
Unknown Fighter

by Chaos Nightmare

Chapter 5: Meeting

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In the hospital Redheart was talking to a doctor, while the young man who she brought here sat and waited in the waiting room.

“Well Redheart, this is a weird case.” The doctor said before explaining “The blood test have come back, and something is wrong with the test.”

“What's wrong with it?” Redheart asked peaking at the results.

“Well, for starters, it seems he can do some variation of Elfin magic, which should be impossible due to the fact he is a regular human, it also appears that whatever caused this was powerful enough to make it seem almost natural.” The doctor explained before sighing. “You and I both know I have to report this to the higher-ups.”

Redheart honestly didn’t know the young man but she heard rumors of what happened to those whom had similar cases to this. “There must be something you can do, maybe the test is wrong?” she asked.

“Look,” He said looking around “take him and leave, get him out of Ponyville, and if anyone asks you were unaware of what really happened. I’ll say that I showed you the wrong patients' info and didn’t notice till after you were gone.” The doctor said.

Redheart took a sigh before saying “Thanks.” and left.

I sat in a waiting room reading some random magazine when Redheart came in and said, “We need to go.” she was rather impatient when she said that. I got up and followed her out of the hospital but halfway down the road, we stopped as she began to scribble something down on a piece of paper. “Alright, here’s what's going to happen, Huxley, you’re going to get on a train to Canterlot, when you get there you’re going to go to the Middle District, find building 294, ask for either Vinyl Scratch or Octavia Melody and tell them Redheart is calling in a favor before giving this to them,” Redheart said handing me the piece of paper and a bag of coins. “The Note will explain everything.” She explained as I was obviously confused but before I could say anything she left in a hurry.

I sighed as I still didn’t really understand what was going on, but I’m going to have to trust the path I was being sent on, for now.

Two hours later I was now on a train headed for the capital city of Canterlot, unsure of what to really do, I was hesitant to peak at the note that Redheart gave me considering I had no clue what was going on. I just went with the cards I was dealt.

I took a deep breath and decided to peak at the note, but before I could pull it out one of the stewardesses, I think is what they are called, made an announcement “We have arrived in Canterlot.” I sighed and got up, hoping that I would get answers soon.

It took me an hour to find the Middle District, and another half hour to find building 294. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. After a few minutes I knocked again and an old man came out. The old man looked bulky and in good shape, he also wore a suit. “I’m sorry but we don’t allow rabble to stay on our property, if you don’t have any business here leave.” the old man said, he had a hard British accent.

“I-I’m here to see...umm, Octavia I think their name was? Redheart said that she was cashing in a favor?” I answered.

The man took a quick glance at both sides of the street before glaring at me “Come in.” he said as he held the door open and I walked in. Inside the house I took off my sneakers and walked to a dining room where the old man told me to sit. “How do you know Ms. Redheart?” the old man asked as I took a seat.

“I..really don’t know her, I was found in the middle of the woods a few hours ago by...someone named Lyra...I think, I didn’t really get the full story myself. I just answered some questions before being taken to the hospital for some tests.” I said still afraid of the man. “I don’t really know who I am, I was told I have amnesia.”

The man squinted at me before saying “I can tell when someone is lying to me. And you are lying to me.” he then got up with his fist clenched.

“Alright alright, I'm faking the amnesia.” I said panicking “...I’m actually from another world, All I really know is I apparently passed some test by some ‘being’ and I was sent here as a reward, I just lied about the amnesia because I figured if some amnesiac asked about stuff that is common knowledge nobody would ask questions.” I answered.

The man looked at me confused before smiling. “See, was that so hard? And before you ask, a few months ago a literal chaos god broke free from his prison in the royal gardens, so you being from another world...isn’t that hard to believe.” He said as his smile disappeared and he gave me a glare asking. “Is there anything else your hiding?”

I held out my hand and summoned my keyblade, “This and I can use dark magic to go to other worlds.” I explain before sending my keyblade away.

The man looked stunned but before he could say anything the front door opened and a voice came in, “We’re back, Crusher, start the kettle.” a British voice said as two women entered the dining room. “Oh, hello there.” the British sounding woman said, she had black hair and was wearing a gray suit with a pink bow tie, “Crusher who’s this?”

“Oh are you Octavia or Vinyl by any chance?” I asked before the old man, whom I guess was called Crusher, could speak.

“I am Octavia Melody, and you are?” She asked.

“I’m Huxley, I was told to give this to one of you, it is from Redheart...she said she was cashing in that favor.” I explained.

Octavia took the note and read it. When she was done she said “So an amnesiac human with the potential to use magic, and just when I didn’t think things could get weirder than that bodysuit wearing person with the shadow blade that helped stop the invasion a few weeks ago.”

“Actually madam, the part about him having amnesia was a lie, as he put it, he’s from another world and just faked the amnesia so he wouldn’t be seen as weird.” Crusher explained.

“Another world?” She asked before she looked at Crusher. “and you’re sure he isn’t lying.”

“Nope, he’s too afraid to lie to me.” He said with a chuckle.

“Anything else?” She asked.

“Well I can summon this,” I said summoning my keyblade back. “And use dark magic to go to other worlds.” I explained.

“Hmm.” Octavia asked before going into thought.

“Hey, what's going on?” A blue-haired woman with elf ears asked as she came in.

“Nothing much Vinyl.” She said before turning to me. “You have two options, either you stay here for a few days and then leave...” She explained.

“Or?” I asked worried.

“You become my fiance.” She said with a straight face and a smile.

Author's Note

Before anyone comments on the ending, there is an explanation of why Octavia asked that question. It's obviously going to be answered in the next chapter... I just wanted to avoid the comments of people calling my character...things they aren't.

Also, would people like lore chapters? Just to fill whatever void I can fill?

Next Chapter: Canterlot Estimated time remaining: 10 Minutes
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