
Wet Painters: MLP Edition

by MrAquino

Chapter 1: Only Chapter

The School of Friendship glowed brightly as ponies and other various creatures headed out to town, as it was the weekend. Students headed into town, studied, or just hung out. Inside one of the dorms, an arctic blue changeling with a light amaranth fin stood alongside a light magenta hippogriff with a striped blue mane and tail. Standing and watching was a blue griffon.

"Hey, Gallus, check this out!" The changeling spoke, holding up an apple in each hoof "Two ordinary apples, but when expertly tossed with the skill of a champ, they become-" She threw them on the floor and the Hippogriff slid onto the across across the room.

"A one-way ticket to pain!" The Hippogriff cheered before slamming into a wall. On the other side, an orange earth pony with a blonde mane and wearing a stenson sat down alongside an elderly green mare with an aged silver mane and tail wrapped in a bun. The younger of the two look over some papers, but jumped as she heard a loud thump against the wall.

"What in tarnation!?" She asked, getting up from her seat. Outside, the Hippogriff and changeling slid across the floor, cheering right before slamming into another wall and shaking the place. Both mares exited the doorway to see the two creatures crash. "What in Tartarus is going on out here?!" She approached to the two students "Ocellus! Silverstream! Just what's gotten up into your noggins now!? Causing all this here ruckus!?"

"We were performing a ritual to get extra credit for our assignments, professor Applejack." The Changeling, Ocellus, answered.

"And the only way the ritual can work is for us to get hurt. Real bad." Silverstream added.

"Who in their right mind told ya'll that?" Applejack asked. The griffin, Gallus, nervously chuckled as he hid his face behind a magazine and scooted away.

"Listen here, sonny!" The elderly mare spoke up "Instead of killing yourselves, I've got something real important for you to do for me!"

"Ooh! We get to work with Professor Applejack's grandma!?" Silverstream asked in excitement.

"I bet it's important, Granny Smith." Ocellus added.

Granny Smith, Ocellus, and Silverstream stood outside of the Apple family's house. Both creatures stood in attention, as Granny Smith stood firmly before speaking up. "Now, are you ladies ready for your Super...?"

"Super?" Ocellus and Silverstream asked at the same time


"Special?" The two shook.



"Assignment?!" The two creatures jumped and shook with excitement, clamoring at what it is they need to do. "The two of you are to paint the inside of ma house!" She opened her front door, with both girls jumping and cheering. Their celebration stopped as Granny Smith leaned over and towered over them, handing them their paint buckets, causing both to cower a bit. "But, let me give you two a warning; This here paint is absolutely permanent! It will never come off. So if I see even one drop on anything but wall, I'll have yer rear ends cut off and mounted over mah fireplace!" Ocellus and Silverstream were shaking as they stood, standing right at the edge inside of the apple family's house, right as Granny Smith's scary self went back to her cheeful self. "So, have fun with the job!" She slammed the door with them inside her house. The two turned around and looked around.

"Silverstream?" Ocellus began.

"Yeah, Ocellus?" Silverstream replied. They could see, as far they could see, the walls were covered in various memorabilia from the past, most looking far more old than they should.

"Granny Smith sure has a lot of expensive treasures to drip paint on." She placed her paint on the floor "Do you think we should take this stuff off the walls?" Silverstream placed her paint on the floor as well

"No way, Ocellus! We're not getting paid to move stuff."

"Silver, we're not getting paid at all."

"Well that's what I said! We're not getting paid and that's final!"

"Okay, we'll just paint around all this stuff."

"Good, just don't pay me."

"First, we need to set up the tarp." She held up her corner of the tarp

"Tarp ahoy!" Both spreaded the tarp on the floor... only to realize it's a tiny piece that was no bigger than a napkin.

"...We're gonna need more coverage, Silver."

Tarp laid across the the floor but in small, littered pieces and not on the entire floor

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Ocellus spoke proudly, before looking at the paint cans with dread. "Well... I guess we should open these cans of permanent paint now.

"That will never ever come off." Silverstream added

"And if we get it on anything, Granny Smith will cut our butts off."

"And mount them on the wall." Ocellus pulled a screwdriver and began to try to open the lid "Careful, Ocellus. Careful, Ocellus. Ocellus, careful. Careful, Ocellus. Careful, Ocellus! Careful, Ocellus. Careful, Ocellus!" Ocellus stood with the lid in her hoof.

"Silver, the lid's already off."

"Oh. Now it's my turn!" The Hippogriff took out a battle ax and slammed it into the paint can with it. Ocellus quickly took the can.

"I'm thinking I should do this one, too, Silver!" She carefully opened up the lid. When it opened, a single paint bounced right out. Silverstream and Ocellus screamed, watching the drop bounce onto and off one the tarp pieces. The drop made a couple of bouces off of the tarp pieces before bouncing back into the paint can.

"Well, that was a rip-off." Silverstream spoke in an unamused tone as Ocellus wiped some sweat from her brow

"Okay, Silver, let's get our brushes ready." Ocellus pulled up a big brush. "Uhh... maybe we should start with a smaller brush?" She threw away the big brush to the right before taking out another small brush. She pointed the brush and grabbed a single piece of her frill out a hair out. Silverstream followed, but ripped a large chunk of her scalp's hair out with her brush. Ocellus dipped the brush into the can and then faced the wall. "Alright, Silver, gotta get started painting this wall. With the permanent paint that we're not allowed to get on anything but the wall. Well, here we go.

Ocellus stood in the same spot, sweating nervously. "Just a few more seconds of mental preparation and I'll be painting this wall."

A puddle of sweat was below Ocellus' hooves. "I'm getting to the painting."

"Can you move it along?" Silverstream asked, carrying the time card. "I'm all out of time cards." Ocellus still stood there, sweating hard.

"No problem. Here I go." She made a line of paint going down the wall. A bright smile filled her face. It was short lived as the paint starts going down. Ocellus quickly reacted, blowing it one direction, then another, then another, until she pulled a blow dryer and blows the paint off the wall. The steam from the hairdryer caused a giant paint bubble, past a smug smiling Ocellus who thought she stopped it, untiil she opened her eyes and noticed the giant paint bubble. "Sweet Celestia! What could be worse than a giant paint bubble?!"

"Oh, I know!" Silverstream took out a bubble wand, dipped it in the paint then blew into it, bringing in another giant bubble. "Two giant paint bubbles!"

"Noooooo!" The two giant paint bubbles got together and merged into one. "Silver?"

"Yeah, Ocellus?"

"I don't think this bubble can get much bigger!"

"Nonsense!" Silverstream found a bicycle pump and attached it to the bubble before she began to pump the bubble, inflating it further.

"Sil, no!" The bubble popped! Paint splattered all over the wall, covering up all the old brown spots, with one wall in patricular splatted in the shapes of puzzle pieces that was filled up. Ocellus moved out of the way for the last bit of paint to splat on the wall. The changeling saw how clean everything was, with the walls now having a white coat of pain and no mess was around. "We did it! We painted the whole house and without getting a drop of paint on anything but the- GREAT TIGER BEETLE!!! What's that?!" A single bit on display hung on the wall, with a speck of pain being less than an eight of a centimeter in diameter. Ocellus' eyes crack, breaking, and dripped onto the floor as she then fell over. "We're dead, Silver! Do you know what that is?"

"Hmm... it's a bit. I win!"

"That's not just a bit. It's Granny Smith's first bit! Her most prized possession! And we got paint on it!"

"I think you are over-reacting, Ocellus, I don't see any paint." Ocellus took the framed bit off the wall.

"Okay, this isn't a problem. Maybe I can just wipe it off." She pulled a rag out and tried to wipe the paint off with it, but makes the paint even more noticeabe. Ocellus panicked, wiping it more, but the bit became completely covered in paint. The changeling screamed

"Oh, now I see it!"

"This is not good, Silver! This is not good! Granny Smith is gonna be home soon, and when he sees what we did to her first bit!" They both had the image of their flanks on the wall while Granny Smith enjoyed some tea by the fire. Both shrieked while holding their flanks.

"Wait, Ocellus! All we got to do is wash the paint off and she'll never know!"

"But Granny Smith said-" Silverstream placed a claw over Ocellus' mouth, keeping her friend quiet,

"Forget what Granny Smith said! Every paint comes off with something!"

Ocellus stood by a working washing machine. She opened it up, shutting the machine down.

"Did it work?" Silverstream came out from the machine maching as her Seapony form with the bit in her fins, but paint was still on it.


Ocellus used a sanding machine on the bit in Silverstream's claws. Both looked away before Ocellus turned off the machine.

"Did it work?" Ocellus asked. Silversream's claws were gone as the bit was still covered in paint.


Ocellus sprayed water with a fire hose straight from a fire hydrant as Silverstream screamed in pain. "Did it work?" Silver held up the unchanged bit that left a hole in her body from the force of the water, except for the part blocked by her arms.


Ocellus used a baseball bat, bash the bit as Silverstream held it, with the hippogriff wearing a neck brace and has a black eye. All around them were huge assortment of used weapons and tools that didn't work prior

"Nothing's working!" Ocellus screamed

"Wait, Ocellus!" Silverstream screamed back "We're not cavemen!" Both walked over to a computer. "We have technology!" There was a brief pause before Silverstreamed picked up the computer angrily smashed it on the bit. The paint didn't get off.

"...It didn't work." Silverstream threw the computer out of the window, where the voice of somepony was heard screaming "MY LEG!"

"This is all Granny Smith's fault! If she hadn't hung that stupid bit in the first place...! I mean, it's not like it looks any different than a regular bit. Why hang it? You could just stick any old bit up on the wall, no one would even know the difference! You might as well reach in my wallet, pull out a bit, and put it on the wall! And it would-"

"Hurry, Silver, take out your wallet!"

"I don't see where you're going with this." Silverstream pulled out her wallet and, alongside, pulled out a but "Hey, a bit!"

"Our butts are saved, Silver! Now all we have to-" Ocellus saw Silverstream in front of a vending machine, ready to spend her bit on a snack inside. "Silver, no! Silver! No-!" The bit went in. "Why did you put it-?" The bit rolled right out. "Grab it, Sil, grab it! Hurry, hurry! I!-" Silverstream reinserted the bit back in. "Aww, Sil, no, no!" The bit rolled out again. "Get it, Sil, get it, get it, get it!" Silverstream inserted it back in again, with the machine making a clink of it accepting the bit. "Oh, no-ho-oh!" The hippogriff came back, eating a chocolate bar as she approached an annoyed Ocellus.

"Wanna bite?" Ocellus took a deep breath as she approached a mirror.

"Okay, okay, we still have time! Don't panic, Ocellus, panic is the enemy. You are strong. Through your strength, you shall overcome!" The sound of Granny Smith singing and approaching was heard, making everything inside dead silent. Ocellus' reflection walked away.

"You're on your own, pal." The changeling screamed, running in circles around Silverstream

"Hurry, Silver, put Granny Smith's bit back on the wall! I got an idea!"

Granny Smith opened the door to her house, seeing the inside was now pitchblack. "What in tarnation!?" The eyes of Ocellus and Silverstream could only be seen.

"We're all done, ma'am! Everything looks great." Ocellus stammered

"Yeah, you don't have to look around. We already did that for you!" Silverstream added. The lights came on, with both creatures smiling suspiciously.

"Ya'll both look like you got a dirty little secret." Granny Smith spoke with some suspicion. Ocellus and Silverstream panicked a bit. The elderly mare's expression went light as she cackled a git "Ha! I'm kidding. Let's see how ya'll did." Granny Smith walked in and saw the panted walls "Oh, not bad gals, not bad. A nice even coat, high gloss, no bubbles."

"Yeah, looks great, Granny Smith. We'll just be going." Ocellus rapidly replied as she and Silverstream begin to leave.

"Johnny Appleseed! Look what ya'll did!" The two stopped and knelt down, apologizing for what they did. "Sorry? What fer? Ya'll dusted mah knickknacks! That was really nice. Golden Delicious! What's this?" Both begged again, but saw Granny smith looking at the bottom of the wall, decorated with tiny apples. "Oh, and I suppose the floor molding just painted itself on its own. That's what I call craftsmanship. Steve Jobs! you messed up my bit-" She ran over to a shelf lined up with spray bottles. "er apple sprays!" Ocellus and Silverstream blinked in confusion "All the cans in this bitter apple sprays are supposed to perfectly aligned!" She picked up one, standing it upright. "And you girls thought I wouldn't notice. Oh well, I guess no harm done. All right, girls, ya'll're free to go." She walked away but ran into a long pile of paintings. "Ow! That's funny, I don't remember a stack of painting jutting from the wall where mah first bit used to be. In fact, I don't remember this painting at all." She took the painting of a crying clown off. "Or this one." The painting of a car race was tossed. "Or this one." Took another painting off. Ocellus and Silverstream stood in anxiety. "Or this one. Or this one. Or this one. Or this one." Ocellus hung on the wall behind the last painting, turned into one.

"Hi, Granny Smith."

"Ocellus, what're you doing?"

"Oh, you know, just hanging around." Silverstream booed at that awful joke.

"Get down onto the floor." Ocellus' frames stretched to the floor. "Alright, now yer just bein' silly." Granny Smith took the Ocellus painting off the wall.

"No, No, Granny Smith! No! Don't look, it's a trick!" Granny Smith stared firmly at the bit covered in paint.

"Did you two get paint all over mah first bit?!" Ocellus and Silvstream hugged together and shook wildly.

"We're sorry, Granny Smith!"

"We're so sorry!" Silverstream added. Granny Smith looked at the bit again then to the two again.

"And then did you draw on it with crayon?!" Granny Smith demanded as the bit had a yellow smiley face on it. Ocellus turned to Silverstream, who held a yellow crayon in her talon.

"I thought, you know, maybe she'd buy it." Silverstream spoke.

"All right, girls... you know what I've gotta do now?!"

'You mean our flanks?" Ocellus asked, shaking wildly.

"Can I use mine one last time?" Silverstream added. Granny Smith took the bit and licked it. The paint came off, with Granny Smith putting it back up on the wall.

"There we go, good as new." The elderly mare spoke. Silverstream and Ocellu's stood, shocked beyond belief, stammering on what just happened. "Yeah, I lied. This paint actually comes off with saliva!" She cackled a bit. Ocellus's frown then turned into a smile.

"Oh, I get it, Granny Smith! You told us the paint was permanent so me and Silver would be more careful and not get paint on anything!"

"Nah, I just like to mess with ya'll!" She began to cackle uncontrollably. Ocellus scowled. She Silverstream glared at Granny Smith as they stormed out in disgust. Granny Smith kept laughing so hard, she spits all over the walls. The paint started to come off the wall. She finally stops laughing to see his whole place was mess. "Aww, crud. I really gotta learn to say it, not spray it.

Author's Notes:

As mentioned, this was just for fun. If you like it, I might make more with the other students.

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