
Arachnid Emperor

by BlankBrony

Chapter 4: Premonition

Previous Chapter

Third Person’s POV

Everfree Forest, The Nest

Arcno, unlike the other days, is currently bothered by something. ‘One of the kids is missing’ He thought as he stared at the playing childs in front of him.

It has been a week since Nightmare Moon’s defeat and all he did during that time was playing with the kids and taking strolls in the Everfree Forest.

He would normally have lost his mind from boredom until recently when he noticed a missing member of his ‘family’.

He wouldn’t normally care so much about these young gohma as he is a human inside, but he still felt responsible over them since he technically gave birth to them, a maternal instinct he may have developed after his sudden change to an arachnid.

He may have acquired, or more accurately self proclaimed himself as ‘Arachnid Emperor’ but he is still a human inside despite his current powers so he didn’t really know what to do about it.

But for now he was only concerned about one thing, finding his lost child. He already investigated in the matter by trailing the smell left by the child but he didn’t expect the trail itself to end in the middle of the forest, it was as if they just disappeared.

He already theorised that the child was kidnapped and that the kidnapper(s) could teleport away, meaning that they could use magic.

With the knowledge he had about Equestria, he came up with three conclusion :

1- The kidnapper(s) were highly trained ponies, explaining why he didn’t smell anything near the one of his child.

2- The child itself has somehow lost itself in the forest before being captured and afterward being teleported away.

3- The child just disappeared from existence.

The second and third conclusions were a bit far stretched, no all of these conclusions were far stretched as none of them didn’t really made sense but it didn’t surprise Arcno as he didn’t plan/predict this much since the last time he played chess, which was a long time ago.

But for now he didn’t care and just shrugged the conclusions off as he was certain of something.

The child was gone.

Being himself very selfish and carefree, he would just think nothing of it but not here, the reason behind that cautiousness is because he knew that mistakes in another world can mean the end of the world in his world.

He knew from the countless “High IQ Anime”, as he called them, that a simple slip up can seriously cause troubles, and what is the slip up here? It’s the fact that he let one of his heir disappear, why? Because as he learned from these “High IQ Anime”, unknown is the greatest weapon, and now he just lost one of the beings extremely related to him, meaning that if the child was captured, then this means that he can be red like a book.

He is sure that his species, which is known as Gohma, is unknown in this world so if one of his own descendant gets captured, then that means those who captured his descendant would have information about him and his species, and information is the strongest weapon he knows, why? Because humans made a nuke because of informations.

Paranoia is a very valuable thing when against unknown, it is one of the thing that was able to keep Ainz Ooal Gown being the strongest guild in Yggdrasil after all.

So now Arcno was having a headache as he didn’t think so much for a while and he seriously intended to go on a stroll again.

Ponyville, Fluttershy’s cottage

It has been a while since Fluttershy has not seen Arcno again, a whole week passed by without her noticing it as the week itself wasn’t very eventful besides the fact that she and all her friends got tickets to go to the Grand Galloping Gala.

But everything else didn’t matter to her as all she thought about this last week was the behemoth she met at the Castle of the Two Sisters.

She had questions about anything and everything about that mysterious entity.

She remembered being shocked by the fact that the behemoth himself was known to be of Imperial Blood. Empress and Emperor were words not very known by the ponies of Equestria but Fluttershy knew what they mean.

She knew that they had more power than royalty, it is said that their charisma is overwhelming even for royalty, she didn’t know why the term itself existed but only knew how.

Words are things to describe the world, and a word that describes something can only be created if somepony has witnessed the thing itself, meaning that Emperors existed at a time in Equestria, but she didn’t know when.

She couldn’t even imagine a being superior to the Princesses as they moved the Celestial Bodies, it was unthinkable, and yet the word existed meaning that beings more powerful than the Princesses once existed.

This only raised more questioned in the mind of Fluttershy like, how powerful must the behemoth be to have Imperial blood in it? How old would the beast be as Emperor’s era was not even known to the Princesses?

She could definitely see that Arcno was very ancient, she only had to see the strange language inscribed on the body of the Arachnid.

Now that she thought about it, the body itself felt weird to her when she rode onto Arcno’s body, she also felt something weird with the bulge in the middle of the spider’s front body, like it was an eye socket.

No, she had to think straight, it was still morning and she needed to go buy food for her little friends.

Canterlot Castle, Throne Room

“That’s why we should lower the taxes on the commoners so they could bring more result from their work.” A nobleman stated in front of his ruler.

Celestia was currently doing her everyday routine, but she was more happy and acceptable towards the request of the ponies, the reason being Luna who recently came back.

At first, the ponies were very skeptical about her, but over time they started to accept her, Celestia who was a witness of this became overjoyed and oozed happiness.

This actually pleased the ponies as they were always grateful for the Princess’s deeds so seeing her make a true smile made the ponies happier.

Everything went wonderful in Celestia’s eyes so as the nobleman finished his request, she smiled at him and agreed on the request before dismissing him.

She didn’t let emotions overwrite her work but it didn’t hurt for her to show happiness even if she rejected a request as nothing could make her worried.

Or at least it should’ve been until she found in the huge pile of paper on her desk reports saying that there were sights of black flying things the size of a pony roaming the city at night.

Now this made her really worried as she knew what those black things were, she knew too well…

Unknown Location

“My queen, the spies have returned.” One of the insectoid pony said to it’s queen.

“Good, report.” She ordered in her signature voice.

“The beast we have captured has calmed down but is still resistant, a few were injured by its attempts to free itself.” The drone reported which made Chrysalis angry.

“Find a way to submit this mindless beast! We don’t have much time and if you fail you will be severely punished.” She said obviously mad at her failed attempts to subdue the beast.

The beast itself resisted the spell she casted on it a week ago, but all of her attempts to submit it to her failed miserably.

The beast itself shocked her as she never encountered it before, but she was certain that it held great powers that are unknown to her, the only problem was how to make it so it attacks everything but not the changelings? She had to experiment on this matter as her drones were too dumb to understand anything she did in her spare time.

For now she had to wait until she found a way to make the spider her servant, the simple fact of its existence brought a feeling she haven’t felt before, it was bloodlust, no it was not a normal bloodlust against a being you hate, it’s a bloodlust against a being opposite to your very self, it was like a rival but she didn’t care for that, she wanted it to destroy Canterlot and make the beast serve her with all its might.

But before that, she needed to find a way to subdue it.

Everfree Forest, Unknown Location

Something in this part of the Forest felt incredibly wrong, the Forest itself didn’t felt like a Forest at all, it certainly looked like the Everfree Forest but it didn’t feel like it.

The feeling the Everfree Forest normally gives off is the feeling of nature and it’s wilderness, but this part of the Forest didn’t, it felt like Poison, a Venom draining the life out of everything, a feeling of despair would fall on you and you would immediately start to think that the Forest itself would eat you, which it would do as this phenomenon is the cause of a very gluttonous plant.

Yes, this part of the Forest is ruled by a carnivorous plant, but it’s not any carnivorous plant, it’s one that can plague a whole Forest with a purple liquid, a purple of death, how can a plant do this? It’s simple, it was infected by Twilight.

Author's Notes:

That's the last chapter until I don't know how long (because school).

Also that's just a little chapter to tell the basics of the future events and till I don't know how much time I won't be posting chapters, I won't put the story on hiatus because I'm still inspired by it, I'll just post chapter bust less often.

Hope you like it!

Also, the critics I got from pretty much everyone hits so hard onto my poor young mind, but thanks anyway for the advices and "must change" comments, especially Warrior Kitten who pretty much pointed out every flaws of the story and how I write which was pretty much everything, also thanks to you I'll seriously write now (not that I didn't but I really needed someone to push me further from where I am now.)

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