
Unknown Psycho

by BlankBrony

Chapter 4: Little Heaven

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Little Heaven

My own little heaven, I guess that's what they call "Resting in peace"

Mob's POV

How wonderful, I didn't expected that the little heaven I created would be so relaxing. The air wasn't to pressured, it was never too hot or to cold here, there's unlimited food and clean water to drink and bath in. I never guessed that my powers would be so useful in something other than hurting people or entity in general. There's even some of the forest animals that's coming once in a while, of course, under my watch there won't be any blood in this "Garden of Eden".

It quickly became not only my heaven, but the whole forest heaven. Even the carnivorous beasts were coming here to rest, well, it wasn't always like that...


"Hmm? There's something coming near my little paradise." I said while looking at the rumbling trees near my little heaven, then, a whole pack of Timberwolves came throught the shadows scaring the herbivores resting in my garden.

"When you are here, wolves, you become dogs that should sit down and be teached not to wreak havoc in my territory." I said while making some of my energy flowing out to intimidate them, wich didn't work as they kept growling and drooling. Then, one of them jumped to me, but before it could even touch me, it exploded leaving chunks of wood poluting my garden.

"If you don't behave yourselves in here, you will end up like him." I said menacingly while pointing at the steaming wood around my garden. They all started to shake in fear but then, one of them came forth then bowed before me, then all of the pack started to do the same as him, it was a little pleasing that they acknowledged my power but I didn't care.

"As long as you don't spill blood or even ooze kill intent within my domain. Your welcome to come anytme here." I said and they all started to enter the garden. It was not difficult to see where the garden's field started as the border of the garden was splitted apart of the forest by a little gap between the two very different territories. The little animals were scared at first then slowly started to get along with the predators.

End of Flashback.

After this day, many many more creatures started to gather here, but I noticed that the one staying the most were the newborns and the elders, the animals and beasts that were in between were out in the forest so I guessed that they trusted me their elders and newborns so that life can continue.

"I feel like this garden is both an orphanage and a retirement house for the Everfree Forest inhabitants." I sighed. It's true that this territory was at peace, but it was still in a wild forest and there's always envious predators near the garden. For security mesures, I made an underground shelter for the animals to hide in case one of these predators started to attack. There were all kinds of challengers ranking from Alpha Timberwolves to Alpha Manticores to straight up Ursa Majors. The hardest foe that I faced was the biggest Ursa Major I ever saw, it was near the same size as Equestria capitol's mountain.

After that, even Ursa Minors started to come once in a while, they couldn't stay for too long as they were too big to fit in the garden so they just visited to get some fruits, they especially loved the oranges, I don't know why. But it didn't harm to help them with food as I have unlimited stock of them.

Of course, I was still checking on the outside of the Forest once in a while and I must admit, these six ponies were very talented, the last problem Twilight Sparkle concerned a spell that inverted the cutie mark of the elements of harmony. Thanks to my one month of pre-learning, I knew at least the basics of this world like magic and cutie marks. But I learned that cutie marks is the very destiny of the pony so to make a spell that inverted them, this Starswirl is indeed a very talented pony. But back on Twilight Sparkle, she herself wasn't bad too because she was able to make a counter magic of the same spell that inverted Cutie Marks, truly remarkable.

But when she did it, she mysteriously disapeared, but I knew she was somewhere so I used my powers to rip a part of reality. This shouldn't be suprising because I learned that another being was powerful enought to do that. Discord, the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. He truly earned his name when I noticed that he had full control of the Chaotic energy I fell in the atmosphere. So when I broke throught the fabric of reality, I only saw three bubbles, one that seemed to be the real world, another that looked like a Dream world, and the last bubble was what looked like some kind of corronation dimension because I saw many many pictures of ponies becoming Alicorns.

As I walked around the cosmic dimension, I finally found them and it looks like Twilight is becoming an Alicorn, then she disappeared, when I followed her energy signature, it led me to the real world. I started to return too but before I did so, I took a little part of the energy coming out of the Princess so I can track her in the future just in case.

When I came back, I was suprisingly at the same spot Twilight Sparkle was when she returned so I quickly use 'Light Reflection' to become invisible and I made sure that my energy wasn't flowing out of me.

I watched the scene in front of me, it was very happy in general ( like when does anything in this know NOT happy? ). Ând just the day after the event, they already celebrated the transformation of Twilight Sparkle into an Alicorn.

After this, I went back into my little heaven to rest from the huge party that happened in Canterlot, sure I maybe can't go to the party but that doesn't mean I won't. The only thing I need to blend in is a little illusion and energy control and that's that.

But for now, I need to rest. The 'Garden of Eden' is the perfect place to rest, birds are singing, flowers are blooming, on days like these, esper like me, should be resting in peace.

Or it should have if black spiked tentacles plants weren't trying to invade the garden.

Author's Notes:

Here's the chapter, hope you enjoy it.

Next Chapter: Forest Rampage Estimated time remaining: 19 Minutes
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