
Professor Spike

by Ekhidna

Chapter 3: Epilogue

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“Snips,” Spike called making the chubby unicorn boy approach his desk. Like his classmates before him, Snips looked nervous, almost on edge. Implementing his best poker face, Spike handed Snips his report card.

“...Celestia loves me and this proves she does,” Snips said happily, kissing his report card.

“Retake your seat. Next one. Silver Spoon,” he called.
Spike handed the report belonging to the silver and grey-colored mare using the same stoic expression he’d been employing so far. In reality, however, most of his attention laid over the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

After their first afternoon together three weeks prior, the four of them had spent the following night in Spike’s home talking and cementing their newfound relationship. Not that much actually changed: outside the College, they would more or less act the same way as ever. But inside College grounds, they would be professional.

Although, that hadn’t stopped them from using the College facilities after-hours for their own ‘private lessons’. And Spike had to admit, his mates were improving with each session. Surely a product of their hard work and dedication to be sure.

But ever since yesterday he noticed that there was something wrong with the three of them. They had avoided him the entire day without explanation. The worst part was he had no clue whatsoever, either.

He was about to call the first Crusader when the bell rang.

“Alright, everyone, you may leave and enjoy your weekend. Miss Bloom, Miss Scootaloo, and Miss Belle, please stay for a moment so I can hand you your report cards and… discuss a certain development regarding your grades.”

Everyone, minus the Crusaders, packed their things and left, some giving a solemn look or a few words of confidence to the Crusaders. Spike waited patiently, his concern growing as he noticed his mates acting far more reserved, even fearful.

Minutes later, once all footsteps were gone and making sure they were alone in the College enough to not be disturbed, the dragon began. “First and foremost,” Spike stood from his seat and walked over the three mares handing each a report card with a solid C+ at the bottom of it. “That was the best I could do without drawing unwanted attention,” he leaned down as to be at their eye level. “Congratulations, ladies. You have certainly shown improvements in all areas,” he said smiling at them salaciously, but they didn’t react as he hoped they would. If anything, they looked on edge about something.

“Girls, what’s wrong? Did I do something wrong?” Spike asked, his demeanor back to normal.

“N-No! It’s not that, we promise!” Sweetie Belle answered before shifting in her seat.

“You see… there may be a little, tinsy, bitsy, small problem…” Apple Bloom continued ending in a few mirthless chuckles.

“Gah, I can’t take this anymore!” Scootaloo yelled in frustration. Dipping her hand into her backpack, the pegasus pulled out a small box and handed it over to Spike. “Here, take it and open it!”

“Scootaloo!” The two other Crusaders protested.

“He’s going to find out anyway, so what’s the problem?” Scootaloo countered blushing madly.

Spike eyed the box Scootaloo had given him for a few seconds. Curious and desiring to know what was wrong with his mates, he opened the box.

For long moments that felt like eons, Spike stared at the contents held within the box. Suddenly, he smiled widely… and hungrily. He walked back to his desk, put the box down, and then opened one of his locked drawers. A moment later he pulled out a series of soft-looking ropes.

The Crusaders look at each other, relieved and elated beyond belief they wordlessly stood up and began removing their already scant clothing.

“Here I was thinking that my loving but stern guidance had impacted you three for the better. How wrong I was. You leave me no choice but to continue our disciplinary sessions until you learn to behave, my dear students,” Spike said smiling eagerly at the three approaching mares.

On top of his desk the box Scootaloo had given him laid with its cover removed.

Inside, only three little pink sticks laid. All of them showcasing a doublecross in their center.


Author's Notes:

Special thanks to anyone that read this!

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Professor Spike

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