
My Little Pony: The Life and Times of Forestsong

by Valtyrian

Chapter 2: Chapter 1 - A Raging Storm, A Family’s Final Goodnight

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= 10,000 years before the founding of Equestria =

High atop the mountains just north of what would later become Winsome Falls. Kazumi, also known by her clan name Stormsong, stood at the precipice of the highest peak as a storm raged all around her, a storm that she had conjured to reflect her current mood. The high winds blew as heavy rain poured down over her fur, as thunder rocked the mountainside and lightning flashed in her eyes. To say she was upset would be a huge understatement. She was furious, even while she retained a calm demeanor on the outside. Not even the cold rain pouring down over her could cool her rage.

The sound of bells came from behind her. Looking over her left shoulder, she saw a pony walking closer. His bright blue robes clung to his well-muscled form as wind blew the cloth wildly around him.

Stormsong looked over her shoulder at the stallion, showing that she recognized his presence but chose to keep her silence. Her nine long tails waved back and forth with the wind, as if orchestrating the storm around them. Looking out over the edge, the two watched the battle below in silence. Flashes of light illuminated various creatures fighting against what could have been their own shadows.

“You’re still not talking to me, are you?” Starswirl asked as he sat down and rotated his shoulders. For the last few days she had kept her silence, every time he tried to talk to her he just got a flash of anger from her eyes before walking away. “This isn’t like you, Stormy. I know you're angry but—”

“Angry… ANGRY?!” Stormsong shouted as she turned her head to the pony next to her. “I needed your support and you voted AGAINST me!” she said, thankful the rain was drowning out her tears. “You of all creatures should have backed me up, Starry,” she finished, bowing her head down.

Starswirl nodded, but kept his silence. It was pointless arguing with her when she was like this. She had to get it out of her system now, or he wouldn’t know a moment’s peace until she did.

“I know why you did it, I understand why it has to be done,” she said, softer but with the edge of her anger still in her voice, looking into the heart of the storm above her. She let out a soft sob. “Even father would agree if he was still around.” Looking down at Starswirl, she used a tail and wiped her eyes, pointless in the rain but it felt good regardless. “But if we do this, our clan will be wiped out. And my brother is still so young, Starswirl…”

Looking out over the edge of the cliff, the vixen just stared into the darkness around the valley. Silence reigned for a moment as she looked out over the ruined valley past the forest. “Is the war going that badly?” she asked, wanting desperately to change the subject.

“Yes. Everyone is doing what they can; the ponies, kirin, griffons, and especially the other fox clans, but unless something is done, no creature will survive. The Umbra will destroy and consume everything, and your clan is the only one powerful enough to stop them.” Starswirl said with a deep, sad sigh. “Your sisters are preparing the spell song to seal them away, and I’m adding my contributions, as little as they are.”

“Hmmm…” This valley, her clan’s domain, had been cared for and protected by her father for over seven thousand years. It was her, and her siblings’, inheritance. Her thoughts drifted toward the ponies that lived there, huddled together fearing for the end of days. “You said something about erasing us from all pony memory... forever?”

“Yeah, as we went to bed last night. I’m surprised you even listened, with the way you ignored me. You gave new meaning to the silent treatment.” The young sorcerer chuckled at the brief sheepish smile that sprang to her lips. “It has to be done. No pony, not even the ones that live under your family’s protection, will forgive the kitsune for creating these monstrosities. It’s better that they just forget.”

“Blast those foolish void foxes of the north, cursing us with all this,” she sighed as the storm slowed with her now calming attitude. Starswirl always did know how to calm her, especially if he was the cause. How she loved him all the more for it. “They should have known better than to give life to their own shadows.” She turned her head back to Starswirl.

“Now, about my brother.” The sharp tone was in her voice was echoed by the thunderclash behind her.

He winced a little, but stood his ground. A smile crossed his lips that made her wonder what was going on in that mind of his. “Come with me, there is something I want to show you,” he said as he started down the pathway from the edge of the cliff. “Hopefully you’ll understand when we get there.”

“Where?” Stormsong said as she turned and followed the pony. Knowing him as she did, he surely had something up his sleeve. All she heard as they walked down from the mountain, though, was a chuckle that she knew all too well.

After a nearly ten minute walk and a few choice teleportation jumps, they came to the base of the mountain and a waterfall lake. “In here,” he said and lead her under the falls into a cave, obscured from the outside world by magic.

Inside the cave was a huge room done up very much like one of the rooms in the temple of the five elements. More specifically, her brother's room. Standing there she examined the oriental style room that her brother loved. Along the left side she saw all the cabinets and drawers that held his clothes and possessions and on the right, a row of four windows. Blinking, she saw that each window showed what was just outside of the waterfall, and under each window was a stuffed animal resembling her and their three sisters. These were her brother Kohaku’s most treasured possessions.

“You’ve done a wonderful job here, making a room just like my brother's,” Stormsong said with a little smirk.

“Look closer, beloved,” was all that Starswirl said as he sat down off to the side.

Stopping in the center of the room, she looked around, only closer this time. On the far wall behind the full wall divider, she saw his huge circular bed. Large enough for at least five full grown foxes. Even on the floor she saw the scuff marks on the bamboo mats where her brother danced on when he was sure nobody was watching. This room didn’t just look like his room, it was his room. Thinking deeply, she sat there in silence, her eyes closed. As time passed she could feel Starswirl’s eyes on her. Even with her eyes closed she could see the smile on his face.

Stormsong sat there so long her legs started to cramp. Opening her eyes again she looked about the room one more time. He loved her little brother like his own, so why would he vote against her the other day, and then do all of this, putting Kohaku’s room in this hidden cave?

Then it finally dawned on her. Turning her head, she looked at her mate with new admiration and understanding.

Oh, you clever pony, how could I have missed it?

“Did you really believe I would let anything happen to him?” Starswirl smiled. “I needed to do something, to appease the others in the clan. And I needed to do something to keep you from blowing up half the mountainside. I plan on using your mother's final spell, the one she created as a failsafe in case something tragic was to happen, to put our little brother to sleep, and thus keep him safe. And those doddering fools will never find out, because the only ones who will know about it will be you, your sisters and myself.”

Stormsong and Starswirl stood there gazing into each other’s eyes. Now that she knew his plan. It made her feel ashamed about how angry she had been with him. Moving in closer Stormsong wrapped her forelegs around his neck and pressed herself in close with one paw caressing up his back. While Starswirl nuzzled his head up against her neck, both closed their eyes and savored the moment they had together.

“Oh Starry, I'm so sorry, I never should have doubted you. You never would have let anything happen to him,” Stormsong starting to cry again, her tears dropping down on to his shoulders. “I was just so..” Her voice was becoming cracked from crying.

“I know, dearest, I know.” Starswirl tried to settle her down yet again, only now with a smile on his face. Leaning in, he tenderly kissed her lips, savoring the sweet taste for a moment before releasing it. “I don’t blame you though, you’ve lost so much the last few years, and the thought of losing Kohaku must be terrifying.”

“How, when did you do this?” Stormsong asked, holding onto him tightly.

“Last night, before we went to bed. It was a simple translocation, I just needed the space,” the pony sorcerer said tenderly. “Your sister Mitsuko helped, she carved out the cave the same size as Kohaku’s room. I’m always impressed at how fast she can work stone with that voice of hers.”

“By the way,” Stormsong said while playfully pushing him away with her foreleg. “How did you know about that spell? I thought the only ones who knew about it were me and father.”

“You talk in your sleep,” Starswirl chuckled as he moved away from her, ignoring the look that she was now giving him, and lightly gave that paw of hers a tender kiss before getting up and moved over to the windows and sat comfortably on a pillow there. “And it was in your father’s journal that he gave me to study a few years back. He always documented special spells your mother made. I thought it would come in handy sometime. And I was right, it will. With your sisters help, and I think we can apply it to the room rather than the individual. Thus, increasing the amount of time that will pass in the outside world in comparison to here.”

“It’s possible. Difficult, but possible,” Stormsong said in a tender voice. “If we’re going to use this plan my sisters and I have a lot of work to do, especially before sunset. So there is no sense in wasting time here.” Getting up, she walked toward the door leading up to the waterfall entrance.

“I want to give our family more time before…” She just couldn’t bring herself to say ‘our final night together’. “I’m not sure how long we’ll set the time dilation, but I think a factor of ten should do it. We can discuss it before we get to sleep,” turning around Stormsong looked over her shoulder “And If you're still awake, it has been awhile since our last ‘make up’ session. Till then, ta.” And with that she walked out the door.

“Thank heavens I got some extra rest last night, I doubt I’ll be sleeping much,” Starswirl said to himself and got up, taking a look around the room. Stopping at the small little bookshelf, he smiled. There were only four books but, to him, it still constituted a library. He was glad that the young boy liked reading so much. Pulling one book from the shelf, he gave a slight chuckle. It was a children’s book that he himself had owned as a colt and had given to his little brother, on his fifth birthday. ‘Tales of Breezy the Bearded Bard’.

Putting the book back, he turned and moved toward the bedroom, when a light blur caught his eye. Half a second later found himself flipping and rolling, landing on his back. On top of him, with two paws on his chest, a young eleven year old kitsune stood over him and firmly pushed him back.

“Gotcha!” Kohaku, affectionately named Forestsong, said with a playful laugh before hopping off and landing on the ground in front of Starswirl.

“Ooof.. that you did,” Starswirl groaned while getting up. “You're getting better at that kid, I didn’t even hear you approaching. I did catch you out of the corner of my eyes though.”

“Yeah, but I still gotcha.” Forestsong said with a smile as he bounced a small green sphere between his three tails. “Father always said I was good at stalking and striking.”

“Yeah, you are. But please keep that to hunting, not scaring the hooves off of me,” Starswirl said as he looked down at the young kitsune, who stood as high as his chest, before him.

“Alright,” Kohaku said with a disappointed sigh. He loved playing that kind of game with his ‘big brother’. Moving to the side and hopping up onto Starswirl’s back, he just laid there. “I’ve seen my sisters rather busy these last few days. Running here and there. Back and forth.” Forestsong sighed, only deeper and more sadly. “Barely anytime to play. And most of the adults in the clan now look at me like they did my father when he laid out on the healing tables.” Closing his eyes he sighed sadly, remembering that horrible day. “Like I might not live past the night. Even my vixen Daisystar, she just closed her eyes and ran away from me. Crying.”

Starswirl nodded softly just walked out of the room and into the mid afternoon sky that had cleared up since Stormsong cooled down. The sun shined down on the two as he just walked around the lake with Kohaku on his back, letting his young brother rattle on.

“Bro, what’s going on? You know, I know you do.” the young kitsune said as he rested his head down on Starswirl’s shoulders and closed his eyes. The light made his leaf green fur seem even more alive and vibrant. “Does this have anything to do with my sister’s mood last night. You know I could hear the silence from that room like one of her thunderstorms. She must have been really upset not to give you any...”

“And that’s where we end that conversation,” Starswirl said firmly, probably a little firmer then he wanted it to be. He knew they were always a very open family, discussing everything, including sex, with a casual air. But still, while he could accept when the sisters in the family talked that way, it was another thing for the young male who had barely reached his teenage years. “Sorry, yes, it does have to do with that. And I promise we’ll all discuss this tonight over dinner.”

Starswirl just continued walking around with Forestsong riding along on his back, something they had done together since he was five. He enjoyed spending this time with little Forestsong, it was always a bonding moment. The young kitsune growing up with all sisters, Starswirl was the elder brother he always needed. And nobody could have been prouder when Starswirl became his sister's chosen mate. Looking into the lake Starswirl chuckled a little at the reflection of the two of them, and softly brushed a hoof along his short scraggly black beard that lined his jaw.

“Why don’t you just shave that thing off?” Forestsong yawned wide as he stretched, then leaped off of Starswirl’s back and came up and sat next to him at the lake.

“I think it makes me look distinguished,” Starswirl chuckled as he sat next to Forestsong.

“I think it makes you look stupid. But who am I to judge, sis likes it.” Forestsong said and leaned down against the edge. His tails swished behind him as he eyed the water, and below it a group of fish slowly coming up to the surface.

Looking down at the young kitsune, Starswirl levitated a small stone and, just as he saw the telltale signs of him about to leap into the water, tossed the stone over Kohaku’s head and into the water, scaring the fish away and splashing a fair amount of water over the young kitsune. He let out a soft laugh as he did so.

“Spoilsport,” Forestsong said through his own laughter. Leaping out, he tackled Starswirl and the two of them spent the remainder of the day at play. Their laughter could be heard all through the forest until the sun had set.

**Midnight – The Next Day**

Forestsong just laid there at the entrance to the cave, watching the waterfall crashing down into the lake below and the shower of of mist that made a pale rainbow in the light of the full moon. He loved the moonlight, how the light always softly illuminated everything it touched, unlike the intense blazing light of the sun.

He wanted to cry, needed to cry but he couldn’t, and he didn’t know why the tears wouldn’t come regardless of how hard he tried. His family had told him everything that had happened in the last few days. In particular the clan’s council meeting, it was no wonder that everyone else in the clan looked at him like he was going to die.

He was thankful that his sisters and his brother cared so much to find another path without the others knowing about it. One where he would sleep through all of this and be able to live his life as they wanted him too. Only, it would be without his family. A family that meant everything to him. Who knew how long he would be asleep, or when he’d wake up? Staring up at the moon he whispered as he crossed his paws together.

“Mother moon, send me your light.

Lend me your power on this fateful night.

I invoke you into my being and soul.

Fill up my vessel, make me feel whole.

I kneel before you in awe and love.

I cherish your protection you send from above.

I ask you tonight to bless it unto me.

My mother, my goddess, so mote it be.”

A ritual chant that his mother’s clan had passed down for generations and his sister, Stormsong, taught him to use anytime that he was scared. And he was, more than he had ever been in his eleven years. To be without his family, it was his worst nightmare come to life. He repeated that chant silently over and over again until words didn’t even leave his lips.

Hearing the soft pads of her paws of his sister Stormsong on the ground behind him, and looked behind at her.

“It’s time, little brother, come with me,” she said softly. Kohaku saw that his sister tried to smile, but couldn’t.

“Okay...” was all Kohaku said, as he followed his sister behind the waterfall, where his remaining sisters all stood waiting for him. Looking around he saw Starswirl standing by himself on the opposite side of the room. He briefly looked at his brother who just nodded at him. This was a moment for just him and his sisters.

“I’ll just be outside. Sleep well kiddo,” Starswirl said moving in closer to the group, giving Kohaku a kiss to the forehead as he continued walking to the door. One final look over his shoulder he smiled, sadly, then turned and walked out into the night.

“We’ll all stay with you until you fall asleep,” Kazumi said as she moved him to the bed and curled up behind him.

“That’s right, little brother. Now come on, into bed with you,” Mitsuko said softly, leading her brother into the bed after giving him a playful swat to the rump with one of her tails, and with Stormsong crawled into it with him both on either side of the young kit.

“Do you want anything in particular?” Kaede softly said as she moved up behind her brother and sisters and rested herself as close as possible.

“A story? A song? Anything to help you sleep easier?” Riko said as she moved into the bed. As each sister moved around their brother, their tails covered him like a blanket.

He felt the warmth of their bodies up against him. Closing his eyes he rested his head on Stormsong’s side and listened softly to her heart beat. He knew what he wanted, he wanted this night to last forever. “A song…” he whispered lightly. The four sisters all looked at each other. They knew instinctively what song to sing, their father’s song.

Together, each sister harmonized with each other as their voices slowly raised into the room. As they sang, a towering illusion of their father appeared, a massive seven foot golden-furred fox with nine tails, each tipped with moonlight silver. His deep golden eyes looked at his son as he began to sing. With each passing moment, the song worked its magic on the young fox. Kohaku’s eyes closed and, as the song reached its end, fell into a deep sleep.

With the song finished and their voices silent, the illusion of their father faded away. Each vixen slowly got up, trying not to disturb their brother, placing a kiss on his forehead as they moved away. Turning off the lights, the four of them all walked out and spoke together with one voice. “Goodnight, Kohaku.” The cave was then sealed away so that nobody other then the four loving sisters and the one pony sorcerer knew where it was. The room was filled with darkness. The only light was that of the moon flooding through the magical windows, resting on the small, sleeping fox.

And so it was. The four sisters sang the Song of Sealing in harmony with the rest of the clan while the young pony Sorcerer pushed his magical abilities to the limit in casting a memory erasure spell. Working in sync, the barrier was cast, spreading out like a spherical shock wave, banishing all the Umbra from the world while at the same time erasing all memory of them and the Kitsune.

With the work finished, all four vixens laid lifeless in a circle around the young pony sorcerer. With careful work he laid each sister in their chosen rooms, and left the temple with a final tearful goodbye as he sealed the temple doors forever. Letting it shift from the physical word and into the heavens where it would never be disturbed.

The Kitsune, who had held reign over the world for thousands of years, agreed that they should now pass from the world. Many, especially the younger kitsune, changed their forms and went out to live the remainder of their lives as ponies or other creatures they could relate to. Others, primarily the older kitsune, chose to ascend past the physical plane of existence. The remainder of the kitsune chose exile in remote parts of the world, hidden from the eyes of other creatures, choosing to become teachers to the younger species.

For thousands of years life continued on. One era ended and another began, and all the while one young kitsune slept soundly. His dreams were filled with his mother, father, and sisters all spending their lives together in an open green field under the light of the full moon.

Author's Notes:

I want to thank my editor Cyonix

The song that put Kohaku to sleep I got here: The Last Goodbye - The Hobbit - Peter Hollens (Billy Boyd Cover)
Check out Peter Hollens channel, he's an amazing singer.

Next Chapter: Chapter 2 - The Awakening, A Fireside Conversation, A Moonlit Meeting Estimated time remaining: 45 Minutes
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