
Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The Forbidden Symphony

by Rixizu

Chapter 6

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The Forbidden Symphony
Chapter 6
by Rixizu

“Come come, it isn’t far.” Rosedust flew above them doing loops when she pleased. The other flutter followed close behind giving them no room to escape. Daring tried flying away, but a flutter pony used her magic to freeze the adventurer in place. They carried her frozen form in their hooves. Fluttershy, Trail Blazer, and Vinyl walked in a dreamy expression, dopey smiles on their faces.

“You must slow down.” Greengrass wheezed, out of breath. “I’m not as young as I once was.” He rested against a tree.

Rosedust flew down facing him upside down grinning ear to ear. “Not for much longer, my love. We’ll be together forever and ever.”

Greengrass snorted but remained silent. Rosedust pouted in response.

“Why so glum?” She asked. “You’re getting everything a pony could ever want! Living forever in a perfect paradise! Isn’t it wonderful?” She broke into a song proclaiming the wonders of eternal life in Flutter Valley. The other flutter ponies joined her in song and dance.

Wouldn't it be nice to live forever?
Then you wouldn't ever have to go
And wouldn't it be nice to live together?
In Flutter Valley where we all belong
You know it's gonna make it that much better
When you can never die so we stay here forever
Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up
In the morning when the day is new
And after having spent the day together
Hold each other close the whole night through
Happy times together we've been spending
I wish that every pony was neverending
Wouldn't it be nice
Maybe if you drink from our pool of life it might come true
Ponies then there wouldn't be a single thing we couldn't do
We could be immortal
And then we'd be happy
Wouldn't it be nice
You know it seems the more we talk about it
It only makes it worse to live without it
But let's talk about it
Wouldn't it be nice

Greengrass was less than impressed. “It sounds boring if you ask me. I find struggle brings out the best in a pony. Ponies need hardship and pain to thrive and bloom.” He knew stagnation and idleness would kill him. The drive to achieve burned hot within him.

Rosedust and other flutter ponies stared at him in incomprehension. He might as well be speaking gibberish. The flutter ponies broke into uproarious laughter.

“You ponies have such strange ideas.” Rosedust wiped a tear from her eye. “Well, you’ll come to my way of thinking soon enough, my love.”

After thirty minutes at a backbreaking pace, they’d arrived at their destination. A waterfall roared above a tiny pond and the water was cleaner and bluer than Greengrass had ever seen. A simple stone walkway led towards the pond. On a pedestal was a metal cup made of copper. His earth pony instincts buzzed from the natural magic’s tremendous power. Life flowed from this pond in overwhelming abundance.

“Behold the fountain of youth!” Rosedust extended a hoof. “The lifeblood of Flutter Valley! In ancient times, naughty ponies fought bloody wars to obtain it. The temptation for eternal life is too powerful for mortals! We thought it best to create this pocket dimension with our magic to stop such foolishness.”

What power. This was magic well beyond any archmage unicorn or even the princesses. He’d need to be careful if he wanted to escape.

Rosedust laughed. “Not that it stopped some ponies. But come, it’s time to drink.” She pulled Greengrass towards the pond. Its fresh scent filled his nostrils. Something behind the waterfall caught his eye. It glinted in the sunlight a glossy black. If he squinted, he could see jewels depicting the planets on it.

“What is that?” Greengrass pointed toward the strange black device.

“Oh that? We call it the All Planet Driver.” Rosedust replied. “It’s our treasure. It helps us control this dimension. Holding it together is exhausting otherwise!”

Greengrass examined it assessing its worth. Something about the magical artifact called to him. He could sense its great power.

Rosedust grabbed Greengrass’s leg and snuggled in close. “Enough of that. Come, my love. I’m eager to see you young and virile again.”

Greengrass approached the spring and saw his reflection staring back. Fish unlike anything he’d ever seen swam around in it. Thiry scales shone in the sunlight with a brilliant rainbow color.

“Now, I’d be careful if I were you,” Rosedust said. “Drink too deeply, and you’ll deage yourself into a baby, or younger. A small sip only.”

Greengrass nodded fighting back his apprehension. He grunted, annoyed the mare hadn’t explained how much he should drink. He grabbed the cup and filled a third of it.

Here goes nothing. He drank deeply of it. A strange sensation filled him. It wasn’t painful, but it pulsed all over his body. He gasped as his hooves became young and pain left him. Greengrass’s back stood straighter and energy and youth filled him. The world became sharper and clearer as his senses were restored. His reflection revealed a pony fifty years younger, maybe a few years younger than he’d been before.

Excellent, it would be a hassle if I became a teenager.

Rosedust squealed. “I was so right, come here handsome.” She pulled him close and snuggled against him. “We’ll begin the wedding ceremony as soon as we’re home.” He tried pushing her away, but even his newfound youth failed him.

Vinyl was up next and thankfully Rosedust allowed Greengrass to draw Vinyl’s cup for her. He didn’t trust his ward’s current state of mind. He took great care to draw just enough water to return Vinyl to her true age. It warmed his heart to see his ward’s body regain its proper youth and she drank. His mission was finally complete. Vinyl stretched her hooves experimentally and broke into the widest grin.

“I’m back baby!” Vinyl spun around and did a little dance. Greengrass laughed as Vinyl threw herself into him with a big hug. Her joy was his and he joined her in her little dance. Daring watched them in bewilderment watching the infamous Duke Greengrass dance around like a fool, but he didn't care.

“Are you feeling better?” Greengrass said noting Vinyl was more like herself.

“Yeah, whatever weird magic mojo they used on me has vanished,” Vinyl whispered.

It must be the fountain’s magic. It gave him the foundations of a plan.

“Anypony else wish to try their luck?” Rosedust asked. “Darling Doo?”

“No, thanks,” Darling said backing away, “I’m fine the way I am.”

Rosedust smirked and shrugged. “You won’t feel that way in a few decades.” She examined Trail Blazer and Fluttershy. “I suppose you ponies don’t see too old yet. Very well. We’re done here.”

“To the wedding party!” The flutter ponies shouted.

Vinyl blinked. “Wedding Party?”

“Our fair Queen seems enchanted with the notion of marrying me,” Greengrass replied.

Vinyl snorted in amusement. “Come on. She’s not your type at all.”

“That’s what I said.”

Irritation filled Rosedust’s features. She turned red and her cheeks puffed out. “As if any mortal pony could match me. I am the fairest, most loving creature alive. Even Princess Luna looks like a toad compared to me. Could any stallion wish for anything greater?”

While Rosedust ranted, Greengrass crept up to Vinyl. “Could you hit that for me?” He pointed towards the All Planet Driver. The flutter ponies hadn’t bothered taking away her crossbow. A foalish mistake they would soon regret.

“Sure, why?”

“Forget the mortal world and its banal and boring trappings.” Rosedust roughly grabbed Greengrass’s leg. “This is your world now. We are your family. Trust me, you’ll love it. You’ll need nothing else. Come. There’s a wedding to attend.”

Greengrass winced as Rosedust pulled him away from the fountain. He waved to Vinyl with a hoof. Too distracted with the upcoming wedding, the flutter ponies paid her little attention. Vinyl saluted and nodded. With unbelievable quickness, she pulled out her crossbow and shot the All Planet Driver in a single motion. The flutter ponies cried out in surprise and some tried intervening, but it was too late and the bolt impacted the All Planet Driver breaking it off the wall. It fell collapsing into the pool below.

The world shifted around them spinning like a watercolor painting being splashed with water making the colors run. The wonderful, glorious blue sky melted before his eyes its vibrant colors turned dull and grey. Animals cried out in fear and worry.

“You foals, what have you done?!” Rosedust said. “You stupid hateful ponies. How dare you bring violence to our realm!” She winced with pain and sparkles flew from her wings. The other flutter ponies did the same faces twisting in exertion. He guessed they were using their powers to stop their pocket dimension from collapsing.

Not wasting any time, Greengrass grabbed the cup and filled it with water. He grabbed Fluttershy’s face and dripped a few drops into her mouth. Her eyes widened in surprise and crying out in fear as the dimension fell to pieces around them.

“What the hay is going on!” Fluttershy trembled behind her hooves. Thankfully, Greengrass was right about the spring’s water breaking the flutter pony’s control, and the small dose meant the mare was only a year or so younger. He threw the cup to Vinyl and she did the same to Trail Blazer.

“Fluttershy, what happened to you?!” Trail Blazer cried out when he got a good look at the mare.

“Um, what? Did something happen?” Fluttershy said in growing alarm.

“What’s happening?” Trail Blazer asked trembling with understandable terror.

“There’s no time. We need to escape.” Daring pulled out her whip and with a single crack grabbed the All Planet Driver from the Fountain of Youth.

“Good thinking,” Greengrass said, “that was my next suggestion.”

“Hey, you said I could have any treasure we found, right?”

“Hateful awful ponies, give that back!” Rosedust snarled. “Get them!” Some flutter ponies broke off to give chase. Most stayed trying to maintain their dimension. They strained from the effort.

“Let’s get out of here!” Trail Blazer said already running for his life.

“No!” With a bat of the flutter ponies’ wings they summoned a gale. Greengrass cried out in surprise as it blew him off his hooves and twenty hooves into the air.

I’ve bitten off more than I can chew this time. Greengrass’s heart rate quicken as the ground grew closer.

“I’ve got you!” Fluttershy rushed to his aid,grabbing him just before he hit the ground.

“You have my thanks.” Greengrass replied.

“No problem.” Fluttershy’s younger body huffed and strained to hold his weight.

“Phew, that was a close one.” Vinyl said. She rode on Daring’s back.

“I’m okay too!” Trail Blazer said on the ground. He had luckily avoided the gales.

“To the portal, quickly!” Greengrass pointed towards the portal. It wasn’t far only a half a mile away.

“I’ll try.” Fluttershy huffed, doing her best to fly them there. The rest followed behind.

“You’re not escaping!” Three flutter ponies flew above them summoning more gales.

Fluttershy screamed in terror as she swung herself away throwing Greengrass out of her hooves. He landed on some flowers crushing them to pieces. After rising back to his hooves, he darted towards the portal his youthful form giving more than enough strength to do so. He enjoyed the sensation of the wind beating against his face.

“Sorry!” Fluttershy said trying to regain her balance.

“Don’t worry about me, fly!” Greengrass jumped out of the way of another gale and he winced when a rock hit his head when the tremendous force tore up the flowers and dirt.

“Enough of that crap!” Vinyl shot her crossbow forcing the flutter ponies to interrupt their attack and dodge to safety. Daring used her whip and grabbed one by the hoof throwing it to the ground.

“I really need to work out more!” Fluttershy huffed as she flew next to Greengrass. She brightened as the portal came into view. The flutter ponies and Daring and Vinyl fought behind them. The gale wind tore apart the once wonderful garden and animals cried out in fear as it destroyed their homes.

“Oh no!” Fluttershy stopped and flew back helping some animals trapped by debris. They chattered their thanks and gave her a thankful hug.

“Fluttershy?” Greengrass pointed to the portal. They didn’t have time for heroics.

“Keeping going. I got this.” Fluttershy glared at the flutter ponies and fly towards them. A growl escaped her throat.

“Stop this right now!” Fluttershy’s voice interrupted the fight and both sides stared at her. “Look what you’re doing! You’ve terrified these poor little critters to death!” She pointed towards the animals in question. “You should be ashamed of yourself!”

“Look here pony, you…” One flutter pony said before Fluttershy interrupted her.

“No, you listen.” Fluttershy’s voice had an edge he’d never expected from the kindhearted mare and her eyes were terrifying. “I understand you have a problem with us, but that’s no reason these poor little guys should suffer for it!”

This must be how she subdued the Ursa Major. Fascinating.

The flutter ponies opened their mouths to argue, but Fluttershy’s glare stopped them in their tracks. They shrunk under her intense glare. “Sorry.”

“That’s better.” Fluttershy nodded like an approving parent satisfied their child had understood the lesson.”

“But, but, our All Planet Driver!” A flutter ponies spluttered. “We need it to stabilize our dimension.”

“Will you let us go if we return it?” Fluttershy asked.


“Daring, return this pony’s property.”

“But, but!” Daring Doo shrank under Fluttershy’s glare. “Fine.” She pulled the device out of her pack and returned it. It was obvious from her expression this action tore at her treasure hunting soul.

Fluttershy nodded in approval. “That’s better. It’s not nice taking something that doesn’t belong to you. I’m glad we could settle this without violence.”

It’s a shame we lost the All Planet Driver, but escaping in one piece is an acceptable tradeoff. Still, he stared at the device and something in his soul pulled him towards it. He couldn’t fight back the feeling it was significant somehow.

“And don’t come back!” A flutter pony shook her hoof at them as they exited the portal.

“The queen will not be happy losing her new consort.” Another flutter pony said.

The first one shrugged. “Not my problem. We got the All Planet Driver back safely at least. She can find another good-looking mortal.”

“That was tons of fun.” The third added. “I’m living off this story for centuries!” The Flutter ponies voices trailed off as the mortals walk back on the rainbow bridge glad they were free from the flutter ponies’ clutches.

“Thank Luna!” Fluttershy gave out a sigh of relief as they exited back into the real world. The doorway vanished behind them and the key dropped out the keyhole landing with a loud clang.

Daring kicked away a stone in annoyance. “All for nothing. I doubt it would be wise to print this adventure too.”

“Well, I’ll make sure you’re handsomely compensated for your troubles, professor,” Greengrass said, “I might need your services at a later date.”

Daring snorted. “Keep your money. I’m never working for you, Greengrass.”

“Oh, well.” Greengrass sighed dramatically. He figured she might say that, but it was worth a try. Daring Doo’s skills were formidable. Still, he would put her talents to good use at a later date, she just wouldn’t know it.

“Um, so why was my appearance so shocking?” Fluttershy touched her face terrified of what she might find. “I’m not sure what happened. One minute I was enjoying the best tea I’ve ever had, next I was running for my life!”

“Eh, it’s not bad.” Vinyl pulled out a hoof mirror and gave it to Fluttershy.

“My face!” Fluttershy exclaimed in shock.

“See, it isn’t so bad!” Vinyl beamed. “Think of it as a second chance.”

“My apologies,” Greengrass said, “I took more of the fountain than I expected, still consider what might have happened, returning to your teenage years isn’t the worst-case scenario.”

“Oh my, oh my!” Fluttershy examined her teenage face with growing anxiety.

“What about me?” Trail Blazer tensed and sighed in relief when Fluttershy gave him the mirror. “Not too bad! Ten years off at least. The misses won’t mind this. Still, it’s a little awkward that I’m only a few years older than my son.”

“Well, I guess it isn’t too bad,” Fluttershy said warming to her newfound youth, “I’m sure my animal friends won’t mind. Still, how the hay will I explain this to my parents?”

Greengrass felt sorry for the mare for the trouble he’d inadvertently caused. He promised to invest twice the amount he previously agreed to the Manehatten animal shelter he’d offered to build. The old shelter had fallen into disrepair after years of neglect and lack of interest. Fluttershy had been petitioning for funding to little success. She’d almost given up hope until he came around. He’d ensure the facility got the best staff possible with ponies who truly love animals like his pegasus friend.

“I’d recommend not mentioning the fountain to anypony.” Greengrass’s voice was firm and gave no room for arguments. “That fountain is dangerous in the wrong hooves. And it caused wars as Queen Rosedust said.” Not until Greengrass found a proper use of it, at least.

“Darn right.” Daring picked up the Key of Bimini and put it into her pack. “Nopony should know of this. This baby is disappearing where nopony can find it.”

“So, uh, what should we tell ponies about what happened to us?” Trail Blazer asked. Fluttershy and the stallion gave Greengrass expectant looks.

Greengrass gave this some thought. “Tell them, nothing. Say you’ve been exercising and taking vitamins.”

“Will that work?” Trail Blazer asked mystified.

“Ponies will ignore your condition soon enough. It will only be an oddity.” Greengrass replied. “Don’t give them a reason to be curious.”

“Okay.” Trail Blazer didn’t look convinced but would do as instructed.

“Well, I’d say it’s been a pleasure, but I’d be lying.” Daring walked towards the cave exit. “Never seek me out again Greengrass. I mean it.” She flew away after a stern glare. Greengrass chuckled in amusement.

“We best get going too,” Greengrass said, “I have a Gala to catch.”


“Hey, this isn’t too shabby.” Lyra looked upon her accomplishment beaming with pride. It’d been an ordeal writing such a piece from scratch, but ideas flowed into her unbidden. Music filled her dreams played by countless instruments in an orchestra unlike any other. Lyra got the strange impression the symphony wanted to be completed. But, that was crazy, right?

“I hope so, the Gala is tomorrow.” Trixie’s voice was full of apprehension.

“Now all I need to do is convince my teacher to play it…” Lyra’s voice trailed off.

Her teacher was so stubborn, but, hey! She had a work of art in her hooves. One look would totally, one hundred perfect, not capable of failing whatsoever, convince her teacher. It’d been a smart idea taking the very first train of the day. It would take some doing to turn Octavia to her side.

She glanced over to the clock and noticed she only had ten minutes until the train left, more than enough time if she hurried. She grabbed her saddlebags and levitated her work into a folder. Her dress was already in Canterlot, so she didn’t need to bring much with her. She yawned. She’d pulled another all-nighter. Hopefully, she’d get a nice nap at a hotel.

“Bye Bons, love you!” Lyra grabbing a piece of toast after giving her marefriend a kiss.

“Good luck!” Bon-Bon gave a smile that boosted Lyra’s spirit.

“You got this.” Trixie gave Lyra a hoof bump.

“Thanks.” Lyra smiled only to frown when Trixie grabbed a carton of OJ and drank out of it. Both Lyra and Bon-Bon glared at her.

“What? I’m drinking the whole thing.” Trixie replied innocently. She grabbed a piece of toast and buttered it with a knife. She grabbed some raspberry jam next and slathered a generous portion onto her toast.

Ugh, why can’t Trixie ever eat her own food? Though I suppose I owe her for pulling an all-nighter with me. I’d never completed the symphony without her illusions.

Lyra almost choked on her toast as she ran out the door. Ponies waved at her as she passed and she paused long enough to wave back. Few ponies were awake at this hour, but the usual suspects of Applejack and Carrot Top were getting ready to sell their wares. A blurry-eyed Apple Bloom was with the apple farmer wishing she was back in bed.

She smiled in triumph as the train station came into view. Three more minutes until the train left. Plenty of time. Lyra skidded to a halt. Something wasn’t right and she readied herself for whatever might come next. A chill went down her spine as wind whooshed past her back and she jumped away high into the air.

It was a good thing she did so for the pavement she had once occupied shattered into a million pieces. A split-seconds hesitation would have ended her life. Lyra landed on her back two hooves on a streetlight. The spiked ball that impacted the ground retreated and she got a good look at what attacked her.

The creature was bipedal, standing an imposing six hooves tall wearing metal armor which glinted in the early day sun as black as the night. Spikes were across both arms and it wore a knight’s helmet its eyes glowing an eerie red through two tiny slits. Both of its arms had two large spiked metal balls attached to them.

“Who are you?” Lyra demanded and the creature replied by destroying the street light she stood upon with one of the spiked balls. She jumped off and landed on the street. Ponies panicked and ran for any hiding spot they could find. The creature threw its other weapon at Lyra as she turned around with unbelievable speed, but Lyra already had her morpher out.

“It’s morphing time, Cygnus!” The ball was inches away from Lyra’s chest as she shouted this. Luckily, it only took .075 seconds for her armor to form preventing her from getting splattered into bloody chunks. It still hurt though, and sparks flew from her armor and she hissed in pain as it threw her aside. The creature retracted both with weapons.

“It’s morphing time, Scorpio!” The creature staggered as Carrot Top threw a jump kick into its back, but it didn’t seem even bothered by the attack. Carrot Top screamed as it spun and a spiked ball impacted her chest throwing her back. Lyra caught her in midair.

“What is that thing?” Carrot Top asked getting back to her hooves. “It’s tough.”

“I don’t know.” Lyra summoned her bow. “Cover me.” Carrot Top nodded, summoned her shield and charged while Lyra readied an arrow.

Author's Notes:

Thanks to Talon and Thorn for the song. I seriously don't know what I would do without him. Based off of Wouldn't It Be Nice by the Beach Boys.

Next Chapter: Chapter 7 Estimated time remaining: 56 Minutes
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