
One of Old

by BlankBrony

Chapter 11: A battle against a Devil

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A battle against a Devil

From under the world he came out. To destroy our world he is out...

Canterlot Castle...

Third Person's POV

'What is happening?' Celestia thought, the situation Equestria was now is indeed questionable, even for a ruler that has a millennia of experience.

Celestia was trying to remember when it all began, but it was so long ago she didn't remember. All the events up until now were not going as she planned, all she wanted to do was to train Twilight for an accession, but the world wouldn't do as she wanted. All the achievements and goals she completed through her long life seemed to be crushed by this being, the hard work she did to reunite the whole Kingdom after Discord's fall, the depression she overcame after she banished her own sister, the peace treaty between all of the Kingdoms, and finally, finding a prodigy to take the throne.

But all of that has been destroyed, or at least put aside, by the existence of this being. The being itself was a monster, no, no monster would compare to this thing. For now, it is a being of unimaginable powers, so much power in fact that it managed to drive away the favours of Fate, and because it is a being of war, countless battles already started happening in her kingdom from the Ursa Major to Blueblood to now a war with the changelings and the dragons. And it's not even been a full month since it started!

For now, she needed to do something about what he said, an army.

"Princess." Celestia heard her prodigy said trying to gain her attention but to no success as Celestia was lost in her thoughts. But surprisingly, it didn't matter to Twilight.

"How did we end up in this situation?" She said now staring straight at Celestia, who managed to stare back at her. Celestia sighed then composed herself then looked at the direction Demise went to.

"I don't think we can change what we did, let's just hope that he would change it himself." She said to Twilight before calling a few of her elite guards and Shining Armor as well, she needed to make sure that He won't destroy the countries around the badlands.

"Let's go!" She exclaimed then a battalion as well as a chariot went to the battlefield.

Two hours later, Badlands...

'What is this?' Celestia thought, not just herself but everypony present to witness the monstrosity that became the badlands. Before her eyes were countless monsters from demons to undeads to even mythical beasts, on the other side, she saw a swarm of changelings and dragons coming towards them, but even if they get here, not only would their numbers be overwhelm, but even with the strength of the dragons, their power would also be overwhelm.

Just the presence of demons and undead is ridiculous as they are seen as legends and myths by the ponies that are only good for stories to foals, but now, it was all real, undeads exists and they look exactly how the legends said them to be. Dead corpse revived. Not only undeads but demons too, it was the same thing as the undeads but their origins are different. Undeads are said to be made when a wandering soul's grudges are so painful that they start to manifest as a physical body representing them, not even known black magic could make one as it would consume all of the magics that an Alicorn would have to just be able to summon a soul. Demons are known for being the residents of Tartarus, where the worst of the worst are sent too, it is said that demons are the offsprings of such beings.

But what they saw was not only what the stories told them, it was worst than them at the same time, only hatred could be felt from the undeads and the demons are clad in the blood of their victims without even having one!

But it's not just them that terrified the ponies, it was the ten noticeable beast in the mix of monsters. All of them were monsters variations of their original self, there was even a dragon looking more terrifying than actual dragon, an undead whose height would rival mountains, a monster whose scales were all too familiar...Wait.

"Demise? He is battling to?" Twilight asked in shock. It's not surprising to react like that as the general rule of war says that the commander should never attend the battle, but there, there was the Lord and Commander fighting with his soldiers, Twilight knew this because of mandatory lessons about history, she didn't really mind as she craved for knowledge bit the origin of such knowledge didn't please her a bit, like eating a very salty sweet.

"Hey! Why are you so surprised about? They're nothing to us!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed desperately trying to hide her fears which didn't work as the look of her friends showed annoyance and pity for not realising that such military force could not be beaten.

Only one of them didn't show any fear towards Demise, it was Fluttershy who instead showed sadness, sadness for the situation he was in. Demise already explained that he was tormented for many millennials by dying and reviving from endless torture that was war, and here he was battling again even after being granted freedom. This truly hurted Fluttershy's natural kindness, but it didn't go as well for her instinct as it always screamed to her that she should fly and leave as far as she could from this being keeping her from moving a single muscle.

Then, all of the sudden, all of the beasts started to run wild towards the swarms, it divided in two stampede of monsters, one was running towards the changelings, and the other went straight to the dragons. But, something was wrong, only three beings stayed in the badlands, when everypony started to look closer to them, all eyes went wide.

There were three Demises in three different form, one was the scaled giant standing there, on his head was the original Demise with his arms crossed and Ghirahim sticking on his waist, and in the sky flying around the two Demises was the form Demise would take when travelling, his calamity form.

Then, suddenly, the original Demise jumped from beast Demise head straight to the ground while punching it with so much power that an earthquake happened after it, then something unexpected happened. Diamond Dogs were popping out of the ground while the earthquake was happening. All eyes went wide when this happened because none of them noticed the Diamond Dogs digging through the ground.

"He noticed their presence even through the ground..." Celestia state as she looked at the scene before her. Celestia planned to help Demise in the battle but it seems like he didn't need any of it.

But then, when the earthquake stopped and that the Diamond Dogs were brought out, monsters came out from the ground completely eating them without leaving even blood. It was a gruesome sight sure, but for the ponies, they seemed to be used to this with Blood Blood, plus they thought that He was on their side so that what happened to the Diamond Dogs won't happen to them and the rest of ponykind.

Meanwhile, the Dragons were fighting fiercely against the swimming and flying monsters while the changelings were being destroyed by the running monsters.

"It's quite the spectacle isn't it?" Somepony said from beside the ponies, when all eyes turned to see who it was they all had different kind of expressions. Some looked at him with a very confused look but one of them had fears building up in her mind.


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One of Old

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