to cover the tracks," Rich said.

"Train?" Big Mac asks.

"Yes," Ms.Cheerliee said. "If the CMC were to travel, it'll be by transportation. Otherwise, we'll catch up with them by now."

"I sent private investigations to search all rail stations that the CMC might have gone to, so far, no luck," Rich said.

"We'll continue to search until the Princesses calls off the search," Ms.Cheerliee said.

"Thank you," Applejack said.

Big Mac and Applejack walk away from Foal Mountain with Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. With other teams searching far and wide, they decided to go back home.

"Where are you going?" Rich asks.

"Home," Applejack and Big Mac said in defeat.

"Home?" Ms.Cheerliee questions.

Applejack and Big Mac sighs.

"We can't leave the farm unattended any longer. Six days is long enough. With everypony working together to find my sister and her friends, they'll come to us once they find them," Applejack said sadly.

"Good luck with the search," Big Mac said.

"Since you two are going home, I'll go as well. You'll need rainwater for the lands. I'll fly to Cloudsdale, hire some weather ponies to help you two. Then I'll go back on the search."

"Thanks, Rainbow," Applejack said.

Big Mac, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash go home while Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy stick with Rich and Ms.Cheerliee to continue the search. On the way back to Ponyville, Big Mac and Applejack lower their heads in defeat. Two hours after the walk of shame, Applejack and Big Mac enter the apple house. Rainbow Dash flies to Cloudsdale to hire weather ponies to help the Apple family. Big Mac and Applejack see the entire Apple Family with Granny Smith orchestrating a plan to search for Apple Bloom.

"Alright, everypony. I understand that attending to the farms is also important. The teams of apples will conclude three ponies. For those who aren't in teams, they will tend to their farms," Granny said, then she sees Applejack and Big Mac. "Welcome home, you two. Were you able to find Apple Bloom and her sisters?"

"No, Granny," Applejack sadly said.

"If we were to keep going with the search, no pony would be able to attend to the farm. With our friends and neighbors searching for the girls, we figured it'll only be a matter of time till they find them," Big Mac states.

"Wow, most words I ever heard cousin Big Mac spoke," Babs Seed said.

"It was a harder decision to make. We can't allow the apples to go bad. Also, we didn't know you'll have the entire Apple Family come to the house to help search for Apple Bloom, Granny. Otherwise, we would have continued with the search," Applejack said.

"Well, thanks for trying you two. You and Big Mac look exhausted. Take the rest of the day off and relax. I'll need you two to work on the farm bright and early tomorrow."

"Will do, Granny. Right, Big Mac?"

"Eeyup," Big Mac yawns and goes to his room to sleep for the rest of the day.

Applejack goes to her room and gets some shut-eye. Granny Smith blesses the family willing to search for Apple Bloom and her friends as they take off. The rest said their goodbyes to Granny and heads back home.

An hour passes as Princess Luna wakes up from her nap. She sees Twilight and Celestia packing up. The next region to search will be at Unicorn Range. After Luna finish packing up, the Royal Guards flies Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Twilight Sparkle to Unicorn Range to conduct their search. On the way there, Twilight looks down below to see several search teams looking for the CMC. Twilight hopes to find the girls soon. Hopefully, they are safe.

Receiving Mail

A delivery pony comes into the village with supplies for the ponies and Apple Bloom. It's been a week and a half since Starlight ordered what Apple Bloom desires to replenish the landscape around. Apple Bloom takes her supplies and goes to Starlight's house. She has orchestrated a farming unit that'll help support the land around them. She, Night Glider, Double Diamond, and several ponies volunteer for the cause. Scootaloo waits in line to receive her letter from her parents. Once the delivery pony hands her letter, Scootaloo hurries back to the house. Scootaloo enters and sits on the couch, opening the letter she received from her parents.

Dear Scootaloo,

Your father and I are deeply sorry you and your friends had to endure the trauma that all of Ponyville unleashed for the Gabby Gums incident. I know you didn't mean well. I know you took some bad advice and it isn't your fault. Those ponyfolk in Ponyville are the ones to blame, not you, my little angel. As for your two aunts, they are worried about you. I reassured them that you are in good hooves and not to look for you nor tell anypony else in the letter I sent them. You are safe from anypony else who dares to hunt you down. I trust that this Starlight Glimmer you wrote about will take good care of you. When you can, let her know that she has two friends to count on when she's in dire need.

In two years Scootaloo, your father and I will come for you. We are coming closer to the discovery of a new species emerging as well as a new plant life with newfound medicine. If it weren't for the new plant life and emergence of a species, we would have come sooner. Hope, you know that. We love you so much, Scootaloo.

Hey, Kiddo. Like your mom said in her portion of the letter, we're sorry for our absence when you wrote the Gabby Gums column as it spurred out of control. Remember that it wasn't your fault but those who wanted more. They are the cause of hating Gabby Gums, not you and your friends. Don't allow the past to haunt you, kiddo. Keep moving forward in this new chapter you created with your friends, living in the village you mentioned. We will come for you in two years, maybe less. We don't know. One thing you should know is, we love you and can't wait to see you again. When we do come for you, we'll be united once more. No more separations, in the family. When we have to go out, you are coming with us. When we work, your coming with us. Time to expand our family life together. Till then, enjoy yourself with those who care about you in the village.

Love you, Scootaloo.

Sincerely Your Mother & Father,

Mane Allgood & Snap Shutter

Scootaloo smiles after finishing reading her letter. Apple Bloom walks by with her farming unit.

"Hey, Scootaloo. Wanna help?"

"Maybe later, Apple Bloom. I need to show this to Starly."

"Alright, then. We'll be working all day so, come by when you want to help out."

"I will."

Apple Bloom and her farming unit leave the house. Scootaloo trots to Starlight's office knocking on the door.

"Come in," Starlight said. She puts her notes away as Scootaloo enters.

"I have the letter my mom and dad wrote to me."

"Wonderful, Scootaloo. May I read it?"

Scootaloo trots to Starlight and hands her the letter. Starlight starts reading the letter thoroughly and sighs in happiness.

"Two years or less. Well, gotta make the good times last here, right Scootaloo?"

"You bet, Starly. Also, what are you planning with equality in friendship?"

"I'm still in the midst between different scenarios. I still need time to choose which scenario I'll go for."

"Alright, then. I'll let you be. I'm gonna help Apple Bloom and the others with the farm work."

"Have fun, Scootaloo."

"I will," Scootaloo said as she leaves the office.

"So, I have two allies for my cause. How nice of Scootaloo's parents offering their friendship to me for my kindness," Starlight smiles and starts walking in a circular motion in the office, collecting more thoughts. "I can see it now, the two of them coming out of the shadows, trusting in my system to create an equal friendship for all ponies from time to time when Scootaloo wants to visit. Holding the pony in place as I strip em of their cutie mark," Starlight smirks sinisterly. "Yes, then they shall witness true friendship in my town," Starlight stops walking in her circular motion. "Or, something different in mind. I'll have to see, soon enough," Starlight leaves her office and checks how everyone is doing in her village.

Apple Family News

Its been days since the Apple Family has conducted their search for Apple Bloom and her friends. They search far and wide in different areas where the Apple's may run off too. Babs Seed and her team meet up with a squadron of Royal Guards at Haysead Swamps. They informed the family that Apple Bloom isn't around the area. They sigh and continue their search.

It's another day in Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack and Big Mac continue to work themselves tirelessly. Their thoughts of how they treated Apple Bloom continues to haunt them. The two buck trees left and right harder and in anger. Big Mac pants heavily, reliving the moments of telling Apple Bloom and her friends to go away. Big Mac bucks so hard the tree snaps and collapses startling Applejack.

"Big Mac, you alright?" Applejack asks.

"No, Applejack. I'm not alright. I haven't been alright since Apple Bloom ran away from home. Ran away from us since I told her to go away," Big Mac responds sadly.

"I know, Big Mac. We have to hope that our friends and family will find them soon."

Big Mac and Applejack continue to buck trees and plant seeds in the fields. After hours of working, they decided to call it a day. The two slowly walk back to the Apple house with their heads hung low. Granny Smith is on her rocking chair, seeing her grandkids coming by.

"Hey Applejack, Big Mac. How are you two doing?"

"Okay, I guess, Granny."

Big Mac couldn't respond. He's too sad to look at Granny in the eyes.

"I know yer two are sad. So am I."

"I messed up, Granny," Big Mac said. "If only I listened. If only I took the time to talk to Apple Bloom of Gabby Gums. I don't think I'll ever sleep soundly ever again."

"Me too, Big Mac. I pray to Celestia that Apple Bloom and her friends are safe and sound."

"That's all we can do, Applejack. Hope for the best. Not the worst," Granny reassuringly said.

Applejack, Big Mac, and Granny Smith enter the house. Silence reign in the Apple house for hours. The sadness of Apple Bloom's disappearance has taken a toll on the family. It is now 7:30 at night. The Apple Family search team is returning to Sweet Apple Acres with important news. They knock and enter the Apple House. Applejack, Big Mac, and Granny Smith gather around with the rest of the family.

"Hey, cousin Applejack," Braeburn said.

"Howdy, Braeburn. What's the story?"

"It's been nearly a week and a half of searching cuz. We as a family have decided to call off the search."

"Wha-What?!" Applejack angrily yells.

"Ease up, Applejack. No need to get angry," Granny calmingly said.

Braeburn sighs. "I'm sorry, cuz. It's just. We looked throughout all known areas of Equestria. We've met up with your friends and several Royal Guard squadrons. They were unable to find Apple Bloom and her friends. We double-checked the areas and found no trace. We, like you, can't leave our farms unattended any longer."

"We tried day and night searching, Applejack," Apple Fritter said. "Also, we received word from the Princesses that they are concluding their search tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?! Why tomorrow?!" Applejack asks. She starts panting.

"They have their duties to attend to, Applejack. They are unable to delay any further. We tried our best. All we can do is try another time or move on."

Applejack snaps and lunges herself to the door. Big Mac and the others hold Applejack in place.

"Let me go! Let me go! I have to find my sister!!" Applejack pants heavily. Her fear of losing Apple Bloom is becoming a reality. The fear of Apple Bloom gone forever is taking over her mind. "APPLE BLOOM!!" She yells as tears start streaming down for the first time.

An hour passes as Applejack finally calms down. Big Mac and the others release their grip on Applejack, allowing her to run to her room. Applejack gets on her bed and puts a pillow over her head. She wishes that all of this is a long twisted nightmare and, she's finally ready to wake up. Big Mac thanks everyone for using their time to search for Apple Bloom. The Apple Family decides to sleepover for a few days to help Applejack more.

Big Mac knocks on Applejack's door and enters the room.

"Applejack?" Big Mac asks in concern.

"What Big Mac?" Applejack sternly replies.

"Our entire Apple Family will be staying with us for a few days."

"All except Apple Bloom," Applejack emotionlessly said.

"Ugh," Big Mac sighs. "As Granny said, we can only pray for the better of Apple Bloom. Not the worst. We'll find our sister someday."

"Or never."

"Why are you having these doubts, Applejack?"

"I'm accepting the reality, Big Mac. She's gone. She's never coming back," Tears swell up. "It's my fault.., It's my fault.., I failed her as an older sister."

Big Mac sits next to Applejack.

"It's more my fault than yours, Applejack. My words encourage them to go away in anger. I...I hate myself. I feel like a monster, Applejack," Big Mac takes a deep breath. "Someday, we'll find Apple Bloom. She'll be okay. She'll be better than okay. We'll be united as a family soon."

"If you say so, Big Mac."

Big Mac and Applejack hug each other. They imagine Apple Bloom being in the middle of the hug.

"Get some sleep, Applejack. I'll do the same as well."

"Alright, Big Mac."

Big Mac smiles weakly and leaves Applejack's room. Applejack leaves her room, enter Apple Bloom's room to snag one of the bows she left behind. She goes back to her room and attaches the bow to the pillow, imagining the pillow as Apple Bloom.

"Night, Apple Bloom. Your big sis will protect you, love you, and listen to you," Applejack said as she drifts to sleep.

Concluding the Search

Author's Notes:

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Comment if you please.

Have a nice day/night reading.

It's been two and a half weeks since the search of the CMC commenced. Princess Celestia has been monitoring the days of the wedding's arrival. Canterlot has two weeks to prepare the wedding of Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Twilight Sparkle hold the final meeting of the search with the Royal Guards.

"It is my deepest regard that I must inform all search teams to conclude the search," Princess Celestia firmly states.

"We thank you for your services," Princess Luna said.

"We understood Princesses since we were unsuccessful in our search throughout all of Equestria. We can only assume for the worse that has happened to the young fillies."

"Understood," Princess Celestia said as she closes her eyes. Then she turns to Twilight. "Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight looks at Princess Celestia.

"Promise me this'll never happen again in Ponyville."

"I promise to compromise when situations are at its peak, Princess Celestia."

"Thank you, Twilight. Now return home."

"Yes, Princess Celestia."

Princess Celestia sighs as Twilight leaves the meeting with her head hung low. Princess Luna tells the Royal Guards to inform everypony searching to go home. She and her sister fly back to Canterlot.

On the way back to Ponyville, Twilight meets up with her friends; Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity. Rarity is a wreck. She's been crying on the way back since they were unsuccessful in their search. Rarity is fearing for the worse with Sweetie Belle on her mind. She hates herself for being the cause of Gabby Gums's popularity and downfall.

"Hey.., girls," Twilight said dismally.

"Hey, Twilight," The girls respond sadly.

"No luck, huh?"

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy shook their head slowly. Rarity couldn't respond to Twilight. She kept on thinking about Sweetie Belle.

"Rarity?" Twilight nervously asks.

Rarity doesn't respond. Twilight takes a deep breath.

"I know this is an unfortunate situation when losing someone close to you. I understand you may not want to talk right now. Just know that we're here to help you any way we can. Right Pinkie, Fluttershy?"

The two nod in agreement. Rarity looks at Twilight in the eyes.

"When you manage to find spare time, all of you, help me find my younger sister," Tears stream down on Rarity's face. Her eyes are red from the weeping during her failed search attempt.

"We will, Rarity. Cross my heart. Hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye," Twilight does the Pinkie Promise ritual, ensuring Rarity her promise is sacred.

"Thanks, Twilight," Rarity weakly thanked.

Twilight smiles to reassure Rarity that she will be reunited with her sister, soon. Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy group hug Rarity then walk back to Ponyville. The girls decided to pay a visit to Sweet Apple Acres to check on Big Mac and Applejack. On the way there, The girls find Rainbow Dash having trouble taking a nap on a nearby cloud. They see Rainbow shifting and turning like she's suffering from a gruesome nightmare. Rainbow Dash yells Scootaloo's name and wakes up panting.

"Rainbow Dash! Are you alright?!" Twilight shouts a few feet below Rainbow Dash.

"NO!" Rainbow cries out loud. She looks down to see Twilight and her friends. "I had another nightmare!" Rainbow flops onto her back on the cloud. Fluttershy flies up to Rainbow Dash.

"Another nightmare?" Fluttershy calmly and quietly asks.

"Yes... Fluttershy. I lost count of how many nightmares I suffered after fifteen."

"Fifteen nightmares..?" Fluttershy nervously asks.

"Yes," Rainbow sighs sadly. "I lost count after fifteen. I have been on the edge ever since I decided to stop searching for Scootaloo. With the Apple family needed rainwater for the crops and trees, I was best suited to help them," Rainbow looks at Fluttershy. "Were you able to find them?"

Fluttershy shook her head slowly. Rainbow covers her eyes and sobs. Rainbow hates herself for inflicting the CMC with rainwater out of anger and spite. Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity can hear Rainbow Dash sobbing loudly. They remain silent as Fluttershy comforts Rainbow.

"I... I don't know what to do, Fluttershy. I don't know if I can live with myself for the actions I committed..."

Fluttershy softly rubs Rainbow's back with her front hoof.

"You can live with yourself by redeeming yourself," Fluttershy calmly said as she continues to rub Rainbow's back.

"How?!" Rainbow shouts causing Fluttershy to flinch and quiver a bit. "Sorry, Flutters, I didn't mean to react like that..."

"Start by forgiving yourself. You need to heal to move on in life, Rainbow."

"Easier said than done..."

"It takes time. You have plenty with the pace you go when getting things done."

"Heh, good one," Rainbow chuckles a bit.

"Forgive yourself and let all of the emotions out of you. Then during our times off, we conduct our search to find the CMC."

"Okay," Rainbow said. "I'll give it a shot."

"Good," Fluttershy smiles. "Let's go see Applejack."

Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash trot their way to Sweet Apple Acres. On the way there, Twilight sees the entire Apple Family except Applejack having brunch outside. Twilight has a flashback of her first brunch with the Apple Family, seeing Apple Bloom for the first time and getting to know her a little during that time. Twilight and the girls meet up with the Apple Family.

"Hey, Apple Family," Twilight said.

"Hey," They all respond except for Applejack.

"Have you seen Applejack?" Twilight asks.

"Applejack is still in her room. She hasn't come out since we slept over last night. We figured she may need a little time for herself," Braeburn said.

"Alright, then. My friends and I will go see her."

Twilight and the girls enter the Apple house and walk upstairs towards Applejack's room. They can hear Applejack muttering through the door. Twilight opens the door slightly to see Applejack talking to a makeshift Apple Bloom pillow.

"That's right, Apple Bloom. I'm not mad at you. I'm sorry for how I acted and treated you," Applejack snuggles the Apple Bloom makeshift pillow. "I won't allow anypony to bully you again. If I hear you are getting bullied, I'll buck their teeth down their throats!"

Twilight closes the door and looks at her friends in shock and horror. Twilight sees Applejack as a broken pony.

"Applejack has lost it. We gotta snap her out of it," Twilight said. Her eyes flickered in shock from the disturbance side of Applejack.

"What's happening with Applejack?" Rainbow asks curiously.

"Applejack made a makeshift Apple Bloom from a pillow. She's talking to the pillow as we speak. We gotta help her before she gets worse."

"Well, this is the second time I've heard somepony talking to inanimate objects," Rainbow turns to Pinkie.

"Hey, during that time when you saw me talking to inanimate objects. I thought you and the girls were avoiding Gummy's party," Pinkie exclaimed.

"Well, Applejack lost her sister for the time being. She's accepted it crudely."

Without hesitation, Rainbow Dash barges in the room. Applejack looks at Rainbow Dash smiling.

"Howdy, Rainbow Dash. You here to see Apple Bloom?"

"Yea, about that," Rainbow bucks the makeshift pillow of Apple Bloom. Applejack tackles Rainbow.

"Why the hay you did that, Rainbow?!" Applejack snorts. Rainbow slaps Applejack in the face.

"You are losing yourself cause of what transpired weeks ago! You are not excepting the reality of the situation," Rainbow pants.

Twilight and the others walk in slowly. Rarity is in tears. Not only cause her sister is lost but seeing Applejack losing herself.

"Be honest with yourself, Applejack. Is this the type of pony Apple Bloom would see when she returns?"

Eyes widen for Applejack. She stumbles backward. She now sees the Apple Bloom makeshift pillow and looks at the ceiling in disbelief.

"Did I.., really made a makeshift Apple Bloom from my pillow..?"

"Yes, you have," Rainbow said.

"What is wrong with me?"

"Like Rarity and I, you are going through a tough stretch. Even though Scootaloo is not my biological sister, she looked up to me as one. We failed them. Plain and simple. Instead of succumbing to insanity, let's make amends and focus on our true objective. Finding the CMC and reuniting as a family."

Twilight and the others agreed with a simple nod.

"For now, we need to heal," Rainbow looks at Fluttershy. "All of us need to heal after the incident. When we are one hundred twenty percent better, then we can start our search."

"Sounds good, Rainbow," Applejack sniffs and hugs Rainbow.

Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy group hug Applejack and Rainbow Dash for a brief while. The silence and serenity help everypony in the room within the group hug. After a half-hour, the girls decided to meet with the rest of the Apple Family for brunch.

"Howdy, Applejack! How are you feeling?" Braeburn said energetically.

All of the Apple Family look at Applejack curiously and worriedly. Applejack slightly smiles.

"I'm a bit better," Applejack calmy said.

Starlight's Thoughts Part 2

It's 10:30 at night. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo are upstairs sleeping in their bedroom. Starlight Glimmer is in her office once more, talking to herself in a circular motion.

"It's been two months since the girls lived with me. Thanks to Apple Bloom and her knowledge of landscaping, plantlife is being brought back slowly. The three are fully aware of my motives to run my village. Equality in Friendship," Starlight smiles heavenly. "I'm leaning more on being a dictator, stripping ponies of their cutie marks. Then there is Scootaloo's idea, which I am fond of," Starlight stops walking. "I too am, leaning on that idea as well. It's too good to pass up as well."

There's a knock at Starlight's office door. Starlight uses her magic to open the door. She sees Scootaloo yawning a bit as she enters the room.

"Hey, Starly."

"Hey, Scootaloo. Something wrong?"

"I can't sleep. I didn't want to wake my friends up. Can I stay and talk with you for a while?" Scootaloo said as she rubs her eyes.

"Sure," Starlight smiles and offers a seat for Scootaloo. Scootaloo sits down.

"What are you doing alone, Starly?"

"I'm talking to myself. Figuring out my next plan of action in my village."

"Are you thinking of my idea that I gave you a few days ago?" Scootaloo curiously asks.

"Yes. Your idea is brilliant. In some levels of me being a dictator and other levels, it doesn't. Camouflage for the unexpected pony or ponies."

Scootaloo chuckles. Seeing Starly fascinated by her idea makes her happy.

"So, as I figure out my plan of action, I also imagine the scenario in my mind and act based on my thoughts."

"Something that I can relate to my friends upstairs during our time in Ponyville when we were trying to get our cutie marks."

"Do you miss Ponyville, Scootaloo?" Starlight seriously asks.

"I do and, I don't," Scootaloo closes her eyes in sadness. "I miss the good ole days in Ponyville. Going to school, having fun, trying to discover my cutie mark with my friends, laughing, playing, learning, and spending time with family," Scootaloo sighs. "When and after Gabby Gums came into fruition, things change for the worse. At first, ponies loved the Gabby Gums article. Everypony wanted more until it got out of control. We were hated by everypony once word got out of Gabby Gums's identity. My friends and I tried to make amends. It backfired. Everypony threw tomatoes at us, spite us, gated us, and my former idol/friend; Rainbow Dash, she poured rainwater on top of us. Not only once but twice. I miss the good times in Ponyville. I wished somepony would have talked to us instead of shunning us. Too little too late."

"I'm sorry that you and your friends had to experience that," Starlight said in a comforting tone.

"We wrote letters if they cared about finding what happened to us. We don't think they cared about looking for us. We believe they want to hunt us and do more damage to us."

"Well, they won't. As long as I'm around."

"Thank... you..." Scootaloo said.

Starlight comes close to Scootaloo and hugs her.

"I'm happy my friends and I are blessed to have you in our lives, Starly."

Starlight smiles and rubs Scootaloo's head like a good caring guardian would. Scootaloo smiles, her heart is at peace with the right decision of running away from home.

"You know what, Scootaloo?"


"I'll follow through with your idea. We'll see how it plays out until your parents arrive to pick you up."

"Really?" Scootaloo smiles brightly.

"Yes. I can't stop thinking of how brilliant your idea is. I compared and contrasted my idea with yours."

"So, when will you take Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and I to the vault?"

"Soon. Right now, it's time for you to go back to bed."

Scootaloo yawns and hugs Starlight one more time.

"Good night Starly. I love you."

Starlight smiles in happiness.

"I love you too," Starlight kisses Scootaloo's head.

Scootaloo leaves the office and goes back to bed. Starlight starts walking in a circular motion again.

"The vault will have a new name. V.O.J. I will have to notify everypony of the upcoming events in a few months. It's too soon to say with everypony working together to replenish the landscape that was destroyed by Fire Flier weeks ago," Starlight stops walking in her circular pattern. She leaves the office and goes to the living room. She gets on the couch and drifts to sleep.

Mane Six Progress

After the events of the Canterlot Wedding, defeating King Sombra at the Crystal Empire, Twilight and her friends continue their search of the CMC. Princess Cadance and Shining Armor sent a squadron of Crystal Guards to search for Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. They will report to the Crystal Empire every week. The Mane Six search around the Crystal Empire to see if the CMC decided to come there once the Crystal Empire illuminated from the ground. So far, no luck. The Mane Six return home after their trip to the Crystal Empire.

Three months pass by since Princess Celestia issued Ponyville's punishments for the justice they delivered to the CMC due to the Gabby Gums incident. Princess Celestia sent her Royal Guards to Ponyville to see if they are withholding their punishments. No celebrations, no birthday parties, and no special events. It's been miserable for everypony in Ponyville and, they deserve it for making three young fillies run away from home. The Royal Guards alerted Ponyville that their punishment is up and flew back to Canterlot. Pinkie Pie immediately throws a happy party for everypony, especially those who couldn't celebrate their birthdays.

A few weeks later, Ponyville is slowly becoming its former self. Happy and prosperous. Everypony in town becoming more of themselves except a few. The Apple Family, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight Sparkle. As for Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, they are handling things better than the others.

Applejack spends most of her time searching for Apple Bloom when she is not working. She travels with Rarity and Rainbow Dash occasionally. Twilight has her studies with magic and Friendship, which is why she is unable to search with Applejack from time to time. Pinkie Pie is busy helping the Cakes at the bakery and setting up parties in Ponyville. During her free time, however, she would go with Applejack in search of her beloved sister and friends. Fluttershy has asked some of her animal friends to search all around Equestria to locate the CMC. As of late, they are unable to find them. Fluttershy does tend to go with Applejack and Rarity in search of the CMC. When Rarity is not creating a new fashion style, she goes with Applejack to search for Sweetie Belle and her friends. She closed the shop numerous times. The safety of her sister is more important than her career. Rainbow Dash uses her nap time to search for Scootaloo and her friends. She uses that time to travel with Applejack and Rarity. She's more worried about Scootaloo than her well being. Sometimes, Rainbow Dash is unable to join Applejack and Rarity due to work and training. She asked a few Wonderbolts to help her find Scootaloo and her friends. Misty Fly and Soarin agreed to help Rainbow search for Scootaloo and her friends. The two are in debt since Rainbow Dash saved their lives back at the Best Young Fliers Competition. As for Spitfire, she's busy with the Wonderbolts Academy.

In recent weeks, the Mane Six endured the Pinkie Pie Invasion and the return of Trixie. Their next challenge is now reforming Discord. Princess Celestia has the use of Discord's magic for good instead of evil. Princess Celestia is entrusting Fluttershy. After today with Discord's antics, he is now reformed and ready to be a good use for Equestria.

"Go on, say it," Fluttershy said.

"Uh, uh, alright. Friendship is Magic!" Discord shouts.

"Hey Discord, are you able to sense anypony around the world?" Twilight asks curiously.

"Yes, I can sense anypony anywhere. Why are you asking me such a silly question?" Discord said as he sips a cup of chocolate milk.

Applejack and the others are catching on to Twilight's idea. They can use Discord's magic to locate the CMC.

"Do you remember seeing three young fillies when you were conquering Ponyville? When you made my-our friends turn into their opposites?"

"Hmm," Discord starts remembering his doings when he took over Ponyville a year ago. "Ah, yes. My three saviors."

"Saviors?" The girls question in curiosity.

"The three saviors, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. It was their bickering that I escaped from my stony prison back at the Canterlot Gardens."

Eyes widen for everypony around Discord. They didn't know that the CMC was the reason for releasing Discord.

"That'll be a discussion for a different day. Are you able to locate them?" Twilight asks.

"Yes. I know exactly where there are."

"Could you take us there?" Twilight said as she smiles.


The girls around them cheer loudly. They are finally going to see the CMC, apologize to them, and bring them back home. Now they are waiting for Discord to take them to them. Minutes go by as Discord is standing there doing nothing.

"Uh, Discord?" Twilight asks.


"Why aren't you taking us to your saviors?"

"You ask if I could and, I can. You didn't ask if I would and, I won't." Discord smirks a bit.

"You selfish chaotic, varmint!" Applejack angrily states. "Friends are supposed to help one another, not disrespect them!"

"Oh, such hypocrisy. You didn't help Fluttershy here to reform me, just made idol threats to turn me back to stone when I used my magic. Also, I just reformed. There is a lot I need to learn. Another thing, this is your problem to fix, not mine. I didn't create the mess to help you clean up, you did."

Applejack grits her teeth and storms off to Sweet Apple Acres angrily.

"Some friend you'll turn out to be," Applejack mutters loudly in anger, not noticing Discord hearing her.

"Yea, like I'll need you as a friend. I have Fluttershy," Discord picks up Fluttershy and hugs her like a plushy.

"I agree with Applejack, Discord. If you're not going to help, what kind of friend you'll be," Rainbow states emotionlessly.

"The one who won't pour rainwater in anger."

Rainbow Dash breathes heavily. She starts having a flashback to the time she poured rain at Scootaloo and her friends. Rainbow Dash flies away in shame.

"Discord," Fluttershy sternly said.

"What? They started it. Also, I saw their intentions right through their eyes."

"What intentions, Discord?" Twilight said, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, Twilight. You were going to use me to get to Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. Then forget about me. Using me for my magic and not of Friendship." Twilight starts sweating a bit.

"Twilight.., tell me this isn't true?" Fluttershy quietly asks.

"Well, uh..," Twilight stumbles on her wording.

"It is true," Fluttershy lowers her head in sadness.

"I will not help you, Twilight. You are not my friend. You are not worth it. You can't have everything exactly your way. Something I learned today right before I reformed."

Princess Celestia arrives to pick up Discord and takes him back to Canterlot. Twilight has a lot of thinking to do and how to redeem herself. Be a better friend with Discord. Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Twilight, and Fluttershy go there separate ways. In Canterlot, Princess Celestia gives Discord a room to stay in for a while. Discord uses his magic to spawn a glass globe to spy on the CMC. He sees them having fun and creating something new with Starlight Glimmer.

"Well, I won't be ruining the surprise to anyone. You'll have to wait and see what happens next," Discord said.

Starlight's Village Town Meeting

Starlight is holding a town meeting in her home. With everypony present, they opened up on who hurt them, betrayed them, hated them, neglected them, and wanted them gone. After writing the names of those who have done wrong to them, Starlight made it clear to reveal her plans to everypony and how to lure them in. For the next hour, Starlight explains in full detail. Scootaloo steps up, revealing more of Starlight's plan thoroughly since she is the one who created the idea.

"So, we have a stakeout?" Night Glider asks.

"Yes," Scootaloo answers firmly. "A team of four have a stakeout on the outskirts of the village. Then contact Starlight by radio. By alerting Starlight of who is coming, she can determine if the pony is on the list or not. If the pony is on the list, then we go into act one, which Starlight mentioned. If the pony is not on the list, we welcome them."

Everypony talks to each other about the possibilities that Starlight and Scootaloo came up with, they like the idea and seem fitting for the cause. To get back at those who wrong them in the past. After a few moments, everypony agrees to the terms of Starlight's and Scootaloo's plan.

"Does anypony have any questions?" Starlight asks.

"Will the stakeout team have rotating shifts?" Double Diamond asks.

"Yes. Stakeout teams will have four-hour shifts. Six teams each day starting in a few months," Starlight answers.

"Why in a few months?" Double Diamond asks.

"No pony has shown up since Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and myself. It's been five months since we arrived. There are routines that everypony needs to follow through when the ponies who are on the list arrives. We have to sell them our village's meaning of equality in friendship first. From there, all the pieces can fall into place then, we will give them the justice they deserve."

"Sounds good with us," Everpony said in unison.

Starlight and Scootaloo smiles. Apple Bloom steps up to the podium in the room.

"Hi, everypony. Within the past few weeks, plantlife has been blossoming nicely. In a few weeks, we'll be having strawberry bushes, pepper bushes, and grape bushes. Trees will take years to grow unless," Apple Bloom gulps at the memory of it. "We go to the Everfree Forest, find some Zap Apples, and plant the seeds. That way, the trees grow instantly, and we'll have apple trees for many years to come."

"Everfree Forest?" Starlight asks. Even she wasn't aware of the Zap Apples' origin. Just some sort of myth created by other ponies back in her hometown. "Who told you about the Zap Apples, Apple Bloom?"

Apple Bloom bit her lip. Throughout her time in Starlight's village, she has hoped to forget all about Applejack and Big Mac. She couldn't forget about Granny Smith. The memories of Granny Smith often remind Apple Bloom of her older siblings. Apple Bloom still loves Granny. Always have. As for Applejack and Big Mac, not so much anymore. The love for them was lost when they didn't care about her anymore. Big Mac's daunting words still haunt her to this day. Apple Bloom shakes her head and concentrates on answering Starlight's question.

"My grandmother. Granny Smith. She told me all about the Zap Apples."

"Did she happened to tell you what season the Zap Apples blossomed?" Starlight asks.

"Yes. Zap Apples will be growing in two weeks or so. Zap Apples grows every year in October."

"Did she happened to tell you where in the Everfree Forest?" Double Diamond asks.

"No, she went exploring on her own late at night and found them."

"No use in ordering or buying an apple tree. May cause suspicions with an apple family member," Starlight states.

"Exactly my point, Starlight. If we were to buy an apple tree, my Apple Family may come to this exact location and search for me. Even if I were to hide."

"So, that leaves us with a straight-up answer. During the arrival of the Zap Apples, we'll go to the Everfree and search for our supply of Zap Apples to bring back home," Starlight said.

Apple Bloom hangs her head low. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle understood the pain Apple Bloom is going through. The possibility of returning to Ponyville to enter the Everfree Forest. What if there are patrols in search of her and her friends. What if the Apple family are searching far and wide. So many possibilities are popping in Apple Bloom's mind. It's starting to overwhelm her. Starlight sees Apple Bloom feeling unnerving with the possibility of returning to Ponyville.

"Your information is vital for the landscape here, Apple Bloom. Also, you won't be going alone. I will be going with you to Ponyville," Starlight reassuringly said. Putting a hoof on Apple Bloom's head as she smiles.

"I'm coming too," Night Glider said.

"You can count me in," Scootaloo said proudly.

"Me as well," Sweetie Belle concurs.

"Hey, Party Favor!" Night Glider shouts.

"What's up?"

"We need your best party style disguises for Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo."

"I'm on it. Come over to my place in an hour!" Party Favor zooms out of Starlight's house to his house.

"Party style disguises?" The CMC asks curiously.

Night Glider chuckles. "Party Favor is a great costume designer. We played hide and seek with a few other ponies. We wore costumes to blend in the surrounding area. One game lasted four hours."

"Wow," The CMC said in unison. They are surprised.

"When Party Favor creates a disguise, no one can tell who the pony is, isn't that right, Starlight?"

"Yea, Night Glider. Party Favor disguised himself as a clown for my birthday. He had me fooled."

Starlight gets on the podium.

"The town meeting is over. You may resume your activities and schedules. Thank you for your time," Starlight said gratefully.

Everypony leaves Starlight's house except for Night Glider and the CMC. They were needed to discuss a plan for the Zap Apples' arrival. An hour later, they head to Party Favor's house. Night Glider knocks on the door. Party Favor opens it.

"Right on time," Party Favor cheerfully said. "Come on in."

Everyone enters Party Favor's house. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo finally see the household of Party Favor. He has balloons on the ceiling, streamers, and confetti on the walls, pińatas hanging in every room, and color lights in each room. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo are surprised. They feel the energy to party all of a sudden.

"Alright, kids, here are your disguises," Party Favor said as he dresses them up lickety-split.

Apple Bloom is wearing a lone ranger disguise. The mask and hat are a bit bigger to help conceal Apple Bloom's facial appearance.

"Now this is a Nightmare Night costume I'll wear for life. Thanks, Party Favor."

"You're welcome, Apple Bloom."

Sweetie Belle is wearing a mime disguise. The face paint and black liner on her eyes will help deceive anypony from recognizing her. Sweetie Belle takes a look in the mirror and starts mimicking as a mime.

"Thanks, Party Favor. If anything were to happen, while we're picking up Zap Apples, I can distract ponies with a mime routine."

"You're welcome, Sweetie Belle."

Scootaloo is wearing a hockey disguise. She is wearing a skull mask to conceal her facial appearance. It'll be harder for ponies to detect Scootaloo from her looks and personality.

"Thanks, Party Favor. I love hockey. This costume is awesome!"

"You're welcome, Scootaloo. Now you three, be careful and be aware of your surroundings. Treat your disguises like in a Spy's movie."

"We will, Party Favor." The trio said in unison.

"Good. I wish you all luck and bringing those Zap Apples."

The girls leave Party Favor's house. Night Glider returns home as Starlight takes the CMC back home with her. She has some thinking to do.

It is now, 10:00 at night. Starlight tucks Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo in bed. Kissing on their foreheads as they drift to sleep. She leaves the bedroom and goes downstairs to her office. Then, Starlight talks to herself, planning for the week of the Zap Apples.

"Two weeks from now, the Zap Apples are returning," Starlight opens her map of Equestria. "One station is accessed for entry, which is Ponyville. There are no other alternate routes. Even if I were to teleport, it takes a lot of magic for me to conjure up. The only time I'll use my teleportation spell if we were to get caught. We would have to get on the morning train, so when we arrive, it's nightfall in Ponyville. Then, we'll have to navigate our way to the Everfree Forest. If we are too tired, there is a hotel in the surrounding area. We'll bunk there until nightfall. Then we can go into the Everfree Forest. Hopefully, we'll find the Zap Apples in there as Granny Smith has in the past. Maybe I'll have the chance to see who is Applejack, Big Mac, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight Sparkle are. Only time will tell if I ever see who they are. Someday, they'll get what they deserve for treating my three fillies poorly."

Starlight Glimmer leaves her office and curls on the couch. She remembers the names the CMC mentioned the first time, how it put a spark in her heart to get back on those who do wrong. Starlight drifts to sleep.

Zap Apple Season

Author's Notes:

Quick Disclaimer: Thank you for being patient. Sorry for the long wait.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Comment if you please.

Have a nice day/night reading.

The Timberwolves are howling! The Timberwolves are howling!" Granny Smith shouts while banging pans together as she sprints. "The Zap Apples are coming! The Zap Apples are coming!"

Applejack and Big Mac open the window to see Granny Smith running back and forth as the Timberwolves continue to howl during the night. The two sigh heavily. Without Apple Bloom, they are unable to feel any sort of happiness about the Zap Apples. It'll only be another day at the farm working. Big Mac and Applejack go back to bed as Granny continues to bang her pans as she sprints.

It's now 7:00 in the morning. Big Mac and Applejack eat their breakfast and head outside to place the baskets all around the trees.

"Zap Apples are coming," Applejack emotionlessly said.

"Eeyup," Big Mac responds.

"I'm sure Apple Bloom would have loved making the Zap Apple jam with Granny."


"Wherever she is, I hope Apple Bloom is alright," Applejack said.

Starlight Glimmer, Night Glider, and the CMC are packing up. The CMC are wearing their disguises. As for Starlight Glimmer, she is dressing up as a rock punk. She doesn't want anypony in Ponyville to know who she in case they stumble upon her village in the future. Mainly Big Mac, Applejack, and their friends that's on the list. Night Glider won't be in disguise. She'll be in the clouds as they travel around in Ponyville until they reached the Everfree Forest. Two hours later, Starlight Glimmer, Night Glider, and the CMC take the train to Ponyville.

Throughout the day in Ponyville, Filthy Rich visits Sweet Apple Acres, after hearing the news of the Zap Apples. Rich sees Granny Smith singing to the waters in a circular motion while wearing bunny pajamas.

"Hello, Granny Smith."

"Howdy, Rich."

"I hear that the Zap Apples are coming."

"Four days, to be exact. Say, Rich. How are those private investigations going?"

Rich sadly sighs. "I'm sorry Granny Smith, I had to call off the search days ago. It's been six months. I hope you understand."

"I understand, Rich. I want to thank you for all you've done for my family throughout the hard times."

"My pleasure, Granny Smith. As usual, I get the first hundred jars of your Zap Apple Jam?"

"Yes. Free of charge for your purchase."

"Granny, I don't think I can..." Rich is in shock as Granny cuts him off.

"Of course you can. You've done more than anypony in search of my granddaughter. I want to pay your kind gesture," Granny said as she smiles.

"I'm honored, Granny Smith."

"So, how is your daughter doing?"

Rich sighs heavily. "Diamond Tiara isn't improving. She's worse than before, Granny Smith."

"Worse? How can she be getting worse?" Granny raises an eyebrow in suspicion.

Rich groans. "Diamond Tiara has been writing vengeful letters to me every month. I had reports of Diamond Tiara's behavior of not following the simplest command. I fear that she will become a monster that'll be locked away if she continues to neglect the discipline she needs," Rich sighs sadly. "If only I hadn't spoiled my kid too much. She would have been better..."

"Ah, Rich. You can't blame yourself for the type of parent you want to be. Things take time. I'm sure Diamond Tiara will change herself for the better."

"You believe so, Granny?"

"We Apples are honest, Rich. Be patient. Diamond Tiara will be a better pony. For all we know, she could be the one who finds Apple Bloom and her friends. She'll do the right thing and make things better," Granny smiles. "Also, it'll be a turning point for your daughter to be friends with my granddaughter."

"I wish I have your optimism, Granny Smith. Since you'll be giving me a hundred jars free, I'll have some of my workers come to the farm to help you gather as much Zap Apples as possible."

"Thanks, Rich."

"My pleasure, Granny. You and your family have a nice day," Rich waves goodbye as he leaves Sweet Apple Acres. As he trots out of Sweet Apple Acres, he imagines his daughter being beside him. He wishes to be a stricter father figure instead of being a father that spoils his kid. Someday, he'll be a better father when Diamond Tiara comes back home.

Applejack and Big Mac finished placing all the baskets by the Zap Apple Trees. With the Zap Apple leaves blossoming already, the second sign of their arrival is known.

"Hey, Big Mac?"

"Yea, Applejack?"

"You think Apple Bloom may come around during this time after missing home?"

"I don't know, Applejack. It'll be a miracle if she comes."

"I have a feeling Apple Bloom will come for the Zap Apples. She has to be missing home and wanting to come at the right time."

"We'll see Applejack. Only time will tell if she ever comes back to Ponyville."

Nightfall approaches as the train arrive in Ponyville. Night Glider zooms out of the train and lands on a cloud, distant from the train station. Starlight Glimmer and the CMC get off the train. Instant memories surging back within Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. Good and bad.

"We're...home..." Apple Bloom sadly states.

"No, this isn't our home. Starlight's Village is our home. This place was only temporary," Sweetie Belle coldly said.

"We're here for Zap Apples in the Everfree. Not to engage with everypony in Ponyville that still hates us," Scootaloo said.

Starlight walks up to the Ponyville Directory and reads the map of Ponyville. She scans the map to locate a hotel in Ponyville. Unfortunately, there is no hotel. The hotel is now a gathering for ponies who needs guidance.

"Oh great," Starlight said disappointingly. "There is no hotel in Ponyville anymore. They've changed the infrastructure. We're gonna have to sleep outside for the night."

"Outside?!" Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom whines.

"Sorry, girls. For the night, we're camping."

Scootaloo thought of an idea. She hopes it won't cause any suspicion during the night.

"I have an idea, Starly."

"What is it, Scootaloo?"

"My aunts' house is not far from here. We can spend the night there."

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle look at Scootaloo in shock and silence. Starlight trots up to Scootaloo.

"How far is it, Scootaloo?"

"Ten minutes from here. They will be happy to see me. They are also aware that I've been living with you. My parents have kept them updated since they are family."

"Alright, Scootaloo. Lead the way."

Starlight alerts Night Glider of the direction they are going. Night Glider hovers forty feet on the way to Scootaloo's aunts' house. Ten minutes later, everypony arrives at Aunt Holiday and Aunt Lofty's house. Scootaloo feels uneasy being here after running away from home. Scootaloo hangs her head down in sadness. A few tears stream down on her face. Unknowing if they were to tell everypony the next day that she and her friends have returned home. Scootaloo looks at her friends, Starlight Glimmer, and Night Glider. Seeing their faces gives Scootaloo much-needed confidence to knock on the door.

"Just one minute," Holiday cheerfully said. She opens the door to see the group of ponies in their costumes. "Uh, Nightmare Night is two weeks away."

Scootaloo takes a deep breath. "Hi, Aunt Holiday."

Eyes widen for Holiday as she grabs and hugs Scootaloo happily. Tears of joy streaming down.

"Lofty! Come down here! Qui-" Starlight uses her magic to conceal Holiday's mouth. Hoping that the other neighbors aren't disturbed from Holiday's cheerful cries.

"Can we come in, Aunt Holiday. There is a lot to explain," Scootaloo said.

Holiday nods and allows the ponies to enter her home. Starlight releases her grip on Holiday's mouth.

"My apologies, Ms. Holiday. We wish not to be discovered by anypony else in Ponyville."

"Of course. I believe you are this, Starlight Glimmer?"

"That is correct. Does anypony else know of me?"

"Only my wife, Lofty."

"Good, we need to keep things as is."

Aunt Lofty comes downstairs after hearing Holiday call out to her. She is wearing her purple pajamas.

"What is it you want, Holiday?" Lofty sees the group of ponies. "If you ponies are here for Nightmare Night, you'll have to wait another two weeks for your candy."

Scootaloo removes her helmet and skull mask. Lofty covers her mouth in shock and happiness. First time in nearly a year she's seen her niece. Scootaloo smiles and hugs Lofty. Lofty clutches onto Scootaloo, tears of joy streaming down on her face.

"Scootaloo, I am so happy you came back home," Lofty looks at the other two fillies who remove their disguises. "Ah, your friends. The Cutie Mark Crusaders. It's great to know you girls are alright and safe after all."

"Hi there, Lofty. I'm Starlight Glimmer. I've been the guardian of these fillies here."

"Thank you for watching over them, Starlight Glimmer," Lofty graciously said.

"You're welcome."

"So, why are you here?" Lofty asks.

"We've come here for the Zap Apples," Apple Bloom said.

"I see. The temptation of the Zap Apple season got the better of you."

"That's not it, Ms. Lofty. We're here for the Zap Apples so we can grow our own at the village. Also, we're taking the apple seeds from the barn to grow apple trees as well."

"Why haven't you tried ordering an apple tree or used the seeds of the apples at the village?" Lofty asks.

"The seeds from those apples aren't strong enough to grow. The seeds at Sweet Apple Acres are stronger to grow many fruitful apple trees. Ordering an apple tree may risk my friends and me from being discovered. Apple family members personally deliver trees to their designation."

"That is understandable and reasonable," Lofty answers.

"With that being said and done, will it be alright for my friends and me to sleep over for the next few nights?" Scootaloo asks.

"We're not going to say no to our favorite niece. Of course, you and your friends can stay," Holiday said.

"Just another thing you can do for us," Starlight asks.

"Sure, anything." Holiday replies.

"Can you check to see the progress of the Zap Apples. It'll help us on which day to go picking in the Everfree forest," Apple Bloom asks.

"The Everfree Forest?! Why there?!" Lofty and Holiday ask nervously.

"My Granny found the Zap Apples in there. When I know what day they'll arrive, we can go in there and search for ourselves. Also, we don't want to raise suspicions in Sweet Apple Acres."

"Once again, understandable and reasonable," Lofty and Holiday turn to Starlight Glimmer. "Make sure that Scootaloo and her friends are safe and sound during and after the visit to the Everfree Forest."

"Don't worry. I'll protect Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo," Starlight reassuringly said.

"Thank you," Lofty said.

"Thank you very much," Holiday said.

"You're welcome."

Lofty and Holiday set up the guest rooms for their visitors. They took Scootaloo for much-needed catching up as a family. After a few hours, everypony goes to sleep.

The next day. Lofty and Holiday decide to check the status of the Zap Apples. They told Scootaloo and her friends to remain indoors. Also, they'll be doing their errands. Starlight and Night Glider affirm that they and the girls will stay in the house at all costs.

"Alright. We should be back later in the afternoon. Also, don't open the door to anypony."

"Understood, Aunt Holiday."

"Good, Scootaloo. See you all later."

Holiday and Lofty leave the house. They are on their way to Rich's Barnyard Bargains store to know of the Zap Apples. They found out that the Zap Apple jam won't be in stores for another three days. After leaving the store with their groceries, the two carried on with their errands in Ponyville. Two hours later, Lofty and Holiday return home to inform Apple Bloom of the Zap Apple status.

"Apple Bloom," Holiday calls out.

"Yes, Ms.Holiday?"

"Zap Apple jam will not be in stores for another three days."

"Then, we have two days to wait."

"Two days, Apple Bloom?" Starlight asks.

"Yes. Three days for the Zap Apple foods to be produced, two days to gather them."

"Alright, then. Let's start coming up with a new plan of action."

The day goes by as the third sign of the Zap Apples arrives. Crows are flying around the Zap Apple Trees in a heart insignia formation. Then the Zap Apple flowers spawn on the Zap Apple Trees. Big Mac and Applejack didn't show much emotion. How could they when Apple Bloom isn't around. Despite the two recovering and accepting reality, it is still hard for them to feel any sort of happiness.

"Two more days then, they are fully grown."

"Eeyup," Big Mac agrees tiredly.

"Was it like this when I went to Manehattan years ago?"

"Similar Applejack. You chose to leave and then come back on your own. As for Apple Bloom, she left because of our doing and everypony else's. I highly doubt she'll come back on her own. Not after what she endured."

"I wish I can give her Zap Apples. Hug her, talk to her, and listen."

"I hear you, Applejack. The same is for me. We can't keep holding onto the past. We have to keep moving forward."

"I know Big Mac. I know..." Applejack starts trotting away.

"Where are you going, Applejack?"

"I'm going to visit Fluttershy. I need to destress."

"Alright, then."

Applejack trots out of Sweet Apple Acres and goes to Fluttershy's cottage. On the way there, she sees other ponyfolk talking with their younger siblings and loving them. It hurt Applejack, knowing she messed up with her sister. After a half-hour, she made it to Fluttershy's cottage. She knocks on the door anticipating Fluttershy to open but instead, it is Discord.

"Discord?!" Applejack sternly calls out.

"Applejerk," Discord calmly said.

"Discord," Fluttershy calls out frustratedly.

"What? What did I do, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy trots up to the door and Discord.

"That is not how you greet guests."

"Hmmph," Discord cross his arms. "The apple pony only wants to use my magic for her desire instead of building up on our friendship, Fluttershy."

"Use you, no. I want you to help me out is all."

"Oh yeah, right. I'm just a scapegoat to you, cause I know where exactly your sister and her friends are."

Applejack grits her teeth in anger.

"Discord, stop."

"It's true, Fluttershy. You remember what happened the last time I've seen her. All she did was threatened me with her friends of turning me back to stone instead of reforming me. Twilight and she wanted to use my magic to fix their messes. You don't see them helping me learn more about Friendship, do you?"

"You have a valid point, Discord," Fluttershy turns to Applejack. "Are you okay. Applejack."

"I'm fine," Applejack replies.

"Then come on in, Applejack. Discord and I are having tea and tea cakes."

Applejack backs away. "Maybe another time. Sorry for wasting your get together with Discord," Applejack trots away, not allowing Fluttershy to respond.

"How rude of you, Applejack," Discord slams the door. "I swear," Discord sighs. "Ponies only want to use me instead of getting to know me."

"It's okay, Discord. I want to know more about you if you don't mind."

"Not at all, Fluttershy. Not at all.

Applejack trots back to Sweet Apple Acres. She ignores the ponyfolk talking to their siblings in rage and anger. Discord ruined her day with Fluttershy. Discord depleted any chance she has to locate her sister, Apple Bloom.

"That varmint should have the decency of respecting me for releasing him. He owes me as well," Applejack angrily stated in her mind.

It's now 8:00 at night. Starlight, Night Glider, and the CMC forged the plan that'll work. Holiday and Lofty are out for the time being.

"Alright, let's go over the operation one more time," Starlight said.

"There are two signs left of the Zap Apples. Thanks to Lofty and Holiday of the status, I can say that the next sign won't show until tomorrow night. Then, the final sign will come in the afternoon. That is when the Zap Apples will emerge. The Zap Apples will stay on the trees for twenty-four hours. Once those twenty-four hours are gone, the Zap Apples disappear as quick as a lightning strike," Apple Bloom states.

"The afternoon of the final sign, that is the evening we need to be in motion," Sweetie Belle said.

"Late in the evening, when my family is asleep. We need to head over to the barn at Sweet Apple Acres before venturing in the Everfree Forest. We need the apple seeds that are in the barn house. Once I gather the apple seeds, we proceed to enter the Everfree Forest."

"From there, we check all areas of the Everfree in search of our supply Zap Apples," Scootaloo said.

"We can snag a few from Sweet Apple Acres but not much to be noticeable," Apple Bloom states.

"As for the timberwolves, my magic is strong enough to blast them to smithereens. Cockatrice, I can teleport them away. As for the Ursa Minors, I can teleport us away from its' vision," Starlight comments.

"Since Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo have been in the Everfree Forest, they can navigate us away from anything harmful or poisonous to us," Night Glider said.

"There is one Zebra that lives in the Everfree Forest. She may become a problem if she catches us," Apple Bloom states.

"I'll give her a day's worth of amnesia if she were to find us," Starlight said, reassuringly.

"Good. If we are unsuccessful in finding our supply, we'll have to try again next year," Scootaloo said.

"There won't be a next year when we find them," Apple Bloom states. "I would hate to return after failing to try the first time."

"Agreed," Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo said in unison.

"I'll be keeping watch at all times," Night Glider said. "I'll scout ahead to see if the Zap Apples are insight. That is the same at Sweet Apple Acres. Watching to see if any of your family decides to come out to work."

"Then, it's all settled," Apple Bloom said.

Lofty opens the door as Holiday walks inside. They have an update of the Zap Apples to tell the girls in the living room.

"Girls," Holiday said. "You may have a difficult situation at Sweet Apple Acres."

"What is it, Aunt Holiday?"

"Filthy Rich is sending his workers to help out at Sweet Apple Acres once the Zap Apples arrive."

"What?!" Apple Bloom shrieks.

"They will be gathering all of the Zap Apples."

"Oh, great!" Apple Bloom flops backward onto the floor.

"We will have to proceed on gathering the apple seeds at the barn tomorrow night," Starlight said.

Everypony agrees to her plan.

"Alright, we'll do just that."

"You know, we can get the apples at Sweet Apple Acres. That way, you don't have to be sneaky about it," Lofty suggests.

"Wouldn't that be smarter, Apple Bloom?" Starlight asks.

"It would. Though, it wouldn't hurt to get the apple seeds that are ready for planting. Sometimes, apples from Sweet Apple Acres doesn't have seeds in them. I rather have seeds than be seedless from the apples. Also, asking the wrong question around Applejack will cause a disturbance. She will catch on with the idea."

"Alright, I'll take your word from it. You know your sister better than any of us," Holiday said.

"So, how was the book club?" Scootaloo asks her aunts.

"Not so subtle when you have Rainbow Dash raving about the Daring Do series," Lofty replies.

"Also, how were you able to get the info of Filthy Rich, Ms.Holiday?" Starlight asks.

"A representative of Filthy Rich was trying to sell his novels that his cousin wrote for profit. Also, alerting us that Zap Apple Season will be more than plentiful for everypony," Holiday said.

"Also, he asked for volunteers at the book club. Volunteers will be rewarded," Lofty said.

"Hmm, will the volunteers get to keep some Zap Apples for themselves?" Starlight asks.

"We're not sure. We'll ask tomorrow. We won't mind giving you our portion of Zap Apples," Lofty said. Holiday nods in agreement.

"Perfect. If it follows through, we have a backup plan," Starlight said.

"Yea. Hopefully, it'll work out," Apple Bloom said.

"Thank you for the info, Aunt Holiday and Aunt Lofty," Scootaloo hugs her aunts.

"You're welcome," They smile and hugs Scootaloo.

The following day starts as usual at Sweet Apple Acres. The fourth sign already made its presence late last night with the shooting stars illuminating the Zap Apple Trees. Applejack decides to buck regular apple trees in anger. She is still infuriated with Discord. She can't stop thinking of Discord. She imagines the apple trees being Discord's face as she bucks them hard. Big Mac sees the anger in Applejack's expression but allows her to take the frustrations at the apple trees. The Zap Apple season's stress of not having Apple Bloom must have got to her. Big Mac proceeds with his work on the farm.

Later in the day, Lofty and Holiday leave the girls in the house to look for Filthy Rich. They wanted to ask some questions in regards to volunteering for the Zap Apples. As the two trots to Rich's Barnyard Bargains, they see a group of ponies outside of the store. Lofty asks a random pony about what's happening. He replies, stating that he and other ponies are in line to sign up for volunteer work at Sweet Apple Acres. Lofty and Holiday wait in line to ask some questions before signing up. After twenty minutes of waiting, Rich sees Holiday and Lofty at the table.

"Hello, Holiday and Lofty. How are you two doing?"

"We are alright, Rich," Lofty said.

"Splendid. So, I'm guessing you are wondering about your niece, Scootaloo?"

"Yes. How are the investigations going, Mr.Rich?" Holiday asks.

"I'm sorry, ladies. I had to call off the search days ago. I hope you understand," Rich sadly states.

"We understand. You've done more than anypony else could," Holiday said happily.

"So, Rich. Do the volunteers get some Zap Apples after the work?" Lofty asks.

"Well, after some talks with Big Macintosh and Granny Smith last night, we agree on one basket of Zap Apples for the volunteer. In this case, I would personally give you and Holiday two baskets of Zap Apples."

Holiday and Lofty smile graciously. Not only they'll have two baskets of Zap Apples to give to Scootaloo and her friends, but they can also assure them that there is no need to venture into the Everfree Forest for their supply.

"So, when does the Zap Apple picking starts?" Holiday asks.

"Tomorrow at noon, Holiday."

"Thank you, Rich." Lofty and Holiday sign their names up on the list.

"Thank you for your services. I may not get the chance to thank you tomorrow. I'll be managing my crew to help the Apple Family gather the Zap Apples. I'll be informing the Apple Family of the volunteers that signed up, especially the two of you later today."

"Thank you once more, Rich. You have a nice day," Lofty said.

"You too," Rich smiles.

Lofty and Holiday walk back home. Rich's smile fades away. He is unable to feel any comfort knowing he and his team failed in finding their niece and her friends. Rich concludes the volunteer signup sheet and trots to Sweet Apple Acres to discuss on the matter. On the way to Sweet Apple Acres, he sees Applejack bucking intensely at an apple tree, knocking it down with sheer force. Rich understands the loss of a sibling has gotten the better of Applejack. Rich sees Granny Smith sitting at the porch on her rocking chair.

"Hello, Granny Smith."

"Howdy, Rich."

"Where is Big Mac?"

"He's out in the fields."

"Alright, I have the signup sheet of volunteers. I would like to discuss more thoroughly with you and Big Mac."

"Alright, then. Come on in, Rich. I'll get Big Mac so we can discuss more on tomorrow's objective."

Rich enters the house and sits down on a chair. After a while, Big Mac and Granny Smith made their way to the living room to have their meeting with Rich.

"Before we discuss, I want to know. How is Applejack doing?"

"Not well, Rich. Zap Apple Season is normally a great pride and joy within the Apple Family. Due to Apple Bloom not being here with us, it has gotten the better of Applejack. For now, it is best to leave her be and allow her to take her frustrations at the apple trees," Big Mac states.

"I understand."

"Now, Rich. How many ponies are coming to help us tomorrow afternoon?" Granny asks.

"For my workers at my Barnyard Bargains, I have twenty workers who are coming in. I also have fifteen volunteers as well."

"That should be plenty of ponies to gather all the Zap Apples if we all work together," Granny said.

"Lofty and Holiday are volunteering," Rich states.

"Scootaloo's aunts? That's unexpected," Granny said.

"Eeyup!" Big Mac shockingly express.

"Now, I've told the volunteers they'll be getting a basket of Zap Apples for their hard labor."

Big Mac and Granny nod in understanding. They agreed on that decision last night when discussing the Zap Apple gathering.

"The hours for your workers and volunteers will be the same with rotating shifts. That way, we can gather them without tiring ourselves," Granny said.

"Also, Applejack's friends will be helping, as well," Big Mac said.

"Good, after witnessing their teamwork brewing apple cider against the Flim Flam Brothers, gathering Zap Apples will be a piece of cake."

"Agreed," Big Mac and Granny state.

"Then, we have nothing to worry about," Rich gets up. "I'll see you Apples later," Rich said as he's about to leave the Apple house.

"Thank you for coming by. Have a nice day, Rich," Granny said as she waves.

"You're welcome, Granny Smith. I'll see you tomorrow at noon," Rich leaves the house.

"I better go inform Applejack for tomorrow's Zap Apple gathering, Granny."

"Alright, Big Mac. I'll get everything else settled in the house."

Big Mac leaves the house and trots to Applejack. She knocks down yet another apple tree in anger. She is still thinking about Discord and his selfish reason for not helping her locate her sister. Big Mac worries that the stress of Apple Bloom is getting into Applejack more than usual.


Applejack angrily glares at Big Mac. He flinches a bit seeing Applejack, irate.

What is it, Big Mac?

Big Mac sighs. "Granny and I finished talking with Rich at the house. We'll be having thirty-five ponies helping us tomorrow at noon with the Zap Apple gathering."

"Alright, then. Also, my friends are coming to help, as well."

"I mentioned that to Rich."

"Whatever," Applejack angrily said.

"Is the stress of Apple Bloom, making you angry, Applejack?"

"I'm fine, Big Mac. Nothing to worry about."

"You knocked down a hoof-full of trees, Applejack. You are not alright."

Applejack glares at Big Mac and trots away from him. Big Mac watches and shakes his head. He is worried that the stress is getting the better of Applejack and, he doesn't know how to approach it. Big Mac sighs and trots back to the house. Applejack decides to go back to Fluttershy's cottage. She knows Discord won't be there the second day in a row. After a while, Applejack made it to Fluttershy's cottage. She knocks on the door waiting for Fluttershy to open the door. Instead of Fluttershy, Discord answer the door. Applejack breathes heavily in anger for seeing Discord the second time this week.

"Hello, Applejack."


Discord sighs. "Fluttershy, the stubborn apple pony is here."

Fluttershy trots to the door. She sees Discord feeling discomfort just by looking at Applejack's expression.

"That's better, Discord. Tea is ready. Have a seat, please," Fluttershy said in a respectful, quiet tone.

Applejack takes a deep breath, calming herself down long enough. Discord steps aside and sits down.

"Howdy, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy steps outside and closes the door.

"How are you doing, Applejack?"

"Not well, Fluttershy. I've been angry and stressed out," Applejack lowers her head.

"The Zap Apple season's stress getting the better of you?"

"No. It's Discord."

"What has Discord done to you, Applejack?"

"I rather not talk about it since he's here. How long is he staying with you?"

"For a few more days. I'm teaching Discord how Friendship works in Equestria as a true friend would," Fluttershy said in a tone to indicate that Applejack should get along with Discord.

"Fluttershy," Applejack said strictly. "I will never be friends with someone who refuses to help someone to resolve an issue!" Applejack yells angrily.

Fluttershy quivers due to Applejack's angry yelling. Discord hears the conversation and teleports behind Applejack.

"You are a hypocrite, Applejack," Discord does the arms cross looking down at Applejack.

"Hypocrite?!" Applejack retorts at Discord.

"Yes, you are. You didn't reform me. Fluttershy did. You aren't my friend. Fluttershy is."

"You're the one that smirked and refused to help!" Applejack angrily yells.

"First, I answered the wrong question. Twilight asked if I could. She didn't ask if I would. That's a key difference. As I mentioned to Twilight, not everything can be her way. It's not my mess to clean up or to fix. Before turning into stone and taking over Equestria, everyone used me to clean their messes and fix their mistakes. I was never a friend, just a tool for everyone to use. I vow that'll never happen again. I saw in Twilight's eyes and everyone else's' that they were going to use me to fix their messes, then forget about me. I saw it coming a mile away. It disgusts me," Discord looking at Applejack in her eyes. "IF you want my help, you have to become my friend. A friend like Fluttershy is to me. If you don't want to be friends with me, that is your problem," Discord turns to Fluttershy. "I'll be leaving Fluttershy. I feel uncomfortable with your friend being here." Discord snaps his claw and teleports away.

Fluttershy is unable to respond. After hearing Discord and understanding his feelings, she now knows Discord is hurt. Fluttershy turns to Applejack.

"I think you should go.., Applejack."

"Choosing him over me, fine," Applejack stomps back to Sweet Apple Acres angrily.

Fluttershy sighs and enters her home. On the way back to Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack ponders what Discord said to her. She still blames him for not helping and yet, another inner voice told her she is wrong. Applejack continues to stomp back, hoping to get rid of the inner voice in her mind.

In the household of Lofty and Holiday, Starlight and Apple Bloom talk more of their plan to gather the apple seeds in the barn house.

"Since we won't be going to the Everfree Forest, it'll be best that Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Night Glider to stay behind. I know my ins and outs of the barn house. I only need you to come, Starlight," Apple Bloom states.

"How much apple seeds will you be getting?" Starlight asks.

"A bag's worth to be honest. I don't want to cause suspicions and have the Apple Family go high alert cause of a robbery."

"Alright, then. Also, would it be wise to bring Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo? They've seen your family before."

"I guess. I do need somepony to keep watch."

"Then, like we arrange last night before the Zap Apple plan changed, all of us should go then back to the house."

"Okay, then."

"When we leave, make sure you and the girls have the disguises on."

"We will, Starly. That's a no brainer. Like Party Favors said, gotta treat the situation like a Spy's movie."

"Good," Starlight trots and gets her disguise on.

Nightfall approaches. The Apple family is getting ready for bed except for Applejack. She decided to trot in town and visit Twilight for advice. Around the same time, Starlight Glimmer, Night Glider, and the CMC leave the house in there disguises. They are on their way to Sweet Apple Acres. On the way to the Golden Oak Library, Applejack sees Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

"Howdy, Rarity. Howdy, Rainbow Dash."

"Hey, Applejack," Rarity and Rainbow Dash sadly reply.

"I'm guessing you two are on your way to see Twilight?"

They nod in response.

"Figures," Applejack states.

"How are you holding up back at the barn, Applejack?" Rainbow asks.

"Not well, Rainbow. That is why I'm heading over to see Twilight. How bout you, Rainbow Dash?"

"I've been trying to move on but, things are difficult. What Discord told me the other day when I criticized the type of friend he'll turn out to be, he reminded me of what I've done to Scootaloo and the others. I haven't slept well in days. I will admit when Twilight asked of him if he could take us to see Scootaloo and her friends, I had no intention of becoming Discord's friend. All I cared about during that time was using Discord and having a second chance with Scootaloo. Me being the Element of Loyalty. How can I be the Element of Loyalty when I wasn't loyal to Scootaloo as a friend? I shamed her and poured rainwater on her. Group therapy hasn't helped either. I don't deserve to be the Element of Loyalty, I deserve to be the Element of Betrayal," Rainbow said, looking down in sadness.

"How about you, Rarity? I haven't seen you in quite a while," Applejack asks.

"It's hard to say how I've been doing, darling. I'm the reason why everypony in town went after my sister and her friends. I exposed the truth instead of confronting Sweetie Belle. It was after the conversation that I told everyone else in town. That's one regret I wish to take back. I hardly eat, hardly sleep. I kept pushing myself in my work. Right now, my latest trends are sadness and darkness. The gothic community is liking my designs in fashion. I feel dead inside. That's why I'm heading over to see Twilight."

"Wow, Rarity."

"So, how are things with you, Applejack?" Rarity asks.

"As I told Rainbow Dash when she asked, I'm not well."

"Well, Rainbow and I have kept you updated. We did agree to come to the farm to help you with the Zap Apples tomorrow. We would like to know your story."

"Well, it's been Tartarus! The Zap Apple Season is my family pride and joy to deliver. Not this year," Applejack shakes her head. "This year, life has been drained from my body. I am unable to feel any happiness about this year's harvest! I even tried to visit Fluttershy to destress and guess who I bumped into.., Discord! Of all ponies in Equestria, I had to see him. Not once, but twice! Discord is a reminder of how he refuses to help me, you Rarity, and you Rainbow Dash. He refused to help us! He refused to give us the information of their whereabouts!" Applejack starts panting angrily. "Could he? Could he? Could he?" Applejack breathes heavily. "He said, yes! Would he, he said no. He answered the question and, I don't care two hoots if it wasn't the right one! I will never be friends with that demented, conniving, weasel he is. To top it all, he owes us for letting him out of his stony prison. To repay us for letting him out, he should take us to Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo or teleport them to us. Instead, he told us that it was our mess, not his to clean up. We had to clean up his messes in Equestria and, I bet later in life we'll have to do it a second time," Applejack irately said. "I hate Discord. He'll never be my friend. Ever."

Rainbow Dash and Rarity are worried about Applejack. They now sense a strong presence around Applejack after hearing the story. They hoped that Applejack would turn for the better but, she is turning for the worse.

"Hate is a strong word, Applejack. Remember what happened when everypony hated Gabby Gums?" Rarity asks worriedly.

"Yea, but it's different. Discord had his chance to show us the type of friend he wanted to be. He chose not to help us!"

"I understand Applejack. However, we didn't help Discord reform. Fluttershy reformed Discord, all we did was watch. It'll take us a while to become friends with Discord, Applejack. There is a level of trust during that time. Fluttershy gave Discord space and trust during the reforming stages. We threatened Discord and gave him no trust at all. I hate to say this, even after looking back, Discord did the right thing for not sending us to the CMC. How can we call ourselves good friends if we are not friends with Discord?"

"I have to agree with Rainbow Dash, Applejack. What kind of friends are we if we're only going to use him?"

Applejack is silent, stunned to hear what Rainbow and Rarity said about Discord. She's feeling betrayed that they are siding with him. He owes them for releasing him. That's more than enough to take them to her sister and friends. Applejack trots back to Sweet Apple Acres.

"Applejack, where are you going?" Rainbow asks.

"Home, I have a lot to think about and, I'm tired."

Rainbow Dash and Rarity sighs and trots to the Golden Oak Library. They still need advice from Twilight.

Twenty minutes later, Apple Bloom leads the group to Sweet Apple Acres. Night Glider is hovering forty feet as surveillance. Night Glider alerts the group of a farm pony entering the house. Apple Bloom's knees start shaking rapidly. It's the first time in nearly a year she's been back to Sweet Apple Acres. Parts of her want to go back, hug her Granny and apologize to the family of how careless she was during the Gabby Gums incident. Parts of her want things to go back to normal. She is envisioning the surprise arrival of her family. Happy faces and joyful tears to be reunited. Then her darkest thoughts come into play, from happiness to sadness. The reality is, her brother and sister hate her friends and her. Why would they accept her back? One look at her friends and new mother gives Apple Bloom much-needed confidence to concentrate on her priority.

"Night Glider, what do you see?" Apple Bloom asks.

"I see the lights going off in the house, Apple Bloom."

"Anything else?"

Night Glider flies a bit further to see up close. Then, she flies back to the group.

"No. It appears that the family is going to sleep."

"Good," Apple Bloom takes a deep breath. "Follow me, everypony and remember we have to be quiet."

The girls nod in agreement. Apple Bloom leads the group around the Apple house quietly and slowly. Night Glider watch from above. She is scouting to see of anyone else or any animal that may cause trouble for the group. The girls arrive at the barn house. They enter the barn house.

"Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle. Keep watch. I'm gonna head up to search for the seedling box. Starlight, if you see a box with seeds inside, let me know. I have a feeling Big Mac or Applejack may have displaced the box elsewhere."

"I will, Apple Bloom," Starlight said.

"You can count on us to keep watch, Apple Bloom," Scootaloo said.

Apple Bloom and Starlight search high and low for the seedling box. Night Glider is on a cloud hovering above the barn house. She is keeping a watchful eye on any activity at the Apple house. So far, it's been quiet there. After a while longer, Starlight locates the seedling box. She alerts Apple Bloom to come down. Apple Bloom comes down and opens the box.

"Perfect, the apple seeds are here as expected," Apple Bloom takes three hoof-full of apple seeds then closes the box. "Alright, we need to go."

Night Glider sees two farm ponies and a dog coming out of the Apple house. She hovers down to the barn house to alert everyone.

"I see two ponies leaving the Apple house with a dog. They may come here to investigate."

"Thanks for the warning, Night Glider. Girls, we gotta go now," Starlight said.

"Our best bet is to enter the Everfree Forest and walk our way to Fluttershy's cottage. It's the only way to be unseen by Applejack and Big Mac," Apple Bloom said.

"Lead the way," Starlight said.

Apple Bloom made sure she has her bag of apple seeds. Then Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo lead the group into the Everfree Forest. Big Mac and Applejack see Winona barking at the barn house.

"I wonder what's gotten Winona fired up like this," Big Mac said.

Winona starts sprinting towards the barn house. The two follow Winona to find the perpetrator. Applejack and Big Mac chases Winona when she run past the barn house. Applejack lassos her dog from going deep into the Everfree Forest.

"Oh no, you don't. It's bad enough to go into the Everfree Forest during the night. Whoever you sensed from the barn house ain't worth the trouble searching for in the Everfree Forest."


Winona continues to bark. She senses Apple Bloom. She is trying to tell Applejack and Big Mac but, it appears they are not listening. Winona gives up as Applejack forcibly takes her back to the house.

"Big Mac, check the barn house. I suspect Winona sense something there first before she sprinted towards the Everfree Forest."

"Alright, Applejack. I'll check."

Big Mac inspects the barn house high and low. During that time, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are navigating the group in the Everfree Forest. They went around the poison joke plants and herbs. Starlight Glimmer uses her horn to illuminate lighting in the Everfree Forest. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle stop. They are near Zecora's hut. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo see the light in the hut dimming. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle take another alternate route in the Everfree Forest.

Twenty minutes later, the group is out of the Everfree Forest. They are near Fluttershy's cottage. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle peeked inside to see if Fluttershy is awake or asleep. They don't see her tending to the animals. They figure that Fluttershy is asleep by now. Scootaloo leads the group back to the house. During this time, Big Mac returns to the Apple house after inspecting the barn.

"So, are Winona senses right about the barn house?" Applejack asks.

Big Mac sighs. "Eeyup. Somepony nabbed apple seeds from the barn house."

"Who would nab apple seeds in the middle of the night? You can have all sorts in our apples."

"Maybe it was Apple Bloom?" Big Mac suggests.

Winona barks. Agreeing with Big Mac's suggestion.

"Or maybe we're being pranked by Discord," Applejack angrily states.

"Discord?" Big Mac confusingly states.

"Who else to mess with us either than the Lord of Chaos?" Applejack sneer.

Big Mac has a hard time answering. He couldn't think of anypony who would steal in Ponyville. He sighs in defeat, knowing he couldn't think of an answer.

"After the Zap Apple picking is over, I'm going to have a long talk with him."

Big Mac could not believe what he is hearing. The thought of Discord stealing from the Apples is unheard of but, seeing the fury coming from Applejack made it more believable than thinking Apple Bloom stealing from the barn. What would she do with them? Big Mac heads upstairs to ponder on that thought. Applejack goes to her room and slams the door.

Ten minutes later, Scootaloo knocks on the door. Lofty opens and allows the ponies to enter. Scootaloo hugs her aunts as the rest head off to the living room.

"How was your trip, girls?" Holiday asks.

"It was different than we originally planned."

"How so, Apple Bloom?"

"Things were pretty smooth until Night Glider saw my sis, Big Mac, and Winona. Granny is not the type who'll go out and investigate during the night."

"Also, we did venture into the Everfree Forest. Nothing bad happened to us there," Scootaloo said.

"I can see that," Lofty said.

The girls are taking off their disguises.

"So what time you'll be working at Sweet Apple Acres?" Sweetie Belle asks.

"Noon." Lofty and Holiday said in unison. "As I mentioned earlier, Rich will be giving us two baskets of Zap Apples," Lofty said.

"Apple Bloom, you still have the apple seeds?" Scootaloo asks.

"Eeyup," Apple Bloom happily said. She shows everypony of her stash of apple seeds.

"Good. Now we wait another day for the Zap Apples. Then we can go home," Starlight said.

"Yea. Being back home in Ponyville is nice and all, but I miss my home back in the village."

"Me too, Apple Bloom," Sweetie Belle agrees as well.

"That includes me," Scootaloo looks at her aunts. "I love you both. I wish I can stay but, how can I? Everypony still hates us ever since the Gabby Gums incident. I can't stay in Ponyville where everypony will still be hating me..," Scootaloo lowers her head in sadness.

"We understand, Scootaloo. Your place is where your heart needs to be. Holiday and I can see that you are happy being with your friends and your new Guardian," Lofty turns to Starlight Glimmer. "We're happy when you are happy, Scootaloo. No need to worry," Lofty smiles.

"Yea," Holiday smiles as well. "We know you're in good hooves in the village you now live."

"When I get back in the next few days, I promise to keep you two updated."

"Thank you, Scootaloo," Aunt Lofty and Holiday hugs Scootaloo.

Starlight and the girls go into the guest rooms and get ready to sleep. Scootaloo stays up as long as she can talking with her aunts some more.

It is now 11:00 in the morning. Aunt Holiday and Lofty leave the household. They remind the girls about not leaving the house until they come back. As they trot to Sweet Apple Acres, they meet up with Rich, the volunteers, and his workers.

"Morning, ladies," Rich said. "How are you two doing?"

"We're doing better, Rich. Though it's still hard not having Scootaloo around," Lofty said.

"Same with me. I miss my daughter, Diamond Tiara. I hope she is getting the discipline she needs to become a better pony so I can be a better father. I failed as a father. I failed to see Diamond Tiara's mean streak. I do take responsibility for her actions leading up to the Gabby Gums."

"Giving the right opportunity, you'll have a chance to redeem yourself. I do believe your daughter will be redeemed as well," Holiday said.

"You do?"

Lofty and Holiday nod in agreement.

"As I told Granny Smith the other day, I wish I have your optimism. Passionate and patience are the two key areas I failed as a parent."

"You can't keep blaming yourself for the parent you were. You need to strive to become a better parent," Holiday said.

"Thank you," Rich smiles.

"You're welcome," Holiday and Lofty said in unison.

On the way to Sweet Apple Acres, Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash meet up with Applejack as she places more buckets around the Zap Apple trees.

"Morning, Applejack."

"Morning, Twilight. Ready to see the wonders of the Zap Apples?"

"Yes, and no."

"Huh?" Applejack wonders. "What you mean by that, Twilight?"

"I'm worried about you, Applejack. Rainbow Dash and Rarity told me how you were doing last night. You developed a strong hatred for Discord and, that isn't healthy," Twilight said worriedly.

Applejack ignores Twilight and trots elsewhere in the Zap Apple forest. Big Mac trots up to Twilight and her friends.

"Forgive Applejack, Twilight. It's not only Discord on her mind but, Apple Bloom as well. Zap Apple season isn't the same without Apple Bloom here with us."

"I understand, Big Mac. How are you coping with Applejack?"

"I'm alright, for the most part. There was a robbery last night. Somepony or something stole some of our apple seeds. They were ready for planting to replace the trees Applejack bucked down. I hope after the Zap Apple season is concluded, you and your friends can help Applejack simmer down."

"We will do what we can."

"I also have one more favor to ask of you, Twilight."

"What is it, Big Mac?"

"I want you to arrange a hangout with Discord. Discord has been in the mind of my sister recently. I would prefer if Discord and Applejack can find a mutual balance in friendship."

"The girls and I will see what we can do, Big Mac."

"Thank you, Twilight."

"You're welcome."

Rich, Holiday, Lofty, and the rest of the ponies made it to Sweet Apple Acres. Rich trots up to Big Mac to discuss more of the rotating shifts. Each team will have a two-hour shift to gather as much Zap Apples as they can. Pinkie Pie arrives last in Sweet Apple Acres, bringing a letter Fluttershy wrote for her friends in today's Zap Apple picking. Pinkie Pie reads the letter out loud, letting everypony know that she decided to be with Discord for a while. She wishes not to be disturbed for the time being. Applejack grabs the letter and stomps on it, lividly. Applejack takes a team of Rich's workers and volunteers to the southern region of the Zap Apple forest. The girls sigh as they look at Applejack. Pinkie Pie senses a disturbing presence around Applejack. She can tell that Applejack isn't herself. She's starting to become somepony else.

The final sign of the Zap Apples approaches. The Zap Apples go from colorless to colorful with a rainbow effect. Everypony is amazed by the sight of seeing the Zap Apples blossoming. Then, they split into teams and start gathering the Zap Apples. As the day goes by, more Zap Apples are spawning on the trees as everypony continues to pick them off. Applejack's inner voice starts questioning her decision to hate Discord. She shakes her head and focuses on bucking the Zap Apple trees. The voice continues to speak to her vividly, giving the impressions that Applejack was thinking selfishly and foolishly. Applejack ignores once more and gets back to bucking the Zap Apple trees.

Hours passed by, no pony wants to stop the momentum of gathering the most Zap Apples of the season. Lofty and Holiday decide to go to the Apple house for refreshments. On the way there, Rainbow Dash hovers by and greets them.

"Hey, Scootaloo's aunts, hehe..." Rainbow slowly chuckles. "How are you doing?" Rainbow slowly smiles.

"Fine, thank you very much," Lofty said.

Holiday glares slightly at Rainbow Dash.

"You're still mad at me, aren't you?"

"You and everypony else have taken our niece away. How do you think we feel, Rainbow Trash?" Holiday asks harshly and thoroughly.

"Rainbow...Trash..?" Rainbow quietly asks sadly.

"It was bad enough that you rained on our niece not once but twice. You are a constant reminder of what a friend shouldn't do to someone who didn't know what was right or wrong. Thanks to you and your so-called friends, we may never see our Scootaloo again. For all we know, she can be dead already," Lofty said harshly and strictly.

Rainbow Dash breathes heavily. Her guilty conscience is coming back to haunt her after hearing the possibility of Scootaloo being dead. Holiday and Lofty had to be sure that no pony suspects them on their recent behavior in recent days. They feel the need to express their thoughts on how everypony else has mistreated their niece and friends. In their hearts, they know it was uncalled for calling Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Trash. The two felt the need to express the little anger they couldn't release as well. They hope that Rainbow Dash truly changes herself for the better. Adding the idea of Scootaloo being dead was a bit too much to say. Hopefully, Rainbow Dash will make sure that anything similar to the Gabby Gums incident will never repeat. It's what they can hope. In due time, they will apologize for what they said to Rainbow Dash. For now, they needed to make a statement. The two enter the household for refreshments as Rainbow sits down on the ground. She is sad about the possibility of Scootaloo being dead. How could she live with herself knowing the mistake she committed months ago.

Nightfall arrives. The volunteers are granted a pardon from the nightshift. With Rich's workers continuing to aide the Apple Family with Zap Apples, Granny Smith has the baskets of Zap Apples ready to give to the volunteers. Every volunteer receives their basket and thanks, Rich and Granny Smith. Rich personally gives Lofty and Holiday their baskets of Zap Apples. They thank Rich and go home. Rainbow Dash remains in place. Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie approaches Rainbow Dash.

"Dashie, are you okay?" Pinkie Pie cheerfully asks.

What seems like days for Rainbow Dash, she looks at Pinkie Pie with teary eyes.

"No... I'm not okay..." Rainbow wipes a tear away. "I'm a monster..."

"No, you're not, Rainbow Dash. You are a..."

"Monster!" Rainbow shouts as more tears stream down on her face.

"What gave you the impression of being a monster, Rainbow?" Twilight cautiously asks.

"Scootaloo's aunts. They are still mad at me, mad at us for what has happened to Scootaloo and the CMC."

"...Oh..." Twilight responds.

"What if our doing to the CMC cause them to...die..?"

Twilight frowns at the idea of three young fillies dying because of a horrid mistake they made. The others around Twilight start to become uneasy with the thought of the CMC being dead, especially Rarity. Rarity imagines seeing her sister dead and faints. Pinkie Pie catches Rarity from landing on the ground hard. Twilight doesn't know what to say or how to approach it. The only option that comes to mind is hugging Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie decides to take Rarity home and watch over her for the night. Rainbow clutches on to Twilight. She sobs uncontrollably. Rainbow is unsure of redeeming herself to Scootaloo's family.

After a while, Twilight decides to have Rainbow Dash sleepover at the Golden Oak Library. Perhaps the two can forge a plan to seek forgiveness. Around the time Twilight and Rainbow walk to the Golden Oak Library, Lofty and Holiday enter their household. Starlight Glimmer and Night Glider are awake. Scootaloo, Sweetiee Belle, and Apple Bloom are asleep. Holiday and Lofty approaches Starlight Glimmer and Night Glider.

"How are the girls doing while we were working?" Holiday asks.

"They were alright. We were bored from being cooked up in the house," Starlight answers.

"Also, I went by to the train station to see the next incoming train that'll take us back to the village. Our train will arrive tomorrow afternoon," Night Glider said.

"We'll give you some bags for the Zap Apples. We wouldn't want you lot forgetting the Zap Apples," Holiday cheerfully said.

"Thanks," Starlight and Night Glider said.

"You're welcome," Holiday replies.

It is now 11:00 in the morning. Lofty and Holiday have a doctor's appointment and a dentist's appointment to go later today. They had a big breakfast with the girls. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are happy to leave Ponyville later today. Scootaloo is not too thrilled to leave her aunts again. She's enjoying her time with them but remembers the reasoning of running away. Parts of her wants to stay in Ponyville but can't risk her sanity of being hated by everypony else in town once more. Lofty and Holiday see Scootaloo's expression and takes her to a different room for a family discussion.

"Everything okay, Scootaloo?" Holiday asks.

"Yes, and no..," Scootaloo sadly responds.

"What's wrong?" Lofty asks.

"I'm happy to be back here with you two. I miss seeing the two of you and spending my days with you. I hate to leave you a second time even though it's for the best," Scootaloo gets a little teary.

Holiday and Lofty look at each other for a few moments. The two have been planning to move out of Ponyville ever since the Gabby Gums incident spiraled out of control. Lofty comes up with an idea and smiles at Holiday. Holiday smiles and catches the idea Lofty has in mind.

"Scootaloo," Lofty said in a soothing tone. "We'll be right back momentarily."

"Okay," Scootaloo sniffs.

Lofty and Holiday go back into the kitchen and ask Starlight Glimmer to have a short talk. Starlight agrees and goes with Lofty and Holiday upstairs to their room.

"What you want to talk about, Lofty and Holiday?"

"Where is your village located at?" Lofty asks.

"Do you have a map of Equestria on you?"

"Surprisingly, we do," Holiday said. She opens the drawer and gives Starlight a map of Equestria.

"My village is in this region here," Starlight circles the unknown area of the map.

"Really? That's where your village is?" Lofty and Holiday shockingly ask.

"Yes, in a remote area undocumented, by the Equestrian government."

"This is perfect, Holiday. My idea will be perfect."

"What idea, Lofty?"

Lofty slightly sighs. "For a while now, Holiday and I were thinking of moving away from Ponyville. Due to the towns' action of driving Scootaloo away from us, we don't belong here anymore. We were discussing where to move to until you, Scootaloo, and her friends arrived on our doorsteps. Seeing Scootaloo upset about leaving us a second time, has us worried. We would like to move to your village and be with Scootaloo."

"You do?" Starlight blinks twice. She is surprised to hear ponies who are willing to move to her village. She smiles at Scootaloo's aunts.

"We don't know how to contact you either than having Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood to mail you for us."

"You have a valid point, Holiday."

"Now that you've shown us where your village is, we will be leaving Ponyville in a matter of weeks. We are looking for buyers who want our house," Lofty said.

"Alright. That'll give my villagers and I enough time to build a house for you two."

"Thank you, Starlight," Holiday and Lofty graciously said.

"My pleasure. All you have to do to get there in due time is take the train. The map will guide you to my village."

"Let's go tell Scootaloo the good news, Lofty."

Lofty nods and goes back downstairs. They see Scootaloo crying as Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle trying their best to comfort her.

"Scootaloo, we have good news for you," Holiday said in a cheerful tone.

Scootaloo looks at her aunts and rushes to hug them. They return the hug and look down on her, smiling happily.

"You do?" Scootaloo sniffs with a smile.

"In a matter of weeks, we'll be moving to your village," Holiday said.

Scootaloo's eyes widen. She couldn't help but smile more.

"We are looking for buyers and thanks to your guardian, Starlight Glimmer. She gave us directions on how to find the village. We promise not to tell anypony."

"Thank you," Scootaloo thankfully expressed. She continues to hug her aunts more.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are happy for Scootaloo to have a moment like this. They wish this can be the same for them. The two remembered what their sisters said and done to them and changed their minds. They are happy for Scootaloo.

It's now 11:25 in the morning. The girls have their disguises on. Starlight Glimmer and Apple Bloom are carrying the bags of Zap Apples and apple seeds. Lofty and Holiday give Night Glider some shades and a scarf to conceal her identity in town until they are out of Ponyville's range. Scootaloo hugs her aunts one last time before leaving the household. As they leave, Lofty and Holiday wave goodbye. Then they went to their appointments.

On their way to the train station, Pinkie Pie is pouncing around Ponyville, looking to spread some cheers around. She approaches the group. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo are uncomfortable with Pinkie Pie being close to them. They feel that Pinkie Pie will expose them right now. Sweetie Belle decides to use a mime routine.

Sweetie Belle pretends to be trap in a box. Pinkie Pie giggles and claps for the ole trap in a box routine. Sweetie Belle shows Pinkie mime rope and ties Pinkie up. She giggles more but, when she tries to move, she is unable to. Sweetie Belle bows and walks away. Starlight Glimmer is using her magic for the invisible wall and rope to make Sweetie Belle's movement as a mime look realistic. Pinkie hobbles as the group trot to the train station.

It's now noon. Starlight Glimmer, Night Glider, and the CMC are moments away as the train arrives in the station. After everypony gets off the train, they enter and sit in the far back of the train.

"We did it," Apple Bloom said. She holds and looks at the bag filled with Zap Apples.

"Our mission is complete," Sweetie Belle said.

"That was some good miming skills you got there, Sweetie Belle," Scootaloo said.

"We should be thanking Starly. It was her magic to make my mime routine realistic."

"Yea," Apple Bloom said as she relaxes. "I thought we were going to be exposed by Pinkie Pie."

"Not on our watch," Starlight said. "We didn't come all this way to be exposed. Party Favor will be all over me that his disguises were a failure."

The girls giggle at the thought of seeing Party Favor going at Starlight Glimmer over the disguises.

"Hey, Apple Bloom," Night Glider said.

"Yes, Night Glider."

"When we get back to the village, will the Zap Apple seeds have a different timetable for growing or not?"

"I believe the Zap Apples will grow at the same time in Sweet Apple Acres. I believe there is no change in how they grow."

"Alright, then. Now we know what to expect when October comes."

The girls nod in agreement.

"As for the apple trees, that'll take years to grow. Maybe Starly can study a little time magic to accelerate the tree's growth."

"That's not a bad idea. I can use a little study with my magic to perfect time magic," Starlight said.

"Perfect," Apple Bloom said.

The train leaves the station. Discord arrives in Ponyville with Fluttershy. Discord senses the CMC on the train that just left Ponyville. He couldn't help chuckle a bit.

"What's funny Discord?"

"I'm enjoying friends helping one another is all, Fluttershy. I am enjoying our time together as friends, Fluttershy."

"Good," Fluttershy smiles.

Discord sees Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity coming up to Fluttershy.

"Well, I better get going, Fluttershy."

"Bye, Discord. See you next time."

"Discord, wait!" Twilight shouts.

Discord crosses his arms. "What is it, Twilight?"

"Discord.., would you like to hang out with us for the day?"

Discord looks at Twilight, reading her eyes. Twilight is sincere about the hangout proposal to Discord.

"You want to hang out with me?" Discord curiously asks.

"Yes. I want to apologize to you about my actions of using you to fix a problem we created," Twilight said.

"I'm sorry, Discord. In my mind, I didn't care about you. I only wanted to use you to get to Scootaloo so I can fix my mistake. For all the wrong I've done, I don't deserve to be the Element of Loyalty. I deserve to be the Element of Betrayal. I betrayed the ways of Friendship. I want to redeem myself. Starting on that road, I feel the need to apologize to you and how I acted towards you. I'm sorry that I didn't help you reform, Discord."

"I'm sorry for how I was going to use you to get to my sister. I was very selfish to use you and forget about you. I'm sorry for not building up a friendship with you when Fluttershy reformed you. It was uncalled for to use you for my purposes. When Twilight asked of you, I was on board to make you believe I can be your friend so I can ditch a monster like you for my sister. The truth is, I'm the monster. I exposed the identity of Gabby Gums to the entire town. It is my mess to clean up for my actions, not yours. I understand if you wish not to forgive me during this time. I know for a fact I have a long way to become your friend, Discord."

Discord sees the potential within Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity to redeem themselves for the trouble and trauma they inflicted on him and the CMC. Discord thinks for a while in his mind to forgive them or not. After a few moments, Discord decides to give the trio a chance to become his friend. He hopes that there is no manipulation to get what they want.

"I accept your apologies, Twilight, Rainbow, and Rarity. You have a lot to do to earn my trust and friendship. For now, a simple hangout will do."

Twilight, Rainbow, and Rarity didn't think Discord would accept their apologies right away. They are in shock and relieve a little. Fluttershy puts her hoof on Discord's paw, indicating that he made the right decision. Discord looks down at Fluttershy then, smiles.

"So, where will we be hanging out at?"

"The lake," Twilight said.

"A day at the lake sounds fun," Discord said.

Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Discord goes to the lake to have a pleasant time together. For the first time, Discord gets to bond with Fluttershy's friends and, it'll be a turning point for a new chapter in their lives.

Hours later, Starlight Glimmer, Night Glider, and the CMC get off the train. An hour later, Starlight, Night Glider, and the CMC are back home. They cheer loudly in success. Night Glider enters her home and relaxes. Starlight trots over to Party Favor's house and knocks on the door. Party Favor answers the door.

"Hey, Starlight," He sees Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. "Hey, you three. Did the disguises worked out?"

"Yes. I wanted to come by and personally tell you that your disguises worked like a charm."

"Thank you for letting me know, Starlight Glimmer."

"You're welcome, Party Favor. Have a nice night."

Starlight Glimmer takes the girls to the house. Upon arrival, Starlight flops onto the couch in exhaustion. Before going upstairs, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo hug Starlight. They took the Zap Apples and put them in the fridge. Apple Bloom puts the apple seeds on the table. Then the girls go upstairs to undress. Once they got out of their disguises, they went to sleep. Starlight didn't feel like taking off her costume and falls asleep.

Tomorrow, the village will celebrate a victory. In a few weeks, they'll be preparing for two newcomers to live with them.

Surprise in Starlight's Village

It's now 9:00 in the morning. Starlight Glimmer wakes up and stretches. Starlight trots to the kitchen and sees Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo sitting at the table.

"Morning girls," Starlight said in a cheerful mood.

"Morning," Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo respond happily.

"You girls had a good night's sleep?" Starlight said, opening some cabinets to get the pancake mix.

"I did," Apple Bloom answer. "I dreamt of us creating a new flow of Friendship in the village."

"Sounds wonderful, Apple Bloom," Starlight said. She is starting to make pancakes.

"I slept well as well," Sweetie Belle said. "I dreamt that I was singing to everypony in the village at a karaoke lounge."

"Interesting dream, Sweetie Belle," Starlight now putting a fruit salad at the table. She is careful of the Zap Apples in the fridge. "What about you, Scootaloo?"

"I slept great. Seeing my aunts during the week and spending time with them, made me a lot better than I was when I first arrived here and living with you. I can't wait to see them in a few weeks."

"That's good, Scootaloo. Did you have a good dream as well?" Starlight asks.

"I did. I want to say its more of a vision."

"A vision?" Starlight looks at Scootaloo as she places apple and orange juice on the table.

"It was the entire town celebrating, finally at peace against those who wronged us in the past. It felt real seeing my aunts and my parents celebrating as well."

"Nice vision, Scootaloo," Starlight said as she goes back to making pancakes.

"Well, today's the day I'll be planting the seeds of the Zap Apples and the regular apple seeds from Sweet Apple Acres," Apple Bloom happily states.

"Apple Bloom. I will need time to study time magic. I need to reread some books of magic I do have to see if I have the right time magic. If not, then I'll have to ask some ponies to lend me a book of time."

"Take your time with that. Next year, Zap Apples will be ready. As for the apple trees, a few years at best."

"Quick question, Starly," Scootaloo said.

"I'm all ears, Scootaloo."

"What is it like on Nightmare Night here in the village?"

"One gigantic Nightmare Night party. Party Favor is in charge of all party events and celebrations. Knowing him, he already has a plan of action."

"How was it last year, Starly?" Sweetie Belle curiously asks.

"Nightmarish. Party Favor created a small scary maze using the trees we used to have. It gave everypony nightmares for a week. When Party Favor is in motion on what he wants for Nightmare Night to be, he delivers. I will say it was still a fun night, overall."

"Wow. Sounds awesome," Sweetie Belle replies.

"He is very secretive with his planning. I wouldn't be surprised if Party Favor has a party cave beneath his basement."

The girls giggle at the thought of Party Favor having a party cave. Starlight finishes making pancakes. She puts them on a big plate and uses her magic to carry the plate of pancakes to the table. She smiles and sits with the girls.

"Dig in girls," Starlight said as she smiles.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo each grab their pancakes and a good share of the fruit salad. Starlight grabs hers then hears a knocking on the door. She pardons herself and trots to the front door and opens. She sees Party Favor.

"Speaking of the devil himself," Starlight chuckles a bit.

"What?" Party Favor asks in confusion.

"Oh, never mind. What's up, Party Favor?" Starlight smile as she asks Party Favor.

"Well, with the success that you, Night Glider, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo accomplished, I want to throw a celebrational party. Just don't tell the girls. I want it to be a surprise."

"Sounds good Party Favor. What time to show up at the party?"

"Around 2:30. It'll give me just enough time to set everything up."

"Alright, then. Just to let you know, Apple Bloom intends on planting the seeds of the Zap Apples and regular apples we brought from Ponyville."

"Thanks for the heads up. I'll see you later, Starlight."

Party Favor leaves as Starlight closes the door. She trots back to the kitchen to eat her breakfast.

"Who was at the door, Starly?" Scootaloo asks.

"A friend that wanted to talk. It's all good," Starlight takes a bite of the pancakes.

The girls enjoy their breakfast in the kitchen. After eating, the CMC volunteer to help clean up. Starlight didn't want them to clean up but, they insist. Starlight trot to her office as the CMC clean up. After they finish cleaning up, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo trot to Starlight's office. They knock on the door first.

"Come in," Starlight answers.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo walk in.

"Starly, you got a few minutes?" Sweetie Belle asks.

"Sure. What's on your mind, Sweetie Belle?" Starlight calmly replies.

"Did you get a glimpse of what Applejack looked like when we fled from the barn house the other night?"

"Hmm..," Starlight thought back to the night when Night Glider gave her the warning. She starts remembering the aggressive farm ponies that were following their dog from afar. After much thought, she remembers seeing a red stallion and an orange pony with a hat. "Yes. When we followed you two in the Everfree Forest, I remember seeing two ponies. A red stallion and the other, an orange mare with a hat."

"I think we should start practicing our routine to welcome the new incoming visitors. Especially, Applejack and her friends. I believe in my vision, Applejack and her friends come to the village and try to take Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and myself back."

"Alright, the routine will not be that hard to perform. Also, what else you saw in your vision?" Starlight asks.

"I saw Pinkie Pie showing the untrustworthy in the village as Fluttershy enjoys what she sees. Twilight starts questioning everypony and looks around the town for us. Then they try to forcefully take us back after fixing a problem."

"Interesting vision, however, the part when they try to take you won't happen. Not on my watch and everypony else's watch. You three are our family. You three have done so much. You are entitled to a happy life."

"So, when should we start?" Sweetie Belle asks.

"After the Nightmare Night Celebration. We'll start our routine to lure ponies who wronged us in the past."

"Sounds good, Starly," Sweetie Belle responds.

"Starly," Apple Bloom calls out. "I'm gonna plant the Zap Apple seeds and apple seeds in the fields now."

"Alright, Apple Bloom," Starlight answers. "Sweetie Belle, give Apple Bloom a helping hoof."

"Can do, Starly," Sweetie Belle leaves the office to meet with Apple Bloom. The two trot out of the house together with the bag of Zap Apples and apple seeds.

"Starly, when should we build the house for my two aunts?"

"In a few days, Scootaloo."

"Good, I can't wait to see them again when they leave Ponyville for good."

"The village shall embrace their arrival on good notice. Lofty and Holiday were crucial for our Zap Apple gathering. They housed us during the time and showed love for you, Scootaloo."

"A stroke of luck that my aunts were still living in Ponyville, otherwise we would have been camping and could have been spotted by pony folk in Ponyville or worse."

"Agreed. Lofty and Holiday are blessings to us, and the village."

"So, what are you going to do now, Starly?"

"I'm going to practice on time magic. I don't have any plans for the moment."

"Alright, then. Mind if I help you?"

"Sure," Starlight grabs a few books of spells. "Help me find the page that demonstrates time magic."

"Can do," Scootaloo said as she opens the book to start scanning.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are planting the apple seeds all around the village. Night Glider and Double Diamond are aiding the two as they plant apple seeds. Apple Bloom tells Night Glider and Double Diamond to create an open space behind Starlight's house. That's where she'll be planting the Zap Apple seeds. After a while, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle finished planting the apple seeds all around the village except Starlight's backyard. The two check on Night Glider and Double Diamond's progress. They made more than enough room for the Zap Apples. Apple Bloom plants the Zap Apple seeds. In an instant, the Zap Apple trees grow with Zap Apples on them. Everyone around is amazed to see Zap Apples on the trees already.

"Zap Apples, already?" Sweetie Belle questions curiously.

"Wait, what time is it?" Apple Bloom asks.

"By now, it's 11:00," Double Diamond said.

"We have an hour until the Zap Apples disappear. Quick, everypony! We have a chance to gather our supply right now!" Apple Bloom loudly states.

Night Glider flies back, knocking on every door. She alerts everyone to come to the backyard of Starlight's house. They have Zap Apples to pick with limited time. Sugar Belle and several ponies make their way to the Zap Apple trees to start picking them. Party Favor answer the door but told Night Glider that he is busy preparing for a party later today. Night Glider nods and flies back to the group to help out.

Starlight and Scootaloo hear the commotion happening in the backyard. Scootaloo decides to check and see what's happening. As she goes to the back, she is shocked in amazement. The Zap Apples grew. She didn't think they'll grow with the limited time remaining from the Zap Apple season harvest. Scootaloo alerts Starlight. She comes out to see what Scootaloo saw. She, too, is shocked in amazement. Everypony is helping one another in gathering the Zap Apples.

"I didn't even know the Zap Apples will still grow. I thought it'll be the trees that'll grow," Scootaloo states.

"I'm surprised to see everypony working together to gather the Zap Apples," Starlight said.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle approach the two.

"Starly, I wasn't expecting this to happen. I thought the trees would grow, turns out that the Zap Apple gathering still have time left," Apple Bloom states.

"We have another twenty minutes before the Zap Apples are gone. We can use your help, Starly," Sweetie Belle said.

"Of course. I'll lend a hoof," Starlight answers as she trots to the Zap Apple trees. Using her magic, she picks a good portion of Zap Apples off the trees and places them in buckets.

Zap Apples continue to appear on the trees as everypony helps to pick at them. Apple Bloom bucks the trees as Zap Apples fall. After twenty minutes have gone by, the Zap Apples disappear. Starlight does an initial count of Zap Apples gathered. After a few moments, Starlight concludes the total of Zap Apples to be 250. Everypony is surprised by the sheer number they collected. Sugar Belle cannot wait to create treats in her store using the Zap Apples as the main ingredient.

Party Favor leaves his house to look for Sugar Belle. He figured that she would be helping Night Glider and the rest for the Zap Apples. As Party Favor meets up with the rest, he sees the buckets of Zap Apples.

"Wow!" he blurts loudly.

Everypony turns to look at Party Favor.

"Hehe, sorry. I'm just shocked to see buckets of Zap Apples everywhere."

"It's fine," Sugar Belle said.

"Thanks. Also, Sugar Belle, I need a word with you."

"Sure thing."

Sugar Belle follows Party Favor away from the house to have a private discussion.

"I'm throwing a party for the success that Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo achieved when they brought home the Zap Apple seeds. With the Zap Apples that everypony gathered, would it be possible for you to make Zap Apple treats and cakes?"

"Yes. That was my initial plan. Knowing you are giving the trio a surprise party, I'll make sure my treats and cake are more than perfect. I should have enough Zap Apples to make and finish within a few hours."

"Perfect. I'll come by to check on you in a while."

"Sounds good, Party Favor."

Party Favor heads back home as Sugar Belle goes back to the group behind Starlight's house. Sugar Belle approaches Starlight. She needs a few moments with her. Starlight and Sugar Belle walk away from the group to have their private discussion.

"What's up, Sugar Belle?"

"Party Favor has asked me to make treats and a cake for the party later. I would like three or four buckets of Zap Apples to make the preparations for the party."

Starlight nods in understanding.

"Alright, I'll lend you four buckets of Zap Apples. Knowing your baking capabilities, you'll make awesome treats for the party."

"Thank you, Starlight," Sugar Belle smiles graciously.

"You're welcome, Sugar Belle."

The two walk back to the group of ponies. From there, Starlight gives a good portion of Zap Apples to everypony that helped out. Starlight announces that Sugar Belle will be getting four buckets for her shop. Everypony nods in understanding. They would want Sugar Belle to have the majority of the Zap Apples due to her fantastic baking abilities. Everypony goes their separate ways. Starlight tells the CMC to head inside. She'll be helping Sugar Belle with the buckets. The trio agrees and goes inside.

Starlight uses her magic to lift the buckets of Zap Apples. She and Sugar Belle trot to the bakery. On the way there, they see Party Favor organizing the party. Double Diamond, Night Glider, and several ponies are helping Party Favor arranging the party. Following the instructions that Party Favor laid out. Sugar Belle and Starlight enters the bakery. Starlight places the buckets in the kitchen.

"Alright, let's see what you can do, Sugar Belle. I'll keep the trio occupied in my house until the time is right."

"Sounds good, Starlight. Thanks for the help."

"You're welcome," Starlight smiles as she leaves the bakery. She sees Party Favor approaching her.

"Got a second, Starlight?"

"Sure," Starlight answers.

"I need you to keep the trio occupied while I set things up."

"That is my initial plan, Party Favor."

"Good. Glad we're on the same page."

"Sounds good, Party Favor. Also, send Night Glider or Double Diamond to pick the girls up so they can be surprised."

"Can do, Starlight," Party Favor said as he salutes to Starlight.

"Good. I'll see you later, Party Favor."

Starlight trots back to the house. She can't wait to taste the Zap Apple treats that Sugar Belle will be making. She hopes the girls will enjoy them as well. Starlight walks into the house to see the trio in her office. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo are reading the books of magic Starlight has. They are looking for time-related magic spells for the apple trees. Starlight smiles and grabs a book. The girls spent the past hour searching for time magic spells. Scootaloo found something that relates to time.

"Starly, I found something."

"What is it?" Starlight trots to Scootaloo.

"This spell allows you to go forward in time. I think it can be useful for us."

"Let me see," Starlight said with a level of concern.

Scootaloo hands her the page to examine. Starlight read carefully and understood the magic's meaning.

"This can be helpful. However, I would be going to the future. The spell will send me to the future of my village. There isn't a spell for me to come back. You have the first part, somewhere in the book has the second part," Starlight said as she hands the book back to Scootaloo.

"Alright, I'll keep searching for the second part, Starly."

"Thanks, Scootaloo."

"No problem."

Scootaloo goes back to reading. Sweetie Belle found something eerie similar to what Scootaloo found.

"Starly, I believe I found the second part to Scootaloo's time spell."

"Let me see," Starlight said.

Sweetie Belle hands her the page to examine. Starlight read and smiles.

"Well done, Sweetie Belle. You've found the second part of the time spell. Now we have access of going through time. I need to practice these time spells. They'll be useful for future events."

"Awesome," Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo said.

"Starly, I think I found what we need," Apple Bloom said. "I found an aging spell that speeds the process for the apple trees."

Starlight trot to Apple Bloom. Using her magic, she takes the book from Apple Bloom to examine.

"Yes, this is what we need for the apple trees. I'll be practicing this aging spell first. Then, I'll practice the time spells you two found."

"Sounds good, Starly," Apple Bloom cheerfully said.

"For now, let's play a game," Starlight said.

"What game you have in mind?" Sweetie Belle asks.

"A fun game. Parcheesi"

"Sounds good to us," The girls said in unison.

Starlight brings the board game to the table. The game should last for a while longer as Party Favor continues to set up the party. The girls wind up playing three games that lasted for two hours. While they were playing, Party Favor has finished setting up the party. Sugar Belle is still in the process of making a Zap Apple Chocolate Truffle cake. Party Favor asks Night Glider to bring the trio for the surprise party. Night Glider flies to Starlight's house and knocks repeatedly.

"Coming," Starlight shouts. Using her magic, she rolls the dice. The girls groan as Starlight answers the door. "Hey, Night Glider."

"Hey, Starlight. Were you playing a game with the girls?" Night Glider asks.

"Yea. Unfortunately for them, I've beaten them four times in a row."

"Wow. So, uh," Night Glider recollects her thoughts. "Party is ready."

"Perfect. Get in position."

Night Glider nods and flies back to Party Favor. She tells him and everyone to get in position. Starlight closes the door and trots back to the girls.

"Are you using your magic to cheat, Starlight?" Apple Bloom asks.

"Yea?" Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo chime in.

"No. I have no honor in cheating," Starlight reassuringly said. "Anyway, I have something to show you three."

"What is it?" The girls ask in unison.

"Follow me."

The CMC follows Starlight outside. As they follow her, they see party decorations. The trio is then startled by everypony shouting surprise. Party Favor unveils a banner to congratulate the CMC for their successful mission of the Zap Apple Gathering. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo jaws dropped in shock and amazement.

"Since you, three were successful in the Zap Apple gathering and apple seed gathering. Everyone in the village wanted to throw you three a celebration surprise party!" Party Favor shouts excitedly.

Everypony agrees.

"Well, it was more Party Favor's idea but, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to help create the party for you three. You three are our family after all," Double Diamond said.

"F-F-Family..," Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo said. They start tearing up in happiness. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo never thought that everypony else besides Starlight would consider them family. They feel blessed. They are happy. "Thank you so much, everypony! We consider everypony here our family too!"

"Now, let's get this party starting!" Party Favor shouts.

Everypony starts to party with the CMC. They danced, sing, play games, and have a good time with each other. After a few hours of partying, Sugar Belle comes out with a freshly baked Zap Apple Chocolate Truffle cake and Zap Apple cookies. Starlight calls for everyone to attend at the table. Everypony lifts their glasses of juices.

"A toast to Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo," Everypony stands. "You three are our family. You helped us when we helped you. We are grateful to call you three, our friend. We are your family for many years to come," Starlight shouts proudly as everypony cheers loudly.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo cry in happiness. They feel the love and appreciation from everypony. Seeing the happy faces of everypony, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo now feel like their at ease with what has happened months ago. The hatred that lingered in their hearts during the Gabby Gums incident has deceased. They still feel betrayed by everypony in Ponyville for how they inflicted on them, friends, family. Someday, their judgment will come. For now, they want to enjoy themselves with the right friends and family they do have right now.

Sugar Belle cuts the Zap Apple Chocolate Truffle cake and gives everypony a good portion of it. Everypony felt like they are in heaven after the first bite. Apple Bloom is more impressed with Sugar Belle with her Zap Apple recipe. Sometime during the week, she'll help and teach Sugar Belle how to make Zap Apple jam.

After a few hours of celebrating more, everypony goes back home. Party Favor is quick to clean up after the party has ended. Everypony leaves with a smile on their faces. Starlight knows the trio had a good day. She hopes that Scootaloo's parents decide to stay in her village so she can continue to see Scootaloo. Seeing her smile and being happy brings joy to her. That is the same with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. The difference is, Scootaloo's parents know who she is while Rarity and the Apple Family does not. Starlight and the girls enter the house. She escorts the girls upstairs and tucks them in the bed. Kissing them on their foreheads as they drift to sleep. Starlight walks back downstairs and into her office.

"Scootaloo's vision," Starlight imagines Twilight Sparkle and her friends coming to the village. Questioning the village's belief and looking for Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. "If her vision comes true, we'll be one step ahead," Starlight now walks in a circular motion collecting her thoughts. "I hope Scootaloo has another vision that ties into the first one. For now, the calculations I can come up with are, giving them a spectator to watch their movements. Making sure that the girls remain in my house, upstairs at all times." Starlight stops walking in a circular motion. "Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash will face punishment for the hatred they unleashed at my foals. I will make sure they'll never hurt them and take them back as long as I live. As for their friends, they'll face the same punishment. Hatred will be their demise. Their friendship is meaningless compare to the one I build up in my village. My friendship will continue to expand. Soon enough, everypony in Equestria shall be, renewed," Starlight leaves her office and gets on the couch. She yawns as she lays down. "Let's see what tomorrow will bring," Starlight falls asleep.


Discord arrives in Ponyville to meet up with Fluttershy, Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. They are going to the lake today. For the past two weeks, Discord has been engaging more with everypony except Applejack. Discord is unable to see eye-to-eye with her. Also, Applejack has been distancing herself from Discord. She feels that Discord is a heartless monster who won't help even though she never helped him reform, let alone apologize. Pinkie Pie made her amends with Discord by throwing him a party of Friendship. Twilight and Spike are the first to greet Discord in Ponyville.

"Hey, Discord," Twilight and Spike said.

"Hello, Twilight, Spike. How are you two doing?"

"I'm doing good, Discord," Spike replies.

"I'm good, Discord. Princess Celestia sent me an equation that Starswirl the Bearded worked on years ago but abandoned it. I'm planning on solving the equation after the hangout. I was going to do it last night but, I figured after the hangout, I'll get to it. I didn't want to miss a hangout day with my new best friend."

Discord smiles a bit. Understanding that Twilight has already called him a friend but giving him the title best friend was a bit too soon. He couldn't help that Twilight is up to something but, reading her eyes say otherwise.

"It's only been two weeks, Twilight. Calling me your best friend, is a bit too early, no?"

"Well, with a deity like you who is available more often than the Princesses, I don't see why not to call you my best friend."

"Right," Discord shrugs it off. "What equation did Celestia sent you?"

"Something about marks and destiny. I didn't cast the spell but, just read it out loud. To get an idea of what the spell's meaning."

"I'll wish you luck in that department, Twilight."

Rarity and Rainbow Dash arrives. Rainbow has a beach ball and a beach chair on her and, Rarity has her beach chair, umbrella, and blanket.

"Hey, Discord," Rainbow and Rarity said.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash. Hey, Rarity," Discord responds.

"So, Pinkie Pie will be waiting for us at the lake. She'll be setting up the party there," Rainbow said, giving the status to everyone.

"Fluttershy should be here in a few minutes or so. She is talking with Applejack," Rarity said.

"I assume Fluttershy is trying to convince Applejack to join us?" Discord ask.

"Yes. We've been trying to urge Applejack to let bygones be bygones but, her grudge and stubbornness have gotten the better of her."

"Applejack considers you to be a heartless monster who wouldn't help her find or bring Apple Bloom to her," Rainbow states.

"As I mentioned, during the time I was rude, what has happened with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, it's not in my place to clean that mess up. It's not in my place to interfere unless it's problematic to all of Equestria. I can only say if they are alright or not."

"Are they alright, Discord?" Rarity sincerely asks.

"Yes," Discord replies with sympathy. "Your sister and her friends are alright. I will say it is best to move on and let them be."

Rarity and Rainbow Dash shook their head after hearing that.

"After what we've done, we can't let them go. We need to make things right. We'll continue to look for them," Rarity said.

"As your friend, I urge you to let them go. "

Rainbow and Rarity give Discord a different look. A look of determination. There is nothing that'll change their minds. Discord sees it and sighs. He can say that he tried to warn them.

"Well, at least I warn you."

"Why are you suggesting them to let them go, Discord?" Twilight question out of curiosity.

Discord turns to Twilight. "It is for the best to move on, Twilight. The longer you hold onto the past, the stronger it has over you."

Rarity and Rainbow Dash ignored what Discord had to say to Twilight. They are determined to make amends with the CMC. They will not give up until they see them. No matter the cost.

"I'll keep what you said in mind, Discord. It will be helpful advice in friendship."

"Good Twilight. Perhaps, that advice can help your friends."

"Our friends, Discord," Twilight said firmly.

"Applejack is not my friend," Discord retorts. "She will never be my friend with the attitude she has for me."

"Well, we can make all sorts of new friends so you can claim them as yours as well, Discord."

"Sure," Discord answers with his eyes closed and arms crossed.

Fluttershy arrives. She looks displeased and distressed with her head down.

"Hey, Fluttershy. Something wrong?" Discord asks, opening his eyes and turning to Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy has tears in her eyes when she looks at Discord.

"Oh, Discord. I tried my best to bring Applejack. She refused to come until you are gone. I tried to persuade Applejack into starting a new with you but, her face tells me otherwise. I've never seen so much hate coming from her. I can feel it, Discord. Applejack hates you with all of her heart."

"Go figure," Discord said as he hugs his best friend.

The girls joined in a group hug. After a while, Discord snaps his claw to spawn a box of tissues for Fluttershy to use. She wipes her eyes and relaxes. After a few minutes of recollecting herself, the gang decides to head to the lake now.

At Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack is bucking more trees for apples in anger. She has drawings of Discord's face on each tree to kick harder. Big Mac and Granny Smith tried their best to give Discord a chance. Applejack gives them her death stare for mentioning Discord during their conversations. Big Mac worries that Applejack is walking on a dangerous path with the hate she has for Discord. Applejack bucks down another tree in her anger. For the past two weeks, Applejack has bucked down forty trees. She works extra hours to plant new apple seeds for the trees to grow back.

The entire Apple Family decides to visit Applejack. Granny Smith wrote letters about Applejack's current mood. Hopefully, being surrounded by the family will help her ease tensions within her. Braeburn trots to Applejack to have a discussion.

"Howdy, Cousin Applejack. How are you holding up?" Braeburn asks cautiously.

"Fine. Why are you here, Braeburn?"

"The family has come to see you, cousin. We are worried about you."

"Go home. I am perfectly fine," Applejack responds sternly.

"You don't sound fine with me, cuz. You sound angry and distressed."

"Do I look angry and distressed?!" Applejack glares at Braeburn. Her face is red as an apple.

"Yes, you do. You are lying to yourself," Braeburn answers calmly.

"Hah, that's a new one."

"Cuz, you are lying to yourself. You are hurt. I understand that."

"You don't understand! No pony understands what I'm going through and who I'm dealing with!"

"Cuz, talk to me. Let me help-" Braeburn is cut off by Applejack.

"NO!" Applejack angrily shouts. "The only way you can help is by telling Discord to bring my sister to me, if you can't do that then, you are useless to me!"

"Applejack..," Braeburn is speechless. He watches Applejack trot elsewhere in the orchard. Braeburn frowns and heads to the Apple house.

Around that time, Discord, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Spike arrives at the lake. They see lots of decorations and a beach-themed party. A table with all sorts of foods, desserts, and drinks, a volleyball net set up at the side of the lake, lounge floaties in the lake, a hot tub for Spike, and pool toys for the lake. Everyone except for Discord is impressed with Pinkie's handiwork. Pinkie gazes at her friend and sees one pony missing. She frowns, knowing that Applejack refuses to come when Discord is around.

"I like the effort you put into for the hangout, Pinkie Pie," Fluttershy encouragingly said.

Pinkie Pie smiles a bit. "Thank you, Fluttershy."

"Cool hot tub, Pinkie," Spike said as he gets in and relaxes.

"Thank you, Spike," Pinkie said as her smile grows wider.

Rainbow Dash and Rarity place their beach chairs on the side. Twilight and Fluttershy grab a drink and some snacks Pinkie placed on the table. Discord puts himself into a cannon and shoots himself into the lake.

"Cannonball!" He shouts excitedly. The impact of his landing causes a wave to emerge in which Pinkie Pie surfs on her tail. Discord and Pinkie Pie have a good laugh as everypony else gets wet by the aftermath. Rarity pouts a bit for getting wet too early as the rest laugh as well.

"Do that again!" Pinkie shouts excitedly.

Discord agrees and shoots himself into the lake after getting into the cannon. Pinkie Pie rides the wave once more. Rarity uses her magic to repel the splashes as she is not ready to get wet again. Twilight gets on a lounge floaty to relax. Rarity sits down on her beach chair. Rainbow Dash flies up to a cloud and does her cannonball to match Discord's splash in the lake. She comes up short.

As everyone has fun with each other at the lake, Granny Smith is issuing a family meeting of Applejack's recent behavior.

"I know that when we all came together, it was to help Applejack find her sister and to help her change her demeanor when she went stir crazy. Now, I ask you all to help change her demeanor again," Granny said.

"Every day, Applejack draws pictures of Discord and tapes them on the trees. Her bucking is so ferocious apple trees have fallen left and right," Big Mac explains.

"I talked with Cousin Applejack earlier. I've never seen so much hatred for Discord. She's lying to herself and believing in it too. Does anypony know where Discord could be at right now?" Braeburn asks.

"He's actually at the lake with Applejack's friends as we speak. Why you asked, Braeburn?" Big Mac questions.

"Cousin Applejack told me how to help her," Braeburn looking down. "I have to get Discord to bring Apple Bloom to Applejack. Could be the only way to ease the hatred she's developed of him."

"I don't think talking with Discord will help. You can try but, I doubt it'll work," Big Mac sadly states.

Braeburn sighs heavily. "I'll try my best. Hopefully, he'll listen to reason," Braeburn leaves the Apple house. He sees Applejack bucking another apple tree down in anger. It worries him more than frightens him.

"While Braeburn has his discussion with Discord, let's try to cheer up Applejack by all means necessary," Granny said.

Everypony in the Apple house agrees and leaves the house. They ask Applejack to take a break and attend for lunch. Hopefully, to ease things up before cheering her up.

Braeburn trots to the lake. On the way there, he sees a water fight happening. He observes the water fight thoroughly. Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Twilight is one team, Discord, Pinkie, and Spike is team two. They've thrown water balloons at each other and shoot water guns at each other as well. Braeburn sees Applejack's friends having fun and not being feared by Discord. Braeburn calms himself and approaches the group. Pinkie Pie inadvertently throws a water balloon at Braeburn, knocking him down.

"Ceasefire, everypony!" Discord shouts.

Everypony stops then turn to Braeburn.

"That's mighty aiming, Pinkie Pie," Braeburn shrugs the water off.

"Oops. My apologies, Braeburn," Pinkie said.

"Braeburn? What are you doing here?" Twilight asks.

"Visiting Cousin Applejack after receiving an emergency letter from Granny Smith."

"Oh no, did something happened?" Twilight asks worrisomely.

"Nothing life-threatening. It's Applejack, though."

"Let me take a guess," Discord approaches Braeburn. Braeburn sweats a bit. "It's about Applejack's hatred towards me."

Braeburn nods. "Applejack wants her sister back. You are the only creature who can bring Apple Bloom back home. I understand that you declined in the past but, I'm asking. Can you bring Apple Bloom and her friends back home? It could be the only way to reduce Applejack's hatred. Plus, she's been using her hatred to knock the trees down."

Discord looks at Braeburn and sighs heavily. "I cannot bring Apple Bloom and her friends back home. As I stated in a harsh tone, it's not my mess to clean up. It's hers. She hasn't cleaned up my messes nor reformed me. I will put the hangout on hold to have a thorough conversation with Applejack. Hopefully, we can tone down the hatred."

Braeburn sighs heavily. "Alright, I hope for the best it can resolve her anger and hatred on you."

"We're coming too," Twilight said. The others chime in as well in terms of helping Applejack.

"Thank you," Braeburn gratefully expressed.

Braeburn leads the group to Sweet Apple Acres. On the way there, they see Applejack eating an apple fritter with her family. She has decency to eat with her family but refuses to speak. Everypony gazes at Discord when he approaches to the table. He takes a deep breath. Twilight and her friends stand aside as Discord approaches Applejack.

"Hey, Applejack."

"Discord," Applejack coldly responds. "What do you want?"

"I want to talk with you."

"So," Applejack drinks her apple cider in one chug. "You're here to bring my sister back to me?"

Discord shook his head. "No, I want to talk to you."

"There is nothing to talk about since you are refusing to help me make amends with my sister. You know, you owe us for releasing you from your stony prison. I, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity could have said no to use our element to free you but, we didn't. We hoped that after you reform, you've could have used your power to bring us our sisters back or teleport us to them. No! Instead, you neglected us from seeing Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo!"

Rarity and Rainbow Dash thought what Applejack said about using the elements to free Discord's stony prison state. However, they didn't take the time to help Fluttershy reform him. They have nothing to hold back against Discord. They accepted the terms of Discord and his new principals. They will locate Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo soon.

"It wasn't my place to clean up a regret you've made towards your sister. It wasn't in my place to clean up the mess that everypony committed in Ponyville. I'm not a genie that grants wishes. The day I reformed, I learned that not everything can be your way. You have to learn that not everything can be your way, Applejack. Otherwise, there is no balance in friendship."

"Friendship?! What the hay you know about, Friendship?!" Applejack angrily roars.

Discord takes a deep breath. "More than enough to know the principals of Friendship. Helping friends is good but, respecting the decisions is another. I apologize for my rude behavior that day last week. It was uncalled for."

"Darn right it was."

"Also, I'm not your enemy. You are, Applejack."

"How so?" Applejack glares at Discord.

"Applejack," Twilight said. She walks in front of Discord. "It is for the best to move on. The longer you hold onto the past, the stronger it has over you."

"The past?" Applejack confusingly question.

"Your hatred for Discord has blinded you from the pony you are. You are relentlessly knocking your apple trees down due to your hatred. You can't accept the reality that Discord is not at fault for making things better. It is up to us to create a better tomorrow. There are things Discord cannot do for us and, it's the right reason. We can't be selfish and use Discord however we want. We messed up for not helping our friend Fluttershy to reform Discord. There is a level of trust to build up. All except for Fluttershy failed to build trust for Discord. We're in the process of doing so, and, you should too."

"Cousin Applejack," Braeburn steps up. "We are worried about your well-being. You've been lying to yourself and believing in it. You have a vendetta against Discord. It's time to let go of the hatred. Start anew with Discord and build something greater. If Apple Bloom were to see you now, how you think she's going to react?"

Applejack punches Braeburn in frustration and anger. "How dare you ask me that?!" Applejack looks down at Braeburn. He has a bloody nose. Discord uses his magic to alter Applejack's mind into seeing Apple Bloom instead of Braeburn. Applejack's eyes widen in horror. She steps back. Braeburn has some tears in his eyes. Applejack couldn't stop seeing Apple Bloom tearing up.

"Wh-What have I... Wh-What have I..." Applejack starts shaking. Discord uses his magic to manipulate Applejack's mind a bit more to see the error of her ways. Her hatred caused her family member to shed blood. Applejack apologizes immediately. She kept apologizing over and over, but, mentions Apple Bloom's name. Everypony around Discord is, caught by surprise. Twilight looks at Discord and, he sends her a telepathic message.

"Forgive me, Twilight. I've altered Applejack's vision and mind into seeing Apple Bloom instead of Braeburn. I'm hoping this turns out for the better. Please, do not let anypony know of this."

"Alright, I'll keep my mouth shut. I hate to keep secrets away from my friends."

"Thank you, Twilight."

Applejack hugs Braeburn and continues to apologize. She promises to start things all over, not allowing anger to possess her again and to change herself for the better. When Applejack rubs her eyes, Discord lifts his magic, allowing Applejack to see Braeburn.

"Applejack, are you alright?" Braeburn asks.

Applejack took deep breathes to calm herself then sees Braeburn with a bloody nose. She couldn't tell if her mind was playing tricks on her. Right now, she sees the error of her ways. Her anger cause a relative to bleed.

"I'm sorry.., Braeburn," Applejack lowers her head.

"It's okay, Applejack."

"No, it's not. I allowed my anger to get the better of me. I allowed my anger to possess me like a puppet," Applejack looks around at the worried faces of her friends and family. She looks at Discord for a moment then looks the other way. She still has strong feelings against him but she needs time to recover. "Excuse me," Applejack pardons herself.

Discord spawns a first-aid kit for Braeburn to use for his bloody nose.

"Thanks, Discord."

"You're welcome. I think we should let Applejack be for a while."

"Agreed," Braeburn said, speaking for the entire Apple family present.

Three days later, Discord arrives in Ponyville. He decides to check on Applejack at Sweet Apple Acres. On the way there, he sees Applejack by the clubhouse. He observes as Applejack is holding onto the ribbon that Apple Bloom would wear inside the clubhouse.

"Hey, Applejack."

"Howdy, Discord..," Applejack sadly and tiredly said.

"How are you holding up?"

"Better, I guess. I haven't knocked down any apple trees in a while. Why are you here, Discord?"

"You are Fluttershy's friend. She and the rest worry about you. I know you don't like me but, understand what I have to say-" Applejack cuts off Discord.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for how I behaved and treated you. I took your advice and Twilight to heart. I accepted what Braeburn and the rest of the Apple family had to say of me. I was lying to myself. I was an angered possessed pony. I was selfish. I'm a monster. I didn't listen to my sister when she came to chat we my brother and me months ago. I didn't take the time to talk with her. Big Mac and I pushed her away. It was wrong for me to use you like a genie. I didn't care about you but, now I do."

"You do?" Discord responds in curiosity.

"Yes. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Spike, and the Princesses trust you. I want to make amends and earn your friendship."

Discord is reading Applejack's eyes. He sees that Applejack is telling the truth.

"Are you sure you want to make amends and work your way up to be my friend or, are you going to use me to get what you want?" Discord asks as he crosses his arms.

Without hesitation, Applejack talk. "I want to be your friend. I want to make amends and start a new chapter in my life. I can't hold on to the past any longer. I need to move forward. By taking the first step to a brighter future, I need to start with you."

Discord smiles. "Alright, I'll accept your friendship, Applejack. It's going to be a long road. I think you'll manage."

The two embrace in a hug, Discord sees a powerful essence leaving Applejack's body. The hatred that Applejack once had is now gone. Discord sighs in relief. The two stop hugging each other.

"Well, I better head back to the farm. I have to finish planting for the new apple trees to replace the ones I've knocked down."

"Need some help, Applejack?"


Discord and Applejack work together in planting the apple trees all over Sweet Apple Acres. The two work all day. Throughout the day, they talk and get to know more about each other. Applejack learns that Discord follows different protocols in Equestria now that he's reformed. He is allowed to spread his chaos when needed. Discord mentions that Apple Bloom and her friends are alright but urges Applejack to let them be. Applejack, now rejuvenated, ignores Discord. She is determined to find Apple Bloom on her own. Discord said at least I tried to warn you. After the day ends, Discord tells Applejack that he'll be arriving in Ponyville in two weeks for a hangout session with the girls. Applejack accepts the invite. Discord opens a door heading back home as Applejack trots to the Apple house.

On the way back to the Apple house, the Apple family surprise Applejack with an Apple Family reunion.

"We understand how you are feeling as of late, Cousin Applejack. We want to show you that we still love you and support you. Someday, we will find our sister of the family," Everypony agrees.

"Thank you for showing me the error of my ways. I promise to each of you that I won't allow my anger and hatred to possess me like a puppet ever again. We will find Apple Bloom. I will never stop searching for her."

The Apple family parties all night long at Sweet Apple Acres. The turning point in Applejack's new chapter in life starting smoothly. Someday soon, Applejack will try to reunite herself with Apple Bloom and make amends. She will make things right with Rainbow Dash and Rarity.

Moving Forward

Aunt Lofty and Aunt Holiday finally found somepony willing to buy their property. It's been three weeks since Scootaloo and her friends came to Ponyville. They are missing their niece so much. They are in the process of packing up. Lofty puts the map of Starlight's village in her purse. Holiday is cleaning the house nicely for the buyer when they move in. Rainbow Dash comes by after hearing the two announcing the news last night at the book club. She knocks on the door and Lofty answers.

"Are you two serious? Why are you leaving Ponyville? You two didn't mention the reason last night."

"It should be obvious by now, Rainbow Dash. We're moving away from the ponies that caused the disturbance in our family."

"Oh, right..," Rainbow said awkwardly.

"So, to begin our new lives, we need to be with ponies who won't discriminate young fillies over a minor gossip and out of spite."

"But, I, we..." Rainbow struggles with her wording.

"Look. We don't know if Scootaloo is alive or dead. What we do know is, we are hurting and missing our Scootaloo."

"Scootaloo is alive! She is well!" Rainbow shouts.

"How do you know and not us?" Lofty angrily said.

"Discord told us! Discord has been telling my friends and me about Scootaloo's status!" Rainbow exclaims.

"Perhaps he is lying to you. He is the Lord of Chaos," Holiday cynically states.

"Discord is not the sort to lie, Holiday. He is my friend."

"Sometimes, friends lie to make it sound convincing," Lofty answers.

"If Discord knows that Scootaloo is alive, where is she?" Holiday asks.

"Discord isn't allowed to help us locate Scootaloo. It'll be a violation of his newer duties given to Princess Celestia. He can only say how she is doing."

"More like, lie to your face every time with his perfect chaos magic," Lofty scolds and closes the door on Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash sighs and flies off. Lofty and Holiday sigh in relief. They don't want to scold and scoff at Rainbow any longer. After an hour, the buyer comes by and knocks on the door. Holiday answers the door.

"Hello, Chunky Cookie."

"Hello, Holiday," Chunky walks inside the house.

"As we agreed, you may keep the furniture. Lofty and I have everything we need."

"Thank you for your kindness. My wife and I appreciate it."

"Where are Crispy and Chocolate Chip?" Lofty asks.

"Crispy took our son Chocolate Chip to school. Crispy should be at the restaurant nearby for the interview."

"That's good. I hope you'll enjoy your stay in Ponyville," Holiday said.

"We will. We're looking forward to new beginnings."

"Same with us," Holiday and Lofty replies happily.

"Have a nice day, you two," Chunky said.

"You too," Holiday and Lofty respond.

Lofty and Holiday gather their belongings and leave the house as they hand the keys to Chunky. Chunky waves goodbye at them. Lofty and Holiday trot together to the train station, waiting for the next train. During that time, Discord arrives in Ponyville and sees Lofty and Holiday waiting for the next upcoming train. Discord approaches to meet the two.

"Hello, Lofty and Holiday."

Holiday and Lofty stare at the Draqonecuus, giving him a blank expression.

"I see that you two are upset and leaving Ponyville," Discord looks around as no pony else is in sight. Only Lofty and Holiday are present at the train station. "I assume you two are going to live with Scootaloo."

Eyes widen for Lofty and Holiday. They are stunned by Discord's guess and start questioning in their minds whether if he can read minds or not.

"How did you..?" Lofty asks shakenly.

"I can see the stories written in your eyes based on reading them. My chaotic nature allows me to do things others cannot. I assure you that I won't be telling or helping Rainbow Dash and her friends."

Jaws drop for Lofty and Holiday. They started questioning once more in their minds. Discord sees the expressions of stun and shock written on their faces. He hopes to reassure them that he won't be revealing anything to his friends no matter what.

"Why is that? Surely, you can expose us for what we are hiding," Holiday worrisome responds.

"Under normal circumstances of my chaotic nature and behavior, I would expose you right then and there. However, I am a new draqonecuus through friendship. I have new responsibilities to uphold, new principals as well. I told Rainbow Dash and her friends it's not in my place to clean up their messes, it is their's when they ask of me to transport them to Scootaloo and her friends. I wasn't going to allow them to use me cause I know exactly where they are at."

"So, you're going to keep this a secret?" Lofty asks.

"Yes. I won't allow anypony to track you two to Scootaloo and her friends. They are entitled to the lives they have chosen. I can sense the anger the ponies of Ponyville have inflicted on them. Normally I get that kind of hate. I can't promise Rainbow Dash and her friends in finding them, they are determined to locate Scootaloo and her friends."

"Can you slow them down?" Holiday graciously asks.

"I'll try to slow them down as best as I can."

"Thank you, Discord." Lofty and Holiday said.

"You're welcome. Now, if you two excuse me, I have a meeting with Princess Twilight Sparkle," Discord said as he flies to the Golden Oak Library.

As Discord flies off, the train arrives at the station. Holiday and Lofty got on the train. Minutes later, the train leaves. Lofty pulls the map from her purse and examines how long it'll be to get to their destination.

"Alright, we have a few hours on the train till we reach our destination."

"Sounds good. I can't wait to see our niece," Holiday cheerfully said.

Ten minutes later. Discord arrives at the Golden Oak Library. He enters and sees his friends comforting Rainbow Dash.

"Something happened, Rainbow Dash?" DIscord asks.

"Yea. Scootaloo's aunts are leaving Ponyville. They hate me..,"

"No pony can hate forever, Rainbow Dash. I'm sure they are still hurting by what has happened months ago."

"I even tried to explain that Scootaloo is alive and well. They didn't listen to me. I used your name and, they ought to believe you as a liar."

"I wouldn't blame them for calling and believing me to be a liar. My title has that kind of recognition."

"But your not, right Discord?" Applejack asks.

"As Fluttershy is my witness, I have not to lie to any of you," Discord firmly states.

"Really? Do you know where her aunts are going?" Rarity asks as she raises an eyebrow of suspicion.

"Lofty and Holiday are going to a better place for better beginnings. They'll be happier where they are going."

"So, where are they located?" Twilight asks, hoping to see if Discord would reveal their location. It could be crucial to locate the CMC in different aspects of Equestria.

"As far as I know, they are moving into a simple village where everypony treats each other with love, fellowship, and understanding. That's all I can tell you."

Twilight's expression fades a bit. Discord catches Twilight's intentions and shrugs it off for now. He understands what the girls may try to do in locating the CMC.

"Well, thank you for the info, Discord. So much for my idea," Twilight said.

"Which was?" Discord crossed his arms as he looks down at Twilight.

"If I knew where the two are heading, I can search in different areas to locate our missing filly friends. We put the search on hold for numerous reasons. Using the info you've given us, I could be able to pinpoint different regions of Equestria. A simple village is not as simple to find in the Equestrian maps."

"Is there anything else you can tell us, Discord?" Applejack asks, looking up at her friend.

Discord shakes his head. "You know I can't give out exact info like that. I can only describe as much as I can without violating my new principals."

Applejack sighs heavily. "Understood."

"I do recommend you all to stop your pursuit. You need to move on for a better tomorrow."

"We will once we find the CMC," Rainbow proudly states.

"I urge you to let go of the past."

The girls shake their heads. They are determined to find them no matter the cost. Discord decides to use his magic to slow them down until the message comes clear to them. He has a promise to uphold to Scootaloo's aunts so they can be happy with their niece. When he sees the girls packing up to search, he'll spawn a monster to cause trouble in Ponyville or something eerie similar.

Three hours have gone by as Lofty and Holiday reach their destination. The two leave the train and look at the map's instruction to get to Starlight's village. Two meters north of the train station, Night Glider and Double Diamond are at their stakeout station observing Lofty and Holiday's movements. The two are on their way to the village. Night Glider radios Starlight Glimmer.

"Starlight, Double Diamond, and I are seeing two mares heading in the direction of the village."

"Can you describe the two from your position?" Starlight said.

Scootaloo overhears the conversation. She is next to Starlight in her office, reading a book. She is excited and hopes that today is the day her aunts come to the village.

Night Glider looks through her binoculars for better detail of the two. "One mare is an earth pony. She is wearing a light blue scarf and has a sailor boat cutie mark. The other is a pegasus. She is wearing a light purple sweater and has a needle and thread as a cutie mark."

"My aunts are coming!" Scootaloo shouts and leaps in joy.

"Well, that confirms who they are. Come back to the village Night Glider. The same goes for you, Double Diamond. It's time to welcome home our heroes during the Zap Apple mission."

"Copy that, Starlight."

Night Glider and Double Diamond leave their stakeout station and travel back to the village fast. Lofty and Holiday look at the map to see if they are in the right direction. After taking a look, they are on the right path. The two have to cross the bridge and climb a mountain to see the village, then climb down to get there. During that time, Starlight asks Party Favor to arrange a party for the arrival of Scootaloo's aunts. He accepts and starts making preparations for the party.

It is now 4:30 in the afternoon. An hour and a half have gone by since Night Glider informed Starlight of Scootaloo's aunts. Everypony in the village is helping Party Favor design the welcome banner. Scootaloo is on watch with Night Glider on a cloud. Scootaloo is eager to see her aunts. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are helping Sugar Belle making the treats. Starlight is making sure that the house she and the others built for Scootaloo's aunt has everything they'll need in the long run. She hopes they'll like what they have in the house. Lofty and Holiday are resting on top of the mountain. They can see the village from afar.

"How interesting. The town looks like an equal sign," Holiday states.

"A symbol of equality in Friendship," Lofty replies.

"Just like how Scootaloo mentions in the letters she writes."

"Yea," Holiday takes out her binoculars to see the village better. "Lofty, look," Holiday hands Lofty the binoculars. "Scootaloo and her friend Night Glider is on a cloud."

"They are waiting for us. Also, I see several ponies arranging a party for our arrival."

"Well, let's not keep them waiting any longer."

Holiday and Lofty walk down the mountain. From afar, Scootaloo sees her aunts coming down. She alerts everypony to get in position. Half an hour later, Holiday and Lofty arrive in the village. Everypony shouts surprise and, Scootaloo runs to her aunts hugging them. They return the hug happily. Starlight trots up to the two.

"Welcome to my village. Glad you can make it," Starlight smiles.

"Thank you for the warm welcome," Holiday said.

"I'm so happy you two are here. You're finally home," Scootaloo said happily, tears streaming on her face. She couldn't help but smile more.

"It's great to be home," Lofty and Holiday said.

"C'mon, I have to introduce you to everypony else in the village!" Scootaloo happily shouts.

Lofty and Holiday smile once more as Scootaloo shows them everypony in the village. For the next few hours, Scootaloo introduced everypony to her aunts. They give their gratitudes for the Zap Apple mission. Lofty and Holiday give their gratitude for taking care of their niece and friends for the last few months. Everypony parties and have a good time. Lofty and Holiday couldn't help but smile more. Something they haven't felt in a town in a long time. For the first time in a long time, they feel right at home.

As nightfall approaches, everypony helps Party Favor clean up. Starlight takes Holiday and Lofty to their new house. The house is next to Sugar Belle's house.

"Here you go, you two," Starlight opens the door.

Holiday and Lofty walks inside. They explore their home. The furniture is eerie similar to what they had back in Ponyville. Even arrange in a similar format.

"Do you like it?" Starlight asks.

"It's perfect. Thank you," Lofty said.

"It's near-identical to our house back in Ponyville," Holiday said.

"You can thank Scootaloo for that. She placed everything by memory," Starlight reply.

Scootaloo comes into the house as her friends head back home.

"Hi, Aunt Lofty and Aunt Holiday," Scootaloo happily said.

"Hi, Scootaloo," Lofty and Holiday answer.

"Mind if I stay over with you two for a while?"

"Not at all, Scootaloo," Lofty said.

"There is plenty of food and drinks in the kitchen. We have supplies delivered every week. There will be a meeting in a few days for everypony to come. Sometime during the week, I'll address how we associate in the village and show you the rules I created to keep my village a happy place."

"Also, we have a system for those who wronged us in the past," Scootaloo mentions.

"Alright, then. We have a lot of catching up to do," Lofty states.

"Goodnight, Scootaloo," Starlight kisses her forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye Starly, goodnight," Scootaloo waves as Starlight leaves the house.

Lofty, Holiday, and Scootaloo get ready for bed as Starlight trots home. On the way back home, it's 9:30 at night. Starlight goes upstairs to tuck Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom on the bed. She kisses their foreheads as they drift to sleep. Starlight trots downstairs to her office to talk to herself.

"Lofty and Holiday are the newest residents in my village," Starlight starts walking in a circular motion. "It's great to see Scootaloo smiling more. I wish that could be the same for Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. However, their family betrayed them. The villagers and I will continue to shower them with love by means of friendship and family. That'll never change. Explaining the justice system to the new residents will be a bit difficult but, I believe they'll understand the motives behind it." Starlight stops walking in her circular pattern. "I'll have to explain more thoroughly with Scootaloo at my side. She can explain more in-depth with her ideas mixed in the justice system," Starlight yawns. "Time for bed."

Starlight leaves her office and goes to the living room. She curls on her comfy couch and drifts to sleep.

Diamond Tiara Caught

Royal Guards are searching for an escapee known as Diamond Tiara. Diamond Tiara has been heavily resistant to the Royal Guard Boot Camp. Every day it's hard labor, fitness, and discipline. She gets yelled at, physically shove down for push-ups, and having to eat military food. She had enough of being treated as a criminal. It's time for a change in pace in her life. Using what she'd learn in the boot camp, she camouflages herself to blend in the trees during the late-night as the Royal Guards patrol the area. After a while, Diamond Tiara found a cave nearby and rests in the shadows of the cave.

The next day, Diamond Tiara wakes up and scouts the area of the cave. No Royal Guards have come into the cave. Using this time, Diamond Tiara leaves the cave and makes a run for it. In the direction that Diamond Tiara decides to follow through, she sees a search team.

"Crud, they won't give up..," She said quietly. Diamond sees a wine bottle on the ground near her. "Who would litter a wine bottle?" Diamond shrugs and grabs it. She then chugs it far from her as the search team hears a loud sound. They go after the noise they heard. "Hehehe, suckers," Diamond sprints off in the other direction.

Hours go by as Diamond Tiara is now heading into the forest region of Foal Mountain. She stops by to take a drink. Knowingly, she can't go back home. Diamond will devise a plan to get back at her father then the CMC for making her life harder after running away. Diamond sees an upcoming train slowing down, she gallops to the rear of the train and hops on in the cargo area. She hopes the next stop of the train isn't Ponyville and leading to a search team of Royal Guards. Another has gone by as the train is slowing down. Diamond Tiara gets off the train and sees a trail way. She decides to follow the trail way hoping it'll lead to a town. To start her life over until she forms a squadron to kidnap her father Rich and torture him while taking all of his profits. Unknown to her, there is a stakeout observing her every movement. He radios Starlight Glimmer.

"Starlight Glimmer, I see a filly heading her way to the village," Booster said.

"Describe the filly as best as you can. I need to go over the list of those who wronged."

Booster uses his binoculars to see more of the filly as she walks.

"The filly I'm seeing is wearing a Royal Guard uniform. The one's troublemakers will wear at the Royal Guard Boot Camp. She's pink and has a tiara as a cutie mark." Starlight Glimmer looks at the list and sees a match. "Do we have a match, Starlight?"

"Yes. We have a match on the list. It's Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo's bully from Ponyville."

"Alright, then. Get everyone in position. Let the girls know who's coming for their sentencing."

"I will, Booster. Thanks for the heads up."

"You're welcome."

"Apple Bloom! Sweetie Belle! Come down, please."

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle goes downstairs and into Starlight's office. They are wondering why she called them down.

"What's up, Starly?" Apple asks in curiosity.

"Remember that bully you mentioned of blackmailing you?"

Applejack and Sweetie Belle grit their teeth. Being reminded of Diamond Tiara brings back a lot of hate during her bullying reign.

"Yes, what about her?" Sweetie Belle asks as she grits her teeth angrily.

Starlight smiles sinisterly. "Diamond Tiara is coming to the village soon. She should be here in two hours."

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle smile happily. They leave the house and heads to Lofty and Holiday's house to inform them of the great news. Starlight Glimmer activates an alarm system, signaling everyone to prepare for the newcomer. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo knock on the door. Scootaloo answers the door.

"Hey, girls, what's up?"

"Diamond Tiara is coming!" Sweetie Belle shouts excitedly.

"She is?" Scootaloo's eyes beam with excitement.

"Yes. Starly sounded the alarms. Time to put Diamond Tiara in her place."

Everypony starts getting ready in the village. Diamond Tiara feels she's being watched by somepony as she walks to her destination. Booster Shot is hopping from cloud to cloud to keep a close eye on Diamond Tiara. Diamond Tiara continues to follow the path to the village.

Two hours later. Diamond Tiara is now looking down at the village from afar. She sees an equal symbol.

"Must be one of those towns that reject the Princesses' ruling in Equestria," Diamond said calmly. "Perhaps, my new life will start here. I'll build my empire to take down my father," Diamond Tiara starts climbing down the mountain.

Half an hour later, Diamond Tiara arrives. She is stunned to see no pony present. It's not even nighttime and, something isn't right with her. She feels that the Royal Guards have this place set up as a ghost town to capture escapees. In an instant, Diamond Tiara is grabbed and put into a sack. The pegasus flies to the cave as Diamond Tiara starts screaming for help.

Twenty minutes later, the pegasus arrives at the cave. She drops the sack. Diamond Tiara struggles to get loose.

"Let me out of here! Help!" Diamond Tiara shouts angrily.

A pegasus pulls her head out of the sack then tightens it to prevent the rest of her from escaping. Diamond Tiara looks around and sees a vault filled with a cutie mark. She starts questioning in her mind as she struggles frantically.

"Where am I?! Answer me!"

Starlight Glimmer walks out of the shadows with the Staff of Sameness.

"Who in Celestia are you?!" Diamond angrily demands.

"To you, call me the executioner."

Diamond Tiara is now scared. Somepony calling herself the executioner is causing her to think she's going to die.

"What have I've done to deserve this?!" Diamond whines.

"Well, I know a whole lot," Scootaloo said, stepping out of the shadows.

"You!" Diamond Tiara states angrily.

"Don't forget about us," Apple Bloom said, stepping out of the shadows as well.

"We waited a long time for this," Sweetie Belle said, stepping out of the shadows.

More ponies are stepping out of the shadows wearing dark robes. They glare at Diamond Tiara. Diamond Tiara starts sweating in fear and pants heavily.

"Please, let me go. I won't bother you three anymore. I promise."

"You won't bother us in a few moments. You see, Diamond Tiara, we can never come back home to Ponyville. You used us for your benefit," Apple Bloom states calmly.

"You bullied us every day for having no cutie marks. Calling us blank flanks every day and mocking our attempts to gain one," Sweetie Belle said calmly.

"You ignored us and turned us into monsters. Everypony in Ponyville hates us. So to get even with you for calling us blank flanks, we're going to strip your cutie mark away," Scootaloo said sinisterly.

Diamond Tiara's jaw drops in horror. Hearing the idea of stripping a pony's cutie mark is inhumane. Diamond Tiara starts crying and apologizing over and over. She wishes for a different punishment. Any punishment that doesn't strip her cutie mark away.

"Too late to apologize, Diamond Tiara. You're getting what you deserve," Scootaloo said. "Executioner, deliver the blow."

"You got it," Starlight said. She uses her magic to levitate Diamond Tiara out of the sack. Diamond Tiara struggles in hopes of getting free from Starlight's grip. Starlight uses her magic to activate the Staff of Sameness. In a few moments, the Staff strips Diamond Tiara's cutie mark. Diamond Tiara burst into tears as she sees her cutie mark placed in the vault. An equal cutie mark is formed on her flank as it horrifying her.

"My cutie mark!" Diamond Tiara screams in sadness.

"Gone, for all eternity," Starlight said as she places the Staff of Sameness away.

"Nooooooooooooo!" Diamond Tiara weeps. "You three... are... monsters... So are you.., executioner."

"We're different. We bring the light of hope. We bring salvation to those who are hurt by monsters, such as yourself. Bullies, monsters, and those who wronged us have no place in our home," Starlight said with a slight smile on her face.

"Wha-What are you going to do with me now? Diamond Tiara sniffs.

"That's easy," Sweetie Belle giggles. "We're sending you away."

"To... where?" Diamond Tiara asks worrisome.

Starlight uses her magic to place Diamond Tiara back in the sack. She uses her magic to carry her to the waters as everypony else follows Starlight Glimmer. Half an hour later, Starlight places Diamond Tiara on a boat with no paddles. Diamond Tiara tries her best to get out of the sack. She sees the happy faces of the CMC and Starlight Glimmer.

"As Celestia as my witness! I swear I'll come for you all and take back what is mine! Then I'll destroy everything you built!"

"By the time that happens, we'll be too strong for you, Diamond Tiara," Scootaloo firmly states.

"Bye-bye, you bully. Have a not so safe trip," Apple Bloom said.

"Farewell, Diamond Doom," Sweetie Belle mocks.

The trio pushes the boat as it follows the current. The trio waves bye happily, knowing that Diamond Tiara got what she deserves. Starlight leads the way back to the village.

An hour later. Everypony arrives at the village. Starlight decides to have a quick town meeting to discuss future events.

"Alright, everyone, did anypony like the dark cult idea for justice?"

"I think it was a bit too dark in nature," Night Glider said.

"Yea. I'm all for getting payback but, that was a bit wicked," Double Diamond said.

"And disturbing as well," Party Favor concurs.

"Well, it's a work in progress. So far, Diamond Tiara is the only pony who showed up from the wronged list I have. With Lofty and Holiday, our new villagers, there wasn't time to teach them the routine we devised. They came two days ago," Starlight explains.

"Now, there is," Scootaloo said. "I will admit it was fun pretending to be a dark cult to strip Diamond Tiara's cutie mark. It made my day as well as my friends. However, we cannot continue to use that method. To get the better of those unwelcomed visitors, we'll have to play mind games. I suggest my first option of act one. We'll make them feel welcomed first, make them feel that there is a place for them, and then we strike."

Everyone agreed. Starlight concludes the town meeting.

"We'll continue the meeting tomorrow afternoon. Thank you for your participation today, everypony. Goodnight."

Everypony goes home. Two hours later, Diamond Tiara is staring at Luna's beautiful night. She exhausted herself with the struggling. The boat stops on a small island. She looks up to see a stallion with the same cutie mark as hers. He is a light yellow pegasus with an orange and red striped mane. He has a broken left wing.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Fire Flier. Who are you, little one?"

"I'm Diamond Tiara."

Diamond Tiara & Fire Flier

"So, you were once an arsonist?" Diamond Tiara asks as she's drinking coconut juice.

"Yea. Before then, I was training with my sister to become a Wonderbolt. The Wonderbolts dropped me before seeing my full potential. They got to witness my sister's potential and went with her," Fire said, tossing more wood into the small fire he made during the late night.

"So, what made you become an arsonist?"

"Well, after being let go by the Wonderbolts, I tried to apply myself to the Royal Guard. They denied my chance to show my full potential. No matter how hard I try, someone else gets the opportunity to present and get accepted. That's when I cursed Celestia's name and, burn the Royal Guard Training Facility."

"How were you able to burn that down?" Diamond intriguingly asks.

"Well," Fire chuckles. "I have a unique ability to create fires by flying at fast speeds. Using enough friction from flying low atmospheres, I create enough spark to create a fire hazard."

"When your left wing heals, can you show me a demonstration?"

"I tried to do that after I escaped my bonds from the dreaded Starlight Glimmer, I wind up crashing into a tree, and breaking my left wing. I've been stuck on this island for four months now."

"Have you tried swimming?"

"Can't swim. Also, we're near shark-infested waters. I would hate to be a free meal for them."

"Darn," Diamond pouts. "So much for my idea of swimming away."

"So, who is this Starlight Glimmer?"

"The light pink unicorn who owns a village. An equality village. Before having my cutie mark stripped away by the dreaded executioner, I scorched her crops and trees. Right after I burned the Royal Guard Training Facility, I swore to destroy everything that Celestia cherish in her land. Who would have known that the one pony I messed with would take something precious away from me," Fire sighs heavily.

"Funny that you called her the executioner, that's what I called her."

"Two minds think alike," Fire sits down.

"Yea," Diamond nods.

"So, you were rejected by the Royal Guard as well?"

"My story is different than yours."

"I'm listening."

"I didn't go to the Royal Guards willingly. I was forced there by my father as a punishment."

"Ah, The other Royal Guard facility for troubled ponies. So, what got you in that program."

"Do you like gossips?"

"Yea. I find them hilarious. Even if you were to stretch the truth."

"So, three of my classmates created a new title called Gabby Gums. Those three classmates of mine are known as; Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. They started creating minor gossips before it got bigger and better. I was chief of operations during that time or some other title. I forgot which was it. Gabby Gums became my bread and butter. Then, Apple Bloom and her friends wanted to quit, they wanted to change the pace. I said no. They kept writing their stories until they were caught and exposed. When they wanted to stop, I gave them an offer they couldn't refuse."

"Let me take a guess; you had dirt on them?"

Diamond Tiara chuckles. "You darn right, I did!" Diamond Tiara continues her tale of the Gabby Gums. She explains in full detail of the aftermath and her unfortunate downfall. She starts feeling sad and angry about how everypony treated her, the story she tells last for a half-hour.

"Wow, the town punished you more than they punished themselves. If it helps, I'll be happy to get revenge against those who betrayed you."

"Really?" Diamond Tiara eyes beamed with happiness for the first time in a long time.

"Sure. I'm still on my vengeful wrath against those who disapprove of me before seeing everything I have."

"Thank you, Fire Flier!" Diamond shouts happily.

"Ah, you're welcome."

"So, how are we going to escape the island?" Diamond asks.

"Well, my boat was totaled and, I had to use the remains to make my fires every night. Your boat is in better condition. Tomorrow, we'll make some oars and get off this island."

"Where would we go to?"

"For now, my sister's place."

"You're sister's place?" Diamond questions out of concern.

"She abandoned it before moving to Cloudsdale."

"How long she abandoned it?"

"Three years to be exact."

"So, uh, do you have friends that can help us?"

"I do. I'm part of an underground cult. Ponies who are rejected by others in the world. We can use you as another member."

"Count me in. Anything to get back at the executioner and, my dad. More importantly, those three savages that work with Starlight Glimmer."

"Together, we will rule a new Equestria."

The two laugh sinisterly for a while before going to sleep. The next day, Fire Flier and Diamond Tiara are breaking down some wood from the trees and try their best to make oars for navigating the waters.

"So, how long you think it's going to take?"

"At least half a day. If I didn't break my left wing, three hours at minimum without causing a fire."

The two get on the boat and leave the small island. Hours have gone by as it's starting to get dark. Diamond Tiara starts to getting sleeping as Fire Flier continues to row. He sees the house from the distance.

"Hey, kid. We're almost there."

Diamond Tiara rubs her eyes to see the house. She becomes excited and hungry.

"So, where are we?"

"Southern borders of Baltimare. Far away from the city. We'll be safe for a while."

After a few minutes, Fire rows the boat onto shore. He and Diamond Tiara gets off the boat and stretch. Fire Flier leads the way to the house and opens the door, allowing Diamond Tiara to enter.

"Wow, there are tons of Wonderbolt posters on the walls," Diamond said as she gazes around the house.

"My sister and I loved the Wonderbolts. Now, I hate them with every fiber of me," Fire said as he goes into the pantry. "Hmm, canned corn has another two months before it expires. Same with the canned beans and carrots. Hey kid, you want corn, beans, or carrots?"

"Corn will do until we get real food!" Diamond said.

"Give it time to get real food around these parks," Fire mutters to himself.

Diamond Tiara takes off her Royal Guard uniform. She found a gold tiara in a closet and puts it on.

"Meh, it'll do for now. Until I get mine back in Ponyville," Diamond goes to the kitchen.

"Here you go, kid," Fire gives Diamond a bowl of corn to eat.

"The house doesn't have much food. I'll go to town tomorrow to get a fresh supply for the week."

"Alright, then," Diamond said as she chows down on the corn. "I have to ask. Who is your sister?"

"Spitfire. Spitfire is my sister."

Diamond Tiara eyes widen in shock as she stopped eating. She looks at Fire Flier.

"You heard right; Spitfire is my sister. Someday, I'll burn what she built all those years ago."


Fire Flier is navigating Diamond Tiara into the tunnel system of Baltimare. It's been three days since arriving at Spitfire's abandoned house. Fire Flier received a special letter from the cult's current location yesterday. Diamond Tiara can't wait to join them.

"So, how far are these tunnels?" Diamond Tiara asks as her voice echos the tunnels.

"Far, and keep your voice down. These ways have ears at times," Fire said in a lowered tone.

"How is that possible?"

"If you think there is only one cult, then you are wrong. There are many in Equestria and, not everyone is on the same side."

"What's the name of this cult?"

"I cannot say until you are, initiated."

"Fine. How much longer?"

"Another half-hour."

Fire leads the way deeper into the tunnels. Half an hour later, the two come across an entrance with symbolic meanings. There are two guards holding torches.

"Fire Flier, welcome back," A red earth pony said.

"Thank you, Scattershot."

"Who is this one?" Looking at Diamond Tiara.

"Diamond Tiara. Our newest recruit."

"Let's see if she commits," Scattershot said. He stands aside to allow the two to enter.

"Let's go," Fire said.

Diamond Tiara walks in and sees a group of ponies sitting by a conference table. The looks at the ponies Diamond Tiara sees look broken and disturbed. Some ponies have scars on their faces and bodies. One unicorn has her horn broken with a scar on her right eye.

"Hello, Tempest."

"Fire Flier."

Diamond Tiara sees the two staring at each other like they hate each other.

"How is it working for the Storm King?" Fire coldly states.

"The Storm King shows promise in conquering the world. We're biding our time for the new incarnation of Princess Twilight Sparkle becoming stronger. When she does, we'll take down Canterlot, their forces will crumble, and their magic will belong to us," Tempest responds coldly.

Diamond Tiara begins to worry a bit due to the Storm King's plan. Tempest and Fire laugh. Now Diamond Tiara is confused on the matter.

"That idiot of the Storm King will more likely fall to his doom by doing that," Fire jokingly claims.

"We'll see what happens when the time comes."

"Uh, what is happening?" Diamond asks.

"Tempest and I go way back. Years after I scorched the Royal Guard Training Facility for rejecting me, I ran into Tempest. We agreed on certain things and joined the cult together. We've become friends in secrecy since."

"As much as I admire the Storm King on his promise, Fire believes he'll betray me once he has everything. I'm going to see it through when its time for the invasion."

"So, why be in a cult when you work for Storm King?"

"Storm King is my backup plan. The cult that Fire and I are in shows more promise. We're trying to plan our next move."

"I have a plan for all of you," Diamond sinisterly said.

"Care to tell us?" Tempest asks.

"After, I've been initialized into the cult."

"Bring the book here!" Tempest commands. An earth pony brings the book to her. She opens the book. "Place your hoof on the book."

Diamond Tiara places her hoof on the book.

"What is your name?" Tempest chants.

"Diamond Tiara!"

"Why are you here?"

"I'm here for many reasons. One, my father Rich put me in a boot camp for troubling ponies. Two, the Princesses scold me of being a bully. Three, the Executioner, Starlight Glimmer, stripped my cutie mark away. Four, a trio of friends sought to get revenge on me."

"How will you retaliate?"

"Making everyone suffer the way they made me suffer. Become a monster they'll fear for the rest of their miserable lives."

Tempest smiles. "Welcome to The Dark Order. On this day and further out, your mission is to make others suffer as we take over in the new world," A dark aura ring phases through Diamond Tiara. It causes her to cough and gasp a bit. "By joining The Dark Order, you are not allowed to speak of its name. If you try to disown The Dark Order to save yourself, the magic now inside will render you helpless and put you in a vegetative state. Do you understand?"

"Loud and clear," Diamond Tiara smiles devilishly.

"Tempest," A dark blue pegasus known as Jet Blaze walks in.

"Yes, Jet?"

"I've scouted the Crystal Empire as you requested. I have a horn for you to see." Eyes widen for Tempest. Jet Blaze reveals the horn to Tempest. "According to our research, there is a soul trapped within the horn."

"Who's horn, is it?" Tempest commands.

"King Sombra. Former ruler of the Crystal Empire before Princess Cadance took over. We believe with the Alicorn Amulet that we can remove Sombra's soul from the horn then, we can use the Alicorn Amulet's power to merge the horn with you."

Tempest takes a deep breath. "Bring Crimson here. I want the horn, now!"

"Right away, Tempest," Jet trots to get Crimson.

"Hmm, it looks like you won't be needing Storm King's help after all," Fire said.

"Even so, I'm going to see how far I can take this before reporting to the Storm King. If it fails, then I have his word on restoring my horn with his absolute power."

"100 bits he betrays you once he has absolute power," Fire said.

Tempest rolls her eyes as Jet trots back with Crimson. Crimson is a red unicorn with one eye. His mane is black.

"Ready, Tempest?" Crimson says as he puts on the Alicorn Amulet.

"Hurry it up. I waited too long for my horn," Tempest said, getting in position.

"As you wish," Crimson said. He uses his magic to tap into the Alicorn Amulet. Using his power, he remove King Sombra from his horn and containing him in a jar. Then, Crimson places the horn on Tempest to merge. After a few moments, a reddish dark orchid color aura forms. Sombra's magic fused with hers is giving Tempest more power than before. "There, it's done."

Everyone looks to see Tempest with her new horn. She looks the same except for her eyes. Greenish reddish-black is Tempest's eye color now. Tempest uses her magic to levitate a mirror to look at herself.

"The horn seems fitting. As for my eyes, I can input more fear on ponies."

"How do you feel?" Fire asks.

"More powerful than I was."

Sombra wakes up and notices his horn is gone. He tries to use force to break out of his containment.

"What's the meaning of this?!" Sombra angrily demands.

"I have better usage of your horn, your highness. Your powers are now mine. You are useless," Tempest scolds.

"When I get out of here, I'll have your head on a silver platter!"

"I'll look forward to defeating a helpless hornless shadow king when you are free. Crimson, put the jar away, its useless."

Crimson takes the jar away. Sombra roars vengeful threats and curses at Tempest.

"So, what kind of power are you feeling, Tempest?" Fire asks.

"I can now affect the minds of ponies using fear. Perhaps I can mind manipulate weaklings into becoming our soldiers for the hostile takeover."

"What about the Storm King?" Diamond Tiara mockingly asks.

"I got what I wanted and, I'm tired of him and waiting on his promises. He wants to conquer everything I say let him try without my help. I know the insides and out of his country and know how to cripple it with my new found magic. He and his soldiers will be powerless against us."

"You may need time to practice your newfound power, Tempest," Fire calmly suggests.

"Agree. I may have memories of Sombra's magic flowing through me but, to master his magic with mine will need time to adjust. Diamond Tiara?"

"Yes?" Diamond answers.

"What was that plan of yours?"

Diamond Tiara smiles. She imagines the day The Dark Order ruins her father's life, steal his riches and, building a better underground network, affiliated with other groups to take down the higher-ups.

"The next plan of action for The Dark Order should be kidnapping my father, Filthy Rich."

"Why suggest your father?" Crimson asks out of curiosity.

"Weren't you here for my initiation?"

Crimson shakes his head. "No. I was taking care of other matters."

"Well, Crimson. My dad is the richest pony in Ponyville. Maybe richer than most nobles in Ponyville. By kidnapping him, we can take his money, companies, and workers. With Tempest newfound magic on her side, she can manipulate the minds of others into soldiers. We'll build an army using what my father has, spread the news far and wide. Allowing those who reject the Princesses and want revenge to join our alliance. Then we'll strike at the Princesses, take each kingdom down until there is nothing left."

"I like this kid," Jet said. "Someone raised this kid right for thinking atrociously."

Tempest chuckles. "Similar to the Storm King's for taking down the Princesses. The only difference is Princess Twilight Sparkle. When we attack, she won't be reaching her full potential as the Storm King wanted."

"I have a request before taking the Princesses down and, I know Fire Flier can agree on it."

"What is it?" Tempest replies.

"Starlight Glimmer used the Staff of Sameness to remove our cutie marks. If we take her down and gain our cutie marks back, manipulate Starlight's mind so she can remove the Princesses cutie marks, rendering them helpless. Also, the trio that helps Starlight Glimmer, I want you to use your power to make them my puppets for the rest of their lives."

"I like the way this kid thinks as well," Crimson said, agreeing with Jet.

"Alright. The Dark Order accepts your request. It'll be crucial for our take over. Any piece of land you wish to conquer all on your own in the New World?"


"So be it. Everyone!" Tempest shouts. "Our next objective will commence in a month."

Everypony nods in understanding. Then everyone starts leaving the area except for Tempest, Fire, and Diamond Tiara.

"I have a place not far from here. You are welcome to come by, Tempest. It's far away from the city of Baltimare."

"Sure, I need a hooded robe to cover my horn when I make my progress report to the Storm King."

"Of course, don't forget to wear some shades so you can tell him your undercover," Fire jokingly said. Tempest rolls her eyes.

Fire Flier leads the two out of the tunnels. After an hour of traveling, they are outside of the tunnel system. The trio sees two ponies with a wagon full of food. Tempest uses her newfound magic to mind manipulate the ponies into walking away. Tempest loses her grip a bit as the two ponies forget what they were doing and trots off elsewhere.

"Nice," Fire said. "I'll take the wagon from here."

"Finally, decent food," Diamond Tiara rejoice.

Fire Flier continues to navigate the two to the house. By the time they got there, the sun starts setting. Tempest helps Fire bringing food inside the house as Diamond Tiara opens the door for them. She steps inside and sits on the couch, waiting for dinner. Fire stores the food in the fridge and cabinets. Tempest goes upstairs to find a blue hood hoodie.

"That'll do for now," Tempest puts on the hoodie, covering her horn. She puts on sunglasses and activates a magic communication sphere. "Storm King, you there?"

The Storm King answers but, Tempest doesn't see his face. Instead of correcting the issue, she lets it be.

"I'm here, Tempest. Status report."

"Three of the four Princesses are at their peak with power. After following on my research of the Crystal Empire, there lies a defense mechanism that'll keep you away. It's known as the Crystal Heart. I would prefer to wait for a big event in Canterlot to seize control of the Princesses. As we speak, I'm searching for a staff that'll allow you to harness their magic," Tempest calmly report.

"Excellent, Tempest." Storm King smiles. " Now, what about Princess Twilight Sparkle?"

"I assume that Princess Twilight Sparkle needs more time and effort to control her alicorn magic. Give it two years time for her to perfect the alicorn magic she wields."

"Alright. In two years, Equestria should be having a formal party or sort in Canterlot. When the time comes, we'll initialize the invasion. If all goes accordingly, I will make you whole once more. If you fail me, I will break you for good. Do you understand me, Tempest?"

Tempest glares and salutes to The Storm King. The Storm King looks down on the magic communication sphere. He sees that Tempest understands him. He also sees Tempest hoodie and sunglasses.

"Good disguise, Tempest. Be friends with Princess Twilight Sparkle and gain all you can of her."

Tempest nods and turns off the magic communication sphere. Tempest takes off the hoodie and sunglasses. She'll be using that for giving the Storm King her status report every month.

Fire Flier starts making spaghetti in the kitchen. Tempest comes down and sits with Diamond Tiara.

"So, how did it went upstairs?"

"Fine as usual. The Storm King likes my disguise. I'll have a sleeper agent to befriend with Princess Twilight Sparkle to gather intel. So, what is Fire making for dinner?"

"Spaghetti with tomato sauce. Better than canned food we've been eating since we arrived."

"Better meal that I'll be eating since leaving the Storm King's country."

"What's it like eating up there?" Diamond curiously asks.

"Cold, everything they eat is cold. The Storm King hates hot foods."

The two wait as Fire cooks in the kitchen. Diamond Tiara and Tempest remain quiet for a while.

"So uh..," Diamond Tiara looks at Tempest's scar. "How did you lose your horn and got that scar?"

"I was playing with some friends of mine with a ball as we walked. It was my fault for getting the ball lost in a cave so, I went in to grab it. After retrieving the ball, an Ursa Minor approached me and attacked me. The Ursa Minor gave me a scar and broke my horn. The next day, when I tried to play with my friends, they viewed me as a freak and ran off to play with other ponies."

"Wow, that's sad that they abandoned you like that."

"Someday, I'll make them pay for abandoning me. For turning on me because my magic was off due to my broken horn."

"I would love to see those faces and, I would love to see them beg for your mercy."

Tempest chuckles. "Me too."

"Dinner is ready," Fire said.

Tempest and Diamond Tiara enter the kitchen to eat with Fire Flier. After their meal, Diamond Tiara goes upstairs and to sleep in Fire's bedroom.

"You can have Spitfire's room, Tempest. I don't mind sleeping on the couch."

"Fine," Tempest said as she goes upstairs to Spitfire's bedroom.

As they drift to sleep, in the depths of Baltimare's tunnel system, King Sombra is hopping for freedom. He swears vengeance on Tempest and the rest of the ponies from the Dark Order. Using his remaining magic, he taps into Tempest's new horn to see what she sees.

"This is the beginning of your end, Tempest!" Sombra laughs in the darkness of Baltimare's tunnels.

Plan of Action 2

"What?!" Rich yells loudly and in anger.

"I'm sorry, Rich," A Royal Guard calmly reports.

"A month ago, your daughter has escaped out of our program. We've been searching day and night until we've located her," Another Royal Guard said.

Rich slaps both Royal Guards in the face for losing his daughter. The two took the hits as they are sorrowful.

"So, what are you going to do now?! Keep searching until you locate her or when the Princesses tells you to stop?!" Rich angrily demands.

"Due to your daughter being our responsibility, we have obligations to continue our search even if the Princesses condones our search."

"Good. I want all of Equestria searched by the Royal Guards! I want my daughter home, now!"

"All we can ask you, sir, is to be patient as we continue our search. Rest to sure that your daughter will be safe. She has learned a lot about survival during her time in the program."

"Good," Rich sternly replies. "Not get out of my sight!"

The Royal Guards nod in understanding and, flies out of Ponyville. They expected this kind of behavior from a parent. The Royal Guards soar in the skies to look in all forest regions in Equestria first. Rich enters his household and slams the door hard. He sighs heavily and sadly.

"Diamond Tiara..," Rich looks at his right to see a portrait of him and his daughter. "I'm sorry that I sent you away..," Rich begins to tear up.

"This is your fault, you know?" Spoiled Rich said as she sees her husband crying.

"Don't remind me!" Rich angrily answers.

"This is something you'll live for the rest of your life, mister! Thanks to you, our only daughter is gone for good!" Spoiled Rich stomps away, hoping that she can use Rich to spoil her, even more, to make things right with her.

Rich groans loudly and goes to his private room to vent. He slams the door and sits on his lounge chair. He puts his hoof on his face, wondering what to do next. For hours on end, he believes that Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends won't be helping him find Diamond Tiara. Maybe, he can try asking the Apple Family for help but, Applejack may have a say. It was his daughter that created a monster out of Gabby Gums.

"I'm going to have to cut on my wife's spending fee to look for our daughter. I know she'll understand what is best for the family."

Later in the evening, Spoil and Rich are having dinner in the dining room.

"Spoil, I have something to tell you."

"I'm not listening to you. Thanks to you, our daughter is missing. I am unhappy because of you. You're going to make things right by making me happy first," Spoiled Rich said. She crosses her arms in hopes of making her husband guilter.

"I'm aware, darling. I have the solution to fix this."

"You do?" Spoiled Rich asks. She gives him a rigorous look.

"I'm going to call forth my investigation team to search for our daughter."

"Hey, that took a lot of our money for the search of three fillies that no one in Equestria could find. What makes you think they'll find our daughter?" Spoil said as she drinks her cup of wine.

"I'm aware of my unfortunate failure to bring the three fillies back to Ponyville. This time, I know that our daughter will come home. Things are going to be a little tight for a while. I'm cutting your spending fee in half."

Spoiled Rich spits her drink up in shock. She wasn't expecting that kind of answer from her husband.

"I know but, listen. I know you can live without a day of shopping for a few months. Business is a little slow due to Flim & Flam's uprising company. As I cope with the loss of our daughter until found, I need you by my side."

"You expect me to support you after you are cutting my spending fee in half?! I didn't marry a loser. I married a winner!" Spoiled Rich responds negativity. "You want support? Use a pillow," Spoiled Rich storms out of the dining room and slams the door shut.

"Ugh," Rich sighs heavily. "What am I going to do with her?" Rich gets up, thank the chef, and leaves the dining room. Rich trots to the bedroom only to find out Spoiled Rich locked it. "Spoil. Please, open the door," Rich said as he's knocking.

"I don't speak loser," Spoiled Rich retorts.

Rich loudly groans. He trots to a different bedroom and lays on the bed. As he stares at the ceiling, he starts planning his next motives for the following day. Spoiled Rich is deciding whether to pack up and leave for the week or plan to get more money out of Rich by lying to him. Either way, in her mind, she refuses to look like an outcast because of her daughter gone missing.

The next day, Rich has called for his investigation team for a meeting. During this time, Spoiled Rich has decided to go around town for a bit. To clear her mind and how to approach her husband for more money. As she trots in town, she bumps into a pony in a brown robe wearing a kabuki mask. A twisted idea comes in her mind.

"Hey, wanna make a load of bits in one day?"

The pony in the brown robe and wearing the kabuki mask gives a simple nod. Spoiled Rich made the masked pony follow her back to her place. As the masked pony enters the household, Rich sees the two, which is odd to him.

"Who is this, Spoil?" Rich curiously asks.

"This is a friend of mine. Since you've cut my spending fee, I need a new hobby to cope with it."

Rich's reaction is shrewd. Spoil rolls her eyes and escorts the masked pony to her room. She locks the door for good measure. Rich returns to his talks with the investigation team in the meeting room.

"So, here's my idea," Spoil said. The masked pony is listening. "I want you to kidnap me. Ask for a demanding ransom. My husband will oblige and give in. You get half and, I get half."

The masked pony nods in agreement. Spoiled Rich smiles devilishly. The masked pony gives Spoiled Rich a sign to follow him. She figures that he'll take her to a hideout to wait for the ransom. Around this time, Rich escorts the investigation team out of his home. They'll have a whole lot to explore once more. He takes a deep breath and trots to Barnyard Bargains. An hour later, the masked pony escorts Spoiled Rich out of the house. The masked pony made sure not many ponies are looking at his direction. Ten minutes later, the two are waiting for a train. When the train arrives, they enter the train and leave Ponyville.

"So, where are you going?" Spoil asks.

The masked pony removes the kabuki mask, revealing himself to Spoiled Rich.

"We're going to southern Baltimare. I have a perfect hideout."

"What is your name, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Fire Flier."

Spoiled Rich amusingly smiles.

"Thank you for agreeing to this."

"You did us a favor by coming to me with your brilliant idea. I do need the money. You're in a win-win situation."

Hours later, the train arrives in Baltimare. Fire Flier puts the kabuki mask back on. He escorts Spoiled Rich to his hideout.

"How far is the hideout from the station?" Spoil asks.

"Two hours."

"Why put the mask back on?"

"Conceal my identity in the town. I won't be living in Baltimare once the ransom arrives."

Two hours later. Fire Flier and Spoiled Rich arrive at the hideout. Fire opens the door allowing Spoiled Rich to enters. She explores around.

"You are forbidden to go upstairs. For the ransom to work, you'll be in the basement of the hideout."

"Hmm, what's wrong with going upstairs?"

"If you go upstairs, the deal is off and, I will hold you for ransom."

Spoil didn't like the sound of it and backs away from the stairs.

"So, do I go to the basement now?"

"Yes. Follow me, please."

Spoiled Rich follows Fire Flier downstairs. Spoiled Rich sees that the basement is filthy. It's perfect to set the scenery when her husband shows up. Fire Flier pulls up a chair for her to sit.

"What no bed?" Spoil asks as she sits.

"Sorry," Fire whistles.

Tempest steps out of the shadows. She ties Spoiled Rich to the chair tightly. Spoiled Rich wonders if this is still part of the plan.

"Is this still part of the plan? I thought you'll just leave me here in the basement. Kept well-fed and such," Spoil said. She tries to shift herself a bit from the chair.

"It's part of our plan. To make it realistic as possible. Don't worry. We'll keep you well-fed and quenched until your hubby arrives with the money."

"Good," Spoiled Rich sweats a bit as her heart beats rapidly.

Tempest goes upstairs first. Fire Flier is right behind her.

"Every two hours, I'll come down and check on you. Thanks for giving me the address to your house on the train ride. It'll help with the cause."

"You're welcome," Spoiled gladly responds.

Fire Flier closes the basement door. He made sure that the light is on for a while. Tempest and Fire Flier go upstairs to inform Diamond Tiara great news. They enter the room as she is reading.

"Diamond Tiara," Fire said.

"What is it now?" Diamond Tiara responds.

"Your mother is in the basement."

Eyes widen for Diamond Tiara. "How you manage to get my mom into the basement?"

"Believe it or not, she chose to come with me. She devised a plan to get bits from your old man. A ransom idea. She agreed to allow us to tie her up."

"Wow. Never thought my mom would be that desperate for money."

"So, I agreed on letting her have half of the ransom but, we're planning on keeping the two of them. Then you come home and take over your father's companies. Tempest will brainwash the minds of the workers; and, we'll have the army as you suggested a while back."

"I would have never thought things will come that easy. I like it."

"So, what book have you been reading?"

"A book about taking control of a company."

"I was able to go into the town's library to get Diamond Tiara books on how to control a company. I made sure she continues to read it and focus on becoming an owner," Tempest said.

"Good, now if you excuse me. I have a ransom letter to write," Fire Flier leaves the room to write the ransom letter. He chuckles as he continues to write the grueling details of Spoiled Rich's dilemma. After he finishes writing the ransom letter, he trots to the basement to see Spoiled Rich. "Show me you're excruciating, fearful look for the camera. Make sure to include tears as well. I need a snapshot for the letter."

"Give me ten minutes."

Twenty minutes later, Fire Flier seals the letter and photo into an envelope. He's now ready to mail it to Rich in Ponyville.

The next day, Rich wonders where his wife went off too. He haven't seen her all-day, yesterday and last night. Derpy, the mailpony, knocks on the door. Rich opens the door to see Derpy.

"Morning, Filthy Rich."

"Morning, Ms.Hooves. Please call me, Rich."

"I have a letter for you," Derpy gives Rich his letter.

"Thank you, Ms.Hooves. Have a nice day."

Derpy continues her mailing route as Rich closes the door. He trots to his office to read the letter, hoping it'll good news. When he opens the letter, his heart sinks lower than the other day.

Dear Filthy,

We have your wife, Spoil Rich. We demand a small portion of 50,000 bits for her release. No Royal Guards, no Princesses, no undercover investigation team to locate her. I have eyes and ears all around. I'll know any suspicions you'll try to attempt before it can happen. You have the address of where she is. Come alone. If you do not reply, not only I'll send you a package of Spoil Rich's head on a silver platter to you, your daughter will be next. I guarantee. I'll find her before you do. I have eyes and ears in hidden locations. It'll only be a matter of time before I have her in my clutches. Do not delay, or you'll pay.



After reading the letter thoroughly, seeing the picture of his wife tied up, seeing the address of the location in the back of the photo. Rich looks around to see his maids and butlers in attendance. Not knowing if F.F.T.D.O. has his spies as his maids or butlers, he demands everyone to go home until further notice. His maids and butlers leave as commanded. They are confused about why is Rich behaving like this.

"It has to be those punks, Flim and Flam," Rich irately states. "Those two want to take over? Now, it's war."

Rich trots to his office and starts writing a letter to mail to his investigation team. Their next objective is to spy on Flim & Flam. To take them down by any means once they are out of public viewing. He refuses to allow them to get away scotfree. He made sure to take a briefcase filled with 50,000 bits as he'll be going to the location that was shown in the letter, killing two birds with one stone.

Later in the day, Rich mails the letter and trots to the bank. He requests 50,000 bits and puts them in his briefcase. He calls for a taxi to take him to the train station. Ten minutes later, Rich hops on the train as it departs.

"I'm coming, Spoil. I'm coming, Diamond Tiara," Rich hopes that Flim and Flam do have Diamond Tiara with Spoil Rich.

Hostile Takeover 1

Rich is on his way to Baltimare as his team is now spying on Flim & Flam. Rich cannot wait to expose Flim & Flam, and have them locked up forever. They have gone too far in terms of replacing him. It's now 7:30 at night. The train stops in Baltimare.

"Time to settle the score," Rich said as he gets off the train. The ransom letter he received earlier today has a map detailing where to go on hoof. "Hmm, a two-hour walk? Screw that. I'm taking the taxi there," Rich calls for a taxi and gives him the location where he needs to be.

"I can only take you as far as I can, sir. The location of the address is restricted, by order of the Wonderbolts," The taxi pony explains.

"The Wonderbolts?" Rich surprisingly responds.

"I can only take you as far as I can. I have my orders from my company."

"Understood," Rich nods.

The taxi pony takes Rich as far as he can to his location. An hour and a half later, the taxi pony stops. Rich thank the taxi pony and pays him a hefty pay. Judging from the map from the ransom letter, he is only ten minutes away from walking distance. His heart slowly beat rapidly as his nerves start to take over.

"Alright, Rich," He takes a deep breath. "Calm down. Have to save my wife and expose the two of their crimes," Rich told himself.

What seems like an eternity for Rich, minutes go by as all sorts of possibilities cloud in his mind. He imagines Spoil and Diamond Tiara being tortured or suffering from trauma. Rich gathers himself and proceeds to the house. Confidence and courage builds up as he trots to the house. As he picks up the pace, Rich feels he'll be a better father for Diamond Tiara and, he'll make sure his beloved is safe, away from harm's way.

Ten minutes later, Rich arrives at the household. Rich takes a deep breath and knocks on the door. Fire Flier peeps through the window to see Rich and the briefcase.

"Perfect, he's here," Fire Flier happily states. "Diamond Tiara. Head down as I alert Tempest to warn your mother."

Diamond Tiara smiles, sinisterly. She cannot wait to take over her father's business. Fire Flier puts on his brown robe and walks downstairs to open the door. Tempest goes to the basement to alert Spoil of Rich's arrival. Diamond Tiara goes downstairs to hide in the shadows.

"Perfect," Spoil said as she starts to cry. Her tears are ruining her makeup. Exactly how she wanted. For when Rich sees her and wants to make her happy and spoiled even more.

Fire Flier escorts Rich to the basement to see his beloved.

"Spoil!" Rich cried.

"Rich!" Spoil sobs fakely and realistically.

"So," Fire speaks with a lowered tone. "You have the payment?"

"50,000 bits as instructed. Now, release my wife,"

Fire chuckles. "Give me the bits, first."

Rich opens the briefcase revealing 50,000 bits. Spoil's eyes widen in amazement. She couldn't help but smile, just by looking at the bits.

"Excellent. You have followed up as planned."

"Good. Now uphold your end of the deal."

"I don't think so," Spoil said.

"What?" Rich retorts.

Tempest walks out of the shadows in her dark robe. She uses her magic to bind Rich to an empty chair, across from Spoil.

"What's the meaning of this?!" Rich demands. His heart pumping, in anger and confusion.

"It's a doublecross, Rich," Spoil confirms gladly.

"Honey.., why..?"

"I needed a real stallion to support me. You taking my bits away for losing Diamond Tiara was uncalled for."

"Diamond Tiara is missing for crying out loud! Our daughter, Spoil! Did you cared about our daughter or my wealth?" Rich angrily asks.

Spoil never cared for Diamond Tiara. She only cares about her status quo and wealth.

"I cared about my social status and bits, Rich. When I gave birth to Diamond Tiara, I never cared about her. I let the butlers and maids take care of that brat. She is not part of my life. Not anymore, that is. I fell in with a winner and, now, I look in the face of a loser," Spoil turns to Fire Flier. "You can release me now. I uphold my part in this elaborate scheme."

"Sorry, mommy," Diamond Tiara said as she steps out of the shadows angrily.

"Diamond Tiara!" Rich joyously shouts. "Thank Celestia you are alright!"

"You," Diamond Tiara glares.

"Sweety, my little Diamond. I've been worried sick of you..," Rich said sincerely.

"Is that so, dad?" Diamond Tiara responds coldly.

"Baby," Spoil calls out sincerity.

"Shut it, you deadbeat!" Spoil flinches a bit. "I heard you. You didn't care about me! How dare you not care about your child?! Your interest in wealth has blinded you, from me. Now, I'll have my revenge on you, and you dad."

"Diamond Tiara. I admit I made mistakes that caused this kind of scenario when I sent you to the Royal Guard Boot Camp. I'm sorry that I wasn't the father you needed. Your mother forsook you and, I paid more attention to my businesses than you. I ask to give me, your father, another chance to redeem myself as a father figure to you. To you love and raise you, like a loving father should, I would do anything to have you home right now."

Diamond Tiara is starting to have mixed results and feelings. Something in her heart is telling her to listen to her dad. Fire Flier and Tempest feel the sudden change in the atmosphere. They see the love of a father and daughter. Diamond's conscious starts talking to her about her motives when Spoil opens her mouth.

"You ungrateful brat! Let me out, you sick psycho!" Spoil whines and thrash around her bindings. "I hate you, you little monster! You are no better than I right now, you brat!"

The insults enrage Diamond Tiara. She is now sticking with her plans to take over. Rich sees her daughter's eyes. He knows a fire is lit and ready to explode.

"Shove it!" Diamond Tiara grabs a sponge and shoves it in her mother's mouth. She tapes her mother's mouth, so she doesn't have to hear her anymore. Diamond looks at her father with rage burning in her heart. "I'm taking what's mine, father."

"Wha-What would that be," Rich gulps a bit as he stares at Diamond Tiara.

"I'm taking Barnyard Bargains, your workers, and everything else you own, dad."

"H-How would you accomplish that?" Rich fearfully asks.

"My associates is my ticket."

Tempest disrobes herself and stares in the eyes of Rich. Rich starts sweating as Tempest's horn starts to illuminate. Tempest smirks then uses her newfound magic to manipulate Rich's mind. Rich's eyes go from light blue to dark green and red. His head hung low.

"At my command, you are now my puppet," Tempest enchants.

"Yes, mistress," Rich responds submissively.

Diamond Tiara's eyes widen in amazement. Tempest's spell work on her father. Fire Flier disrobes as well.

"So, DT. What shall we do with your mother?"

"MMMPH!" Spoils shrieks fearfully.

"The boat. As Starlight sent us away with the boat, we shall do the same. A bit of an ironic twist."

"Nice idea, Diamond Tiara. I'll get the boat ready," Fire leaves the basement and heads out the door.

Diamond Tiara smirks at her mother. Spoil struggles in her bindings. Diamond Tiara turns to look at her father. Rich sheds a tear, which bothers Diamond Tiara. She shakes her head. Tempest notice that Diamond Tiara is struggling with her consciousness.

"Are we still in on the plan?" Tempest asks.

Diamond Tiara shakes her head. She tries to clear it from any guilt towards her dad.

"Yes. Gotta build on our army, right?" Diamond Tiara rhetorically asks.

Tempest remains silent and heads upstairs.

"Keep an eye on them. Until Fire comes back with the potato sack for your mother."

"I will," Diamond Tiara answers.

She turns to her mother in a panic state. As for her father, she couldn't help but frown at his situation. In her life, she wasn't given enough love, always resentment and retaliation, from her mother. From her father, he ignored her until she's done wrong. After hearing her father's apology and wanting to start things new, her mind is at disarray. She wonders if she's doing the right thing, going through with her plan after joining the Dark Order.

Several minutes later, Fire Flier comes back down with the potato sack.

"Alright, Diamond Tiara, let's put this spoiled brat in the sack."

"Sure," Diamond Tiara quickly responds. Fire notices a strange behavior but, he didn't care enough.

Fire Flier stuffs Spoil Rich in the potato sack. He carries Spoil upstairs and outside. Tempest takes out the oars of the boat and made room for Spoil.

"Alright, it's ready, Fire."

Fire Flier places Spoiled Rich on the boat. She continues to struggle and glares at the trio.

"Any last words to your unkindly mother?" Tempest asks.

"Goodbye, good riddance," Diamond Tiara said as she walks away from the boat.

"Short and sweet," Fire said.

"Agreed," Tempest uses her magic to move the boat in the sea. Spoil continues to struggle in hopes of escaping.

Diamond Tiara enters the house and walks downstairs to visit her father. Rich, in his slavery state, looks down at Diamond Tiara. He sheds another tear. Diamond Tiara knows what she is doing is wrong. She made sure no one is looking and hugs her father.

"Forgive me, dad. I'm starting to lose myself, for the worse," Diamond Tiara closes her eyes in shame. "I need to survive now. From a monster I was during the Gabby Gums incident, to become a demon by taking away everything you have."

Her consciousness is getting the better of her. For the first time, she felt her father's sympathy for his mistakes and wanting to renew his family as a better father. With the path she's chosen, Diamond feels there is no turning back. She has to carry on with her vengeful plan against Starlight Glimmer and the CMC. To keep the guilty conscious out of her mind, she focuses more on Starlight Glimmer and getting her cutie mark back. After a while, Diamond Tiara goes upstairs to talk with Tempest.

"Tempest, I have a favor to ask you."

"What is it now?"

"I'm having mixed thoughts flowing to me and, I want you to get rid of it for me."

"Sounds easy enough. Anything to get your mind clear and ready for the takeover," Tempest uses her magic to manipulate Diamond Tiara's mind. She removes any remorseful thoughts and feelings out of her. Diamond Tiara's eyes change from blue to red. "How do you feel?"

"Much better," Diamond Tiara smiles devilishly. She laughs as no guilt or sadness can cloud her mind. She can now focus on the mission to get back at those who betrayed her.

"So, who's ready for a business trip?" Fire Flier asks.

"I am," Diamond Tiara laughs evilly.

The trio start planning for tomorrow's objective. To take over Barnyard Bargains and manipulate the minds of the workers and some loyal customers. They are also planning to have Rich transfer ownership to Diamond Tiara. The Dark Order will have their army to take down Starlight and the CMC. Then, they can strip everypony of their cutie marks with the Staff of Sameness rendering the strongest and powerful ponies; useless. Then and only then, they can conquer all of Equestria.

Incoming Report

Days after taking over Rich's mind and confining Diamond Tiara's emotions/doubts, Tempest receives an incoming message of the Storm King.

"Tempest!" Storm King commands.

"Yes, your highness," Tempest Salutes.

"I have spies in Equestria. They informed me of my long-lost cousin about to bring chaos and destruction after escaping Tartarus."

"Lord Tirek, I presume."

"That is correct. According to Grubber and his spies, Tirek has been draining ponies of their magic. I would suggest you to find a hiding place, away from major populated cities and locations in Equestria. I still need your help in conquering the land and defeating the Princesses."

"What about asking Tirek to join the cause, Storm King?" Tempest suggests.

"Uh uh, no way that's happening. Just because we're cousins, that does not mean we are on likely-terms."

"Why is that, your highness?"

Storm King rolls his eyes. "I am cold. He is not. We are opposites of what we are."

"Even so, you and him are on the same page in terms of taking over Equestria."

"The point is, we don't share. It's a campaign of rapid dominance."

"Oh, I get it," Tempest sarcastically responds.

"So, if you ever want to be complete, you'll do as I say or, you'll lose what magic you have to Tirek and, completely be utterly useless."

"Understood, sir. Anything else you would like to inform me?"

"Do not attempt to make any arrangements with Tirek. He will manipulate you, unlike me."

"Thank you for your time, Storm King. Your info is vital for our cause."

"You're welcome, Tempest. Go hide until I give you my next call."

Storm King and Tempest go their separate ways after the call is up. Storm King goes back to his generals to plot for their invasion of Equestria. As for Tempest, she goes down to alert Fire Flier and Diamond Tiara of urgency.

"So, after talking with the Storm King, his cousin is making way to create an end of the world scenario. Stealing the magic of unicorns, the flight of pegasi, and the strength of earth ponies. We must hide until further notice."

"The basement. Also, we have rations to last for two months," Fire said.

"Let's go down."

Tempest, Fire Flier, and Diamond Tiara head down to the basement and seals it tightly. Diamond sits on a chair as Fire and Tempest decide to chat some more.

"How long you think his reign would last?" Fire ask.

"Knowing the Princess of Magic and her friends finding a way to defeat powerful foes, I want to say three days tops."

"Wanna bet?" Fire said, holding onto a bag of bits.

Tempest rolls her eyes and accepts. She sits on the floor and meditates on her magic.

"Would it be wise to not meditate during this giving point, Tempest?"

"What else can I do?" Tempest replies ruthlessly.

"Talk and plan more of our operations," Fire responds cautiously.

Tempest sighs."Alright. Also, if Tirek gains enough power, he'll probably sense my magic, come here and take my combined magic."

"Exactly. That'll be bad on you and your horn."

Tempest looks at her horn. The possibility of rendering the horn powerless would make her feel less than what she is now. She sighs heavily. Tempest gets up and heads to a whiteboard.

"Let's create scenarios of how we'll take over Rich's business. See which direction will work out for the best."

"Agreed. Something to entertain us, as well," Fire said.

Diamond Tiara joins in to come up with schemes. Due to Tempest's spell a few days ago, Rich's is in a comatose state. Rich is battling his demons within his mind, trying to take back control. One way or another, he'll do everything he can to free his mind from Tempest's possession and, he'll bring his daughter back home.

A New Day

Author's Notes:

Quick Disclaimer: Thank you for being patient. Sorry for the long wait.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Comment if you please.

Have a nice day/night reading.

Discord is on his way to the throne room in the Canterlot Castle. Princess Celestia has an important matter to discuss on recent events.

"You require my assistance, Princess Celestia?"

"Judging from your recent times with Fluttershy along with her friends. I have a favor to ask of you."

"Why me? Why not call upon your star pupil, Twilight Sparkle?"

"I believe Twilight Sparkle is not ready to take on Tirek, Discord."

"Tirek?" Discord subtly asks. "Your highness. Not being disrespectful with your decision but, Twilight Sparkle is capable of handling many challenges that come in her way."

"You know where he will be at all times. You sense powerful magic all around you. Only you can locate and stop him before Tirek gets strong enough to consume pegasi flight and strength of earth ponies. You are best suited to take down Tirek."

"Alright, Princess Celestia. I'll get the job done by any means. Just remember, no matter what happens, you owe me."

Princess Celestia nods in agreement. "Good luck, Discord."

Discord leaves Canterlot Castle and opens his umbrella to meet up with his friends in Ponyville. On the way to Ponyville, Discord strategize many different methods to ensure that Twilight would be the one to vanquish Tirek. It's pivotal that Twilight unlocks the hidden power within the chest by the Tree of Harmony.

After Princess Celestia mails a letter to Twilight, informing her that Discord will apprehend Tirek, she becomes sad. She knows it's for the best. Discord visits his friends in Ponyville to tell them of the important news Celestia has asked him. It made Twilight upset that she's unable to do her duties as a Princess. Just smile and wave. Discord hands Twilight the journal the girls have been writing with their friendship lessons they learned with their elements. He highlights the important ones for good measure and wishes them luck with opening the chest next to the Tree of Harmony. Discord is off to locate Tirek.

In the dark alleys of Equestria, Tirek is draining unicorns of their magic to feed. Discord disguises himself as a unicorn and waits for Tirek to come closer to him. Tirek absorbs more magic power from a unicorn then walks over to the next one. That's when Discord strikes and puts Tirek in chains.

"Discord, I should have known you wanted Equestria all to yourself," Tirek proclaims.

"Not doing it for me, I'm doing this for my friends."

"Friends? Please don't tell me, the Lord of Chaos is friends with ponies."

"Surprised?" Discord pops up in a celebration cake.

"I am surprised and yet disgusted. I'm surprised that someone with your intellect does not see your friendship is a new form of imprisonment. Clearly, you must have abandoned your true nature to please those ponies."

"I have not abandoned my true chaotic nature," Discord disclaims.

"Just like my brother, he was weak-minded to ponies. You are Discord, a chaotic deity, a legend. You cannot fall into the same trap as my brother has. Help me grow strong and in return, you'll have freedom."

"Freedom?" Discord scratches the back of his head as he thinks.

"Freedom to do as you please. Reclaim your title as the Lord of Chaos. Unless you prefer to be a wimp and an errand pony boy?"

Discord is using the time to rethink his strategy. Teaming up with Tirek may allow Twilight to confront him and stop him by all means. Completing the task that Celestia gave him. Discord extends his paw.

"The Lord of Chaos has agreed to help you grow strong, Tirek," Discord smirks.

"Smart decision, Draqonecuus," Tirek shakes Discord paw.

During the time Discord went off to apprehend Tirek, Twilight and her friends are by the chest. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity brought their items given by other ponies when they embraced an elemental situation. Pinkie interrogates the rubber chicken and throws it by the chest. The rubber chicken then turns into a key and insert itself inside the chest. The rest place their items on the chest and it turns into keys themselves. Only one is missing, Twilight's key. She has not embraced a difficult situation that represents her element. An hour later, Spike coughs a letter from Princess Celestia.

"I'm needed at the Castle!" Twilight flies and hurries herself to Canterlot Castle.

Twilight barges in the throne with panting heavily. Celestia informs of her regret by entrusting Discord to contain Tirek. The two are now teaming up. Tirek is on the verge of getting stronger by the second. Discord is bringing earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi to Tirek to feed. Tirek is unaware of a fourth Princess so, Cadance, Luna, and Celestia decides to transfer their magic into Twilight, giving her a fighting chance. Twilight flies back as the remaining Princesses waits for Tirek's arrival.

Two hours later, Tirek and Discord arrive in Canterlot. Discord is aware that Alicorn magic is in one vessel. Twilight Sparkle. He hopes by having that kind of magic can defeat Tirek in battle. Also, Discord hopes that Twilight was able to unlock the chest by the Tree of Harmony. Otherwise, all of Equestria is doomed due to a setback. Discord swallows a hard-to-swallow-pill for his next capturing. Since Tirek has sent the Princess to Tartarus, he needs to gain more power to drain Twilight's Alicorn magic. Discord sighs quietly cause it'll tarnish the trust he's built with everypony else in Ponyville. Tirek gives Discord his medallion as a token of gratitude and loyalty. Tirek and Discord are on their way to Ponyville. Upon arrival, Discord hugs Fluttershy but sends her a telepathic message to play along. Fluttershy understood and gives a simple nod. That's when Discord puts his friends in a cage along with Spike. Fluttershy burst into tears as Applejack comforts her. Tirek arrives and drains the magic, flight, and strength of everypony in the cage.

"There, only one more pony left. Then no one will be able to stop us," Discord smirks.

"Us? Who said anything about us?" Tirek smirks sinisterly.

"Uh, you did," Discord confirms.

"Now that I have grown strong, you are no longer any use to me," Tirek absorbs Discord's magic. "Now, I have the power to drain Princess Twilight Sparkle," Tirek walks away, now searching for Twilight.

Discord sighs as there is not much he can do now.

"Surely you saw this coming?"

"I.., didn't. I truly didn't..," Discord said in disbelief, answering Applejack's question.

Twilight is practicing more of her overpowered Alicorn Magic. Tirek found her and announce Twilight's name loudly. The two then go into battle after Tirek blows up the Golden Oak Library. With blow after blow, counter after counter, neither one is getting the edge in the fight. Tirek and Twilight are glaring at each other.

"It appears we're on an impasse. How about a trade, Princess Twilight?" Tirek snaps his fingers. Using his magic to conjure bubble imprisonments of her friends including Discord. "There release, for all of the Alicorn magic in Equestria."

Twilight gasps as her friends beg not to agree on the terms. Encouraging her to keep fighting.

"What's it going to be, Princess?"

Twilight eyes glow as she sees her friends. She surrenders her magic in exchange for her friends. Everyone gasps at Twilight's response. Tirek complies and release everyone except for Discord. Twilight commands Tirek to release Discord. Tirek had a good laugh, reminding Twilight that he betrayed them. Twilight demands Tirek to release Discord. Tirek complies, giving the Princess what she wants. Tirek drains Twilight of her Alicorn magic then causes as much destruction as he pleases. Discord learns and values what true friendship is all about. Discord gives Twilight the medallion Tirek gave him as a true sign of friendship he has for them, after being lied to in the beginning. The medallion glows. Everyone runs to the Tree of Harmony. The girls, Spike and Discord arrive at the Tree of Haromy. Twilight places the medallion on the chest, it turns into a key and inserts itself in.

"Together. Let's open it, together," Twilight proclaims.

The girls turn their keys and open the chest. The magic flowing from the chest ignites with the Tree of Harmony, granting Twilight and her friends the magic to defeat Tirek and restore harmony. Tirek tries to fight back after seeing the emergence of Twilight and her friends. He was quickly subdued and sent back to Tartarus for all eternity. After the girls restore harmony, giving everypony their magic, flight, and strength back; the chest levitates and heads off to an open area of Ponyville creating a castle. The girls are teleports to the castle in awe and amazement.

"Sweet Celestia," Rarity said in a state of shock. "Are you all seeing what I'm seeing?"

"Yea but, who's is it?" Twilight ask.

"I believe it is yours, Princess Twilight," Princess Celestia answers with a smile of gratitude.

Everyone enters the castle. Twilight Sparkle now knows her duties as a Princess is to spread the Magic of Friendship across Equestria. The role she is meant and choose to have. Twilight admits that it was her friends that helped defeat Tirek. Celestia confirms that Twilight is not meant to take the task alone. With her friends by her side, Twilight now has the title, Princess of Friendship. Celestia opens the doors revealing a throne room for her and her friends. Everyone is excited. Discord taps on Celestia to have a private talk. Discord sends a telepathic message to Fluttershy to explain a bit as he has a talk with Princess Celestia. Discord and Celestia walk to a different room of the castle.

"I'm disappointed in you Discord, but if it weren't for you, Twilight may have never opened the chest," Celestia calmly said.

"You know Celestia; as I told you, I'll get the job done by any means. Therefore, you owe me," Discord smiles while doing the arm cross.

"No, you violated our agreement. You've helped Tirek."

"As I recall, Celestia. I told you no matter what happens, you owe me. You agreed with a nod and wished me luck."

Princess Celestia bit her lip. Now remembering what she agreed on. Discord has completed his task by any means.

"As far as things go, you owe me. I told you that Twilight was capable of handling things. Even with her friends' help, she knows what to do in the end."

"You knew didn't you?" Celestia paused.

"Hmm?" Discord looks at Celestia.

"You knew that Twilight needed a push to unlock the chest. If you would have gone through-"

"Twilight would have never gotten her castle. Her moment of truth would have never been answered. What I've done was necessary. Even if I have to rebuild the trust of everypony."

"You are a true friend, Discord. You've grown into a better pony than most who reformed."

"Thank you," Discord looks at Celestia as he walks away. "I better get going," Discord waves as he leaves the room.

Fluttershy explains the situation as best as she could to Twilight and the others. They are in shocked.

"Fluttershy.., you mean to tell us that Discord was helping us by not helping us?" Rarity ask.

"He helped more than anypony would have known. He highlighted the key areas in our journal. If it weren't for that, we would have never known that our specialized items were keys to the chest," Fluttershy responds. "Initially, he didn't want to be the one who takes down Tirek. He wanted you, Twilight, to take him down."

"He did?" Twilight asks.

Fluttershy nods. "In the telepathic message he sent me, he was tasked by Celestia to get the job by any means necessary. Even if it means losing a lot of trust of everypony for you to succeed. If he would have gone through, you wouldn't have the castle, your moment of truth wouldn't be answered, and you'll still be finding out what you are meant to be as a Princess."

Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack, and Rainbow look at the ceiling in disbelief, and yet, they see the good intentions Discord had in mind. He is a good friend. Discord walks in the throne room and hovers around.

"Is everypony here still my friend?" Discord worriedly asks. Assuming they'll say no except for Fluttershy.

"Yes," The girls said in unison. Even Spike agrees.

"I told them what you told me, Discord. I explained as best as I could. They understand."

Twilight trots up to Discord and hugs him. Discord returns the hug back. Everyone group hugs Discord.

"Thank you, Discord. For being a true friend and for helping us. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have this," Twilight graciously thank.

"Thanks, Discord for helping Twilight," Applejack said.

"Thank you, darling," Rarity said.

"Thanks for being a great friend. I have to throw you a celebration friendship party in honor of you!" Pinkie squee.

"Thanks for helping Twilight and us, even though it was painful for you," Rainbow said.

"I knew you'll be a great friend, in the end, Discord," Fluttershy said.

"Ah, you're welcome."

"Is there any way we can repay you?" Applejack suggest.

Discord thinks about it. He wants to encourage his friends to let go of the CMC. Have them move on with their lives. For now, he's going to remain quiet until the time is right.

"Until the time is right, I'll let you all know, how you can repay me."

Everypony nods in agreement.

"Fair enough, Discord," Twilight said.

"Well, I better get going."

"Don't you want to stay and celebrate a tremendous victory?" Pinkie said, rubbing her party cannon.

Discord looks back. "You want me to stay?"

"Yes!" Pinkie shouts.

"We would be honored if you were to stay for the party, Discord," Twilight said.

Discord takes a deep breath. "Alright, I'll stay for the party."

As everyone prepares for the upcoming party in the castle, the Storm King is sending an incoming message to Tempest. Tempest answers.

"Tempest? Where are you?" Storm King still has a problem with the projection viewing orb.

"I'm here, my King," Tempest salutes.

"As predicted, Lord Tirek has succumbed to Twilight Sparkle and her friends with the magic they possess. Were you able to steer clear from Tirek?"

"Yes, your highness. Tirek has no located me nor took my magic away."

"Excellent. You are showing me your worth for the cause. Not many will obey my commands."

"Any other info you have for me, your highness?"

"Princess Twilight Sparkle now has a castle. I want you to go investigate. See what areas that can be used against the Princess in terms of capturing her."

"Will do, Storm King. Thank you for your time."

"Good luck, Tempest. Don't blow your cover!"

Storm King and Tempest go their separate ways after the call is up. Tempest walks downstairs to the basement to meet with Fire Flier and Diamond Tiara.

"Tirek is back in Tartarus, we can now enact our plans to move in Ponyville. Take Rich's businesses, their workers, and turn them into soldiers for our army."

"Good. When should we move in?" Fire ask.

"Two weeks. When the new normal kicks in."

Coming Home Early

Its been a while since Scootaloo received any mail from her parents. She's been enjoying her time in Starlight's Village. Hanging out with her friends and sleeping over more with her aunts' house. Scootaloo is on the line waiting to see if she's getting any letters from her parents. She approaches the delivery pony.

"Any letters for me?" Scootaloo excitedly ask.

"Just one," The delivery pony gives Scootaloo the letter.

"Thank you!" Scootaloo sprints to Starlight's house.

"You're welcome, kiddo," The delivery pony smiles and continues to give everyone their packages.

Scootaloo walks inside and sits on the couch. Starlight walks by from the kitchen.

"Hey, Scootaloo. What you got there?"

"A letter! Hopefully, some important news from my parents."

"Alright, then," Starlight sits next to Scootaloo. "Let's find out what the letter says," Starlight uses her magic to unseal the envelope. She levitates the letter for Scootaloo to read.

Dear Scootaloo,

We have great news for you. We're coming home earlier than expected. Several scientists and researchers were sent by the Princesses to aide us with the new specimen and plant life. The plant your mother and I discovered causes diseases of all kinds to self-destruct. After further testing and analysis of the plant, the Equestrian Health Organization paid us in full. We have more than enough to support for a long time. By the time you are reading this letter, we are already on our way with the coordinates Starlight Glimmer mailed us in secrecy.

Your father and I are so excited to be with you as a family. We've decided to stay in the village with you and your friends. Knowing that there may be a chance to keep you safe from those who wronged you from the Gabby Gums incident, we want to protect you. Keep you safe by all means. Your father cannot wait to wrestle the punks that drenched you with rainwater and thrown tomatoes at you. I'm looking forward to seeing you. The same goes for your father.

Starlight Glimmer, thank you for watching our daughter. We'll thank you upon arrival. We want to know how you plan on serving justice to those that wronged you and your ponies in the village. Scootaloo mentions of it in the letters she's written. However, we would like a thorough explanation. If there is a chance that this Rainbow Dash and her friends were to show up, we would like to give them a piece of our minds. Until then:

Love you, Scootaloo.

Sincerely Your Mother & Father,

Mane Allgood & Snap Shutter

"They're coming! They're coming!!" Scootaloo leaps in joy and happiness. She's excited to have her parents living in the village as well.

"Well, that's a nice surprise. I'll have Party Favor set up a welcome party for them," Starlight said.

Scootaloo gasps and hugs Starlight. "Thank you, Starly!"

"You're welcome. Now, let's tell everyone the good news."

Scootaloo nods and trots to her aunts' house. She gives them the letter she received today. After reading it, they are excited as well.

"Let's get the others to set up the party," Lofty said.

"Starly is taking care of it. We should do our part in terms of preparations," Scootaloo said.

"Let's do it," Lofty complies.

Starlight trots to Party Favor's house and knocks. Sweetie Belle opens the door.

"Hey, Starly. You here for game day?'

"No, Sweetie Belle. I have some news to tell everypony though."

"What news?" Party Favor said with a card on his head.

"Scootaloo's parents are coming to the village earlier than we anticipated. They could be here in a few hours or a day at best."

"New villagers! Woo!" Party Favor cheers.

"Wow. Scootaloo's folks are coming. They'll be great in terms of helping around the village," Sweetie Belle said.

"Not only that, but those who wronged everypony in the village. Especially us, Sweetie Belle," Apple Bloom happily expressed.

"Alright. After we finish our game, I'll start preparing for the party."

"Sounds good. Thank you, Party Favor."

"You're welcome, Starlight," Party Favor closes the door.

Party Favor, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle resume their game as Starlight Glimmer trots to Sugar Belle's bakery. She enters inside and smells the aroma of apple-pear strudels.

"That smells good, Sugar Belle."

"Thanks, Starlight. Want a sample?" Sugar Belle offers one.

"Sure," Starlight takes the sample and eats it. "This is delicious, Sugar Belle," Starlight smiles in satisfaction.

"Thank you for the compliment. So, is there anything I can make for you?"

"Do you have leftover Zap Apples for a Zap Apple cake?"

"Yes. I still have seventy Zap Apples. Who's birthday is it for?"

"No birthday but, its for the arrival of Scootaloo's parents."

"The arrival of Scootaloo's parents?!" Sugar Belle shockingly expressed.

Starlight nods. "Yes. They shipped a letter to Scootaloo. She got the letter today. We have a limited time window to prepare for their arrival."

"Understood, Starlight. I'll start baking right away. Mind sending Apple Bloom over?"

"Sure, I don't mind."

"Thanks," Sugar Belle smiles.

Starlight trots back to Party Favor's house and knocks on the door. This time Apple Bloom opens the door.

"Hey, Starly. What's up?"

"Sugar Belle wants your assistance in baking a Zap Apple cake. Mind giving her a hoof?"

"Sure! I love baking with Sugar Belle. Party Favor, I'll see you around later. Sugar Belle needs me."

"Understood, Apple Bloom. Have fun!" Party Favor waves from the living room.

"Let's go, Apple Bloom."

Apple Bloom closes the door and follows Starlight to Sugar Belle's bakery. Starlight opens the door for Apple Bloom as she trots in.

"Here I am, Sugar Belle!" Apple Bloom shouts.

"Alright, let's start baking my friend. Thank you for bringing her over, Starlight."

"You're welcome. You two have fun." Starlight goes door to door, alerting everypony that new villagers will be coming soon. Its time to prepare for their arrival. Everypony starts setting up the party for Mane Allgood & Snap Shutter.

Four hours later, Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter gets off the train with their belongings. They look at the map of where they need to go. Two meters north of the train station, Night Glider, and Booster at their stakeout station observing Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter's movement.

"Starlight Glimmer, this is Night Glider. Booster and I are watching a mare and stallion heading in the direction of the village."

Scootaloo overhears the radio and grabs it before Starlight can say anything to respond.

"They're my parents, Night Glider!" Scootaloo shouts.

"The stallion is an earth pony. The mare is a pegasus. The stallion has a photo map cutie mark. The mare has a compass cutie mark."

"That's them! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! It's them! Yeah!!" Scootaloo cheers loudly on the radio.

"Understood, Scootaloo. Thanks for confirming for Starlight," Night Glider said.

Scootaloo chuckles a bit after as Starlight smiles at Scootaloo. Starlight takes the radio.

"You and Booster should come back to the village to celebrate the arrival of our new villagers."

"Understood, Starlight. Booster and I will return to the village," Night Glider turns to Booster. "Let's fly,"

As Night Glider and Booster flies back to the village, Snap Shutter is reading the map that Starlight sent them.

"Alright, gotta cross a bridge, then climb a mountain. That is when we'll see the village where Scootaloo been residing with Lofty and Holiday. Plus, her friends."

"Let's go. I'm craving to see my daughter."

Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood takes a deep breath and trot together to Starlight's village. As they travel, Party Favor and everypony in the village starts setting up the party. Apple Bloom and Sugar Belle finished baking the Zap Apple cake. The two brought it outside as Party Favor sets up tables all around the village. He made customize balloons for the occasion. Scootaloo, Lofty, and Holiday are preparing rooms for Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood in the household. In a few days, everyone will help build their home next to Lofty and Holiday. Starlight is making sure that everything is going along as planned. Sweetie Belle is checking off everything that is needed.

Two hours later, Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood arrive at the top of the mountain. They see the village from afar.

"An equal insignia. Interesting to show a representation of the village's meaning," Mane Allgood said.

"I can see why Scootaloo loves it there. Ponyfolks from that village illustrates unity," Snap Shutter exclaims.

"Let's not wait any longer."

Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter trot their way down the mountain. From afar, Scootaloo sees her parents coming down. She alerts everyone to get in position. Twenty minutes later, Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood arrive. Scootaloo couldn't contain her happiness and joy, she leaps and lunges towards her parents as everyone shouts, surprise. Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter hug their daughter. They are surprised to see a party arranged for them.

"Welcome home," Scootaloo said in tears of joy.

"It's great to be home, Scootaloo," Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter expressed.

Starlight trots up to the trio.

"Mane Allgood, Snap Shutter. Welcome to my village," Starlight greets.

"Thank you," Mane Allgood said.

"Thanks for watching our Scootaloo during her time of need. The same is said of her friends," Snap Shutter said.

"You're welcome," Starlight smiles.

"Mom, dad. We have a celebrational party for you. Since you'll be living here with us and have not wronged me, this is accustom to the village's newcomers," Scootaloo mention.

"Sounds good to us. As we mentioned, we'll be living together as a family."

"Also, your mom and me retired. That means more family time with you, short stuff," Snap Shutter said, rubbing Scootaloo's head.

"Let's get this party started!" Party Favor shouts, blowing on a party horn.

Starlight, introduce Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood to all the villagers living here. She gives them a quick tour all around the village. Then they proceed with the party. Having lots of fun, laughter, sharing stories/adventures, and much more. Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood were amazed to taste all sorts of food the village had to offer, including the Zap Apple cake. Hours go by of celebration and partying. Starlight approaches the two on a certain matter.

"Mane Allgood, Snap Shutter. I want a word with you in private."

"Sure thing, let's go, Snap," Mane Allgood respond.

"Coming, mate." Snap Shutter replies.

Starlight escorts the two to her office in her house. The two enter and sit down on the chair.

"As you know from the letters Scootaloo wrote to you, we have a system for those who wronged us in our path. I'm here to show you our routine to lure the wrongful ponies into a trap."

"Scootaloo mentions after the routine, they'll be transferred to the V.O.J."

"That is correct, Snap Shutter. From there, the wrongful pony will have their cutie mark stripped for causing a lot of trauma."

"Sounds reasonable enough. Considering an entire town caused our daughter and her friends to run away. After wanting more of these Gabby Gum stories," Mane Allgood retorts.

"Exactly. Our mission is to spread equality in friendship for the right reasons. There are ponies who take advantage of others, bullying them into submission, and making their lives worse. We are against that. I have the rules of the village here," Starlight shows the ruling system in her village. After the two read it, they deem it, righteous.

"You're ruling is perfect. There is nothing wrong with it."

"You should be a Princess, Starlight. Princess of Equality," Mane Allgood considered.

"Agreed, mate."

Starlight chuckles a bit. "Thank you. Just to let you know, you'll be bunking with Lofty and Holiday for the next few days. With new villagers coming in, we build a house for them to live in. Your house will be how you want it to be."

"Thanks, Starlight. Also, where does Scootaloo sleep at times?"

"Sometimes here, moreover at her aunts' house, Snap Shutter."

"Thanks. Also, thanks for the party. It was an amazing time to be with our daughter and her family friends."

"You're welcome. Enjoy your stay."

"We will. We have a lot of catching up to do as a family."

Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter leave Starlight's house. They see how quickly everyone cleans up after the party. Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter grabs their belongings and head inside Lofty and Holiday's house. They see a room set up for them. They enter and put their things aside. Scootaloo walks in and hugs her parents. They feel Scootaloo's tears of joy and hugs back.

"Thank you for coming sooner, mom, dad," Scootaloo graciously said.

"Thank Celestia for sending more scientists and researchers. If it weren't for that, we wouldn't be here right now," Mane Allgood said. Giving Scootaloo a kiss on her forehead.

Scootaloo yawns a bit.

"Time to hit the hay, kiddo. We have a long day of family time tomorrow."

Scootaloo smiles. She decides to sleep with her parents. They didn't mind and wanted it. Craved it after not seeing their child in three years.

During this time, Tempest, Diamond Tiara, and Fire Flier are on their way to Ponyville from Baltimare. They have Rich stuffed in a crate labeled as fragile.

"I'm coming home, Ponyville," Diamond Tiara said. Looking forward to claim her father's business for the Dark Order.

Arriving in Ponyville

Diamond Tiara, Tempest Shadow, and Fire Flier gets off the train. They are wearing dark cloaks. Tempest uses her magic to levitate the box from the train. No one suspects anything from the trio.

"Not far from the mansion." Diamond calmly noted.

"Lead the way," Fire said.

Diamond Tiara leads the two to her home. As they trot, no pony bothers to question them. Twenty minutes later, Diamond Tiara opens the mansion doors. Tempest and Fire Flier walk in with the crate. Tempest sees the butlers and maid trotting around. She uses her magic to manipulate them into her followers. Their eye colors change into green and red.

"There, now they won't cause a scene," Tempest removes her cloak.

"Finally," Fire removes his. "That cloak was starting to itch.

"Same," Diamond Tiara agrees as she takes off her cloak.

"Now, we have additional workers. They should keep doing their job until the company is under your name, Diamond Tiara."

"Agreed. Have my father bring in his advisors to sign the deed over to my name."

"As you wish," Tempest said.

Fire Flier opens the crate, allowing Rich to have fresh air.

"Mindless drone. Go to your business. Get your advisors and lawyers. Bring them here with the deed," Tempest uses her magic instruct Rich telepathically.

"As you wish, mistress," Rich bows and leaves the mansion. He trots to his business, Rich's Barnyard Bargains.

"So, now what?" Fire said.

"We wait until he returns."

Two hours later, Rich returns to his mansion with his advisors and lawyers. The moment they step in, Tempest uses her magic to manipulate their minds. All ponies bow in submission to Tempest. Tempest looks displeased and sighs.

"Fire, bring down Diamond Tiara."

"Yes, Tempest," Fire goes to Diamond Tiara's room.

"As for the rest of you, follow me," Tempest leads the way to a private room of the mansion.

"Diamond Tiara," Fire knocks on the door.

"What is it?" Diamond responds while writing in her journal.

"Time for you to claim what is yours."

"Coming," Diamond finish writing in her journal and leaves the room. She follows Fire Flier into a private room of the mansion.

"Dad's meeting room. Perfect fitting to claim ownership."

The two enter and see Rich's advisors and lawyers present. Each of them have red-green eyes. They turn to their new boss. In Rich's state of mind, he is begging Diamond Tiara to snap out of it. Tempest's mind control is overwhelming Rich consciousness. There is nothing he can do but watch helplessly.

"Mindless drone, you have the deed?" Tempest ask.

"Yes. I have the deed. I will sign ownership under Diamond Tiara's name. She'll have full control of my company."

"Excellent, proceed."

Rich is signing documents to transfer ownership to Diamond Tiara. His lawyers put the stamp of approval to legalize the documentation. Barnyard Bargains now belongs to Diamond Tiara. All she has to do is sign her name. Diamond Tiara hesitate at first. Tempest catches on and amplifies her magic to remove any hesitation in Diamond Tiara's mind. Can't have anyone backing away from the Dark Order, plus this is her chance to explore Princess Twilight's castle.

"It is done, mistress," Rich bows.

"Go home, all of you. Wait until Diamond Tiara has called you. Do not speak of this to anypony in Ponyville. Keep this meeting hidden from the public."

"Yes, ma'am," The lawyers and advisors said in unison. They leave the mansion, not saying anything of the meeting as they go home.

"I'm going to my room," Diamond said, leaving the meeting room.

"Something up, Tempest?"

"That girl is hesitating. When your in the Dark Order, you don't hesitate. When you want revenge, you don't hesitate. You take action and deliver," Tempest strictly said.

"Agreed," Fire Flier subtly agrees.

"I'll be monitoring on Diamond Tiara's reaction. Her childlike state may cause a problem with my infused magic down the road," Tempest leaves the room.

"Understood," Fire said.

Diamond Tiara is in her bed, staring at the ceiling. In her mind, she is battling her demons. Whether to surrender and survive or get herself out of the situation and seek help. She's starting to miss her father while losing herself for the evil within. Tempest walks in the room.

"Hey, got a minute?"

"What now, Tempest?"

Tempest trots to Diamond Tiara. "I saw you were a bit hesitant downstairs. Care to explain yourself?"

"Not much to say. Parts of me doesn't want to do this. Honestly, I want to. I want my cutie mark back. I want to make everypony suffer the way I have. In a few days, the Dark Order will have their army. I need to soak this in. I want to enjoy what I have in case things were to backfire."

Tempest is reading Diamond Tiara's emotions and movements as she talks. "Is that all?"

"Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends always manage to get in the way whenever tyranny arrives. If they happen to show up and they take away everything, I will have nothing and, the Dark Order will lose its army."

"Anything else? Has Princess Twilight Sparkle achieve something in Ponyville on her own?"

"As far as I know, she has not."

Tempest smirks. Now knowing what to do. "Divide and Conquer. That is how we'll take down Princess Twilight Sparkle. That way, no one interferes with our plans."

"Yes, then we manipulate them into doing our bidding. Princess Celestia and Luna will be helpless as they won't retaliate against Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Then we'll manipulate them and take down Starlight Glimmer and the CMC!" Diamond Tiara shouts. Tempest throws a pillow at her.

"Shut it, can't have you expose yourself. Any outsider may here you shout like that," Tempest recalls.

"Of course, my apologies."

"I'll keep an eye on you from time to time, Diamond Tiara," Tempest walks out the room. "Night," She shuts the door.

Tempest goes to a different room and looks out the window. She sees Twilight's castle.

"In a day or two, I'll explore around," Tempest said as she glares out the window.

The Map's Location

It's 8:30 in the morning. Twilight and her friends are present in the throne room. Everypony takes a seat as Spike is sleeping on his. Twilight starts questioning more of the castle until she sits down. A few moments later, the light of the thrones illuminate. The magic coming from the throne causes the floor to transform into a map of Equestria. Spike wakes up. The girls are in disarray.

"I like it," Spike compliments of the map of Equestria. He walks on the map to observe. "This is incredible. It's got all of Equestria."

Pinkie looks at her rock farm home. "Hi, mom and dad," Pinkie tears up a bit as Spike steps on the rock farm that the map features.

Twilight uses her magic to levitate Spike off the map to see as her cutie mark glows. Her and her friends' cutie mark hovers in the air then hover an unknown area on the map.

"If this is Ponyville, why our cutie marks over there?" Fluttershy asks.

"I don't know," Twilight responds.

"Hey, wait a minute," Applejack pause.

"What is it?" Rainbow said.

"Could the map lead us to where Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo are at?"

Eyes widen as silence reign. Everypony takes a few moments to collect their thoughts and ponder Applejack's question. Rarity and Rainbow Dash are enlightened with the idea of the map revealing the location of the CMC.

"Oh my gosh, Applejack. Maybe the map wants to unite with them!" Rarity shouts and praising Applejack's thought.

"Yea.., Yea! We haven't explored that part of Equestria! I bet Rich's investigation team hasn't explored that area as well," Rainbow quoted.

"Twi, what do you think?" Applejack said.

"I'm not sure that's what the map has intended for us to do. I think there is more about it."

"We're not going to find out by standing around doing nothing. Let's get moving," Applejack said.

"Yea! There could be dangers as well!" Rainbow proudly states.

The rest agrees on going forth to the location their cutie marks are hovering. Twilight picks up an Equestrian map and mark the details on how to get to their destination. Half an hour later, the girls board the train as Spike meets up with Big Mac to watch Hoofball.

It's now 11:00 in the morning. Scootaloo wakes up feeling happier than ever. Her parents Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood wake up as well. The trio hears lots of construction outside.

"Hmm, wonder what they are working on?" Snap Shutter asks as he yawns.

"Oh, dad. Those are our neighbors building your house next door to Aunt Holiday and Lofty."

"Oooh. Silly me. I should have known," Snap Shutter chuckles.

Mane Allgood sniffs the fresh aroma of waffles. She, Snap Shutter, and Scootaloo enters the kitchen.

"Morning," Lofty greets.

"Lofty and I made pancakes for you three. Since you two arrived yesterday, you should spend the day together as a family," Holiday said.

"Thank you," Scootaloo happily thank.

Lofty and Holiday kiss Scootaloo on her forehead and leaves the kitchen. Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter sit across from each other in a triangulation. Scootaloo is happy to have her entire family with her. As they enjoy their breakfast together, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle wake up late. They hurry downstairs to see Starlight Glimmer making waffles.

"Morning girls," Starlight said in a cheerful tone.

"Morning," Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle said in unison.

"So, what's for breakfast?" Sweetie Belle asks.

"Waffles with ice cream," Starlight smiles.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle gasps. They sit at the table, smiling widely.

"So, did the two of you had a good night sleep?"

"I have Starly," Apple Bloom said.

"Same with me," Sweetie Belle concurs.

"Good. You had fun with the party yesterday?"

"I did. I'm happy that Scootaloo gets to reunite with her family."

"Same, Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo's family is better than Big Mac and Applejack."

"A bit better than Rarity. My mom and dad haven't been around as much. Always traveling together. I rarely get to see them."

"Well, who needs them. We have Starly, Scootaloo, her aunts, her parents, and everypony else in the village."

"Amen, Apple Bloom. Amen."

"Judging from the two of you, I'm the closest thing to a mother you have," Starlight said, bringing a plate of waffles. "Help yourselves as I go get the ice cream."

"Thank you," Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle said in unison.

Starlight goes to her fridge and gets chocolate and vanilla ice cream. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle take three stacks of waffles, leaving three for Starlight.

"I want chocolate on my waffles, Starly!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Sure," Starlight puts three scoops of chocolate ice cream on Sweetie Belle's waffles.

"I want vanilla on mine," Apple Bloom said.

"Coming up," Starlight puts three scoops of vanilla ice cream on Apple Bloom's waffles.

"Thank you," Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle said.

"You're welcome," Starlight smiles. She puts three scoops of vanilla ice cream on her waffles.

The girls eat their breakfast. Half an hour later, everyone finishes eating. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle volunteer to clean the dishes for Starlight. Starlight allows them as she stretches a bit. After a few minutes, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle hug Starlight Glimmer. They thank her for watching over them.

"You three, and I include Scootaloo, have helped so much in our village. We are thriving and growing as a family."

"Yea, speaking of family, Scootaloo's folks are cool and understanding," Apple Bloom states.

"Also, it was Scootaloo's aunts that made the save by getting those Zap Apples for us," Sweetie Belle states.

"Not to mention housing us during Zap Apple Season," Starlight noted.

"Yea. Scootaloo's parents want to partake when wrongful ponies come and bring justice. I cannot wait to see how they handle with ponies from Ponyville."

"We'll know soon enough, Apple Bloom."

"Until then, we wait to see if we are welcoming a newcomer or bringing justice," Starlight states.

"Yea. Let's go see what everypony is doing today, Apple Bloom."

"You two have fun," Starlight waves.

"We will," Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle leave the household.

Starlight smiles and leaves her house. She trots to Lofty and Holiday's house. She knocks, waiting for an answer.

"Coming," Holiday said. She opens the door. "Starlight Glimmer. How nice to see you. Please, come in."

"Thank you, Holiday," Starlight walks in.

During this time, Mane Allgood and Lofty are cleaning the dishes as Snap Shutter is telling Scootaloo a story of how he was wrestling with a crocodile. Snap Shutter and Scootaloo sees Starlight walking in the living room.

"Hi, Starly," Scootaloo said as she waves.

"Hi, Scootaloo," Starlight smiles. "How is everyone doing today?"

"I'm good. I'm happy to be with my mom and dad again."

"Good, Scootaloo."

"I'm good as well, mate," Snap Shutter gets up and hugs Starlight. "Thanks for watching our daughter during her time of need."

"You're welcome," Starlight returns the hug.

"So, what brings you here, Starlight?"

"Just checking on things. Also, I want to thoroughly explain our methods of luring the wrongful ponies for justice," Starlight said.

"Mane Allgood, Starlight is here. She has important info to give us."

"Coming," Mane Allgood said. She trots to the living room. "Hi, Starlight. How are you today?"

"I'm great. Thanks for asking."

"Mane, Starlight is going to tell us how to lure the bad ponies for justice."

"This should be good."

"Mom, dad. Starlight is going to tell you the first portion. Then, I'll explain the second. I came up with the idea a long while ago."

"You have a mind of a brainiac. Knowing you, kiddo, you thought of something decisive."

"Thanks, dad."

Within the hour, Starlight and Scootaloo explain their plan more in-depth. Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter are amazed to hear their well thought out plan. Scootaloo mentions a routine to lure the wrongful ponies into the trap. Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood couldn't help but applaud the idea. It's brilliant.

"Wow, Scoots. I'm amazed that you devise that plan all on your own," Snap Shutter compliments.

"Well, Starly had notions to follow through with her other ideas. I saw one and made modifications to make it flow better. Everypony in the village agreed on it. They shared many stories of those wrongful ponies."

"Well, you have two powerhouses to help you when the time comes, Starlight," Mane Allgood said.

"Yea. If they try to weasel their way out, I'll wrestle them."

"Sounds good, Snap Shutter. Thank you for your time. I'll let you three be. You'll need a lot of catching up to do."

"Thank you for your time, Starlight. Thank you for watching over Scootaloo and her friends," Mane Allgood said.

"You're welcome. See you around," Starlight said as she leaves the house.

It's now 3:30 in the afternoon. The train stops at the station. Twilight and her friends get off the train then reads the map. Unknown to them, Booster and Night Glider are at the stakeout. It's their turn on keeping watch. Booster sees six ponies on his binoculars and radios Starlight Glimmer.

"Starlight Glimmer, this is Booster reporting. I see six ponies walking in the direction to where our village is."

Starlight picks up the radio from her office. "Six ponies? Please explain."

Night Glider takes the radio. "Six mares to be exact. Do you have your list of wrongful ponies?"

"Right here. Please describe the six mares."

"A purple Alicorn, a blue pegasus with a rainbow mane, a yellow pegasus with butterflies cutie mark, a white unicorn with a diamond as a cutie mark, a pinkie mare with balloons as a cutie mark, and Applejack."

Starlight Glimmer's jaws drop after hearing the description. She couldn't believe that they are searching for the village. She doesn't know what to feel. Happiness to put the ponies in their place or worry that they may try to ruin the CMC's lives again.

"Starlight, should Night Glider and I return to base?"

"Yes. Judgment day has arrived. I'll get everyone in position. Fly here as quickly as you can."

"Understood," Booster puts the radio down. "Let's jet, Night Glider. Time to put these ponies in their place."

Night Glider and Booster take flight, heading back to the village. Starlight goes door-to-door to alert everypony of wrongful ponies are coming. Starlight knocks on Holiday and Lofty's door. Lofty answers.

"Starlight, came by to visit Scootaloo?"

"No. I need you all to be ready."

"For what?" Lofty asks.

"The ponies that drove your niece and her friends away."

Lofty's draw drops. She calls out Scootaloo to come by the door.

"What's up, Starly?"

"Gather Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. Go to the upstairs bedroom and hide there. Your former friends are coming."

Scootaloo's draw drops and looks at the sky. She thank Celestia to bring justice for getting drenched with rainwater. Scootaloo sees Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle rushing to Starlight's house.

"Scootaloo, did you hear?"

"Yea, Apple Bloom. They're coming. We gotta hide."

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo go inside Starlight's house. They head upstairs. Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood decides to protect the trio in Starlight's house. In case Rainbow and her friends try to sneak their way inside. Night Glider and Booster arrives in the village. They go home and prepare themselves for phase one of the operations.

Two hours later, Twilight Sparkle and her friends see the town from afar.

"That's it. That's the place on the map," Twilight said.

"Let's go, girls," Applejack said. "Apple Bloom, if your down there, your big sis has finally arrived."

Judgement Day Part 1: The Arrival

Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash make their way down the mountain. As they come closer to the entrance, everypony sees how colorful the town is. Applejack thoroughly looks at the trees. She can tell their her apple trees.

"This is where the map sent us?" Rainbow confusingly asks.

"What in Equestria?" Applejack said. "Those are my apple trees."

"How can you be certain about that, Applejack?' Rainbow asks.

"I know when I see one. Apple family trees produce many fruitful apples. Also, a few months back during Zap Apple Season, my family and I were robbed on fresh apple seeds for replanting."

"So you think the culprit it here, Applejack?" Twilight ask.

"Maybe. Perhaps the culprit could have sold the apple seeds here," Applejack answers.

"Look, ponies smiling widely and, they have the same cutie mark," Twilight said.

"Also, those smiles are not smiles. I should know. I've seen genuine smiles and those look fake to me," Pinkie said.

"I think it's lovely."

"Lovely Fluttershy?" Rarity said. "This place is disturbing."

"Let's just go into town, talk with the locals and find out what the hay is going on," Applejack states. "Also, they may have information on Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle. and Scootaloo's whereabouts."

"True. I wonder if we get to fight a horrific monster."

"Why you say that, Rainbow?" Twilight asks with some concerns.

"Fighting a horrific monster sounds awesome," Rainbow smiles and zooms into town.

The girls follow Rainbow Dash into town as Pinkie mutters about the smiles being bad news. As the girls enter, everypony around says welcome repeatedly.

"This must be the most pleasant place in Equestria," Fluttershy compliments as she flies slowly in town.

"Ugh, thanks a lot, map," Rainbow groans a bit, complaining that there is no horrific monster.

"Welcome, pardon my forwardness, are you an Alicorn?" Party Favor said.

"That there is the Princess of Friendship," Applejack confirms for Twilight.

Princess of Friendship my behind, Party Favor thought. "You've come to the right place for friendship," Party Favor said.

"What brings you into town? You ponies lost?" Double Diamond said.

"We're not entirely sure," Twilight responds.

You got to be kidding me, not sure? Double Diamond thought. "I see, well, all are welcome in our little village. My name is Double Diamond, and this is Party Favor," Double Diamond said as he points to his right.

"Howdy, Double Diamond. I'm Applejack."

"I'm Rainbow Dash."


"Pinkie Pie."


"Twilight Sparkle. If you don't mind answering, have there been any signs of trouble recently?"

"Trouble? We have no troubling issues of any sort in our village," Double Diamond said.

"It's true. Here in our village, everything flows perfectly. No disputes, no yelling, just equality in friendship," Party Favor said.

"Perhaps, you should speak with our founder of the village, Starlight Glimmer."

"We'll take you to her," Double Diamond said.

Double Diamond and Party Favor escorts Twilight and her friends to Starlight's house. Pinkie Pie feels unnerving with everypony around them by how they smile. A few moments later, Double Diamond and Party Favor knocks on Starlight's door. That was the signal for Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo to remain still and silent. Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood are by the bedroom door. Mane Allgood wields a chair and, Snap Shutter is preparing himself to give a pony a headlock. The front door opens as Double Diamond calls out to Starlight, alerting her that she has guests. Starlight calms herself and remove a lot of her emotions into retaliating the visitors for driving Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo away. Starlight opens the door of her office to greet the guests.

"Welcome," Starlight smiles. "I'm so pleased to have you here."

Rainbow groans in disappointment. She was hoping to fight a monster. Double Diamond introduces the guests to Starlight Glimmer. In the back of her mind, she is screaming and roaring. For now, she has to calm herself down mentally.

"So, how did you hear of our little village?"

"It's kinda a long story. Let's just say we found it on a map," Twilight answers.

"Technically its a tree chest castle map," Pinkie Pie includes happily then, goes back to her defensive mode.

"Well, either way, we are happy to help you. We're happy to have anypony experience true friendship for the first time."

"Say what?" Applejack said with suspicions.

Starlight mentions that cutie marks in her village are something not to boast about, that is why everypony has the same cutie mark. With Twilight and her friends at disarray with everypony having an equal cutie mark, Starlight decides to give them the tour around the village.

"Alright, everypony. Heads held high, time to get in formation. No pony left behind," Starlight shouts a bit.

Everypony joins together to sing about their village. Fluttershy enjoys what she hears but, Pinkie has other notions of it being suspicious. Pinkie causes Fluttershy to lose her smile a bit. Rainbow is disturbed by the other pegasi agreeing that there is no competition. After a while longer of everypony singing about equality, Twilight feels that there is nothing wrong here except for Pinkie Pie. Applejack trots up to Starlight Glimmer.

"Excuse me, Starlight. I have a question to ask of you."

"Uh sure, Applejack. What do you have in mind?"

"Have you seen three fillies come by here? Their names are Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo."

"No, I have not seen nor heard of them. Why you ask that?" Starlight asks.

"Perhaps the map sent us here to find them. Thank you for your honesty, Starlight."

"Also, mind if we stay awhile, look for clues of their whereabouts?" Rainbow requests.

"Sure. Also, if you need anything, Double Diamond will aide you."

Double Diamond stares at the girls while smiling widely. The girls cringe a bit. Twilight and her friends sit by a table outside of a bakery. Sugar Belle sees them from the window.

That's them. The monsters who initiate our friends of running away. Sugar Belle thought.

Twilight and her friends discuss everyone's behavior of having the same cutie mark. Sugar Belle comes outside to see them bicker and argue over the situation. Double Diamond and Sugar Belle nod to keep up the suspicions a bit longer. Twilight and her friends laugh at the statement of being different than being equal. Sugar Belle poses to make them think twice of what's really going on.

"We have muffins for you all but, I would need you to come inside and pick the ones you want," Sugar Belle said.

Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy follow Sugar Belle inside and close the door to the bakery. Double Diamond and several ponies sighs and relaxes. Sugar Belle navigate the girls to the basement. Night Glider and Party Favor approaches them. They say they wished to have their cutie marks back for a day. Sugar Belle mentions of the vault where the cutie marks are being held in. Now it interests Twilight and her friends.

"Girls, I believe the map wants to liberate the cutie marks Starlight is keeping possession of," Twilight proclaims.

"Agreed, Twilight. This Starlight Glimmer is bad news," Applejack said.

"Also, she's the one that's making everypony here fakely smile," Pinkie Pie noted.

"So, how do we get to the vault?" Rarity ask.

"Starlight will take you there. But first, one of us needs to ask of her," Sugar Belle said.

"Let's have Double Diamond do it. We could use more separation from him," Rainbow said.

"Agreed," The girls said in unison.

Fluttershy comes up and leaves the bakery. She asks Double Diamond to have Starlight Glimmer take her and her friends to the vault. Double Diamond accepts the request and trots to Starlight's house. He knocks and Starlight allows him to enter. Double Diamond drops his smile and looks at Starlight.

"They're ready to see the vault, Starlight. Scootaloo's plan of tricking them is falling into place."

"Excellent, Double Diamond. I'll take the girls, Mane Allgood, and Snap Shutter to the caves first so they can go into hiding. Once that's done, I'll bring those wrongful ponies to justice."

"Good. I don't think I can take any more of this. I prefer to be happy and smile than to fake it."

"I know. I can't believe they have a map of our location."

"Is there a spell that can make them forget?"

"There is. First, I have to seal their cutie marks for all of eternity. When they drift away, they'll have no memory about it."

"What about the map of theirs?"

"I'll be the one who travels back to Ponyville, find the castle map and destroy it beyond repair. That way, they will never find our village again."

"Sounds good to me," Double Diamond said. "If you excuse me, I need to perform another act when I go back."

"Alright, see you later."

Double Diamond leaves smiling widely as he can, Starlight Glimmer trots upstairs. She knocks shave and a haircut. The signal to let Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood know it's her. The two back away as Starlight enters the bedroom.

"Alright everyone, I'm going to take you to the caves first, then I'll bring those troublesome ponies to their fitting end."

Starlight Glimmer escorts Snap Shutter, Mane Allgood, and the CMC through the backdoor of her house. She looks around to make sure no pony else is watching them as they travel to the cave. Double Diamond trots to the bakery. He sees Fluttershy stationed outside waiting for a response.

"Fluttershy," Double Diamond smiles.

"Yes, Double Diamond?" Fluttershy answers.

"Starlight Glimmer will be happy to take you to see the vault. All she asks is for you and your friends to wait patiently. She is a bit occupied with an errand right now."

"Alright, then. Thanks for keeping me updated. Uh, how long will it take Starlight Glimmer to finish her errand?"

"An hour or so."

"Sounds good. Thank you," Fluttershy said as she walks back downstairs. She alerts her friends that they'll have to wait a bit longer to get to the caves.

The ponies that sees Double Diamond closing the door to the bakery sighs heavily. Their performance as a unit is top-notch from the previous encounters of wrongful ponies. A lot of them shake their heads to the disbelief. Especially hearing the names of Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash. They go on with their day while Twilight and the rest are still in the basement, talking with Night Glider, Party Favor, and Sugar Belle.

Judgment Day Part 2: The Trials

Starlight Glimmer, Snap Shutter, Mane Allgood, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle arrives at the cave. Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood sees what the vault looks like for the first time.

"Wow, that is freaky," Snap Shutter said.

"And, all those cutie marks. They belong to-" Scootaloo cuts her mother off.

"Troublesome ponies that created a lot of trauma to everypony in the village," Scootaloo states

"Yea. Last week, we caught Booster's dad wandering in the village. According to Booster, his dad would beat him mercilessly for not getting his cutie mark and he'll beat him mercilessly for not being part of the Wonderbolts like his sister has," Apple Bloom states.

"Who's his sister?" Mane Allgood asks.

"Lightning Dusk," Sweetie Belle quickly answers. "They used to write to each other but, those letters have gone quiet. We can only assume that Lightning Dusk has forgotten about her brother, Booster."

"Wow, poor shame," Snap Shutter said. "So, what was his cutie mark?"

"This one," Starlight point to a wrench and engine cutie mark. "Booster's dad was an engineer."

"Booster was so happy to get rid of his tormentor for good. After all those years of beatings, he gave one without raising a hoof," Scootaloo said.

"Wow. Talk about justice. Getting rid of the cutie mark as an ultimate punishment for all the wrong they have done and inflicted," Mane Allgood said.

Starlight and the girls nod in agreement.

"Alright, everyone get into hiding position. I'll bring your sisters and friends here. I'll make sure to take the long route for everyone else to catch up,"

"Thanks, Starlight," Apple Bloom said.

"You're welcome. See you in an hour and a half," Starlight said as she trots out of the cave.

Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood hides in the shadows next to the vault. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo goes behind a pillar in the cave. Half an hour later, Starlight returns to the village. She alerts the ponies to head to the cave as quickly as possible. She sees Double Diamond stationed across from the bakery.

"It's time. Who's down with our guests?"

"Sugar Belle, Party Favor, and Night Glider," Double Diamond reports.

"Excellent. Head down there to give the word. Everypony else is heading to the cave. We're taking the longer route to the cave."

"Understood, Starlight. I can't wait to see their reactions," Double Diamond said. He smiles widely and opens the bakery door. He goes downstairs to let everyone know that Starlight is back.

A few moments later, Starlight Glimmer is leading Twilight and her friends to the cave. Double Diamond, Party Favor, and Night Glider trot behind them, smiling widely. Pinkie has her eyes on them for not trusting their smiles. Twilight now knows their mission is to give everypony's cutie marks that Starlight has stolen from them. She figured out that Starlight is a dictator in the village. Dictatorship is a no-no in Equestria. An hour later, Starlight Glimmer trots a bit faster to the cave. She turns around to see the guests getting closer.

"Just through here," Starlight said as she enters the cave.

A bit of adrenaline is pumping in the veins of Twilight Sparkle. She's anticipating the worst of the worse that is yet to come, in case. The rest of her friends starts to feel unnerving a bit. Unsure for how they'll handle seeing the vault. Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash hopes after they rid of Starlight Glimmer, everypony in the village can tell them any details of seeing Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. As they enter inside the cave, the girls are dumbstruck and awestruck.

"Thing of beauty, isn't it?" Starlight said.

"This is disturbing, Starlight? How can you do this to everypony, you dictator?" Twilight said.

"Yea! Out of anger and spite! What is wrong with you?!" Rainbow angrily shouts.

"I've done nothing out of anger and spite. I'm no dictator in my village. I have a question for you lot, have you done something out of anger and spite?" Starlight counters.

"No!" Applejack answers angrily. "We haven't done anything out of anger and spite!"

"We listen to what ponies have to say," Rarity said.

"We help create friendships," Fluttershy expressed.

"We show those that there are always better days ahead," Pinkie said.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo's jaw drops in disgust. Have they forgotten what has happened a year ago with the Gabby Gums incident? They were neglected, drenched with rainwater, turned, and neglected. Scootaloo pants heavily. Starlight nods quickly at Scootaloo.

"Oh, really?!" Scootaloo shouts angrily. Walking up to Starlight Glimmer.

Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Twilight jaws drop as they see Scootaloo walking up to Starlight Glimmer right side.

"You are a bunch of hypocrites!" Sweetie Belle shouts. She trots to Starlight's left side.

"I can't believe you have forgotten about the Gabby Gums incident. That you lied in front of Starly," Apple Bloom said. She is last to trot up to Starlight Glimmer.

"Ap-Apple Bloom," Applejack shakingly said.

"Sweetie Belle," Rarity said in tears.

"Scootaloo," Rainbow said as her body twitches a bit.

"Twilight, Fluttershy, and Pinkie gasps. They couldn't believe what they are seeing.

"Girls," Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity sincerely said in unison.

"Starlight! What's the meaning of this?! What have you've done to Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo?!" Twilight asks angrily.

"I've taken care of them while they were outcast by you all!" Starlight said.

"Yea, we heard the stories," Snap Shutter said, coming out of the shadows.

"We heard what you've done to our daughter, Scootaloo," Mane Allgood sternly said, coming out of the shadows as well.

"Wait, you're Scootaloo's parents?" Rainbow said.

"Aye mate, you are the enemy here," Snap Shutter responds.

Everypony else from the village gets closer to girls. They are angry, leaving no room for escape.

"It's a trap!" Twilight shouts.

"No!" The CMC said in unison. "This is justice!"

Twilight teleports high up, getting ready to launch an attack, Starlight uses her magic to levitate the Staff of Sameness. She uses the Staff of Sameness to remove Twilight's cutie mark. Twilight grunts and feels her cutie mark getting removed. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity, and Applejack are stunned as Twilight falls to the ground. Twilight's cutie mark is now replaced with an equal insignia.

"You shouldn't have retaliated, Twilight," Starlight said, putting Twilight's cutie mark in the vault.

In Canterlot Castle, Discord felt Twilight's magic disappearing. Recently, he's felt a handful of ponies meeting a similar fate. Now, it's getting out of hoof. Discord decides to investigate the matter.

"My.., cutie mark..., give it back..," Twilight said.

"You monster!" Rainbow shouts.

"Look who's talking," Scootaloo retorts.

"You can't be serious, Scoots!" Rainbow quickly responds. "Starlight is brainwashing you and your friends. She's an evil dictator!"

"No, she's not!" Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle said in defense of Starlight Glimmer.

"Have you've forgotten the time you drenched rainwater on us?" Scootaloo said.

"Have you forgotten the time when you refused to talk to me, Applejack?" Apple Bloom asks.

"Was it necessary to tell everypony in Ponyville of who we were as Gabby Gums, Rarity?"

"Well, it's obvious that you all had no remorse," Snap Shutter said.

"You all could have the decency to talk them about the rights and wrongs during the Gabby Gums incident. Instead, you gave them Tartarus. I am ashamed that you three have relations to our daughter and her friends," Mane Allgood said.

"I'm disgusted that you put your frustrations at three young fillies over a gossip," Snap Shutter said.

"We're sorry, okay!" Rainbow said.

"Too little, too late, Rainbow Trash!" Scootaloo said.

Rainbow Dash frowns.

"Apple Bloom? Is this what you want? To strip ponies of their cutie marks cause you aren't able to have one?" Applejack said with a level of concern.

Apple Bloom chuckles. "You know what's funny? I've decided not to have a cutie mark in my life!"

Applejack gasps in shock. She never heard anything obscure before.

"That is the same for me, Rarity," Sweetie Belle chimes in.

Rarity's jaw drop after hearing that.

"The Gabby Gums incident taught me a few things. Trying to get a cutie mark brings nothing but, chaos. Trying to get a cutie mark in journalism and the next thing I know, I'm getting drenched with rainwater, neglected by ponies, and getting hit with tomatoes!" Apple Bloom explains.

"Yea. Also, we were viewed as monsters. Do you know what it's like to be viewed as a monster?" Scootaloo said.

"The answer is no. You six are viewed as the heroes, saviors of Equestria," Sweetie Belle said.

"So, whatever you have to say, you are not worth our time. You belong in the past, where you'll never hurt us ever again," Scootaloo said.

Rainbow Dash is starting to think that Starlight has brainwashed them. Sure, she and her friends made mistakes but, they learned from them. To become better ponies. Also, the way Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle spoke, they don't sound like themselves. Twilight is struggling to stand after the weary effects from the Staff of Sameness. Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie don't know what to do. They are surrounded by everypony from the village. Rainbow knows what to do. She needs to attack Starlight head-on. Rainbow flaps her wings.

"Release Twilight's cutie mark! Now!" Rainbow shouts.

"Unlikely. You and you friends will endure the same fate as she. Your day of reckoning has come to an end!" Starlight said.

Rainbow does a flip in the air and charges at Starlight Glimmer. She is aiming to destroy the Staff of Sameness. Rainbow moves so fast, Starlight is unable to react. Scootaloo shoves Starlight aside as Rainbow charges at Scootaloo. The collision causes Scootaloo to crash at the vault, breaking her back in the process. Scootaloo wails from the pain. Not only Rainbow missed her chance, she is shaken by hurting Scootaloo. Snap Shutter tackles Rainbow Dash in anger. Everypony else is in shocked. Mane Allgood flies over to her daughter. Scootaloo cries in pain and agony. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Starlight hurries over to Scootaloo. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle look away. Not only Scootaloo's back is broken, her wings are broken as well.

"You monster!" Sweetie Belle angrily shouts.

"You won't be needing this, anymore," Snap Shutter bites Rainbow's left wing and pulls it hard. A loud snap can be heard. Rainbow wails in agony.

Starlight is in tears a bit from the anger. She turns to look at Rainbow Dash and her friends.

"Now, this is personal," Starlight lividly states. Starlight uses the Staff of Sameness to rip Rainbow and her friends cutie marks. She stores them in the vault. Rainbow and her friends now have an equal insignia cutie mark. "For all eternity, your cutie marks will be a reminder of those wrongful ponies who causes trauma. You deliberately done this to yourselves."

"So, are we going to be with your village?" Fluttershy nervously asks.

Starlight Glimmer wipes the equal cutie mark out, revealing her actual cutie mark. The girls are in shock once more. Everypony around them does the same. Each one revealing that their cutie marks are intact. Twilight and her friends pants a bit. Realizing that they were dead wrong about the cutie marks and the vault's representation.

"Then why the equal cutie marks?! What do they stand for?!" Twilight asks. Wanting to know some answers.

"It's the ultimate punishment for ponies that wronged us. Clearly you six have wronged Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. That is why they reside here in our village. To get away from the hate and abuse they suffered from the hooves of you all. Your cutie marks will forever be in the Vault of Justice."

"Vault... Of... Justice..," Twilight fearfully repeats.

"Everypony, let's dispose of these monsters," Double Diamond said.

As everypony gets closer to the six, Applejack tries to buck them away but, her strength is gone, she is helpless. Pinkie tries her best to fight back but, she is unable to feel anything of her nature. Twilight is unable to use her magic properly. She is powerless against the ponies coming closer to her and her friends. Rarity tries to use her magic but, it's not working. Everypony grabs them and stuffs them in sacks. Snap Shutter stuffs Rainbow Dash in a potato sack. He made sure its uncomfortable as it could be.

"To the waters!" Double Diamond shouts.

Scootaloo can't stop crying from the intense pain from her wings and back. Starlight checks on Scootaloo and her parents.

"Go with the others. My wife and I will bring Scootaloo to your house, Starlight. We'll tend to our daughter," Snap Shutter said.

Starlight nods.

"We're coming with you, Starly. We want to see them go," Apple Bloom said.

"Alright, then," Starlight goes in front of her villagers. "Follow me to the waters. Brings the monsters with you. It's time to dispose of them."

The girls complain and demand to bet set free as Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood carefully bring Scootaloo to Starlight's house. Everypony in the village help carries the monsters to the waters. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle follow closely, next to their sisters.

"Apple Bloom. Please. Reconsider this. Let us go!"

"Sweetie Belle, please. You don't have to do this. Give our cutie marks back and we'll go home. We will never come back and leave you be, please!"

"There is nothing you can say or do to change our minds. All of Ponyville hates us thanks to you, Rarity. How can we show our faces?" Sweetie Belle said.

"Ponyville wants to apologize, Sweetie Belle. I want to apologize for my foolish behavior and start anew with you."

"Why would Ponyville want to apologize? Did Princess Celestia has a say in the matter?"

"Well, um..," Rarity struggle a bit with her answer. Sweetie Belle catches on.

"She did. She's making the town apologize for us to come home?"

Rarity goes quiet for a few minutes.

"Yea! Princess Celestia made us and everypony feel ashamed for what we've done. Granny Smith winds up using her bamboo belt on my behind and Big Mac's behind."

"Well, too little, too late. It's been nearly a year since the Gabby Gums incident. There is nothing you or anypony else can say to change our minds."

"What about Equestria? How would they survive without us, Apple Bloom?"

"That's why there are Princesses in Equestria. I'm sure that there is someone equally as powerful as they are to aide them," Apple Bloom responds emotionlessly.

Everypony arrives by the waters. There are two boats stationed.

"Alright, place them in the boats. Doesn't matter who's with who. They'll be gone forever anyway," Starlight said.

The ponies from the village place Twilight, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash on one boat. The rest on the other boat. Applejack and Twilight notice there are no oars to steer at the least.

"What happened to the oars?" Twilight asks.

"No oars for monsters. Wherever you go is led by destiny," Starlight said.

The girls turn to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. They wave goodbye.

"Would you two like to do the honors of pushing them away?"

"With pleasure," Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle said in unison. "For Scootaloo!" They push the boats off the shore. The girls look at everypony waves. The current is taking the boats in a different direction.

"Starly, we want to see our friend now," Sweetie Belle said.

"We're all coming to check on Scootaloo. She's our friend. Part of our family, Sweetie Belle," Sugar Belle said.

"Let's go," Starlight leads the way back to the village. Everyone follows.

An hour later, Pinkie continues to cry out for help. Rainbow asks Pinkie to shut it as no pony can hear. Discord sees them from afar and gets closer to them.

"There you are," Discord hovers down. "What happened to you?"

The girls sigh.

"We found them, Discord," Rainbow said.

"You went to the village?" Discord asks. His eyes fall out of his sockets and eats them.

"Yes," The girls answer except for Applejack.

"Village? Discord, you knew they were at the village this whole time?"

"Yes, Applejack. I'd best take you to Canterlot Castle to discuss any further with Celestia and Luna."

Discord snaps his claw and teleports his friends to Canterlot Castle. During this time, everypony is around Starlight's house. Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood had placed Scootaloo Starlight's bed. Scootaloo can't stop crying in pain. Starlight, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle are next to Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood.

"Scootaloo, thanks for shoving me out of the way. If you hadn't, Rainbow would have destroyed the Staff of Sameness. Then the cutie marks would have returned to those wretched ponies, especially Fire Flier. I promise you, I'm going to find the spell to heal you and make the pain go away."

"Until then, Sweetie Belle and I are staying by your side, Scootaloo."

"So are we, we're not leaving your side, kiddo," Snap Shutter said.

Starlight trots downstairs and out of her home to inform everypony of Scootaloo's condition.

"Thanks to Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo shoving me aside, Scootaloo has a broken back and broken wings." Everypony cringes after hearing Scootaloo's injuries. "I ask of you to please comfort Scootaloo the best way any of you can. She is our friend, our family. She saved the Staff of Sameness from being destroyed. She saved the day by protecting the Vault of Justice from getting destroyed."

"Starlight," Party Favor said. "I may speak for everyone here, we're going to do our best to help Scootaloo make a speedy recovery. You find that healing spell and we'll make Scootaloo as comfortable as she can," Everypony chats with each other and nods in agreement.

"Thank you, I know Scootaloo will appreciate you all."

"Let's turn a frown, upside down," Party Favor cheers.

Everypony cheers loudly as they start planning to help Scootaloo as best as they can. Starlight smiles and looks up at the bedroom window.

"As long as we stand, we won't let anyone harm you every again, Scootaloo. That is the same for you, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle," Starlight said as she trots to her office and start reading healing spells.

Judgment Day Part 3: The Aftermath

Discord teleports his friends, still in sacks to the throne room of Canterlot Castle. It's 5:30 in the afternoon. Princess Celestia and Luna tell everypony to give Discord, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and her friends privacy.

"Discord, what's the meaning of bringing Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends in sacks?" Princess Luna asks profoundly.

"Well, I found them on boats drifting away like this."

"You have? Princess Twilight, what led to this?" Princess Celestia asks.

"It's a long story, Princess Celestia."

"We have all day to hear your story."

"First, can you help us get out of the sacks?" Applejack frustratedly said.

Discord snaps his claws. The sacks come to life and spits out the girls. Princess Celestia and Luna are stunned to see matching equal cutie marks. However, Discord is aware of the situation. He knows what it represents.

"What happened to your cutie marks?!" Princess Celestia freaks out a bit. Never in her reign in Equestria she has ever seen matching cutie marks.

"That's part of the long story, Princess Celestia," Twilight said.

"Who shall break the ice?" Princess Luna said.

"After my friends and I sat on our thrones, our cutie marks illuminate. The castle created a map of Equestria. Then, our cutie marks hover over an area we never seen before. Applejack had the notion that the CMC were there."

"We're they there, Twilight?" Princess Celestia asks.

"Yes," Twilight nods. "They were living in that village this whole time."

"Wow. What happened next?"

Twilight explains more in full detail when she and her friends entering the village, seeing how everypony acted togetherly in a twisted way, getting introduced to Starlight Glimmer. Twilight explains more of the village and villagers, with the tour that Starlight displayed. After a while, Twilight said that the map sent her and her friends to liberate Starlight Glimmer's dictatorship and free the cutie marks stored away in the vault. Twilight looks down a bit.

"What happened next, Twilight," Princess Celestia calmly asks.

Twilight sighs. Applejack steps in to take control.

"After a while of waiting in the basement of the bakery, your highnesses, Starlight escorted us to the vault. On the way there, Party Favor, Night Glider, and Sugar Belle followed closely behind us. When we saw the vault, we were mesmerized. So many cutie marks contained in the vault. We were speechless."

"Then-" Applejack is cut off by Twilight.

"Starlight calls the vault a thing of beauty. I said it was disturbing. I also said to her, How can you do this to everypony, you dictator?"

"Then I said, Yea! Out of anger and spite! What is wrong with you?!" Rainbow said.

"Starlight responds by telling us she has never done any sort. She flips the switch by asking us have you done something out of anger and spite?" Twilight sighs heavily.

"I replied no to Starlight's question. Also, I said, We haven't done anything out of anger and spite!" Applejack sadly said.

"I say We listen to what ponies have to say." Rarity includes her part in the saying of the story.

"I included myself by saying, We help create friendships," Fluttershy softly said.

"Then, I said, We show those that there are always better days ahead," Pinkie said, losing more of her cheerful-self.

"That's when we heard Scootaloo angrily shouting her response. It took us by surprise seeing her trot to Starlight Glimmer. Sweetie Belle was second to respond by calling us hypocrites. Apple Bloom was last to come out, reminding us about the Gabby Gums incident and lying to Starlight."

The Princesses are now intrigued and yet, horrified to hear more of it.

"I believed that Starlight brainwashed the CMC cause of how they were next to her. I asked what Starlight has done, she replies by telling me she took care of them while being outcast by us. That was when Scootaloo parents come out of the darkness of the cave to confirm the stories they heard. Then all of a sudden, everypony from the village came closer to us. I knew it was a trap and was about to retaliate by using my magic. That is when Starlight grabs a staff to strip my cutie mark off of me. I received an equal cutie mark after the transition."

"I called Starlight a monster after she did that. Scootaloo said looks who's talking." Rainbow said. "She and her friends reminded Applejack, Rarity, and I a lot of things that were true. Before we can respond, Scootaloo's parents said that we had no remorse and felt disgusted that we had relations with their daughter and friends. I said we're sorry but for them, it was too late."

"Then I tried telling Apple Bloom Is this what you want? To strip ponies of their cutie marks cause you aren't able to have one?" Applejack sighs heavily. "Wanna take a guess what she said, your highnesses?"

"She said yes. Agreeing to your claims," Princess Celestia answers.

"I was anticipating that answer from her. What she told me was something obscure. She decided to live her life without a cutie mark."

Silence reign for the Princesses. Discord knew of this but he's keeping quiet until he talks more in-depth about the situation. It's unheard of that a young filly wants to live life without a cutie mark.

"Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, your highnesses," Rarity said.

"What about Scootaloo?" Princess Celestia asks with a level of concern.

"She didn't include herself when they spoke of it. We can only assume that she still wants a cutie mark or not," Twilight noted.

"Then I drew my conclusions, Princess Celestia. I believed that Starlight put a spell on Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom. To get Twilight's cutie mark back, I sprung into action. I flew up, did a flip, and boosts myself to tackle Starlight Glimmer. Starlight didn't react fast enough but, Scootaloo did. She shove Starlight aside and took the hit. The collision was so hard," Rainbow sniffs, remembering the wails of Scootaloo. "Scootaloo was hurled back, crashing at the vault. Judging from the reactions after Scootaloo hits the vault, I gave her a broken back and a possible broken wings," Rainbow said as she tears up. "Her father, lunge at me and broke my wing in return. After Starlight saw what has happened to Scootaloo, she teared up and said it's now personal. She strip my cutie mark along with my friends. That is why we have the equal insignia cutie mark."

"The biggest reveal was Starlight Glimmer showing us that her cutie mark was intact. Same goes for everypony else from the village. They have a justice system for those that wronged them horribly," Twilight mentions. "The vault has a lot of cutie marks that caused a lot of trauma to a lot of ponies. Now, you know what has happened to us."

"Discord, please escort Twilight and her friends to the guest rooms, my sister and I have a lot to talk about."

"Yes, Princess Celestia," Discord snaps his claw and teleports everypony to the guest room.

"Discord, you knew more than us. Can you tell us what you know of Starlight and her doings?" Applejack asks.

Discord shakes his head. "I rather save the info when Celestia and Luna made up their minds."

"How is Scootaloo doing, Discord?" Rainbow worriedly asks.

"You broke her back and wings, Rainbow. As a younger pegasus, the joints are more sensitive than any other pony. Scootaloo is in immense pain and suffering. I can feel that she is crying uncontrollably right now."

Rainbow covers her face with her good wing and flinching a bit more with her bad one. She cries a bit, calling herself a monster.

"Discord, any advice on what we can do?" Twilight asks.

"Wait until we are summoned back to the throne room."

An hour goes by as Princess Celestia and Luna discuss the events that Twilight and her friends embarked on. They are deciding whether to have some negotiations or to retaliate for stealing Equestria's best defense cutie marks. The two bicker back and forth of the matter. Princess Luna says they should destroy the vault and take the cutie marks themselves. Princess Celestia wants to negotiate. Work on a little peace treaty. Princess Luna and Celestia can agree that Starlight Glimmer is a threat to all of Equestria as of now. Having the power to take away talents is scary enough. The Princesses need a third to settle the dispute. They send a Royal Guard to the guest room. The Royal Guard enters the guest room.

"Discord, the Princesses require your assistance," The Royal Guard salutes.

Discord takes a deep breath. "Understood. You lot come with me."

Discord and his friends walk to the throne room. Discord walks towards both Princesses as Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy stood back a little.

"You require my assistance?" Discord asks while he hovers in the air.

"Discord, my sister and I are having trouble settling our next plan of action. I want to negotiate with Starlight Glimmer," Princess Celestia said.

"I say we should destroy the vault and take the cutie marks back," Princess Luna coldly states.

"What do you think we should do?" Princess Luna asks.

"Also, what information you know of Starlight Glimmer and the villagers. I know that I asked of you not to reveal any information of any pony in Equestria, let them live their lives but, just this one time, I'm lifting that boundary for this occasion only. Any info would be vital for the cause," Princess Celestia states.

Discord takes a deep breath. He turns to his friends then back at the Princesses.

"The info that I'll be sharing, no pony is not allowed to speak of it afterward. Everything I say here, stays," Discord looks at Pinkie directly. "What did I say Pinkie?"

"Something about not speaking. It only stays here, I guess..?"

Discord sighs. "Close enough," Discord turns to the Princesses. "Honestly, I would negotiate with Starlight Glimmer and the villagers about returning Twilight and her friends' cutie marks."

"What?!" Rainbow complains. "Are you serious?!" She whines.

"I know your venturing isn't intentional but, I warned you all about letting Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo go. When I mentioned that their alright and fine, the truth was they were happy. They were being loved by an equalist village. Starlight Glimmer is not a dictator. She's a friend. With Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo living in the village, things turned around for the better in that village. Also, the part about stripping cutie marks away from wrongful ponies, that was Scootaloo's plan."

There is dead silence in the room. Twilight, her friends, and the Princesses couldn't believe that Scootaloo came up with an ingenious plan, and yet, it's still horrifying.

"In the village, there is no bullying and discrimination. Starlight created a set of rules in which everypony follows through. They all live as a family."

"They discriminated us as being wrongful ponies. How does that fare with the ruling?" Rainbow said.

"The ruling applies for those who are living there. The rules apply for newcomers that gone through unfortunate hardships in life. When it comes to wrongful ponies, it's an immediate trial of punishment before being sent away."

"Besides us, anypony else got their cutie marks taken away?" Twilight asks.

"A lot of horrible ponies who deserve life in prison. Hearing the testimony of those villagers is breathtaking for what they've endured. Makes me wonder how in Equestria they didn't end themselves. Two ponies in particular caught my attention. A pegasus named Fire Flier and an earth pony named Diamond Tiara."

Silence reign for a few seconds. They couldn't believe that Diamond Tiara's name is mentioned by Discord.

"Diamond Tiara?" Princess Luna calmly said.

"Diamond Tiara stumbled her way to Starlight's village weeks ago. The CMC took pleasure of stripping her cutie mark. She swore vengeance."

"What about Fire Flier?" Twilight asks.

"All I know is, he can cause fires just by flying at rapid speeds. There is not much I can say. I was keeping a closer eye on Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. In case any of you were to go searching for them. I would be trying to make you see the bigger picture by letting them go and to continue your lives without them," Discord takes another deep breath. "Celestia, Luna. I know how to get to the village. We need to make an agreement with them. For all of Equestria's sake. If the vault were to get destroyed, we can be dooming everypony in Starlight's village. Also, we may have a Civil War. I know for a fact that war is not on either's mind."

Princess Celestia and Luna agree with that statement. They nod in understanding. Senseless violence is not the answer, neither is war.

"Very well, Discord. We shall negotiate with Starlight Glimmer and everyone else in the village," Princess Celestia calmly states.

"Let's go now, everyone. Let's get the cutie marks back," Princess Luna declares.

"We're going to take the train there," Discord announces.

"Why not teleport us there?" Applejack asks.

"I have my reasons. Also, we're going bearing a white flag," Discord spawns a white flag.

The girls look down shamefully. First, their cutie marks gone, now returning while bearing a white flag. What more will they endure?

An hour later, Discord, Princess Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and her friends board the train. Discord closes his eyes while the rest talk among themselves for how they'll be handling the peace treaties. If there will be one.

During this time, Tempest is wearing a dark hoodie. She sees Spike and Big Mac hanging out. They are both going to hang out for the rest of the weekend, giving Tempest time to scout all around the castle. For the sake of the Dark Order and the Storm King. Either way, Tempest will know how to capture Princess Twilight Sparkle and friends from the inside when given the opportunity.

Infiltrating the Castle

Tempest enters the Castle of Friendship. She made sure no one is watching her. After seeing Spike hanging out with Big Mac earlier, now is the perfect to scout the castle. Tempest has her camera. She plans on documenting locations of the castle worthy enough to hide and ambush Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Tempest enters the throne room. She takes pictures of the throne and the map of Equestria at several different angles.

"How interesting, they have the whole map of Equestria. Good thing they don't have the Storm King's Kingdom on the map."

Tempest continues to look around the throne room. She finds several hiding positions that'll suit her soldiers. She takes pictures of them and leaves the throne room.

"That throne room has many interesting areas to ambush. If Twilight is a book fanatic, as they say, she'll be helping us even more."

Tempest walks down the corridors. She opens the door to the library. She takes different pictures of the library then, she leaves. Throughout the hour, Tempest opened many doors. She found other libraries, guest rooms, closets with windows, activity rooms, the balcony, the platform on the roof, and Twilight's bedroom. Tempest has taken a lot of pictures of secret entrances, hiding areas, rooms with windows to enter stealthfully. Tempest feels that there are areas to booby trap the Princess of Friendship and her friends without their knowledge.

"Note to self, booby trap areas they won't think of."

Tempest uses her magic to camouflage herself to the pillars of the castle after hearing Spike and Big Mac coming in with hoofball equipment. Tempest smirks. She uses her magic manipulate their minds. Big Mac and Spike fall to their knees. They feel dark magic coursing through them. Within a few moments, Big Mac and Spike turn and bow in front of Tempest. Their eyes are red-green.

"Mindless drones. Do as I say. Observe the Princess of Friendship and friends. Keep in contact with everything they do."

"Yes, mistress," Spike and Big Mac said.

"Report to me at Rich's mansion of any useful info. Do not tell anypony else."

"Understood," Spike and Big Mac answer.

"Carry on with your day," Tempest commands. She leaves the castle.

Big Mac and Spike shake their heads. They forgot what just happened and carry on with their plans. Spike is trying to get the rookie hoofball collector's card from Big Mac. Tempest trots back to the mansion to inform Fire Flier and Diamond Tiara. Half an hour later, Tempest enters Rich's mansion. She smells freshly made foods coming from the dining room. She gallops to the dining room, finding out that Fire Flier and Diamond Tiara are about to have dinner.

"Hey, Tempest. Just in time for dinner. You hungry?" Fire asks.

"Not at the moment. I'm here to clarify a few things. One, I have layered out the entire castle. We now have ways of ambushing Princess Twilight and her friends. Second, I manage to brainwash a baby dragon and a stallion. They'll be our eyes and ears on everything Princess Twilight and her friends, does. Third, we have the element of surprise. No pony has suspected anything during our time here."

"Excellent, Tempest. Thanks for informing us."

"You're welcome, Fire Flier," Tempest sees a well-cooked fish for Fire Flier. Using her magic, she takes the fish away from Fire Flier.

"Hey! I was waiting to eat that!" Fire Flier shouts.

Diamond Tiara laugh at Fire's misery. Now he has to wait for another well-cooked fish. Diamond Tiara eats her haystack fries. Fire Flier groans as his stomach growls loudly.

Tempest is eating the fish in a different room. She starts to have a headache. After an hour after her meal, the Storm King calls. Tempest answers.

"Good evening, your highness," Tempest greets, bowing down to the Storm King.

"Tempest, have you infiltrated Twilight's Castle?" The Storm King raises his eyebrow.

"Yes, your highness. I scoped around and found intriguing evidence. There are locations in the castle that are perfect to booby trap and ambush the Princess and her friends."

The Storm King smirks. "Excellent, Tempest! According to my sources, we may get the chance to invade Equestria earlier than expected."

"Why is that, Storm King?" Tempest calmly questions.

"The Princess and her friends lost their special talents. Rumor has it that they may try to retrieve it. There is a town near this Manehattan of theirs. Go investigate. If they are unable to get their special talents back, we will invade Equestria sooner."

"Understood, Storm King. I shall venture to this town and review. If the Princess and friends are able to get their marks, I shall report to you. That way, you don't waste any of your resources. Also, you'll be able to redraw your plans of conquest, my King."

"Sounds good, Tempest. I wish you luck."

"Thank you for your time, Storm King," Tempest salutes and hangs up the call. "Twilight Sparkle and her friends losing their cutie marks. Things are becoming too easy, augh!" Tempest's headache is getting a bit stronger but, she ignores it.

Storm King calls Grubber and he reports everything he sees so far. Discord can ruin everything unless he's taken out of the picture.

"Discord. Lord of Chaos. I shall end you with my supreme power!" The Storm King laughs manically as his generals continue to plan for the invasion of Equestria.


Hours have gone by as the train pulls up at the station. Discord, Princess Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and her friends get off the train. From afar, Booster and Sky Bolt are at the stakeout. Booster grabs the radio to inform Starlight of the ponies and creature heading in the direction of the village. Sky Bolt and Booster are not thrilled to see the six ponies from earlier today making a comeback.

"Starlight Glimmer, we have a serious problem," Sky Bolt said.

"What is it?" Starlight responds as she's still reading about healing spells.

"Those six ponies Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle shipped hours ago-" Starlight cuts Sky Bolt.

"Their back, aren't they?" Starlight displeasingly said.

"Yea," Sky Bolt sadly confirms.

Booster takes the radio from Sky Bolt. "Not only they're back. They also brought the Princess of the Sun and Moon. Along with a strange tall creature. The strange tall creature has a bunch of animal parts. Like a zoo built into one. Also, they come bearing a white flag."

Starlight heavily sighs. "Return to the village. If they are bearing a white flag, that means they want to talk."

"Understood, Starlight. Sky Bolt, let's fly back home."

Sky Bolt and Booster flies back to the village. Starlight leaves her house and knocks on everyone's door for an important meeting. Discord sees two pegasi flying.

"Alright, everypony. It's time to start moving."

"Follow us, Discord. We know where to go from here," Twilight said.

Twilight and her friends navigate the Princesses and Discord to the village. Around this time, Starlight explains in full detail of the ponies arriving. Everypony is starting to freak out. They are unsure of how to overcome this situation. They ask many questions to Starlight, looking for answers to calm themselves down.

"I know that we never anticipated this kind of outcome in less than a day. After hearing that they come bearing the white flag, we may get the chance to talk. Let's place a long table at the entrance of our village. They won't have access to enter. Also, with the possibility of a spy lurking around for them, I placed a lot of cutie marks from the vault in separate containers. I also have the Staff of Sameness hidden elsewhere in the village. They won't know where it is."

Everypony sighs in relief and starts setting up a long table by the entrance. Starlight trots to her home to give Snap Shutter, Mane Allgood, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle the update of what's going on in the village. As Starlight enters her home, she sees Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle; their heads are down from the intense crying of Scootaloo. Her screams, her wails, is causing much grief for Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

"Starly? Have you found a healing spell for Scootaloo?" Sweetie sadly asks.

Starlight shakes her head. "Something serious is approaching the village as we speak."

"Like what?" Apple Bloom curiously asks.

"Twilight Sparkle and her friends brought the Princesses and some other creature. They won't give up trying to bring you three back."

"You've got to be kidding me!" Apple Bloom bucks a vase in reaction. The vase break when it collides with the wall. "Sorry, Starly," Apple Bloom apologetic said, looking down from her mistake.

"It's okay. I would have done the same."

Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood come rushing down the stairs after hearing a vase break.

"What happened down here, Starlight?" Snap Shutter said.

"We have a serious problem. First of all, how is Scootaloo?"

"She's finally asleep. Snap Shutter and I calmed her down for her to rest."

Starlight sighs in relief. "Good," Starlight pause, now she has to explain the situation everypony in the village is going through. "Remember those six ponies we saw earlier today?"

"Yeah! I snapped the blue rainbow pegasus's wing off for what she's done to my daughter."

"What about them, Starlight?" Mane Allgood seriously replies.

"They have come back with the Princesses and a strange zoo-like creature."

"Discord," Snap Shutter said.

"The Princesses? Oh great, they want the cutie marks back for sure."

"I know, Mane Allgood. I have the town set up a long table in front of the entrance. They are also bearing a white flag. We'll be having a lot of discussions."

"Leave the Princesses to us, mate. We have good relations with them."

"Thank you, Snap Shutter."

"You're welcome," Snap Shutter nods.

"Alright, let's get this over with."

Starlight, Snap Shutter, Mane Allgood, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle leaves the house. They watch as everypony is gathering themselves for the visitors' arrival. They sit on the ground in front of the table. Starlight Glimmer sits in the middle. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle sits on the left side with Starlight Glimmer. Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood sits on the right side with Starlight Glimmer. Everypony now waits for the arrival.

Two hours later, Princess Celestia lowers the sun as Princess Luna raises the moon. The villagers turn on the lights as they wait for the visitors. Twilight and her friends now see the village from afar. They sigh heavily. Princess Luna, Celestia, and Discord are right behind them.

"There it is, Princess. The village that Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were living this whole time," Twilight calmly expressed.

Princess Celestia observes the village. So colorful and yet, peaceful at the same time. She wonders why they came up with the vault. Princess Celestia sighs. Princess Luna believes that those townfolk should suffer some sort of punishment for what they've done to Twilight and her friends. Especially, locking their cutie marks away.

"Let's not keep them waiting any longer. Let's get this done and over with," Discord said while carrying the white flag.

"Of course," Princess Celestia complies.

Discord, the Princesses, Twilight, and her friends walk down the mountain. They see a long table in front of the entrance. Everypony from the village is sitting down, gazing at them as they approach. Discord plants the white flag down. Discord, Princess Celestia, Luna, and Twilight sit together at the table while Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie sits behind them. Princess Celestia is surprised to see Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood.

"Good evening Ms-" Starlight interrupts Princess Luna.

"Starlight Glimmer."

"Judging from the village, you knew we were coming. Then you know why we are here?" Princess Luna asks.

"You want something from me. Otherwise, you have no reason to be here."

"Correct. We require the cutie marks you stowed away."

"We cannot allow that," Starlight said, speaking for everypony.

"And why is that?" Princess Celestia politely asks.

"That's because Twilight, her friends, and everypony in Ponyville made us feel like pariahs. We tried to apologize for the Gabby Gums in an apologetic column, but they still didn't accept it," Sweetie Belle angrily states.

"My big brother, Big Macintosh, his words are haunting us to this day. Telling us to go away. I felt that they didn't love me anymore."

"Also, do you know what it's like to get drenched with rainwater. Once for finding out we were Gabby Gums, and second when Rainbow Dash found our apology pathetic," Sweetie Belle noted.

"It's heartbreaking, I understand," Princess Celestia sincerely said.

"Do you think that stripping away their cutie marks was a fitting punishment?" Princess Luna said.

"YES!" Apple Bloom and Sweetie angrily shouts.

"Drenched on rainwater was one thing, how about everypony in Ponyville throwing tomatoes at us in anger and spite!" Sweetie Belle snorts.

"You were pelted with tomatoes?" Princess Celestia shocking asks.

"Yes..," Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle sadly said in unison.

"On behalf of everypony in Ponyville, I Princess Celestia apologize on their behalf."

"Apology, not accepted!"

Princess Celestia knew that was coming but felt it was necessary to say.

"Apple Bloom," Applejack announces as she gets closer to the table, meeting eye contact with her sister. "I regret neglecting you when you and your friends approached Big Mac and me. Reflecting from that day on Apple Bloom, I allowed my anger and pride to take control of me. You needed me the most and, I bet you wanted to talk about Diamond Tiara after things were getting heated."

Apple Bloom gives a simple nod to her sister's statement.

"Sweetie Belle," Rarity comes closer. "I'm sorry for being a terrible sister once more. First from the Sisterhooves Social, and now from the Gabby Gums incident. Revealing the identity of Gabby Gums was a regret I made out of frustrations. I'm deeply sorry that you've endured all that heartache and trauma. I failed as a sister to help you see the right and wrong properly. I failed my duties as your older sister in terms of making you happy. I'm sorry for failing you, and I'm sorry for the mistakes I made that caused everypony to turn on you."

Rainbow Dash walks up to the table. "How is Scootaloo doing?"

Snap Shutter snorts. "How about I break your back. Then you'll know how Scootaloo is feeling."

Rainbow bites her lip and backs away slowly.

"Snap Shutter, was that threat necessary?" Princess Celestia acts in response.

"Have you ever felt the pain of a broken wing and a broken back?" Snap Shutter counters Princess Celestia's question.

Princess Celestia shakes her head. She'd never encountered a broken wing and back.

"Well, let me add. Scootaloo's pain is extremely intensifying. The unbearable pain from the spinal cord to the wingspan is a sensitive area for pegasi. Very sensitive," Mane Allgood explains in full detail. "I experienced it, and it was excruciating. The worst pain unimaginable."

"Discord, heal Scootaloo," Princess Luna commands.

"As you wish," Discord complies.

"That won't be necessary," Starlight said, Discord freezes his snap.

"Why is that? Surely you want Scootaloo to feel better," Princess Luna calmly states.

"We all do. However, by having Discord heal Scootaloo, that means we owe you in return. That would ultimately lead to giving back the cutie marks scot-free."

Princess Luna groans as Starlight caught up to her idea. She underestimated Starlight's way of thinking.

She's good, Princess Celestia thought to herself.

"Apple Bloom, do you think you can find it in your heart to forgive me?"

"Sweetie Belle, are you willing to forgive me?"

Apple Bloom stares at Applejack's eyes. She looks down and remembers the good times and bad. She looks back to her friends that she considered a family. Apple Bloom shakes her head.

"No. I don't think I can accept your apology. After everything I've gone through in Ponyville with my friends," Apple Bloom shakes her head. "The way you were after finding out I was part of Gabby Gums, how can I say yes when you're not apologizing to me for wanting more of her stories to begin with?"

It struck a nerve in Applejack's heart. She admits to herself that she loved Gabby Gums but, never acknowledge to apologize for wanting more, until it happened to her. When it did happen, she took all of her frustrations into ignoring Apple Bloom. She understands the revelation of her sister.

"Alright, I understand. There was more to it than I should have admitted. I lied in front of Starlight Glimmer in the heat of a moment, I've neglected the fact that I loved Gabby Gums until it happened to me. I am a horrible sister," Applejack turns her back on Apple Bloom. "I'm sorry."

Sweetie Belle starts tearing up. She looks down. "Despite your regrets, Rarity, you haven't been the best of a sister to me in a long time. You put your friends first, work second, and me at the very end. I have a lot of hardships with you. You are always trying to make promises but, you haven't kept some. One time during the Sisterhooves Social. After that, you disappeared on me."

"Sweetie Belle, I'm so sorry," Rarity starts to tear up. "I promise to make more time for you. Please, give me this one last chance," Rarity pleads.

"I hate to say this. I wish that you and the others never came here so, this pain doesn't eat me alive. I cannot accept your apology. I'm tired of false promises. Also, the other reason why I'm not accepting your apology, you were the one that ignited all of Ponyville to hate my friends and me. The tomato bruises gave me enough scaring as a reminder of what life was living in Ponyville."

Rarity burst into tears after hearing what Sweetie Belle said. She hates herself of doing exposing Gabby Gums identity to the entire town. Sweetie Belle looks away. She couldn't be here right now. Rarity tries to lunge herself to Sweetie Belle but, Discord grabs a hold on her. Rarity cries uncontrollably, realizing her biggest mistake as a sister.

"We read your letters of how sincere you were. We already forgave you cause it was our mistake. Will you someday look back and forgive us?" Applejack pleads.

Apple Bloom left the table and walks with Sweetie Belle back to Starlight's house. Starlight, Snap Shutter, and Mane Allgood look back as the duo enters the house. Everypony in the village couldn't help but feel their pain. Some even believe they were going to accept their apologies. In Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle's mind, they are unsure of forgiving them later.

"I hate to interrupt," Starlight said, "but we must continue."

"Understood," Princess Celestia agrees with a simple nod.

"What will it take for Twilight and her friends to get their cutie marks back?" Princess Celestia advise.

"I have a few conditions in exchange for their cutie marks."

"What are your demands?" Princess Luna asks.

"One. Do not document my village on any Equestrian map. I want my village to remain as is on the map."

The Princess nod in agreement.

"Two. I want no pony else from Ponyville coming here. I believe those three fillies want to enjoy life without the past coming to haunt them."

"Very well," Princess Celestia said.

"Three. I want you to erase the minds of Twilight and her friends of ever finding my village."

"Now that's going too far!" Rainbow complains.

"Hush, Rainbow Dash," Princess Celestia orders.

"Four. No spies or trickery to come after the vault and try to destroy it."

"Speaking of the vault, I have to ask why you created a justice system?" Princess Celestia demands.

"There are a lot of ponies that committed a lot of wrong in all of our lives. The justice system is our way of getting them back for all the trauma they inflicted on us. Before Twilight Sparkle and her friends came, we had Booster's dad and, he was as horrible as they come."

"How horrible?" Princess Luna curiously asks.

"He would beat Booster mercilessly for not being welcomed by the Wonderbolts and, he'll get beaten mercilessly for not getting a cutie mark," Starlight said.

The Princesses, Discord, and his friends cringe on the possibilities of getting beaten.

"What did his dad struck him with?" Discord asks.

"Jumper cables."

"Ooooh," Discord cringe.

"How was that possible?" Princess Luna reacts horribly.

"I rather not go in full detail. The list of these horrid ponies are in my journal. Believe me when I tell you, these wrongful ponies that do show up, they deserve more than life in prison." Everypony behind Starlight nods in agreement.

"Well, that is when you have to alert the Royal Guard to come and-" Night Glider shouts, interrupting Princess Celestia.

"Screw the Royal Guards! They weren't there for me when I was younger! A cult took everything in my hometown away and turned it into Tartarus! The Royal Guards showed up months after! The Royal Guard don't care about us unless we are ROYAL!" Night Glider furiously yelled.

Princess Celestia is stunned to hear what Night Glider said. Her Royal Guard would never shown up late. Would they? She starts to ponder.

"Five. You and no one else is allowed to condemn our methods of bringing justice to those that wronged us."

"Sister, we can't agree on that one. We should let our justice system handle those crises," Princess Luna protests.

"If you say no to that, no cutie marks."

"We don't have a choice, Luna."

"Yes we do, we take what is rightfully ours," Princess Luna states, now losing her patience.

"Forgive my sister. After being banished to the moon for a thousand years, she has lost her touch with connecting with ponies."

"Understood. Do you agree with condition number five?"

"Yes, Starlight. Please proceed."

"Six-" Snap Shutter whispers an idea for Starlight. Starlight nods as she likes Snap Shutter's idea. "Six. When something terrible that can relate to a disaster, Discord is the village's protector."

"Me?" Discord shockingly said.

"Him?" Everypony else said except for the villagers.

"Yes. Discord will be our village's protector from anypony or cult that seeks to create havoc," Starlight explains.

"But why?" Princess Celestia protests.

"My friends in the village had suffered from different cults in their lives. The fear of having one showing up at any moment strikes fear in their hearts."

Night Glider approaches to the table. "Years ago, living in Pegacounty, a cult came to turn every pegasi against each other. They were to kill off the weak. As for the strong, they forced them into labor camps. It was a horrible experience. As for the fillies, they put them in concentration camps. Those considered weak were slaves to the cult for all the wrong reasons, those considered strong were training every day and night were eligible enough to work either in a labor camp or become one of them," Night Glider has her head down.

"I had no idea that happened in my lands. I am deeply sorry for what you experienced," Princess Celestia apologetic states.

"Royal Guards don't do jack unless we're rich," Night Glider coldly compliments. "I was one of the lucky ones in my youth. I escaped in the darkest of night hour. I didn't look back. I inform the Royal Guard to stop them but, it took them months to do something. By the time they intervened, no one survives. I am the only pegasus from Pegacounty to ever live and tell the story."

Princess Celestia sighs heavily. She feels disgusted that her Royal Guards didn't step up to the task at hoof during that time. With everypony else behind Night Glider, she can only imagine the trauma each of them endured.

"My village is a sanctuary of those whose lives were horrid. Each and every one of us has a story of how things were and why they left behind. The justice system is our equalizer to put peace in our hearts once it's shipped and sailed."

"Sister, no matter what anypony has done in the past, no pony should ever have their cutie mark taken away. It's absurd," Princess Luna protest.

"Luna, for the sake of Equestria, we're going to allow it to slide as long as it's only this village that's doing it."

Princess Luna groans angrily. She looks away at Starlight.

"I have two questions for Night Glider and you, Starlight."

"What is it?" Starlight and Night Glider said in unison.

"Starlight, who's cutie mark you have that is considered a huge threat that is not Princess Twilight and her friends?"

"Fire Flier," Starlight confirms.

Princess Celestia, Luna, and the others take a step back from hearing Fire Flier's name except Discord.

"What did he do?" Princess Celestia asks.

"Before Apple Bloom planted many fruitful trees, we had our fields of crops. Fire Flier came one day and burned it all to the ground with his flying. He was the first of many to have their cutie marks stripped. Fire Flier made all of us go hungry for over a week."

Wow Princess Celestia thought. No words can be express at the moment. "Night Glider, you remember the name of the cult?"

"Remember? How could I ever forget. The cult is known as the Dark Order."

"The Dark Order?" Princess Celestia and Luna take note of the name.

"Vicious group I ever laid eyes on."

"Discord, have you-" Discord interrupts Princess Celestia.

"Never heard of them. Actually, never knew dark cults still exist. I guess they use a different form of magic to make them untraceable by magic."

"You think they're still around?" Princess Luna said.

"Without a doubt, they can be anywhere."

"We will put Equestria on notice without any pony else knowing. Thank you for alerting us with the info of the Dark Order. Starlight, we will comply with your conditions as promised."

"Celestia, I have a favor to ask of you," Snap Shutter said.

"What do you want, Snap Shutter?"

"I want Discord to heal our daughter, Scootalool," Snap Shutter asks.

"Granted," Discord snaps his claw and renews Scootaloo's back and wings. "Scootaloo is asleep. When she wakes up, she'll be good as new."

"Thank you, mate."

"Ah, you're welcome."

"Discord. After we get the cutie marks back, I want you to erase Twilight and her friend's memories of finding this location and erase the map's location."

"As you wish, Celestia. I'll erase their minds once we leave."

Starlight uses her magic to hover a jar containing the cutie marks. She gives them to Princess Celestia.

"Thank you for your time and not causing conflict," Starlight graciously said.

Princess Celestia gives a simple nod in response. "Thank you for having the patience. Until we meet again, Starlight. I do plan on visiting your village to connect with everypony here. Only I and Discord. No one else."

"Sounds good, Princess Celestia."

Discord takes the jar and removes the lid. The cutie marks return to Twilight and her friends. Their flow of magic and talent return. Discord snaps his claw, teleporting everyone back to Canterlot Castle.

"Thanks for the ride back, Discord," Princess Celestia thank.

"You're welcome," He turns to Twilight and her friends. They frown as they know what's coming. "I'm sorry," Discord snaps his paw, erasing the memory of Starlight village's location. He teleports to the throne room of Twilight's castle and removes the section of the map, detailing Starlight's village. He shoos away the cutie marks that continue to hover over the location as a signal of a failed attempt. Nothing more to it. During this time, everypony in the village is putting the long table away. Starlight, Snap Shutter, and Mane Allgood return to see Scootaloo. She is waking up from her slumber feeling better than ever.

"Hi mom, hi dad, hi, Starly!" Scootaloo smiles.

"How are you feeling?" Starlight asks.

"I feel better than ever!" Scootaloo cheers loudly. She hugs Starlight and her parents.

"We're glad you are doing better, Scootaloo," Mane Allgood said, rubbing her daughter's head with her wing.

"Did anything happened while I was asleep?"

"We'll discuss that later. Let's go see Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle," Starlight smiles.

Scootaloo sees Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle upset. The sadness goes away after seeing Scootaloo looking and feeling better. The two hug Scootaloo. Throughout the rest of the night, everypony talked about what has happened. Scootaloo is happy to know that things will be better. She can't wait for what tomorrow will bring. Twilight and her friends are on the train going back to Ponyville. Applejack and Rarity are saddened that their sisters doesn't want to forgive them, Rainbow Dash feels that she should get her fill in apologizing to Scootaloo. She knows it'll probably won't do any good but, she has to try. Princess Twilight Sparkle is more curious about the Dark Order. If they are still out there, somewhere, what could they be planning next?


It's been hours since Scootaloo is back to herself. She is staying with Aunt Holiday and Lofty's house. Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood decides to keep watch at the stakeout for the night. They volunteer to take Night Glider and Double Diamond's place. Starlight is asleep on the couch. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are discussing with each other about what Applejack and Rarity said to them earlier.

"I don't feel right. Do you, Sweetie Belle?"

"No. I feel sad. I'm ecstatic that Scootaloo is a hundred percent after that brutal hit from Rainbow Dash, but..,"

"Scootaloo has her family intact. Her aunts and parents. We don't..," Apple Bloom sadly states. "Big Mac's words still haunt me. As for Applejack, she was sincere, and yet, I chose not to forgive her."

"Least Applejack was the better sister. Rarity made a lot of false promises to me. Only once or twice we've done something together. That was it. She hangs out more with her friends and work than be with me. That's why I cannot forgive her. I'm shoved aside as her friends and work or more important than spending quality with me."

"Yea. I recall a lot of times that Applejack and I would be together at the farm," Apple Bloom frowns. "So many times we had. How could she ignore our apologetic column?"

"One thing is certain. Scootaloo doesn't need to forgive Rainbow Dash. Her actions were crueler than being bombarded with tomatoes by everypony in Ponyville."

"That's for sure," Apple Bloom nod in agreement. "Do you think Rarity would put you as a priority?"

"She would for a while then forget all about me," Sweetie Belle states in an instant. "Her inspirations and friends would always come first. Now when it comes to the benefit of Equestria, that is one thing. When it's something different entirely, she pushes me aside."

"I don't remember much of spending time with her. I spend more of my time here, being happier than ever. I guess the only thing that is missing is, having an actual sister to bond with."

"I hear you, Sweetie Belle. I do miss sister bonding time. More than I'll ever know."

"Should we write to them?" Sweetie Belle asks.

"No. We made our point of wanting to move on for the better."

"They did ask of us if we be willing to forgive in a later date."

"I think it's a possibility. Just not right now. With all that's happening."


Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle yawns and falls asleep on the bed.

In Ponyville, Rarity and Applejack are in boutique. They are talking with each other on today's events.

"If any good came out of this, Applejack, it's seeing Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom doing great."

"Great in the sense of being healthy and happy."

"Yea..," Rarity frowns.

"Who knew that the map would lead us there in the first place."

"None of us. I wish Discord didn't had to erase our minds of Starlight village's location," Rarity sighs.

Applejack sighs as well. "It would have been nice to renew my sisterhood with Apple Bloom if I were to go alone."

"Same with me, Applejack. I screwed up badly. I don't think I can live with myself as a horrid sister for the rest of my life." Rarity lowers her head in shame.

"Maybe, if we're lucky, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle will forgive us. No one can hate or go without forgiving someone for a long time."

"Princess Celestia had to wait a thousand years to hear Princess Luna say I'm sorry."

"Good point," Applejack noted. "However, we don't get to live a thousand years. Maybe in a few years or so, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle may forgive us after the pain of the past goes away."

"Unless we show up and bring the pain back," Rarity added in sadness.

Applejack groans. "Then, I guess we should heed Discord's warning. For us to let them go, we've done all we can."

Rarity sobs a bit and nods. "Agreed..,"

Applejack and Rarity embrace each other for a few moments. Then Applejack leaves the boutique and head to Sweet Apple Acres to inform Granny and Big Mac of Apple Bloom.

It is now 11:30 at night in Canterlot Castle. Princess Luna decides not to venture into the realm of dreams tonight. She needs to have a word with her sister, Celestia. She enters Celestia's room. Celestia is about to go to bed.

"Hi, Luna. Something on your mind?"

"Yes, sister," Princess Luna sits on the floor.

"What is it?"

"It's about Starlight's justice system. It's inhumane. No pony should suffer having their cutie marks stripped away for all eternity."

Princess Celestia sighs. "I know. However, from what we learned, there are a lot of horrid ponies that inflicted on the innocent. I'm starting to question my Royal Guard throughout the ages. I have a lot of complaints on their reports and how slow they respond to further reaches around Equestria. What Night Glider said earlier, hearing her tale and how genuine she sounded, she had a horrible experience."

"Shall I go over the Royal Guards' report and see what delayed their duties throughout the years?"

"Yes, Luna. I need to be sure that they respond to all emergencies in Equestria and not just in Canterlot."

"Going back to the vault conversation, Celestia. We should condemn it."

Princess Celestia shakes her head. "We cannot. We made an agreement in order to retrieve the cutie marks back. We have to honor it."

"We can go now and destroy it. We got what we have. What can that do to us?"

"Starlight Glimmer has stripped Twilight Sparkle and her friends of their cutie marks. She can do the same with us. I rather not put all of Equestria at bay cause of their justice system. Plus, nothing bad has happened since of their justice system either than losing Equestria's best defense. Which we were able to retrieve in the same day."

"You have a valid point, sister."

"Sometime during the week, I'm going to pay a visit, alone. I want to connect with those ponies and understand their pain."

"While you do that, I'll invest my time in this Dark Order, Night Glider mentioned. With the possibility that a member can already work for us, it's best not to trust anypony until they are taken care of,"

"Agreed, Luna," Celestia yawns.

"Rest, Celestia. I'll guard the night."

Princess Celestia gets ready to sleep as Princess Luna leaves the room. She decides to watch Equestria for the night instead of investigating the Royal Guards. She'll get to that on a different day.

Royal Guard Findings

Princess Luna is entering the Royal Guard's Headquarters. She asks the Captain of the Royal Guards for all documentations of the Royal Guards. The Captain nods. He gives all progress reports that were documented, since her banishment to the moon. Princess Luna asks to be left alone in solitude as she reads. The Captain bows in respect and orders all Royal Guards to leave Princess Luna alone for a while.

In the first few centuries, the Royal Guards has helped ponies worldwide in Equestria. No complaints as they were ready to serve. Nine decades later, Canterlot becomes Equestria's capital. Princess Celestia relocates as well as the Royal Guards. With wealth becoming more and more as time progresses, so does the importance of class rankings in Equestria.

"So, this is the change in attitude of the Royal Guards?"

Princess Luna reads various reports of stealing and fraud in Canterlot. Royal Guards are always top-notch in Canterlot. In other cities or towns in Equestria, reports have shown to have a significant response in terms of emergencies. Princess Luna goes in-depth in comparing Canterlot's cases with Manehattan's cases.

"Ponies in Manehattan had to wait a few days? That's absurd. What was going on?" Princess Luna looks for the reports on those related days and find nothing of some sort. "Why did it take them days to respond?" She reads the following dates of Canterlot and found nothing crucial that would have delayed them. "What was Celestia doing during that time?"

Princess Luna finds more credible reports of Royal Guards responding slower for other towns in Equestria than in Canterlot. In Canterlot, it's an instant response. Hour later, Princess Luna found more evidence of the Royal Guards being slower to respond elsewhere in Equestria unless the Princess is involved. It sickens Luna as she's starting to understand why Night Glider said screw the Royal Guards. She wonders if the local police have done anything to help out in their towns or not.

"Hmm, after I finish, I would need to check around for their historical records."

Hours go by as Princess Luna continues to read thoroughly. She highlights vital reports of slow responses to other towns and villages. One village in particular caught her eye. Uncornia. Uncornia needed help to fight off a swarm of dark ponies. It took the Royal Guards two weeks to respond with an army. Reports have shown upon arrival every unicorn was deceased. Another report detailed the dark ponies objective, purifying the light in everypony in retribution. They struck down various villages and towns that no longer exist on the map. They subdued the moment they went to Canterlot.

"They didn't ignore those towns..., did they..?" Princess Luna steady her breathing as she reads.

Going back to those reports of the dark ponies, the Royal Guards did not respond after a certain amount of days or weeks. Depending on the distance and travel. It made Luna feel disgusted, sad, and angry.

"There has to be some good in all this," Luna said, reassuring herself.

The later dates confirm as the Royal Guard mainly helps Canterlot. With the wealth controlling Equestria's best defenders, it has become harder for the rest of Equestria to seek their help. Numerous reports of other towns and villages seeking help but never getting it until it was too late.

"I can see why they have local police. The Royal Guards to them are trash," Luna mutters.

More reports indicate in Canterlot of suspicious activity growing. Throughout the years, whenever Canterlot is not distressed, they follow up with their investigations or schedules with the Princess. Anything outside of Canterlot, it has to be critical to investigate. Lots of reports on outside activity have grown since.

"The Dark Order," Luna said. "Are the dark ponies and Dark Order affiliated with each other or two cults with different beliefs? I wonder if Discord is around to help."

Princess Luna makes her leave as she is no longer interested in reading more reports of the Royal Guards. She's collected enough to believe there are wrongs worth fixing for the betterment of Equestria. She nods at the Captain and flies off to the balcony of Canterlot Castle. She enters the dream realms looking for Discord. It doesn't take long looking for his dream. Discord's door is in front.

"Let's do this," Luna enters Discord's dream and sees him taking a bath in chocolate milk.

"Hi, Princess Luna. Want some chocolate?" Discord offers as he gets out of his bath.

"Nay, Discord."

"What's up? You don't come in my dreams unless something is on your mind."

"There is. Do you possess time magic?"

"Yes. However, I am unable to alter anything in the past. It goes against my principals and my chaotic nature."

"Good. Then I have a favor to ask of you."

"What's on your mind?" Discord asks while hovering around Luna like a scarf.

Princess Luna sighs. "There will be a lot of time gaps throughout the millennium. There are things I need to see for myself."

"Uh, sure. That means that your sister will have to lower the moon and raise the sun."

"My sister has done it for a thousand years. A day or two wouldn't hurt her."

"Alright, let me stretch, then we'll go."

"Sounds good, Discord."

Discord stretches every limb and every part of his body. Princess Luna leaves the realm of dreams. When she returns, Discord is at the balcony with binoculars around his neck.

"Where to, Luna?"

Princess Luna tells Discord the first place to travel back. Discord uses his magic to go back in time. He is curious to know why Luna wants to go back in time. His questions will be answered once he sees everything that Luna wants to see.

Royal Guard Findings: Informing Princess Celestia

It's been a few days since Princess Luna and Discord were around. The two are time traveling to pivotal events of the Royal Guards and their change in demeanor throughout the years of Princess Celestia's reign. Princess Luna and Discord document and found some revelation on two cults, Dark Ponies and the Dark Order. The two have different agendas in terms of ruling all of Equestria. Princess Luna and Discord were not pleased with the Royal Guards throughout the ages ever since Celestia moved to Canterlot.

It's now 6:30 in the afternoon. Discord and Princess Celestia return from their trip. They enter the throne room with vital information. Princess Celestia pardons everypony in the throne to have a private meeting with her sister and Discord.

"So, how did the investigations go, Luna?"

"Discord and I found out the Royal Guards have changed their perspective in terms of protecting you and everypony in Canterlot. Leaving everypony else to defend for themselves in Equestria."

Princess Celestia is appalled from hearing that immediately.

"The moment you moved in, two hundred years later, the Royal Guards main priorities were in Canterlot," Discord noted.

"They chose to delay a lot of situations they deemed too far from Canterlot. Sister, there is corruption within the Royal Guard."

"Also, the wealth is controlling your Royal Guards. Their mindsets are altering the Royal Guards into receiving a huge haul of bits in return."

"There isn't enough training for local police to handle any circumstances as the Royal Guards are capable of handling," Princess Luna clarifies.

"We've seen a lot of unfortunate events. The Royal Guard reports what they've seen, wrote how they did it, and moved on. We found two active cults that dates back during the millennium of our research."

"Not only that Discord, Celestia; some of the higher-ranked Royal Guards excused themselves when trouble was more outward of Canterlot. We've seen they'll only respond to immediate as long as you give the order to investigate."

Princess Celestia looks at the ceiling in disbelief and sorrow. All of this happened due to her living with the wealth and the Royals? The Royal Guards normally protects all of Equestria in their accord. She starts questioning her decisions about staying put in the Castle of the Two sisters or not. Would the outcomes differ? She turns to her sister and Discord.

"Any good from what you've discovered?" Princess Celestia asks. Hoping to hear the good news, anything to relieve herself a bit.

"The Royal Guards were more involving in helping ponies in crisis throughout all of Equestria during your millennium reign. However, they were more involved before you ditched your first castle," Discord states.

"The Royal Guards let down a lot of ponies throughout the ages except Canterlot. Anything and everything in Canterlot, they delivered in terms of their oath. The same goes for you throughout the ages. The Royal Guards were always by your side when you need them."

"Another thing Celestia," Discord issues. "There were a lot of dropouts from the Royal Guards that scattered across Equestria, creating the local police departments in terms of handling things without the Royal Guard's assistance. Local police all around Equestria has failed to stop powerful cults and creatures that arose."

"We believed that the Royal Guards were purposely neglecting the dropouts. They delayed assistance so everypony knows how important the Royal Guards are and why you should never take them for granted."

"What?!" Princess Celestia panics a bit.

"That or an active cult member is in charge of the Royal Guards and commanding what to do."

Princess Celestia is hoping the second claim is more suitable. And yet, it frightens her more. She doesn't know her Royal Guard well enough. She even questions Shining Armor's doing as Captain of the Royal Guards. Discord and Luna can see the frustrations from Celestia just by looking at her eyes.

"So, my Royal Guard has not kept an oath to protect all of Equestria. Is that what you are informing of me?" Princess Celestia asks while taking deep breathes.

"Yes, dear sister. The Draqonecuus and I found more than enough evidence to see the corruption of the Royal Guards."

"So, if we were to move, then they will follow us? They'll have to change for the better, right?"

"We're not entirely sure, Celestia. They react differently."

"So be it," Princess Celestia reply. "From what you are telling me, they failed Equestria throughout the centuries of my reign," Princess Celestia gets a little teary. "All those ponies, those that are heavily affected, I feel so ashamed with myself. Throughout the years, I believed that there was nothing wrong, taking my duties seriously every day and night. Setting my priorities high and not asking daily reports of the Royal Guards. Just letting them be as they handle Equestria's protection duties except for crucial moments and circumstances. What Night Glider said the other day, that's given me a mental scarring." Princess Celestia sighs heavily.

"Understandable, dear sister. We now understand her situation. We saw what the Dark Order has done. How the Royal Guards didn't do anything after hearing reports of them."

"Starlight's justice system is bearable compared to what the cults and Royal Guards have done to the innocents," Discord said.

"Thank you for the info, you two. I have a lot to think about."

"When do you plan on visiting the village, Celestia?" Princess Luna asks.

"Tomorrow. I want to hear the stories from all of them. That way, I can improve the Equestrian Guards."

"There's no Equestrian Guards," Discord claims.

"Not yet. The Equestrian Guards will be the new and improve security of all Equestria. The Royal Guards will remain in Canterlot, after the time is right for me to leave."

"Leave?" Princess Luna and Discord said in unison.

"You said it yourselves. The Royal Guards changed two centuries after I moved to Canterlot. I refuse to allow history to repeat twice in one lifetime," Princess Celestia verifies.

"How long will that take?" Luna calmly asks.

"Depends on how smoothly things play out. After the cults are no more."

Discord and Princess Luna nods in understanding. They leave the throne room, giving Celestia much-needed privacy to collect her thoughts on improving better protection for all of her ponies.

I promise I'll make things better Princess Celestia thought to herself.

Tempest's Headache

Tempest is meditating in her room. Since taking the minds of Spike and Big Mac, she's been having severe headaches. It's been ongoing for days. Within her deep meditation, she feels his maniacal laughter, mocking her as he draws nearer. Tempest wakes from her meditation angrily and pants. She groans as her headache grows heavier.

What is wrong with me? Tempest thought to herself. She gets up to take look at herself in the mirror. She gasps as her eyes are more greener than before. "Noooo.." Lighting strikes revealing King Sombra reflecting from the mirror. She turns back to see no one behind her. She trots to the window as there is heavy rain pouring down. Lightning strikes down a bit. "No. He's contained in the jar. No way his essence broke free from it." Tempest trots back to the mirror. "Perhaps I should lay off using the mind manipulating spell. "

Fire Flier knocks on Tempest's door. It startle's Tempest a bit.

Oh great, the door startled me. Tempest thought to herself as she groans. She walks up to the door and opens it. "What do you want, Fire?"

"Checking on you. You haven't been yourself since coming back from the castle the other day.

"I'm a bit worn out from using the mind manipulation spell. I don't think I can handle maintaining it's power on more of Rich's workers," Tempest explains.

"Which is why a friend of ours send you this," He holds onto the Alicorn Amulet.

Tempest uses her magic to equip the Alicorn Amulet onto herself. The magic within from the amulet ignites her magic tenfold. Tempest gaze in the mirror to see King Sombra watching behind her. She instantly removes the Alicorn Amulet. King Sombra is no longer in the view of the mirror.

"Tempest, what is wrong with you? It's like you've seen a ghost."

Tempest pants a bit. For the duration of wearing the Alicorn Amulet, her headache spiked out of control. She's starting to lose herself.

"It's the horn. The more I use it's magic, the closer he gets."

"That's impossible. He is contained in a jar in the bowels of the sewers in Baltimare. Crimson confirmed that you have full control of the horn."

Diamond Tiara hears the commotion outside of her room. She comes out with a theory in mind.

"Fire. You mentioned to me a while back of other cults probably lurking around. Will it be possible for different cult members to spy on each other?"

Fire shakes his head. "No cult member is capable of spying on one another from another cult. We, the Dark Order, we have eyes and ears everywhere. Even in places that no pony would have ever thought of," Fire responds.

"Hmm," Diamond expressed loudly. "If there are eyes and ears where no pony would have ever thought, that should be the same within our cult. Perhaps Crimson is from a different pact?"

"Not likely. However, I respect your clever thinking. You are new to the cult and have not experience the full inclusion of being in the Dark Order like Tempest and I."

"Darn," Diamond said. She looks at Tempest. "Are you afraid of King Sombra?"

"I don't fear Sombra physically. Mentally, I fear by having his horn, he may try to overtake my mind. I have been using more of his magic for the cause. Perhaps I should ease up on how much to use."

"Wanna release the spell on me?" Diamond asks. "Perhaps, my feelings wouldn't come into effect of the cause?"

Tempest uses her magic to release the spell that had Diamond Tiara's emotions in tact. Diamond Tiara eyes go back to normal. Tempest's headache eases a bit but, not by much. She holds onto her head a bit.

"Feeling alright?" Fire asks.

"Yea. The headache is easing a bit. Perhaps I should release the stallion's grip but keep the baby dragon. I need a set of eyes on Princess Twilight Sparkle."

Diamond Tiara regains her consciousness as well as her guilty conscious. She knows deep down what she's committing is wrong; however, she crossed the line of no return. Who would forgive her for joining a dark cult? She looks at Fire and Tempest.

"How are you feeling, Diamond Tiara?" Fire asks.

"Well, my guilty conscious is coming back. I feel as I'm making a huge mistake. However, I feel that I should continue onward with the Dark Order's objective. Plus, I want my freaking cutie mark back!" She angrily shouted, pointing at the equal insignia cutie mark.

"I know. I want mine back too."

"Soon, we'll pay this Starlight Glimmer a visit. For now, still need to structure our army," Tempest said as she holds her head with her left hoof. "Ugh, this headache will be the death me."

"Or Storm King freezing your butt to death," Fire noted.

Diamond Tiara decides to wander around her home. She found her dad in a different guest room. He is strapped to the bed for good measure. Diamond Tiara closes the door and gets on the bed. She looks in the eyes of her father with a sorrowful look. Within Rich's mind, he sees his daughter geniunely sad for the first time. A tear stream down on Rich's face.

"Dad? If you can hear me, the real me, make a tear for what I have to say," Diamond Tiara frowns a bit as she collects her thoughts. She sees a tear stream down on her father's face. "One tear means yes, No tear means no. Do you understand that?" She sees a tear stream down, confirming his answer. "Do you still love me after all I did?" She sees a tear stream down. Diamond Tiara smiles a bit. "Do you wish to be a better father?" She sees another tear. "Will you send me away once things are under control and you regain your company?" She sees no tear but waits for a few moments.

There was a knock on the door. Diamond Tiara gets off of the bed and trots to the door.

"What are you doing?" Fire displeasingly asks.

"Trying to communicate with my dad," Diamond responds. Then gets closer to Fire's ear. "I want to see if there is anything else in mind to help for the cause." She whispers.

"Ooooh, I see. You are a clever one. Carry on," Fire closes the door and trots elsewhere.

Diamond Tiara goes back to her father. She sees no visible tear from the previous question. She sighs in relief a bit.

"If I can find a way to reverse things and get myself out of the heap of trouble, will I be grounded?" She sees a tear confirming the answer. She sighs. "I should have known and yet, I expected of it," she takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry for not being the daughter you expect of me to be. Do you forgive me?" Several tears stream down. In Rich's mind, he wants to renew his bond with Diamond Tiara. Being able to communicate with his daughter, he goes back to battling the demons of his mind. He refuses to give up. This is causing Tempest to have another surge of a headache.

"Darn it! Graaah!" Tempest roars holding onto her head. Thinking it's Sombra trying to take control. She uses her magic to release control of Big Mac from afar. Her headache eases up, however she felt a disturbance. Her hooves couldn't stop shaking and her knees trembling. King Sombra appears from the mirror.

"I will claim what is rightfully mine soon enough. You haven't seen the last of me," Sombra manically laughs.

Tempest punches the mirror shattering it. Her horn blackens. Something in which she hasn't notice from looking at the mirror. It was once red-violet when it was infused. She pants heavily as she's starting to lose herself once more due to Sombra's magic.

Beneaths the tunnels of Baltimare, several members of the Dark Order were defeated. Ponies wearing shadowed cloaks held onto the jar containing King Sombra. They release him from his imprisonment. They bow in respect as King Sombra's essence hovers, forming into the shadowed unicorn without the horn.

"My King, the amulet has been delivered. She is now losing grip of your magic."

"Time to claim what's rightfully mine."

"The Dark Ponies shall follow you, my Liege," They all rise up.

"Onward to Ponyville. The Fall of the Dark Order shall commence."

Celestia's Visit

Due to much-needed thinking of the Royal Guards and several meetings in Canterlot, Princess Celestia is on her way to Starlight's village. As before, she is taking the train there. She starts reading a book to pass the time. Discord has mentioned that Starlight has eyes and ears. That is how they knew of the arrival last week. Princess Celestia swore to keep the info hidden from anypony else. Princess Luna and Discord will be in charge of Canterlot for a day or two. Celestia doesn't know how long she'll be spending her time in the village. Her mission is to understand Starlight's villager's perspective of the Royal Guards and to connect with them.

Having Luna take over in Canterlot shouldn't be a problem. It should help her gain experience during the day.

Hours later, Celestia gets off the train. From afar, Mane Allgood and Night Glider are at the stakeout. Mane Allgood sees Princess Celestia and reports to Starlight from the radio.

"Starlight, this is Mane Allgood. I see Princess Celestia heading in the direction of the village."

"Again..?" Starlight sighs in response to answering the radio.

"Affirmative, she came alone," Mane Allgood confirms

"Return to the village with Night Glider."

"Will do," Mane Allgood puts the radio away. "Let's fly back to the village, Night Glider."

"Right," Night Glider nods and flies to the village with Mane Allgood.

Princess Celestia trots to the village. She remembers how to get there.

By now, they have seen me and alerted Starlight Glimmer of my arrival. I wonder if they use the table like that last visit?

Mane Allgood and Night Glider lands with the crowd of people outside of Starlight's house. She opens the window to give an announcement.

"Princess of the Sun, Princess Celestia will be arriving in our village in a couple of hours. She came alone."

"What does she want now?" Double Diamond calls out.

"Does she want to talk about the vault?" Party Favor speaks loudly.

"Is she trying to disband the conditions from last week?" Sugar Belle asks.

More ponies ask various questions about Princess Celestia's arrival. Everypony starts getting worried. The crowd gets louder until Starlight loudly shouts to quiet everypony down. After a few moments, everypony calms down long enough for Starlight to speak.

"Alright, let's set the table in front of the entrance. Have Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo inside with Lofty and Holiday. Let's also show the Princess of our best cuisines. Then, we will greet the Princess and see what she wants from us. Everypony, move," Starlight commands.

Everypony nods and starts setting the table in front of the entrance. Sugar Belle goes to her bakery and starts making food. Party Favor walks in to lend Sugar Belle a hoof with the catering. Starlight sighs and closes the door. She goes to her office to jot some questions for Princess Celestia.

Two hours later, Princess Celestia sees the village from afar.

The village is nicely decorated. I wonder if it is for me or a birthday celebration. Princess Celestia smiles, hoping that today's visit will be pleasant.

Princess Celestia descends to the entrance of the village. Everypony is ready to greet the Princess. Princess Celestia sees a lot of uncertainty faces with several ponies. She had a feeling that some ponies would have a hard time understanding her arrival. Starlight Glimmer breaks the ice.

"Princess Celestia."

"Starlight Glimmer."

The two made eye contact as they greet each other. Starlight is wondering if Celestia wants to talk of the vault and, Princess Celestia is wondering if Starlight and the village want to strip her cutie mark. Starlight takes a deep breath.

"Welcome to the village, Princess Celestia. May I ask, what do you plan on doing with your visitation in the village?" Starlight calmly asks.

"I'm here to talk and connect with everypony here in your village, Starlight. After hearing what Night Glider has said and Booster's story last week, I had my sister and Discord conduct an investigation of the Royal Guards' duties throughout the millennium of my reign."

"You have?" Starlight shocking replies. Several ponies were chatting with each other. They weren't anticipating this kind of reception from the Princess.

Princess Celestia nods. "According to my sister and Discord, they found more than enough evidence of the Royal Guards to be misguiding, blatantly disregarding most situations and unfortunate emergencies throughout Equestria. I want to apologize to everypony here that were heavily damaged by the lack of support from my Royal Guards," Princess Celestia sympathetically said with her head hung low.

Starlight nods in understanding. Several ponies continue to chat with each other. Hearing the Princess apologize for her failed protection unit must have taken a lot of courage to say. Especially for those who are heavily damaged. Night Glider can forgive the Princess but, she'll never forgive the Royal Guards for not doing their job.

"I swear that I'll have the cults annihilated from Equestria. Then, I'll create a new-and-improved Equestrian Protection Unit. An upgrade of the Royal Guards since they failed to help a lot of ponies throughout the ages."

A lot of ponies show their appreciation with an Equestrian Protection Unit for the future. Some that were uncertain ease up and smile.

"With that said and done, I would like to connect with each of you today. I would like to hear your stories and experiences that caused heavy trauma. That way, I'll know how to build up the Equestrian Protection Unit and understand your pain. I want to make amends so everypony here can feel happy."

Starlight and the others move the table away from the entrance, allowing Celestia entry. Princess Celestia trots inside to observe the village thoroughly. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo couldn't help but leave Aunt Holiday and Lofty's house. Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter follow behind them in case of a threat were to come. Princess Celestia sees the CMC walking with Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter. She smiles, knowing that the girls are happy.

Throughout the day, Princess Celestia listens to everypony's tale. Wretched, cold, brutal, and horrid describes each story that everypony experienced. Some ponies suffer from abuse within their families. Several ponies had abandoning uses from friends and family. The Royal Guards failed to save some families from mafias, gangs, and uncontrollable forces of nature.

Party Favor tells his story of how the Royal Guards failed to save his town from a rocky avalanche. He tells Princess Celestia that help will be on the way to prevent a disaster. Instead, the Royal Guards showed up after the avalanche. More than seventy percent of the population was wiped clean. Party Favor lost his family in the avalanche. His family's calling was bringing joy and cheer, turning frowns upside down. He vowed to do just that in dedication to his family. As for the Royal Guards, they apologized for showing up late. The reason was they were called for a different emergency in Canterlot. Party Favor got teary. He looks at Princess Celestia and tells her that the Royal Guards' main priorities are in Canterlot as long as the wealth is in control.

Princess Celestia takes that to heart. She looks away a bit in shame.

Double Diamond tells his story. It's similar to Party Favor with the avalanche but with snow instead of rocks. On a ski trip when he was young, a gigantic dragon roars loud enough to cause an avalanche. Everypony was stuck in the resort as snow buried the everything around. Everypony in the ski resort was freezing to death with the heating systems offline. Double Diamond mentions that the Royal Guards were coming to get everypony out of the snow. Only one showed up to alert my friends, family, and everypony else that reinforcements will be arriving shortly. Shortly turned into four days. Several ponies froze to death and starved to death. The Royal Guards finally came and got those that survived out. A lot of us questioned the reasoning behind the delay, while others complained that their loved ones are no more. The Royal Guards respond by saying any other information was classified and apologize for their delay. The reason why Double Diamond continues to ski is in remembrance of those who couldn't make it and live life to the fullest.

"I'm glad you chose to ski for those in remembrance. I am deeply sorry for how the Royal Guards has handled the situation everypony went through during that time."

"My dad, my grandparents, my brother, fell victim to the cold. Several fillies during those days became orphans. Several mares became widows. It was madness. The Royal Guards came after things settled down."

"I apologize on their behalf," Princess Celestia said. "Same goes for you, Party Favor."

"It doesn't matter, Princess Celestia," Party Favor sadly responds.

"Most of the villagers got screwed because of the delays from your Royal Guards," Starlight claims, speaking for everypony else affected by the late responses of the Royal Guards.

"Neglected and abused by the family for many years of my life," Sugar Belle said.

"Beaten mercilessly by my father," Booster noted.

"My friends continued to push me aside when I was growing up cause they got their cutie marks. I only had one friend left. His name is Sunburst. After he got his cutie mark, he abandoned me and went to private school. Have you ever felt alone cause you didn't have a cutie mark for many years?"

Princess Celestia shakes her head. Her life is far different than any other pony.

"The reason why I created the village in the first place was to gain friends with those that suffered like me. Those who want a new beginning. A new way of living trauma and stress-free."

"Do you plan on stripping the Royal Guard's cutie marks?" Princess Celestia cautiously asks.

"If they stumble upon here, Princess Celestia, we are going to strip their cutie marks away. They have caused too much heavy damage to most ponies residing here. It's the law of my village in which everypony here agreed on."

"Will you someday give those a second chance?"

A lot of ponies burst into laughter. Then they shake their heads afterward.

"No disrespect Princess Celestia, there ain't no second chances after getting scarred up pretty badly," Booster said. "I may speak for those who were abused by family members for many years, giving them a second chance means they can inflict more on us or those around them. What we do here is justice cause the Equestrian's justice system sucks."

A good portion of ponies agrees with that statement with a simple nod.

"Instead of my father going to jail for child abuse, he was sentenced to community service and rehabilitation. After finding out it was me that reported to the local police, my dad beat the stuffing out of me in anger. So you are asking me to give him a second chance after he beats the stuffing out of me every day of my life when I was young? You are asking my friends in the village to give a second chance with those that brutally hurt us?"

Princess Celestia takes a deep breath. She is silent as she ponders. Booster's questions and remarks are altering the concept of how she sees ponies in terms of friendship.

"What you are asking of us, it's not possible. Even if you were to send the Princess of Friendship to solve this, there is no way the scars we went through can heal us. It's a heavy reminder of what each of us has endured to survive another day," Booster noted.

"There are cruel ponies that walk in Equestria. We are unfortunate to experience the worst kind," Sugar Belle claims.

"Also, the lack of support. The Royal Guards made us feel abandoned. Scared to wake up another day knowing it's Tartarus," Night Glider said.

Princess Celestia remains silent as more ponies open up. They tell her why they'll never forgive those that oppose them. Some become teary when it came to the Royal Guards. Princess Celestia is flustered with some many emotions. She tells everypony that she needed space and leaves the village a bit. Starlight uses the opportunity to consult with the Princess.

"Everything alright, Princess Celestia?"

Princess Celestia sighs heavily then turns to Starlight. "No. Everything is not alright," She looks up at the sky. "Lots of ponies endured heaviness in their lives under my watch. I knew that a few would suffer due to the Royal Guards and I being unable to because of other Equestrian crises. I never anticipated how many ponies would suffer during my reign. I never knew that the Royal Guards would take different priorities straight in Canterlot only. I'm a fool for ignoring protocols cause I believe the Royal Guards were maintaining order throughout all of Equestria. They made a perfect example of how clueless I was during my thousand-year ruling without my sister. I only feel shame. Shame in the sense that I let down a lot of ponies. That I couldn't be the one that granted them salvation after years of suffering."

"It's not entirely your fault, Princess. Is the Royal Guards that chose wealth and Canterlot over us, over most of Equestria."

"It is my fault. I failed in so many ways. Equestria is my land. I'm the Princess. I should be protecting and, instead, I'm doing Royal duties in Canterlot. Being the Princess is one thing but, letting a higher class take over as priority is another."

"What are you thinking, Princess Celestia?"

What seems like a few moments of silence it feels like an eternity. Princess Celestia looks at the sky, reminiscing her reign of what she deems right until the moment she decides to move. Then, an idea struck her.

"Princess Celestia?" Starlight said, breaking the silence.

"It's time. I need to renew myself as a Princess of Equestria. To become better and wiser. Not sit around with the Royals and the wealthy while making foolish decisions with Equestria's protection. Starlight Glimmer," Princess Celestia looks at Starlight.

"Yes, Princess?" Starlight responds. Her heart beats a bit faster.

"Would it be alright if I were to reside in your village?"

Starlight's eyes widen in shock after hearing Princess Celestia's request. She steps back a bit in shock as well. "Y-You want to live here..?"

Princess Celestia smiles and nods. "Yes. I believe by living among you and the villagers, I'll have the right mind to focus on the betterment of Equestria. Thus, I would be free from senseless royals, wealth, and be a better Princess. By residing in a new place, a chain of events can unfold for the better."

Starlight faints. Unknowingly how to respond and how the villagers may react once they hear of the Princess's request.

Starlight's Village Discussion

Princess Celestia is now leaving the village. She informs everypony that her next visit will take place next week, giving everypony time to decide on her request to live in the village. Starlight is in disarray as she goes home. Everypony within the village cleans up and head inside to rest. Starlight Glimmer lays on her couch, staring at the ceiling in unbelief. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle notice Starlight's reaction.

"How are you holding up, Starly?" Apple Bloom cautiously asks.

"I don't know what and how to feel. Princess Celestia wants to live here in the village after finding out her Royal Guards gave her a bad image in Equestria throughout her reign. In layman terms, she is qualified to live here in the village. She now has scars as a failed Princess due to her Royal Guards and how she winded up being controlled by the Royals, letting a higher class be a higher priority than all of Equestria as a whole."

"Also, the possibility that she may try to disband the vault," Sweetie Belle noted.

"One thing I know about Princess Celestia, she is true to her word. With the conditions we laid out for each cutie mark to give back to Twilight and her friends, she has no choice but to honor it. Otherwise, she is ought to look like a lying Princess in disguise. The Royal Guard's image had already ruined her reputation," Starlight responds to Sweetie Belle's statement.

"That's true. How would you feel if we were to say yes?" Apple Bloom asks with a level of concern.

"If everypony here in the village says yes to Celestia's request, then our village can be exposed to the public. Unless," Starlight ponders for a second.

"Unless what, Starly?" Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle said in unison.

"Unless Princess Celestia wants to have our village remain hidden while she resides here. She could make important trips for crucial meetings. Create a distant Equestrian Protection Unit that lives up to the name. It's a long shot cause there are so many possibilities for what she wants to do if we say yes."

"Also, we can assume if her request gets denied, she'll relocate to another village in Equestria and start her road for redemption," Apple Bloom clarifies.

"Agreed," Starlight and Sweetie Belle responds.

Starlight yawns as she gets tired.

"You want your bed, Starly?" Apple Bloom asks.

"No thank you. I'm fine on the couch. I've grown accustomed to it," Starlight said as she smiles.

"Alright then," Apple Bloom replies.

"We'll see you in the morning, Starly," Sweetie Belle said.

Starlight gets up and hugs Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. The two return the hug. They go upstairs to bed as Starlight falls asleep on the couch. The next day, Starlight wakes up and heads outside to knock on every door for an important meeting in the village. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle help Starlight with gathering everypony for the meeting. Half an hour later, everypony is outside as Starlight is at the podium getting ready to address the situation.

"Good morning, everypony. As you know, we had Princess Celestia come by for a visit yesterday. As you all know, Princess Celestia has requested to reside in our village. She does meet the qualifications to live here, unfortunately. Now I must ask, should we allow the Princess to live among us?"

Ponies chat with each other. Lots of worried expressions are written on their faces. Starlight anticipated this kind of reaction from everypony. Lots of uncertainty especially with the press soon to find out where the Princess will reside and expose everything thus bringing in a lot of unwelcome guests. In hindsight, they are prepared. However, the numbers could be too much to handle. Double Diamond comes up to the podium.

"Mind if I speak my mind, Starlight?"

"None at all, Double Diamond," Starlight smiles and stands aside.

Double Diamond taps on the podium to get everypony's attention. "Everypony," The villagers turn face to Double Diamond. Eager to hear what's on his mind. "I know that most of us have suffered greatly cause of the Royal Guards and such. However, I believe we should hear how the Princess would address the living conditions first before making a final decision."

Night Glider steps up to the podium as well. "Having the Princess here will draw unwelcome attention. That is something we don't need in our lives. We ran away to live freely. We don't need to become targets of any upcoming threats that the Princess has made throughout her life," Night Glider remarks.

Ponies were having a lot of uncertainty. Arguing about what is best for them and the village. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo go up to the podium. They shout to calm everyone down.

"Look, I know we have a lot of differences with Celestia wanting to move in and, there is a lot of uncertainty on making a decision," Scootaloo said.

"I believe we should vote after we hear what the Princess says. Each of us should think carefully and wholeheartedly. We saw how the Princess reacted and responded with everypony's story," Sweetie Belle noted.

"Also, if the Princess truly wants to renew herself for the better, let's hear how she would if given the opportunity to live with us," Apple Bloom said.

"Similar to what Double Diamond said," Booster responds.

"Exactly. He knows what he's talking about. If anyone of us has Celestia's power and felt the need to renew yourself after receiving a bad image due to the Royal Guards being corrupted, what would any of you do?" Apple Bloom asks. Staring at everypony.

Silence reigns for a few moments. Everypony is recollecting their thoughts on the matter. Trying to imagine themselves in Celestia's position. The heartache, the betrayal, the understanding that more ponies were suffering during her reign. It struck them hard. Night Glider and Double Diamond step aside to ponder on their decision. Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter watch as the trio calm the situation. The two will make their decision when the time is right. Lofty and Holiday wouldn't mind the Princess here as long as the village will remain as is, hidden from the rest of Equestria. Starlight Glimmer steps up to the podium.

"We have a week to decide as a family. You are entitled to your opinions and how you view the circumstance. I'll create voting sheets to conduct a final decision as a family. Until then, we should start building another house next to Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood. Who knows what can happen by next week. We can be welcoming new villagers before she shows up."

Everypony nods and goes their separate ways. Double Diamond and Night Glider hug each other. The two have a different perspective on the decision to make but, they respect each other on how they feel.

"Hey Night Glider, wanna hang out?" Scootaloo asks.

"Sure, you can use some flight lessons anyway," Night Glider responds.

Mane Allgood approaches the two. "Mind if I come?" Mane Allgood smiles.

"Sure," Scootaloo and Night Glider said as they smile.

Night Glider and Mane Allgood takes flight while Scootaloo is on her mother's back Several ponies got together and start setting up the blueprints to build another house. Snap Shutter offers to help. Apple Bloom does the same. Sweetie Belle goes with Starlight to their home. Sweetie Belle wants to help Starlight and be with her mother figure.

Princess Celestia is back in Canterlot. She is heading towards the castle. Discord makes an appearance in front of her.

"Tickets, please," Discord said, extending his paw expecting a ticket from Celestia.

"Oh, Discord," Princess Celestia pushes Discord's paw.

The two go inside the castle. They travel to the throne room. Using his chaos magic, Discord cast a silencing circle. No pony can hear inside the circle as they have a private discussion.

"I reckon you had a pleasant visit with Starlight and the villagers?"

"Pleasant?" Princess Celestia thought twice. "It was different than I anticipated, Discord."

"How so?" Discord said as he hovers around.

Princess Celestia sighs heavily. "I got to learn the distressing stories of everypony in the village. It's horrid, gruesome, and terrifying. Some were lucky not to have the Royal Guards messing up in their lives. However, they have suffered from the hooves of other creatures, friends, and family."

"Speaking of the Royal Guards, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor are coming tomorrow for a visit. This is your chance to interrogate Shining Armor into spilling the beans," Discord noted as he eats a can of beans.

"I will have a thorough conversation with former Captain of the Royal Guards. I pray that he wasn't corrupted by bad influence during his time."

"And if he was?" Discord said. Raising an eyebrow of suspicion.

"If Shining Armor is part of the corruption of the Royal Guards, I'll be disappointed. The Royal Guards has already ruined my reputation as a Princess of Equestria."

"But, not everypony knows about that and wouldn't care."

"I do. I'm supposed to set an example for future Princesses of how to run a nation. So far, I've been sitting on a throne with the higher class expecting greatness. I was blind to see corruption. As a Princess, I should have seen it a mile away. Instead, my attention was towards the wealth and the nobles of pony kind. I am a disgrace. I'll continue to be a disgrace unless I leave Canterlot," Princess Celestia pants angrily and heavily.

"And go where exactly?" Discord has a question mark above his head like a halo. His arms are crossed.

"Anywhere that isn't here!" She furiously responds. Discord's question mark is set ablaze. "As long as I'm here in Canterlot, the Royal Guards will use me as an excuse for not fulfilling their duties to protect all of Equestria as I ask of them to do so," Tears stream down on her face. "I'm a failure. I failed so many ponies and I didn't see it until now."

Discord hugs Celestia. Celestia returns the hug and slowly shove Discord aside.

"I never knew you truly felt like a failure, Celestia."

"So many lives are ruined due to my Royal Guards and the wealth controlling them with more bits. I allowed myself to let the Royal Guards do their work without knowing everything they do. So many lost their lives and I was blind to see it. I now know why there are so many ponies that despised me. It's because they were cast aside. The mentality of Canterlot being the only safe place as everywhere else was on their own. False hope for everypony as others believe in me," She looks at the ceiling. She takes a deep breath. "I refuse to let this go any further. I refuse to make the same mistake."

"Mind if I ask you something, Celestia?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Where are you planning to reside?"

"I'm thinking of Starlight's village."

Discord drinks a glass of water and blows it out in shock. "Starlight's village. Why there of all places?"

Princess Celestia takes another deep breath. "If I move to a location where no pony knows about, a different chain of events will unfold. I'll have a better environment to concentrate, I can develop a new protection unit, I'll be free of the wealth and Royals. Right now, I now see moving to Canterlot was a complete disaster with the Royal Guards failing to protect all of Equestria."

"So, what are you planning to do with Canterlot? How are you going to address that situation?"

"My sister, Luna will take over in Canterlot. She can use the experience until the day has come to settle in a different town and create a nation of her own. Perhaps when the time is right, Twilight can take over in Canterlot or continue to stay in her castle in Ponyville."

"It doesn't add up, Celestia. You moving to Starlight's village will draw a lot of attention."

"That's when you come in. You are the village's protector."

"So, you're going to have me shield the village from all maps in Equestria and ensure that no one is tracking you. Is that right?"

"That is correct," Celestia nods.

"Well played and well thought out, Princess Celestia."

"So, I'll use my time to alert my sister of my doings, Twilight Sparkle as well. Then I'll head off to Starlight's village."

"And if they say no?"

"I'll look for a small town and start from there. My goal is to leave Canterlot and renew myself as a Princess. Then develop a better protection unit for all of Equestria."

"Understood," Discord disband his silencing circle. "I'll see you tomorrow with Shining Armor coming by for a visit."

"Farewell, Discord."

Discord leaves the throne as Princess Celestia sits down. Two Royal Guards come in.

"Your Highness, you need anything?"

"Alone time, please."

"As you wish," The Royal Guards bow in respect and leave the throne.

"Shining Armor, I hope you weren't corrupted and were given false reports by the other Royal Guards," Princess Celestia said as she lowers the sun.

Sisterly Talk

Princess Cadance and Shining Armor are on their way to Canterlot. The two want to stop by in Canterlot to see how Princess Celestia and Luna are doing before heading over to Ponyville to visit Twilight Sparkle. As they trot in Canterlot, Princess Celestia approaches her sister.

"Luna, you have a few moments?"

"I all ears, sister. What's on your mind?"

Princess Celestia sighs heavily. "As you know, I went to Starlight's village yesterday. The ponies and Starlight told me their unfortunate experiences of how poorly the Royal Guards' services were with them and how unfortunate they were with family, friends, and other creatures inflicting pain in their lives."

"Yes, I had liberty of visiting their dreams last night. I saw some horrid memories replaying in their dreams. Night Glider, Double Diamond, Party Favor, Alexster, and much more that suffered greatly due to the delays of the Royal Guards. How they were at the mercy of the environment and different groups and cults," Princess Luna sadly replies.

"I reflected and reminisced my thousand-year reign in Equestria. It was the moment I left the Castle of the Two Sisters that things altered for the worse. The Royal Guards initiative was my plan to have them serve for Equestria. Be everypony's protection. I was blind to see the corruption and didn't ask of any reports from the Royal Guards since I had complete trust in them. That was my second mistake."

"If that was your seconded, and I know that you rarely make mistakes, what was your third during your reign?" Princess Luna intriguingly asks.

"That's simple. Living with the wealthy, surrounding myself with the Royals and Nobles. I failed to see how money had influenced on Equestria's Protection Unit, making everypony suffer cause my guards chose more money than lives."

Princess Luna nods in understanding, the frustration written on her sister's face. Luna herself feels ashamed cause instead of trying to work things with her sister, she became jealous and turned into Nightmare Moon. If it weren't for turning, maybe things would have been different and, pony kind would be better.

"So, how do you plan on addressing the issue with the Royal Guards?"

"With Cadance and Shining Armor coming by for visitation, I will ask for a full report of Shining Armor's command during his time as Captain of the Royal Guards. Then, I'll address my departure from Canterlot."

"Departure from Canterlot, Celestia?" Luna shockingly replies, not anticipating that kind of response.

"Yes," Celestia confirms. "I've decided to leave Canterlot to renew myself as a better Princess of Equestria. If relocating caused a certain chain of events that created abandonment issues for everypony in Equestria except for Canterlot, then perhaps a better chain of events can unfold for a better United Equestria."

"Where would you move to?" Princess Luna asks out of curiosity.

"Starlight's village."

"Why there of all places, Celestia?" Luna sternly demands.

"Its a location off the grid. It'll allow myself to be surrounded by ponies that are greatly affected due to my mistake in trusting of the Royal Guards. I will be able to concentrate better without the wealth, Royals, and Nobles around me."

"You're creating a bad image of surrounding yourself with a cult of ponies that strip cutie marks away from ponies. That's going to worsen your reputation as a Princess, sister."

Princess Celestia sighs. She anticipated this reaction from Luna. She has every right to be irate with the idealogical of stripping ponies of their cutie marks. However, stripping from those that wrong them horridly is their way of releasing the stress and trauma of their lives.

"My reputation is already ruined, Luna. The Royal Guards have already done it for me. They have proven to me that they are not trustworthy in terms of protecting all ponies in Equestria except for those residing in Canterlot. Starlight Glimmer and her villagers are pleasant ponies that care about each other. They treat each other like family. They protect each other from those that wrong them in their lives. We were heavily blinded cause of our desires. After spending the day with them, learning what they have gone through, seeing them help each other. Those are the kind of ponies I want when I build my Equestrian Protection Unit."

Princess Luna turns away. She ponders a bit after Celestia responds to her remark. Princess Luna remembers how she behaved during the negotiations of getting Twilight and her friends' cutie marks back. Everypony in the village united as one in the response to their arrival. She imagines Celestia living in Starlight's village, seeing all sorts of possibilities by living in a place with no Royals, Nobles, and wealth. She still hates the idea of stripping ponies of their cutie marks. However, being surrounded by a family-like town will improve a better image for her sister. Luna turns to Celestia, staring into her eyes.

"After much thought, Celestia. I support your decision. I believe you being away from Canterlot may do you good," Luna reassuringly smiles. "I must ask. When you depart from Canterlot, what should I do? Come with you to Starlight's village?"

Princess Celestia shakes her head. "My path for redemption is going to be different. However, when I do depart, I'm granting you full control of Canterlot Castle."

Princess Luna is shocked for a second time. She didn't think her sister would pass the torch to her.

"You've been gone for a long time. Now should be the time for you to gain experience as a Princess to lead on your own. Until you feel the time is right, leave and create a nation of your own or make changes in Canterlot for the better. What you decide is on your accord."

Princess Luna is speechless. Now having full control of Canterlot when her sister leaves, it's exhilarating to say the least. She embraces Celestia, thanking her for the opportunity.

"I know you'll do great. Perhaps, being a better Princess in Canterlot than I," Celestia smiles graciously.

Two Royal Guards approach the Princesses.

"Your Highnesses," One of the Royal Guards bow.

"Princess Cadance and Shining Armor have arrived in the castle."

"Have the two come up," Luna commands.

"As you wish, Princess."

The two Royal Guards head back to escort Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. Princess Celestia takes a deep breath.

Let's see what Shining Armor has to say for himself as former Captain of the Royal Guards. Celestia thought as she waits momentarily of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor's arrival.

Shining Armor's Report

The Royal Guards escort Princess Cadance and Shining Armor to the throne room of Canterlot Castle. Princess Celestia and Luna are eager to hear Shining Armor's full report as former Captain of the Royal Guards.

"Good afternoon, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor," Celestia greets.

"Good afternoon to you, Princess Celestia," Shining Armor and Princess Cadance bow in respect.

"How are you doing, Cadance and Shining Armor?" Princess Luna calmly asks.

"We're doing fine," Cadance replies.

"We're working our magic to have a foal of our own soon enough," Shining replies to Luna's question.

"We wish you well in that department, Shining Armor," Luna responds.

"Shining Armor, may we have a word with you?" Celestia calmly asks.

"Sure. I'm all ears. I have all day to be precise," Shining Armor replies.

"Is my hubby in trouble?" Princess Cadance jokingly said.

"We're going to find out," Celestia remarks. Her tone quickly changes.

Shining Armor sweats a bit. He's unsure what Princess Celestia meant by that statement. Princess Cadance gives Shining Armor a quick kiss on his cheek, easing the tensions.

"Shining Armor, my sister and I will like a full progress report during your time as Captain of the Royal Guards," Luna commands.

"You're serious, right?" Shining Armor asks in confusion. "Asking a full report during my reign as Captain of the Royal Guards?"

"That is correct. My sister and I want a full report during your time as Captain of the Royal Guards," Luna states as she nods.

"Uh, just simple work as Captain of the Royal Guards. Ensuring the safety of Canterlot. Standing in attention, patrolling in Canterlot, stopping thieves, the works."

"What about outside of Canterlot?" Princess Celestia asks. "Any calls, needed of assistance, trying to stop different groups of cults throughout the borders of Equestria?"

"Not much happened when it came to the outside borders of Canterlot. I received no reports and indications of any distress calls and situations that'll lead the Royal Guards and me to approach the situation."

Princess Luna narrow her eyes. It causes Shining Armor to sweat a bit. He's still unsure of what the Princesses are trying to get out of him.

"Are you sure you received no transmissions from anywhere else in Equestria during your time as Captain of the Royal Guards."

"Negative, Princess Celestia."

"Discord," Princess Celestia pronounce loudly.

"Yes?" Discord hovers down from the ceiling as he eats popcorn.

Shining Armor sweats a bit more. Princess Cadance is reading Shining Armor's body language. Is Shining Armor hiding crucial information?

"Do you detect deception from Shining Armor since you and Luna hopped back in time?"

Discord sniffs Shining Armor. He plucks a single strand of his mane and licks it. Discord places his claw on Shining Armor, making him uncomfortable.

"Well, reading his body language and feeling his heart rate, I detect he is hiding crucial evidence from you two."

"What?!" Princess Cadance cries out in horror.

"Oh, c'mon. It's Discord. He could be lying to you cause of how I'm feeling. He is a trickster of a God after all," Shining Armor complains a bit then stares at Discord.

"If you think he is lying then tell us your side of the story," Celestia commands.

"I received no transmissions from any of the Royal Guards. I specifically told them to alert me of any signs of trouble outside Canterlot's borders."

"Which we assume none did," Luna stated.

"Exactly. Therefore, I was performing my duties to ensure the safety of everypony in Canterlot."

"Were you paid in bits to keep your mouth shut for the Royals and Nobles?" Princess Luna asks.

"Well, uh," It struck a nerve in Shining Armor. Princess Cadance looks at her husband, hoping that he wasn't bribed.

"Well?" Celestia raises an eyebrow, waiting for a response from Shining Armor.

"Were you paid in bits to keep your mouth shut?" Luna asks, repeating Celestia's question.

Shining Armor is silent for a moment. Princess Cadance gathers enough courage to ask Shining Armor:

"Shining, if you're telling me that I married a liar that takes bribes instead of being honest, I will divorce you."

Fear struck his heart when Cadance said divorce. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He starts to hyperventilate a bit as he succumbs to the question at hoof.

"I was paid a hefty price by Prince Blueblood to keep my mouth shut during my first days as Captain of the Royal Guards. The Nobles want to ensure their living conditions. The Royals demanded of us to protect them more. At the time, it was wrong that I accepted it. However, I noticed more of the Royal Guards doing what I've done. Getting paid to follow instructions, protecting the Royals and Nobles for extra bits, attending to many openings in Canterlot. Since money was talking to me, I neglected some calls from other regions of Equestria."

Princess Cadance steps away from her husband. She is in disbelief about what he is saying.

"Whenever I try to answer those cries for help, Prince Blueblood would make an appearance and offer me a lot of bits to help him and the other Nobles. He had timing and he is persuasive to get what he desires. That is why I send the Royal Guards to help in other regions of Equestria. I made it clear that I want a full report of the situation. Every time I sent them, they come back with positive feedback. Ponies are grateful for the assistance. I pity them cause they didn't take hefty bribes from the Royals."

"I can't believe you.., You took bribes from that horrid Prince?" Cadance trembles in her speech. Her right leg twitches as she holds herself.

"There have been other times I have gone out to help ponies outside of Canterlot. They were gracious. After accepting many bribes, I was able to help my family more with some debt they were in, especially some sicknesses my parents nearly succumb to. I think about my decisions from those times I've accepted those bribes. I look back and think I'm a horrible pony that took the money over lives. I'm sorry for being a grade-A punk. Now you know why I have trouble sleeping at night, Cadance. I wasn't sure how to break it to you after all this time..," Shining said, lowering his head expecting the worse from her.

Princess Cadance looks away from Shining. It now makes sense. His sudden cries when he's alone, the anger and frustrations when he talks in the mirror alone, those nights when he had a horrible time sleeping. His guilt was eating him up. His guilt never left him. She turns back to her husband.

"I don't blame you for wanting a divorce. I deserve it for my decisions."

"Is that why you don't want to bring a foal to this world? Cause of the decisions you made and the bribery?"

"How can I bring a foal into this world, knowingly that I neglected many foals from other aspects of Equestria? Knowing that I probably have a good portion of Equestria suffer due to more bits in my pockets?" Shining shakes his head. "I'm ashamed of myself. I had to hide my actual feelings cause I loved you so much, Cadance. You are my everything and, I was afraid that I was going to lose you if you were to ever find out of my darkness. Now you know of my dark history, are you going to leave me?" Shining Armor said as he starts to become teary.

"No," Cadance shakes her head. She trots to her husband. "I married you for better or for worse. Now that I know why you had trouble sleeping and the actual reason why you didn't want to bring a foal, its time that you start redeeming yourself."


"Become something greater than you were as Captain of the Royal Guard."

"I don't think that's possible."

"It can be actually," Princess Celestia noted.

"Please explain, Celestia," Shining asks.

"Also, why you wanted to know about Shining Armor's history as former Captain of the Royal Guard? Something doesn't add up," Cadance claims.

"As you know, Discord and Luna time hopped. The reason why is because there was a lot of deception from my Royal Guards throughout my thousand-year reign without Luna. They saw how the Royal Guards demeanor change when the wealth came into play, leaving a good portion of Equestria to suffer in the clutches of different cults, creatures, and forces of mother nature."

"Oh my," Cadance shockingly responds.

"The Royal Guards have failed Equestria and gave me a bad reputation. Not everypony knows about my reputation as a Princess, yet."

"I'm sorry," Shining Armor apologizes to Celestia of his mistakes.

"Corruption and wealth got the better of you Shining Armor. The same was for me as well. I do appreciate you apologizing to me."

"So, what are you planning to do now, Princess?" Cadance calmly asks.

"It was my departure from the Castle of the Two Sisters that caused this chain of events. So, I've decided to leave Canterlot and reside in a small village where I can concentrate on becoming a better Princess."

"Good for you, Celestia," Cadance said.

"When I move, I'll create an Equestrian Protection Unit. They'll be the new protectors of Equestria as the Royal Guards failed to live up to the name as protectors."

"Understandable," Shining said. His head is down from his guilt and shame.

"Cadance is right. You can become better. How would you like to have a second chance in redeeming yourself, Shining Armor as Commander of the Equestrian Protection Unit?"

"Commander? Celestia, I am not worthy of that title."

"I know how you are feeling, Shining Armor. The wealth, Nobles, and Royals have controlled me in a certain way. That is another reason why I'm leaving Canterlot. I believe in second chances when given the right push."

Shining Armor feels Cadance putting her arm around his back.

"I believe you can do it, hun," Cadance smiles as she gazes at her husband.

Shining Armor takes a deep breath. He turns to Luna and Discord.

"Luna is given a second chance to become a better Princess and, I'm given a chance to become a better Draqonecuus. She is right about second chances when given the right push," Discord noted. Princess Luna nods in agreement with Discord's claim.

Shining Armor blinks several times. He ponders on his decisions throughout the years. The perfect opportunity to renew and redeem himself is right in front of him. All he has to do is accept it.

"Alright, Princess Celestia. I'll accept your offer. I need time to recuperate now that I released a huge burden of stress out of me."

"Understood, Shining Armor. Take all the time you need. It'll take me some time to orchestrate the Equestrian Protection Unit."

"So, when will you address your departure?" Princess Cadance curiously asks.

"By the end of the week. I'm passing the torch to Princess Luna to lead Canterlot in a better direction. A thousand years in the moon, she now needs to gain experience as a full-time Princess in Canterlot. I trust and believe she'll be better than I am as a Princess in Canterlot."

"Should we inform Twilight of this news?"

"No, Cadance. I shall address Twilight of my departure. She is my student as a Princess. There is more for her to learn when it comes down to making crucial decisions as a Princess of Equestria."

"Understood. Let's go, Shining Armor. We wouldn't want to keep Twilight Sparkle waiting any further."

"Thank you for your time, Princesses," Shining graciously said.

"Thank you for your honesty and your time. Now be the stallion you are meant to be, Shining," Celestia said with a smile on her face.

Princess Cadance and Shining Armor leave the throne room. They are being escorted by the Royal Guards to the train station. As they left, Princess Celestia turns to Luna.

"Whatever you do, do not listen to Prince Blueblood. He has a lot of explaining to do with his involvement with the Royal Guards."

"Understood, Celestia. I never really trusted him to begin with."

"See you two around, I got a date with Fluttershy. We are having a tea party."

"Have fun, Discord."

"Have fun, Draqonecuus."

Discord snaps his claw, teleporting himself to Fluttershy's cottage for a tea party. Princess Celestia discusses more with Luna about her time in Canterlot and how Luna can improve based on her experience during her thousand-year reign.

Tempest's Headache Worsens

It's been days since Tempest had an awful visit from King Sombra. Her headache hasn't eased up as much as she'd hoped. She had to release several minds while erasing their memories from Rich's employers. Her horn is blackened then ever. Fire Flier knocks on the door.

"Tempest. Telegram from what's left of the Dark Order."

"What?" Tempest surprisingly shouts. She then opens the door to her room. "What do you mean from what's left of the Dark Order?"

Fire Flier frowns a bit and sighs heavily. "We had a setback. A different cult attacked our members in Baltimare tunnels."

"You got to be kidding me? Are you sure it's a different cult?" Tempest asks, holding onto Fire Flier in a state of panic.

"As you once said, Storm King's forces would not be spying in the sewer line. The Royal Guards would not step out of line, leaving Canterlot. Our leader of the Dark Order will be arriving later today."

"He knows what might have caused it?"

"He has some notion. He didn't want to say it in the telegram. Are you okay? You have not been yourself since King Sombra made an appearance."

"I am unable to meditate cause I hear him in my thoughts. The more I use his power, the closer he gets."

"Should we remove your horn, Tempest?" Fire Flier cautiously asks.

"I'll wait until what our leader has to say."

"Very well, Tempest. He'll be coming later today," Fire Flier trots the other way as Tempest closes the door. She slowly trots and sees King Sombra in the reflection of the window.

"The timing is near, Tempest. I will claim what is rightfully mine."

Tempest steps back a bit. She hears King Sombra talking to her from the reflection.

"The Dark Order, will soon be vanquished."

Tempest starts wailing as her headache increased with Sombra's presence. King Sombra smiles sinisterly as he enjoys Tempest's suffering. Fire Flier hurries to Tempest. By the time he storms into the room, King Sombra vanished. Tempest's horn blackens more.

"Get it off of me! Get it off of me!!" Tempest demands Fire Flier.

"I can't! I'm not a unicorn to put on the amulet. We have to wait for our leader's arrival."

"Do it now before I make you suffer!" Tempest snorts in front of Fire Flier. Her eyes are completely red as King Sombra's.

"Y-Y-Your eyes.., their completely red..," Fire Flier said.

Tempest roars and looks at the mirror. Her eyes are now red. There is no fusion color. Her horn starts growing as the tip now becomes red. Her teeth have started to grow fangs. She roars, hoping that her sudden change will stop forming.

"Oh, Celestia. You are starting to look more of King Sombra," Fire said as he's freaking out a bit.

"Shut up!" Tempest angrily yells.

"Yelling is not going to make it better, Tempest."

Tempest groans. "So much for Diamond Tiara's plan. I can't keep a hold when Sombra is trying to take full control of me."

"So, what's plan B?'

"Plan B is what our leader has to say," Tempest states.

A few hours later, A pony wearing a white cloak knocks on the door. Fire Flier opens the door to allow the leader to come in.

"To the meeting room, sir," Fire said.

Fire escorts the leader to the meeting room. He sees Fire Flier, a young pink filly, and a female version of King Sombra in the making.

"What in Luna's name is happening to you, Tempest?"

"Since merging Sombra's horn, he's been slowly trying to take over my mind after using his power often."

"Uuuh, who is this?" Diamond Tiara curiously asks.

The pony unveils the white cloak revealing himself as Prince Blueblood. Diamond Tiara is shocked to see a member of Celestia's family being the leader of a dark cult.

"Prince Blueblood."

"Care to tell us what happened to our members?" Fire asks.

Prince Blueblood nods. "Yea. Our members were attacked by King Sombra's cult that went into hiding for a thousand years."

"What?" Tempest and Fire Flier respond in a state of shock.

"A good portion was defeated. We're all that's left of the Dark Order," He turns to Diamond Tiara. "Your idea was ingenious of bringing an army. However, it's no longer necessary. I clearly see that King Sombra has a hold on our strongest unicorn of the group."

"What are we going to do, Prince Blueblood?" Fire asks.

"It's obvious now. The Dark Order will be disbanded."

"My cutie mark..," Fire and Diamond said as they look at the equal insignia.

"I'm aware of your unfortunate situation. There is nothing I can do. We cannot overthrow and rule. We will have to build up and start anew once things die down with the return of King Sombra."

"So, that's it? Ten years working with the Dark Order for nothing?"

"Ten years of helping the higher class establish more as everypony else suffer. I thank you for scorching lots of land and burning ponies in the process, Fire. I've done my part by keeping the Royal Guards away from problematic Equestrian crises. Tempest has done her part with scoping out poorer regions of Equestria to knock down and take over. Princess Celestia and Luna have no idea what was going on and how we were going to dethrone them from within. Until King Sombra is no more, the Dark Order doesn't exist. When I send the next telegram, our cult will be back in session. For now, I'm going to release you from Sombra's horn and chuck it into an active volcano."

"Understood, Blueblood."

"That's Prince Blueblood to you. Don't you ever forget that!"

Tempest remains silent. She looks the other way. Now wanting to corrupt Prince Blueblood.

"Little one."

Diamond Tiara turns to the Prince.

"I want to buy Rich's Barnyard Bargains."

Diamond Tiara shakes her head. "For things to feel back to normal, my father needs the company. When King Sombra is taken care of, then I'll lend you the deed to his company."

"You got it. Now, all I need is the Alicorn Amulet to remove the horn."

"Right here, Blue-Prince Blueblood."

Prince Blueblood uses his magic to put on the Alicorn Amulet. He focuses his power to ignite the magic and strips Tempest's horn. After a few tugs, the horn is removed. Tempest forms back to her normal self. She shakes her head and takes a look in the mirror.

"I'm me, again."

"Until I give you a better horn in the future," Prince Blueblood stores Sombra's horn in his saddlebag. "King Sombra will not come for you. He'll go into the lava later tonight. Consider yourself lucky, Tempest."

"Whatever you do now, it's on your accord. The cult doesn't exist. If you perished or sent to prison, then this is goodbye," Blueblood claim as he puts on his cloak and leaves the mansion.

"So, what's going to happen now?" Diamond Tiara asks.

"I still have some control of the mind manipulation. However, I'm going to erase their minds. Once that's done, I'm leaving. I still have my orders from the Storm King."

"I'll go back into hiding. It's all I can do for now," Fire said.

"I'll be surviving until my dad comes and get me."

Tempest uses her magic to have everypony and dragon's memories wiped clean up to a month. Tempest puts on her cloak and leaves."

"I hope to see you around in the future," Tempest leaves.

"See you around, kid," Fire Flier said as he leaves. He puts on a cloak and goes in a different direction in Ponyville.

Diamond Tiara trots to the bedroom where her father is strapped. Within Rich's mind, the spell that Tempest used had a setback. Tempest's spell caused the demon inside of Rich to perish thus allowing him full control of his mind and body. His memories are still intact as others have no idea what was going on.

"Diamond Tiara," Rich announces.

"Daddy," Diamond Tiara tears up and hugs her father. "I'm so sorry for what I've become," Diamond Tiara continues to cry.

"If you can untie me, Diamond Tiara, I would prefer to give you a proper hug."

Diamond Tiara unties her father. He gets up and hugs his daughter. Diamond Tiara buries her face in her father's chest, showing how sincere she is. After a few moments of crying, Diamond Tiara looks at her father's face.

"What are you planning to do with me? Whatever you decide, I will oblige to it."

"I'm going to keep you here with me. It's about time I start being the father I'm supposed to be. You will be addressing some things especially that cult you joined. I want you to disband from it."

"You're in luck, dad. Prince Blueblood disbanded the group since there was an attack."

Rich is now dumbfounded. His jaw drops by hearing Prince Blueblood's name.

"Prince Blueblood disbanded the cult?"

"Yes. He's the leader of the Dark Order."

"Oh my Celestia," Rich stumbles back a bit. "That is wrong."

"Shall I tell you what I know since the rules won't regulate until further notice?"

"Yes please, tell me what you know and were planning on doing?"

Diamond Tiara goes in full detail of what she went through, what she heard, and what they planned on doing. Rich felt disgusted that Diamond Tiara came up with a malicious scheme but, she lets it go for now. He couldn't believe that Prince Blueblood was planning to dethrone the Princesses and rule under an iron hoof. Diamond Tiara looks away and takes deep breathes.

"I can't believe this..," Rich said as he puts a hoof on his head.

"What are we going to do, daddy?"

"You're staying home. I'm going to inform the Princesses that there was a splinter cell planning to dethrone her with an army once things clears up."

Hours later, Prince Blueblood is riding on a private chariot where there was a thud on his way to dispose of Sombra's horn.

"What's the hold up? I have places to be with this special cargo I'm carrying!"

Inside the chariot, it gets dark real quick. Prince Blueblood tries to open the door but, there is no handle. He uses his magic to zap the blackness surrounding his space. King Sombra starts laughing as his essence forms in front of the Prince.

"Finding my horn was easier than I anticipated."

"King... Sombra..," Prince Blueblood horridly mutters loudly.

"I must thank you. You have given me the power I need," Sombra uses his magic to reconnect his horn to himself. King Sombra now becomes solid in his unicorn self.

"What are Royals for?" Prince Blueblood nervously chuckles.

"You're going to provide me the means of taking down the Princesses, and ruling all of Equestria."

"And how would I do that..?" Prince Blueblood quiver in fear a bit.

"By becoming, my, slave!" King Sombra uses his magic to mind manipulate Prince Blueblood. He reads the mind of Blueblood's idea. "Ah, a town filled with the perfect specimen to create an army. Blueblood."

"Yes, Master."

"Gather the Royal Guards. Bring them to me. I shall enslave them to build my numbers. This, Starlight Glimmer and her town that is remote, the perfect place to gather more slaves. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and Princess Cadance will be helpless as they won't harm an innocent pony." Sombra manically laughs. He leaves Prince Blueblood's presence as the chariot starts moving again. Prince Blueblood forgot what was he going to do.

"Rider, to Canterlot. I want to get a hooficure."

"Right away, Prince Blueblood."

King Sombra watches from the shadows of the forest. He and the Dark Ponies gaze as step two of their plan is completed.

Mane Six Progress 2

Ever since Discord altered the map in the Castle, the mane six has been making good progress on fixing friendships throughout Equestria. Since their visit to Starlight's village, the girls are unable to think straight knowing that they cannot undo the damages they caused on Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. Searching for redemption is out of the window. Applejack and Rarity can only hope that their sisters can someday give them a chance at redemption. Rainbow Dash knows she will never get an opportunity to be with Scootaloo. With her family present, their parents are more likely to give her another beating for harming Scootaloo.

When Applejack returned to the farm after getting her cutie mark back, she told the Apple family everything she'd endured. Big Mac was relieved to know that Apple Bloom is safe and sound; however, hearing that she has no desire to come back home was a heartbreaker. He said that he'll go and try to patch things up but, Applejack told him that he'll lose his cutie mark in the process. Since Big Mac was the one that told them to go away, he would not be the same coming back home. That being said and done, Big Mac sighs in defeat. His wish is to take back what he said during his irate days over a silly gossip. Granny Smith was happy but sadden that she won't be seeing her granddaughter anymore. Applejack and Big Mac resume their duties working at the farm.

Rainbow Dash is unable to train with the Wonderbolts. Ever since coming back home from Starlight's village, she took it upon herself to keep the injured wing as a punishment for her mistakes. Drenching the CMC with rainwater and hurting Scootaloo. Though Scootaloo is healed due to Discord, that doesn't change the fact she heard Scootaloo's cries and pain from the collision when she tried to attack Starlight. Rainbow Dash often visits her friends whenever they need assistance. Her friends notice Rainbow's depression as she is getting worse. Rainbow refuses to allow some joy to come to her as Scootaloo's screams and wails, echoes in her mind.

Pinkie Pie is handling the aftermath better than most ponies. With many birthday parties coming up in Ponyville, she was able to distract herself. A few things bother her as she won't be able to throw three birthday parties according to her party planning in her party cave. The CMC's birthday had to be put aside when she came back from her first trip courtesy of the map. Never in her life, she thought about tossing aside three birthday parties away after planning decades in advance. Pinkie Pie reflects on her actions during the days of Gabby Gum's downfall. She failed as a friend for the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Instead of being a reasonable and understandable pony, she was a bystander as everypony pelted them with tomatoes. Instead of going along with their apology by throwing an apologetic party, she ignored them as a gossip hurt her feelings as being a party animal. She wishes to help them during those days instead of leaving them to suffer the fate by the hate of Ponyville.

Fluttershy is handling the aftermath better as well. With her animals needing more care and attention, she uses it as an advantage. She reflects a lot on the Gabby Gums incident and the trip to Starlight's village. She wished that she would handle the downfall of Gabby Gums better if she would have stopped crying and had a talk with them instead of letting Angel Bunny slamming the door on them. Hearing Rainbow vent to her, she couldn't help but have nightmares. Her animal friends are helping a lot with easing up the tensions. Fluttershy is more talkative on certain days whenever her friends come by for a visit. She vows to listen to those that are in need of guidance and understanding. She refuses to make the same mistake when her feelings come into play.

Ever since coming back, Rarity couldn't concentrate on her work as much as she used to. With her sister no longer coming back, she vows to ensure that other ponies treat their siblings with care, kindness, understanding, and patience. Whenever the map were to call her for friendship quests, she takes it upon herself to fix them by all means necessary. To make sure no pony ever goes through what she endured. Business for her has been dropping like flies. Feeling alone in her home, all Rarity will do is cry. Spike often comes by to give Rarity moral support. To Rarity, she treats Spike as a younger brother. Whenever Spike comes by for a visit, Rarity would hold him as he was Sweetie Belle. In a way, it calms her down but not long enough.

Princess Twilight Sparkle has been keeping herself busy by practicing and studying more advanced magic. She would often have nightmares from her trip to Starlight's village. She blames herself for being a horrible friend to the CMC. She allowed gossip to get the better of herself. Why couldn't she talk with them? Why turn away on three young fillies that didn't know any better. It enraged her a bit whenever she reflects on Gabby Gum's days and the downfall. Whenever the map calls her on friendship quests, she takes it upon herself to fix the problem and gives small lectures on helping one another when times are at its peak. Twilight and Spike are spending more time together as a family. With the CMC's running away, Twilight's motherly instincts kicked in. What if she has said or may do something that'll hurt Spike so much that he too would run away. Twilight refuses to allow that to happen.

In recent days, Twilight has her friends in the castle. She was informed by Princess Celestia to gather her friends for an important meeting. They wonder if it's a new villain or monster making its way to Equestria. Pinkie wonder if its Princess Celestia wants to ask of them to throw Luna a surprise party for her birthday.

"Twilight did the Princess mentioned anything urgent to you from the letter?" Applejack asks.

"Yes. She said it'll be vital for many changes in Equestria," Twilight confirms. She is walking in a circle worriedly.

"You think someone more powerful than the Elements of Harmony is making their way to Equestria?" Rainbow asks.

Twilight bites her lip. "I don't know! I don't know!" Twilight exclaim.

Princess Celestia lands in front of the Friendship Castle. She walks in and sees Twilight and her friends. They turn to Princess Celestia, bowing in respect to her presence.

"Princess Celestia," Twilight said. "Why you called for my friends and me to meet with you. Did something horrible happen? Is Equestria in dangered of a new threat rising?"

"No, Twilight. Nothing horrible has happened," Princess Celestia calmly replies.

"If nothing is wrong, why you wanted to see my friends and me? Why is it urgent?" Twilight confusingly asks.

"Yea," Rainbow noted. What's the situation since nothing bad is happening?"

"I'm here to inform all of you that things in Equestria are going to change."

"In what way, Celestia?" Applejack asks, approaching the topic.

"For starters, I'm stepping down as being a Princess in Canterlot."

"What?!" Everypony shockingly reacts.

"Your not retiring, are you?!" Twilight shouts in a state of shock.

Princess Celestia shakes her head. "I'm not retiring. I'm relocating."

Twilight eyes widen in shock. She looks at her teacher in more shock and disbelief. Everypony else is silent. Stunned to hear what the Princess is saying.

"Relocating to where your highness?" Fluttershy shyly asks.

"The location I've chosen is Starlight's Village. If not there for other reasons, a remote town elsewhere in Equestria like Pony Central or Dodge City."

Silence reign as the girls took the info in. They are stunned beyond belief. They don't know why Celestia would ever want to reside in Starlight's Village especially when they stripped cutie marks away from ponies.

"Why there of all places?" Rarity exclaims.

"I learned a dark truth within Canterlot. Something that I cannot explain yet. Just know that Princess Luna will be taking over in Canterlot. You can still send me letters Twilight. I'll inform you where I'll be relocating. If I am able to reside in Starlight's village, I'll come to you for visitations. If I reside elsewhere, you and your friends may visit me whenever."

"Have you announced your departure from Canterlot yet, Princess Celestia?"

"No. I will in an hour or so. I came here to notify you of what's going to happen so none of you would freak out and come looking for me or looking for answers."

"Understandable, Princess," Applejack calmly states.

"So no going away party?" Pinkie questions in hopes of getting the chance to throw on in honor of the Princess.

"No," Princess Celestia shakes her head. "You may throw a party for Luna as a full-time Princess in Canterlot as I'm passing the torch to her."

"Okay, then," Pinkie said.

"Come by to Canterlot later today and celebrate with Luna. I bid you farewell for now," Princess Celestia said as she takes flight to Canterlot.

Applejack and Rarity hope that Princess Celestia does reside in Starlight's Village. Maybe the Princess can send them letters to them informing how Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are doing. Perhaps with the Princess being around them, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle can open up more and give them a chance at redemption. Rainbow Dash feels alright with Celestia's decision. She is the Princess and knows what is best for all. Fluttershy is okay with Celestia's decision. Pinkie Pie is eager to throw Princess Luna a celebrational party. Twilight is left dumbfounded and shocked. Her teacher moving away due to a dark truth. What is that dark truth? Twilight sighs as Pinkie grabs her to start planning for Luna's party.

Princess Celestia's Passing the Torch & Departure

Princess Celestia lands at the Canterlot Castle's balcony. She enters her room and starts packing her things. Her sister Luna walks into the room.

"Welcome back, sister. How did Twilight and her friends hold?" Princess Luna asks.

"They were shocked at first, then silenced, then understanding. Twilight expressed more of herself when I told them the location where I'm relocating to also, Pinkie Pie wants to throw you a celebration party when I pass the torch to you."

"Alright, Celestia. So, you ready to announce your departure?"

"Yes." Celestia nods. "Follow me, Luna."

Princess Luna follows Celestia to the throne room where everypony is present. Residents of Canterlot, Nobles, Royals, Royal Guards, Maidens, and workers are all present. Princess Celestia sits on her throne to address everyone about her departure.

"Mares and Stallions. I've summoned you here to hear what I have to say for the future of Canterlot. As of this day forth, I will no longer be residing in Canterlot. I've decided to relocate elsewhere."

Loud gasps come from everypony in the throne room. The Royal Guards are stunned beyond belief for what they are hearing. The Nobles and Royals are shocked but delighted. One less Princess to worry about before taking over Canterlot completely.

"With that said and done, I'm passing the torch to my sister Luna. She will be taking over as Princess of Canterlot."

Lots of ponies chat with each other. Having discerns on why this is happening. What have they done that made Princess Celestia want to leave? Why is she abandoning them? Where is she going to live? Some of the Royal Guards are discussing to go with the Princess to protect her during her travels. Princess Celestia is reading every ponies' body language. A lot of them seem concerned. She is also reading the body language of the Royal Guards.

"Royal Guards," Celestia announces. Some of the Royal Guards approach the Princess.

"Yes, your highness," They bow in respect.

"I transfer your services to Princess Luna."

"Pardon me, your highness. Why are you transferring our services to Princess Luna? Isn't she going with you?"

"No," Celestia shakes her head. "Princess Luna will be taking over Canterlot in my absence," Celestia announces loudly to everypony.

Everypony is in disarray after hearing Princess Celestia making another announcement. Princess Luna steps up as Princess Celestia stands aside.

"As Princess of the moon residing in Canterlot, I will lead in a better and brighter future for all. My sister and I have talked about expanding all of Equestria into a United Equestria. That is the reason for her departure. Creating better outcomes for all."

Lots of ponies frown. They are unsure if things will get better or become worse. With Princess Celestia gone, will they suffer a fate worse than death? A lot of questions are getting the better of them. They are now demanding for Celestia to stay. Something in which she wasn't expecting.

"I cannot stay. It is for the best of my interest to vacate Canterlot and start building elsewhere. Just know I love every one of you with all my heart. Thank you for allowing me to be your Princess in Canterlot."

Some ponies start to tear up. They don't want to see their Princess go. Some ponies burst into tears as Celestia hugs her sister.

"I wish you all the luck running Canterlot the way you see fitting, Luna."

"Thank you, sister. Good luck living with them if they say yes."

Princess Celestia nods. She then turns to everypony. "Farewell, my little ponies," Celestia grab her belongings and fly out of the throne room.

"Everypony present. There will be a lot of changes going on in my rule for Canterlot," Princess Luna addresses. Everypony turns to her for guidance now that Celestia has left them.

Princess Celestia arrives at the train station. She gets on the train and sits down as the train takes off. She looks out the window to gaze at Canterlot Castle one last time. Hours later, the train stops. Princess Celestia gets off with her belongings. From afar, Night Glider and Booster are at the stakeout. They see Princess Celestia leaving the train and heading in the direction of their village. Booster radios Starlight Glimmer.

"Starlight, this is Booster reporting."

Starlight answers the radio. "What do you see, Booster?"

"Night Glider and I see the Princess. The week is up. It's time to make our decision as a family."

"Return to the village. We'll start preparing for the Princess's arrival."

"Will do, Starlight," Booster said. "Night Glider. We are needed back at the village."

"Let's fly," She and Booster fly back to the village.

It's going to be a long walk, Princess Celestia thought to herself as she trots to Starlight's village.

Starlight's Village Decision

Night Glider and Booster arrive at the village. They see everypony preparing for the arrival of Princess Celestia. Also, seeing Starlight setting up a voting booth. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo are helping Sugar Belle and Party Favor setup decorations and making dessert. Night Glider sees ponies feeling unnerving and some with confidence with their decisions. Boosters see some waiting for the inevitable.

Two hours later, Princess Celestia sees the village from the mountain top. She sees the town preparing for her arrival. Princess Celestia sighs and hopes everything will work out as she plans. Princess Celestia descends to the entrance of the village with her belongings. She takes several deep breaths to recompose herself as she trots.

"She's coming!" A random pony shouts.

Everypony gets in position and adding the final touches for the Princess's arrival. Princess Celestia enters the village and, everypony welcomes her. Starlight goes up to Princess Celestia.

"Welcome back, Princess Celestia."

"Thank you, Starlight," She sees the voting booth. "What's with the voting booth?" Celestia asks while knowing the answer.

"To determine your fate. To see if we say yes to your stay or no."

"Fair enough." Princess Celestia heads over to the large table set and sits in the middle.

Starlight sits next to the Princess as everypony else gathers at the table. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo go inside with Sugar Belle to help her bring out food for everypony. Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter sit across from the Princess. Lofty and Holiday have decided not to join but, they have given Scootaloo their vote.

"So, how is everyone doing since I last came here?" Celestia calmly asks.

"We're doing fine, for the most part, Princess," Night Glider said.

"Well, right after you left, we held a meeting to determine whether or not you will live among us. Hearing that you want to live here took us by surprise," Double Diamond said.

"Definitely," Party Favor concurs.

"How about you, Celestia," Starlight asks. "How have you been?"

Princess Celestia sighs. She takes a deep breath. "I've have not been alright for the most part. I found more evidence of the Royal Guards disregarding their morals for bits. Disregarding everypony's lives throughout Equestria except for Canterlot. Thanks to the Royal Guards, my reputation as a Princess is tarnished."

Some ponies were quiet. They can feel how the Princess is feeling. So much shame and sadness the Princess is carrying in her.

"Do you feel controlled by the Royals and Nobles in Canterlot?" Starlight asks.

"Brainwashed is the correct term. Countless meetings with the Nobles and Royals, in the end, it was meaningless and wasted time. I could have used it to bond with more ponies while performing my duties in Equestria. For the first time, I feel like I'm free. I can now concentrate on the betterment of Equestria. No more distractions from them."

"Celestia," Snap Shutter calls out. "Do you plan on bringing an attraction with you from your departure?"

"Yea?" Some ponies questions, including themselves in the discussion.

"No. No pony from Canterlot would be able to follow me here. I gave them something to look at when I left. They'll be watching my sister Princess Luna as she becomes a full-time Princess in Canterlot."

"Really? You passed the torch to Luna?" Mane Allgood surprisingly asks.

"I did. I saw a lot of reactions coming from everypony in the throne room. The Royals and Nobles were more shocked than everyone else."

"Wow, I bet they felt a change of targeting Luna for manipulation," Snap Shutter states.

"Nah, Luna is two steps ahead. She is aware of what they have done in the past. Plus, Discord is there to aide her. Princess Luna will become a better Princess in Canterlot than I."

Several ponies leave the table to assist Sugar Belle as she and the CMC brought out trays of food. They place sandwiches, cupcakes, fruits, vegetables, spaghetti, pies, cakes, and different types of juices on the table. Princess Celestia sees how everypony works together as a family. During her time in Canterlot, ponies only work together for money and bragging rights. To show off their statues and boast to anypony around. Princess Celestia smiles as everypony sees a tear fall from her eye.

"Everything okay, your highness?" Starlight asks.

"Just a change in scenery. Something I haven't seen in a long time, Starlight Glimmer," Celestia smiles.

Starlight ponders on that statement, something she hasn't seen in a long time. Some ponies are curious to know why Celestia would say that. Are her workers that horrible in Canterlot?

"Excuse me, Princess. What do you mean by a change in scenery?" Booster asks. "You mean to tell us that ponies in your castle aren't a family type?'

Starlight turns to Booster. He beat her to the punch in asking that question. Princess Celestia wipes a tear as everypony else gathers at the table.

"Well," Celestia clears her throat. "My workers and maidens at times are not the family type in Canterlot Castle at times. Whenever they serve me, they used it for bragging rights towards other ponies in Canterlot. Some boasts, some showoff, and some didn't like each other. When they work together, they don't work as a family but as separate. Trying to get a paycheck as money talks in Canterlot. When I see some of you helping Sugar Belle, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo just now, you decided to help them on your accord as any family would."

"So, would you say there is some corruption in Canterlot, and you were blind to it?" A random pony asks.

"Yes," Celestia nods. "Being in Canterlot keeps me busy when I'm not having meetings with the Military."

"If you were to stay, what are you planning to do next?" Booster asks.

"Relax for the first time in my life. Plan on creating the Equestrian Protection Unit. Become a better Princess of Equestria."

"Will you promise to keep our village isolated? Will you allow us to give the justice bad ponies had made in our lives? Be part of the Justice System? Be part of the family-type we have here and not use us as servants?" Night Glider asks.

Without hesitation, Princess Celestia removes her crown and places it on the table. She turns to look at everypony.

"I will not bring unwelcomed attention to the village. It shall remain off the grid as promised. Your justice system, I will not be part of it, but I will respect it. I want to live here and build a family-bond with my fellow ponies. I have not done that since I left the Castle of the Two Sisters. Its time I get back into it. I will not use you as my servants. When I need something, I'll go get it."

Everypony now rethinks their decisions. Some are chatting with each other. Night Glider didn't anticipate the Princess to respond the way she has. Night Glider was expecting something different from the Princess.

"Hey, are you just telling us what we want to hear, or are you saying that from the bottom of your heart?" A random pony shouts.

"What I say is from the bottom of my heart. I'm not a Princess that lies to my fellow ponies," Princess Celestia calmly replies.

"Alright, I think that'll be enough questioning," Starlight said.

"Yea. We heard what we needed to hear," Double Diamond said.

"Let's eat," Party Favor said.

Everypony in the village eat and chat more. Opening themselves to the Princess and sharing stories that made them happy and laugh. Princess Celestia looks up at the sky. She excuses herself for a second to lower the sun as Luna is raising the moon. She goes back to listening to some stories Snap Shutter is sharing. After a while, everypony gets up and goes to the voting booth. Princess Celestia is eager to know the results, but she knows what the outcome will be. After a half-hour of voting, Starlight takes the ballot box and counts the votes.

"It's unanimous. Princess Celestia, you can live here in the village."

Princess Celestia smiles. She wasn't expecting a unanimous result. She had a feeling she'll get to live here for sure.

"So, where will I be staying?"

"We have a house for you, Princess," Starlight said.

"Yea, we'll show you," Scootaloo said.

Starlight leads the way as Celestia follows. She uses her magic to levitate her belongings. After a two minute walk, Starlight steps aside. The house is next to Booster. Celestia walks in to see the household. She smiles and turns to her fellow neighbors.

"Thank you," Celestia smiles as she becomes teary.

"You're welcome," Everypony said in unison.

"One more thing, call me Celestia. No need to address me as Princess since I'm your neighbor now."

"Will do, Celestia. See you tomorrow," Starlight said as she closes the door to Celestia's new home. "Alright, everypony. Let's clean up."

As everypony starts cleaning up, Princess Celestia wanders around in her new living quarters. She walks upstairs to find a bathroom and a bedroom. She places her belongings in the bedroom.

"Hi, Celestia," Discord greets, coming out of Celestia's bag.

"Hey, Discord. Were you in my bag this whole time?"

"Yes. I shrunk myself and heard everything that was said. I am this village's protector, after all."

"Oh, that's right. I forgot about that."

"It's fine. Just thought I check and see how you are doing."

"I'm better than ever, Discord. A new chain of events will unfold for the better of Equestria. I'm free from the wealth. Free from Canterlot. How is Luna doing?"

"Luna is turning things around in Canterlot already. Prioritizing what is important in Canterlot and what isn't. I have a clone spying on her to inform you of all the crucial details."

"Thanks, Discord."

"My pleasure, Celestia."

The two embrace as Discord teleports himself to Canterlot. Princess Luna has asked of him to handle the nighttime duties of entering the dream realms. Princess Celestia decides to call it a day. She'll write to her sister and Twilight tomorrow morning.

Sombra's Rising

"Blueblood," King Sombra commands.

Prince Blueblood's eyes change color. He is now under King Sombra's obedient spell. King Sombra is visiting Prince Blueblood's palace in Canterlot, ten blocks away from Canterlot Castle. Within the palace, there is nothing but pitch-black darkness.

"Yes.., my liege..," Prince Blueblood bows in respect of his King.

"Status report."

"Princess Celestia has departed from Canterlot. Princess Luna has taken the throne. My sources are unable to detect Celestia's new living quarters in Equestria. We can assume she's in an idle location not marked on the Equestrian Map, my liege."

"Hmm, that location I saw when reading Tempest's mind could be that location of Starlight Glimmer. If I were to go into hiding, a location off the grid that'll be subtle."

"Agreed, my liege."

"Where are the Royal Guards?" King Sombra demands.

"Patience, my King. I have announced a party of my honor to be taken place in my palace. Princess Luna will not be joining us. She has other initiatives in Ponyville with Princess Twilight Sparkle."

"So, who's coming?"

"Other Nobles and Royals that'll be in great use for your army. As well as half of the Royal Guards. I paid them upfront to attend the party."

"Very well. When is your party?"

"Tomorrow, my King."

"Good. I shall disguise myself until the timing is right," King Sombra leaves. As he leaves, the darkness disappears. Prince Blueblood is no longer tie to the spell. He has no idea what is happening. He is now focusing on his party tomorrow.

King Sombra is hiding in the shadows of Canterlot, biding his time until tomorrow night. His followers are in Canterlot, observing the scenery and observing Princess Luna from afar.

The next day. It is now 7:30 in the morning. Princess Luna wakes up as Discord returns from the realm of dreams.

"Good morning, Luna."

"Morning, Draqonecuus. Had fun tackling nightmares from anypony's dream?" Princess Luna said as she stretches.

"I have," Discord said, tossing a souvenir on Luna's bed. "I have to say some ponies have the gnarliest nightmares."

"Some ponies do suffer from horrible nightmares. I've encountered countless during my duration of nightly duties," Princess Luna states.

"So, what are your duties of the day?"

"I received an invite from Twilight Sparkle. She and her friends have something special for me, Discord."

"Anything else besides a trip to Ponyville?"

"I have made it clear to focus more on the betterment of Canterlot. Anything I find meaningless will be pushed aside. My first meeting will be with the Royal Guards."

"Interesting. What are you planning to do with the Royal Guards?"

"Since we know what the Royal Guards have been doing, it's time to reevaluate them," Luna states.

"Ah, so you want me to string up those that are not worthy and whack them like piƱatas for all those times they neglected everypony else in Equestria?" Discord asks, holding a baseball bat.

"Nay, Draqonecuus."

"Should I be in the presence of the meeting?"

"Nay, Discord. I can't have distractions during the meeting. What you can do is monitor the Royal Guards from time to time. Making sure they are doing their duties and not chose money over their lives."

"I can do that. I'll document everything I see from them."


"Also," Discord uses his magic to spawn an invitation. "I'm invited to meet with Twilight and her friends. Pinkie Pie personally delivered the invite to me from her balloon."

"Good to know," Princess Luna rolls her eyes a bit. She leaves her room and meets up with her advisors. She quickly dismisses any relations that deals with the Nobles and Royals. She has her priorities set before going to Ponyville.

Princess Luna meets up with the Captain of the Royal Guards to initialize their meeting with the rest of the Royal Guards. Princess Luna has asked for a full progress report. Some of the Royal Guards begin to sweat. They are now worried that Princess Luna may not like the results and will relieve them of their duties. Princess Luna knows what to expect from the Royal Guards; however, she hopes they will be honest about their mistakes. As time goes by, Princess Luna sees the deception the Royal Guards expressed during their reviews. Princess Luna decided that half of the Royal Guards will be relieved from duty. She'll raise a new generation of Royal Guards that focuses on protecting everypony and not accepting bribes. After two hours, Princess Luna leaves the meeting disgusted.

Princess Luna checks the time. "Nearly noon," She sighs. Her meeting filled with a lot of dishonest Royals has gotten the better of her. Discord comes up to Princess Luna from behind.

"How was the meeting, my Queen?" Discord jokes by putting a bigger crown on Luna's head.

"Pitiful," Luna coldly states. "You and I both know of their wrongful doings. They should have at least confessed. Instead, they told me what they've done in Canterlot and what they've done for Celestia. They had no comment for the rest of Equestria. I relieved half of the Royal Guards today."

"You did what now?" Discord shockingly responds. Not anticipating that decree from Luna.

"I relieved the veterans of the Royal Guards cause they have taken more bribes than the younger generation. Captain of the Royal Guards is also relieved of duties."

"Wow, Luna. You are taking the initial steps of building something better."

"It's because of these fools that gave my sister a bad name. I will not standby while other ponies suffer because of their greed. I only accept right-minded ponies willing to become protectors for everypony and not be bystanders for the Royals and Nobles."

"So, what are you planning to do now?" Discord said, eating a bucket of popcorn.

"Renew the Royal Guard Training Facility and I'll be providing personal instruction on what to do and what not to do from time to time. Right now, I'll be heading to Ponyville to see Twilight and her friends at her castle."

"I'll be right behind you, Luna."

"I'll have our new Captain of the Royal Guards, Stargaze to watch over Canterlot as we go."

"Who's Stargaze, Luna?" A question mark spawns over Discord's head.

"An uprising Royal Guard in the ranks. He works during the nightshift. I'm putting my trust and faith in him to watch over Canterlot for the day. Knowing that Pinkie Pie is throwing a party, I may arrive back late tonight."

"Alright. When you feel the need to return to Canterlot early, give me a holla and I'll teleport you back."

"Thanks, Draqonecuus, let's go."

The two travel together to Ponyville as Stargaze arrives at the Royal Guards Headquarters. Since some Royal Guards are cut in half, Stargaze gives the order of all Royal Guards to patrol the streets of Canterlot. None of them are to disband their duties unless it is an emergency. Attending any formality with the Royals and Nobles is not regulated for the day. The Royal Guards look at Stargaze, thinking what in Equestria is he thinking? Some were hoping to make a few extra bits. Luckily for them, they were already paid in advance by Prince Blueblood to attend his party.

A few hours later, Royals and Nobles are showing up at Prince Blueblood's palace for the party. Many Royal Guards are entering the palace, disobeying Stargaze's command. Followers of King Sombra closes the door of the palace as Sombra enters. Wearing a dark cloak to conceal his identity for the time being. There is a total of seventy Royal and Nobles and forty Royal Guards. King Sombra smiles as Prince Blueblood makes and grand entrance.

"Showtime," King Sombra mutters as he gaze at Blueblood.

"Mares and Gentlecolts," Prince Blueblood announces. "Welcome to my humble home. Today we celebrate. A toast in my honor," Everypony lifts their wine glass as the Royal Guards idly standby and watch. "And, a toast of one less Princess to take care of."

King Sombra couldn't help but chuckle. Blueblood is right. One less Princess to take care of. Making it easier to dominate Princess Luna as she'll be helpless to attack an innocent pony under his will. As everypony drinks with their eyes close, the palace becomes pitch-black darkness. Sinister laughter disturbs everypony. Prince Blueblood's eye color changes as Sombra makes himself known to everypony in the palace. Screams of everypony are echoed; however, those screams cannot be heard outside of the palace. Royal Guards are trembling to see the presence of King Sombra. Last they heard, he was disintegrated by the Crystal Heart. How did he survive?

"I know what you want. An Equestria where only the rich live happily while everyone else is beneath them. No more supporting the lower status. You want them as slaves. Always doing your bidding, no questions asked. The one thing the Princess would not allow you to have for she doesn't believe in slavery. Join me, and all your wishes will come true. Together, we can bring down the Princesses. I believe in enslaving those under you for they have value."

The Royal Guards are disgusted by what they are hearing from King Sombra. The Royals and Nobles are intrigued by Sombra's proposition. Then, Prince Blueblood spoke.

"It's true. I've seen the light our King is presenting to us. More acres of land, servants, maidens, and slaves. We live in luxury throughout all of Equestria instead of this small city of Canterlot."

"Join me, in creating. A better tomorrow," Sombra chuckles as he glares at the Royal Guards. Anticipating them to attack him.

"We will rather die than join you!" The Royal Guards go after King Sombra.

"So be it," Sombra uses his magic to strike down the Royal Guards. Instead of killing them, he is manipulating them to follow his lead. Royals and Nobles are now having second thoughts. However, Prince Blueblood lightens up the scenery.

"Don't be fooled, Brothers and Sisters. To achieve our biggest goal, some sacrifices have to be made. Changes are required. We witness some changes. Princess Celestia's departure and the unwillingness of Princess Luna to attend our meetings, to attend our formalities cause she desires to help the lower class rise. Do you want to be left and forgotten in a world our wealth will be no-existent anymore or, do you want to live in a luxurious world where we are the above and beyond?"

"What about King Sombra? What will he do?" A random Noble asks out of curiosity.

"Everyone of you will be secondary in ruling all of Equestria as one. My sole desire is taking back the Crystal Empire, ruling it as I have before. All four Princesses shall either be my slave or a crystal statue. I want what all of you want. When we accomplish our goal, I promise you that I will leave all of you alone in the new world order. If you have some ponies you no longer want, all I ask is you send them to me."

"Will you join King Sombra and me or, will you watch as everything you built goes to waste?" Prince Blueblood calmly asks. Smiling elegantly to his Brothers and Sisters.

Some of the Royals and Nobles are talking with the others on their attempts to talk with Princess Luna. Seeing how quickly she was in dismissing them. Telling them that it's pointless to her. Having and showing no care for them. They look at King Sombra and Prince Blueblood. Their temptation sounds too good to be true. King Sombra tilts his head, waiting for an answer. If they say no, he will manipulate their minds. If they say yes, he'll conjure a spell to have a grip on them, controlling them when it's time to dethrone Princess Luna. Either way, he is leaving with an army of ponies.

"King Sombra," A Noble bows in respect. "My name is Jet Set. After talking with everypony, we've decided to join you. This change that has happened would more likely end our wealthy lifestyle. We are your humble servants," The Nobles and Royals bow in respect to King Sombra. Prince Blueblood rejoices in success.

"You've made the wise decision. When the time is right, we will dethrone Princess Luna." King Sombra laughs evilly as everypony else joins. King Sombra uses his magic to control the Nobles and Royals. A seed is planted inside of their minds. It'll trigger when the day has arrive to dethrone Princess Luna. King Sombra doesn't expect them to fight willingly. He'll be controlling their actions. "Go home, everyone. This day never happened. I'll summon you when the time has arrived."

The Nobles and Royals bow in understanding and respect. They leave Prince Blueblood's palace happily and with no regrets. As for the Royal Guards, King Sombra gives them a simple amnesia spell on them. They have no memory of seeing King Sombra at the palace. All they remember is getting paid upfront and attending the party.

"Enjoy the night, Prince Blueblood. I shall return soon enough," King Sombra leaves as the palace turns back to normal. Prince Blueblood's eyes are back to normal. All he remembers is everypony having a fun time in the palace. Prince Blueblood decides to go for a hooficure. King Sombra is resting in the shadows of Canterlot. "I need the right opportunity to present itself to me," he turns to his followers. "Tomorrow, stir up some trouble that'll get Princess Luna's attention. Make her use as much magic as possible to capture you. When she's tired and alone, we will strike."

"Yes, my King."

"My King, what do you have in mind to keep Discord, occupied?"

"Who does he care about the most?"

"Somepony named Fluttershy."

"Make her disappear for a while."

"Understood, my liege."

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