
Equestria BatGirls

by Wildcard25

Chapter 14: Bathound and Harley Quinn part 2

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"Come on!" Pinkie Pie said, twirling her weapon, "Let's take down that mean lady." And she rushed at Shiva.

"Wait! Don't-" Huntress called, but it was too late.

Pinkie hurled her weapon's weight at Shiva, who easily caught it.

"Uh-oh," Pinkie said, before Shiva pulled her in and elbowed her in the gut, backfisted her in the face, and kicked her where the sun don't shine, before knocking her to Huntress' feet with a spin kick.

"What exactly was your plan?" Huntress asked, rhetorically.

"Who is that?" Pinkie asked with a groan.

"That's Lady Shiva," Huntress explained, "So good at fighting she can take on Batman without a problem."

"Trust us," Black Canary said, getting up, "We know."

"So what do we do?" Pinkie asked.

Huntress looked back at Cheshire, "I got an idea, but you two will have to hold her off."

"I don't feel too good about this." Pinkie Pie said, warily.

"Me neither." Black Canary agreed.

"Just do it." Huntress said, and hurried toward Cheshire.

Pinkie Pie and Black Canary looked at each other and nodded. Then they rushed at Shiva. Black Canary threw power kicks and punches, but Shiva blocked her attacks and kicked her in the side, the gut, and nailed her in the face with a palm strike, before kicking her off her feet. Pinkie swung her weapon and threw in some kicks, but Shiva dodged and deflected them before she kneed her in the gut again and rapidly struck her in the face and chest before grabbing her shoulder and spinning her behind and kicked her into Canary, knocking them down in a heap.

"We're dead!" Pinkie groaned, "Literally!"

Two security guards stood by Roulette's office, when they spotted a cat in the hallway.

"A cat?" The first guard said, in confusion.

"How'd you get in here?" The second guard asked, as they approached her.

Suddenly a closet door burst open and Bud & Lou sprayed them with gas hoses. The guards coughed until they cracked enormous smiles and collapsed to the floor.

Bud laughed, "Joker gas."

"Get's 'em every time." Lou said.

Isis walked up and slipped out a card from one of the men's pocket, "Mind if I borrow your key card, gentlemen?"

Then standing on top of Bud, Isis used the key card to open then door. Then they enter Roulette's office and she pushed a secret button under the desk and a hidden door opened in the wall, revealing the safe.

Then standing on Lou, Isis typed in a code until the door opened. There was gold, jewelry, and money all over.

"Ooooo!" Bud and Lou cooed.

"Look at all that loot!" Lou cheered with excitement.

The hyenas were about to walk in when Isis stopped them, "Hold it!" She took out a spray can and sprayed the room, revealing security beams, "Clever, Roulette, but not clever enough," She called to the birds, "Artie, Griff, Waddles! You're up!"

Waddles slid under the beams and used a shiny hubcap to reflect them. Then Artie and Griff flew in toward a power box. Griff pried it open with his sharp bill then Artie snipped a wire with his beak, shutting it down.

"Oh, ho, easy as pie!" Artie chuckled.

"Purr-fect! Well done, boys," Isis commended, "Now let's clean this place out before Roulette finds us here."

"You got it, dudette!" Griff said, dropping some bags. And they all began looting the safe.

"Catwoman will be pleased when I bring her these jewels." Isis said, as she poured some the jewelry into the bag.

"And the Penguin's gonna get a kick out of this money!" Artie said, as he, Griff, and Waddles looted the money.

"Yeah." Griff added.

"Maybe he'll even give us a fish." Waddles said, hopefully.

"I'm only sorry we gotta split so soon." Lou said.

"Yeah," Bud agreed. "Woulda loved to see the look on Roulette's face when she finds out we got away with her fortune!"

"Aren’t you gonna stay for the show?" Came Ace's voice.

They all peeked out to see the pets and Fluttershy standing in the doorway.

"Is it a comedy?" Bud asked.

"Ooo! I love those!" Lou chimed in.

"So you survived," Isis frowned, "Remind me to force a refund from Mechanikat!"

"We’ll send him a postcard." Ace said.

"When you’re in jail!" Krypto quipped

"Get them!" Isis ordered.

The hyenas rushed at them, as Fluttershy and the pets scattered. Lou leaped at Superdog, but he flew up and grabbed Lou's tail in his mouth and flung him into the desk. Then Bud bit down on his tail.

"Didn't you learn from when you tried that on Streaky?" Krypto asked, with a grin. Then he wagged his tail, spinning Bud around before tossing him into Lou.

Artie and Griff, with Waddles on his back, tried to fly off with the money, only for Streaky and Robbie to block their path.

"Hold it right there!" Streaky said.

"Oh, look, it's Supercat!" Artie mocked, and the birds laughed.

"And who's that little guy with him?" Waddles pointed to Robbie.

"The name's Robbie the Bird!"

"You sure your name's not Robbie the Shrimp?!" Griff joked.

"No, but if you hum a few bars, I'll try and fake it." Robbie threw a birdarang that poofed into a net, trapping the three birds inside.

"Huh?!" They said, in surprise.

Streaky grabbed the net and tied them to the ceiling, "Sorry to leave you bird brains hanging around!" He remarked.

Isis grabbed the bag of jewelry and fled, only to run into Bat Hound and Fluttershy.

"End of the line, Isis!" Ace said.

"You put that stuff back!" Fluttershy ordered.

"Sorry, but Catwoman's expecting these!" Isis rebuffed. Then she slipped between their legs and ran for the door. But Fluttershy fired a dart, pinning the bag to the wall, "What? No!" Isis growled at the girl. "You'll pay for-" before she could finish, Bat Hound wrapped her up in a batgrapple.

"Nice work." he said to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy smiled and took the bag, "So, what'll we do with-"

"What is this?!" Shouted a woman's voice.

Fluttershy and the animals looked at the door to see Roulette standing there with a shocked expression on her face.

Fluttershy looked at the bag she was holding and smiled sheepishly, "Uh... Would you believe we're trying to stop a robbery?" She asked, nervously.

"Guards!" Roulette called, as three big men stormed in, "Seize her!

The guards charged at Fluttershy when Ace, Krypto, and Streaky pounced on them and held them down.

"Who’s that woman?" Fluttershy asked Ba Hound.

"That’s Roulette," he replied, "She’s behind the meta brawls and-"

To Roulette, all she heard was Ace barking, "I don’t know who you are or-" she shouted above the barking.

"Do you mind?" Fluttershy cut her off, "Bat Hound is still talking to me! Continue."

"And captures or manipulates meta humans or any kind of brawler and has them fight for amusement," Ace finished, "But it's mainly for profit!"

Fluttershy gasped and glared at Roulette, "You force people fight each other for money?!"

Roulette was surprised, "How do you know that?"

"Bat Hound just told me!"

"I suppose since you’re talking to Batman’s dog, you must be one of those meta humans I’ve been hearing about," Roulette said, intrigued, "You know, you're not the only meta to stop by my little show. I believe she might be a friend of yours."

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked, and Roulette pointed out the window. Fluttershy looked out and saw to her horror that Pinkie Pie was getting thrashed by Lady Shiva, "Pinkie!" She cried.

"Looks like I guessed right." Roulette said.

"Call off the fight, now!" Fluttershy demanded.

"I'm afraid I can't do that," Roulette denied, "You see, the people paid for a good show, and I fully intend to give them one."

"Call it off now!" Fluttershy ordered, "My friend could get hurt or worse!"

Roulette gave a sinister smile, "That's the idea."

"You're horrible!" Fluttershy exclaimed.

"No no, child, I'm an entertainer. If these metas break a few bones or don't survive then that's show business," Roulette rebuffed, "Besides, I owe Black Canary and especially Huntress some payback for ruining my show the last time and I'll keep them fighting till they can't fight again! And your friend will be a bonus."

"I'll get her!" Streaky said.

"No! She's mine!" Fluttershy insisted.

"You ever seen her this upset, Bat Hound?" Krypto asked Ace.

"Nope," Ace said simply, "First time for me."

Roulette laughed, "Do you honestly think you can stop-" Fluttershy kicked her back.

"I can! And I will!" She stated.

Roulette stood up, "You should be careful, kid," she warned, pulling out her hair pins, "I'm a lot tougher than I look!"

"So am I."

Roulette rushed and slashed at her with her pins, while the shy girl dodged and blocked with her blowpipe.

Shiva grabbed the beaten Pinkie by the hair and was about to strike her with a killing punch, when she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her neck, causing her to drop Pinkie. She reached back and pulled out two of Cheshire's darts. She looked over at a grinning Huntress. She was the one who shot them. Then as she began to feel disoriented, Huntress began to fight her. Even though she was groggy from the darts, Shiva still managed to hold her own quite well, even landing a few painful blows. That is until Pinkie and Canary recovered and got back into the fight. Working together, Pinkie Pie and Huntress pinned Shiva down and Black Canary landed a piledriver, knocking her out cold.

Once she was beaten, they removed the mind control device. Then all three panted from exhaustion.

"We just beat Lady Shiva." Huntress said, amazed.

"Yeah," Black Canary said, equally amazed, "We did.

"Wow!" Pinkie Pie chimed in, "You guys are really tough if you do stuff like this."

"Just be happy you weren't here last time kid." Huntress said, remembering the female brawl.

"Yeah, this was nothing." Black Canary added.

"Now we got one last opponent to beat: Roulette!" Huntress stated.

"Cover your ears," Canary told the two, and used the Canary Cry. Although her throat was still sore from Shiva's attack, it was still strong enough to shatter the glass wall.

The audience booed and threw their food at them. Pinkie Pie caught some of the popcorn in her mouth. Then the three leaped onto the stairs and ran up, fighting their way past some guards. When something got Pinkie's attention.

She gasped. "Look up there!" She pointed up to Roulette's office, where the woman was fighting Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy?" Black Canary said, in surprise, "What's she doing here?"

"That's what were going to find out!" Huntress shot a grapple then held onto Canary as they went up.

Pinkie Pie jumped on as well and called out, "We're coming, Fluttershy!"

Harley Quinn got up and watched them with curiosity, "I wonder where they're going?"

The three smashed through the glass window to she Fluttershy and Roulette had reached a grapple. The shy girl was struggling with her blowpipe against Roulette's pins.

"You're out of your league, kid!" Roulette stated.

"That's what you think!" Fluttershy countered, and dropped to her back, tossing Roulette with her feet. Then she charged at her and disarmed and struck her with each world, "You. Are. A. Very. Bad. Lady!" With a sharp kick, she knocked Roulette off her feet and onto the floor.

"Fluttershy!" Pinkie shouted.


Pinkie Pie ran over and hugged her friend, "Are you okay?"

"I was more worried about you guys!" Fluttershy returned the hug.

"What are you even doing here?" Huntress asked, and Ace barked at her, "Alright alright, Ace! I’ll take your word for it!"

"I always get a bad lip from her." he said to Fluttershy.

Black Canary took notice of the trapped Isis and birds, "Looks like you two were getting acquainted."

Roulette got up and glared at the shy girl, "I'm not through with you yet!" She rushed forward, her fist drawn, only for Huntress to grab and twist them behind her back again.

"Tell me, Roulette, what's more embarrassing?" She asked, humorously, "That you got beat by a teenager? Or that you almost got robbed by animals?"

Before Roulette could answer, all five of them were struck back by a mallet.

"Well, at least this won’t be a total loss!" Everyone looked to see Harley taking the bag of jewelry.

"That doesn’t belong to you!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Meh. I kinda like to spoil myself." Harley retorted.

"Harley!" Bud and Lou said, as they ran over to her.

"Lou and Bud!" Harley petted and nuzzled the hyenas, "Have you boys been causing trouble? Yes you have," She stood up and pointed at the heroines. "Sick 'em, boys!"

The two hyenas growled and charged at them, only for Fluttershy to block them off, "You leave them alone!" She said, sternly.

"Oh, yeah?" Bud said.

"And what if we don't?" Lou said, and he and Bud laughed.

Then Fluttershy used "The Stare" and the hyenas stopped laughing.

"Hey, Lou, what's she doing?" Bud asked, worried.

"I don't know," Lou answered. "But I don't like it!"

The two whimpered and backed behind Harley in fear.

"What’re ya? Deaf?" Harley said to them. "I SAID SICK 'EM! What? You intimidated by her?"

"That’s EXACTLY what they are!" Pinkie Pie said, "Oh, and here's a little something for you!" She threw her sprinkles in her face, distorting her. When she shook off the dizziness, Pinkie swung her weapon, knocking the mallet from her hand.

"What?! Oh no!" Was the last thing Harley Quinn said, before Pinkie Pie spin flipped at her and nailed her in the face, knocking her down.

"That was for lying to me!" She yelled.

Later, the police took Roulette, Harley, and the animals away.

Ace barked and Fluttershy looked towards him, Krypto, and Streaky.

Fluttershy turned to the others, "Excuse me." And she walked up to the pets.

"You did good," Ace said, "Maybe Batman was right to trust you and your friends. You're alright with us, Fluttershy."

"Thank you, Ace," Fluttershy smiled, "That means a lot to me."

"Thank you, Fluttershy," Krypto said, "For saving me and Streaky from the kryptonite."

"Big time." Streaky put in.

"It's what I do for friends." Fluttershy said.

"Well, we're gonna go finish our patrol," Ace stated, "I'll meet you back in the Batcave."

Fluttershy hugged the pets, with Ace feeling a bit uncomfortable, before they left.

"Well, guess that's that." Pinkie Pie blankly.

"What? No call for a party, Pinkie?" Black Canary asked.

"I...... don't feel like it, Dinah." Pinkie said, dismally. It was then that they all noticed that Pinkie Pie looked different. Her hair was completely flat and her skin was so pale it was almost white. She looked so depressed.

"Pinkie, are you okay?" Fluttershy asked, in concern.

"No," Pinkie replied sadly, "Huntress said we would never be friends, and Harley Quinn lied to me about being my friend. What's the point in trying to make friends if they just push you away and lie to you..."

Huntress looked at the once happy party now a sad and depressed hollow shell. And looking at Pinkie now, reminded her of a certain little girl who was once happy and carefree until one tragic incident broke her spirit and she grew up into a bitter, harden, loner. Herself. And she didn't want Pinkie to end up like her, so she knew what she had to do.

"Can you two give us a moment?" She asked Canary and Fluttershy.

Canary nodded and led Fluttershy away. Then Huntress turned to Pinkie.

"Pinkie, I'm... I'm sorry about what I said earlier." she apologized.

"No your not!" Pinkie rebuked. "You're a big fat meanie hard case who hates everyone and everything!"

"That's not true!" Huntress denied, but then admitted, "Okay, maybe it's a little true. Look, you're right, I am a hard case, but there's a reason for that."

Slowly, Pinkie turned around to look at Huntress, "What was that?" She asked, in curiosity.

Huntress began her story. "When I was a little girl, I was a lot like you Pinkie, happy and carefree. But I was too young to know that my father Franco Bertinelli was a Mafia crime boss. One day, my father's right hand Steve Mandragora turned on us. My parents hid me in a closet, but I peeked out and watched him murder them both before my eyes. And ever since, I became who I am today. But that's not what you should be," Huntress put a hand on Pinkie's shoulder, "You're a good, and happy kid, Pinkie. I want you to stay that way. And if all you want is for me to be your friend, then okay, we're friends."

Pinkie Pie stared for a long moment. Then she smiled the biggest smile she had ever done and shot up into the air, her pink color and poofy hair returning, and she cheered out loud. The instant she landed, she wrapped Huntress in a big hug.

"Okay, first rule: personal space." Huntress said, gently prying Pinkie off her.

Back at the cave, the four explained everything that happened.

"And that just about sums it all up." Black Canary finished.

"Roulette almost got robbed by animals? That's actually pretty funny!" Robin chuckled.

"I've been keeping track on Roulette's activities until she dropped off the grid," Nightwing said, "I didn't think she would try the same trick twice."

"Yeah, apparently she just wanted payback for us wrecking her business last time." Huntress explained.

"I hope we don't have to deal with stuff like that in our world." Twilight Sparkle said, wearily.

"Me neither," Sunset Shimmer agreed, "We already have enough with mutants and loose magic, we don't need anymore problems."

"In my experience, trouble always comes," Batman stated, "But so do the people to stop it."

"Clark added the last part, didn't he?" Nightwing asked, knowingly.


"Who's Clark?" April asked.

"A good friend." Batman answered.

"That's putting it mildly," Robin noted.

"I'm more impressed that you managed to beat Lady Shiva." Batgirl said to Black Canary and Huntress.

"Yeah, it wasn't really winning out of skills," Huntress said, "More like avoid getting killed and winning out of luck."

"Who is Lady Shiva anyway?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Her real name is Sandra Wu-San," Robin explained, "She's one of the best martial artists in the world and is a master assassin. Which has earned her the name of "The Most Dangerous Woman Alive". Oh and she trained alongside Bruce and trained me as well."

"Oh, you trained with an assassin?" Raph said to Batman.

"That was years ago," Batman replied, "Back when I was training under Master Kirigi."

"And you then let your sidekick train under her?" Applejack asked rhetorically.

"What? Are you going on about that too?" Robin said, "Not like you and Raph have been doing anything else." the two remained silent.

While that was going on, Black Canary looked at Huntress, "That was very sweet what you did for Pinkie Pie," she said, "And that's a lot coming from you."

"Well, she did save my life twice," Huntress said, "I figured I owe her that much."

"I'm so sorry that Harley person was so mean to you Pinkie." Rarity comforted her.

"It was just so mean to do that." Pinkie said, in a sad tone.

"I've been there, girl." Mikey recalled the time he had been duped by Chris Bradford.

Pinkie then quickly changed her tune, "Although it would make sense that she did that considering her puddin' is working with the Kraang." The Bat Family froze when they heard this.

"What kind of boyfriend gets called puddin'?" Raph asked in confusion.

"Eh, couples give weird names like that," Casey noted, "You should hear what Keno and Indigo are calling themselves."

Batman turned to Pinkie, "Did you say that her "puddin'" is working with the Kraang?"

"Well, actually, she said her puddin' partnered up with Subprime," Pinkie Pie said, "Oh, and that he's been distracting us with the mutated villains so Dr Khan can build the Kraang a portal! Or something."

"WHAT?!" The ninjas exclaimed, in shock.

"You know, it's not that surprising when you think about it." Nightwing noted.

"I actually feel kind of stupid for not realizing it sooner." Robin said in embarrassment.

"Don't be. He's just as crafty as he is insane!" Batman stated.

"I'm more surprised they are working together." Batgirl said, in surprise

"Wait, you know who's working with the Kraang?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

"Unfortunately, yes," Batman replied, grimly, "He is one the most dangerous villains I have ever faced."

"Everyone in Gotham is afraid of him," Nightwing added, "Even the criminals are more scared of him than Batman."

"It's almost impossible to figure out what his plan is." Robin put in.

"Every single thing you have ever faced haven't prepared you for him." Batgirl finished.

"Okay, you are starting to creep us out here." Rainbow Dash said, nervously.

"Yeah, cut the suspense and tell us." Raph demanded.

"He's the most dangerous man in all of Gotham," Batman pulled up a picture on the Batcomputer. A picture of a man with sickly white skin, green hair, and red lips twisted into a wicked smile. He wore an orange dress shirt and a purple suit. "The Joker!"

Meanwhile back at Arkham, a furious Subprime had backed Harley Quinn against a wall, jabbing his Shredder suit blades right next to her head.

"You noodle-headed, blabermouth!" He shouted, "How could you be so stupid as to tell that pink girl about our whole plan?!"

"I'm not to pleased with Harley for being a spoiler," Joker admitted, "But, it wouldn't have made much of a difference. Batsy would have put two and two together at some point."

"No time to waste! I wanted that portal up and running five minutes ago!" Subprime stomped over to Dr Kahn while Joker followed humming, "Dr Kahn! How goes the trans dimensional portal?"

"It's almost fully functional," the doctor said, "I just need one final component."

"And What does the good doctor need for his project? Hmmm?" Joker asked.

"A resident engine?" Dr Khan said.

"A what?!" Subprime growled, and turned to some droids, "You idiots didn't steal a resident engine?!"

"Kraang had, that which is known as, forgot." a droid said.


"Now now, Subby, don't blow your top off just yet," Joker eased, "I happen to know a guy who's got one of those resident engines. Of course, Batman and those ninjas will show up to try a stop us, so I've got a new plan to keep them busy!" He took a canister and filled up a syringe needle.

"Ooo, what's your plan Mr J?" Harley asked.

Joker grinned, "Why, Harley, it looks like you’re catching a cold. So..... Flu shot!" And he injected the mutagen into her shoulder.

"Ow!" Harley said, but then she began to laugh maniacally. Yellow hair grew all over her body, her hands and feet turned into claws, and her mouth turned into a long snout with sharp teeth.

As Harley Quinn mutated, Joker turned to the Kraang, "I think it's high time I got to meet those Turtles and Rainbooms..." and his maniacal laugh echoed through out the building.

Author's Notes:

    Griff calls Robbie a shrimp similar to how Fume called Spike a shrimp in "Dragon Quest". Was done since both characters were voiced by Matt Hill.
Next Chapter: Joke's on you Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 23 Minutes
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