
Godzilla My Little Pony: Titans and Ponies

by lazejovanov

Chapter 1: The Titans

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The Titans

Twilight and her friends (Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Spike and Starlight Glimmer) are in highest tower of the Castle of Friendship, watching a meteor shower in the beautiful, star-filled night that Princess Luna casted over Equestria. This is a very rare opportunity, so there's no way they would miss this. They watched with awe and amazement as the meteors came and went like drops of rain.

"Would you look at that?" Twilight asks in astonishment.

"I know, right?" Spikes replies, hovering near her with his newfound wings.

"I bet I could fly up there with my Party Canon!" Pinkie Pie said with her usual bubbly smile.

"Yeah, I doubt that..." Rainbow Dash calmly mutters under her breath.

"Some day, I will try!" Pinkie announced with a determined smile.

But then, as the eight friends are admiring the meteors from the tower of their castle, they all noticed a bright white light (almost like a star) suddenly appear in the middle of the meteor shower, instantly catching everyone's attention. The eight friends turned their attention to the mysterious phenomenon just as it appeared.

"What the?!" Applejack looks in surprise.

"Is that a star, darling?" Rarity asks curiously.

"I don't think it is." The now-stunned Twilight answers as she looks at the phenomenon with widened eyes.

All of the sudden, the light condenses into a smaller size... before it inexplicably begins falling from the sky like a canon ball being dropped from a great height – leaving behind a trail of light particles as it fell. It wasn't long before the orb finally hit the ground, and upon impact, made a quick flash of near-blinding light on the ground where if landed. But surprisingly, it did not make any kind of sound. The eight friends are left speechless and amazed by what they just saw, their eyes are now widened with amazement and their mouths are hanging open to express their awe and shock on the outside.

Finally, after the event was all over, they could speak – albeit uneasily.

"What was that?!" Pinkie is the first to ask.

"I have no idea. Twilight?" Starlight asks as she turns to the Princess of Friendship, who has been looking through the window with widened, awe-filled eyes and without saying a word.

"I... I don't know." Twilight said. "But we better inform Princess Celestia and Princess Luna about it, though."

Her friends couldn't agree more. Considering that it was already extremely late at night, and all of them were already too tired and sleepy to go out and search for the mysterious object this late at night, sending a note to Celestia and Luna, and calling it a night is the best option, as they didn't have time to wait for the Princesses' reply.

"Yeah, whatever it was, it can wait." Applejack mutters.

The very next morning, Twilight and Spike woke up as the Sun was rised by Princess Celestia to start the day. But upon awakening, they are both taken by surprised when Spike suddenly burped out a letter from the Princess via his fire, mere moments after he woke up. Using her magic, Twilight telekinetically picks up the letter and begins reading it.

"It's from the Princesses." She said as she continues reading the letter.

"What does it say, Twilight?" Spike asks eagerly.

"They said that they saw it too!" A smile forms on Twilight's face (happy to know that they were not the only ones) as she continues reading further. "And not only that, but there have also been reports of some kind of blue light in the Everfree Forest, last night."

"Blue light?" Spike asks in confusion.

"Yes, it's unknown what made it or where it is now." Twilight said, finishing the letter. Before Spike could reply, Rarity suddenly bursts open the door with such speed and surprise, that it startles both Spike and Twilight on the spot.

"Twilight darling, you must come quickly!" The unicorn exclaims loudly and hysterically, something that is not too commonly seen in her

"Take it easy, Rarity. What's going on?" Twilight asks, very much confused, and a bit rattled from being startled like that.

"You won't believe this..." Rarity couldn't find the right words of what to say, but the look on her face was already saying something.

"What?" Twilight asks in confusion. "Just say it."

"A huge creature has just been spotted near Manehattan!" Rarity exclaimed loudly, and the tone in her voice was pretty clear.

Twilight and Spike look at her in surprise. A huge creature near Manehattan? They both know that Rarity isn't one to prank others or joke around too often, and the tone in her voice is also pretty compelling.

"What kind of a creature?" The young dragon couldn't help but ask.

"That's the thing, Spike." Rarity said. "Nopony knows what it is!"

Both Twilight and Spike look at each other, and at that very same moment, the exact same thought came into their heads; the bright light that they all saw last night... Could it somehow be connected to the said creature that Rarity spoke of?

"Twilight, do you think.." Spike begins as he looks at her.

"Possibly, though I'm not sure." Twilight declared. "But we're gonna find out." She said with a determined look. "Come on! We gotta catch the next train to Manehattan!"

With that, Twilight Sparkle, Spike and Rarity quickly exited the castle, and began outside racing to reach the next express train before it's too late. As they ran, they couldn't stop thinking about what this all could mean: Witnessing a strange light last night with no explenation, and now reports of a giant unknown creature being spotted in Manehattan? These odd coincidences seemed far too convenient to ignore, and there was no way Twilight especially would just ignore them.

The Crystal Empire

But Twilight and her friends are not the only ones to have a fair share of strangeness; in the Crystal Empire, an equally-bizarre phenomenon begins happening. A powerful thunderstorm mysteriously has mysteriously started forming over the Empire, despite the Crystal Heart currently being active (which should normally repel any hostile weather). Yellow-colored lightning bolts begin raining down and striking, coupled with loud thunder and howling winds, making the crystal inhabitants of the empire very worried.

Inside the castle, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor look through their window in surprise and confusion (and a little bit of concern) at the raging weather outside.

"I don't understand how this can be happening." Cadance said to herself with concern. "I thought the Crystal Heart was suppose to protect the Empire."

"Me neither, it's strange." Shining Armor said. "Should we tell Twilight about this?"

Just as Cadance opens her mouth to say something... A loud noise suddenly comes from outside, followed by an unusual high-pitched shriek that sounded unlike any known creature that they heard of.

"What was that?" Shining asks, looking surprised. For some reason, both he and Cadance felt the chill down their spines from hearing this shriek that sounded like a crazed laughter.

Farther North of the Crystal Empire, something begins emerging from beneath the layers of snow and ice – something big. The ice and snow start to break apart, and a gigantic tail slowly rises from the layers of snow. The tail itself was so gigantic, that despite being a mile away from the Crystal Empire itself, everypony within the empire that's outside could see it all too clearly.

"Something's wrong." Cadance said, noticing her panicking subjects. Their panics weren't something that the hostile storm could be causing. No, it has to be something else to make them this scared.

"I'll go outside and see what's happening." Shining Armor said before racing out the door to see what the problem is. After he left, Cadance couldn't help but worry - she didn't know why, but she begins having a very negative feeling all of the sudden, as if making her stomach turn.

"Shining, please be careful." She quietly murmured.

The gigantic tail that has just emerged now reveals several sharp feather-like spikes located on its tip, which spread and open like a fan, before the end of the tail begins shaking and producing a rattling sound similar to that of a rattlesnake.


Meanwhile, Shining Armor has just arrived in the middle of the crowd, accompanied by several Royal Guards, to witness the unknown creature's tail lifting itself in the air and rattling. But the worst part is yet to come...

As soon as the giant tail finished its rattling, something else emerges from the snow... and that something is the head of an equally-gigantic dragon with an absurdly long snake-like neck! And it wasn't alone, as soon as it emerged from the snow and shook its head, another 'dragon' with the same size and neck-length also emerges from the snow - and just as it seemed to be over, a third 'dragon' emerges and joins the other two. However, the last one is noticeably slightly larger and with a slightly longer neck than the other two 'dragon'. Along with its slightly larger size, the last 'dragon' also has two rows of spikes running down its long neck, while the previous two have only one row apiece.

Aside from that, the three 'dragons' looked basically the same; each of them were covered in golden-scales and each had five horns running down the sides of their heads.

Shining Armor, the Royal Guards and the Crystal Empire inhabitants all look at the three 'dragons' in shock and disbelief, both at the fact that they are present here, and more importantly, how massive they all are. Each of them completely towered over the inhabitants and most of the buildings in the Crystal Empire, far bigger than any dragon any of them had seen before.

"What are those dragons doing here?" Shining Armor asks himself as he looks in shock at the three gigantic 'dragons' that now stood like three raised cobras. But at the same time, he and everyone couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as they looked at the three 'dragons' - for some reason, these three 'dragons' had a very murderous and demonic vibe to them.

However, his and everyone else's horrified faces are about the be increased significantly when the creature begins emerging completely from the snow. The snow around the 'dragons' begins breaking apart, before two enormous wings emerge from it, and spread. At first it was a question of which dragon these wings belonged to... But the jaw-dropping truth is soon revealed when the creature fully-emerges from the snow and ice. Much to everyone's increased horror and disbelief, it wasn't three separate dragons that were under the ice like everypony thought... But shockingly enough, it was actually a single dragon with three heads and two tails that now begins emerging from the snow!

For the ponies of the Crystal Empire, this has now become a literal nightmare. The fact alone that they are gazing at a monstrous dragon with an unbelievable size is terrifying enough, but the fact that it also has three heads attached to one body simply put more fuel to their already-terrified faces. Shining Armor could say nothing but look at the gigantic three-headed dragon in the distance with sheer horror and disbelief. This dragon is so gigantic that almost everypony in the Crystal Empire can see it all too clearly, despite being at least a mile away from the empire itself.

The head in the middle opens its eyes and looks around. "Where the hell are we?" He asks with a very deep and terrifying voice before turning to his side heads.

"I don't know, brother." The head on the right says with a somewhat-less threatening voice. "It appears to be Earth, oddly enough."

The middle head narrows his eyes. "But we were in the ocean fighting-" Then it hit him as his eyes widen in shock "Godzilla!" He exclaims and all three heads immediately start turning and looking around for their nemesis, but found no sign of him.

"I can't sense him nearby." The right head says quietly while cautiously looking around. "Perhaps he is dead?"

"Perhaps..." The middle heads says. "But we can't take any chances."

"Brothers, look!" The head on the left suddenly shouts (his voice even lighter than the right head's) and points at the Crystal Empire in front of them, which the middle and right heads did not notice earlier.

"Is that a human city?" The middle head asks, slightly intrigued.

"It appears so, brother." The right head confirms, also looking at the empire with interest.

"Maybe there are humans there to destroy!" The left head says with an excited grin, similar to the reaction of when a young child gets new toys on Christmas.

"You idiot! We need to figure out where we are first." The middle head snaps at the left one.

"This city seems to be made of crystals." The right head says, studying the Crystal Empire. "Perhaps we should visit it?"

The middle head nods. "I agree, it should give us at least some information on this place." At this point, the middle head gets a sinister smile on his face. "And when we do, we will terraform this world into our own!"


The Mane Six, Spike and Starlight had finally arrived in Manehattan, to find the creature that they all heard about, in person and up-close. But by the time they got to the city, the eight friends are shocked beyond belief at what they see in front of them. The ocean waters that surround Manehattan and separate it from the Equestrian mainland, now look like a flooded rainforest. Literally! There are trees and all kinds of other plants that are normally found in a lush jungle, suddenly sprouting and growing from the ocean waters without any explanation!

"Well, this is something new." Rainbow Dash mutters calmly, but still shocked and awed by the unexpected 'surprise'.

"How did this happen?" Starlight asks a nearby pony.

"We don't know. The giant creature came here last night, and next thing we know, a jungle is growing out of the water this morning." The earth pony mare said.

"So, where is this creature, anyway?" Applejack asks.

Just as the earth pony asks that, bubbles begin forming on the surface of the water among a few trees, and before anyone could say anything or properly react, the surface of the water breaks, and a gigantic beast of unbelievable proportions emerges, destroying a few of the trees! Everyone gasps in horror and shock as they look up at the towering behemoth that has now partly emerged from the water. Its size alone is already jaw-dropping enough, as it blocked the view of the Sun and its shadow completely engulfed the terrified pony crowd that was near the edge of the water.

In terms of appearance alone, this creature looked somewhat like a dragon than anything else – and while it lacked wings, it had a muscular build that would make Tirek (when he was at his most powerful form) jealous. Its scales were a charcoal grey color and similar to a crocodile's, while the upper part of its body was somewhat like a bear's when standing upright. On its back resided many maple leaf-shaped dorsal spines, and its face, while terrifying at first glance, actually seemed quite noble and benevolent when one looked at it more closely.

The creature looks down, and immediately notices the pony crowd standing before him, no doubt terrified of him. With a small grunt, he leans down closer to them, and looks at them eye-to-eye, much to their increasing anxiety and fear.

Most of the ponies are now too terrified to even speak or talk to each other in any way, but they didn't need to...

"Who are you?" The creature suddenly spoke, much to everyone's surprise, with a very deep but somewhat benevolent-sounding voice. Everypony is now at a loss for words at what they all had just heard. But Twilight manages to regain her strength to finally speak.

"Y-You can talk?" She asks, her voice now filled with more amazement and curiosity than fear as she looks up the behemoth's face.

"Indeed, I can. Though I'm surprised you can also understand me." The creature replied, sounding somewhat surprised himself.

Crystal Empire

Back at the Crystal Empire, the thunderstorm that mysteriously formed over the kingdom is still raging on, and the equally-mysterious (but far more terrifying) three-headed dragon that has emerged from the snow near the empire, is now making his towards it. Unlike most dragons, this one only had two legs and two wings, with no other forelimbs. So instead, he folded his wings and proceeded to walk on all-fours, in a similar manner to a bat. The crystal ponies begin panicking and running like crazy at sight of the approaching three-headed beast, who is now almost within the borders of the Crystal Empire. Shining Armor and a few Royal Guards continue to stand their ground, which at this point Princess Cadance has also raced outside.

"What's happening?!" A worried Cadance asks Shining Armor as she approaches him. Instead of responding with words, her husband suddenly looks up, and fearfully points behind her with his hoof. The moment the Princess turns around to where her husband is pointing at, she too is greeted by the horrifying sight...

The three-headed dragon has finally made his way to the Crystal Empire's borders, and is now within the empire itself! Upon arriving, the dragon uncaringly crushes several crystal houses with his taloned feet and wings, while terrified crystal ponies struggle to escape from his path. All three heads are looking down at the terrified populace with similar expressions of interest, apparently not expecting this.

"Well... This is interesting." The middle head says, looking at the equines with interest.

"No kidding..." The right head mutters, also intrigued by the equines.

As they stop to look around, the left head leans down near the ground, to get a better look at two ponies that were standing in front of them - which were Shining Armor and Princess Cadance themselves. "Ohhhh~... they look kind of cute." The left head coos with a childish smile..

"Um... Thank you?..." Cadance finally spoke to the left head, albeit with an uneasy tone.

This quickly prompts the other two heads to turn their attention to them, and the left head to lift itself up, and look at them with astonishment.

"You can understand us?" The middle head asks in surprise, rising an eyebrow.

"Umm... Yes, yes we can." Cadance responds, still uneasily, while Shining stands by her side and watches.

"Well, that's surprising." The right head mutters.

"I'll say!" The left head comments, making the right head roll his eyes and sigh.

Ignoring the left head's comment, the middle head clears his throat. "Where are we?" He asks, though his voice sounded more like he's demanding.

"Umm... you're in the Crystal Empire." Shining Armor responded, also uneasily.

"I meant what planet this is?" The middle head corrects himself, sounding slightly more impatient.

Both Shining Armor and Princess Cadance look at the three-headed dragon is surprise. Planet? Meaning that he is not even from this world? If so, then that would explain the three heads and two tails of this unusual dragon.

"You're in Equestria." Cadance finally answers.

"Equestria?" The right head rises an eyebrow.

"Sounds like a fitting name." The left head says jokingly with a small chuckle. Annoyed, the middle head turns and angrily bites one of the left head's horns. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Shut up!" The middle head growls fiercely before turning back to the two ponies. "So, you're saying this is not Earth?"

"No," Cadance confirms, now looking a bit more confused. "I'm not sure what you even mean by that, honestly."

The three heads turn to each other, pondering on what to do. "So what do we do now, brother?" The right head asks the middle one.

"Well, obviously we first need to take a look around this 'Equestria', and see how we can begin the process of terraforming it." The middle head said.

This, however, did not go unheard by the ponies below. "Wait. What do you mean by 'terreforming'?" Cadance asks, getting a negative feeling from hearing this.

The three heads turn to them once again. "We mean we're gonna transform your world into something that's more preferable for ourselves." The right head answers casually.

"It's nothing personal. It's just business." The left head says with a cheerful smile, as if nothing they just said is wrong.

Upon hearing this, Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, and pretty much everypony else, look at the three-headed titan with horror and shock at what they just said. "Why? What's wrong with Equestria as it is?" Cadance suddenly asks.

"And what gives you the right to change Equestria into whatever you feel like?" Shining Armor suddenly said with a challenging tone.

But the three heads (particularly the middle and right ones) simply smile at them. "Well, there's no reason why we can't do that, seeing as there's nothing here stopping us from doing it." The middle head responds with a rather malicious smile. The flat out truth is finally revealed; this three-headed dragon is definitely a threat and an enemy to Equestria, just as many crystal ponies feared it would be when they first saw it emerging.

"We're not gonna let you do that!" Cadance declares as she steps up to him.

But in response to her bravery, the three heads simply laugh in amusement. "Hahahahaha! As if you, or anyone else, can stop us! But if you want to try and do so, you're more than welcome to try..." The middle head challenged with a malicious grin that would give Sombra chill to his spine.

"Why are we even wasting our time talking to them? Let's just vaporize them and be done with it." The right head says casually and uncaringly, causing the ponies to gasp in horror.

"Excellent idea, brother." The middle head grins sadistically as the right head's suggestion.

"Do we have to? I mean, they do look pretty cute-" The left head is quickly silenced when the middle head turns and gives him a very angry-looking death glare. "Um... forget what I said."

With that, the three heads raised like cobras, and the underside of their three necks begin glowing with a yellowish light. But at the very last second (as if on instinct) Princess Cadance immediately realizes the incoming danger, and with a quick flash from her horn, shecauses herself and Shining Armor to disappear from the spot... Right before the three heads unleash their yellow-colored lightning bolt-like beams from their mouths! The three golden beams all strike the spot where Cadance and Shining Armor were standing on with devastating ferocity... Only to later find no burned bodies or remains of any kind after finishing their attack.

"What the?!" The middle head exclaims in surprise and leans down to expect the spot where they struck.

"How did they do that?" The right head asks with a mix of anger and shock.

"Or were they ever there to begin with..." The left head ominously said, only to receive annoyed and irritated looks from both the middle and right heads.


Meanwhile, Cadance and Shining Armor re-appear within the hallway of their castle after narrowly escaping the attack of the three-headed dragon. "That was close." Shining Armor said, taking a sigh of relief. "And... did he breathe lightning?"

"I know." Cadance confirmed. "We have to report this to Twilight, and fast!" Quickly, she and Shining begin racing to the nearby room where the letters are located.

Outside, the three-headed behemoth is still looking confused at what just happened. "Damn it! Those little pests got away from us!" The right head growls angrily.

"It doesn't matter," The middle head says calmly. "After we're done with this world, they'll have no place to hide. Come, let's not waste time and let's get started."

With that, the dragon stands up on his hind legs, opens his two enormous wings, and with a single flap from them, takes to the sky in mere seconds! But the three-headed dragon suddenly stops and hovers directly above the Crystal Empire, flapping his wings to stay airborne.

"But before we leave, let's give this place a little 'gift' to remember us." The middle head says with a sadistic smile.

Their three necks start glowing with yellowish color again, and unleash their electrical beams down at the Crystal Empire! The three beams all strike in different directions, destroying many crystal houses and other structures mercilessly, causing terrified crystal ponies to flee for their lives screaming! After finishing their attack, the three heads look down to see the destruction they caused with sadistic glee.

"Haha! That was fun!" The left head grins excitedly.

"Indeed. This world will soon know and fear the name... King Ghidorah!" The middle head says with sinister smile.


"This is not Earth?" The creature that is currently residing near Manehattan asks in surprise.

Twilight and her friends had just finished explaining to the creature of where he currently is, much to his own surprise and confusion. The fear and anxiety of his presence overall has subsided via their conversation. Even Fluttershy (who is normally extremely terrified of such creatures) is surprisingly calm around this gigantic beast that would even give Torch (the previous Dragon Lord) a run for his money.

"No... Sir." Twilight answers him. "Now, if you don't mind, can you tell me who and what you are?" She asks with a curious smile.

The creature rises an eyebrow of surprise before sighing. "My name is Godzilla, and as for what I am... I suppose you can call me a Titan." The creature, now named 'Godzilla', answers.

"A Titan?" Pinkie Pie asks. "So are you're like a giant creature from another world that came here by accident while fighting another giant creature in your world?" She asks the surprisingly-correct-and-accurate answer.

A shocked Godzilla looks at the pink pony with dumbfounded look. "How could you possibly know all that?"

"Lucky guess?" Pinkie responds with a simple grin.

"Don't mind her. She's always like that... Well, some times." Applejack informs him.

"I... see..." Godzilla mutters, still very much shocked.

All of the sudden, the sunny sky over the city begins to darken, and unstable clouds start forming over the city of Manehattan, completely blocking out the Sun, which were also accompanied by loud thunder, vicious lightning strikes, and powerful winds blowing.

"Hey! What's going on? Where did this storm come from?" Rainbow Dash asks in surprise. Indeed, the ponies immediately notice the mysterious thunderstorm that has just formed.

"I don't know, it's suppose to be sunny today." Fluttershy says.

While the ponies ponder about this, Godzilla gets a very serious look on his face and narrows his eyes at the stormy weather, something that did not go unnoticed by Twilight and her friends.

"Do you know what this is?" Twilight asks him.

"Unfortunately, yes." Godzilla said while looking up at the thunderstorm with a concerned (and somewhat angry) look. "It seems he also came here."

Before the Princess of Friendship could ask on who Godzilla was referring to, Spike suddenly burps out a letter via his magical fire. "Didn't see that coming." The young dragon mutters.

Upon taking and unfolding the letter, Twilight becomes shocked to discover of what she read. "It's from Cadance and Shining Armor! The Crystal Empire has been attacked..." She halts as she reads further, and becomes surprised by what she reads next. "...By a dragon with three heads?"

"A dragon with three heads?" Spike asks in confusion, also finding this a little odd. "Are you sure she didn't say 'hydra' or something else?"

The moment Twilight mentioned the last part, Godzilla immediately leans close to her, starling her slightly. "Did you say a dragon with three heads?" He asks.

"Um, yes." Twilight answers somewhat nervously. "You know him?"

Godzilla's face turns into a look of pure anger and hate. "I do." He says with disdain. "He is the one causing this storm, and will destroy this world if he is not stopped."

Twilight, her friends, and everypone around them all look at Godzilla with shock and disbelief at what he just said. "Is it really that bad?" Starlight asks, unsure what to think of this.

"You have no idea..." Godzilla answers grimly.

Author's Note

As I said, this story won't be very long, it will be most likely 2 or 3 chapters.

FunFact: Michael Dougherty (the director of 'G:KOTM') gave each of King Ghidorah's heads names: The middle head is named Ichi, the right head is named Ni, and the left head is named San (but he is also called Kevin)

Next Chapter: Author's Note Estimated time remaining: 1 Minutes
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