
Nuclear: The Radioactive Changeling

by TheRadioactiveChangeling

First published

A Changeling has been to the past multiple times, and became radioactive. He also is over powered with guns and magic.

Nuclear is a changeling that has seen the end of the world multiple times. He has tried to solve it multiple times, but never got there. But this time, something different happened. He was sent to the wrong location. He was sent to ponyville, inside twilight's castle. Now he has to figure the entire thing out, now with both friends (distractions sometimes), guns, and radioactive magic, cause he's also buffed to the eyeballs and armed to the teeth.

My Main story. Kinda connected to fallout: equestria, but not really.

Starts at the beginning of season 6

pic made by AtomFliege. Check out his Deviantart here. He makes good art.

A Different Retelling of this story is available on Wattpad.

Disaster for the 413th time

Death. That's all he saw from the cliff point. Fire and storms ravaging the entire country. Ponies, changelings, dragons, griffons, and all other creatures were just burning to death as he watched it all happen. He tried to solve it, he really did. He tried everything he could think of to beat it to the punch, but nothing doing. He had to keep trying to solve it. Maybe he missed something, or he needed to go somewhere. He grabbed his pack, and ran for the base.

Now the creatures had already gone insane and tried to kill him for meat, but after doing this 413 times, you know everything that happens. He was being chased with spears, axes, swords, and just knives, but again, it was easy to beat them if you know everything. He pulled out the explosive, bit the string, waited, and threw it at the right time too explode in mid-air, and the head of the pony chasing him landed right in his hands.

"I'm gonna try to fix this, just stay sane," He said to the head. He then sat it on the ground, and ran to canterlot.

Canterlot was probably the most dangerous place in the apocalypse as the ones in it had actual training. However, they didn't have guns, which He did have. I'll just say, It was a massacre on one side, although the other side did get a injured leg.

"Ah... great. Good thing I've gotten used to it," He said as he covered his chest with a wrapped bandage. He then went to the throne room, which he knew where it would be. He enter the throne room, which had the injured versions of the princesses, almost looking dead.

"Princesses...I'll try again, and I can do it this time," He said to the bodies. He then looked at the door behind the throne.

"GASTO ME KANYA! TO WAHE THE WAKE! MASTERMENTIUM O RAD! MIND, SOUL, SOUND, SIGHT, FEELING! OPEN!" He Chanted to the heavens. The secret area was then lifted from the wall and out revealed the the machine that had the ability to send anything to any time. He opened the door with the code, 12826, and then went to the date console, and imputed the date of the time he needed to go to. But before he could press the button, the ponies came back.


"Gonna be pretty hard cause I'll just SHOOT YOU IN THE FACE!" He shouted back as he opened the window with his flintlock, and shot like crazy, but in the chaos, he didn't realize a bullet ricocheted inside the machine and smacked the date console. The date was now march 26, 2016. The ponies were now dead, with flesh and blood everywhere.

"Jeez. Maybe I should've just hit the button to operate the machine. Well, at least I'm somewhat safe. Now, let's get this thing running," He said as he smacked the button without looking at the date console. He then held onto the safety rail as the thing goes from zero to 60 in 2 seconds. Blasting through time and space, he realized he accidently bumped into the place monitor and the machine would now appear in a random location in equestria.

"Ahh...Just great..."

Author's Notes:

March 26, 2016 is the time season 6 of mlp came out. He was trying to go to season 9. Now he has to go through Season 6 to season 9, or maybe use the machine again

see ya.


"OK. Library, library. Where did they put the library? [sigh] This Castle looked a lot smaller from the outside," Starlight was wandering the castle, opening doors, only to see a certain purple dragon shaving.

"Morning, Starlight!" Spike said, not embarrassed

"Whoops! Sorry, Spike! I guess I'm still trying to find my way around. You don't happen to know where the library is, do you?" She asked him, while shielding her eyes.

"Next door on the left," Spike pointed to the door next to him.

"Oh. Thanks," She said, with a hint of sarcasm.

"Acceptance, mm-hmm. Altruism, definitely. Starlight! Good morning! Come in!" Twilight said to her pupil.

"Sorry I'm late. I got a little turned around. I still can't believe you're letting me stay here. As your pupil. After everything I did," She said, slightly embarrassed.

"Well, I'm not one to dwell on the past and neither should you. The castle is your home now and as far as being my pupil goes I was just trying to figure out what your first friendship lesson should be!" She continued to her pupil.

"Oh. Well, it looks like you're really narrowing it down," Starlight said to her mentor.

"Oh, these are just the As," Twilight said to her student, while pointing elsewhere, "After this, I move on to the Bs!" which the elsewhere was a giant pile of papers, Which made starlight concerned. But then something unexpected happened.

"What in celestia's name is that sound?" Starlight asked as a tardis-esque sound appeared from nowhere, as a circular machine appeared. The sound stopped as the machine stopped spinning and appeared fully. The door on the machine opened as a certain changeling plopped out with a bunch of green gas also poured out into the roof. The ponies looked at the machine and changeling in disbelief, but the changeling looked at them.

"Oh...just great. I'm either in a castle home to an alicorn, or I'm high again,"

Author's Notes:

Surprise! He actually is kinda high.

Couldn't come up with a good chapter name

"Spike! Keep writing those letters to my friends and the princesses!" Twilight said as she kept the barrier spell working, only to find the rest of the mane 6 already in the doorway.

"How'd you guys find your way here so fast!?" Starlight complained.

"It's not really that hard. There's a map station," Rainbow said, only making starlight steamed.

"That's not important now, as there's a changeling right there and we need to do somethin about it!" Applejack said, stopping the rest of them from talking.

"Umm, girls..." Fluttershy whispered.

"Not now fluttershy, we need to get this guy out," Rainbow said.

"But...he's awake," Fluttershy said a bit quieter this time, only making them swing to the machine, only to see the changeling trying to fix it.

"hmm...maybe put this here? Nope, dosen't fi- oh, hey ponies. What's up? If you don't mind, I'm kinda in the middle of something, so uhh, can you get out for a sec? Thanks for those that did in advance," Nuclear said to all 8 of them, only spike and fluttershy leaving the room.

"Umm... Mr. changeling? Can yo-" Twilight was interrupted.

"Nuclear. My name's Nuclear, and I said can you get out for a bit please? This thing is actually, like, really important. So please, leave for a sec?" Nuclear asked, making them realize they have to discuss it outside.

"Ok, so what is with that guy? He kinda kicked us out of your castle twilight. And What the heck was that machine?" Rainbow asked.

"Do you know what that there contraption is twilight? You gotta have some idea," Applejack said.

"I wish, but that seemed way too technologically advanced, even for me," Twilight said, before the entire wall of the castle came crashing down as the machine blasted outwards, with the changeling shouting from the wall.

"Ok, I figured out what I need to fix the machine. A new machine."

Author's Notes:

Yeah, Yeah, but this chapter's all over the place and I couldn't figure out a good name.


"Ok, so we all go to him and ask 1 question, right?" Twilight asked her friends.

"YES! We all heard you the first 4 times! Let's just get it over with!" Rainbow complained.

"I hope so. You ponies have been yelling and asking each other for about 2 minutes now. I just need to find a way to speed up time and get a new machine," Nuclear yelled to them, which made them all realize to get on with it.


"So, uh, mr. changeling?" Applejack asked nuclear.

"NUCLEAR! I Told my name to you guys 6 times!" Nuclear yelled, making her jump back a bit.

"Ok. 'Nuclear' what are you doing here?" Applejack said, using up her question.

"Well, I don't know if you'd understand it, but I'm from the future where the world was destroyed by something that I'm trying to solve, and this machine, which I think is now broke, is a time machine I can use to travel anywhere, and somepony stupid smacked the control panel and now I'm stuck here until either I find something to fix this, or just wait until the world is broken again. Although I doubt that you ponies would want me to choose the latter," He explained. Applejack was now confused but also understanding in a mixed way.

"Okay... I'll go tell the others that," Applejack said, leaving nuclear to his devices for a few seconds.


Rarity was somewhat scared and intrigued as she walked to nuclear, who was now actually looking at the machine from the outside, looking for mistakes on the outside.

"Umm... Mr. Nuclear? Was that it darling?" Rarity asked Nuclear, who nodded silently as he looked into the power converter.

"Yep, that's my name, and I believe I'm don't know you well enough to have you call me darling," He joked, making her sputter.

"Ah-uhh. No that's...what?" She spattered.

"I'm joking. I've been to Manehattan and met people like you," He said with a grin.

"Whatever, what are you?" Rarity asked, making nuclear realize that some ponies are stupid.

"I'm a changeling. Duh. You must know us," He deadpanned.

"Well, yes, but we've never seen a 'changeling' like you before," Rarity answered, making him somewhat frightened.

"Well...ok, rarity. I'm not telling anybody that, no matter what, unless someone's life depends on it. Got it?" he explained, then rarity walked away from him.


The Bubble gum Mare hopped to the glowy changeling currently flying up onto the top of the machine.

"Hello Mr. Nuclear! Whatcha doin?" Pinkie pie asked.

"Hi. Right now just Looking around on this thing," He replied.

"Ok! Speaking of which, what is that thing?" She asked.

"A time machine," He answered.

"Ok!" She said as she bounced away.


Fluttershy looked around at her friends, knowing she was next. She crawled slowly to the changeling, looking at him intensely, not taking an eye off him, making sure he isn't doing anything bad.

"umm, mr nuclear?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah?" He asked, sliding down the pole on the side, which made a screeching noise that made fluttershy uncomfortable.

"umm...what is the green glow around you?" She asked quietly.

"That's called radiation. Don't stand in it," He answered seriously, making fluttershy have a hasty retreat.


"Ok, this guy isn't getting by my question," She said to herself.

"So Nuclear. Are you just a scout from a changeling hive?" Rainbow asked him with a tense tone.

"Nope. Just a random radioactive changeling here to save the world. Nothin bad here unless you try to hug me," Nuclear said as he completely deflected the question and made her fall to the back.


She walked to the changeling, now lying down in defeat as he couldn't figure out another way to fix this thing.

"So nuclear, was it?" She asked.

"Yep. Nuclear. That's me," He responded.

"Well...What's the future like?" Twilight asked a question that he knew was coming, but didn't want to answer.

"Oh boy. Well Twilight, Sit down here... Now, Are you brave?" He asked, where he received a slow nod.

"Well, You're wrong," He responded, making her head tilt, "Anypony that said they are brave, glorious, a warrior, or even
a god will tremble to their knees when they see what the world came too. Death around every corner, either from scavengers finding meat and food, ghouls killing for no reason, death claws hunting anything, raiders taking homes from others, or super mutants racking up the deaths every second. I couldn't describe the FIRST time I came through that hell of... well, hell. Not only that, but all ponies and creatures are stuffed into either suits and armor killing said creatures to clean the world, or just living in underground homes and stuffing their caps under mattresses. The World is a new home for tartarus, and it's even worse."

She was now terrorized from what he had told her, "But why didn't anyone stop whatever made this happen,"

"That's the thing. Nobody knows what made it happen, and that's what I'm trying to figure out," Nuclear said determined.


"So, twilight told me what the world came too," Starlight told him, "And I gotta say, I'm not really surprised," which made him somewhat sit up.

"Why would any pony not be surprised?" Nuclear asked.

"Well, I've also seen multiple horrible worlds, but I did fix it, although I didn't see yours. However, I know you can find it, with or without our help," Starlight told him.

"Hey, Aren't you supposed to ask me something?" He asked

"I gave my question to spike so he has 2. Welp, It's his turn. bye," She said.

Enter: SPIKE

"OK! WHAT IS THAT THING!" Spike yelled at the thing strapped to Nuclear Belt.

"Oh, my Pistol? It's a gun. Think of it like a Fast moving projectile made of strong metal that can pierce through a lot of things," He answered.

"Can I see it work?" Spike asked.

Nuclear looked to the group and then said, "Ok, but let's go somewhere else," He said as he lead Spike around the back of the castle.

"Where are they going?" Rarity pointed out the changeling and dragon going behind the castle, which was then followed by an ear piercing sound of a soon to be realized Glock-47 C.

"WHAT. WAS. THAT?" Rainbow dash yelled, worried that spike might be hurt as she raced around the castle, only to see nuclear holding out the pistol, pointing to a now hole in the ground, and spike watching in disbelief.

"That. was. SOMETHING AWESOME!" Spike yelled to the heavens, who then burped up a mail. "Twilight! Mail!" He yelled to his friend, who then opened it and read it.

Dear my Prized pupil, Twilight Sparkle,

I have recieved your emergency mail about a changeling and I have sent a 2 guards to watch over him and bring him here if he has proven to be hostile.

If he has proven to be more powerful then realized, you must send an emergency mail and me and luna shall come to you and find him.

Sincerely, Princess Celestia

Author's Notes:

Yeah, pinkie pie's was short, but that was the joke, as you don't need to tell her much to convince her.

Yep! I believe stuff quickly! :pinkiehappy:

So.. yeah. See ya.


"Okay so while the guards are coming, do you have any other cool things or powers?" Spike asked the Changeling, who looked at him and the ponies.

"Well, yes, although This probably isn't the best place for it. I'd need like a, flat, building less area so nothing happens," He explained.

"Already on it! Come with me Nuclear," Rainbow said, leading the changeling to a flat lonely area in the field with the the team.

"Ok...Ready guys?" He asked them, which got a nod from all except fluttershy, cause she was too scared.

"My first power, which isn't gonna destory anything, is called power replication. Basically if I touch one of you, I gain any spells or skills in your mind or body. Here allow me to demonstrate by having rainbow touch me," Nuclear explained, while getting rainbow to touch his arm, which made a brief orange flash.

"So... Rainbow. Wanna Race?" Nuclear Challenged the rainbow maned mare.

"Buck yeah! Let's Go!" Rainbow blasted off, only to see Nuclear flying right next to her, with a glowing rainbow trail right behind him, seen by everyone. They stopped at the same spot at the same time, leaving all of them dumbfounded.

"Wow. He wasn't lying. That is awesome!" Rainbow Exclaimed.

"Alright, and thanks. My Next power is called Power Absorption. This is a pretty common one. You use this spell and drain all the magic out of something that has magic in it. However, I also have Power Division, Which is the exact opposite where you take your magic and share it with either just one person or an entire group," He Explained.

"So If you wanted to, you could take all of our magic or just take yours and give it to us?" Twilight asked.

He looked at her and at himself, "...Yeah, pretty much."

"Anyway, Another power is Matter Manipulation. I can turn myself in any form of matter, solid, liquid, gas, plasma, anything you want," Nuclear said.

"Ooh! Ooh! Can you turn into a donut?" Pinkie asked.

"Only if you don't eat me!" Nuclear said, which made pinkie nod, and he turned into a donut, with green frosting.

"Coooooool!" She Said, and he restored himself back into his default form.

"Suree... Anyway, another thing is the most chaotic, dimensicall. It basically can create portals to alternate dimesions and realities, and yes I can go to discord's world, and no I'm not doing it now. The last Time I did that I got stuck in a underground bug kingdom in a so called 'City of Tears' so no, I'm not entirely re-ready" He explained.

"Wait, if you can just leave this place, why do you even bother with this place and saving it?" Rainbow asked.

"Now, that's a good question, and I have 2 answers for that. 1: I like this place. It's calm whenever the apocalypse is happening. 2: is that, well... eh nevermind, just 1," He answered.

"Also, Nuclear darling, How long have you been wearing that?" Rarity asked, pointing a hoof at his clothes and gear.

"Oh, this stuff? Just about 40 decades," He said, making them all gasp.

"But... How do you look so young?" Twilight asked.

"Oh. Another power, Time exploit. I can control any object with time, except for time itself, which is why I need the time machine," Nuclear explained.

"But wouldn't you forget stuff when you manipulate time like that, Or do you have another power that counteracts that?" Twilight asked.

"Not so much a power, but an object called 'steel mind' I can't forget anything. Sometimes that's a real blessing. Othertimes I want to shoot myself cause I have it. It's complicated, but I'll come up eventually and I'll explain it then," He said, which they all seemed content with.

"So, any other Unsafe powers?" Spike asked.

"A Lot, but I only have 1 that's worth mentioning," Nuclear responded, making them ask "What is it?"

"I never said Worth mentioning Now. As I said before for the time travelling stuff, I'll explain another time. In the meantime, It looks like the princesses think I'm attacking you," Nuclear said making them look behind them too see the 2 princesses flying towards the flatland.

Author's Notes:

Jeez calm down.
nah I'm good.
Oh great...
Anyway, see you later guys!

Royalty and stories

"Celestia? I thought you said You were sending guards! Not yourselves!" Twilight said, pulling the scroll from earlier, only resulting in a hoof lowering the scroll from her.

"I did. But when they reported that nobody was in the castle, or outside, We got worried and decided to see around ourselves," Celestia explained, and she released the hound.

"WHAT HAS THEE GREEN CHANGELING DONE TO THOU!" Luna Blasted her canterlot voice.

"Ok, first, Slow your mello a little. Secondly, I haven't done anything. And Thirdly, why would you just a-" Nuclear was interrupted by Starlight, "Don't make it worse for yourself," She said.

"But I didn't do anything!" Nuclear yelled.


"I NEVER TORMENTED THEM!" Nuclear yelled at her.

"Let's all calm down. Sister, let's listen to the changeling, and changeling, don't lie," Celestia said.

"Well, I don't know if you'd understand it, but I'm from the future where the world was destroyed by something that I'm trying to solve, and a machine, which is back at the tree castle and I know is now broke, is a time machine that I use to travel anywhere, and some pony stupid smacked the control panel in said destroyed world and now I'm stuck here until either I find something to fix this, or just wait until the world is broken again. Although I doubt that you ponies would want me to choose the latter," He explained.

All of them except for applejack, cause she heard the same thing earlier, were confused. "He's not lying every pony," Applejack proclaimed.

"Can you tell us more?" Celestia asked.

"Well from what I know the end of the world was caused by, I think 3 creatures. One was a...Horse...Man? It had a black horse legs and body, but also the body of a...Buff monkey? And it had 2 curved horns on it's head that it uses for magic," He explained.

"Tirek. Definitely tirek, Nobody else looks like that," Spike said, and everyone except for nuclear agreed.

"Another one was a Tall changeling with blue hair, a long crooked horn, a crown, and a few other features. I know who this is, and I think you know too," He said, where everyone else nodded and said," Queen Chrysalis,"

"The last one was a Tiny Pink alicorn with blue curls for hair, and a chess peace as her cutie mark. So If you know her, Lock her up. If you don't keep and eye out for her. That's all I really know about the ruined world," He said, with some confused looks on the ponies faces.

"...Should we go now?" Spike said.

Author's Notes:

HAHA! Got ya!
Why are you happy? If anything you disappointed them changing the subject.
Haha...Oh yeah. Don't be upset, but I Don't want any alicorn and changeling blood anywhere.
Seriously? Come on, I, you, and everyone else knows I'd only last like, 4 minutes.
meh, Don't sell yourself short.
Ah, come on! I wanted to watch that too! I got Popcorn and everything!
Your Sick Discord.
I've been called worse.
Anyway... See ya.

Panic and Trains (And a whole lot of 4th wall breaking)

"So what now?" Asked spike, which now made Twilight Jump.

"GAH! I JUST REMEMBERED MY BROTHER'S CRYSTALLING!" Twilight Panicked as she ran back to the library with spike.

"Wait...Crystalling? As in the Crystal Empire?" Nuclear asked.

"Yeah. That crystal empire. And the reason Twilight's panicking is because her brother is married to the princess of the empire, cadence, and they just had a baby," Rainbow answered as they walked or flew to the library.

That was her brother? Wow...They look nothing alike, Nuclear Thought.

Twilight waited by the balcony with spike as the invitation flew to them.

"Spike, It's official. I'm an Aunt!" Twilight hopped with joy.

"Great! Now I'm going to sleep," Spike said as he fluffed his pillow and bed.

"No Sleepy dragon. We're going to the crystal empire! Oh wait...Should we take nuclear?" Twilight asked her assistant.

"I don't care. He's a cool dude. If you are though, You should probably write a note to Shining and Cadence. If you don't, It'll probably take longer to explain to them," Spike answered.

"Good idea...Spike! I said don't fall asleep! Come on, we have to take a note!" She exclaimed as she saw said dragon, asleep in his bed, wake up.

Dear Shining Armor and Princess Cadence,

We are happy to receive your letter, and joyful to oblige to your request to come.

However, I would like to warn you, that we are bringing a special guest with us, and you might be surprised to know, it's a changeling! We found him in my castle working on a machine, and recently he has become a great friend. He does look different then most changelings, but believe me when I say he is nice. So don't call the entire guard on him.

Thanks, and See you! Twilight Sparkle

Aboard the train to the crystal empire...

"So what am I supposed to do when I get there? Like, I know that the royalty would be fine, but what about the civilians?" Nuclear asked.

"Well I'm pretty sure that my brother will make an announcement about you, but if not, we will be around you so they can't really think of many possibilities," Twilight responded.

"Meanwhile, Why did you seem surprised about the crystal empire earlier? You seemed sort of Curious about it when Twilight said Crystalling. Have you been there?" Rarity asked nuclear.

"Well in some previous timelines I went there to investigate if there was something there causing the end. It actually wasn't that bad of a place, but no clues," Nuclear answered but didn't notice the hyperactive pink pony shake up behind him.

"WOW! I still can't believe that you have time traveled! What was it like Going through time? Do you have any other objects that are cool? Do you know about the 4th wall? Yep! I see you reader!" Pinkie pie Hopped and bounced spouting out questions and stuff, confusing most creatures in the room.

"Well... I'd say it's like bouncing inside a Giant machine you not shaped like you. I do have some other deadly and cool objects, and yes, I also see you too reader. Pinkie's not the only creature that can do that," Nuclear responded to pinkie pie.

Did Ya hear that! I'm not the only creature that see's you! Nuclear here does too! Yep. I do see you too. And I'll also say thatI will use my gun on a villain, and that the creator wants to have me put in Equestria girls early, and by early I mean In like the next few chapters With all my powers and guns.

Seriously? Come on dude, We had an agreement! And Since when did you know how to break the 4th wall?
Pinkie and Discord taught me.
Yep that's right:pinkiehappy:
It's one of the best running jokes on this site and in the show, how could we not?
I'm not amused. Let's just get back to the story...Where were we... Ahh, here we go.

...Nuclear responded to pinkie pie, making everypony else confused.

"Anyway...What other objects do you have?" Spike asked.

"Heh, everyone get back," He laughed as he got out of his seat and pulled out a small switch with the words, "Power Suit," Emprinted on it. He flipped the switch and a whirring noise began as a suit appeared over him, with his horn coming out of the helmet with silver streaks of armor being slit down his head and neck like hair. A Mask covering his mouth and eyes came from above the helmet and a chest protector appeared leaving everypony dumbfounded.

"This is My power suit. It acts as a method of defense against tons of things. That and It looks Freaking awesome," He exclaimed.

"No Kidding! What do I have to do to get one. I wanna use it to smash that stupid tirek and chrysalis," Rainbow asked with expression.

"Well, really I don't think you can get one as it's not a thing yet, but if you survive long enough, you can get one!" Nuclear explained, Making rainbow disappointed. He then flipped the switch again and the suit disappeared. "Ahh! We're here!"

Author's Notes:

The picture used in this chapter I cannot get the link to, for some reason, and if anyone knows the creator of said picture and is able to get to them, I can talk to them about it.

Well that was action packed am I right?
Not really. I mean, yeah they saw the suit but that's really it.
Killjoy. But hey, at least the 4th wall thing happened.
Yeah true
And It was fun!
Whatever pinkie. Anyway, see you guys and girls later!

The Gleaming Empire

The Train breaks as it pulls up to the station of the crystal empire, With a certain blue maned prince drowsily standing on the station platform half awake.

"Shining armor!" Twilight yelled as she jumped out of the train to her brother who then woke up.

"Twilight!" Shining said as he woke up.

"I didn't know you were meeting us!" Twilight said to her sibling.

"Of course I am! It's me, right here. Here I am. Why wouldn't I come meet my sister? Though we have met before, heh-heh..." He nervously said to her.

"Are...Are you alright?" She worryingly asked.

"Never better! Being a father is amazing! And wonderful, and amazing, and confusing, and amazing, but surprising too, you know? I mean, not that you'd know. You wouldn't know, I know... You know? ...Sorry. I haven't really slept since Cadance had the baby. Come to think of it, she hasn't either. It sure would be great to get a break," He explained as the rest of the gang and nuclear came out. "Wait...Are..You the changeling Twilight was talking about? That was actually a good changeling?"

"Yeah. I know I look different then most changelings, but that's a story for another time," Nuclear responded.

"huh...Alright. But yeah, me and cadence never get a break with the baby," Shining continued.

"Oh, of course! I don't know what I was thinking! You two probably need all kinds of help! I'm sorry, Starlight, but I guess combining your first lesson with this visit wasn't such a good idea, and maybe it wasn't such a good idea to bring nuclear along at this time," Twilight said.

Hey! Come one twilight! Nuclear thought.

"Oh, uh, don't be ridiculous! You're an aunt now! That's way more important than some friendship lesson, and nuclear might be a more important thing then said friendship lesson," Starlight responded nervously.

"Should I take offense to that? I'm confused by what she said," Nuclear said.

"I just wish there was a way to deal with all three things," Twilight said somewhat sad.

"Maybe there is! I mean you've already done the work for Starlight's lesson with this list. All we have to do is follow it! And I'm pretty sure that nuclear can take care of himself if shining and cadence give him some permission access powers," Spike explained.

"Spike, that's brilliant!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Yeah...He's a Genius," Starlight said while glaring at spike, oblivious to it.

"Then it's settled! Shining Armor and I will head straight to the castle, you two can head straight to Sunburst's, and Nuclear can wonder around and see things! It's perfect! We just need someone to help nuclear with that," Twilight explained while looking at his brother, also waking up.

"What!? Oh...Uh yeah sure. I'll give Nuclear a access scroll, I'll tell the guards to not tackle him, and...If you help me I can make an announcement to the empire," He responded with twilight nodding.

"Thanks dude, although I'll probably just tag along with twilight to see the baby, then go by starlight and spike, and then just walk around the castle," Nuclear said as Shining gave him a scroll.

The Mane 6 and Nuclear

"Before we go in, I should probably tell you. Seeing the baby might be a bit of a shock," Shining explained to the mane 6 and nuclear as they reached the door.

"Come on, big brother. I've met babies before. I expect meeting this one won't be any different," Twilight said confidently as she opened the door. She saw The 3 princesses, 1 lying down next to the baby carriage, and a curled up unicorn baby in the carriage. But the baby turned from cute to surprising as the blanket unfolded and 2 big wings came curling out, with the mane 6 gasping and nuclear eyebrow raising.

"Of course...I could be wrong," Twilight barely said.

"Huh...You don't say?" Nuclear said.

"The...THE BABY'S AN ALICORN!?" Twilight screamed.

"It does look that way," Cadence tirely said.

"But... But... But I thought Alicorn wings had to be earned by accomplishing some great, princess-worthy deed!" Rarity exclaimed.

"Yeah, How can ya be just born with 'em?" Applejack asked.

"Well when a guy alicorn likes a girl alicorn..." Nuclear joked and ended quickly when rainbow hit him. "Worth it,"

"Anyway, The birth of an Alicorn is something Equestria has never seen," Celestia said, Making nuclear raise his eyebrow again.

"It is beyond even our understanding," Luna added, making nuclear more confused.

"wait wait... Then where did you come from?" Nuclear asked which made celestia and luna look at him and each other. "THEY'VE BEEN LYING SINCE FOREVER!" Nuclear joked.

"Wow! A unicorn, and a Pegasus! So she could be a super-strong flyer, and have crazy baby magic!" Pinkie jumped around.

"Uhh...Yeah. That's how unicorns, pegasi, and alicorns work, how can I help you?" He kidded.

"Well, I know all about super-strong flying!" Rainbow said as she flew in a circle.

"And I can help keep tabs on her magic!" Twilight said as the baby sneezed causing a wave of powerful magic to blast through the roof.

"Well... You all have fun with that, I'm gonna go find spike and starlight, goodbye!" Nuclear said as he grabbed a pretend suit case and hat and ran out of the room.

Spike, Starlight, and Nuclear

"...and that's how we found the Crystal Heart, defeated King Sombra, and saved the Empire," Spike explained to the crowd of crystal ponies as starlight watched from a distance with popcorn, With nuclear arriving shortly behind starlight.

"Hey watcha doin?" He asked starlight who jumped up.

"Uhh...Just listening to Spike explain why he has a statue of him put up in the empire. Want some?" Starlight offered Nuclear some popcorn, who considered for a moment before agreeing and sitting down.

"We Love you Spike! Tell us the one about the equestria games!" The crowd asked and yelled.

"Well, as much as I love reliving my heroic deeds, Starlight and I have an important lesson to do, by order of the Princess of Friendship!" Spike explained, which made the crowd leave.

"Aw come on spike I wanna hear about the games too! Nuclear does as well!" Starlight said which made nuclear look at her.

"Hey don't drag me into this! I just ate some popcorn!" Nuclear yelled.

"I know you're nervous about seeing Sunburst, but it says right in step 3, to, uh, 'Deal with your fears by facing them, not by putting it off' and besides, twilight might be disappointed in you if you don't complete this," Spike explained, which unknowing made Nuclear kind of on edge.

"Ugh...Fine. Let's just get this over with," Starlight said as the three of them continued to sunburst's oddly shaped house. Starlight stepped up to the door.

"Wait!" Spike yelled.

"Ugh! What now?" Starlight asked.

"Knocking on the door isn't the next thing on the list!" Spike explained.

"Seriously? We don't need to do all things on the list," Starlight said.

"I know Twilight can be a little nitpicky, but this is your first lesson as her pupil, and it's important that we do it right!" Spike said.

"To be fair, he has a point. I mean, I've only been in this timeline for so long, but I know being a student of pupil of royalty is a big deal," Nuclear said.

"Fine. What's the next thing on the list?" Starlight grudgingly asked.

"It's says 'Before they see each other, be sure to highlight the importance of the meeting'," Spike read.

"I'm pretty sure we can skip that one," Starlight and nuclear both said.

"I don't know... I mean if we skip it, the whole lesson could go south! And then you might end up taking a giant step backwards instead of forwards! Maybe you'll never be able to learn anything about friendship at all! It's almost like your whole future depends on this moment!" Spike dramatically said.

"Ok...Spike...I Like you. But seriously? You, and twilight apparently, have been talking about the entire time. We've basically been doing that part like, 414 times. Even I have to say that it's fine. Also you were being a bit of a drama queen," Nuclear said.

"Ok...Ok fine. She can skip it," Spike accepted, letting starlight knock on the door.

"Well, Looks like my work here is done. If you need me, I'll be in the castle seeing what's happening," He said as he flew to the castle.

Mane 6, Shining, Cadence, and Nuclear

"Dearest citizens, I am sure you are all just as thrilled and ready for this Crystalling as myself and Shining Armor," Cadence said with her amplified voice from the castle balcony.

"I'M NOT READY!" Shining said from the inside.

"Take it easy! Just pick whoever looks the most like honor guard material," Rainbow explained.

"Right...Right...Ugh..." He fell onto the floor, as Nuclear entered the room.

"Ok...If you need me, I'll be downstairs," Nuclear said as he looked around and walked down the stairs.

Author's Notes:

HOLY! That was a big chapter compared to some of the others. But as Nuclear Revealed in the last chapter he finds a way into equestria girls with his weapons and powers in the next chapter.
Hey! It's not my fault discord is unstable, no offense to him, and pinkie's random.
Whatever, see in the next chapter!

Strange Portal

Nuclear was now just walking down the stairs of the empire and into the basement of the castle with the whines of shining and the baby echoing through the halls.

"Jeez. I know a baby alicorn is a big deal, but it's happened to equestria like 2 times- and now I see," He said as he continued walking downstairs and into the basement. What he didn't know is that the basement had something that he didn't expec-

"Hey I still hear you!" Come on dude, really? "Yep. Why don't we just skip to the good part? You know the part wher-" Just stop! Stop telling me how to write my story. "Alright fine," Good, anyway...

...He didn't expect. "Hmm...I know this place has ancient relics and strange stuff, but still. Is this place too cheap to get some janitors?" He asked himself before the portal came.

"OH COME ON! NOW!?" Nuclear yelled as the portal sucked him into it.

It was a bright sunny day at Canterlot high, as people were playing soccer in the field, hackysack on the grass, and other things. But let us focus on a certain 7 people. Sunset Shimmer and her friends were now hanging out at the entrance of the school, when a familiar whirring magical sound came.

"Do you hear that?" Sci-Twi asked her friends who all looked at the mirror, and saw a green skinned, full yellow eyed person fall out of the mirror. He had green and yellow hair with steampunk pants and a green radioactive Jacket and Robotic shoes. He had sharp fingers instead of normal hands, and had a backpack and belt full up weapons and tools that they didn't recognize. They then heard his voice,

"Ok...I'm definitely high,"

Author's Notes:

I know this chapter was short but that's because it's an intro to equestria girls to nuclear.

Nothing here. Move on.


"So...You all saw him right? He did not look normal, even if he was from a different world...No offense sunset," Rainbow said as nuclear went into the school.

"None taken, and yeah. I've never seen any pony like him before," Sunset responded.

"How do we even know he's a pony? Ah mean, the sirens were a different species and they looked just like us, even if some of them had ridiculous hair," Applejack said.

"True True. Should we ask him?" Sunset responded, as rainbow shook her head.

"No Way! He could be just like the dazzlings! Well...Not like them, I mean evil! He could be just like them, and Again no offense, you before Princess twilight came here and ,no offense Twilight, You during you being Midnight sparkle," Rainbow Spouted out reasons.

"None taken," Sunset and Sci-Twi both said.

"Well, if he is evil, why would he be coming through the mirror? The mirror is in twilight's place," Sunset said.

"Well it wouldn't really be hard to stumble into it, and twilight could be away," Sci-Twi responded.

"oh wait! Twilight said that her brother just had a daughter and she would be going to the crystal empire to see the baby," Sunset said as she flipped through the book.

"Awww! Twilight's an aunt? Great for her!" Pinkie Squealed.

"Evidence points to him either being an evil being, or just someone who stumbled into the mirror," Sunset said.

"and considering how weird he looks, I bet he's evil!" Rainbow said.

"Come on Rainbow! Give him a chance at least. After all, he isn't used to this place. Let's give him some space first," Sci-Twi responded to her.

"Fine. But If I as so see him point one of those weird things on his belt at someone, I'm kicking him where it hurts," She threatened him.

Ow! I feel like I've been threatened. He thought at the same time. He continued walking through the school as the kids were looking and whispering to each other. He would've felt uncomfortable if not for the fact that this happens like...Every tuesday. Ahh, Princpal's office He thought as he read the door and then knocked.

"Come in!" Celestia yelled from the inside as luna looked up from the computer and nuclear opened the door. Ok, Just pretend your a new student Nuclear thought.

"Umm...Hi. I'm a new student here," Nuclear said as he opened the door.

"Oh! uhh... I wasn't expecting anyone new. Did...Did you register for the school?" Celestia asked as luna got up.

"Oh I uhh, I didn't have the time. I just came here," He responded.

"Oh! Well we can help you with that. Ok, sit over here please," Celestia gestured to a seat as she and luna sat down behind a table.

"Ok, what's your name?"

"Nuclear U. Thorium,"

"Middle name?"





"None yet,"

"Phone number?"

"Also none yet,"

"Ok...any medical conditions?"

"uhh...OCD, ADD, and sometimes, for some reason, Radiation sickness,"

"Ok... Parents?"

That question struck Nuclear. The only parent He had ever had was the queen, but she was just a green haired witch.

"Umm... none. Not anymore,"

"Are...Are you ok?" Celestia asked as she saw nuclear shed a few tears.

"Yeah...Just get a bit teared up when I think of them," That was somewhat a lie. He does get teared up, but because of the harsh queen.

"It's ok. You're in good hands. We're all here for you," Luna said.

"Thanks. should...Should we continue?"

"Uh, oh yeah! ok, Emergency contact?"

"I guess just the nearest hospital?"

"Ok...Why did you choose this school?"

"It was the closest I guess,"

"Well, that's done! You're now registered as a student at Canterlot High. Hold on, I should Get someone to give you a tour. Luna, call Sunset up to the office," Celestia told her sister, who did as obliged.

"Sunset Shimmer, Please come to the principal's office. Sunset Shimmer, Please come to the principal's office," Luna said through the intercom.

"What did you do?" Pinkie asked in a sassy tone.

"Nothing! At least I don't think so," Sunset confessed.

"I'm sure it's nothing big," Rainbow said as Sunset got up from the table.

"alright celestia, what do you want with me now?"

Author's Notes:

Interesting eh? Nuclear's last and middle name is also a radioactive name!
I think You're just running out of ideas now...
Yeah... I'm really scraping the bottom of the barrel. Anyway, looks like sunset's gonna get to know Nuclear more then the others. Welp, see ya.

A Rad Tour

Sunset was walking towards the principal's office. What did celestia, or luna, want with her now? Maybe something was wrong? She'll soon see.

"Uhh...Celestia? I'm here. What did you want?" Sunset asked nervously as she walked through the door.

"Oh! Sunset! I just called you here cause we have a new student at canterlot high," Celestia explained.

A New student? We haven't had one of them for a year. Sunset thought.

"Sunset...Meet, Nuclear U. Thorium," Celestia said as nuclear walked out from behind the corner, making sunset stutter.

"Heh...Hi, uhh, sunset?" Nuclear said hi.

"Y-Y-You...uhh...Hi?" Sunset stuttered.

"Yeah, I know. I look kinda weird but, I'm just hoping that I can be friends and beat my grades upwards," He said.

"uhh...Ok?" Sunset said, still kinda confused.

"Well sunset, I also chose you to lead out new student through a tour of the school. Don't worry, Everyone's in their classes, so you should have a clear run," Celestia announced.

"Ok...Nuclear. Let's go," She said before grabbing his hand and walking out of the office.

Shining armor was breathing heavily, even after everything was done.

"Okay. I chose the honor guard, picked the purity crystal, and I know exactly who I want to be our crystaller. So, all we need is," Shining armor said.

"The baby?" Cadence said exhausted.

"We're here, although I can't find nuclear. Probably off with starlight and spike," Twilight said as she came in.

"She's a really strong flyer!" Pinkie proclaimed as she came out of the bubble. This Pinkie leaving the bubble didn't sit well with Flurry as she started bawling, which unfortunately caused crystal heart to be shred to pieces.

"uhh...A'hm guessin that's gonna make the crystalling harder to do huh?" Applejack said.

"It's worse than that. Without the Heart, the Crystal Empire's about to be buried under a mountain of ice and snow!" Twilight proclaimed as flurry so innocently went to sleep.

"So Nuclear. Why did you go here instead of back through the mirror?" Sunset asked Nuclear, who then looked at her in confusion.

"What Mirror? Wait, Do you know about equestria? and if so, all I know is I was in a basement of the crystal empire and a portal appeared," Nuclear confessed.

"Well, yes I do know about equestria, in fact I'm from there, and that portal thing is weird. The only way I know of getting into here or back is a magic mirror. Also, Why do you look weird. Aren't you a pony?" Sunset asked him.

"Nope. I'm no pony. I'm a changeling," Nuclear said which confused Sunset this time.

"Oh, Changelings are beings that are like, shape shifting ponies. We take the forms of ponies, dragons, griffons, anything living and turn into them, gaining their properties, although I'm a bit stronger at that then most," Nuclear explained, making sunset more confused. "I'll explain more later, cause I ain't goin through that for a while."

"Oh we're here. This is the main lobby. You can do, pretty much whatever you want here, as long as it's nothing giant. It's also the entrance and exit to the school," Sunset explained.

"Huh...Looks like my old house. It, It didn't last long with all the hooves walking around," Nuclear said as they continued.

"This is one of the main class rooms, used by ms. Cheerilee," Sunset continued.

<s. Cheerilee? I...I remember her? Nuclear thought.

"The Gym and track. Mainly used in PE and freetime," Sunset continued.

"Who want's to lift stuff and run in a giant circle during free time?" He said.

"This is the band room. Mainly used by me and my friends, as well as rehearsing for bands and singers," Sunset continued.

"Huh. You know I don't wanna brag, but I actually had a big crowd when I tried playing drums," He said Pridefully.

"Well here's the Auditorium. It's used for performances, big announcements, and sometimes movies," Sunset continued.

"Uh huh. Cool," Nuclear said.

"And last but not least, the cafeteria, where people are probably now so Get ready for eyes!" She said as she opened the doors, to see about 30 people, including her friends.

"You probably know how these work, and if you need me, I'll be at that table over there. Join us if you want," Sunset said as she pointed over to a table, with 6 other people at it, and ran over to get food and go to said table.

"Ok...I'll get some food I guess..." He said as he walked over to the line.

"Wrong end of the line buddy!" Someone called out.

"Oh! Sorry guys!" Nuclear said embarrassed as walked to the other end.

"So what did celestia want?" Sci-Twi asked.

"just to give a new student a tour!" Sunset responded.

"A new student!? Who? Is he here?" Pinkie bounced.

"Girls, I'd like to introduce you to...Nuclear U. Thorium," Sunset said as Nuclear sat down beside her, making all other girls gasp.


Author's Notes:

Whenever there's a Triple horizontal Line, It means the following paragraph(s) is/are in a seperate universe, like the actual mlp universe, or some other world. This works with all my stories.

Why did you make it so She grabbed my hand!? Now people are gonna think you are gonna make that ship happen!
Oh relax. For clarification she doesn't like him (not now anyway:pinkiegasp: and the thing was just to get him out of the office.

See ya!
Sunset!? Come on! Is Pinkie and discord teaching EVERYONE how to break the 4th wall now!?
No I always knew! I ju-I taught her
To annoy you
Whatever. See ya!

Questions #2

I'm not writing this all again. Just go back to questions #1 and imagine it in equestria girls with sunset replacing starlight, in the cafeteria, no machine, and with nuclear leaving with spike to shoot the gun.

Author's Notes:

I'm too lazy.

The New house

"Well, after school, I guess you wanna check out my new house?" Nuclear asked the 7 girls and dog, only getting shocked expressions.

"Wait...How do you already have a house!?" Sunset asked after a minute.

"Oh sunset. Dear sweet sunset. Who doesn't have a house when they're 4000 years old. I just did some clever power exploits and voila! Loads of money in my new bank account. No it's not cheating if that money was just made, and yes You can have some," Nuclear said. "My house is the big green, black, brown, and white one at the end of the street," He continued as he left the cafeteria, With the stunned girls and dog more shocked.

"We're just saying that it might not be the best idea to stay outside!" Rainbow dash yelled.

"I camped out all night for this spot! I'm not about to just give it up!" Tough nut yelled back.

"Still, when you think about it, the view is just as good a little further back, like... inside your house?" Fluttershy asked, only resulting in more offended and complaining crystal ponies.

"The Crystalling ceremony is one of our most sacred traditions! And when that foal is held before the Crystal Heart, I plan to be as close to the action as possible!" Scouts Honor Said.

"Honestly, I don't know if there's gonna be a Crystallin'. The truth is, the baby's an Alicorn and her magic's plum crazy, so you might not wanna be that close after all," Applejack responded, resulting in oohs, ahhs, and awws.

"A Baby alicorn? Oh I Can't wait to see that!" Tough nut exclaimed.

"Those little wings must be so cute," Scouts honor said in a higher tone.

"I know right!" Mustafa combe responded.

"Look, I am a hundred percent sure the Crystalling isn't happening," Rainbow dash exclaimed, only to be interrupted by blasts of magic coming from the castle.

"No Crystalling, huh? Then why are they starting the fireworks show?" Tough nut yelled as the crystal ponies cheered on.

"Bridle Buck's Boat Chants, Hayhoof's Intonements, Mystic Maps and Mazes...Anything up there?" Twilight asked.

"Not yet! I'm not even sure how these are organized!" Cadence yelled back.

"And no sign of Nuclear either. He could probably help," Twilight said.

"How could he help?" Cadence asked.

"He has this machine that can time travel, and a special ability he called 'time exploit' Where he can manipulate time by changing the age of certain things," Twilight responded, still sifting through books.

"Intresting," Cadence said before being interrupted. "Shining! I thought you were you were taking care of the baby!"


"Any sign?" S asked J.

"Yep. He appears to be in the human world," J responded.

"Ok. That's good. Is Will Ready?" S asked.

"Yeah, he's ready for the transport. All the essentials. Food, water, weapons, tools, money, all the good stuff. He'll be ready for when he goes back to the pony world. I still don't see why we need this...Nuclear U. Thorium though," J responded.

"I told you, he's one of us. A Powerful Creature. A Warrior. He just isn't being attacked or anything. You haven't seen what he's capable of," S answered.

"Hello guys. Is the Target locked?" I came in

"Yep. He's in aim and locked on," J answered.

"Good. We'll see if this was worth it,"

"So...How to redecorate a house in 2 hours. God this place is falling apart," Nuclear said as he stepped onto his new premises. "Well...Song time!"


"Wow...That song really does help. This house is spotless," Nuclear responded to the song.

"Still got half an hour left. Ooh! I'll get some food and stuff!" He said as he hopped on his hover bike.

"Oh yeah, also I got a hover bike during that song reader, Just in case you were wondering," Nuclear said to you.

"It this it?" Sunset asked as she pulled up in her bike, with everyone else walking behind.

"He said the big green, black, white, and brown one, and this is the only house that matches that description," Rainbow said.

"Well, should we go in?" Rarity said.

"Let's go in," AJ said.

"WOW! His house is huge! What's on the inside? Where's the basement? why so many windows?" Pinkie bounced around.

"Calm down! We're about to find out pinkie," Sunset said as she put her hand on pinkie.

"Well...Let's go in," Sci-Twi said as they walked to the door, only to have to door opened by a green skinned person hanging onto the side of the door in a jet black jacket with black steampunk pants and shoes, Pink floyd sunglasses, white radioactive neck tattoo, and High class dark green gloves.

"Hello Ladies," He said with a smirk.

"Umm...Hi nuclear. Whatcha doin?" Rainbow asked.

"Just chillin. You ever heard that band? Pink floyd?" He asked them.

"Uhh...Yeah?" sunset asked.

"Well...Call them, cause I'm Setting the controls for the heart of the sun," He said as he leaned to Sunset with a grin, before breaking into laughter, leading to everyone else laughing.

"THAT WAS SO WORTH IT!" Nuclear yelled through the Laughing.

"Oh Boy! You really had us going for a second!" Sunset said back.

"Really? Cool! But really, come in guys."

Author's Notes:

OH NOW THAT WAS INTERESTING! Who do you think those guys J, I, W, and S were? For the ones the pay attention, they'll figure it out, well they'll figure out J, I, and S. For the ones that don't, well you'll have to wait.

See you on the next chapter, Romance? Nope.

Inside and death

The inside of Nuclear's house was a heaven. It looks like they entered a city of wealth. It looked nothing like the outside. It was almost as if it was an alternate reality.

"Welcome to my house! Sit down, and I'll do...Whatever I wanna do or you guys wanna do really," Nuclear said as he lead them to the seats and put on some pink floyd.


"What's with all the pink floyd?" Rainbow asked.

"I just like their songs. Is that a crime?" Nuclear Countered as he cleared the table and got a plate of food and drinks on the center table. "Enjoy,"

"Umm...Do you have somewhere for angel bunny? If it's not too big," Fluttershy asked as she grabbed angel bunny.

"Sure...I'll put him in the Bunny cage," Nuclear said.

"Wow...This place has everything," Sunset said.

"Not everything. It can't transform into a giant robot...Yet. Oh wait, I need to go get something. I'll be back in a few minutes. Help yourselves to anything," He said as he left the house and got into a green radioactive custom Mercedes.

"Sooo...Now what do we do?" Pinkie asked.

"You would not believe the crazy weather that delayed our train. Came out of nowhere," Night Light said as he got off the train.

"But it was all worth it to see this peaceful little angel! Awww, so sweet! Come to your grandmare!" Twilight Velvet said as she cuddled Flurry heart causing her to giggle.

"Yeah, 'peaceful' angel," Applejack whispered.

"I guess that spell did work!" Twilight said as flurry sneezed, also having her getting a message from sunset. "Excuse me, I need to take this."

Twilight! I need to ask you something.

Yes? What Sunset?

Do you know a nuclear?

Yes! Is he there with you?

Yes actually. We're in his house now.

How...Nevermind. He's full of surprises. Well at least I know he's safe.

Why? Is he important?

Apparently to the entire world over here.

So yes apparently.

Is that all?

Well...I think I might...Like him a little bit...


I can't help it! He's way too cool and...Just not normal. He's weird, and I like that!

Well...It's safe with me I guess.

Thanks. Well...Bye for now.

"He's been gone for a while...Should we look for him?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah...It's been an hour. What if something happened?" Sci-Twi asked.

"Let's go see," Rainbow said as they went to the door and into the raging weather. It took a while but they did find him... Dead.

"Uhh...Girls...I found him...But you aren't gonna like it," Applejack said horrified seeing her new friend now ripped apart on a tree with his car right behind his body.

"Oh god...Fluttershy...Look away," Rainbow said as she covered fluttershy's eyes and turned her away.

"What...What happened?" Sunset asked her friends and herself.

It poured down on the asphalt road as a storm raged down.

"JEEZ! It wasn't raining this hard that long ago!" Nuclear said as he started drifting on the road in his car. "Oh god! Cat!" He said as he swerved on the road to avoid the cat, only ending in him getting impaled on a branch and getting crushed by a car.

"Oh...Well...that was a good run...Going again..." He said as he dropped a device on the ground and slowly and painfully died.

"Umm...S...Bad news," J said as he looked up from the monitor.

"What's wrong?" S asked.

"The package has died, impaled and crushed," J said.

"Sheesh. what a way to go. But hey, he has a way. He'll heal. He always has," S said confidently.

"Come on! Go go go! Let's get him to the hospital as quick as possible! He might still be there!" Rainbow said, carrying his now dead friend.

"What about you guys! I can't leave you here!" Sunset said getting the body and her on the bike.

"We'll get there! Just get him there! Quickly!" Sci-Twi said, pointing to the hospital.

"I'll contact the hospital and the principals about the incident," Rarity said as sunset started her bike and road off.

"May god help him," Rainbow said as sunset drove out of site, and they started running.

"Come on! Come on! Go faster!" Sunset shouted at her bike.

"Su-Su-Sunset?" Flash shouted from across the street, seeing his ex driving on her bike with a body.

"Flash! This isn't what it looks like! Please help me get this guy to the hospital!" Sunset yelled, leaving flash nodding as he got his car and started it, letting sunset and nuclear in.

"What happened to this guy? Who is he?" Flash asked as they got close to the place.

"He's nuclear. He's from twilight's world and I don't know how he died, but I think he drifted off the road into a tree," Sunset said while acting it out.

"Wow...What a way to go."

Author's Notes:

Yeah yeah I know, "Oh god! That was too brutal for my taste!" and "Wait, sunset has a crush on him, and he just died?" and yeah! I killed him. So what? He'll come back to life. He's done it before.

It's true.

And I don't know if Flash actually has a car, but I gonna say he does. Car used made by Cloudy glow on Deviantart.

Hospital and The Wall.

"GO GO GO! PREP A CRASH CART! GIMME 50 CC!" The doctor said as he rushed nuclear's body to the emergency room with 3 nurses.

"Do you think...Do you think he'll be ok?" Sunset asked her friends.

"He got impaled on a tree and then crushed into it by a car. I doubt it," Applejack said bluntly, making fluttershy cry, sunset and sci-twi sniffle, and rarity just plain worried.

"Thanks for that Captain bring down," Rainbow said to aj.

"I'm just sayin," AJ said back.

It's been a few days. They were confused and worried. How was he still alive? It was then lunch time, when the unexpected happened.


"Hello?" She asked.

"Hello Sunset. I'm back alive," He heard his familiar voice and her expression went from mellow to pinkie.

"GIRLS! NUCLEAR'S ALIVE!!!" She shouted through the school, leading to all other girls also going into pinkie mode...For an hour until school's out.

"Come on! Let's go see him!" Sunset said as she got on her bike and saw the girls running.

"Ok. The receptionist said that he was alive, but isn't feeling the best now. So no more pinkie mode, and more like rarity or twilight mode, ok girls?" Sunset said to her friends, who all nodded.

"Nuclear! We're he...Whoa..." Sunset opened the door, only to see a giant empty room with a bright white brick wall.

"What's this doing here?" Rainbow asked, and then the noise came. The noise of a wall being smash onto. They saw Nuclear Smash a hole into the wall from the other side and a stage appeared with him on it, and then the unexpected happened.

He Started Singing.


I don't need no walls around me

And I don't need no drugs to calm me

I have seen the writing on the wall

Don't think I need anything at all

No, No, don't think I'll need anything at all

He then snapped his fingers and then the girls, apart from sci-twi, were now on stage on certain spaces, with the music on stands and instruments already on their hands.

"Come on Girls! Let's get this song going!" He yelled to them, and they were now ready.

All in all, it was all just bricks in the wall

All in all, you were all just bricks in the wall

"Now THAT'S A Performance!" He yelled.

"Yes, but prey tell, where are we darling?" Rarity asked.

"Where? We all are in my pocket dimension. Don't worry, time doesn't pass here, so you don't need to worry," Nuclear said.

"Ok, but how are you already so alright? We're astonished," Sunset asked.

"Well you shouldn't be, cause I'm not alright. I'm just Nuclear's Holographic Clone. The REAL Nuclear is actually right over there," Nuclear #2 pointed to a bed on the other side of the dimension, and saw a Nuclear waving, hooked up to several machines.

"Nuclear...I thought you'd be doing better, or worse, I wasn't sure, then this," Sunset told him.

"Yeah well...Guess your wrong. Apparently that tree was a rare tree called an eclipse tree. Now I have a rare disease called Eclipse. You should take that to the bank. Seriously, though. If you can find a way to get to twilight, You probably ask her about it," He responded, leaving sunset to go to the corner of the room, while the others ask questions.

Twilight. I got some bad news. (I think)

After a little while, She got a response.

What's Wrong?

Nuclear's contacted a rare disease.

What's it called?

Eclipse Disease.


Ok...Sunset, I don't wanna alarm you, but that is not good. Eclipse Disease is a Disease that can trigger violent mood swings, Memory loss, Random Cardiac Arrest, Hallucinations, Delusions, Stroke, and even Random dehydration. And the higher his blood pressure is, the more often these things occur. So don't let him get anywhere near big adrenaline rushes.

Ok...But is there a cure?

While it is possible, it's hard to collect the materials for the cure.

I'll do anything to save him. You know I like him.

Ok...We'll get the things on this world. You need to get 1 flower called the...Floydian. It's said to grow near Cambrige, United kingdom, from my book on the things in your world.

The UK? That's a Whole new country! How am I gonna get there?

Doesn't Nuclear have a way to get money from the last time you booked me?

Of course! Thanks Twilight.

"Ok Nuclear! I figured out how to cure you, but I think I'll need to get some money," Sunset said.

"Why'd you need that?" He asked.

"The cure grows in the UK," Sunset explained.

"Oh. Sure take all you want. I can always get more. Might wanna take a few friends though," He told her.

"Thanks Nuclear. We're gonna get that cure for you," They told him.

"Ok. Wait! one more thing. It isn't gonna do much in my state, but choose the friends, then stand still," He told her, as she chose rainbow dash, applejack, and fluttershy. They stood still and suddenly Power rushed into them. A power like substance that crammed their bodies like volts.

"What...Was...That?" Rainbow asked him.

"That was...Some of my power. Use it to your advantage. Now please...Get...that...Cure," He said as he faded out.

"Nuclear? Nu-NUCLEAR?" Sunset yelled.

"Don't worry! I'm alive. Just sleeping," Nuclear #2 said, making sunset relax.

"Don't you worry either nuclear. We'll get the cure!" They said as they left the pocket dimension.

"So...Wanna play cards?"

Author's Notes:

Wanna know what's up with the pink floyd? I just like em. and I told you he'd be alright.

See ya!



"Pinkie! This is a recovery trip!" Twilight told her friend pinkie as they got a wagon, cases, baskets, and other objects.

"Call it what you want! You aren't going with us!" Pinkie told her.

"Again, why are we going on it, but you aren't twilight?" Rainbow asked her friend/egghead.

"I told you, I'm going to the more dangerous places with spike and starlight, And you 5 can take care of yourselves without me. You've done it before," She told her.

"I still don't think it's a good idea though. I mean, We have 5, and you have 3. It's not really even," Rainbow replied.

"They'll be fine rainbow. Come on! Let's go!" Pinkie shouted.

"Ok, so the first place we need to go is canterlot to get some night dust. It's sold in mineral shops," Rarity said with the list as they got to the train station.

"Well, Let's go!" Rainbow said as she and the girls got on the train to canterlot.

"Girls...Do...Do you think we'll make it?" Fluttershy asked them.

"Well Considering the fact that Twilight said we got 1 day, I don't know," Rainbow said.

"We'll make it. He'll make it. He's a Radioactive changeling. I'm sure he's gone though much worse. According to him, That Wild world is full of monsters. He'll hopefully be ok," Rarity said.

"I Interrupt this broadcast with some breaking news! Scientists have found out that being exposed to radioactive chemicals, minerals, and even gas will lessen all exposure to diseases and viruses. It is found out that it will lessen symptoms, increase duration to get a cure, and rarely get rid of the virus or disease anyway! More details coming after the commercial break!" The News anchor said from the tv in the hospital room.

"Well...That's...Anticlimatic," Rarity said sitting with pinkie and sci-twi in the hospital room.

"Ok, Now that's just lazy writing! You can't send sunset, rainbow, applejack, and fluttershy to the UK, Send the mane 6, spike, and starlight to places in equestria, and have Nuclear send his power to said sunset, rainbow, applejack, and fluttershy, and then top it off with revealing the rarity from equestria has a crush on nuclear and have her worry, only for you to write this news broadcast and publish this chapter!? That's just Stupid!" Pinkie shut it.

"Calm down Pinkie. The writer has been though enough, with having his weekend taken up, having to practice both stuff for both school and other things then having to write this stuff at night with everything else happening." Thank you nuclear. "Also he never wrote anything about rarity liking me,"

"Who are you talking to!?" Sci-twi asked.

"Hold on...Let me try something," Nuclear said as he grabbed the blanket and set it aside.

"Hey! Don't try that! Remember, it said rarely it gets rid of the disease, Not Definitely!" Rarity said to him.

"I gotta try it! I basically Radioactive...ANYTHING incarnate," He said as he set his feet on the floor, having the girls cover their eyes.

"I...I...I'm...I'm floating?" He said as the girls looked to see him floating with nothing below him.

"Where did that come from?" Pinkie asked.

"I don't know, but I like it!" He said flying around the room. "I didn't think flying was a thing in this world!"

"It's not suppose to be a thing! This must be something that happened as a result of the eclipse disease!" Sci-Twi exclaimed.

"But didn't other twilight say that eclipse disease is pretty much all bad things?" Pinkie pointed out.

"Well It must be because of all the radioactive material is in him. It has to be mixing with the disease and it's substances to create a Random...I don't know the word but it must be causing this."

"Did the package get the cure?" S asked, resulting in J nodding.

"Seems like it. He's flying all over the hospital room with everyone trying to get him down," J laughed.

"Well, At least he's alive, although don't know why he's flying," S said.

"Didn't you say he's 'just Radioactive'?" J asked.

"Yeah, but I didn't think this would happen. Man, he's full of surprises," S said.

"Yeah. Did you know that he can turn himself into-"

"YES! I know that. I've seen him do it before. It's not surprising, although intriguing," S said.

"Hey, Everything going alright? I Heard you yell 'YES!' and just came to check," I said.

"Yeah, Everything's going alright, although the package did get something from the cure we sent into the room," J said as he directed I to the monitor.

"Huh...That's new," I said holding back his laughter.

"No kidding, and we thought we knew everything about him," S said before The monitors started going crazy.

"HEY! What's Happening!?" S yelled.

"Good news, I stabilized the computers and monitors. Bad news, The Package is gone."

A bit earlier...

"Yeah! I love this!" Nuclear screamed as he flew across the room with pinkie holding on yelling the same thing.

"Get down here you two! We must figure this out!" Rarity said to them.

"Nah Sister. This I way too cool to give up already," Nuclear countered.

"Plus this is good for me! My legs started to get so energetic and now I can waggle them around as much as I want, Without hitting someone or going mach 5! I'm starting to feel comfortably numb!" Pinkie also said.

"You like Pink floyd too?" Nuclear asked.

"Yeah! I love their songs, and I even listen to them to go fast, Do other things fast, and sleep!" Pinkie answered.

"Huh...Cool!" Nuclear said.

"Nuclear! You don't know what this could do to you! This could be dangerous to you or even your powers!" Sci-Twi yelled.

"Oh please! I've controlled my powers in much worse circumstances! It's not like it'll activate my dimensicall like right-" Nuclear was interrupted by a sudden green flash of light, and suddenly they were gone.

The place they were landing in looked like earth. It had buildings, it had lawns, trees, houses, and other places. It didn't look that bad for them. Maybe the dimensicall didn't work right and it just teleported them somewhere else on earth, even if it was like a half a mile in the sky. Then they landed...On a trampoline? It was in a back yard with 1 tree, a tannish fence, and a yellow and brown house.

"Huh. That was unexpected, right?"

Author's Notes:

Yep! The first universe they visit is phineas and ferb. Sorry this one took so long, but as Nuclear answered pinkie in this chapter, It's been a bit of a rough January.

See ya!

I Guess we know what we're gonna do today...

Me and ferb have been planning this for a while. A Giant gaming system! It has every game ever made, the size of a theatre screen, and maximum controllers!

"Ferb, do we have it ready?" I asked my bro, getting a nod. "Excellent! This'll be the best game day ever!"

"Don't think so positive. I'm gonna bust you today for sure, cause I got Cameras! More cameras then last Time with that bicycle race!" Candace said. Still don't get what she's on about.

"Well, have fun with that. Me and your dad will be going to an antique convention, and we'll have our cells on us at all times," Mom said.

"Woo hoo! Antiques! Antiques!" Dad yelled.

"Well, We'll be in the backyard! See ya mom and dad!" I said to them, getting a bye back.

"Alright ferb. Let's get started on our...Do you hear something?" I was interrupted by the sound of portal from the sky, causing 4 people to fall from it.

"Gahh!!!" One of them screamed.

"Ferb! Get the emergency Trampoline!" I said to ferb as he pulled a cord on his overalls and a trampoline appeared. "That's my bro," I said as the 4 people landed.

"Well...That was unexpected."

How did we land on a trampoline? There wasn't one when we were falling. Was there? And now, the inevitable, people.

"Where the buck are we?" Sci-Twi yelled.

"Ok Ok...Firstly, names. Who are you guys and where did you come from?" The boy with the triangle head asked.

"Well...This is twilight, she's a scientist, This is pinkie, Call on her for a party, and this is rarity who...Well...I'm sure you can guess," I told the 2 boys, with the girls saying hello. "I'm Nuclear, and we came from, and I feel like this is gonna sound crazy, an alternate universe...I think."

"Well I'm phineas and this is my brother ferb, and your case isn't that crazy, cause we have gone to other worldly places too, but not alternate dimensions...yet. Ferb, make a note. Anyway your in danville, usa, in the Tri-State area," Phineas told us.

"Hmm...Looks like earth," I said.

"It is earth," Ferb told us.

"Yeah, your probably just somewhere else on earth," Phineas said.

"Hey phineas! Whatcha doin?" A girl came from outside the fence and talked to phineas.

"Hey Isabella, and we were going to make a huge gaming console, but then these 4 came from out of nowhere crashing out from the sky!" Phineas told her.

"It's true uhh...Isabella? Is that your name?" Sci-twi asked the girl.

"Yep! And What's your's if I can ask?" Isabella asked twilight.

"I'm twilight, This is pinkie and rarity, and this is nuclear," Twilight explained.

"Huh, cool names!" Isabella complimented us.

"Greetings friends and others!" An indian kid with another big kid came in from also behind the fence.

"Let's make this quick baljeet. It's family mealtime day, and I'm not gonna be late for the Master Spaghetti," The big kid said. "Hey wait a minute...What are some high schoolers doin here?"

"Well, these guys apparently came through a portal from another dimension, And we are gonna try to gonna try to get them home," Phineas said. "Oh also, Nuclear, Twilight, Pinkie, and Rarity, this is buford and baljeet."

"Well...I guess we know what we're gonna do today,"

Author's Notes:

Sorry this chapter took so long. It was a combination of other things, working on other stories, and laziness.

See ya.

The Fun will never end...Will it...

"It's amazing how you built all of this in just a few minutes," Rarity exclaimed as she looked at phineas' and ferb's invention.

"It's not really that hard. To quote myself...Wait, can you like actually do that? Can you quote yourself? Whatever, anyway, as I always say, The only thing impossible, is impossibility. Well that and candace not noticing what we are doing," Phineas said.

"WILL YOU KEEP IT DOW- hey why are there high schoolers in our backyard?" Candace yelled.

"Long story short, They're from another universe and we're trying to get them home," Ferb explained.

"Wow, somebody's chatty," Phineas said, getting no response. "That's like you ferb."

"Well Keep it down," Candace said closing the window.

"Well, let's fire this thing up!" Phineas yelled as he started up the D.I.M.E, or the Device intentionally manipulating energy. "It's working! The dimesnsions are colliding! Nuclear, you and your guys gotta run through!" Phineas yelled.

"Ok! Thanks Phineas and ferb! You guys are awesome!" Nuclear yelled as he and the gang jumped through the portal.

"Ok, we finally got the floydian from that musician in Britain, and twilight and her gang say that they got the stuff they need for the cure," Sunset reviewed


"Sorry, I'm just worried about him," Sunset said.

"We all are. That was a way to get thrown into the emergency roo- woah!?" Applejack was interuptted by a portal. It was blue and swirly, not what Nuclear's portal look like, which was yellow green and had black lines. Just before they could do anything about it, a white weirded man came out of it. He had a blue cloak with blue skin and a gold and red jeweled crown. he had white eyes and a long nose.

"Uhh...Is...Is this a bad time?" the guy asked, while the girls still had her mouths laying on the floor.

"Ice King! Stop Messing with the locals and see if it's around there!" A voice came from the portal.

"Shush Bubbles! I'm inside a train talking to some people!" The guy, named 'Ice King' yelled into the portal.

"UGH! Just let me!" The voice yelled as Ice king was pulled back into the portal, but then another figure appeared. She had a gold crown with a single blue jewel, Pink hair and dress.

"My scanner is telling me it's here but...Oh, hello girls! Don't worry, We are not invaders. We're just looking for a random spike in my radiation detector that could endanger everyone you love or like and could possibly even destroy the universe...Hey! Why don't you come and help me find it!" The girl that the Ice king called, "Bubbles," asked them

Everyone except for sunset was still shocked.

"Oh come on. This is like, the least unusual thing we've seen and done this week,"

Author's Notes:

Sorry this one took so long. It was total laziness. I need to be more motivated in this.

Yes, Yes you do.


"Back in...This world"

"What's wrong with this world?" Rarity asked nuclear as they arrived in the front of canterlot high.

"Nothing's wrong with it. I'm just not used to this...Form. I know, surprising," Nuclear replied.

"Hey wait. Why are we in front of the high school and not where we were before?" Sci-Twi asked.

"Well I'm guessing this area is the default universal point. Anything that travels here from an alternate dimension arrives in this spot...If that makes...Sense. Sorry I keep forgetting I'm with people that don't get this whole wibbley wobbley timey wimey...stuff," Nuclear explained. "Anyway where are the others?"

"Ok so basically you are on the hunt for a galactic entity that can hop between dimensions, has terrifically overpowered abilities, can survive in any environment, and has been detecting in our dimension?" Sunset asked The Princess bubblegum.

"Yep. Pretty much," PB said. "The entity is a galactic threat as his powers could disrupt the entire balance of the universe."

"Yep. That sounds like nuclear. I had a feeling he couldn't be trusted," Rainbow said.

"You know him?" PB asked.

"Yeah he was a new student at our school who was a species called 'changeling' and also a universal traveler with a bunch of powers," Sunset replied.

"Yep, that seems like him. Did he do anything that seemed dangerous?" PB asked.

"Well he almost died. Cannot forget that. But yeah he did make pocket universes, Shape shifting, and a bunch of other stuff," Rainbow said.

"PB! I'm here! What do you want?" Finn said as he got in from the balcony.

"Ahh Finn! Meet the girls who are gonna help you on your quest to find the galactic threat. Sunset, Rainbow, Applejack, and Flutters," PB introduced Finn to the girls. "Girls, this is Finn the human. The only human."

"Sup!" Finn said.

Author's Notes:

I've been dormant, I know, and why is this short? Deal with it. Corona Virus been taken up time.

Candy Science VS Radioactive Magic.

PB was working on what looking like a skeletal sphere with a dose of sci-fi mixed into it. “So, PB? What’s this supposed to be anyway?” Finn asked.

“Well, It’s supposed to be able to take people from other universes into this one. I’m trying to target onto Nuclear, but it’s not being so accurate,” PB says as she examines the center of the machine, and finn knods.

“Why do you even want nuclear in the first place? He seems nice, or at least not really hostile,” Sunset asked.

“Let me tell you why I’m after him.”

Half a week ago...

“Princess Bubblegum! Princess Bubblegum!” A Banana guard ran up to her in her lab.

“What banana guard?” She asked as she looked out of her microscope.

“A giant green portal appeared in the field! Candy Residents inspecting it have said to have gotten radiation poisoning of a high syndrome!” he said. Sure enough, if she looked outside, there was a dark green portal.

All candy people were mutating and throwing up while looking green.

“Banana guard. Get me my hazmat suit and call Finn and Jake. Marcy too,” She said as she took of her lab coat and glasses.

Pb, Finn, Jake, and Marcy were wearing nano suits that covered their skin and protected them from the elements. When Pb tried to gather a sample of the portal with a jar, it pulsed and sent her flying back about 3 meters.

“Princess! Are you ok?” Finn ran over to help her up.

“I’m fine. It seems the portal want’s us to leave it alone,” She said as she didn’t move.

“Hey guys! I think something is coming out of it!” Jake said closer to the portal. They ran over to see a leg emerge from the portal. When looking straight into it, they saw a human looking creature with eyes that look like Jake’s, but they were dark green. He, or they assume a he, had green skin with black and dark green hair with a streak of shining white. He was wearing a hoodie with a dripping bio-hazard logo and yellow radioactive signs on his shoulders. He was wearing ripped dark jeans, with glowing green shoes. He also had a black gloves. On his belt, which was Black and yellow, there were multiple guns, knives, and even a tiny ax. Other then all the other defining features, he had the same figure as Finn, although a bit thinner. Also there were literal Holes through his legs, but he didn’t seem to notice, nor care.

“What universe it this?” He said as he fully emerged from the portal, Looking at finn, jake, marcy, and pb in their Nano suits.

“Um...Your in the land of Ooo, in the candy kingdom,” PB said as she stepped a bit closer. “I’m Princess Bubblegum, this is Finn Mertans, Jake the dog, and Marceline the Vampire Queen,” She introduce her and her friends to the visitor.

“I’m Nuclear U. Thorium,” he said as the portal disappeared from behind him.

“Um...If you don’t mind, would you come with me for a second to my lab?” PB said as she took her suit off.

“Sure. I can’t stay here long though. I’m just visiting other universes for fun, and I gotta a schedule to keep,” He said pulling a paper out of a portal that appeared in mid air, then putting it back in.

“HOW ARE YOU ALIVE!?” PB Screamed as she looked at the results of her analysis.

“To be honest, even I don’t really know,” He said.

“Someone like you shouldn’t be able to
A: Be active as so much radiation poisoning
B: Traverse universe
C: Create portals
D: Insert literal steel plates into your head
E: Walk
and F: BE ALIVE!” She said waving the results around the room.

“Yo PB. Calm down. Science isn’t usually the answer to everything,” Marceline said. What she didn’t know is she awakened a beast with a glare.

“Science...Isn’t...The...Answer...To...Everything...That is what you said...Right Marceline?” She said with a creepy tone.

“Yeah?” She said.

[Redacted cause I don’t feel like putting the words she saying here. Believe me, it is a lot of really bad words]. OK MARCELINE!?” PB said steamed as a hot dog.

Marceline, now stunned that goody two shoes Princess bubblegum just threw every bad word in the book at her face, was stone face. Everyone else, including nuclear who knew where this was heading, had covered his ears. “...O...Ok PB. I...I got it,” Was all she could get out.

“Ok, so now that this is over, I’m gonna go. I gotta figure out what this, ‘petrichov V’ is. Sounds fun,” He said, creating another portal similar to the one from earlier and leaving. However, some of his hairs had be left from when he held his ears closed. Looking at them, PB realized She could use them.

“And after analyzing the hairs, I realized he had more power then I thought. His powers rival even the powers of Magic man, a almost deity here,” She said to everyone.

“I really hate that dude. He turned me into bread,” Finn said.

“Well anyway, he apparently originated from a universe similar to yours. Do you know how to get there?” PB asked.

“I believe he came from the non-human universe. I know how to get there. You just go to our school, and on full moons, you head through the front mirror facing the school,” Sunset said.

“Alright, thanks girls. Come on, let’s get you home, and let me get this brat and see what’s he’s planning, if anything.”

Author's Notes:

IT’S BACK! I know there wasn’t really a vs, but whatever, I had to do all these stories, the picture, and the new story recently. I need a little break, but not as long as the other one. Don’t worry!


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