
I'm Not Proud Of My Special Talent

by ABagOVicodin

Chapter 3: Distractions

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I rushed through the archway into the spa and I panted as I looked around the room. I sat down on a nearby sofa, allowing my legs to dangle while I placed the three books on the other side. A light blue mare with a white headband on her head, a pink mane, and beautiful blue hues was staring at me, since it looked like I had stolen those three books and was running from whoever wanted to chase me. She looked somewhat worried about me, and she moved out from the counter and her paper shuffling duty, and met me near the couch. “Hello there little one.” she said.

I felt somewhat insulted that I was at the least a teenager and at the most a mare, but I was still being treated like a filly. “Hello.” I responded, but didn't meet her gaze. I instead looked towards the books on my lap, and opened the pages to the table of contents.

Lotus blinked a few times, and after she looked over the titles of my two books, she took a step back. “Are you here because you need to relieve stress?” she asked. Unfortunately I did not hear all of the sentence, since my eyes were focusing on getting to the right page, but I did hear “stress” and nodded my head. Lotus smiled and softly pulled me onto my hooves. “Well if you need to be relaxed and stress free, I can help you with that.” she said, as she moved over to her clipboard. “For a small fee, we can take you in the back for a massage, and I promise you that when you come out, you will be free of stress.”

I looked up from my book when the blue mare started to talk, but frowned slightly when she said that a small fee would have to be applied for me to have a massage. I didn't have any money, and there was no chance that my parents would give me some. I didn't want to inconvenience them just so that I could feel less stressed, but if it was research for her special talent, they might agree. My head shook no, and realized that I wasn't internally doing so. Lotus kept her smile however. “I don't have any money.” I responded.

Lotus moved over to her clipboard on the other side of the counter, and she then looked back at me. “Well let's see. We don't have an appointment scheduled for another hour and a half. I can give you a half hour massage for free.” she said.

I was extremely elated when she brought up that offer, but the doubts in the back of my mind were starting to eat away at me. What if my mind were to wander while this massage was being given to me? Lotus was very beautiful, her eyes, that mane, and the makeup behind her eyes only made her more beautiful when she hid her hues in a blink. My teenage mind, the fantasy world of innocence and unknown desires was flaring up, but I nodded my head anyway. “I would love that. Thank you, Lotus.” I responded, reading off the name tag that she stuck to the band around her neck.

She placed her hoof onto my back, and picked up my books with her other hoof. “I don't want you to have any thing with you when you are getting this massage. It is going to be half as long as our usual massages, so I am going to skip the mud bath and steam room.” she said. I nodded my head, even though I had no idea what she was talking about.

Lotus brought me into a large room, and I was blown away by the beauty. Another pink mare was busy massaging away the tension of a white mare, who kept looking towards the door every now and again. She must be waiting for her friend. Although for once, the beauty of the room was able to keep my eyes away from the beauty of a mare's body. The room carried eight massage tables, that were placed in a half arch. Although the design of the tables made them look more like beds. Three side tables were placed three feet away from the beds, so that the masseuses could move around freely without bumping into things. One table held towels, and from their discoloration I could guess that they were wet or at least moist. Another table held bottles of liquid that I couldn't guess, due to a lack of labels. And the last table held four red pillows with golden fabric edges. Behind the beds was a mirror, and a vase with a beautiful potted plant sat to the right of each mirror. Whoever designed this room was a genius, I could already feel the panic leaking through my fur.

Lotus let go of my hoof and walked over to a bed in the corner of the room, probably to avoid disturbing the other mare who was getting a massage. She motioned for me to lay down on the bed, and I hesitated, before nodding and moving up. It felt soft, like the fabric was moving to the shape of my hooves. The inner half arch of my hoof was being cushioned by the other part of the fabric that moved up and rested, like a comfortable shoe. I climbed completely onto the bed, and laid my head down, placing my front hooves in front of me and my back hooves behind me, while Lotus moved around the bed. She softly pulled my front hooves in alternate directions, motioning for me to cross them, and I did before she placed a hot and wet towel over my back. I let out a gasp and closed my eyes. This towel was probably too hot for me, but I was not going to complain. This was all free, and it would probably help me learn more about stress if I analytically took in everything that Lotus did to me.

If only it was that easy. Lotus' hooves moved over my frame, as she tried to guess where she should start. She grabbed one of the bottles on the table, and squeezed a small amount onto her front hooves, since I wasn't an adult. I wouldn't need as much attention. I could smell the fragrance of the oils, although the name escaped me. Whatever it was, my mind was moving slower, and whatever this feeling was, I liked it. Then I felt it, her hooves slowly pushing against my back hooves, and as much as I wanted to let out some sort of sound to tell her that this felt amazing, something was telling me that this feeling of nirvana would leave me if I made a noise. So I didn't. Both of her front hooves were at work, as she softly picked up my hoof, lightly pushed against it to feel for any kind of tense muscles, and pushed against the indentation. There was a small amount of dirt on my back hooves from running down the road, but Lotus didn't seem to care.

She softly started to work the oil into the indentation of my lower right hoof, as she pushed and prodded, making sure to be extra careful with the pressure since I was younger then most of the ones who asked for their services. My feet didn't hurt from running, but apparently they did as Lotus continued her work. It felt like the tension was moving from its hiding spot, and was caught right in my muscles. The tension was caught red handed, as Lotus massaged it all away. I almost drooled as her hooves moved up and down my leg, eliminating all of the tension that hid within my muscle fibers. As she placed my leg back down on the bed, and took up my other one, it took all of my willpower to stay awake. I could feel her eyes staring down at my body, as she scanned my body for any kind of stress or abnormalities. She was adept at multitasking, as more gel was applied to my left hoof and leg, and slowly massaged into my fur.

Lotus moved her hooves to both sides of my flank, and with another application of the gel, I was once again lost to the feeling of relaxation. Twenty five minutes later, Lotus had moved back from the bed, and smiled as she moved over to wash her hooves. “There we go, please lay there for a moment.” she said.

Nothing was going to stop me from doing so, I had never felt this relaxed in my life. “Thank you, Lotus.” I responded, my eyes opening. I looked behind me to catch a glimpse at Lotus' flank, and the innocence of my mind had once again started to bug me. My curiosity over stress was stronger however, which prompted my next questions. “Lotus, what is stress?” I asked.

The blue mare smiled as she wiped off her hooves on the towel that was used to heat up my back, before lightly pulling it off of me. “Stress is the feeling that you get when you aren't well.” she responded. “It is a build up of feelings, usually bad ones, that cause a pony to not feel comfortable or happy.”

I nodded my head gently. The clarification of stress had made a lot of questions start to answer themselves in my mind. My parents named me Stress Relief because their worries and anxieties had disappeared when I was born. My classes and Ms. Cheerilee were more relaxed because of me, at least, when I was a filly. But, what did stress have to do with the actions that I did last night? It certainly felt like my stress had disappeared when my hooves were pushing against my sheets and my chest was being thrust to the ceiling. Perhaps there were multiple ways of getting rid of stress. Lotus was the ticket to learning more about my special talent.

I moved off of the bed, back onto my hooves and I stumbled a small amount, placing my front hoof on the bed to balance myself. “Lotus, I want to learn more about stress.” I told her, and she looked surprised from my statement.

No one had ever asked her about her job before, they just enjoyed it, and left when their time was up. She didn't want to deny me, but I could tell that her time was wearing thin, since the clipboard had a large amount of appointments scheduled for today. “How about this.” She said as she started to walk out of the room. I followed, levitating my books behind me. “If you really want to learn about stress, then come down here on Fridays, at 4:00 in the afternoon. I will teach you all that I know about stress and how to get rid of it.”

I could almost fly home with the excitement that I felt. “Thank you so much Lotus!” I said, as I hugged the blue mare. She hugged me back with her front hoof, before I placed the books underneath the sofa in the appointment room. “I'll be back for those.” I told her before running home. Every step that I took, every movement of my muscles felt more loose and tender then I had ever experienced. Wonder filled up my mind, questioning if I could run forever, since it felt this good. I laid down in my bed that evening, and was too excited about my special talent to spend the night with myself. I completely forgot about the fact that a hoof between my legs was what caused me to get my cutie mark, not a massage. I was distracted for the time being.

Next Chapter: Practice Estimated time remaining: 35 Minutes
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