
Professor Spike

by Ekhidna

Chapter 1: Prologue

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The bell rang across Ponyville’s College halls announcing to all its residents that the final class of the day had come to an end. Ponies and the few attending Non-Pony students rushed out of the classrooms to enjoy the rest of the day, that is if their chores and homework allowed it.

“Ugghh, finally!” Scootaloo groaned out as she stretched her wings and arms. “I don’t know about you girls, but I am heading straight home to take a long shower before going to the skating plaza!”

“Yeah, tell me about it. This day felt so long I almost fell asleep during Spike’s class!” Apple Bloom exclaimed next to her orange coated pegasus friend.

“You did fall asleep! Spike hit you with the eraser, remember?” Sweetie Belle said in a deadpan tone.

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that,” Apple Bloom realized as she rubbed her head near the base of her trademark bow.

As the three friends chatted, the rest of their classmates paid them no mind opting to instead leave. As per College policy, all students wore the standard-issue uniforms.

For males, it consisted of a white shirt, pleated pants or shorts, black shoes, and if they so wished, a pleated sweater.

As for the females, their ‘uniforms’ consisted of a knotted daisy duke crop shirt, mini pleated skirts that barely covered their panties when standing upright, and plain short heeled slippers.

This uniform ensured that all female students would expose a bountiful amount of cleavage, their midriff, and most of their legs. While in other parts of Equestria such attire would cause major uproar, in Ponyville it was, by law, accepted and in some cases even demanded. Not that many cared since eighty percent of Ponyville’s population was female.

Once the classroom was almost empty, the Cutie Mark Crusaders stood from their respective seats ready to leave.

“A moment, girls,” a strict but gentle voice called them.

“Yes, Miss Cheerilee?” The three friends said in unison, turning their heads to face their Art History teacher who, in a similar fashion as students, also wore a rather revealing outfit.

“Professor Dracone asked me to tell you that he wishes to speak with all you three in his classroom before you leave for the day,” Cheerilee explained while she finished packing her own belongings and materials.

“Oh, thank you Miss Cheerilee. We’ll make sure to head to his office right away!” Scootaloo replied as the three mares made their way out of the classroom.

“Have a nice day, Miss Cheerilee!” Sweetie Belled called as she left.

“You too, girls,” called the magenta coated mare.

Once the CMC’s were out of Cheerilee’s hearing range, they began to talk in hushed tones.

“What do you think Spike called for us?” Scootaloo asked.

“I have no idea, Scoots. Maybe he wants to chat or something?” Apple Bloom offered.

“Maybe he wants to ask us on a date!” Sweetie Belle said before giggling.

“Yeah, as if any of us could be that lucky,” sighed Apple Bloom.

“I’m more worried about why he called us whilst in school and not later,” Scootaloo wondered.

“We’ll know in a moment, Scootaloo,” Sweetie Belle said pointing at a nearby door.


Spike hummed while staring at the papers in front of him: most were to his left, seven were on his right, and three more laid in the center. He picked the seven papers on his right and glared at them before letting out a disappointed sigh.

“Youngest teacher in Ponyville’s College and I already have the worst student grades under my belt,” Spike said to himself before leaning back on his chair. “Maybe I’m overreacting? I mean, sure my students’ grades aren’t all that great but most of them can be salvaged, and these seven just need a bit of help to be back on track… but…”

Spike fell silent as his eyes fell on the three papers in the center of his desk.

“But those three…” Spike hummed again before a gentle knock at his door made him straighten up. He put the seven papers on top of the small stack of papers on his left before responding. “Come in.”

His door was softly swung aside as three mares walked inside the room with Sweetie Belle casting a quick spell to close the door behind her.

“Thank you, Miss Belle,” Spike thanked before inviting them to sit on the seats in front of his desk with a wave of his right arm. “Thank you all for coming so soon,” Spike said as he straightened his posture and fixed his tie.

Unlike his few fellow male teachers, preferring a more casual approach to their school attires; he went the extra mile by dressing properly, tie and all. He wore gentle purple pants, a white undershirt, a pale green overshirt, a gentle purple coat, a green tie with suns dotting it, and purple shoes. While he was not one to brag, he had to admit he looked really good in those clothes; especially after hitting his growth spurt at seventeen; now standing nearly as tall as Big Macintosh with a leaner and slightly muscular physique.

“So, what’s up, Spike?” Scootaloo called relaxing in her seat.

“That’s Professor Dracone while we are in school, Miss Scootaloo,” Spike said shooting a tired glance at the orange coated mare.

“Yeah, yeah, sorry. I forgot since the bell rang a while ago,” Scootaloo explained.

“Even so, we are inside the College. I’ll let it slide this time,” Spike cleared his throat. “Now, you three must be wondering why I called for you?” The three mares nodded. “Here, take a look yourselves,” Spike said pushing the three papers in the center forward.

He saw them take the papers and began examining them. Any moment now…, Spike thought as he saw their faces shift from mild confusion to astonishment to horror in the span of two seconds.

“WHAT!?” The three mares exclaimed, shocked and trembling.

“I must admit, I am as surprised as you are,” Spike sighed. “Or I would be if you three actually bothered to take notes, pay attention in class, or have the decency to stay awake for more than half the time!” Spike called back slamming a palm on his desk.

“B-b-but… a zero!?” Sweetie Belle cried out turning the paper to reveal a test covered in red marks and a big ‘0’ next to her name.

“...Big Mac is going to kill me…” Apple Bloom cried as she rested on her desk.

“My aunts are going to destroy my skateboard when they find out!” Scootaloo threw herself back against the back of her seat, letting her test fall to the ground.

Spike looked at his three dear friends and couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty. While he was five years older than them, and despite being their professor, he had allowed his personal feelings towards them to get somewhat involved in how he treated the mares during his History Class.

As the three mares wailed in despair, Spike couldn’t keep his eyes from lingering over his friends. All three of them showed so much cleavage that it was impossible not to admire their fine, fine assets. Scootaloo’s position, in particular, made her nipples press firmly against her shirt creating a clear outline of them. Sweetie Belle’s breast size and having her sister’s exquisite figure meant that her shirt barely contained her chest. And Apple Bloom was pressing her breasts against the desk, squashing them to the point that Spike was able to see a hint of her rosy areolas.

Spike shifted in his seat in an effort to contain his growing erection. Seriously, what was Filthy Rich thinking by implementing this dress code when he bought the school!? Though I can’t really complain… damn, they grew up into gorgeous mares, Spike shook his head to free himself from such impure thoughts.

“N-Not all is lost,” Spike began catching their attention. “Look, I may have some of the blame. I should’ve been rougher on you from the moment I started to notice your grades dropping in my class like I’ve done for the others. I still have to pass grades onto the official report cards,” Spike saw their eyes glimmer with hope. “You still have a chance to fix this by tomorrow. I’ll be holding a surprise retry test with different questions instead of the usual class for all those who are failing my class,” and just like that, he saw said hope vanish from their eyes faster than a cupcake in Pinkie’s hand.

“Kill me now…” Scootaloo groaned.

“You really expect us to memorize the entire semester in a single night?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Rarity is going to be so mad,” Sweetie Belle cried. “Isn’t there anything else we can do to improve our grades?” She asked Spike with wide puppy eyes.

“You are fully aware those eyes don’t work on me, Miss Belle,” Spike said nonchalantly. “And unless you want to fail my class and thus, with it the entire semester, then you have no other option. I already broke the rules by telling you about the test tomorrow. Best wishes, girls,” Spike stood up, grabbing all the papers, including the three he handed to the Crusaders and left the room, never noticing a pair of amber-colored eyes watching him intently as he left.

In a moment Spike opened the door and in the next, he was out of sight.

“What are we going to do?” Groaned out Scootaloo. “We can't fail his class but History is so boring!”

“Maybe we shouldn’t have fooled around so much,” Sweetie pouted. “We took advantage of Spike because he is our friend…”

“Yeah… though I never thought our grades were so bad,” Scootaloo crossed her arms. “Do you think he would’ve had passed us otherwise?”

“Otherwise what? If our grades were not a big fat zero?” Sweetie droned back at the pegasus who in turn nodded. Sweetie shrugged. “Maybe? But why didn't he tell us before outside College?”

“You know how formal and by the rules he can be. But can you blame him? Twilight drilled that inside his brain,” Scootaloo sighed. “So, wanna go to the clubhouse for an all-nighter?”

“Count me in,” Sweetie Belle called.

A moment of silence passed as the unicorn and the pegasus awaited the answer of their earth pony friend.

“Hello. Equestria to Apple Bloom, are you there?” Sweetie tapped the shoulder of her butter-colored coated friend.

Apple Bloom looked up at her friend with a sly, knowing smile. “Did you see Spike’s pants when he left?”

“Not really. Why?” Sweetie Belle replied.

Apple Bloom’s smile grew a bit more and her cheeks adopted a soft pink hue.

“I think there may be another way to get Spike’s help if we fail the test tomorrow~”

“Huh?” The pegasus and the unicorn muttered.

Prologue End.

Author's Notes:

Special thanks to anyone that read this!

The uniforms the CMC and other females students use were designed and created by AnthroPoniesSFM.

Next Chapter: Raising Grades Estimated time remaining: 36 Minutes
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Professor Spike

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