

by BlankBrony

First published

Hm, it seems like he doesn't want me to say what I want... Well at least I can say that he is a very powerful ... Minus that is transported to Equestria

For now, you should know that a Minus is someone who is the worst that makes the worst basically, that's why they end up the best, like him, the main character of this story.

His name is Kumagawa Misogi but for some reason, this version of him is kind of omnipotent? No, he's more like something like Pinkie Pie, and for some other reason, he wants to be called [Screw] ... Please don't cut my explanation, I'm supposed to be the author here. [Well, it talks about me after all! Even if I detest shounen manga... But here it isn't!]... Also, the [] is the way he talks, don't mind it too much.

Now let's- [Start this story!] ...

Also, his personnality is [just like my original self in the start !] but is at the same time a little twisted to match my [poor mortal mind]... He also belongs to his rightful owner, which is part myself for the personnality twist... Hope you enjoy [MY story!].

[Hm, so that's Equestria?]

[Why do you need a POV? It talks about me after all!] That's for the story and so that the readers don't get confused smartass. [Hey now that's rude!] No one cares just start already!

[My POV]

[What was the italic for again? Oh right, the location and time!][Somewhere Sometime]

So, I woke up somewhere into this world called 'Equestria', and it seems like it has humans instead of ponies here, so why would they keep the, I must admit, funny joke? Anyways, I woke up in an area that's clearly snowy which is not unpleasant! Because that means that I can have Ice anytime I want! But for now I need to walk because there's really not a thing interesting in here. So while I walk somewhere, you may wonder why there's no [], well that's because I don't talk of course! You silly readers!

[Hm, I wonder if there's anybody living close, I would love to meet them!] I said while doing an innocently smile, why wouldn't I smile from the thought of meeting someone when I'm clearly 'born' alone, and Equestria has a stock of magic of course! I wonder if one of these 'Powerful Beings' can beat Anshin'in? No matter, she doesn't exist here anyways.

[Oh? What's this? Buildings?] Buildings... It means civilisation... And civilisation means... People! Oh I'm so excited to meet people! It feels so lonely here after all! Ah, I think I forgot to tell you why I don't feel cold in this toundra... Hm, should I tell you? Nah, I don't think I need to do it because there might be spoilers in the comments so you will know anyways, well I'll at least tell you that it's thanks to my little ability, but that's something we'll talk about later because now, there's people! Oh I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait!

But I actually don't wait anyways, I just walk toward this building, and because it's closer now, I can see in half-HD now! It's not as good as the weekly shonen Jump but it's something anyways.

[Crystals? So I'm in the Crystal Empire now? But they're black, so does that mean someone bad is here?] Yeah it must be that, because black always means bad people, oh wait, I'm wearing my black uniform... I'm a bad boy then right?

No it's not true, because it isn't my fault after all. Oh, it's a bad guy after all! I should greet him, maybe he will be able to beat her because taking a whole Empire is quite the achievement! Well that is if the Empire itself isn't Weak. So please bad guy, don't disappoint me.

[Hmm, this is pretty bad.] I said while looking at the big trail of slaves binded by chains, it's quite something to see something like this, hmm?

[Oh hello there little girl! Do you need help] I said while looking at a little girl hiding behind some of the ruins around the place, also, there's tons of guards with funny helmets beating some slaves and patrolling, but back to the girl. She was the same height as a 5-years-old kid that was abused by its parents, which was part true in her case, minus the parents that were obviously the rotting corpses behind her, for some reason, she took quite a while before noticing I was here so when she did, she made a cute gasp while pulling me down with her.

[Sorry but I'm not into little girls little girl.]

"Shh!!" She said with a finger on her lips.

[Sorry but I'm not the kind of guy that let himself away, at least not when it includes little girls like you, which-] I was rudely cut from my honest explanation with her two hands covering my mouth, kids these days are so rude and shameless!

"Quiet! Don't let the guards notice us!" Oh, this made sense! She is too Weak to fight these guards! I get it I get it, I mean she's just a kid! Oh silly me! But well, I don't want to stand out too much anyways, I'm a Minus after all! So even if I end up being the Hero in the mind of the people here, I'll still end up breaking them all while losing all at the same time after all. So I decided to quiet down and wait for the guards to pass by.

[So it's good now right?] I asked the little girl who nodded but still stayed on guard, kids these days, becoming more like savages now.

"Who are you?" Ah yes, who am I? Well I'm technically Kumagawa Misogi but because I'm not 100% like him, let's call myself Screw, yes, Screw, it's very fitting don't you think? So it's decided.

[I'm Screw! And you, who're you?] I asked the little girl because it is pretty tiring calling her just 'little girl' as it makes my tongue numb.

"I'm Rouge, Rouge Scarlet Le Cristal." Oh, fancy, she must be one of those girls in shounen that's always rich or something, and seriously, this name is too long.

[Can I call you Rouge? Also, what's with the long name?] Rouge, hmm, I guess it fits her as she has red hairs, red eyes, and red blood. What am I saying? Everyone has red blood! Or maybe not since I'm in another universe.

"Hm... Okay you can call me Rouge, and the name is because I belong to the Royal Familly Le Cristal, rightful rulers of the Crystal Empire! But because that usurpator overthrew my grandmother, the Queen Blanche Quartz Le Cristal."

Oh so that's why her name sounds so Fancy, that's because they're the good guys! But they're not simple good guys! They're the first good guys that existed before the Hero good guy comes in! And that's exactly why I loathe them.

"And because of this mad king, my entire family suffers and I decided to become stronger to save and protect them, at least, that's what I tried, before I found my entire Family Dead."

At least she's different from those cliché pre-existing good guys, and what she said at the end means that, she is probably a Minus, someone who is the worst, that makes the worst and that always lose. But I at least need to confirm that.

[So that's why these were here! So what do you plan to do now?] I asked and she immediately pulled a knife out of nowhere and pointed it at her throat.

"Die of course! I trained my whole life to save a Family that was already Dead!" She exclaimed while crying in despair.

[Well okay! So goodbye then! I'll go see the bad guy now!] I said before preparing myself to go to the big crystal building at the center of this Empire. Huh? Why should I help her? I honestly Don't care and it doesn't concern me anyways, she do what she wants with her life after all, and if she want to throw it away, not my problem, so I just walked towards the 'Castle' not looking back, she doesn't interest me in the slightest if she is ready to throw her life into a fire.

Anyways, the Empire is pretty beautiful if you don't take into account the slaves and the guards walking around, and talking about the guards, I'm currently in front of some that are pointing their spears at my head.

"You! Who are you?!" The one in the right said.

"What're you doing here?! Go back into work!" The one in the left said.

[I want to meet the King!] I said while holding my hands up in the air. I can't say much about the guards because they all looked the same and all wore the funny helmet with green eyes, so when they escorted me in the Castle, I had a hard time not laughing because everytime the guards moved, the weird hair thing on their helmets would always come off and fly up before falling down into the crack that was supposed to be theirs.

"My king! Someone's here to meet you!" The guard on the right said.

"He is unarmed and harmless!" The guard on the left said.

"Come in" A surprisingly intimidating voice said behind the door, this is seriously the bad guy because when we came in, the guy had a red cape with a black armor on, a bad guy. After coming in, he told the guards to leave us alone.

"What do you want?"The bad guy said while looking completely tired.

[Oh! I'm here t-] I couldn't continue as I was impaled by many crystals at random parts of my body making me fly all across the room before I was met with a wall.

"I don't care! You dare to come here in front of me?! That's enough to deserve death insignificant fool!" He exclaimed which irritated me a little, because that's not loud enough to kill someone.

[Hey, hey, hey. It's not good!] I said to him and he immediately turned around to look at me standing up while innocently smiling.

"B-but...W-What? Y-" He said while looking at me with wide eyes.

[If you want to kill me...] I said while removing one of the crystals then looked up while slowly pointing the crystal at my left eye, then impaled it with the whole crystal making it go throught the eyeball then through my brain.

[You got to at least do this much] I said before collapsing on the ground...

So I was currently standing in front of the doors just after the guards left, when I saw the bad guy sitting on the throne, I immediately thought that he was the perfect bad guy because he had a red cape and a black armor with a black crown with red gems in it, a true bad guy. But something was wrong with him, he acted weird because he was looking around the room with wide eyes as if he wanted to find something. What a weird bad guy.

[Hey, so about what I wanted to talk about!] I said trying to catch his attention, which worked because I got his full attention now with the wide eyes he had.

"Y-You!" He tried to say something but I couldn't hear anything so I came closer to be able to hear what he was saying, peoples these days, they can't even talk properly, but instead of speaking louder, he tried to back away for some reasons but it didn't really work as he was currently sitting on a throne, so he just straighten up his back.

[Hey, I can't hear you if you don't speak louder, and even less if you back away!] I explained before getting close enough that his whole vision would be only me, then I smiled at him for his funny reactions to whatever I was doing which was pretty normal, so that means he may be paranoiac or even a little psychopath, that would explain the slaves though.

"B-Back off!" He said while putting his hand in front of him, then, a black spiky crystal started to form in his palm and it shotted right through my left eyeball and my brain.

[Good job, you aimed at a vital spot.] I said while having a pool of blood and part of my brain leak out from my left eye socket and I started to clap my hands before collapsing Again.

I was currently staring at a panicking bad guy from in front of the doors of the room, the bad guy was currently holding his head with his hands while looking at the ground, so he really has mental problems? I feel bad.

[So um-] I tried to say and I immediately caught the attention of the bad guy who looked at me with a serious face, then he started to smile and then he completely went to a full on hysteric laugher while rolling on the ground.

[Ooookayyyyy, so I'll just go so see ya!] I said before slowly leaving the room and when I was out I immediately sighed.

[Ahhh I guess I lost again.] I said before going out of the Castle then the Empire too. Well, I guess that's to be expected of a Minus, not even did I do anything that the bad guy broke and became the worst it could be, so that means he wouldn't be able to beat her then, welp, I guess I'll go elsewhere...

[Oh? What's this? Rouge?] Yes it was her, well, at least her Corpse. So she actually did it huh? I guess I lost two times over then? Not even half an hour later after our meeting, she already Broke.

[I'm truly a Minus then, Being the worst that makes the worst really fits me] So then, who will be the next to break because of my little friend?

Author's Notes:

Here's the first chapter, also I didn't really watch Medaka Box, I just came across Kumagawa when I was surfing in the web and I completely got tons of inspiration thanks to him so I tryharded the info gathering for his personnality.
Hope you enjoy the little first chapter of something half-unknown to me, also I'm pretty confident with the accurateness of Kumagawa's personnality so if it's a little off, please don't be too harsh. My poor Fluttershy heart won't bear it. Thanks for reading

[Oh, being able to fly AND swim? Convenient!]

[What? Why do I need to change POV?] That's because we need to introduce new characters, your not the center of the world you know? [Well, with this story, and it's title, I'm supposed to be no?] NO and stop talking where there's supposed to be the POV info! [Okay okay]

[This humanoid hippogriff girl's POV]

So, this girl is normally Queen Novo but because were a millenia's old from the time they appeared, she will be called Princess Novo, and also, all that will be said here will be partially fan-made, well that's what he told me anyways, even though it's supposed to be MY story, wait, that's not how you do narration in other people's POV, oh silly me.

Today was like everyday in the hippogriff kingdom, waking up inside the royal house, having breakfast with mom and dad, walking around the kingdom, being praised by everyone you meet. Yep, like everyday, which is sooo boring!

"I hope something exciting will happen today..." I sigh, this was something not likely to happen because my luck is not as high as my big brother, yep! My big Brother the Crown Prince Proton Star! He's so awesome, when mom and dad couldn't play with me, he was always here! But recently, even him got caught up in the royal talk.

So now I'm alone and I'm bored because nothing interesting is happening.

"Here's the newspaper! Breaking news at the crystal empire! The Mad king was finally overthrown by the two Royal sisters!" And that's how you hook luck! So, the Crystal Empire was it? And it's King was overthrown? Good job Royal Sisters!

Ah! I hope they come here again, Auntie Celestia and Auntie Luna would always play with me when they had free time! They're so beautiful too! I mean, just look at them! I'm surprised they don't have boyfriends yet! Not only that, they're Super Strong! Not only did they seal the Chaos Spirit! They now overthrew the Mad King? So awesome.

"Hey, did you hear the rumor?" I heard one of the people say quietly, now that is interesting, a rumor? Even if pretty much all of them were false, rumors were always funny to hear.

"What, what is it?"

"Some people said that the Mad King went well, more Mad that he was, because some of the soldiers that were raiding the Empire with the Two Princesses said that when they found the Mad King in his throne room, he was in hysterical laughter and he wouldn't stop laughing even though spears were piercing him." Ok, I knew that the Mad King was well, Mad, but to this extent? Sure he would laugh, but not a hysterical laughter, and I learned that something like this could only be done by the Chaos Spirit, who was not only Madder than the Mad King, but spreaded his maddness to all the people in Equestria.

"Dude, for real?"

"Yes for real because the guard I told you about was actually a friend of mine."

"Damn, this Mad King would hold up to his title all the way to the end." The other one said, it was true and I gotta respect that because not many people would be loyal to their titles and personalities forever. Well anyway, it's not bad that he's dead because he's people can finally be free.

But too bad because now there's nothing interesting anymore...

"Hey did you hear? A new guy came in town, he's from Equestria I think because he doesn't have claws or wings." I love fishing luck! A new guy they say? I need to meet him, at least I can have fun with him, now where is this guy at?

[Finally! My POV]

[In front of the Hippogriff Kingdom's gate][A week after I broke Rouge and the Mad King]

So now that we're back to my POV, I should tell how was my little journey across the continent, yes, I walked from the Crystal Empire that was completely North to the Hippogriff Kingdom that is completely West near the sea in a week, got a problem with that?

Anyways, on my journey, I got to meet a pretty interesting bearded old man... Oh well, no one cares anyway since he broke just after meeting me.

Now I'm in front of the Hippogriff Kingdom's gate being questioned by the gate guards.

"So, who are you lad?" The big guard on the left said, at least these guys are all different, unlike the guards in the Crystal Empire who looks the same.

[My name's Screw! I came from the Crystal Empire!] I said to them and when they heard that they had their eyes wide open then for some reason they backed away a little and started to whisper something to themselves.

"Lad, did you flee the Empire? Or are you a spy?" The big guard asked.

[I didn't flee the Empire and I'm not a spy either, I just left after the King broke.] I said honestly, it's true after all.

" You just left? When the King broke?" They're really old if they can't understand me that much, and they don't seem to want to let me in either what a pain, if it continues like this,They would eventually break.

"Guards, let him in." A girl said from the other side, thanks to her, I'll be able to enter here.

"P-Princess! W-We can't do that!" The guards on the right finally said, and Princess? So she's the little girl that stole my spotlight in the start of this chapter? Well that's good!

"You dare go against royal orders?" She said which is pretty scary, it's troublesome to be on the bad side of royalty after all, at least in shonen manga.

"N-No Princess bu-"

"That's good so let him in." She said completely cutting the guard while he was talking which is pretty rude, so it's true then, kids these days are so rude to their elders.

"Ok little Princess but be careful." The big one said before letting me in, oh I so hope she won't Break liike Rouge did.

[Thanks, but I gotta say, pink panties suits you more than black panties.] I stated and I was immediately impaled by one of the guard in the head completely covering the Princess in blood and crushed brain.

So thanks to the Princess, I could finally enter the kingdom, but for some reason, she seems confused, not just her but the guards too.

[What is it? Can I come in?] I asked the guards who just nodded hesitantly, so I entered the kingdom with the Princess who for some reason was blushing now, I don't even know why, oh maybe she has a fever, so I put my hand on her forehead to verify that and she had indeed, a fever.

[Hey, you shouldn't be outside while you have a fever you know? At least tell me where you live, I'll take you here so you can rest until the fever pass.] I said to the little Princess while smiling.

"N-No, I-I don't have a fever!" She said childishly, yep she is indeed a kid for refusing to go rest in a bed.

[Hey hey, you need to rest, see? You have a fever, your face is all red and it's pretty hot.] I said and now she was blushing even more making her look like a tomato, it's pretty cute actually.


"Stop right here!" Someone said from behind me, when I turned around, I saw a guy wearing fancy things.

"Get away from my fiancée you filthy commoner!" He said which was pretty rude. But no matter, I'm used to this kind of insult.

"Crossfire! I already told you I'm not your fiancée!" The little Princess said while still blushing. And now I don't want to be here anymore because this screams troubles and I don't want to make it worst.

"Our families already agreed to marry us so you are mine!" The guy said. Now I wanted to laugh because he was wearing fancy things, but at the same time it looks like a clown outfit with this many jewels.

[Oh hello! Who are you?] I asked because I was curious as to why he was wearing a clown outfit.

"You dare to not know me? I am Crossfire Ifrit La Flamme! The Duke family and highest benefactor of the Royal Family! And you commoner who dares to talk with my fiancée, who are you?" He asked, ah yes who am I? Well I'm Screw of course!

[I'm Screw! A Minus who is the worst and makes the worst!] I said while smiling innocently, it's true after all! If a Minus is the worst, then he is always innocent no?

"Screw? What a pitiful name hahaha! Now I challenge you to a duel for talking with my fiancée!" He said while taking a sword out of his funny clothings.

[Oh okay! Don't expect much from me but please, Don't disappoint me.]

Author's Notes:

Yep, that's my version of Kumagawa, he still has his little mental twist from times to times, it's shown with the 'innocent smile' and bold writtings, well I guess some of you already guessed it anyway.
Also, as you may have noticed, the Equestria is similar but at the same time different, that's cause I'll try doing a story with just Kumagawa while some of the characters from the show will only appear in one or two chapters at most, at least now I'll try having a character that's independent from the main cast so he travels across Equestria to find someone who could beat Anshin'in. If you don't know her, well think of her like a God or something that's Kumagawa rival or enemy or something like that. Don't worry to much about it, just for the plot so that Screw doesn't wonder without any reasons. Also, for those who don't know what happens everytime Kumagawa dies, well wait until next chapter, or maybe the next after that. Thanks for reading and hope you like it.

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