
The Master of a Rotten Vale

by BlankBrony

Chapter 15: Kingdom

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What do I do now?


Silence, nothing but boring and uneventful silence, it's only been two days since the 'incident', beside the little letter Pinkie sent through miasma, nothing, nothing. NOTHING. I'm bored, so bored, and I am bored because I'm still just a teenager in the body of an undead dragon, even if I spent a millenia in this body, I'm still a teenager.

So what does a teenager do when he has nothing to do? Walk around.

As I was walking, I noticed that my 'staff' is a little low, and because I'm a literal king and that I can do whatever I want in my territory, I spent my time making an army, well for fun at least, there wasn't really any war in Equestria but just to be sure, because I know for a fact, that when there's sentient beings, and that there's multiple group or nation of them, there's always a chance for a war, no matter the time or the place they are. And that if there's a human, or at least, a being that has it's mentality, then war is sure to break, because I know for a fact, that on our poor little planet, there are billions of them, and that they can't even wait a century for a war to break, like literally, there's a war in every century of existence of humans.

Anyways, while I was looking around, I saw some mernos, a pterodactyl, but monster hunter sauced. I saw some dead girros with a perfectly unscratched great girros... Wait what? Girros? Dude I'm so lucky. Let me explain what are Girros, Girros are like jagras, "little" crawling lizard, but unlike them, they are black with yellow stripes and have a cobra head. And because they have a cobra head, that means paralysis, so that means I can now have my own squad of assassins. So OP. (I bet you missed it don't you?).

"Welp girros, how's it going?" I asked the walking dead corpse of a cobra head with a lizard body.

"Master, we only live to serve you" The Alpha said while doing what looks like a bow, at least it was male because if I had two Ana, then rip me.

"Yes, for now, you will patrol the area, if anything that isn't a sentient being approach the lair, kill them, if they are a sentient being, ask for their identity, if they refuse to, neutralize them and report to me, do not kill them, if they say their identity, then come to me, I will take care of them." I ordered, he nodded and went with his pack on patrol. While I had little girl and Jho patrolling, it was to annihilate any threats, and they hit it off pretty good those two, so I made them team up for the patrol.

Now, I need an army, but what kind of army? I was thinking about a Deviljho army, but that's too OP and pretty much impossible, I could make the army from the dead corpses around, but they are too damaged to even be called a corpse. what to do, hmm. I know what to have for a trump card, the Vale itself. Let me remind you people that the Vale is made of a literal skeleton, and this skeleton is the skeleton of, Dara Amadyura, or for short, Dalamadur, and for those who don't know, that's the biggest boy in the Monster Hunter series, and it's a dragon/anaconda. So a big snake, a really really big and powerful snake, which got him many titles, like 'mountain eater', his name literally means Armored Tower.

Anyways that's for the trump card, now for the army, it needs to have a General, Sergeants, Captains, Lieutenants and Soldiers. I may need Amirals too, maybe, if we end up battling in Seaquestria, maybe. Or even an air force.

Stop! Slow down! Your not in Call of Duty my boy! Your in MLP!

"Hmm, I guess I should go with the corpses then, there's not much thing and now I'm too lazy to search for members. Great! I'm bored and now I'm lazy! I'll go sleep." I said, but then I stopped when I saw something that only happens in comic books.

"Oh? Well well well, if it isn't the perfect generals I need." I said while looking at the corpses of three fellow Elder Dragons.
Ceadeus, a big whale with horns and the head of stingray and a beard. Amatsumagatsuchi, or Amatsu, the freaking incarnation of a Storm, doesn't look like anything that exists on earth sadly, and finally, Zorah Magdaros, well, I don't know how its corpse got here or how I didn't even notice it was here, I mean, I guess it was hard to know because its shell literally made the walls of the Vale, I just shrugged it of being a little volcanic activity in the lair but the freaking Zorah Magdaros was the reason lava keep spilling out of the walls? The hell?

Anyways, I got my three generals, where the latter is a little stuck but can get away without making the Vale collapse on itself thanks to the skeleton of Dalamadur, and where the former is without water, I mean, it's a big whale, and I don't know if the lake of acid could fit him in, I don't know, maybe because it's a pretty big underwater cave last time I checked the Lake, so it should be fine.

"So, um, I don't know about Zorah and Ceadeus, but, how's it going my three generals?" I asked to the weird looking thing in front of me, unlike the other 'possessed' monsters, it seems like Elder Dragons doesn't show any signs of miasma or fungus, good to know.

"Hello Master, I am fine, but it seems my colleagues aren't." Amatsu replied, because it's the literal embodiment of a Storm, it was floating in mid air with visible wind flying around him, it was like me with the miasma flowing all around my body, but his were graceful.

"Yes I know, can I please ask you to move Cea in the lake over here?" I said while pointing at my usual bathtub, which was a lake of acid.

"Of course Master." He said while lifting Cea with winds and going towards the lake. Now that that's done, what do I do with Zorah? I can order him to get out of the cave, but it would make a massive earthquake, I'm not worried about the Vale, I'm more worried about the ponies near the Forest. I then ordered a bit of miasma to go tell Twilight and Celestia to be prepared for an earthquake, well, it can't talk so I just made it so that when it came into contact with the targets, it transfers the memory of me telling them to watch out for an earthquake. Yeah, OP.

Now I just need to wait for a reply.

Third Person's POV

While Jhon was waiting and talking with his new companions, the miasma made its way to Twilight and divided itself so that another part of miasma went to Celestia.

Twilight, upon seeing the miasma coming in her way throught the window, she jumped in excitement.

"Oh! It's him it's him!" She exclaimed while jumping around, but then she stopped when she saw the miasma stop in front of her, then it touched her forehead, and then she started to hear a voice.

"Twilight, prepare yourself and the ponies for an earthquake. Tell the miasma when your finished with the preparations" I heard, I recognise the voice of Jhon because only him can make it sound like a growl and a whistle at the same time. She was still frustrated that she couldn't understand how the communication through miasma worked, but she wasn't the type to abandon.

Letting the info sink in, her eyes went wide open.

"An earthquake?! I need to tell the girls and the Princess immediately!" She exclaimed while starting to wake up Spike, but then she heard Jhon again.

"And also, don't worry, I already told Princess Celestia." He said, she was a little mad that he got to tell Celestia before her. She then proceeded to go and re-group her friends.

Meanwhile, Princess Celestia, started to see an odd looking cloud outside her castle, she just finished a boring audience with the whinny nobles complaining about not having more profits than the commoners. After looking a little closer, she recognise the cloud to be miasma, and she remembered Jhon telling them that a cloud of miasma is sign of communication. She smiled and nearly jumped in excitement, just like Twilight, but she was still in the throne room with countless guards around every corner of the palace, so she stood still.

"I will end the day court early, there's something I need to do." She said to her secretary, who nodded and proceeded to tell the rest of the staff that day court is over. Celestia went to her room and waited the miasma to come, she then saw it enter through the window and started to approach her.

"Now then, what does he need now?" She asked the miasma, it just flew towards her and touched her forehead.

"Celestia, prepare yourself and the ponies for an earthquake, I would like you to go to Ponyville and help the girls preparing as soon as you finished the preparations in Canterlot, and take Luna with you, I will show you something. Tell the miasma when you're finished." She heard in her head, she was then lost in thoughts. 'An earthquake? What does he plan to do? She thought, then proceeded to prepare the city and tell Luna about it.

"Master, what are we waiting for?" Amatsu said while enjoying a bath with me and Cea.

"We're waiting for the ponies to be prepared for the earthquake that will happen when I'll get Zorah out." I said while taking a sip of the acid, it isn't that bad, you know, it's like coke.

"Master, I sensed females sent around the Vale, are they the sent of the ponies?" Cea asked out of the acid with a bit of jealousy in her voice. 'Oh no not this again. I thought, I knew that if I lied, I'll be blasted by unreal water pressured beam.

"Yes they are, they came here not long ago to visit our lair." I said, she seemed to pout, I only noticed that she was female when she talked.

"Hmm? Oh, okay, it's time to get Zorah out." I said while going out of the lake, they nodded.

"So, I just need to wake him up? Rip me because his pretty big, not as much as Dalamadur but he's a big boy." I said to myself while sending the miasma inside it's corpse, then, it started to move, the ground shook, and what I guessed was it's head turned to me.

"Master." It said while making an earthquake, he started to shake around, I guess he was trying to get the foreign minerals out.

Then, an earthquake that was felt around all of Equestria happened.

Changeling Kingdom...

"GUARDS! WHAT IS HAPPENING!" Chrysalis yelled as she felt an earthquake, collapsing parts of the hive's walls.

"My queen! A tremendous power made the earthquake!" The guards yelled back.

Normally, Chrysalis would smile at this mention of power, but she was no fool, she knew that the being who can make the earth shake this much cannot be controlled, so she just screamed in distress from the power sent through her hive.

Dragon Lands...

"Hmm?" questioned the Dragon Lord, he looked at his land, noticing the stressed dragons, as well as the erupting volcanoes scattered around the land, but unlike the countless times they erupted, this one time showed the fear of the earth, it's blood spilling out of the countless wounds sent by the earthquakes.

"The earth is crying, shaking from this mighty power." He said, fearful himself, of course he would be, who wouldn't be?


"What is happening Celestia?" Queen novo asked while looking at the surface from her deep kingdom. Even at this depth underwater, she still felt the earth shake.

"No, it isn't our business anymore." She said while turning to her peaceful kingdom.


"This isn't the kind of earthquake I was expecting." Celestia said trying to stay calm.

"THIS ISN'T AN EARTHQUAKE AT ALL!!! WHAT IS THIS!" Twilight exclaimed trying to stand up, but keeps falling everytime she managed to stand up.

Then, they all noticed something raise in the Forest, it looked like a mountain, a volcano, it was tall, maybe as tall as the mountain where Canterlot is, than, it folded, like it was standing up, but, there was a head in front of it, a big head, then it roared, and all started to shake in fear, the volcanoes from afar bursted, cracks widen the canyons of the worlds, then it stopped, and they all saw Jhon coming through the woods.

"I present you my new General, Zorah Magdaros!"

Author's Notes:

Here's the new chapter, sorry for the wait, I wanted to have the editor agree to well edit. Check him out too, he's Crimson Arrow

Next Chapter: Monster Estimated time remaining: 14 Minutes
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The Master of a Rotten Vale

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