
The diamond Joker

by Chaos Nightmare

First published

In the land of Equestria things are changing as a mysterious pony calling themselves the Phantom thief of hearts is stealing from ponies.

Four months ago in the town of Ponyville, the eight-year-old Diamond Tiara disappeared after an argument with her mother. Now she has returned...nine years older. Now she must steal the hearts of those she sees as evil and save the world...again. As if doing it once wasn't hard enough now she has to do it alone. Well, once a Phantom Thief always a Phantom Thief.

The return Home

In the quiet town of Ponyville, It has been four months since a family was broken, The Rich family lost there daughter after an argument with her mother to which the young filly ran away. Filthy Rich put a reward on her safe return but after four months nothing has come up. In his desperate state to find his daughter, he turned to Twilight Sparkle, the personal student of Princess Celestia, for help. “Alright, Mr. Rich so your daughter disappeared four months ago right?” Twilight asked trying to make sure she got the situation.

“Yes, I put out a reward for her return and nopony has brought her back.” Mr. Rich explained.

“Alright, I think I know a spell that could help, though it's risky.”

“Please If it means bringing back my daughter.”

“We’ll need to go to the Whitetail woods for this to work.”

“Why the Whitetail woods?”

“Because if we do it in town there is the risk that she might just be teleported into a house or worse.”

In the Whitetail Woods, the two set up for the spell. Mr. Rich was worried that the spell would fail but Twilight assured him that the spell was fine the only problem was if the unfortunate happened beforehand. “Okay, the final preparations are underway we just need something of Diamond Tiaras to use as a catalyst.” Twilight explained before Mr. Rich handed her a tiara. “Now you might want to stand back.” Twilight said before she started to glow and Mr. Rich took a step back.

I awoke in the middle of a forest. I grabbed my head before seeing that my hand pink and I was confused until I heard a voice call out “Diamond!” that was both a name and a voice I never thought I would hear again.

“Dad?” I muttered while I got up from the ground. ‘Was I back in Equestria’ I asked myself as I slowly got close to the source of the sound. And as I got close to the sound my legs stopped working and I fell down in front of my Dad and the town librarian...I think she was at least its been 8 years since I saw any of them.

“Twilight who is that and where is my daughter?” Dad asked.

The librarian looked at me before waving one of my old Tiaras before saying “This is your daughter Mr. Rich.”

Dad was upset when the librarian said that. “What this cannot be my daughter she’s too old.” he said

“Well according to magic she is and magic is almost never wrong.” The librarian explained as I tried to reach out to my dad but I suddenly collapsed.

I found myself in a light blue room similar to the velvet room, only it wasn't a prison. Then a familiar voice spoke, “Welcome to the Velvet room.”

“Igor?” I asked.

“Ah welcome Airi it has been a while.”

“Please call me Diamond.”

“If you insist, anyway you remember my attended Lavenza.” Igor said motioning to the girl.

“Hello Joker, I hope you rehabilitation went well?” she asked giggling before apologizing “I apologize, I couldn’t help myself with that joke.”

“Yes, now for the reason I’ve brought you here Diamond, It seems that the world you’ve arrived in has Momentos as well, and while I don’t believe its the work of Yaldabaoth, I do believe there is some force conspiring to use it.” Igor explained.

“So you want me to be on the lookout for something.” I asked.

“Yes, but I also brought you here to renew your contract or rather start a new one since the last one you made wasn’t actually with me.” Igor explained as I signed the new contract. “Thank you, Diamond Tiara. Now next time you come here I will have two gifts for you.” Igor explained.

I awoke in a hospital bed confused as I saw my dad arguing with a nurse “What do you mean you can’t fix my daughter!” he said in a loud tone.

I was confused by what he meant by Fix while the nurse explained “Well she seems to have been aged up naturally we can’t do anything about it.”

“She was gone four months now she’s in the body of a teenager how is that natural?” He argued before noticing I was awake. “Diamond you’re awake.” he said.

I weakly asked “What happened?”

“It seems the strain of Twilights spell weakened you and you collapsed, you’ve been in the hospital for a week now” Dad explained.

“No what do you mean it's only been four months, I’ve been gone for nine years.” I explained.

He looked confused when I said that, “What no, no, no, no you’ve only been gone four months, it's just the medicine making you say things.” he said.

“No, I’ve been gone for 9 years.” I replied.

“She might be telling the truth, Mr. Rich.” The Librarian said as she entered the room.

“Twilight I thought you were looking for a way to reverse my daughter's condition?” Dad asked as I pushed him away and tried to get up.

“There is nothing wrong with me.” I said as I got up.

“Again she’s right.” The librarian explained. “Think about it, all the equipment says that she aged naturally and she’s claiming to have been gone for nine years.”

Dad looked at her before turning to me and asked “So I’ve missed my daughter’s childhood?”

“I’m sorry.” The librarian said.

Dad took a deep breath before leaving the room there was a hint of sadness in him as he bearly looked at me.

Two days passed since I was taken out of the hospital. I’ve been cooped up in a guest room with nothing to do but read books all day with nothing but my old school uniform. “Diamond are you there?” Dad asked.

“I’m here.” I said putting down my book.

“Diamond this is Rarity the local seamstress, she’s going to make you some new clothing.” Dad said.

“Hello, Diamond.” Rarity said in a posh voice.

“Hello, miss Rarity.” I said politely.

“Oh please just call me Rarity.” she said.

“I’ll leave you two alone to get the clothing ready.” Dad said before leaving the room

Mom comes home

A week passed since I’ve been measured and clothed, it was nice not to wear the same thing for once. But it was short lived when Dad told me that I’d need to study in order to get into a school. I sighed as it was back to books for me, and I didn’t have my old friends to help me.

I stood in front of the old school house debating on whether or not I should head in. I had an idea on who to ask for help but I was nervous...and that was surprising considering the fact that over a month ago I slew a god, but I had help to do that while this time it's just me.

Cheerily came out and saw me. “Hello there.” she said.

“Hi.” I said meekly, I wasn’t the best student when I was learning from her so this might be a little awkward.

“Can I help you with something Miss?” She asked as I blushed a little when she called me that.

“It's a long explanation but I’m Diamond Tiara and-” I started to say.

“Oh Diamond, I wasn’t expecting you yet, your father explained what happened to you.” She said as I was a little mad that he didn’t tell me that he talked to Cheerily already. “Anyway would you like to come to the class and talk to them about where you went?”

“It's not that interesting I was just a regular high school student.” I answered and Cheerily looked disappointed when I said that. “Alright, I guess I could come in and say hello.” I told her as she cheered up.

“Great, I’ll tell them that a guest is coming tomorrow.” Cheerily said.

“Wait before you go back in... I sorta need help catching up on some school stuff, the place where I was wasn’t exactly the same as Equestrian schools and I don’t think they’ll count the work I did there as real.” I explained.

Cheerily paused for a second when I told her that. “You want my help for school?” She asked... and I forgot how expressive Pony eyes could be as I saw literal stars in her eyes.

“Yeah...” I said rubbing the back of my head. “I the only other option is the town librarian and I think she’s busy with Librarian stuff.”

After visiting Cheerily I got lunch at SugarCube Corne, I was surprised that Pinkie knew who I was, but after that, I went back home. “I’m back.” I said as I entered the house and saw my mother standing there with Dad. ‘great’ I muttered.

“And who’s this?” Mom said angrily.

“As I’ve been trying to explain to you that's your daughter, Diamond Tiara.” Dad said.

“Oh don’t lie to me, Diamond is only 8 years old this woman is clearly older than that.” Mom said.

“Whatever.” I said ignoring her and just walking up the stairs towards my room.

“Hey!” Mom shouted at me as dad tried to calm her down but I just kept on walking.

I sighed when I entered my room and I was about to do some homework when I noticed the door to the Velvet room was in the corner of my room. “Well, I guess Igor wants to see me.” I muttered before heading into the door.

“Ah, Diamond it is good to see you.” Igor said.

“Welcome to the Velvet room Trickster.” Lavenza said greeting me.

“Hello, Igor.” I said bowing my head before patting the head of Lavenza.

“No need to bow you are a welcome guest to the Velvet room.” Igor explained.

“Yes, Trickster.” Lavenza said agreeing with her master.

“Now onto the reason I asked you here, I am bestowing upon you two gifts that may help on your journey.” He said as Lavenza anded me a key and a necklace. “The key is to enter someone's palace since you don’t have the old way of doing it, and the Necklace has two functions, the first is to locate palaces and the second is a little more experimental, due to the interesting nature of the world you find yourself in you might be able to summon a persona in the real world.” Igor explained.

“Wait a persona in the real world?” I asked confused.

“Yes, though I should warn you that you should be careful and only use this in emergencies.” Igor warned while I put the necklace on and put the key in a keychain on my belt.

“Okay, only use personas in the real world got it. Anything else?” I asked.

“Well, there is the fact that since you’ve already had an awakening you won’t get another Persona... not to say that you’ve lost the power of the wild card it's just you won’t be getting a second awakening.” Igor explained.

“Okay, well nice having this chat Igor but I’ve got a mother to deal with.” I told him.

“Very well good luck Trickster.” Lavenza said.

Dinner was terrible, to say the least, Mom was her usual bitchy self, and dad was trying to defuse the situation to no avail. So halfway through dinner, I just left and went out for hayburgers or something. Which is a shame because it was a lovely meal. Before I went back home I used the necklace to see if there were any Momentos spots nearby, and as if by some cosmic chance my house was a Palace, and I knew who it belonged to, my Mother. ‘Well, once a Phantom Thief always a Phantom Thief.’ I joked to myself before entering my home for the night.

The next day I woke up early and got ready to head to the schoolhouse, and I was very nervous to see everyo-pony I once bullied and I was not looking forward to seeing them again. I grabbed a muffin and headed out. The walk to the school was semi-nostalgic as I hadn’t walked this path in 9 years and it brought back some good memories. But everything stopped when I got to the schoolhouse as a chill came up my spine as I saw the three crusaders enter the building, I was horrible to those three.

As I was having second thoughts Cheerily saw me through the door and opened them saying “Class we have a special visitor today.” Well, I was in a situation where I couldn’t run away now so I took a deep breath and went in.

An Apology

I'm not returning to this story. My mind has moved on and I am only focusing on one story right now. So If anyone wants to adopt this story you are free to contact me. But if nothing becomes of that within three months I will delete this story and inform whomever adopted it that their rights are gone and they will no longer have my consent to write the story.

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