
Raindrops' Wrap Up

by Arkensaw Pinkerton

Chapter 63

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Cloud Kicker's clearly pretty upset. Even if she can be kind of a tool she's a hard worker and you had no idea she had such an issue with you. You're going to have to go after her, you realise with a sinking stomach.

"Flitter, you're in the right place. Register the other ponies for cloud clearing as they come in, okay? I'll be back in five- maybe fifteen minutes."

You take off before Flitter can answer and head off in the general direction Cloud Kicker went. After a minute or so, you hear a faint noise from a little cumulus cloud that it takes you a moment to realise is somepony sobbing.

"Uh, Cloud Kicker? You in there?" you say tentatively.

"Go away! I'm not talking to you!" she shouts. Well, at least you've found her.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? I don't know how to talk to you properly. I wish I did because it would make this easier but I don't know how to do it. So will you just tell me what your problem is? Then we can do something about it and we can get on with our jobs, alright?"

"You're my problem!" she shouts. Sweet Celestia, she's being incredibly foalish.

"How am I your problem?" You shout back, trying and failing to keep your voice level. "You constantly give me a hard time and I don't put up with it! That's your problem, not mine!"

"I give you a hard time because- no! I do not want to talk to you about this! Leave me alone!"


"No! We're doing this now, one way or the other. Why do you give me a hard time?"

"Shut up, Dropsy! Go away!"

"Make me! Tell me the truth!" you shout, your voice cracking on the last word.

You've only just got time to register the grey blur coming from the cloud as Cloud Kicker before she lands a solid punch to your jaw and takes off again. You spin over completely and shake your head to clear it- she's shouting something about you not working as hard, you think, but it's difficult to tell through the sobs, her quick retreat, and the ringing in your ears. She knows you don't work by halves, though. Her shouting about you not working as hard as she does just doesn't make any sense.

This mare is being more trouble than she's worth. She's powered into the cumulonimbus layer- you know you can find her in there, there's no way she'll be silent enough to stay hidden, but you're starting to wonder whether she's worth it. She's punched you in the face and has abandoned her official duties- you could probably get her fired if you just leave her alone and go back to doing your job and then bring it up with the boss later.

The problem is, that feels like a Cloud Kicker sort of move. She's the political operator- you just want to get the job done. You know she's normally much more together than she's being right now- if you can find her and be calm this time and just talk, you might be able to patch things up with her.

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