
A World Beyond Chaos

by MyAwesomePony

Chapter 1: Prologue

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It can be a pain in the neck sometimes, but you just have to learn to accept it. No matter how ridiculous it may sound. Not everbody is true perfection, it takes time and patience to be perfect. I surely know that's true. Hi, I'm Lukas, and I like to tell you all the story about how my life got completely flipped upside down. I know this may sound bizarre but just stick with me. This happened a few months ago. Without further ado, here is my story.

It all started when I was lying there on my bed with my eyes wide open. I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't stop thinking about that dreadful nightmare that I had. Before this, my family was watching a horror movie, and although that may not sound bad, let me remind you that I was only 14 years old. I know I'm a teenager and I shouldn't be afraid, but I get scared easily and my siblings always tease me about it. Anyways, I didn't really feel like going to sleep, so I decided to pull my first all nighter. I rose up from my bed quietly and tiptoed over to the kitchen to get myself a midnight snack. As I was sneaking to the kitchen, I walked passed the basement and I could've sworn I saw a bright purple light peek out of the crack of the door. All my family were still asleep, so nobody could possibly be down there. I thought to myself to go and see what that bright light was, but my mind kept telling me to not go down. Besides, I'd just watched a horror movie. I pondered for a moment, I really had no idea on what I should do. Then I finally decided to go and see.

Slowly, but surely, I quietly opened the door to the basement, letting out an audible creek that could be heard within a 1 mile radius. I darted my head to my parents room and surprisingly, there were still asleep. I sighed with relief as I struggled to see the staircase. I slowly creeped down the dark and gloomy room as I could still see the purple light around the corner. I continued to process what or who it could be. I reached into my pocket for my phone, I pulled it out and used it as a flashlight, so I could see better. As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I poked my head around the corner to where the source of the light was coming from, and what I saw made me drop my phone in shock. I was staring directly at what looked like a small vortex, searing my eyes as I couldn't believe what I had looked upon. The portal made my head dizzy with questions. But to this day, I don't think any of them will be answered. I just stared in amazement with my mouth agape. Then without warning, the whole room started to shake and spin as the portal got closer and closer. I tried to move, but I couldn't move a muscle, I felt like a magnetic force was pulling me into the portal. I just closed my eyes, hoping that the other side won't be dangerous before I was blinded by a bright light, and then..... Nothing.

Silence entered my mind as all I could see was black. But not for long as I slowly started to open my eyes and see that I was on grass. I tried to remember what had happened and how I ended up here, but my mind was blank as I was still processing over what had happened to me. I could hear the sounds of birds chirping. I struggled to turn my body around, but after a while, I finally managed. I stared up at the bright blue sky. I felt as if I was in a cartoon with all of the flashing colours as the sun shone in the warm air. I wobbled slowly as my legs felt like jelly, I must have had a terrible fall if I had this bad posture, but I came through as I finally managed to stand up, but not before stumbling back on the soft grass again. I was in such bad condition, I couldn't go on. I lifted up my leg, and what I saw, shocked me. My leg somehow got twisted backwards and so was my arm. I felt like crying and that's exactly what I was planning on doing, before I could hear the sound of voices getting louder and louder as if they were getting closer and closer.

"Alright girls, this is where the creature fell." Said one of the voices.

"Oh, I hope the darling's okay." Said another.

These voices kept fading in and out. To me, they sounded like my guardian angels, my saviours, the ones who really care about me. But my dreams were cut short, when I felt something tap on my side. I think it took them a while to realise my injuries. I know because one of the voices whispered.

"I.... I think it's hurt." She said, followed by gasping.

"Oh my gosh, we need to get it to the hospital." Said a very alarmed voice.

Then I suddenly felt the feeling of being gently lifted off the ground with a ticklish sensation. As I tried to comprehend in my mind, I felt my eyes getting heavy as I soundly went to sleep.

Later at the hospital...

Twilight Sparkle and her friends barged into the hospital with creature still in Twilight's magical grasp. They all ran up to Nurse Redheart.

"Twilight, what's the matter?" Asked Nurse Red Heart.

"Me and my friends found this creature in the outskirts of Ponyville and it looks like it has a broken arm and a leg." Replied Twilight frantically.

"Follow me." Red Heart instructed as they followed.

They raced into one of the emergency rooms, still a little worried.

"Place it here." The nurse pointed to the bed as Twilight does so.

"Please tell me it's going to be alright, nurse." Said Fluttershy nervously.

"We'll see what we can do." Redheart said as a Twilight and her friends left.

All Fluttershy could think about was the mysterious creature. Even though she'd never seen anything like it before, she still couldn't help but wonder. As he fed all of her animals, she just couldn't get the image of the creature dead on the ground out of her head.

"Oh, Angel." She told her bunny. "I hope the creature will be alright."

To Be Continued...

Next Chapter: Meeting Unusual Friends Estimated time remaining: 10 Minutes
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