Rainbow Dash discovers that she has suddenly acquired a mysterious and ancient power known as a Stand. Soon after, she learns of a cult of evil Stand Users who are threatening to unearth a long slumbering power that could threaten to destroy Equestria as she knows it. Now it is up to Rainbow Dash, her friends, and her Stand, 「2 Minutes to Midnight」, to defeat these Evil Stand Users. Surely a Bizarre Adventure awaits.
This story is a crossover/fusion of MLP and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. No Jojo characters will appear in it, only themes and concepts from the show/manga. The story will feature at least 24 unique Stands created by me and/or my friend/coauthor. I plan on updating this every Friday. So stay tuned! Comments are both wanted and appreciated.
Also posted on my AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18445076/chapters/43696103
Check out this awesome fanart: https://www.deviantart.com/luckyboys121/art/My-Little-Bizarre-Adventure-793976154